A'vi" 7 JU? . 1 ' i. I, v(i A ' . 'r.' September 25, 26 and 27 , Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls 25, 26 and 27 September J'li 0 I , & t i In? taunmm IteraUi KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' PRINTS'THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! it ' 1 "!','! i:ihll. V.Mr No. u.ina KLAMATH FALLS, OREQON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1913 ',i& Prlr rirt Carta fr HOUSTON DECIDES FOR HOMESTEADER MAMAWWVWWWMWS'MWAAAAMAMMAMMAMMM a -a--- - " aj . . . - ... - - --. j.-- - .- J.-.-1.J- --.... -.. .-.,,,--.,... .,-.,.. l"l,'llnrun.rVXruT.ITJU-JtJTJIyi-uiTj-ij-tj-ij--ij! CABINET OFFICER Aviator Pcgoud, Who Flew Up.ide LAN AHA KtStN lu Down in His Powerful Monoplane STRIKE HEARINGS mini: ici:ii.inih iwiii.vi nun hi:rmrr.Mi i... NnH-lill) Of lltl Ollltrl ,UhI(. Illlll Ill llllll H1.-ll.l) l. miii. ul I'oini nllim of Mlni-i-a Hpl. mil V Ago, Uiilriiil ii Milki- In Ul ligliiU I'iniI II. 1,1. In llnlcr lit lii.iiit- Vlilur) In rriiii)liiinli I iillid 1'n-as Hrillci. WAMIIINOION, II ('. Sept. 12. AicnrJIne In t ( tealluioii) of fi.Tic tsry uiidy u( tliu Kauawlm I'm I Jk ralura Ataotluilon before the seli III ronilultti-p llltpellgallllg HlK re ct-ill illaluihaim-a In Wi-st VltKtuli. Him-lury Wllllum II Wilton of Hie ilrimtlliiiiil of labor plltlrlpatcil In mi alligrr eouspliacr In ii-alilct lli nuliiil ul Urn Writ Vllglula runt ll hit. In IhIaIIiiii ii( I hi. Hlirtiin rl "While setrvUiy of llin L'lilttil Miners In 1 90 J," .Hid Kennedy, "Wll tun at u rurivi'iillnu in Huntington, alii llul llin Weat VlrKlliU coal min er mint r I k in outer in Insure a Jfitjiry fur the I nlmi In IVnti I vanlk, In n( nriliiiiri- Willi IliU aiiggra Hi ii. Ilivr alrurk aVl'laaLaaLaH TaMHaLaah KlflflBW AaJaaaaaaaaaaValaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai KIDNAPPING OF HARRlf K. THAW ' Man Who Settled Bishop Land Case may ;.:.mi: ir iNTi:iis.no.i, .matti:u t nli- Aiui-rlcn .trliim 4 1'uii.iiIh fur Mmiln-nl llinrlni; 'rlMinrr U I 'a. imiIUiki Nix IIiiiik'.iiu I'iri tilrul Ii Hi Itit; OlalilUliiil, n Atmrlrmi !.w Knlllli-tl In anil Mual llrrilii (iiiMiuIIiiii III Hip Conrla, ft. tilled I'rm Serve COI.. MltOOK. r. II. Hcpt 12 'iciiiaa MfUlnnls. n piomlnctil l.'a- j i-iati. la piilwrd.c tu lnnk Ihc ac u or I lie Immlttatlun coniinlnlon. - n It p riiaw cjii' an liitirnalloiml ii'iili-r. ! ' Vmrrlraii nulliorlllei In order to , levcni a moi't ilancoruua irCf Jrnt,' hiulil aurrfiidcr Tliaw (o the Hunt- All llin tturlil nt atlallun anil uiaur i' diet tlii. It uiiiihl tu bo ntilu lo;naI ruuiU fur trial, acrordlnic to tti vim khUM llllln uliuut lliat rlo alar, ronlliiuti fllnK Mo l.ad I'ckouJ makujla," mU Ii. . I'tU Ilii' ullirr day olnii nna ramv I In' aUriiipl Kuh slli-ratluna wrta,' "Killlorlal liyaturla and ulflclal (nun r'ranrp that AUalnr I'rKnud bad injilv In Hip machine Home of tti j icnitln-aclrlii(- iromptit His rain- Diivtii lila monoplane upalde down fur uptlKhla were brnri J and lomo uf loul'1"' of Juatlrq to du what lip did, but ....-.. ... M- .. .. - . . . I.I... - ........ I.l ..... . ..M Wmkm aaaTlaaBP W TV J W LIGHTER CROP BISHOP WINS THAN USUAL IS : inug eight FDR U. SJORECAST HIS HOMESTEAD MlllliT.WIi; MOIIH THAN TILV I'KII fCNT In .tiiiinlaiirp Ulili Hie IH-frruv In I'mhIikI., DrMltliirnl uf Agrirul lute ,ulr an liMteaar in I'rlrn of Npurlj- Nine I'er (Vnt AtrraKn' IM l)ii Ih-loir I Ik- .trcnp tor IMt Tf ii Vritra All Otcr Counlrjr INTON IHICintX .V KAVOH W TICK lCAI, MAY Tract I hlglitlr location can t'ppfr Klamalli lkr lllaliop awl th Korrft Hertlre Jlar lleea rlchUac Oter It for Kerrn Yrora Thoaiflti In I'oical l.lmlla, lllaliop Aa Con. frnilcil IjiiiiI Waa AKrirultnra! Inllcd i'reaa Servlcw WABUINHTOX. I. I'., 8epl. 11 fllullalicl luuiiulr llml the araof all cruim tbla Jaar la IU.1 ptr cnt A Waahlngtoa dlipalch to tut l'ort land Talegram ronvara the tldlnfi thai the tamoua U. at. Qaono llUhou "X'.uw me aianaaru arranced from an land cue baa been decided In faorot ' ivafBKe of ten veara ih. Iflim.ih ! km a ... ii Aimoundment to thla cITrct waa tou uf tnu dcparimaut uf agriculture, given uut today by the department of lluuaton bolda with Ulahop that the iKrlculturc, following the receipt of,lsnd la agricultural. Intelligence from crop reportera In all Tbtt DomeId flf hl between Manet porta uf the United Statea. .v. . .. . . . i- . . . aou ne inreai aerric naa oeen foig I The average level of Drlcea recelv- . .1.. .... .. iw. ivi ms vmmi icnu vra, ana cos Although the light of II, St fiorgel,, for ,arm ProducU hat Increaaed,,,,,,,,!,,,, ,tnatora and depart mem t lliahop agalnat tbo foreatry aenlce. "."" ."'" '"" '"" "" ,ac ""-lomceri have been entlated oa both la uuaitpr ol m mill- Then fur fear winira v pro made alruiigtr The mon- the action of the Immigration ufflcera n- """ "" " dl-artmnl uf any ix-raune wuulil uuf believe the oplaiip Ima a 0 huraepuMt-r motor, Jael the I'anadlana an rjtampl of law. aurlcultuio and the department of feat rould be dune i-aally. he rrpeatrd llh I lila daring adtancc In flying leaaneai " f,e InUllur many llmea during the Hip fral nett day aoini-llilng haa brill acconipllahrd that The deportation of Tliaw waa a p at aetcip yeara. It remained lor H lllerliil, Ihn Invi-nlur uf the Hip hlnla tin maelvi-a rannut Immltate, iptaln (ate uf kidnapping. An Anier LuuU K. Mouaton, the new head of miiniiplfldp. haa runlriided that any and flying la made muih aafrr. for l("1n I' entitled to ths protection of the dcpartnuul of agriculture, to aet properly built Aeroplane ahould not iiiuny aiclilinla hate been tuuard by ihu Canadian courta." lUvtlm cii-. jpartment. U' nhle In rapalip In Hip air, that la, iit'tuplaiira rapalilng, GAYNORS BODY BRINGS SUIT TO GOTHAM MOURNS TO LIVERPOOL QUIET THE TITLE FOR OEAD MAYOR Thaw a lawyera confaried with when the matter -.a brought to Jerome today. Ilotb aldaa are afraid Uu aue0,0 of Houalon by the Ore- u . riteaao If Thaw la arraigned aa gcn congreaainiii, hv Immediately ap- - fiiKUHH from Juttlce. ,.ilnld Ihomaa tl. Shearman, law lliaw'a ultnrneya have offered to u ,,.r f()r forMl .pneali, to look up aiibmil the cate to (Ioernor Kelker. ,tr matier. To aulat SLearman be If Jerome will promlae a (he day . IJrj n Cuinmllt. of eaperta on atart for a habeafcorpua In caae the ,nd claaalricallon simrnor iirciui-a auteraeiy. 1 Tho town la awarinlng with atrang FOREST TIMBER SALESJCREASE OIIKtlll.V, WAHHINl-iTO.V AMI AI.ISKA MAIJi: UK, !.INH IX UhT Yiait, ACCOIIIIIMI TO lOltlilT Hi:itILK taldea. The foreat aorvlce haa con tended from the atari that the Una Is nol auluble for farming, and claaaad It at timber land, I Tho matter waa taken up before IXStd itiiMUNri wii.i. mi: in stati: at mwx ham. tiiciii: roviiim. wii.i. itiniit.v ov tiii: stium. Kit M'HITAMA A incmbrr of thla couitulllce visit- .J ttiu lllaliop place I lila jear. and A aubttantlat Increaao In an lea of . 11. swi.mjm: m:i:ks io hi: wnw: a tioiii niiiM ins iiMiiiv 111 i,iiii'i:in iiiiiiivit I.OIIKM ITIH.M- III-II.I.IMM Alii: IMlAI'i:t.I,rom.!ly "eairrul'ot'lcok'audjl110" '"' K""" U,C'nr,d ,h' ,aad ,0 ,lmbe,r. ,rora "tl0"1 fur4'u ln 0r- 1. ; , . r",r", or '"""" ndJlt jBrK-uttufji. WLen thla waa re- on- Washington and Alaaka haa been AM. AII.IAMIi:Ui:.VlN Alii: ii.lu-..b.rjck. from the .Norton n"""-!ll0rd to ou m ,.;,,,,,. dr.'mado du.lug the paat fl.cal year, a Ml M.IIII: nut mi: ITVWtAI. P,'"' "rl')"!rr m"r " " fr l'l"op. """ 1ur given out ly the iiiuuger jail. . i-,,ii.i i,- .. ...!.. lllilled I'reaa Hervlco Hull In i,ultt til It waa romiutuceJ gilllKNHTOW.S'. Hep! I2. Tim In Ihu tlicult lourl today by K. I). liner llalllr nrrhid today. Th re ' HInnle agalnat t'nltln Hull mid nil mrlna of ri.Mayor (la) nor of Nn olln-r hplia of Irhaluul ll.ill, dcipiacd. K. U i:illull la atliirney fur Hwlnicle. The tiind la III liiuna!il,i 39 auutli ul r.iiino IS a ln rlh' u a lie m:iuici:s M MIIIK, Mpl. 1. lliofiim-r., ill ol Hip lull- Mi)o l.4)nur ll lx-, lirlil ul Trlnlt) iIiumIi on Hip loom.) hiK uf M'pli-iiilH-r -'. At Ni:W VOUK. hVnt. 12.. AclliiB Hwlngli. purrhaipd It nl '.laor Kllno and invnilwr uf tho Hay., nur family are completing the ur-' aiiteuieilta for (layuur'a funeral. Ii lie nulliiniil Cinpiwitluii ion- haa not been decided whether It will I- be Inlil n VnahltiKtrn No- ho a nubile ceremunv. York will be taken In l.lvnrp-vl, end l'l Iip reliiriii-il In I hi- I'nlled Hlali-a by Iho l.uallanla, I'lillvd I'IPaa Hertlio l.lVi:ill't)t)l Hepl 12 Tho l.olil Mayor haa ordered tho mounted po llen In i-arort Hip remalna of Muym Hiiynor In tho rlly hall, wlipre the will be handled l.y n main rommllf. UrMKM, alu, of Ulu,ntf iiiMpir, .in iviiiuiii iii .iHir ii'iiiani niii, nuun uiiiiiiiiii-i-a vui(i win rv The l.uallanla aalla tumnrrnw for port on fedetul and atalu furivt pol- Amtrlrn. Idea, foreat luxation, Area, lumber. - Ing. planting, limitation, fornat .l.ar Van Meter of I'm- Villi.-)- la a achuola unit arli-ulllla furi-at Inii-atl-nullity ai-ul vlallor KHtlona. WATSON DENIES SOME HOT GAME MULHALL CHARGE Lulled Statea foreat service. With the clone of tbo t-iehe moutba ending June 30, Hl3, the re 'ported amouut of government timber cut In the atalea quoted ageregatea S.OIii.OUO feet. Tho number of VaLaaaaaaaaaL Sat'H 'al 1 V-'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV 'aLaaaaiaaaaaaaal 'aHH II. St. Oeorge Ulahop nr? rr.n nii-.n iiflns M"l HIIt MINIIAl 'nw Ml" I". Th.amsiintoftlm.'!ecr"!,arJf,,ou,,on,hU,',rlnb'Con UU I I Ull UUIlUn I Iber actually aold reaches a total 0f r",mn IUw,,'f and 8lDnoU ln 1 83.82S.OOO feet board measure. hsU ot BUhoP- WM lben " Theae flgurea .how an lucreaial0' "'" lo ! rou" roiiMi.it x.Miin:ssMA riwui ,,u-1' tdsskmm iir:iiujirNvri.NUioter tho prfVll)Ui yoar of 3,s,couldMlde whut lno land w" M'lulicr 1820, Hie aubject of forealry Thu municipal bulldlnga have been iiuoMi:it stati: says tiii: o nvsi:n niiiiivihT Ni:vi.it 1IU..II lit IMIX'KM'i: HIM '. ".on.. i.i:ss c tmi-oiuTioNb- VMM. ltl.Ull.Vr I Hit llONUUS AT MOIHIf I 'AUK IMAMOXD liuiiata are displaying crepe. Thoua anda of meaaugea ot condolence liatn been ten I to Iho berened family, (laniir' lurtune la rallnmled at fiiini 11,0(10,000 tu 11,500,000, i-.. i,...i H...J u..vi If local authorities au.er.ied In keu. .111.1 IIVll . iiw r , WASHINGTON. I). C. Sent. 12 lug Manager Oullford ot tbo Kay Ueea 'You dou'l nucd to tell tho aun to;"1111 .-Cleary of the K.p upart llllj feel In amount ot timber cut. Tho number ot new aalet In the tltcnl )ear ot 1912 waa 050, us against 673 Inst year, while the amount of limber told U Kreater by 282,980,000 feet. ... .i.- .....i- .i ...... ... lJu. Mho tu nut on committees." ..id' "umbered umong "tliose preseul" at.cntlon Los Angeles Millionaire Will Be Tried Before Judge B. F. Bledsoe; the Missing Girl Witness Is Found riathiiali, and he has been reselling It mill making a big prullt. DRAINAGE EXPERT WILL VISIT HERE Mr and Mrs. A. O. Lewis have tono shine, ii canary bird to slug, or Uncle Sunday aflernoou, those who will bo'lo San Francisco to spend a short va- Jo. who to put on committees," gau'iiumbered uinoug "those present" at cntlon. itiliuer Cuncrreamaii WuUou of in.,Mudoc l-urk will wltnesa tha greatest - -- - - illaiu todn, In dciiylug tho Mulhaltl,11,l,'"l,, . )' l'Ul on tho; chargea. .local grounua. He aaja he cunnot remember uny- Manager Guilford eiprcaaed a fear body lullueuclug him. and that he that l10 E,B'' oul' Ty run out neer wurkidtiigel Mulhall'a frlenda ul ,ho ame scheduled, but such a .fur, and a member of the committee speni a pari or me summer ai me lllaliop place. , It was In tbo early part of 10 that Ulahop and fifteen other real. dents of Klamath Falls settled on lands within the national foreat re serve. The landa are altuated at the head of Upper Klamath Lake, alosg .WIWW.WlMllWAWI)MWMIIWWI-jail (Continued on paw 4) ninl hoiiiu sensational deelopiucuta Trial uf "r expected. Iho ratio wna aclieduled In rum- im-iiri. i-uli-rilav. but nl Ihn oiimilii . . ...in .... .. ... ...!.... i, i.. I " - " - uaiiavr, win uu ueiuru juuge iienjn- United I'rvsa Service 1.08 AMlKliKH, Sept. 12 Ueorgo I', lllxby, the millionaire on rommltleea, ttar waa tuuiid to be gruuudleaa when , "I noer knew n corrupt muu lu .lie Herald called up McCleary and 'tliu hiiiiai.," be aulil. "1 noor knew u01" K""" 'or Bunday. of mi)' attempt tu corrupt u congress- "The Uspces afraid to play that muu, ti ml I don t belleto any cou-jllno-up of tho Kay Deja!" said Mo " mi-Human la corruptible," Clyury, "well, I guess not Of course II, W. MUIII'IIY, -(II.Mi:it 1'llO.j i : e will not have out regular team, aa I KI.A.MATH, ''-,K "avt ucen lound in the utnta.aoniv ot mom are away on tneir vaca- niitloual forcut, Utah, fur tho first tlon. Our catcher, Motschenbacher, The Reclamation Service Preparing to Advertise for Bids on the Adams Canal Excavation Scheme .ii:ct i:.MiiNi:i:it on I'ltOJIItT, IS KVI'IHTICI) .MIIHT I'HHM CAI'ITAIi TO. ,111110 In many yeara. mln P, llledaoo of San llornardlno Sluce they s.re Is gone, too, but we will tako either not from shipments (rout the Jackson. Thrasher or Trench and play thut llolo country to neighboring forests, bunch oft their feet." McCleary promised to have his line- 1), W. Murphy, former project en of lourt, Attorney Oacur I.uwlor for Klneer ot tho local ri-cl.imiitlon pro- llled at this apparent lucrenae ln big , up lu Saturday's Herald . Ilhn ataln nml frtilernl nfflrtnla am vrtil. I... ..'.... : ... ...... i , -rj ' "' j"; iUiJT - ia . Vi Alex ShUe, 11111 Hum and a few of the town boys say they will have a illxhy made the alloKullon that JildgoUect, hut now supervising engineer of I K a me, is the result ot protection. county. Tho case will start Tuesday. Oator waa prejudiced In Iho case, r the reclamation service. In charge of Hlxby la churged with contributing, Kalher Cochran, tho prosecuthn'aldialnngo fenturca, U expected this; Southern Uelglum Is likely to ob- team out Sunday that will beat tho tu the dellmiuency uf n 17-year-old linost luipiuiiint wltupsa, who dlaip- U-mmiIiik from Washington, 1), C, ilnln n groat water supply from an iiuwlunera of tho Kay Dee-Espee con- (Irl. The testimony given by tills pun ed yvsturduy, wus found I lila Irl and olhepi Iwforo tho grand Jury! morning by detectives. Slio ha Implicated n. number ot wealthy men, (agreed to testify lu court. 'I. .Mr, Murphy will make an lnspec-!dtrgrouud lake which was discovered. Illct; so It Is possible, yea, even prob- lion of drnluago conilltlons on tho u short time ago. At present It la de .able that Sunday's game will develop Klamath project while, here, pendent on rainwater. Into a double-header. ' t fH1.l la nt ,1... .nnlnn.lln. naB..I ...I.I...I I .. a.la.J ,al ..ff al !.... . A A&ak .1 jl. umvinn v in. i.vmiuiiiivu Kuivcnmm uiu miauum vi awviat iim 4, j hero are. preparing to advertise for J feet of excavation, each. K' 'j , .Ui bids on the excavation work lt con-J It la xpecled (hat the), ilfplliijy neciiun wuu 1110 wiuening anu urcp- men is win apecuy uciooer t u imij, -j 1 ...It. l.l ......I . .... ....a- . ..'.' '' 1 nig ui iue AuaiuB vunuu Thla work, the government haa de cided, can bo dona by the farmer ot that vicinity after harvest, and the Job la to be divided 'Into schedules. Tho enlargement ot this canal ex toads over a stretch of fourteen mile. The excavation work' has been subdl- date for submitting bid.. Is that the aovornmant will reaulra i.h a. plctlou of 65 per ceat by PsosasW. ' iiu, anu in coaptation Of law Wmtm, v-jJ, ul by April. iMfcC"- 'n? yi tain in camp .u. oa au isk rof m ' SaHH ;- ' ,? . 'rrWmWliaH .. w- Af-r.-v, '.aia,-., . -. ' ' isiaiaseiijaaaajaajiajaMSMBMilBlBBBM s H fi Jffl v: ,, .- "Sfl s.t'M