tiAT'. . t 'I', -.,- n.i , a .: 1xxvttm UteaLil m KLAMATH FALLS' Ol'KICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! ti .1 ' li rJ Illulilli Vim Xu. 58, HH. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1913 Prtc Fire Carta l JV &h I: GLASS CURRENCY BILL REPORTED .TO LOWER HOUSE Hllll'IOMAItl: I'.tMfS Ul I.MI1W. Himi.rrv .iiniMu i Mini- iiiinu iiii itiu I'm tlitii fur u IU'IIii rli'iiluii n( llir .Vittlininl thinking I hi llllli In !'! rliin I'.niiililri II ,Ui Aim mi H.lliliiH I hi I'nwi.t Ilmnl Nfiirnl Ciiiniii). I'iiIIimI I'uaa Bervlti. WAHHINHTON. 0 C. Mrpt ! 'I1i (Hum i iin t my tefuriu nn-.i.urii u fuiiii.llr lepiirlrd Hi Hi" liuuao Itiu alwrntMiii 'llin report dpilare.l tin- nn'urr III itliiKp panlis ltuHiMllili' II ili-darpd Hip follow 'lie thrift . prnpnallliuia iiecetarv in .1 national ' currency measure Claatlnil uf II Jllllll InrrliHIIIllII fill ttlelitlQlt u( lh rmllt uf hunks pus ealhg uuiiil turli nml ilt-alrlng In liquidate Ihrin I'rnvlfloll fur a tit-Her eitr.nlon of ..merit. n li'miVInc farllltlra In fur rlKli ruunlrliii. t'ltlfilutn retirement uf Hi pipivnt li'md-rrurrl rurrttiry. with aultable lit nvlaluii for ttii' fulfillment of gov ernment obligations, riiuplnl with aullable Itrllble currency lo replace II Men Who Have Led (lie Tariff Fight bbL I iH ' ' vr .jbVbUhbbVbVbt I BHBV7iBBBl BBES "Us. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV. Kh BBBBBBBB M bbbbbbbbbHPHbbbbbbH bbbbKIH TbbbbI Wf WOULD PUT CITY SECRETARY LANE HALLONKLAMATH HAS A COLLAPSE AND 5TH STREET oimi 111:1; (nii:itiii(i ah in tiii: I'ltici; lTi;ill()ll l)i:iMltT)l T IIIMIi' ut.cki:i itv iii:ahy tiioi'. 111,1: whim: i.v oaklam .tr ihimiioc imoTtii:ii U n-M Silii-iiii' nf Hit- ( 'mi 111 1 1 I'rt" JL'nltnl I'rcss Bervfco lllliin, hlittiiil li) IIiiIim Men nml Aaklnir fin Ijiil) Kill Nlrx uu I'll)- Mull Hi. nil., la llrml ill JlrH. NEW PLAY GIVEN FOR MINISTERS ANDPEMMERS tiikv dix-lahi: tiik luhk" is .not immokal l.llyil-, Mllilitrni, HodologlaU, Huf fratfl.u mnl Critic Atleinl hM rlnl IVrfuiinaiiru nf I'biy Will) Performera Have llcrn ,rrtil(il lijr ti Viirk Maulitrati UVak )! Jnllnii Mailc, llllurlx-ri Oiiitnl OAIII.AN'Di Hcpt . 8crury of vl,!... f..f n MiuililNil MiukH IV- ' llrlor Krnklln Lao colUpie-l ' hi m 11 n ur rericwme atatiu uite inu iiflurnono Tlila wna ilu to litnrt trouble. Hi was toon rrrlr,. after whli.li I'f wna taken lo I nom of lilt hiKiirilii' (i.iiiii II .liMiilr i:iMilni:),n.thr, )r. KiaJ.rlck lau. Stv - tn.l ihrklana ira In roniultallua. A I'uMli murkit. ok nail Uf iti cltr. ' '-"' "I" ''0 w" wnalala- lo alrp ntei pfP rtlc 111 mlilitmii in tin! rii imll. alioulil b!""t nlxht. m;v VOItK, 8it. !. Tho man- Imat.J uu blixk il, krioiilluc In 'pi- " " " aK'UK-Ht of b Jlailnp Klllott the- atvr at 3 o'clock 1I1U tuornlnK Re a iuclt prforinau-e of'Tbe Lure" In (olivine crlllci, tieriymfn, Uwyeri, uflraKlXa, aoclolocltu nnd olheri Ibe bill la not Immoral. The l.ure" li new play Intend"! rerpal the truth of the "white alavn" traRll. "Vou wouldn't brine your mother ur alati-r here." ihoutod s man In AMI.I.h Hllll'1'l.ll I'llOM Alll- the audience. ZO.Vt Ull.l. Ill: Tlti:.Ti: T). 'lwouIil. Here they are. re- lorliil a fauioua phyaklan and pi cholosltt. ROLL CALL STARTS ON FINAL PASSAGE OF THE TARIFF BILL IN THE SENATE AT 4 O'CLOCK A Man Who Is Active for the Tariff Measure miiiiber or tin in) iiMMuii '''"fin u nni II ATllin imiliril la iilaii of Hie ojillllxli llul li,. JV li hi I IRsAIINU Had nf liulldliu Ibi- Hy lull tin' 10 1 flU U! llfl I 1 1 1 U BIG CATTLE HFRO ?i AImup. Ketialor John W Kirn of Kl Hi bllil Walnut llnl, it ahoulil on unlra ul Hi" till Hit of Hlalilii'li Htviiue mill I'lflli alli-tl HmnUe lirlit thai Hip illy a:.ould i liku iitlliiu iiiKbrd u (iiy hall Louil ilr lion ti lit II a jiiiiii una Riven (baa I v oi din mi the Klamath .n'.nic i hi mi A coiuiultlie from the ' i nr I waa imI'hmI in nau-tlnUi llili. i lie fnllnmnc I'ltlllun, alcued by a I nuiiibiT cf lalliuyvi. aa iirnwiitfl' ' Up. Ibe undent jtnrla rltlivi.a of i In rl of Klamath Kalla, Oregon. nor- ii tui'i-ciruii) aubialt and iliow i,aj of In me riimmon munell of aald city. M. Ucbtmtiti, the well known Jjil-i mm: iiimiiii:i iii:.i or voi mi .MllllltoW -" An uproar of applauie and conifer' Vlrua for the vaccination of $00, nation followed. The police elected cattle haa been ordered by Ithe dlaturbera. A minister present declared that ii.li.ua. majority leader III the ..nate. , . 0M,II4M1, of ,,,, cly. ,, i.tiuw, i iiiKitaaiiiaii utenr ' uu1 ihn mid i Ity la ery imich In need of j, bu)er. and tomorrow the ttock will 'every woman ihould wltneta the pr n r.iy uau uuiiuiiir in which to irana- ie vacclnatad. fctiuan.e. Harriet Stanton Illalch The nulmala to be treated reiiro- aPku ten inluutei. aaylns the play ueiwooil. innuautp. tinuae COUNTY CLERKS TO PLAN SYSTEM HH- father nf the tariff revl.lon Z!L ly'wm ".hllu anu "Bl "" l" UDt "" '" lhm "'"" " " and m.jur.ty leader I., th. i'""' ",;'' ' v 1,,, re """ 'artbt ln Ar,l" " M"L """ "' 1 """" liequiroiiitiiU of the city III that re- u.molr Ml nre ,(dld condI.'"f" call for their appe: actora and pro- uncarance be- peel lor number nf ycara to come. ',., LUl the owrier Inirnda to cuar.l "f" Manlatrate UcAdoo thla after that In order In enable thla clly to i..,,..,, m,. OUIhrk . ,.,.- (oon. lie arreated them, deemlnx tna I am havlna; l)mtock.accinat..l"nw "Wecllonable. toit.NTt ri.i:iiii in: u'.' i.ravr.si MMlV I OH IMIHTI.AMI TO AT- ti:si hi-sion or hkvcku.i H.Wri i County CI. rk Dp Lap leate hJtur ilny for I'urilaii.l. In alti'ii.l n uiliicn- , ,r.iie are Hon nf the rninil) clerka ur Hie atalc 'U(cb rauie Thla will atari Heptnmbvr talli Hlale liiauranie Ciiiiiitilaaliiiier Ker Kiuoii, In wliuni baa Iicd Intrualed Ihn fiiriiiulatlnc or n uiiifun.. aialem tt Heiniiiilliii fur rill ilk. II. tV .a(latra lit ,1,,, .tale. I, called the me. tin. Hut ' '"J'1 '' "" ."" Il. new .)..e,,,a ...ay l dl..i.M.d ' rt "" " '"",l ,,,, ,,u,,Jln I'ndir llin new ayalem Hi county rlirk will bo ll.i' chief aniiiintlnK nrll lial uf l.la ruiinty The inntliiK will Juilce A. U Uavltt will fointruct audi n bulldlnc. It will be iii.i lu. rH.iii.rail In nrr In .lirr..Brv fur lln. rf.iintn nf snIi! rll.l nlum .11 lb. .irovl.ton. of th. to authurlio a ...indent bond ,..'' "f".rd a.aln.tblatkle." .Ua Mrl.atma'irM finlav Thn iri. tmi. for tt niroiM, that such u proccrd- , . , ' . m ' . . I..R Invol.ea the pa.aa.e of an ordl- ,c"ta f, f "' 01fICl",,"nl, '", nance c.lllnc au election for the pnr.,f !" ,,,,, l,rau,lon ' k"P """" poae of tollnii the bonda. and tha paaaiRe of an ordinance declaring tbo ..lilt of such rlerliou. the Inie audi bunda for lalo for of thirty da) a, and a poaalbl tlal.iK for aale lu rue no aatlafactory bid la rrceltcd Rim atalutea. IncludlliK the law. enacted by the 1911 and 1913 IcrU liilltp aeaaluna. Tbo city council laat liliiht voIimI to purrhaae tbeae mi nium fur city hall uae. Ilalph Tire, prominent era In ixrower of Cblloquln, la In the county teal today ilnlnc fall ahoppluR. Aa a iiai.lt of bla vlall, the llaldwln Hard- hlppliiR up a Mini- IS AUTO RACE HAS A FATAL ENDING L COMES UP AGAIN IVnultilou for au oil tank to bs In- i-ii.mI In the rear uf tlm Itllcy build I.ik on Main afreet, waa Kranlcd laat will ue "Thereforr. we, )our peiltlunera, ImIU'Miik II for the lrat Intercita of 1 1 he illy that a city hall ahould be built, oa mrly net aprlnc aa the acn- iiitIV Cll, MI.CUAMCIAN (Ml HUH. ,iti: Kii.LKit viu:.v sri'iiiitiAi;. i:it niAKiiix into chow n or SI'KCTATOIW 4ITI.H'ATIO.V Itlll ltr.l'.IHSm.Trt SO KL-ltTHHIt TIIW A SO.MU WIIAT I.H.NtiTIIV UlS.LSSin.V. I'HO AM CO.V 'ami will permll. n-apcctfully ietltlon ' ynur honorable bod) tu uae all posal--I tie deapdtcl. In cliarlriR away thei neceaaary local iitelluil.iarlca leadlnx 'i In ll. piinklriirllnn f t llv rn.ll ..,. ... ...V iu.11. ....... ... M .w ..Ml. , 1'nlteil I'teta Sertlco ,lhl M: Haw collon from Africa and Aala t Attached waa nn iirdlnanco form. imported Itilo Hnilaud and re-eport. raltl.iK n nrtlai ilecllon for bondlm COHON'A, L'ollf., Sept. J. Wlllain Iral apteral ilnja. unit enU'rlalument eil lu the I'nlled Rlatea during Jnu-.to build n city ha fcnlun. l.idudliiK, iiuaalbly n ban- nary April. weighed ri8.000,OOU purrhaaed from K iiuel, UU' blnK planned, pounda, purpoac . . z on nccuun Iproperly. tin. (oat of which would t Hboadea lo.t control of the car and 'InclHd.d In tbo bond luu.. "'" "'' m apwiaiora. II on tho property Ubuadca. drhlue a Studcbakcr. Mech-, II. Milt, for that .ouu-.an Crawford for tho cur, and an ' ., Thla wn. not Introduced. , lrl "o killed Jurlnx ; " " ; '- """ "-' l.rinuikorbu)lnKmor.'l-l r race ll.l. .ti.rnu.rn. !0Ve?ejTLn do" n ... ... If I......I... In.1 ....... AI ..r r.A ... .l ,ul"ClvM ! IUIII UUWO. The partly deatroyed woodea atruc tuio at tbo corner of Seventh and Main alreet bobbed up yet again at tait nlsbt's council meettloc A petition for .ormlnlon to repair the bulldlnc wai preaented by Henri etta (I. Mason, owner. The bulldlnc badly damaged winter. A committee council reported It too bad- Jury Trial Motion Is Allowed in Case of Knapp Against the City; Effort to Compromise Is Failure, "The city can easily use thla ern The rare waa won by Waterman la Kruuiul fur n public market," said u llulrk, Doty. "Thla la somuthlnc that will' In Drill tho whole community, and soiiiPthlnR thai wo ought toave, and will hate, If I can help It. It would bu Reed, also, to have a municipally owned aoal.ii there, too." WANT TOO MUCH FOR CORD WOOD .LITERARY CLUB MEETING TONIGHT (ll'i:.l,(l NKhSlON WILL UK UK VOTHD TO A DISCl'8HIOX OK I ohi:;o.vk iti:ct;.NT i.kc.isla- TIO.V DOLI.AH .meiii: hami: TO tl.VIM-'IITV A ASKKH OK CITV MII.V (II A 11(1 K TO com. ' I Tho oienliiE session of the KUu.atli TIIAXi Literary Society for the winter will Circuit Judge llcnson thla inurntnR not lie with the ruuurll for I COO, , ordered Unit tho suit of I. Jayl "Kuapp hus seen lit lu tul.i' lh, Knapp against tho city to reenter ,"' "'". ""."V"' ;M"; " , ' ,, , la. "Tbo city hud better let him get Una ..lleKid due fur dly hall plana . ,. u) cmi f(()m 0m. ,,. be tried befurn a Jury. A iv.ollnn tnn,.n ,,ny a iiueatlonable bill." this off o.t wua inuile Monday by t'tty . "Ihcro la nn roenrd on the Journal Atturiuiy Itutviilc, and was taken on-'of any nuthurlty from (ho city ninn iler ndvlaviiiunt by lleuaoii. 0ll tu enter Into n rontrnct will. Mr. Jtiat when tho ens., will ho tried la iK.uii for Ihoaii plans. Ilesldes, In not known at present. slenil nf Hie plans, Mr. Kniipn only "Thvro aro two or threo anuill case, isubiiillted n pencil sketch. Thla may ni, it,,. iIdkLi,! u.iiirntn inrnra tun ru-.hnto Ircen uuiiroved bv ttidltldiiHl iliilrod." said Judcu llciisun. "There member, of tho council, but nn notion those bidding uu tho city s wood sup- tint bo under the leadership of Hnllo, city Attorney Rutenlc maintained that tho clly council bud a right to This Mason has rcfuwd to do. lie jContonds that the bulldlnc U not bad ly damaged, and says bo will auo for JdamaRcs If tho city attempts to re- movo It. "This has beeu up seteral times," 'said Doty. "The committee reported fairly aud honestly, and when we con- 'stilted the city attorney he said we I were correct. . "We have tried to force tho mat ter alone, so some action cun be taken (to either prove or dlsproto It. So far a. I am concerned, I cannot vol for It." I W. II. Mason, husband of the own- 'or, held that the council's committee erred In estimating tho damage. "The council placed the value of tho bulldlnc at $900," he said. "I can repair tho building for (300, and In cuso I can not, I am willing to re- KUH- Nihil I'lllVATK CITIZHXH bo held Hits evening at tbo residence mot a It." ul Mr. aud Mrs. C. I'. Stewart, ou Mason also questioned the constltu tlonallly of tho ordinance providing Fecund und Washington streets. "decent Legislation In Orogou" Is .for tbo removal of damaged buildings. ilui.iiuK itiiu me prices u.kou uy mo opeuinc topic, ine uiscussinn.iio caueu ii connscaiory. lire twenty vonlru.noii nvnlliiblo, nlul by Iho council na n whole Is Hbown'ply veru too high, tho city council O. Hruesbeck they nro' ull farmers, A. thoy are In Iho Journal, busy right now, hartestltiK ono of tho "If tho clly can try to hldo behind boat crops they have enjoyed, 1 ran- the law to dodgo paying this bill, I not see why wo ahould summon them Jinn surprised," until Mills. "It' tiurso from their work for two or Oreo .limn tnklng bread from a baby. Tho small cases, When thoro am enrt..Rlilmn.i furnished tho plans nonoitly. Jury casos to Justify His, I'll summon und ho should bo paid," tho Jurors." No nctlou was taken toward aot- Kuapp Is siilnn for 1750 for , settling by the council. The members all of plans drawn wlillo Iho late r T. hold that na louw ns Knapp had oar Hauderson was mayor. Last oveninK,rlcd the matter Into tho courts tlm Fred II. Mills, his atlornoy, offornl In city should fight It out there. last night failed to nwnrd a contract They aro holding (ho matter open until tho noil mooting for further ofrom. Mo in bora of the council maintained that the same bidders are furnishing tho same kind of wood to prlvato res idents for less money. .uso Its discretion In the matter. An oitlclnl report recently Usuod slveu $3 per week as the averago wago of farm laborers In Ireland. Tho municipal authorities of Durlln hate forbidden men lo smoke while driving automobiles, ruling that many nccldonta have been duo to tho practice. The totul mileage of state railways In Italy Juno 30, 1912, waa 8,386. Al though 14.& mllos were added during This stand was nlso taken by Mayor Nicholas, and tow aril that end ho had portions of the ordlnunco reud to show that there waa nothlut; to re quire the council to give n permit. No vote waa taken. Mm Houston Home. Mrs. Will Houston returned last the year, tho same number of miles of lulght from a visit with her home folks road waa abolished. In Uureka, Calif. aHP73BBJJJBBBBBBV afftf JHBsK bWbWbWbb ' 4bKbHbBdbbbb1 B 'VaflrraBBBBBW ADOI'TIO.V 111' 111(1 MAJOIltlY M I A CKHTAIXTV, OWIXH TO DKMOCHATIO VOTK A In-lit N Krpt ou Hie Free Ut by t lt Vorit Vote, nnd Amcailfnmt i ' nf Srualo t'liiumltlrr, lnlllsuc Ct tlo on llir FrrK l.lal, UHualitlned la Voir llarly Toil.y -I'rrfertiillal I I.iuw. Am Killed. Btuator K. M. Simmons of North Carolina, chalrmin of Cue finance Cnramlltee of ih- it'.iaii. Alter the Underwood bill jas paaaed by the tcuse, It went to Simmon's commit tee for the amendment? that body felt were necessary. n.tod t'resa Service WAfllllKOTON, I). 0., SepL . With u democratic majority uf sum c ,int strength, jkis sage of the Under wood tariff revision bill thla after noon Is assured. The senate commenced the final all call at 4 o'clock The a.t)te this morning defeated, a to it, the Jonea amendment to give a 10 per cent preferential to goods mported In American ships. The committee's amendment strik ing out the house committee's provi sion for a S per cent preferential waa suatalned. The Ilrlstow amendment, assesslnc li per cent, cattle, sheep swine and other domestic animals, waa defeated 29 to 33. Instead, the senate amend ment free Hating cattle waa sus tained. Free wheat waa sustained by a viva voce vote. AFTER RAILROAD MEN'S ANGORAS TIMBER BARONS IXI)i:i'..XI.K.VT HALL TKAM IM UK- V.O IIANDKD TOUKTIIKIt TO ril.ll1 A WAI.LOI'INd TO MUD rOHD'S (.A.M. "The Kspeca are getting Just a mile too conceited." said Harry Thrasher this morning, "and It Is up to us town boys to brine 'em down a notch or so. Claud Maxwell and myself will see a bunch of the boys tonight, and will arrange for a game with the Kipces for next Sunday." Tho line-up of the Independents will come very near being aa follews: Noel right Meld, Maxwell second base. Ambrose pitcher. Halo first base. Krause left field. Thrasher third base. (leoige shortstop, French catcher. Haum renter field, If the Kspees go against this accre- Eitlon there will bo something doing In the baseball line. Manager Dradford has all the con fidence In the world In his team, and In till likelihood would send 'em aKilnst the New York (Hants, so It Is more than probablo tbat next Sunday villi witness tbo fastest game played o the local diamond this season. GATHERING HERE SO KAH. IT IS IIKUKVEU THAT O.M.Y OXi: WILL COXTKST THC (UUISK MA UK UV KLAMATH COl'.NTV To look over the assessed valua tions, of their Klamath county proper ties, the beads of several large timber 'concerns are here. In ctso thry aro not satisfied, tbey will voice their ibinplalntt to (he board of equalisa tion. William II ray Is bote from Oah ;sh. Wis., In the Interests of the Oshkoih Ijnd and Timber company, innd William Schlecht la here from (Warsaw, Wis , for tbo Yawkey Lum 'ber company. Tho Day rothora Lum tber company. The Day nrothora J.jbv i resented by II. M, Day. It la not betloved that any of the timber concerns will protest aialnat 'this year'a assessment. There la a 'possibility tbat Schlecht may coatett tho county, cruise of the Yawkey .company's holdings. Eleven Hundred Head of Arizona Cattle Bought and Shipped Here; Griffith Buys 150 Fine Heifers Klotuti hundred bead of cattle, said by local stockmen to be the best took Ine shipment ever received here, came In from Arizona, where they ore purchased by D. M. McLemore. Mr. McLemore spent some time In rlsoua, getting the most desirable stock for shipment tn tbo Klamath range. Luke Walker, who acocmpanled the shipment from Arlcona, declares that the stock suffered from severe Jama and Joltings while on the cars In tbe Los Angeles yards. Three head were killed outright there, nnd by tba Hue tbe cattle were unloadsd at Midland, twenty-one head were lost from the llmke-up. i. m - I?: : in: v ii&H tP'Q.'1MH riirvKU4n Included In tbe shipment were 116 cm year-old heifers. All have waite. fates, and all, are Jujt alike W l c'dor, etc. This lot waa taken to tbe ranch. Yesterday D. M. OrUHk-aC ,j-t:-i:agle Uldgo taw them there, aa w 'tS. -'fi "aa au tuneu uii wiui iniw .wi law, f Immediately nocotlated wlta Met.-' ''' more for their purehaae. ' Tkaf wWJsy' be taken to Kagle Ridge FrMajr, , . ' arlfntb la highly elated at such a One dairy her. ' 'Phtt VMmn.nHw a9 ASia aUlA'USI IkA . ... --.-- -- --j- r- T! ' aept at aaiaienu on paetr,' e : aw i while. Tomorrow theiritK4 '.,! clnated. ' . Hi. tS'' . ', Or f :Vl t 'i tr, Tr .