J' 1 " , V , V '( September 25, 26 and 27 Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls 25, 26 and 27 September ' l ' ,vv aftju? lEwnfttg Herald KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, ItHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1913 KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS li f &r- 'M -'-i'pi ' n 3rM5- i' i:iRlll. Vmt Nil. i.l Frtea rtveOaatas j MAYOR WH. GAYNOR DIES ON Old Time lSNlVMS'VVNNSMMMVSMMNVili IN COUNTY DEPOSITORY ACTION; A PEREMTORY WRIT IS ORDERED lll'CIHION IIAi;iU,,V TlllinillT to iii:tiii:i:mm'tiii: t-ONTIIOVi:ilMl IVIIimliiK ll,r I'wlili.i. (or mi Allrr. ,. nilti. ,ul wll. Wrll ... ..n,l Mlnm,,. I.. lr.lgi.l.. I lm National lUi.k m it I'oiinl) llrpo-ltnr), lleliililirr Overruled, nn.l Samp Ai Hon lTk rn Regarding ItrlirMrliig .Million 11m iiipri'tiu ruurl hae overruled llm iiiiitli.ii (ur a irlimrluie liimlo by County liraiurtr Slnurua, Jrfmilnut In luMitlmiiuii iirix-i-rilliiK brmiklil by I liu KIipI Nutliiiml bank nf llila city. 1rlrxr.li.. to tbl. rlTrtt .r rrc.hrU lihlay by tbr bink'a attorney.. Ku krndall Kercu.on, from tleurae tl lilxlmiu. who n.Hs)r(.l for them at Halei... In addition. Ilir Irlvfrnm alatnl Dial tbi clerk uf llm .iiprrinn court bad orilr.ril Hie altornr) tu pnpare (lie prrrinplory writ of iiiandamu In'.fiira, tin' rKUlar braiichr nf tho lliera.r, roiii4lll.i( Hlviuen to diU Ku rilinelil aertlm and forvlxil arm- natu thn K.ral National a. a rounty ilvpo.llory, and lu ilepo.lt thrrriu Ihr aharnol llieiounly fund, wblrli llde- ilanw It la entitled. The ault iinnn a n mull of the lecent eiiactniriit b the lvil.lali.rnof a law inakl.iK It poxlbln ror comity ireaiurer lu iU'.iK.lato Wlialever lank limy niaku application, a county di'po.lturli 111 tin o be la to Stale, lllilo Male lUnkira tntrii '(f t.oraao bulldlnc. Followinic lepimlt fjllida In ptopiirllnii tn I ho rap- Ni.vl HummiT It will bo .hot at 01- ' '""'I l'n Hervlco 'niillnn of paper and dl.cua.lona, th Italliatlou uf tho bank tuna, Canada llrlgadler llenurat lllrd CI.KVKI.ANI), Ohio, Sipt, 11. il.lcicute. went on a .iKht-n-elns trip. Win'.. Hlemen wu uppolutril a.'W Hpenrer, Inaixflor general of rltlo With 700 banker from all part n(j lounty trea.urrr In plaio or C ll.practlre In New Jer.ey, donated thn'the atate In atteudaiire, tho annual Cummin I Converted Daggett thl prl.ig, the Klral Natlou - til bank iiiiulc application for ile.Una- Hon and Ha .huro nf th cou.ily fund. rln.iii'.ik held Dial the deatgnallng wa u mntter of ill.rrrtlui. with tho l.caa- urer. niul ho rrtil.iil In lomnlv with tho batik' reiiu.l . no iiiiiik then wiMit in lliiupieiiH' court to ...euro ii writ or mauda.iiu. tu compel Hlrmi'ii to dc.lgnate It a a ilrpl.llory, ami to make n thorough li.t of tho l.iw, A demurrer waa tiled by Slumvm. In uiuwer lu th prtltlou Bank Messenger Struck Down and Robbed in Chicago Street While a Crowd Looks on; Thugs Escape ClllCAdO, Sept. It. Ono of the moat during robbrrle lu tho hl.tory of (hi illy took place toduy, when four men attacked n fifth, took u valt.o containing valuable from him, a,nd earapod, while a large crowd watched, The robbery ocrurrud In broad day light, In thn prcaenco of n number of pataeraby. Warrington McAvor, mva.enger for the Oarlleld 1'ark Saving, bauk, waa attaclceil by four men, who, after fall IS DENIED SIEMENS (or n writ, hut IliU w overruled. following thl Attorney Thou. Drake, rep.-entlng Slemcn., made a i.,,f,,.. ffir a r.l.niir.tt Ttit .... .ml " . ' " " --. , . ,' ,, . ... . . J...t what action Hie....... will lake i ihrra... ,.. not been immune.!. "-""-""""" i..u.n .... erie.l wllli n copy u( tho writ. RFARIRT RHHflT STARTED T0DAY151 f...ll AM AMKIIICAN 1 l-MS Wll.l, tN.NU.ll.l. .Mi:i.T IX A m:xv ttiMi'irriTitiN jiaxv M'ATIX KNTI.IIKII HIIAtllllT. N. J , Kept 11 -Team iipioeiitliiK the liillllia or aeVfiral , ii. today i.attlt dialed In tlio annual loulr.ta held hern Jolully by New Jar- y ami' Now otk, which will con- tlmiw fur nlno day. Added lutrre.t VJ Urn thl. pear' niatrlie. through inuuKi.rallou of n new match, to be rallnl tho North America match, iiiiit m i" pmui imn jvr urmpni trama Iroiu Canada and the Uulted irlie for tbl peclul match, which will be .hot on thn '.'On, 300, tiOO and I 300 yard range Following aro .iiuie of the cunt bi.liilvd Coiiipiiuy liiiiu, Crulk- ahunk Iroiibv. MrAluIn Iroi.bv. New Xnlk Sliilr Itlll.. Aaanilatlnn, Old l mini Iroph), Ht nty-KliMt llogl- meiit Sklrml.h u.nl Surprl.e Klrr, 'lliumton, Wlnu.itc All Comura Short Ita.iKo, Roger All ('omnia Mid llango, lion All Comera Long ItaiiKi. Mem- hvt.hlp nml RumiIvit tevm ing Ii Int. took tho viilUo ho wn. iarr lug, nd fled. They inuilo their cope lu an auto moutlo boforo tho apectator realtind uhat had happenod, Tho vnllno contained $4,600 In caah nml $C0,000 In check. Tho ai.ilaclou attack, und thn well plalillPil oaciipo lead tho police to be Ikvo lliut tho men hao been watch Iiik tho bank meauenger for some HiTio nml had worked out every detail nf tho oplaodo In advance, Wound Cause MMNVVSVKJJMSi'MMNVMVNVNMMMNMMMMMNAMMNNNNMWM MEXICANS TAKE II. S. OFFICERS cm hi. it iurri.1. m mcltm i iii MCl.-IINd UK IMIIIIH'ANM NI sii (.ulcus i,oi i hi: ti: vh) i.i si: l' nil I'll I'rcm Hrrvlco AUSTIN, Tela, Sept. tl Hhi.nrr. Mucking nml Otlli wrra at Metlinu . . . arke.l i,f u gtnK or nfl-fi iinugklrr IliU morning Th.y killed one Mexican, hut th.y wi)f( , ,,, br ,,,,,, ,, , ti(h1 ,wj .imliu It U feared that line will bo killed. lion. diputle am ranger are pur suing the in UKUWU IU UIIS i hi it kii.i.i.ii ami hi:vi:mi:i:v HllltlHIIl.t INJllll:il IN SICK- i:iti t'ATAHTitecni: MOHNINd. I'iiIIimI I'rni Her I... COIII.C.SZ, Hepl. II. -Lieutenant Tuuboni. whit airoplanlnc tbl morn, " acculenlally dUnl iiiuunx tho kc. '"'or. Tim proHllor cut u woman uud a bo to mliirrment mid decapitated two invn In addition, entren olh'V.leclro-Chomlcal floclety came here' .' vi inrituu nuirunr iniuriea , ronvintlon of tho Ohio Htato Hanker' Senator Cummin of Iowa, ono of Aa.orlatlou convened her today 1th, tho .trongc t and mo.l Intluentlal dlruliiti of I'rr.lilrnt WIUou' pro- men In tho United State ienata, baa Ki.id new currenc) law the l.iorlant Jt dtclured In a litter to Mr. Oliver foutuiu on tho program ThU dLcuv.o, Smith of 1K Molne hi Intention .Ion waa i inrclml tn IhiiuihIIuIoIv fal-!,r imlnv for ih .nml .nfTrnrn mniMl low tho ruidlng ol annual lepnrt. Tlio u.ldrewi of the pre.ldent and Itie iipi nltiK rrreptluu will probably pro rvnn tho dl.cu..lon will tloaa tomorrow iiunl bntinuel, . Tho convention night with tin. A Country Willi One Jail In liiiul la nltugether n law-abldlug pluio Thero I only ono Jail, and that nil el) over la more than two piople In It. Thl I to bo largely Hiroiiiitul for by thn fact that there I not i ill.tlllvry or n brewery In all Ireland Some liquor were Import ed rrom Scotland, Norway and Don mark, but thero waa practically an end tu thl In the year 1913, when the prohibitory law wa paa.ed by I parliament on July 30, 1909, wentl Into effect. Mollirr Jour la Antl "Mothiir Jones" of mining camp fumo nnnoiincea that she Is opno.ed to woman suffrage. Sho say sbo has studied conditions In Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and other states wher the women havo the ballot, and, fall, to see where conditions have been ma terially Improved. Sho says she nt tended tho mass meetings and found the orators had no grasp on the greut atrugr.le going on In this country. Most uf tho apeaker. she says, are social stars or charitable worker. ITHAW'S LAWYERS DO NOT ASK FOR villtKI.US .till: MUCH I'UZ-I .I.I.I) IIV TIIIH ' lelUlyAwnniiiir of Several Canadian lin- mlgr.itliii Oftlrrr In Colrbroiik U-.nU to the Ikllrf Tlmt TI.hh U iV . .. . i. . u "HI" 'o to tbe ffot that h. Dob 1.. llr iut.n.r.1 I, Moutrcl for nu.l y by tb. city o '.ndlclon. our ......... . hundrrd cowboy, plctorequly rb- . .. .. ...":. Hr.lnK 3lM.lv.Jo .n.cr (., H,p tc,pItD(leal Jn bucklkln,. h Toppcnl.b IndUn f.lr an Writ (tbuinrd There by A.lomr,. and rarlhu.d habit.. nd Indiana ""'' Toppenl.h. irt,Md .ulHl nd lr.tl.md rod. Into th. k r ,om of " "'" . i. . bin. alio won there la tho bulldoc- l'.ilt.dl'r...B.rtlco Kf'"1 ' " m"'r ,lunln,rtic COI.KIIItOOK. N. M.. Sent 1 1. i tl.n very la.t moment, Harry Krmla Tl.a 'a attorney did nut a.k for v It of habeaa eorpu. Thl haa amaneJ tho o.Kaltlon. y ( So far tho plan or Tliaw. attorney are Inexplicable to Jerome and hi. confrere Thaw will be arraljniJ late thl afternoon a n fusltlfe from Juttlce. Twelre policemen are patrolllne the Monndnock Hole), wbeieTba I THm,connno4. Several Canadian orflcera appeared there today. It I. reported that the ktnit'a bench In. ordered them to produce Thaw 'ro appearanca at Montreal Monday, Thl haa not been verified Convene at lloulder I'.ilted Pre. Service IIOULDKIt, Colo.. Sept. 11. Dele- Mite to the annual convention or the today from IHnver lor their aeulon. u li.r.i iri. Iitiir held In thn ITnlverattv inenl when It I called for contldara- tlun In rnngreu. Mr. Smith write that Senator Cummin ha long been cled t an nnt.uffragl.t. but now an-lthat he ha ghen hi word to aupport the mim.ure there 1 rejoicing among ti ... i... wnrv.r .Mimic In Nnolliit Han Voter I Mlitourl auffragl.ts announco that the) will u.e innate and not militancy In their rampalgu for tho ballot, ao- cording to Mrs. K. K, Curry of Kausasj City. With n band from Marysvllle.t Mo , the women are making a tour of Central Ml.aourl, The band I com posed entirely of women, and Is led h) Mliis Anna Nash of Marjsvlllo. Mr. Hell Ca.o La Follette, In relat- Mug her campaign experience, .aid: "After I had finished (peaking In a ru ral community lu WLcon.lu last fall, a largo, lino-looking Norwegian farm er, n leader among hla people, .aid, 'Well, n mnu got about as much from hla mother a from hi father, and that Is all thero la of this auffrage quo.tlon," Next Suffrage Convention 1 ho next annual convention of tbe Nltlonul American Woman Suffrage Association will be held In Washing ton, D. C, November 30 to December ft, 1913, Inclusive. WWMWWMWWWWWNWWWWWWW PENDLETON'S BIG ! SHOW IS STARTED tmkntv.i'ivk tiiousa.nd kill' (hum) kiw.no a.m iilkagii-' i:i(s OX Till: OI'KM.NO DAY OK TIIK HOU.ND-LT ' United I'reis 8ervlco I'KNDLKTON, Sept. 11. A fanfare " "y "" ..... Y"" hcr thli afttrnoon of tho Hound-Up. of ,i. iva :., ., .1..- ... ". -- .... .u , Hum wna the famoua 1'endleton Cow.. ' boy baud. It wM llmatel that .- flAft ..ultlnp. Ifie.iiillnv humlrM.. nt . tourUU from 'the Ka.l and Middle tV'. kaa.. la ttA soaMfl dtaiml '" " -" Hroncho bu.tlnc relay race; In - dlan war dance; a mimic war bo- tween cowboy. colrl end Indiana, tcr roplnc conte.t. atace coach racrt, lariat throwlns conteaU and. 1"H do(dnK ateer were on tho pro- cram. I Six Indian tribe aro today en-1 ramprd on the ground, aurroundlns' the nroiia. They are In full recall. oud aro noldlne "ldc liow" of thelrl own, con.l.tluc of horto and Jootlhl-',,,l,a"5 COL'IIT Ol" .KV OUK'Rufu went aboard the Daltle lacratly, rair. war dance, kulf dauce and, other tribal ceremonle. CROPS MAKING FARMERS GLAD IIKNHNOKII SY8 TIIK ONLY i'iioiili'ji it) hi: Mvrr is that HI' SUl'l'IYI mtllUOi: I t)lt llll. I'ltODl'lT loth my banu are tilled with hay, "'" K,,1Har' u nu,d 1,n 'Ala ,be! '""""" "" "" """ " "- on ht.nl lo.iUi.l Vlth apple," Thu !ak' A ' ' ' J1" rieuilnsur of Swan Lake iouie Into tbe city today " "'l" """""?",' .' "J ""r. In the Klamath county high .! kla Jaoakt.. &, h T.r BCllOlll. Accordlug to Mr. HtuIngr this ha u' banner year for the farmer in ht vicinity. KLAMATH RIDERS AT THE ROUND-UP JKKS JOUNSOX, "SKEKTi:n HILL" AND JOHNNIK UOBJUNS ALSO IWltnCll'ATi: IN TOrTK.NTflll INDIAN KAIIl With 'Skoeter Ulll' Robblnt, John n!o Dobbins, Jean Johnson and per haps still other local men entered, tho Klamath country 1 well repre sented at the Pendlotnn Round-Up, w hleh started today. Johnson, Bobbins, Dobbins and Johnnlo Judd are all entered In the championship bucking contest, and of Demise EVER SINCE HE WAS SHOT HIS CONSTITUTION HAS STEADILY WEAKENED; FUNERAL TO BE IN N.Y. Dobbin l also after bulldogglng honors. A uiuil. Judd will compote for the rope tnlnnlne prlir. . .. ' ". r rocairoa rrom "Skeeter """ "' 'unche,r " Followlnc tho Round-Up tho trio to to GranierTlltt, tbe conclualon of that "i0,:- w,".!7 'r "T Llh,.UnU"1 l'"" Br,l'M .au .wu nwiagw, inwj lewect to return the latter rart of 0 - ,0D.r HOLOS IS SilLZ. K IUVKsTS CIOVKIINOK OK AlTIIOItlTV I'KMII.SO TltlAL ON' CIIAHOEii I'ntted Pre. Service NEW YORK, Sept. 11. -Supreme I'auri Juitlce HasbroucV today ruled that Governor William Sulaer waa i ":.. iri..:::.:. ":.;:: :.;:.:: '. rniu rlv itntiikrhu1 1 1 at. Ap.laraJ h m I d.veted or authority pending hi trial u iharge preferred. Thl morning Suiter ilgned the par- illin tt .1nnjin.i PnMna ir.ahemielr I held the pardon Invalid, and ordered iltoblnv returned to prlion. A per. on can now go from New V(1(W llty ,0 8eaU1, n four ,,,.,, State Fish and Game Commission Will Establish New Hatcheries mi: Klamath and Odell Lakes Soon United I're.s Strvlce PORTLAND, Sept, 11. At Its prs nt session, the state fish and game rommlaaloii Increased the bounty on timber wolves and cougar, and estab lished two new hatcheries. The com mission expect that their action will result In Increased activity of farmers .ml hunters In ridding tbe community of the "varmints" which have been causing much destruction to domastlo animals and wild deer. The new hatchery which Is propos ed for Odell Lake will prove valuable, becauae of Its geographical position. Hitherto It has been necessary to transport young trout many miles over a rough country to reach the headwaters ot rlvera and lake la the Coast and Cascade mountain. State Fish Warden Flnlay espeeto SHIP lUK.NT AIUJAIU HTKAMKH BALTIC HKCHCTKLV TO AVOID A XV U.WQCK Xnr Vork'a Kierutlto OBtrv Waa am III. Way to Kagland for a Abort Ileal Wltra the Had CaaM, Two lay After LnTla Oothaaa Ho4f Will lie Takra Aahora at Qwai Iohd. and Keturmol to Aawrtra. 2sY, YOHK, BtpC 11 ..... . .... . . " """"' "yor uwa iaia yeiraa)r allernoon aboard tbe HleaaMr Baltic. A ThU Information waa tiligraadml to (jveraatovm by hk torn Rafaa, who Ira with him, aad It waa relayed Iron lui illy to Yew York. ' United Pre. Service NEW VOnK, 8pL 11. Mayor Oaynor tailed Thunday for a abort vacation In England. Ho and bit aon ALI'owln O.tbe attempt mad to kill him when he atartrd on an ocean voyage In 1910. Death waa Immediately dua to heart failure. The primary cauaa waa the bullet, which I lodged la hi neck. Tbl cauied romtant coughing, and (laynor gradually weakened until tbe Koiiowmg the .tram nd adt- meut of hla uomlnatlon by th pteple of New York thl week to run lada IKndcntly agalnit the two machlae controlled candidate. Oaynor rapidly weakened. He decided to go os, a voyage for hla health, and h waa rap Idly falling when the Teaael Uft. ew-.w-,.Nei.wvMNewfcew1.ai (Continued on page 4) that the new hatchery will turn oat two or three million trout neat sea son. ' , t A qew hatchsry will be eattWabtl at Klamath Lake, froaa whleh U aupply of young trout wtH b seat at to the nearby streasa aad Mam V .;. r. The war against Ua eeMsjarsiyi' t wolf will ba relaatlaa .It ia'aawaasaakl.. X .- as tbe result ot Ua taataaa la Ml. i lj llu Th rnnm kaua ka kaauw fc-S t' ' creased froaa $10 W IM., '- ' r now HE laataad af tla.''liakk 4M , X , haa bean added t,tba bebwt twaisf. making 8. ,'i Tbe coamissloa luw'Mti) MM Chis i Piaaata.eitb (an "WsN j m r m .' "if ' T . ' ' ' i" i W.vf ' ''rffi .V ""R-Pu. i,W WrP5 i. ten