j .. " j. s. unttnu Herald ".. ) - Ul KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE c NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS . ?VM . i i U rj.l h' r 3SCu :i Kiuhiii Wiir No, a,mi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1913 1 Prk five Ceaea m THAW DEPORTED; IS RE-ARRESTED XPjTjiJTj'irvv'uvvu'iTj"vvvrtrMiorviof !..... -i1!1- ! , , JtJ,rirvv'V'vvv''vvvvvu'vuxri IS CARRIED FORCIBLY TO AUTO AND TAKEN TO AMERICAN SIDE OF LINE BY CANADIAN OFFICERS DnuKtiter in the I .-.. House of Governors I LIllN V U-U- iti:i:iHii t rnni hr.vri Mill, is siMiiir-i.ivi:i iuii m: 1111.111:11 vorrn In (Jit llnlk lulu U .Vlli-lr.1 In New Ni'H in k ,nlhor In l.mliimirlng Cmiml.1, than IIiiiiiIiIii l) ll.- l.llml Will Ml Oiiip He Wiulr l.r Jtii In irl i:linilllliiii I'tf (,. fur Vii.ll.,; l'i iMiurr t'llt'.rd I'fett Hrrvliw ('0.i:illl()OK. N II , Kri H Hurry Kiudall 1lm. slaier uf Man (nnl White ami fugitive (rum ttu Mattrawan ntyluiu Inr llu criminal Iiioiip. wna arrnled here thin morn-in )! I. Mi In hi tor IIh Nrw Vork '' T New Hampshire to try In .mlhorltl.i Jriniii" It htttriilng here "wmiim "rry urn 'will lj- Malted thru In rxlrmlitf thu irlxinrr l New Vork. A tiutlery of Ilia Mllunieya la pi li-rti-il 1I1U afternoon to oppose ri Iraillllun. 'TliU limn of inr-.iiK in out Itgniut.-' talil Thaw thin altfruiHiii "My I'mmclluu lawynt evidently erp nut mi tliv Jul) I ijin'l tee how tlui Immigration iiRlivm roulil uver-rlde the rourlt, i lint tl.ry itlil Tim rim hat bini lr regular lliiuuitliuut, lull I Iuimi in kh Justice In ,S'p lauiahlre " When nskail wliy lip ramp here Thaw said tin Iml lilt way TIiiik liat mil Ui-eu lucked lip, the tliorltf having lil in In chart Wit I.INMHTON'. Matt . Sept In tturiipa Jpfuinp ami Kennedy ltd 7!""""V f- from llennlugtuu "We'll hire a special (rain, It nrt ,,ii,..l 'y- '" t'l " '" t'otebronk Hilt nf- lltlliilf-rul Inn iiltlrer at I iuhkimiI., ,,... ... ri ,1 . In, ,..., pmim Mi'iumr (jurupv, run, en inn n.. - ..... der Hilt muriiliiit' Mlnlttpr ill Jut, According to Kennedy, New Vork't lultiiinn fur Tlia It being pre- RITCHIE-WELCH FIGHT ALL OFF HtOCI.IMIS I'.M'Si: OK SI'MT, iiiiiiiii: iiK.uii.it ion has I It.WCIMO tire Dulicil). wli l iltn iiiltiUlrr '' jtt tUv InliTlnr, HrlJ Uh iht il nulla- Unit nnlrr uf tin' mut ltniiiiriiuii nnaril IikI. tti'l dptill lh r lr of IIik Mnnttrat rnuit. Iiu Inttrutt- I Hip nfflrlalt In ipn Tliaw Tliaw anil lilt atlunipy rtf n iHlrntly awoJIlim lint time. In no tu ManlriMl, wlun ul X nVlock tlilt noriiliiK. Iminlgrutlim omcrrt a- ,wari-il, ilrnKiii-'l tlu prltouur ni Hum lilt ImlKlnit. Hint imtlllii: liim In IIIM'1 11: OVDIl MOTION- I'lCTUItK in nun. tartil fnr Hip Imnlpr Tli foiiKlit vlnln.tly auU rontlii unity tui-nmiMl fnr liuli. ilnltrln hat lir ut liplntf klillinaKHl, TIip Cnnaillnii tifflrlnU frcpil Tliaw ul Avcrlll, Wrmnnt Tlu-rp at tin- injy llirrn in nrrptl liim. tn Thaw iilnol nn niilninulilln nml tlartiil inrlliwaril, pvliltiiHy InlPiuliiK tn rv turn In Cniuiila, ir to rt'itrli mimn ililliiK I'Uco, Tliaw'a IIIkIiI wilt ulcipixnl muir HIiiHiirltnn, uIiimi Hliprlft l)riw nml Atturiipy llrrnaril Jntvi'lit "' s,,,v Vnrk nrrpttiil liim, Thuw nt IiuiiikIiI tn tlilt city tlinrtly ln-lnru iinnn, Hit ih liikmt In Hid nl!lrp nf n Inral n,,, In cult. nltiiriioy. frnui wlmre In- nntllU'il lilt ,m.lvt. priiinltvil that Itltchl wuuljj irifiiiu in nit urirti nun iipipiiiiuii, ,t sn i.r unit nf tlui imirrriU, Imt Hlmrlff Krpw lll riimilii wllli.h a.u.liili.i iUiupil tlilt nitrcp. Tlmw until .Iitomik nrrlM't. KfTurtt hiiI t.l.A'ITI.K, Ki'it. 10.--Tlui icliril u'pil lenity ruiiiul bnul bolwecul .VIIU. Kllclilu ami Kreililli- WrUli nil mi.mm-r, II. (,'., It off j V t'li'lnrmiiiii In Hilt vfTp"! wut j, 1 1' Intlii) hy lllliMf, wlm with II ri Knlpy, lilt trnluiT, nrrlvpil tlilt inline fium Vniu.oimr Ho left u htir lur Kjii I'rnnrltru, A.m.IIiik In llllrlilp, n illtpulr I'M- ll 0 mtitlnti (lUiurc rlnlilt rautril. i nf i juimyrp, inv iro-, .,.,......,. ..s.,.,. , . , , ,. TOF APPOINTMENT! nur.Miriitj h'ti.im:s iiisnio.v ins 1 .5 ) s '& l. m W rHiniiilli 'lli) l Hip llty llilKiinlPil fur iIh I'lui'ui- In I'mtmatti'n In ..lummli I nil., i .Ni.lllltnlli.n lln ul I'rirlifil nf IIik AKiiiinipnl. V , riikMiiit or txiKli IMk-IIV t, iiiinliiKiit tMiirnl. iny Krlrnil.j .l.lioujii tUU it the day ilnlitntl-' c.l by ico jioitolllre dppartment (or .i u.lciluc uf l'otmiti;r ClyJp K wr ntiurK. st a Utt hour thla nf- n .! tin I o hat hern no odlcltl nctltl illon of the tpK)lntmo..t uf hit' ucitiur. Tlioto wlo nr In clo touch wllhl il.u Oiixun drlKallou ll the amatol ttpit Ihat both C'hambrrUIu until I anp lll urcu the appalnt lent uf' Loliell, Sctuo cf Hwir tr.Ure that hat' bcrn loutltlrrcd for lie ofllco ever into It a decided to remove Ilran- dinbure Mr lleliell It eipecud home Ihlt pienlnc from Oklahoma City. It won't be necettary, aa tome uulil hare tho people of Klamath Kalla bellee," tald Mr llrnndcnburc lb It morulUK, "to brine tho United Stati t roarahal here, or to call out tho Iruupt to remote mo from of!U M&l2laLLPRaMlaLLVMLLKlKJVH am'aBTlfaiaBl JaBaaW B laVV W'aKSLaalaflalaHakaHaHVil fHwiV bTbbbbV:HS BM ill'!l SFbR'bbW bbbI bbR ''V'.amBwP rim ''bbLw bH BbW 9 bV ''m ' VbB, BBW bVhBBB BaBBBBBBB SBBBt BBI ABBBt i7!'- Wrt ffWl SBBJ MBfMJaPT BPBCBKry BlV IbH M' aaiMAKBK'iBBl BBY 'jfc B IbW bB- SM IbbbbbBBBBWbBjC' 5HPIb1bH ' SbbBBvBhI Bm il'" jBBk bbv iBS l mW KOItMKK WIKK DK.MKH A.NV Kail ay Hlir It All fully Horry for Hun, tn I That While hlw Itoraa't Lot I I. n u- She Once KM, Hlie Htlll Hm i. .Jrrp Airrclloa for Mao Who Hbot Cothnni Arrhltrct UeeUm H Will Turn lo Her ttooa. I'nltcd I'reit 8nrlco ?.KW VOIIK, Sept. 10. When lb aa Informed that Harry Thaw had ,Uen dtported from Canada, Ertlyn .Vetbtl Tlaw aald: "I su very torry for Harry. Of ourre, I don't lor him at I one did, but I still havo a deep affection for htm, VhtD he reallrea that ha baa 'been mtttaken in bli method of tteklnc bis freedom, he will turely irn to me. I cot him out of the Brat tcc. And : can eitricate him from thu one. There it no truth In the i;wrtt that I am afraid of Harry. in Cn.nl Mr Ji.lnt MrlnalJ Klmt fair linl llalilanr nnd Chief Jut. ' lUe White of I'nlteil Mate Suprcmp Court. rH-roml I'air llobert L. ' llonlrii, I'lrinlcr of Canada, and Miillrr IuiIkihII, llnul of Hie Parit IUr. Itilril I'ali Koriurr I'rrtl iluit Tnft ami Jom-Ii II. Choie. I'miHli l'alr I'mnk II. Krlli.eif. 1'ir.liUnt of Hie .linrrlran liar A-! toiiatli.ii, nml Ctiarlra 4. IKiherty, Attorm-y Crnentl of CanaiU. Here ore torn of the niuil famoutjof IL bar In France. Canada and the SEVEN BODIES FOUND IN SEA I recosnlte the authority of the '" o( xhu orl11 doln h"or to I'nlted Statu turned out to honor(IKIUIA. TOItl'KDO BOATH lumtter Keneral to remoto me ''' Wi. lord I.Uh chancel- lrd llaldane, who paid a dylnc vltltl snTII1vfl vnHTV . IKL. irouiumreaud wheiiprr wy u(cor ' r Ul Vircai nwin tne picture m in United States. Thef ftlt j. bll IlLan tvliun lhu I .- tk.l. ik.t L. . ... Unppolnled and continued, and I nm " """ '""' """ uu luc,r ,ual oe "n worthy or the honor Inttiurted lo turn mcr tho olllce to " Colln Hall. In Montreal, for hit pleatant. even cbarmlns him I thatl do to without any un- . ro l,onorar'' Jegreet were ron-'peninillly. at well aa for hla high pleutantnett ttrrcil by McOIII UnUprtlty Ueadernpotltlon. "T'hirc It a great dealaof dlfferenco " , bttuccn refuting to re'tlgn and re- rnnBlrfl OlirnirrJll Centennial Closing fitting to vacate the offlce when or- rllnMrn Hrirlrr I'nlted I'reu Serrlc ileted to du to. My record It ilear.H Vllllat.il Ullbllll I U I'UT-l.N.UAY. Ohio, Sept. 10. The I. Work of Deepening and Widening Adams Canal Will be Let to the Farmers in Smaller Subdivisions Tho, work of dvvpeutug and widen ing tho Adilnia canul near Merrill It to bo dnno by the farmer In Hint section, I intend of tho fovernmont, iccordlug tn Knglucer II, 10. Ilayden, lit cliurgo of oporutloii and inuliUtm unco for tho leclamutlou service, "Wi nro now preparing notlcea for "Following the harvest, thore It a dull teuton on the fitrmi, and wo feel thiil tlilt work will tnnko Ihlt dull tlmo mi lliu fiirni prolllnblo. The Job will ho divided Into small schedules, anil nnrli mnii cim bid on an many mhoil jIoh iih hu foelt he ran tnko caro j OUUOHsl I .tiiK'iler of .Mibaina (lour nor MI Aiiuiinnt, D.tughti r nf Colorado (luternnr Allveii liiiiine, Dniighler of Illinois flovemnr Mmui liiiiine Second Daughter nf lllltnli Oovernor Daughlert of gnvernor ntlrncted as much nttentlou us governort them telvis at Hm Colornilo Springs meet ing nf Hie "House of fUneruors." Till quartet nf boautloa repretents I ho Houlh, the .Mlddlo West and the Far West. Tho gtnernors thcmtelve hud u ery pleatant tlmo In the high ullltmlos nf Cotnruilo, but tholr pretty daughtois got nmro uttentlon thnn I hoy did. There, for Inttanre, It Mitt McNeal, daughter of Iho governor nf Alabama, who though under 20, lint attended three Kovornom' convention!. She had someMlerlded opinions. "Cerlnlnly I fnor tho Tango and SCOl'Hl.Nfi ZKITKIX1.V STOIIM ARK .OKTH SKA Foil AIRSHIP UMT IN mil my conduct of tho oDIce It be- uud irltlrlsm, tit It thnnu by the fmnrnblo ippnits o t nil of the In- K'Clort. 'If the goernment dotlrvu a dem- ncrut In my potltlon, 1 believe the ,..., uiiitmiii uuva ma nuinumy io uiahO! the change, but the Initiative In up toi latt two days of the celebration of IIUULIN. Sept. 10. Torpedo boaU at noon reported recovering the bodies of seven ruemberi of the crew In the Zeppelin military dirigible bal- lloon, which was blown to sea In yes- UflTlirn in nriniComminden-errT'. Great Lake. vie. !,er,lJ', ',0rm' Iffllllnrn I A ilrflll'tory over the Hrltlih started tod.v There oro eight iiiii in ii tat in nil ..... , r ItVI lllllVI'U I.IUJLM, w..,.. ,..... I .IWIMi i . .. . . . uuien (kiiii aiong me iaae. A WAV AT Till: HOMi: OF S() iv members of the Mhen tht famous old flagship, the (ow misting. NMgarc, tutored Put-in-ilay. The Kaiser Wllhelm has ordered all of boit has attended eihlbltlons at a thu torpedo rleet In tho White Sea to assist In the search. them." I STUDENT BODY IS Ki:iKVVII,I.K WAS K.NOW.V IIKIti: WKI.Ii nmiti:sr i-u:i. tnesi: ah rin-. iih:.t of Tin: oiuiaxizatiox ,t an i:i,i:vno iiki.ii ox THICHIIAV I Oigunltatlon of the student body uf thu Klamath county high echool mus complclrd Tuesday afternoon. Tho following oMlcer weie elecled: 1'lvtldenl Forrett I'lol, iVue i'retldeut I.awrcnre Sanderson HecroUry Loulte llenton. Treasurer It. Mottcheubacher. Tho data organliatlon will be per iod oil In a short time. , William II. Harm's today received! ,lhu sud iicmi that hit mother, Mury, June IMruet, died this morning at tho homo of her ton, Hiram Darues. at Keltejvllle, Cullf. Mrs. llarue was TS yearn of age. Mrs. Ilarncs had vltltvd here ttv-i iral timet, nud leaves many friends In Ktamatl. Fulls, Doth she and bcr husband, who died some time ngo, were prnmtuent in the early history of Northern California. In addition to the sou who resides here, iloieated it survived by Marion S, llarnet, who conducta n confection vl) at Ijikevlew; Frank Uarnet. who has u rauch at Summer Lake, and Hiram Unmet, a farmer and mill owner at Kelteyvllle. 'if'" 'tho ragtime dances." said she to one Thu reclamation service will ettab-iiiewtpnper man. "Hut let me tell you rt moving Jars from high shelves A household novelty Is a lifter for bids,' said Ilayden this mornlug. und ,11th u cnnp nt Adams' I'olnt. Kromll don't approve somo of the drestes wo oxpocl tn havo tho wnter utors there it will aupervlso the work being bolug worn by women of today. Tho tnko Up this work IIS sunn at thu done, and will iln nil thn nnooiianrv ulilrl. pr. nnv..Un I. .. ..... Motor llout Itacee United I'icat Service LONDON, Sept. 10. French and American motor boats of tested speed today raced In the trials for tbo mo tor boat trqphy now held by Eugland Judge Van Fleet Excoriates and Removes From Panel Juror Who Says He Voted Against Opinion Brandenburg Is Still in Office; DelzeO Here Tonight Notables of Three Nations FUFIVII Q1VQ DC Parading to McGill University ..... . nrr WILL uttn HtK HELP AT ONCE l lilted Cress Service SAN' FKANCISCO, Sept. 10 Fed eral District Judge Van Fleet this morulng pottponod until Monday the seuteiiclus of Orow Camlnottl, con victed of vlolatlnr the Mann while slave act. Tho trial of Maurey F. Dlggt and Attorney Harris for subornation of perjury was Immediately started. Judge Van Fleet dismissed from tho panel, after a fierce excoriation, William Helster, one of the Camlnet to. case Jurora, who recently made tho following statement to a uaws. harvest la completed. I blasting and rock work. but they won't do." The Salvation Army Journal, the IWtir Cry, appears weekly lu 30 dif-'of Wight, The Royal Motor Yacht terenl languages. Club holds the trophy, The races are being held between ,paper representative: Hyde and Cowea In Osborne Ilay, Isle I "I voted to find Camlnettl guilty tu save hi father and mother a lot of useless counsel fees, and becauM thu other Jurora Insisted on coa promlie. 1 regard tho verdict u a disgrace to the United States. I be llevo It should be reverted baeteie tho voune man la InBoeeat stC skit charge." T' . (.onsldering the advUaWMiy tt Heiater punished for court. eoteeit !'' - ' PYX-& "Why did you vote watery tawjfj', your opinion!"' aaked the Mart, .5 i,jt ' "Because you told to.'Jj hU - '" Heltter.. . t VJTtfr ' " Uharlea Ulausaea, lUWH slaalUrly, dMbirU thatvtha had rolf quoted ptaJileW"" rtMBTM M laWsHHk th.'caiflwM,w remove Clwwm in pM 5 S'. V 'I 'I ! s , fl' x"u &' fll '"j ".-' r tar)