.v 3 HV: September 25, 26 and 27 Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls 25, 26 and 27 Sep4nbr -. .. . lyi lEuittttttg lUeralfr '-tt KLAMATH FALLS' PRINT! THE' NEWS' WHILE IT IS NEWS rtt OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ii. '..JTMii MBC j.-jatt, X- -ST: 3JTr-.TS- rigiiili Vrr-n, i, inn KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1913 Prleo Ffra CMIa 1 Hudson's Headless Girl Mystery Solved; Priest Confesses to the Heinous Crime MWvvvvswyvwVwVWWWVVWVVMWVWWVVMIVVWWVVVVV' WOOLEN MILL WILL BE TALKED AT OPEN MEETING OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEDNESDAY NIGHT iiiMMirici: wii.i. in; sami.ii io (ii in nr.n ru ami '"""; . , It will nut only mi an lliu iiiiplu) !' IT lux uf laiiiulrida of uiratiua," aalil - 'Mr Wylde, "lull will mean u Iim-j.1 ,miI l',i.,l.. iu ii I nilm.u.il, jwaiket 'r "" wool cut In Klam 'utli ami I .a 1. 1 cuuullea Menhirs, If Ot.r III l'lm--.. of Hll.llr IlullullKUirlllg ,,,,., IHr, Mull mi lniMiii,nl I uli i.rl.- lur ulti, iiilin rut will uft I) fulluw," Mamall, I all IIii.Iiii-. ami I'nt-i VV u'" ,,,lJ " "IW '' I In' ilant had bteu m Intnl. Ml r..., M.n Mat,' Ki.l.,iliNtl ... WU o1( Hl ( (( lit ilr(t I'll) I hiim- nf liimtlitHloia. would bit entirely III Hi" liumla uf tin ui tlnlthilrnl. ami, s fur as lie 1 1 1-1 IikiiiIht of diminrri'n Mil hubl in iiiwii ii i.ik in h t rilmaday ..... . ... ..... .....-. .. ,i,ijl i inn ...iv iHinwiru iamiiii r.uu securing in wnoicii mill iimi have a lay ami h,r what Dm nilitt fellow haa lu ur, At llilt, uiHiinr mi littittlcillug fuiuiiilltee will li trtiflnl tit go (i Mtayton mill t ii ! lh plupoaitiuii n( I ht pw I, tin want in tirliiK their nillla lu ' Mum Hi Palla llil rimiinlltin will lint,' the .Id i... ,.( Mull' Trraurrr fi'iil ICuy, who will aid In raUlii tlir talur f thi' iiiii aim n ii nrr wm tlmatr Ihn iohalili ! nf iiokIiik Id Kiamalli I'nlli lnvrIIKatr lha wr- lonal li'iifi.y ami IhuIiiim ahlllly uf tlm manacar. and Hii'l uut all Hat ihoiilil I,- Knoan hrfuit' fnrlhr ac- Inn la lakin hy Ilir hutlliraa turn uf Klamath fall j Tlio i hainhiT uf I onilllilii' la trt) imluiit In liatf i i ryuno wlinup imnr .lxani nil thv ubrrlptloII Mat whlili waa paunl kbiiuud hy J !' viRKiilir nml Hni J Wnliuii In rala UK fiiiida lu ar px'ni'a uf llu rum lilllrn inraiul at tin' iiuHIiik Writ iraday I'tiHltiK, and iilau aa limn) na U- any Inlrrral wlialrtrr In Ihr pro .rrl. Hvrrrtnry Wyldr la cry rnthinUa- ndustrial Workers oi the Worjd in Convention at Chicago; Fight tor Control May Be Bitter Battle I'lillid I'tiiaa Htrvlro all auaplilun thut the (irKiiiilmtlmi I'llll'AIH), fU 13. Tlm Hlhlli'Ho buaa luntrullod. - " nirrrtrrrr' VIII'll IHTUl lu utti'iid-j uta fopy lonlrol of, ludity with lilt)' dvlfgntca I uiun, nml iKcelli'iit pruapiH. warm fuitluniil light fur control thla iiillllnnl, ii'vulullumiry body. Dtdi-Kulta from miniu nf the Weal cm altttea hlultd broadly thut the nri-Hcnt aecrelary, Vlmenl Ht. John, Wurkera nf thu World opvned l"TUli( ri,lor, , work , urgnuUa- Who tiilli'd tlm oiiiM'iilliiu lu unlurthii liiliTM'iiluK yeura Hip iiumhei liua hud hi en lou Inug lu iilllce. and Hull Undiluted, dropping na luw aa 25,000. Ihu iiritiinliutlun wmilil bi'iullt hy i 'lli toiiviiiliun will bu lu auaalou icdlatrlbiilliin uf iiiiinb.'rlili nu lh for ul lnual Ion duya. Thiru U im Kuverulng tmumlltie. I'logrmn, unit enih nf tlio aeaaloua ' 'Ihu luaurgenu plun lu nmko their will bo n rumid-iuuUi nrfulr, whoru iillmk when Ihn luiiwiillnn linllul nu miy Bpeukm' wliu gulna Ihu llooi muy Ihn chulwt uf u tompuritry ihiilrmiin dlncima miy Hiibjejit Im aeea lit, nl Dm opening Mialntt Ida). Hi "trtso nml fro-lecch ngllu- Tliu light for tuntrol. Iho luaurgonta.ilou lu clllm ou tho 1'nclllc Couat, tlio uald, wna cauaud by no fundaiuentul I'utUraon allli atrlkn, Iho reituil dla illltureiiria of opinion regnrdliiK lliu older In Mlnol, N. I)., nnd Seattle, iwllclea nf Ihu I. W. W., but wna uru among the "Iho" toplca tu ho di baai'd auloly ou Iho belief Hint tho'bated. lllctH Mtiould bo rotntod. Buch u "lllll Haywood, Joseph Kttor and method, thoy mild, would bu moriMulhor I, W. W loader engaged In aatlifactury tu the rnnk mid tlio of Uilko niillallou nml propuguudu work tho memberihlp, and would remove'tuo horo to itddrw delegates. tic mer th triri t . mtini: tin ..I km til) slle hull Lmii aUKK'U'U KoIIuhIiik l a Mt uf ltnn win, .ii i. tilinl i4-mra lor tlm liiipl. llurf lommiltrc Tli Klamath IK'taluniurlil oiiim. ii y ami tlio Callluiiila.llriKon l'rt 'lOiiitmiy, S valh, J, I'. MaKUlrU, II , I ll Hall, Ii II i:nll, II I' Hllillh, Ivwla Wjlilp. II II llunliar. Martin t liioll.i'ia. (' t li, n n i'aiiiitrll. K K K Utiirr. J W Hlvim ui. C Ii. !lill. Van Itlixr llrothrni, Mtlltmalil JL lluiiakcr. J. It llnralilira,r. II t' i,r.-. Iibrrla , U'hlllnnrn. Hchu. be fc Hchuhorl, l. Mahou. Klamath (j romiuny, C. II Undurwuod, A. A lldlman, I; II Ijjwrcnrr, J. I:. Hwuntvii, K Hu(uruiati, C. K. Atkln- aim. A It. Wll.nn, Wt-aUrn Tranafrr t iiiipany. Hha.ln. Lrallo llora. J. J l.ill.r. Mtllla Dry lluuda roui.any, aimlrr llrullien, Hlar HruK Hlor. ItobvrU k llnnka, Khlte i. KlfWvr, 13 i earn Uut rnr uf ramiliiK iKtirhea will be In Tueadu) nliht r.5o and 6&e jht inn. at Aahlaud Kriill Klure IC.Jt ll.uk I 'nun jkr. I cl.nol Mo.lcr. Mra J II llutler, Alhlirht Drhlar and Claude Mixwcll i.Uinnil Hiuidu) atlrrnuun frum a in. In CrntiT Uiko, lluu during lliu laat year. Hwil' ro l.iit will Hiow that Hut I W W now I ..i. u iiivinUihli nf 05,0o, tlio big- mat aluce ll wna formed, nine yeura alio. At the lliat (oiuintlim a uiombir- ahlp uf 40,000 wna iiiporled, hill lu 'DUCK HUNTERS GETTING LOIS Of f'NE SPORT Ullll. Iilldlt MIIIMis XIII, ' N - liiiiilli.il illr i nl' Ulili Ii I.ih.I l jilf I III MutnliiK lliiullnl In Ii," ll.iK l,lll III NlMll) III,' l.ltull liy l.aii, iiiuliii nl hpoiUMiin -Mini) Will i. IMiiiii In M.ilnutli lull I Mill lnr I ttiiuif toB MiiMiilitit Kioi.i I Imi liin uf ducua hem, . .i.Uil.1 In lun i xlir mpcrt of in alum nute of ilutk all lliruugh I !'( count thlt y'r went by mi mtan uiiiU fitrrvl hnVi Irluriiitl with .luat. lit It.i limit lu aliuw fur their tiffuiia In tin riurtlira ami on I ho 'Ifcli - a. Tim nuniUr uf hunliTi guliiK uut for Vir unllc kliuot thla )rir uut- ihidIhii.1 mi) ori-ti-.llliK rainii tut thor liu haw IMulnril aay lhi-lo la ii ilaliKt'i il all tlif ilurka IhIiii; aliut !) tlm llrl ilar Man) nf ilir iutuinn will not n- lulo tinl.i. luitliii? nrinnei.J In afx tul II:- rnrhi In II.h oiu.ii. unit an. ml ths , tly ninrnlnc lmur after nuarkcm. 1h offlru nf Juatlcw uf ll, IVaco fiuwin la the liendiiunrtrra fur thoao rollnlltiK tln ducVa lu hi rrrd lu ihr KnlKhla uf I'ytlilaa and their fam- ilka at I O (I P Hill Wedm.day mi-miik. and nlrtady lluru uro quite ii uuml r of bird, there. Win n the ii-at uf Hie huntera who ha irumlrd leturn. aald tluwun today then- will be ilenl uu hand for Hut fed Well ace that Iheae lalllnie ludcmen ate lllled wlili Klam 'nth'a itrint diiim bird ' WATER USERS TO KIIIMCII WII.I. IMUMtl.KMS WITH i" .issM'i.rin A mix ling of Ihu director uf the Mmunlh Water Uavra Aaautlatlon Inn bun arranged for Ihla ctenliiK. and ul Ihla tlmu Kuponlalng Kuglueer l. W Murt'hy, In rhnrgu of dralnagu probloiiu for the reclamation aervlce, will bo in HMimlance io dlacuaa prtl iicut iiueatluua with Hie dlrectura. I'rlor Io tho iiihtut uf Mr. Patch,' Mr Murvh) waa prnjejet engineer' hole, nnd he la well nniualnted Willi i utl tlio loial rondltluna. Kor Iho pan 1 1 two dn) hit hna been InapectliiK Iho Kiamalli project, with mi eyo to working uut n ilralnago ayalein. llinli-on ul CuiiliiV Contention United I'rtaa Sen lot niiurtT IIIMI'hS KVANHVII.l.K, Intl.. Kept. 15. York In tho light for the t')ietliin I "Karly thla morning I saw several With mill u week until Ihu nnuuiil of Harry Kendall Thaw, isoldiera uu Main street aa drunk that (oirtcntluii hero of tho National Iturnl! Jurotuu asaurta that thu Tlmw at- they could hardly navigate. They l.ellir Carrier' Aasoclatlon, nrruiige-iltuiiejs broke faith with him whuwcro carrying rot oh era ou their hip menta woru prucllcull) cumplolu to- nhoy necuieil n federal wilt of habous uud were acting in a most disgrace day fur handling tho 2.000 dolegatesliorpua. llu declare that tley proui-'ful manner." oxpcittd during ' September 2J-2S. .Ixod lint to net until the K'nemoi'i l.enuou will ulteuipt to brlug about Poalmiiater tlenerul llurUwon has at! ruled on tho requisition tent from'u t.ctllement of tho copier strike. ceplcd au lullntlou tu bo proteiit at . Vow York. tho convention. i Atlorney for Thaw deny auv aua.li 1 "Work la progre wing line, but wo ICot'N III ItUUKlllllll. Project KniJlneer W. W. Putch left this morning for Dunamulr, whoro ho haa boon miminoucd fur n conference with Supoi vising Kngluoer P.. tl. Hop tmn of tho reclamation service. Margaret A. Carter, in Ohio Blackmail Scandal and' Miss Lillian Huntington, Heiress, the Victim ij ataVPBalBBVaBVBBW. .Baaafcaaaaaay i" rfMr4 W?l U 'vWMaa' atttPa3iP 'bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkBBBBBBBBBH mkLmbwv'shb BKa ''fi'&s? jr IbbbK. JJbbLPk 2r03HCcSSiB8BK"'' -s- mWmfik '7-'SV Sir UThieKmer MIM l.llllau HuntluKlnii I I.LVK1.ANII, Sept. It, .Vorthrn Ohio ilelj la tlrr! by the cnac or Mr. Margaret A. Carter, uuder nr- ,ct and In Jail un Hie charisr of try (n to blackmail Mlaa l.llllun llunl- Uiklnn. the helren of ono of ths .l.alitil-.l nun In Klyrla PoatoUlce Imnrrlura who ranted the ornat be- lletp Mra Caller U the author uf . . - many other letlcra to iromlnenl wr- a na In Klyrla which lue been dU-.a check for 13.000, 1 will lot you hare irlbuled durluc the .il few mouth, him, and If you don't I ahall come on Ml lluntlimtou'a lullier, V. It, lluu- to l'iit-ln-ltiy and hae him arretted, tlustou, la the aon of the late John I and then the law will make him mar HuiillnRinn, who left more thinir) me. 1.0U0.0UII tu the Cleveland Art Mu- "I.llllan, I mutt baTe hint or the num. lie waa mice commodore or IU Clewland Vucht Club, and hla fumlly atanda hlch In Clecland o-!l ,clety, an well a In Klyrla. Mra. Car - lir. loo, haa llgured aomo In Klyrla KMHMII.It 0,,j. IIUAINACi; Ihla W tha Idler alio hna alleged lnitrnoilJ'u Uaw x.rlllen to Mlaa Huntington; JEROME ANGRY AT THE THAWITES hah .irixmM:h i-xm nhthhi- tllh MIl'TII IIUOKi: PAITII with him wiir.N tiii:v hixi'ii. I.I) A I'l.llKIIAI, WHIT I'n'.Ud l'rc SorUco COI.KHIIOOK, N. II.. Sept 15. A ery ungry nun Is William Tr.mra ..i-ioiur, iriMt......... ,..y .,. ... ,. lernine, fepreauutliiK th atnlo nf New oitreeniont with Jerome. Attorney I), V. Kuykuudall return-ilia cd Saturday night frout Kugeue, llintu mid othir northern points, by the Indian sorvke, Mr, Illncka where hu has been lsltlng tor aoveral'Uft Sunday for the reservation after weoka past. --- " I WR Mia Maricirtt A Carter Ilur Mlllan I.llllan, you arc !... .... t AH "" "" " ",,"n,1 DlJ " "" )'omua '""'J In' ' mu ,!',. r "' MXe ,0 pajr m" I am not olnj to let him go. I ,,,"',' "ur 'her will help rae out. tl11 H ,ou,d be p,t " ,u "ll nlnl aiDthlDK about It. '.Now, I.llllan. It you will iena me money, write me at once, i win alay nl Klyrla until Turaday. If not will go back to Ctoveland and take tho night boat to I'lit-ln-llay and 'bring my lawyer with me and aue Miim for breach of promUe, If you loolilm you will icttlo with me. "MISS KQ3i: GUAREUALUMET HI.I'llllslIM'AllVlJ OP TUB UK PAU1MKNT OP UIH)K SAYS COM)L(T OP MII.ITIAMK.N IS IllsC.lt.tCI.IUI, Pulled Press Sorvice CAI.UMTT, Mich, Sept. 15. Spe cial Iteprcsentathe Unnou, ot tho de- Ipurliuint of labor, haa made tbu fol- jlowE atatoment to hla department: tun usu all the men wo can get," said I Project Knglueer ii, W. lllncks, who charge ot tbu work on the Modoo Point lirlgatlon project, undertaken iu short visit hore. " V"V 'lYlOlU'lt!f"LrULJLr JJnjfXAAAAAXAAAjT-TLnj"!. STRAW UNAFRAID OF WEST'S TALK 0FC0URTMAR1L H.IVW H.OI'l.i: til' COOH ")lfNTV aiii: with him .Maililild Ktrrullrr. Hlimc Tieal nit of thr i. w". W. Aaltrttlou, in 1.1 I'll) .tmiiiMil (,'otrrnor, Kuya lie Hni .NoIIiIiik to I'rar Krool Any .Military Trll.uii.il Hellerr He Ailnl fur Hie Hot ln(rrl Mayor I.'. K. atraw of Marabfleld, who la dialling In Klamath Palla, doea not aeetn In be very much excited over the threat of Governor Went to courtmartlal him for alleged activities In the I W W. trouble In Coo county. "I don't care If tnvy courtmartlal me etery day In the week," aald Mayor Straw tola morning, "the peo ple of Mtranlletd and Coot county are aatlafled, and that U all that I am In teretted In. Aa long aa I am mayor, the decent and law-abiding pcoplo of Marabfleld are going to have protec tion." Mayor Straw I the ranking otflcer of the Ongon Naval Militia, being the oldeit officer In point of tervlca. H U a democrat, and one of the moat popular men In Cooa county, having been re elected term after term aa mi) or of Marabfleld, lie waa ap pointed lieutenant commander of the Oregon Naval Mllllla by Governor Weal, and through hit ability and popularity with the men, kept the mllltltt together when it came io near txlng disrupted by the trouble over Captain Shepherd at Portland two yeata ago. i llaik Prom California. It. Madaeu, proprietor of the Klam ath Palla Muilo home, la home from California after a month'a abaence i frum hla usual haunta. IMltlbiillng Center. Iit week the Aahland Prult Store itlitrlbutcd two car loadi of fruit from Klamath PnlU, shipping to ev ery ttatlon ou the Woed line from Weed to Kirk, bcaldea to many Lak I county polnta by atage. Thla la only a foietelllug of what Klamath Pa'.la i will bo as a dlatrlbutlue 'point when llu' better railroad facilities are realised. School Exhibits Will be Placed In the Central School Ouring County Fair; Pupils May Get a .Holiday Arraugemenla have been made whereby tha school exhibit ot tho county fair will be held at tha Central school building on Main street. Kxhlblts may bo brought direct to the building at any tlmo during Thursday of Friday of fair week. Ex hibits taken to the county superin tendent's office will be placed on ex hibit. "Wo suggest that school officers and teacher close school on Friday, September 2th, and thus allow pupils and teacher to attend the fair," said County. Superintendent Peterson to day, 'Thla will e an, agricultural, Industrial and stock exhibit, such as SAYS HE MADE A BLOODY OFFERING AT SAINT'S ORDER l-HIKONKi: HAH ALIKMHT HAF- fi.ku cuxfurri-xv Print Are of (he Opial" Hut hklmildt'a Crealeattala Are a FrakMl. Irfmrd That Hefora Camlac lu America He Htudlnl Mcdlrlne In (ri-rnwuy la Hald tu I'uoaeu Kvery Kvldenrv or a Dual IVrauatallly 'nlled Preaa Service NEW YOIIK. Sept. IS, Tha mys tery aurroundlng the Identity of the woman wboae headleaa body waa found, half burled in the aand on the bank of the lludaon lllver a few day ago, has been cleared br thai ronfea. islon made br Iter. Hans Schmidt of Ht, Joseph church. II ha con fessed to 'the killing of the girl, who was Mlaa Anna Aumullt r, aged It., The crime U on of the moat grew tome In the history of New York po llca annala. I was comamnded by St. KIU- abeth, Hungary' patron saint, to of fer sacrifice," Schmidt told Rev. I.uks tera, paitor ot the church. "I waa told that It must be a bloody oat, like Abraham'a, ao I killed Anna. ! drank loms of har blood In rntiaiim. (mate the tacrine." Alienists wre completely baffled by the character of Schmidt "I nver c such evidence of a double personality," said Coroner Pelnberg today. "One moment hla eye aro beatific; the neit, they leer diabolically." I It waa learned today that Schmidt (had made detailed confession to the authorities. Ht even marked with a pencil on a diagram Just how ha dis membered the body. At first Schmidt said he confessed because be loved the girl. His) latter to Father Krera said that ho tetrad thv consequence might Tjother hla, and be then aald that St. Klliabeth had commanded htm to do to. Father Ever Is convinced, alter questioning Schmidt with the author ities, that tho predentlala preseaUd by Schmidt for obtaining permission to say mass, were forgeries. "I am certain now that ho la.mot a rrlest," said Father Kver. "VHe ',eaaV ( Continued on pags 4) 'I every citizen having tho wsltaro erf the county In mind should Ha4 Mi support. k ar 4 "Tho county fair, with eortaia desirable features llayaat4. a4 Ma ', 4 t J emphasis redirected, haa' liglllisay ' " place In tha devstooaasat ot Mr'aaMtav try. The county fair ta'UM'WMV VVhn' Avklhlf In Ik. tli,M"''.t',h. Who' exhibit la tho county. " " - N- A , ;'We think It wlU bo ffawmk to dismiss school for'Ui,bM Jkft ana in oiaor llaas lay mm tloaa .SAi oars Mkasai oiu aca,uauuajsae, PltShMSaMa-althaX aSBSBBBBBaR f "J X9aT T" r. is . - xKSSn m .a j $' "H 1 ' W 'i ' ' ' & t, 'll