c ' ii ,V , ' .' &. ' f -.- ' a - - o j September 25, 26 and 27 2 .X i Street Fair andCarnival at Klamath Falls 25. 26 and 27 i,i i " . , - -.;; " si' I Utyt fewnitm Mttalft A ?, PRINTS THE', ,'Li NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t .! 1 rf5 Tt ClulHli Vwir Nil. U.Kit KLAMATH FALLS OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1913 frit Five Oea lM "J1 ,v 'i. r r k' s THAW GRANTED HABEAS WRIT TODAY Southern Pacific Sends Fair Committee a Trophy Cup WVMWWWWWVWVWWWtMWSMMMIMVWMMAMMMM " -. .-.- ----------- --- -.i.. - - .a.........!.......... . ,,1iJ1,w BOTH FACTIONS ARE ENJOINED 'BIG TIM'S" BODY TROOPS CHARGE DUCK SHOOTING FROM KIDNAPPING THE PRISONER; 'FOUND IN MORGUE; STRIKE MEETING; , BEGINS MONDAY; INSURES THAW A LONG DELAY WAS HIT BY TRAIN WOMEN INJURED: MANY GOING OUT Connissioier Stone to Hear Sandry Case w ts tiinri jiiiiemi: hah .MKiMiiiui.i: in IICAIIIM'hs 'III lllhll THAW 111 llliril.M N I'm, IIimIUIiiii IimhiI li) ' i-iimr (il)mi nf r uik Ha. Not1 llrncliiil Ni'H Haiiililit- liltlilal, Ilititlnk; il ilwii mi u I Iihiki nl iii i mm i iiiiiihi' riimi jiiiin i t'l.iiiliiiint I Mil IhiirMlN) Is Stood Off Again in Fight for Thaw in 1:11 to i'rtTi:ii'slr i rii:i.n Ai.i'Mirr -o.mhtio.nh iimMKitutis mejii: HCitiot'H t IIKI'llltTKll ri.i:.NTIKUIi THIrt VIUH JlMm iilnl Mm. Will liiniiH I7iil.ii In i)lli rlntf of Milkrm for ll.-iiiou.tni- , .lnt T,, Vcnr I. Thirty Duel.. Srii Vnrk I'nlllliiil rlilr III llmi 1'mih Hi Arrival of Srcn-lar) IiiiiiihI HUliiliiilluii uf sImk- lln! )l")rr nf Ilii' Wtni retlerallu In A 11 J- Wrk Uk-iiI MlMirtlnir Ii'ihmN Hoiim-h Are llnwlunl Willi lllliil I'le.a frrvlm i'OS'COIIII, N. II . H.l. 13. -K.J- Vv 'inl Judge K.lg.ir Aldilih Ihia allir-' iin Uaiiid ltl uf hatx-a. riiriua ,...ftl..- 1l.... llllll.MI I III N...J .. .!.'. ...,, r liir ,ii l w, ?t 5vr (" .V lr rEiH i 'l fJ V sHl B' tin M Dili uf lltt Ml if (1ii(liiifift i lai nU III tUv 1'iHir Ju.it.rfii ut Ilii l Mi ImmiIU. , r Mli.n. I. ihTK.Iuu lor -'CU.li V Men hkl,i SI.HU, It--.. andOlli l!-llttll 3lliirm ami Male". Nil-1 ilIrM Sitrral Hurl rr l-ijuljiiiiriit Sricral life I'nrtir l . rli (r Haul mi lhi Marolirn tit.rKi.miatj lawful toiho TliTtnK rrlilllillili' nl Vlilillrlimn, i II .it 1 1 hut 'r.i'nila) inurii I UK. It U uii'lirniMHt iIihi miii liiaurn Vliaw a tunc li In Nrw I In liniatllro At ll'r limn In- Iwiliil Hi' rll Urn liiasUlrulii i-iijnliii-il vlllirr alilu (una I UnniliiK I lie prLonrr Hu far llntrriinr Ki-lkir liaa nut ri irlvi-U ilia- iiMiuliiiliiii lurwanlrtl by Cntriimr lll)iin nl Nnw Vnrk I'tillrtt I'frii Hrrvlm rUl.i:illlOUK, Hf.t. 13. My mii- lual asrri-iiiiiit. MnRlalralu Catr In- f Harry Kriitlall Tlia la mil n i ax romliiiii.l mull 1 liura.lay Ihn ,t., i Matli-aaii a.rlum lor ll. I carliiK nl Tl.a nn il.arr it lirliiK a inmiM la, , will nut to on a- ImkIUm. frutii Ju.llri. , of nt,u) ,, , ,)llrl of w. J.roiu-. Imil In ra.lliu-.a an unto. ,lB1 1luw.r Jfromr, wtlo , j,. linbllk in ru.li Thaw In Nw York. Hi rn 4ulllyi auj iruMKUu-J Tliaw a.,, (lov.ninr dlriin'. ri.uUlllniij,or ,u, k,lg of riuforj W,ii. va nunnrni niuax una nil inn nr llvil aa yt't, lilln tlin Vlia atlor I u)r acurril n roiili liy piraalnr lha I ulu-aa lorptia iui-filltiK In tlm inp-Hal. SI u M)IIK. Hrin. 13 Struck 'i mini l'rcii KofXro ...... .. .1 . -.v cnu i uiiii ny a train, in. uouy ui eaUmlBvi. U. Tiooi n wlili 'IIKTIin- Hiilllvaii. Np inrk. ri (,.,, ,a,tri today cliaitnl unon muniiJ iHiliilclan. Iia. irii..l mi a uj.I or itrlklns inlncri, iUIr wlca alnb u I'lulliain mnrtuf. wlillp IiI L0 .yniyalbltKta at KUi .Hi alrwt. r.i l.... .....l....l 1hu.....u in.l iii.mu. i.a.i -.,... h . .". ,!. Iti.-lu.llnr f. .n.l., of n.. 1 .urn. .r trampled under the hoof. '"' .l-J'Um.u oluS out tbl, Thi- bod) a. Uk.li I.. Illlcur for!,,, ,10 )0r,,, and Ladlr Injuti-d '4r l? '" "C.'" ,f aUr nXbtT """" .iti.rintnt Hi tin 1'i.lltr-a KIcM when , ,,,, ... ..,..,., kJ-r th ." lu apotllng eooda. .............. ... ,.,.... ... WHl) afe ,n n KooJ p0,1Ioq , ),now iii- airiavr. lur a uoinoii.llrtlli'll UHin man lcnd- imorn It will be out Uuiki, -lui durlnc the xlio'.o of that day Ihciu Kill j a con llnual bombardment at vtery lake tnd inauli In Klamath count) The Krrnili Kiiinliirlnl Afrlra la ntinut Cm alu- nf ihn HKillior rounlry, mid liaa n iniiilnilnii nf nrnrly l.ooo.oo.i. vm r 'inKnltiMl by a KiU-uian. Hulllv.in wa. at line time a factor In Urn Tamuiaur omanltatlou. O Iiik to menial fitlluri he hai been under -iitrlllanr at the borne of lit brother for more thau a year. I!ail) mi tho mnrnliic uf Auru.I 31 he eludtd Ilia guanla and etcuped. Kniployea ( the New llaten railroad found the rorpie at I'elham nay, neat thn track, wheie It hail i-tldfiilly brt-n thrown by a train, Tim bod) wna lakrn lo tho morvue at Kotttiaui, and waa held twclie daya for Idenlltlcallon, la . lanbiiitt m-n.t ia.aB tkhAi auII the arrival of Secretary Jlort-r of tho . ."." ' "uu '"""" '"" i"a" Wlarn IVd.r-.llnn nf Mia.,. V. "' u" L"n --ri.l for Mon.lay-. lerday publlr mectliis. were prohlb lied, and troop, were u.ed tit illire It n Drat onn held. thootlnic, and ncu iLe .team.r. on the L'per Like hako been encased by lance iartUi to convey them to the ahootluc cround. In the mar.be. HaaaaB&TltliaaaaaaH IF. ''vB KrfJ '-" '.flk30iaaaaaaaal HMHpi-JKUa v AibbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBVT SHflaaafBjl bbbbbbbbbIH'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI WM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI dBBBB-'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH wsFjmm RAILROAD WILL GIVE PRIZE FOR BEST HOLSTEIN OTHKIl HI'KCMIi AWAHlMt WILL UK MADK MenilM-ra of Fair Committee Workia ll.nl. ant Will laae lremlaw U.t In tli Xrt Kew Daja Worfc of Arrar-Klnir lloullia aloaa; Mads Klrret Will Hoon He HUrtM Hl Klilblt Fnuil tklioola I Kiuerted TL Mouthem Paclde will award a (liver lovlnc cup lo the owner of the leal lloliteln cow brought to the Klamath County Carnival and Street Fair the latter part of the montn. A telif ram waa received thle raorn- i ln by Judce Daldwln of the fair com ultteo from General I'aaaeofer Afeot ,ivu nun ab runuuiu, autuaa; tn4t lh (tnillin if tti ..nit L. I...' been authorized by Charlea I). Fee. pa(ngcr Iratflc acent. It will be 1 be atale flih ami came commlulon shipped here In a few day. IS UNDER KNIVES Mirioundlne the fpper and Agency '-'"'"'"'"" nane. in addition, there will be a number I akM, F k'"" o f'tr m hr the ca.e of other apeclal prlie offered for B.ln.t S.M 1 ftumlrv .l.lntfV MMa .1. !.... ft.. . Tlita vr II.. I..L- Ilml. I. .hlrt. " ...".." "'"' " " ""'."i larmer. oy local mar , , m .. ...... viaroen nr sieiirnni. ducka In any week. All of IhU num br can be killed In one day, If the ' .rci clianta and by wholesale hou.ea In Ml. have been died with the Btii Kraiicl.co nnd Cortland. .,.nv..mn i. ...in i. ....v.' . k.. commlulon accu.lntj Sandry of kill. th.m. bjit h, I. required to de.UH "'fT out of.aea.on and permlltln. Of -T l.ouii iiiiimlli-a liipHe I i.l year by the liili-ialaln lotiinivrrii imniiil.aliiii niori- Hint IH.Oimi were loiind defectltv. ..loiuo hs. oppomhI elvi) ellurt on II o part nf Thin. In gel a rel.BMi fiiiin tliu nut lotlege." U'luii 'lliuw nuJo Ma aeuialliiuiil da.h for fret iii, in. lerniutj ii.uk up tho wurk uf PI.I1II11K for i.1 111I11111 In Nuw Vork, Mill I. nlill lit it. Till' la.iiaiiin of a luibea. curpua rl Inlay tin. Iluw'u llllli- lunger 1 anil. 1 fr. m lil iiiiliiiin lit Ji'tirn Hi ca w.' In I hu count) mat I Friday fium lila much liwir Dairy. I For many yi-nra "IIIk Tim" waa. leader of one of the wardanf thu lUat ul'CltATlOX IK HUX'KhSFUL, AC Hide III New- York, and an great wa. hi. power or the xotera of that wril that they fallowed luipllclty his ordi-n-. during i-lertlou, He was a man of big heart, and the poor nl-1 ways found him ready to aa.Ut them III any way inni no rnuni, leara ngu hi- ealnblUlied n rtiiloin of gllnR to, IIIIIIIIMl T) DIKTHU.T ATTUII I!V, AMI TIIKV ILXI'KCT Tt) iiirrt'it.v hoox Mrs, John Irwin underwent an op- mulloii nt SI. Jo.eph' hospital In eharcw aiu the result of a plot to .rem fu.ther onslaughts until the ter- "her ltlons. of tho game and Hah ...i...ti.H . . ..1. .1 itai. HIIIIAIIUU VI a nrVKD UIUT-. While thu number of hunters Is lorger than usual this year, they should not all be disappointed, as re I oris from the Klamath Agency, the lower 1th er and other points are to I he effect that1 ducks are moro plen tiful than usual this season. Bonanza Eire Is the Basis of an Action for Damages Commenced by A, D. Haipold Against Mrs. E. Wood en-ry mm who needed nnd would call ' ),,,"r' "rdlmf. to n letter received If a as rr-, for Idem n pair of sho... as a ,:lft at )' '" Mfl'r f' l)'tr"'- AUor- U All hll Clirlslmaa time. ny Irwin, The lrwns left here sorao, fill U weens ngu, 111 me noprs or ucnellllng Iho hiNillli o( Mrs. Irwlu. I HP I fl A IllftJO MERRILL 10 HAVE '.sxKi AHt LtAVING ui uu in i uu r nuuui uciuuer in. POSTOFFICE ROW consISSgED The members of the fair committee aiu bard at work, arranging the pre mium lltt for the fair. It Is their Intention to Issue this some time neat Frlcuda of Sandry claim that tbejvceki The arrangement of booth for the oust the game warden by former dep-exhibits 'along Main street la being titles who were remowd from office? ff cured out now, 10 the booths can be and between who and Santry there Is 'put In at the time of the (air, with considerable III feeling. no loss of time. The date for the hearing baa notl Just what the entertainment fea yet been set by Mr. Stone, but It will tures of the carnival will be has sot be held In tho near future, aa aoon as been decided. It la planned to have It Is convenient for him to make the trip to Medtord Wealthy ltomana used wood that burned without soot. Tho lack of chtmiu-ya madu this desirable. a special public attraction each even ing. The United States forest s.rrlee 1 uslnr gssollne railway speeders for Are protection purposes. They fol low up trains on steep gradea where I NO I.I.HS THAX TWO KAIII TO I HAVi: Tlll.lll KYFJi ON TIIK FCHKIIAIi 1'OHITIOV IIF.I.Il IIY ' AM)i:ilKON WITH AN OFFENSE ,. , An electric street car s)stem Is be-'sparka thrown out by forced , draft I'lO.NKKIt Flllll.V lKCH)li TO lnK l'u"t ln -,,k,n Dr a Chinese con-larq, likely to start Urea alone, tarfk4 itraclor at a cost of 11.500,000. fof way. FOItSAKI. KiaMATH COU.NTV. Wll.li MAKi: TIIKIIt HOMK IX i OAKIiAMf ! AlU'KliiK tdut Mrs, i:tta Wood, tho rlfit of Wlllliim Wood, 11 woll known llminiizii biisliiiiaa man, hus mndo tho iibMirllon Hint alio ''kuowed" I10 set lr In tlm buildings destroyed In tliu lire nt llmiiiimi Inst niunlli, A, I). Iliirpold of Hint city today com menced nu uctloii for 110,000 dam I'Ki'u. Iliiruu' M, MaiinliiK Is his at lurnoy, AirorilliiK lo llarpold, mi tdo night of tho lire, August 18, Mrs. Wood ntadu tho remark Hint "A. 1), llarpold bud sol I lu lire, mid alio kuuwud It." Ho ullotfcH Unit she imulu n similar ro nmrk two days Inter. I Humors liuve been rlfo about towu j t lint tlioro are two implraiits for tho, I'O.ltlnu nf pusluiuator hero, J. S, .Frulls ami Mia. Varna Anderson be ing named ws those willing to relieve II, II. Anderson of his duties. t 1st United l'ross Service Tho- follow lliir I. from Ihn current jlssuii Qf the MeVrlll Hccerd: 11 uv umi lan Vu" "rliumsr and fuiully are Ml IS OX MIS ... , .L , i..v. . th.t. f..i..u: I' , , 1 1 .. . '" sKciiirrAiiv wiii:k WAV FltllM IIOMi: TO MAKU A homo In Oaklaud uext Monday, I'l.lUMIXAI. KM'ia.VATIO.N TO,""1 e fir,t U,U Cllnt n Drlm- 'mnr. at Arroyo Oranile, Calif., for a HHVAN ,(,orl ,tay Tho loss of the Van llrltumers to ,thla, little lonu uuiouuta almost to a ord, Tdo tiro ut llouuusa brought de-jclnlmed by the friends of the would- ItOMK, Sept. 13, Secretary J'ostiubllc calamity as tbey have been re atriirtlou to tho oMent of ISO, 000, nml among thu buildings tunned, wan 1111(1 occupied by ll.irpnld, which wus used us a drug sloro. Kouornl store. riuifcitlunery, dotol mid barber adop. darters with several flap pockets ilinve Hie rnnllnitrntloii there haveithat fasten with snap buttons have lni'ii tunny ruutors nfluat ua to tlieibecii Invented to aid women In car iiilgln of Iho bluiu, nnd thore Imvo lying Jewelry or money, been many versions of this, -ff lU'iintly the I'acltlc Hoard of Uu- ''',"" rlnslnu dishes a Mlclilcnn mnndiity. derwrliets orrced a rowurd of,3ou V -- ' ' - -; be postmu.ters that each of them itaaiviTliecier or tno Auierlcnn embassy lutnts ror more than, thirty year. loiigresHlniiiil barking, Merrill Hec- das been summoned lo Washington by Mrs.' U-nfy Van llrlmmer has been Mecretnry or siato iiryau. piomiuont 111 louge and social circles, lloth Wheeler and Ambassador 'and her many friend will sadly miss O'llrleu have lofused to explain. It I lur. Miss Huby Vau llrlmmer ts ono Is understood that uu American tour- of thu most popular girls of the 1st accusod Wheeler of abusing his )ounger set. which will lose a charm diplomatic privilege by Bonding per-'lnc nml accomplished member. And sonul belongings to America without "Uncle Dan" Is one of the landmarks o( tdo town, Its most loved and don 01 ed cltlien, and n man whose ster- ' tii.i- nf tirnlni-ftnna nn Ihu tinttimi In , Mr. uud Mru. Liiluliil Moi,tr. Mrs. lli.t? nunlltlaa nlnl anunre doallnr hav foi Information leading to the arrest ,oU 4,g,og wh tholr tlUges u,iwnrd( j, ,, nutior Bna cude Maxwell re imdoured him to everyono who know, nml i-tinWi'tloii of tdo person, If nny.'whllo (n tho center Is n perforated momber of, au auto party that leave him. And who does not know "Uncle wdo Hlnited Hie Are. (vase for cutlery. Idls afternoon for Crater Lake. ''Uant" New Buildings to Be Erected at , Spencer Creek Hatchery Station, by State Fish and Game Board i' -! u, Attorney diaries F. Stone returned Friday evening from Portland, where do attended tde meeting of the Hsh and gama commission, nnd also spent a few days with his family. Klam ath county secures both' of the two uew hatcheries to de built by the state. In addition to .the Spencer Croek hatchery, one Is to be bull), at Odell-Lake.'near tde Lane arid Crook county lines, Tdls la' to be establish.. ed to replenish the atreama and liifft In t!0 mountain region of tbe Cas cades. 1 New buildings are to be erected M av., . ' f "kjM ji. r.wj ". c j - ji 8pencor Creek, but tho Ufcay yMy'v' i&t (. -I.-., ,a -.k. .. J...I.-, k. u-k ll- uo.iivu iu mv .. iiaj M.V wnB", ter 'seson before deH) settled upe.u Mr. Stone state that 'th.; slon decided to leave all immheMIMX: of deputies empowered ),U'''-imi ' llcenaes, to tbe cb'ity';UfiW " many or ib ooita,toejsam w Interference In their datlt Ts iiettHj inai in ciora news M I fitted Mlt WM I ?!Wfli- -.' .! oifcir "WW - H9mm ;; ip-i'-if'u wvwviiy ;m BflMal M qmhIMb-IL' HRHr -. ; H I Tvmmm' J . . ...A.WitHiMHll