v-fvv l4 Vr J-,l S -vj--i . latimmrj Herald PRINTS Tift . ( NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER W ' 'i'.w ? -av Highlit Vrur Vii. u,inu KLAMATH FALLS, OREdON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1913 lXc rtve Cta (Ml? f KA fl , SENATE IS DISCUSSING THE TARIFF jisjjfftsjryrurijrirjririru "i" -" -.-.-.-.. -..-.-.j j j.jja-,,- a , -. j- ..-,-.-.-, .-..-.--, , -, - .,-.,- ,-. i-vv-vvvvvvvjj-ijxi-u-ijxruvt ( TRA6EDYAVERTED Ricardo Huerta is Twenly-Six Years Old DOWN BAD GRADE ASIII.WD ITOI'l.i: IIAVI now iwui'i: A vtit ....( Inu II. nui hln' ("u l-Vi Hill l.rn.li', Aiiliuiitilille IJmIii HmiIi .Mim i.irnliiiii lli.tl .U' I ltlnKlim iiiiuii.t I'm mi limit' "In Kifi I 'fin doing (In r Ilit 'tlilo Id' lliin Mmlilnn lulu Hunk All hlmkni nt I'ri'ferrliig lii ri(k hit mat bine miliir than risk H Ihr nt mi nulu Invl nf peopli-. Alex l.llltigitiiu ill Jalilaud steered his runaway rr lulu (hi' Imiik of the Lung l.akf grade Hun i'i ndrrniHin. amaphlng Ihr front ml nf the or, hut saving hla uieteii Kit (ri'iu serluua Injury II Hut Mr I. Mixtion flint trip m T llii road, mkI not realising the danger ul II." grade, he attempted In tn inntt llii' sleep grade on III" brake villi the engine dead 1 lift lira kin ii ul. I nut cniil rol n loaded rnr on the guide, ami lif fnrtt the rlulrli roul.l be tlirnwii In the rnr had attained such niiiini'tiluin that the only possible meina of avoiding a arrliMi wrk km to inn Into Kin hank Mr Livingston sustained n very lialnful bruise from contact with the' robn rail, ami Mr Livingston suffered n rather serln-ia knork from Hi" slerr. llIK wheel Tin' oilier III tin' ml, Mri Prulan and Hurt Hnrhanil. -i iaM'il with a mere sinking up ' "There should be a sign posted at tlm lop of Ih" gridr. warning atriing era of thu ilaiiKiT of trying In coast II," aalil Mr Livingston Kiln ruoriilriK. niter 1,1- wrecked machine lia.l Ih-.ii jlri, mmI ,ucrol,,u 0I1B lowed to Hi" central garage. ."r - I FOUR NAMES ARE CITY ASKS FOR IN FOR IDE JOB. JURY TRIAL IN KNAPP'S SUIT rii.uiiiniiaiN hi'iimiis vamim' oi' , w.tiiTirrorr.tMtiiMTiM roii tiii: .MANII.lt iii'i'ii'i: iiiht. it TAHKX CMILIt ADVIHI3IK.ST IIV IIKXhOX EQUALIZATION BOARD MEETS will in: i himhiov tmiutv DUK TO AlUfhT fOMI'iaiNTrt MAIIi: KICKH HIIOVMI UK MADi: I.S'TKN DAiH "Take Me to Broadway' said High Chancellor Haldane Tin in Mo four ntowvil ciidlJ.it' fur Iht oil' ii of local .oitmaiitr, ar iiiriliiiK to Ihu fiillunlnic Olipntrti 'rom WbiIiiiixIuii, I) I'. Ktiialur ChamlxrUIn .ihrulttfd to llo iinlmiiUr central npillrallun nml Mi'lon rnr m nn-ltnl for tlm iIociiik ii mini rantllilolm for it nitliTni l.lnn.nlli l'nll W A lli-l--M J II i;virilt n I'pli MrAllllUr unit William Wanner i The rouutr board of t)uaIlitlon tl.li rnoinlnx wont Into ii-nlon, and for thirty iajt to come It will nlve BlUntlon to complalnu tnd iicalntt . lluni"j- llnliiilr MoliN Thai Ai t nihil t'oiiiiilalnt Makri tint Jie fjuillin, of I'jit, lUihrr ,ne atafnimcnli mado for the tJ3 t Jn .1 tVuiMlnli of Iah llrllctnl '" fo11' ii... Ul... II. t.. I'.. II...... I r t.inio naaimi muiai I') i i il ('iilil.li(ilil' May Ik 1'Hnti-il .11 ii Sliott 'Hunt WILD WEST SHOW SUNDAY PMORMkr ii:n i;i. imii col'.m row- lllMs AM) I III'MII Ol U 11.11 iioiito mi.i,(iivi:.n i:iiiiii. TION AT llll. IAIII (IIIOOMIS itlioutd lv made durint tho next ten ilnr Kollowlnc that tlmo the board membera will take up each complaint, and rnako what adjuatnienta they be Hero are neeciurr. ARE STILL AFTER CAMINETTI-DIGGS Itut rnmioKt mfiit I.ai RrcurcU fifty illil liumoM frnm nil iiArl nf ilm lliramo llurrlA la : ).-ara old. rmm,y ,, ,W( hwUnt ,,,., Any r la not only a diplomat but n tiled, penon bilnglnj In a bora that the HolaMft- rlilua rannot fnlrlr alar on will ri- ilrn'a r.intul aim-ril at New Vork cltr,c..hn n nrlte. Inquiry lulu Urn mailer broudit ,, ihereforo the rauklni rrprmtn fntlli Urn fatl Hint County Hum-yor , of ,(, alran dlplomallr and i: t llenr la halnK alna for this rullBltar ,rvfP (hit rounlry, lna unit other rndi-a painted, nnd iironi.',,,,,,,, M ,lpr u ambuaaailor In lam lln-y will Iw in pine within day Wmbingiou. or i Allhouxli ho wn born In Meilrn rollowliiK Mr I.UIiiKilon waa ni.'(.y all, b,uril w , ,mc lhf, other inr of the party. In whlrh wrr. v, nww.i-w.-i'i Mr and Mra J I' Poor and Mr and (Continued on page 41 Mra K. II lliiah, all of Aaliland Tlm - party had been to Crnlrr Lake, mid lira' l.l-iigtou uaa plurtd, atnlta III JIIV IX.lTIMi KUVMATII IIKVK wi'ln reliirnlnit by Hie arenle Weal mil ntl.ie iroin me uervnua shock, hi Hldo route. imlli'iit la about recovered, Mr. I.lv- Luckily tho ai-cond car wna far IncKalon vxpreaieil his appreciation of I'liotuh behind to allow Mr Pour to tlm klndurai ahoHii by Charles llulil- MoldluK that under the amended inptnlnl filed In the ault of I Jay ii ipp BKalnat the rlty for I7S0, the u linohcl la n queallon of fact rnihir than a question of law. City ... ne v Ituienlc this niornlnn moTetli jury trlitl. The matter has been lakiu under advliement by Judge. Henaou I Tlm suit Is brought by Knapp to ri-coer money ho allege due froml.MIK tLe rlty for n set of city hall pUnr, iliawu In 1911, at the Instance of Mayor fSinderson and menibtr r-t the cll council. Knapp contends that tho ,, , , , . .... clly uRUIals agreed to sell tho city llurkiijc conical. , wild horse race . fancy rldliiK and other cowboy siwrtsl i.-uarr 1 nit will comprint a program lo bo glun ' SACIIAMINTO, Sept. S The ttlalln omierat at the f.lr ground. Runday allernooni, Tn ,- '' u'"n, lb-oTl.urey KI)lTa-.nd Drew Onl-i nr h. had I.. !.. ..r KI.-..H. r......i .i.i.. 'act that It has not sold the bonds as ' , ...... l,lllnB ne bia era, under tho leadership of O Xt. "Ml. It AdralU that Knar . Urw (I .mo) Chandler auJ 11111 HI int. There ,he 1',anI me tin rldtra in ll.o paitr. iuot of' whom took part In Ibe Klka llodeo. ' under stipulation lo try It b fore To furnish a part of the e.cllera-ul-'i"iB Henson without a Jury. After tlm liking or testimony had rem' nunri'd Attorney Mills, representing Knapp, naked to be allowed to die an amended complaint, nnd this waa granted Tho r.tso came up again this morn Inn, when Itutenlc asked for n Jury trial Many are nf tlu- opinion that the Jesse will bo settled out of court by tho opposing attorneys. It Is rumor led that this may be considered at to- night's session of the council. I 1 .SOItltlH IMIOKH 7.1 I'KIt CK.NT ON 11(1 rOIITCXKrt litllnetl Two Ifoua Will IteccMscHs) ,'iiKuiiKiila lUiiknliag Cliaacn la llitt t'nilerwoml Hill Wlthla a Fort night Measure la Kipectetl to l'aa the Bella to ltle Thla KTratag or Tomorrow Morning. United Press Sortlce o aooncr had VUcounl Haldane, WABIIINOTON, V. C, Sept. I lord high chancellor of England and Tho senate met at 10 o'clock thla highest Judicial oDcer In the world, morning to take final action oa the icppeii iroa me uner inai laautii unuerwooo tarln rerlalon measure, 'him In New York for his American It la expected that the bill will paaa , visit than he exclaimed "Where's this evening or early In the morning. Ilroadway? Take rae to Ilroadway." It Is not believed that the repub- .And the smile shown In the lllustra- llran senatora will call for detailed Hon la the one the camera man caught roll calls. JL'VKMI.K "ords Issued from his lips. ,, Follette Is expected lo apeak for , . g ioru m.u cu.nrciior on ma via- ,.v,ra hours, adrocatlna- eartaln It to New York, Albany and then to change. After the tariff bill Is passed the St .MMO I'll TO MJtllT llllt I'AII.USS TO SUP- i win i liii.ni!i:t mi; i hk IS Montreal, proved that his desire to .,m.Ma. B-r - rt ... -. up. '' Z" KT-T hls dignity and Jollity during hls'lon " ' .American visit. He did see llroad-1 l iilliJ Prcsa Servlco . roda nd rfown ,, ... r,M . , It Is doubtful If the voting on the the high buildings, some i "" " " o me -.-. ... h.fn lote taken on the measure before nein cu cnarge oi (ontributine toi RAILROAD TEAM STILL WINNING the Uvprntlency of tbelr minor chll1 ilrcti bv drarll(iii. Vkttt tlll In ih ' Trial of the case started some time ,,, C0l)rt ,, niornDe i At the request of District Attorney ' June the cases were aJJourcsd a week by Judge Hughe. I I I to IN A SMALLCELL OF J, L PARRISH DIES WAS PIIOMINKVT IX STATU AK- , midnight. 4 Much discussion waa given by the .es.te to the fundamental right of tre rich t- pile up fortunea. Tha hill goes to the house tomor row. The conferees will bit appointed tomorrow or Wednesday. It Is eip'e,l that fortnight will be required for reconciling the two bills. Sanstor fleorett W. Vnrrla nf K. Pl-tCI II II IX CKU. Hid KNOl-tlll br,, detUr.d ,hit hli aotn(,B,nt IOC ONLY I, WITH POOU VIA'., Providing a ?S per cent Inheritance TILVTIO.V.A.M. KIQIiruPTHUI . '"'Til ""iT '"m'?- "" applicable to break up big fortunes. Dli; AS I1KSUI.T fo urgged hi amendment to the Ur- irr Diu, wnicn provide lor sucn tax on all audi bequests. "The trouble with the Income tax." gel his rnr aloppnl with only n alight win mid others In the uso of their mishap. mra In getting the passenger li Dr. Hamilton, under whose r.tre Klumalh Palls. Brandenburg Writes Postoffice Department That He Cannot See Just Why He Should Quit Office Tho latest ilevitnpuiniiU III tho 'i.li . u acknowledge tecolpt op.mi:xt ii:ai is tiii: i.m-sT 'io m: aiiiii.ii to tiii: con. Ol'CHKII list piistnlllco light hero nre ahown In Iho'of your re.iiest of August 20, that . torrespiinUuiMu folluwIiiK- "WnshliiKlon, I), C Aug, 20, "Clyde K. Ilniudviiburg, I'cmlnmnfjr,',,,,,. 1y r,.,Kim(nu, Klnmnth Kiills, Oreguu, "An InspiKtor who recently vlalli'd !.. lUptu ball learn kept up It .- ilia ug streak by defeating Manager (ulllurd'a ri'Juvlnated Kay Dee Sun day ulleriioun on the Modoc Park dlu i.iiiud Il wua a good gamo throughout, tvllh spot of reully brilliant playing, auid spots being the star work of llimlforil In right Held, "Whlley" in the stunt giirdeti handling four dllll llllt iliaiirea without n bobble, Pell imIiii! behind tho bat without any re mit practice nnd getting nwuy with only one error, Klnncur FranW-Chonc-Ing tit Aral, nnd Hoeley'a tinaaslsted iliiohlo, Clllntl handled thu ludlcaloi like n leturnu. In the Inlltal period Houston lived on .Maxwell' llrat mid only buuglo; PUNCTURELESS THOUSAND MILES rilLII OAltlCII IILTl'IIXH PIIOM. A TIIIP A SlIlO.Nd IKMISTKIt I'Olt Kl.tMATII COP.ST'M (i(M)l) IIICHWAYS I'nilel Press Service 1IAHI.EM. Texas. Sept. 8 The for- PAIIIS I Oil JIAXY ViaiUS, AM) oner Is Investigating the alleged Ira WAS IV Till! LKUISLATL'itK 'prlsomunt of eleven negroes In a jell only large enou'h for four, as a result of which eight of them were smother ed to death. The cell waa a 7x10 compartment, and was ventilated with six one-Inch toti:h.ms J, U Parrlsh of this city has gone to Canyon City to attend the funeral of bis father, Charles Winn Parrlsh, augur holes. j Completing a thousand-mile trip without so much a a puncture la the record set by P. M Darlcli, who re turned last night f rem a week' trip to Poitlnnd and way points. Mr. (iiirlrli la Just bieaklnt into tlm drl iiiC (lass, nnd Is Justly proud of his Inew Otcrlmid In wblei tho trip was I made, I In tho cur were Mrs. darlch, C. ft -Coon nnd wife. Mister darlch and h'nisolf. They made he lilp over tht jour otlliii him ri'iommeiidod your re moval from tho servlco, and uftur n ikroful review of the report mid otliir evidence IndUiitliig (ho condition of your odlce, tho department hna decid ed that the best Interests of tho pos tal service demand tho appointment ol your suriessor. However, your r signal Ion wll bo accepted If rerolved ul tho department boforo rleplouiber loth, llospclfiillys Daniel U. Iloper. Klrat AsslsUint Pnslmiistor denoral," "Klamath PnlU, Ore., Hopt, 1. under my resignation n postmnsler ....... ...ir.....i i.i i.i.. rough ronda by way or ,ger. Medford. 'in Klumntli Pnlla. wnii nil .!... r... . ' . . ..... ... ,., Buleiii, where Hay sOppe.l nnd visit- ,.., ...... ... . ........ lr Kang ou( Amurul0 , nuiurBri, , sped (ii jour lanes, i ucciiiio to ten- ,,0,...11i,.ci1,,r doubled lo left Held, r." " :""" "'" """ "" ,u I Mil not doing ..lir- iinoiin,,. After .Motatben- ' 0,l"", thla 111 ilellnmn of jour wlshe. but ,..... lm.i mirlulned second. While Coming back they took tho boit to ahnulil I lender my resignation I ,.!,. , .in, n .i,,,..!., ,., imrt. The Dalle, driving the rest of the would h acknowledging thai I am t nll(, MOIl,j ,melf a moment later X lunne. Tho run from The Dalle Mull. I inn Informed that my rating ttlltl, llurk ,,rmo ,t one through ,0 Klmath Palla waa made In 2S na i(ilniaslr haa been good until , uticij "White)" fnlletl lo ion-'1 ",,r" ci-l running time. I aiiupiy asu mill ., ,, ..n,,!,,,,,,. .if..,.! ,. i.iui, ,,,, i"ieu uy mm large, urn niniuaiu who passed away there. Ho had been i III for a )ear preceding tils death, Mr. Parrlsh waa well known, and for many )eara waa one of the leading law) era of Kaitsrn Oregon. Ills prac tice extended to several Eastern Ore- gon counties, and ho was associated as. counsel In most of the criminal case. I llo served In the state senate dur ing tho sessions of 1909 and 1911, representing the Twenty-second Sena torial district. During all of tho years of his res Idenco In Harney and Grant counties, ho made an exhaustive study of nat ural history nnd geology, and he gath ered n valuable collection of speci mens. He had part of hi collection on display nt the I.eAls and Clark Mir. The Jallir have been arrested, ac cused of "negligent homlslde." said Senator Moses E. Clapp of Min nesota, "la the tendency to reconcile people with a system allowing one man to live luxuriously upon their millions." He scored Carnegie, el pressed hope for "the day when In stead of the people waiting for the crumb from the heaping banquet board, tbcra will be a big banquet board around which alt will sit" Klamath County Spuds Promise to Briny Big Returns to Those Who Have Grown Them. Dearth Elsewhere INHERITANCE TAX 1 CAUSES ARGUING IN THE SENATE The Klamath country's reputation. potato market lu Portland at, the pras ... s si a. Unl Is t is anil Ini4lt(illiis a that l lis n potato growing region win m . ..."n ... ..... . deeper than the dealers believe. Dur ing the last few days there baa bees an actual dearth of spuds, and from lo Ambrose, Three runs. this last inspection Mir treatment ho accorded me, I would be pleased In know on what ground my removal waa recommenu- . Amiiro.e.Kinnar combinatien: vd, Very respcclfully. Clydo K. llran- Kocr po,e,, ,, ,0 10 cana, Lallk iii.iiiMni,, . ..r, ,... v.. ,,or twu j,ag4, aulton alrtick out; mnmnui r mis, lire, mIH i. olv alnalml. aiorlmr Pouter. Ainurnse, inreo runs. i - - , . , . . .. In tho second frame llerger died by 'encountered except right around 11 A,ln..KIn.r enml.lnntloni ll,m,t ' Jr- larlcll. county roads aro better than any we ort I safe agutn this year, for according to j reports from all over tho county the 'yield this year will be remarkably heavy. There I a smaller acreage planted to potatoes Ihl year than In 1912, wheu the yield was so large that the was destroyed. Although Tho United State Is tho world's mid '''rgest producer of motion picture "Klrst Anslatnnt Poatmnster (lenernl,'touk ,ocoml n tho attempt to throw fllm"' nml ho 1nnllty reported dur-M'oInt llopl, Washington. C,: lister out nt home; Motscheubucher !''"' lho ear Knrgnted more than "Demand stntement nf charges and "i.on. Klrat Assistant Postmnater'MIr and onen trial. Letter mailed flenerul, Wnshlngton, D, C.i Mill, llrnndenburg, Postmaster." I llarnipod one on the acorn, bringing in!60-000-000 ,c' vAAwwNMtAtt.AA I ti 0 ii mile, or ont approximately 11,' (I limit Can) on a Masonic Temple United Press Servlco PHOENIX, Arlx , Sept. S Starting today, and continuing tomorrow, Art loua Orand Lodge No. 2, F, ft A. M will use the Orand Canyon of Arliona market oi. a Masonla Teroplo, In which wlll'theru Is a smaller acreage, the crop be conferred Maaonlc degree on can- la so much larger to the acre that po illdatis of this Jurisdiction. The Ap-'tatoes will be plentiful. iirmitlrit dffrA waa ennrteil at thn Last Year a buniner snud eron wa .bottom of the canyon at the foot of 'tho order all over thn country, so nrtght Angel trail; the Fellowcraft i there was no market. This yenr, how on tho plateau halt way up the trail, lever, a scarcity exists other places, so mid tho Master Mason'a degree at Klamath farmers stand a chance of on the rim of the canyon., getting a good return for their work. I Tho following report of the potato Utah made a record last year of crop la contalnod on the market page (Continued on page 4) New York to Manila. enough to stretch from mining more than 3,000,000 tons of of tho Portland Jeurnal: jcoal fur the first" time. "A marked scarcity exists In tha a price of soc and II the wholesale) value of last week, the figures have ascended to $1,G0 and fl.tt. To4r the price was back to. f LIS aa4 11.11 C por cental, and appearaaeea ataksj K.. ..,' doubtful that value will MtmKt- that for some time, " S !( i "While the visible Oregon VV ' much shorter than last year, owj' A the fact that many of tha aaaall l era became disgusted with tha glsh 1912 trade and refusal to fiiH, mere u aiso a very maraaa aMtJas In all part of the Caatral Was, ) It la said, to. the 4riihl; Htm broker declare, that -th rJ the best stock this yaw M1 for the blghar Sftsea.lB which they kaaw Mm r '"' '' 'M I M .i ft -cttt v L .i 1 T4 X ; V' rl rl n !l il . 'A V'J IVJ