t"-f"l & &-.W- "' hti .Ail 5-ff My fjamtqtQ f l I" MATII PALLS' OKI L I-.I.WSPAPI.R PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS 5. .mru I.IkMIi Vtitr Xi. U,irvN KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1913 Price fit onto mie traw ' 4 New Haven Engineer Testifies Had Been Making Double PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD ARE HELD TO BE ILLEGAL -i maw mill hi: :. at itivn, UMIK l'i;V HAVH Urnilng i.f Jphhiip mi liiitiiMfiiu rimiiti' I- r.M.iinu.ii ruin iiic i lid nl ll.p IikIhi.ip ( III Allium)". Mun WIiii I'ihiiiiiI I lir litiniliinilliiii ... HiiUir I III- HimmI lllil Sot I'iimi-p.) AhumII.IK lit lli' l-. I'liltcd I'traa rVlli ('OArH'OOK, Kept r, llatry K Thaw will probably tw detained here lililll HppIi iiiImt I llli. Hip day li Into lie Montreal rnurl rrtlrxn hla rw I'liwrditiir Jerinnr u( New York Hit nut appear thla morning for hla healing on a ch-tite ul gambling, ..li.nip'a r.iillisd . lil.Ted hla up- p.rai.re. mid ii..in llirlr mutton Hip cbp mi uitilliiiiril until September llth. "Jerome may think tint Cut look la a auburn, ami that h can play mker l( lip want In, hut we will rli fnrrp Ihi- law," aalil Judge MrKrp, III f.ilitluullig II. '' "Wit will aim Mr Jritimn Itiat Iip can't play canli fur n'oncy here He .will bp proaeeiii-it In Hip full extent ii f I ho law " ' An altlilivll l.y Tliiwin llellr Mr (llniils. wlui Irarril Hip Immigration law. i -a nli irl it In tlni writ nf lialirai niriu Uaiicd yr.teid.iy. ' 1lil aurii. J thnl Hip hoant of 1 ill inlral'(ui ruiiiiiilntnniTa liml iirinrcil nl lllrKally lii lla lniulr whin II hi'til Thaw ili'pottahlr. Ilr aalil tin' hn.iril liiit lilnl no rnmiilalnl Willi Hip tiiltilntir nf Hip Inti-rlnr. u Hip law ri-iiiilrm. Itnjal lllulihiliilrm lrrl lliilti-1 Prima Her In. DKN'VCII. t'nld.. Hi'pl. A lllitlilaml (ii.tiiim-a wprp riiiiiiiion nlxnit Hun it Iniliiy. wIipii Hip Nallonnl (.'niivrntlnn nf tln Huirrmi LihIkp nf Hip ltnnl lllKlilamlrra iippiii'il rnr Hiroo ilnya. 0h-ii Ti'iuiN Tmiriip)- nl Oakland Ulillc.1 I'reaa Xnrtlcii OAKLAND, Hp.I ! Willi ninny Conat al.ita enteri'd, Ihe iipen Inurnii- tni'iit of Hip O.iklnnd Cnunlry Club alnrled here Indny. It la being held tiiidir Hip nuaplrpa nf the Nutlntial Ti nnla Aaanclatloa. . ra. I rnre.i Hrh.. a nti.i iiv fri.ni Hip rnurli, diilug annio ahopplug. Sixty Blocks Destroyed by Fire in Hot Springs, Arkansas; Tents Used to Shelter 2,500 Homeless HOT HI'ltlNIIH, Ark., Sept. C Ti enly-lho liuiidri'il peiiplo nrp home hli mid sixty litnrkii nf bullilliiKH are mi uuldurliiK ruin u n result of n llro.lhat Mwvpt Ihu imilcrn cud of Hie (business district last night nnd early ' tlifa morning. , .'Trio far s known, there were no . futilities, Thu (liuiineo will run rloao In 120,000,0(10. At 3 o'clock this mtirnliiK Hi" Ire binned Itself out at thn foot of West Mountain, tho southern limit of the city, Tho municipal light nnd water plnnt, tho high school and two grade WASHINGTONIANS OF HOUSE MIXED IN A NEAR RIOT Illlli;i: ( Villi CHIKX tl.MOsT cemi: ki iimws All.iiipl mi I In- I'rfit of Jaim-n V. ltr)MH to 4nll n ('.null.".!"!!"! In ixllu.lliui .if n) Ihmr.t IHiklim lulu I lie Niiltli llli.la, la OpNnl 1 1) 1'iillrniJiiHi'! til 'llii'" Aip III MIIll' Alllllllllllt Wlll-ll lllK''Ml I'ullid I'resa Hrrlr WAXHIMITO.V, I' I' . Hcpl d lieiioiincliiK Hip navy board which III' tpallgntrd Hut rlola iraiilllng Iriim Hip ieerli ul Mirritarr IMnlrl. if tliO iiaty department at Seattle, l.'iingicaa. man James W. Ilryau nf Washington thla altermmii tried In fnrre a run rll.atiina Investigation .. dl.,.,r,i .. ..., f ,. i ir. IturliiK tin- ilrliatr i-rliiit llryan. t'niii;rriiiian William I! Iliitiiilitpy i ml ('niKri'aiiiian Alhrrt Jnlinniti, I nth alaii lnni Hip Ctrritfi-Pli atatP. mnilp rrtnarka an lilllrr Dial Ilipy upip mi Hip itkp of o Dal IlKliI n Hip fliMir Allur n wllil lumnll, Hprakcr Clark finally n-alnrpil nilir aflpr much vlrhllna: nf Hie Karpl GERMAN CITY TO OWN HOTEL ttiNsriticrios wiiiik com.mi:.c Kll TOIIAV i:sTAIII.ISHMi:.T wii.i. in: iiiist ciass i am. IMXtllJ " "" I'iiIIpiI I'ri'M rlorlro IIKIII.IN, H-. ti Work wna bp- Kiiii-liiday In Hip City nf DulaburK. n Hip llhlttp. nn what will bu the Ural miinlrlpall) ti. tied l.ntrl In the (ler iii.iii pmptrp Thero hna Ikpii nred ul n Ural claaa hnlil In thn ill) Iur ii'iiic iIiiip. but nn on. curcil tn build It'iiwlnn In nn- fnuirnblp lliiiinclul innillllnna. The rlty council lhrri-fnri ilprlileil laat week to build It mid run It TIip plan w III tin e mi Iv wnlr n-i l.v .it l.er r t a In (IiTinaii). arhoola, court house, Iron Mountain railroad station nnd shop wcro iinionx tho building doitroycd. The rllltcns have formed u patrol In Kunrd tho ruins. Bo far tliero hns heen nn lootliiR reported, All bualtips has been suapended, nnd no street car nro In operation, owing to tho dcslriutlnn of Ihu power plnnt. All of the saloons have been cloted by order nf tho mayor, It U believed that tho city will aski tbo governor far mllltla tont to shet liV Ihn bnnielets people. s. who opp., Ihe Administration s Bill I Senator Oweu Senator Hitchcock Senator O'Oormun I ........r ...i.. p.. ..i- UP...UW..UC pf tin. aeiialP lime made up their uiiuua luai iiiu currency uui aa uuw i irriiivu win iiiu uu. aiiiuiik iiipiu nrpi,inl,. ,iln i iiamr nwcii ui ukibuuiiib iui iiei-(t,0 r.-nlalhp Hlaaa of Virginia, nn auth - "r "' "' u,n! 8"tor Hitchcock of Nfbniaka, and Senator O'tlorman of iw " pi '"" I'lr.iuom naa coiuit forth In piidiiraemrnl of the ""'XT"- TIip fight will probably not become InteresHug whllo tho Mexican situa tion bold the apntllKht. Hut iluce tho prpaldpnt ha aald ho ulslie ion 'Kri' lu art on tbo meaiuro beforo ad ijpiirnniont It Is considered In Wash liiKlon a light will bo had with the three senators mining tho democratic, jveuntnr against tho democratic prel- dent, i Cliiiuiioiiklili Mih-I Tninoiniw NI!V VOItK, Sept. 0. Tho first rtmiunl truck mid Held rhamptnnshlps umler tho auspices of tho Srandlna-lnn-Amerlcnti Athletic l.eaguo will bo Imlil tomorrow at lllmer Park, llrooklyn. Many of tho crack ath lete of tho country aro entered In a long list of ceiil. L. M. Sclinlluld, who Is making tho artificial stone for tho lion' eourt house, will leave thl cvenliiR for Los Angeles to Inspect tho now stnto armory building, which Is built nf urtldiUl itnno. Mrs. Schofleld, who lias been visiting here for tbe p.mt two woeks, will accompany him ai far a their homo In Dcr.sley, (TEACHERS ARRIVE iCAMINETTI WILL .,..,-. .......... ,- .,,....., r hUK YtAK ti WUKK sniooi, tti:i.it wii.i, m: iii.noinh a 1.1, vi:n Tin: tou.ntv mo v. IiAV MOIIMMI MA.NV I.IUVIf CITV TOIIAV 4 If lilamalli Call hai liptn more1 ::n Iupk" n any nncjulus In Hie ' at rw i4j it Ima Ixxn (duration, fr ptary iucoiiiIiik liuln liaa hrought I ( ilnKOfiira from otlirr lara who liaie hern pntaspil to li-nch tho linv It'a ami ollir aubjvda to K'lam nl Ii ronnty'i i mbryo clllicna. Mla llllila llroolc n, who la to teach ti Kort Klainilli. arrheJ taat nlgbt mini Corulns. Calif,, Mlu Tlit-rna, tl. -tnll ul... a. I... n I. !.-- '", J. , . ". . . ' (- in f nun i hi 147 iuiii ivil iur Hip Kott t lli ta Aa I lot rap. I,, litre from 8rn Jean to trarh thu primary xradp at Malln MUa Delia Major .tu, who la aim in tpacti at .Malln amp In on Prlday'a train with .r al.trr. ilr. a-u Marovlth, who i III teach at Mer rill They are from -brka. Mlaa limp Quail ., i iictrd thla t'tenlns from Mlnurarti. Kbp haa bpii riicacedlto taaili Ihe I'leina arhool Mlaa Nerla 'i'Kpv of Inde-I'l-mlt-ncr, who ll tearh th Kalt lo la alno due to u hip lhl pvrn ItiK The Itiatmctora wh. have been nr rUIn here during th. week are Irnv. Ing today for the dial Icti where thry nrp to teach In m-arly ticry dlalrlct arlmnl will rommrnrp Monday rnnrn Ing PETERSON BUYS L" .F COt'.VTV M'llOOI. llrUO CIIASKS I'lltirKltTV AT COItMMt ). i:(iITII I'lUNKI.I.V HTHiarrs I'llt-i THK I AXI' That Fred l'pterion, luperlulend-! l.llt nf eoutllv arhnnta tina fattti In tin. I ,imU(, of Klamath Falli wai evldenc. eil ,i afternoon when ho purchaied, 1l.ir,lll,.l ,ln t v Smith Ilealty com- '1'Hliy. I., Logidon property nt r0rncr of Klghth and Franklin I ,trte j I Tbo former owner of thli property. ', , waahturna. Waah.. and had Inttriicted Hip Smith Ilealty company In dlapoae of the entire property, lot, I...II... .,! .nm.,l-.n f 1.1 1...: ' , ... , ,lra ..Ur,nil w. ',.,,. poaieaalnn nf their new homo Imme diately. AGED CAPITALIST KILLED BY BOMB Ml I'LUi: TO IIK I'Ot'Ml Ol HAS- TAIIDS WHO III.KW I'.l THK hei'si: or SAN HIIXIO 'CTI'.lt II.WSK.V AT " I'nlled rie8Serlro j SAN IIIICOO. Sept, (i, At an oarIynirs, and whllo In Klamath Fall may .hour this morning Ihe house of I'eter' establish n branch agency for blai Hansen, an nged capitalist, lhlng on, tbo outskirts of thl city, was blown, ,ui with dynaiulte, . llniucn was usloop In the house at iiiu nine, uiiu was inmanuy Kiuea Thero Is no duo to tho perpetrators' tho outrage, NliHI AUAINSI HIS CONVICTION MAV (MltltV CASH IX) tiii: M'rin:.Mi:cot;itTS IT. H. .' pn llhil Will llp.taLtil for U'rilnpa 'lay. Hip Hi)' Sri lor rtrntrncins of Voiiiik SmniiiirnUii, haya Attoniry ('nniliirtliiK Hip llrfriino -Ohjrr-Hon U Mailp In Van I'lrvt'a lnlrnr Hon In Hip Jury llrfnrr ItHlHliK I'nltbd i'reaa Scrrlco BAN KUANCI8CO, 8iU C-Attor "py Wood rortb, rrurracntlnE Orew who waa yeaterday con- K'amlnatll. '',t,''1 " ou? coun' of H'0 Indictment ( rli, .(. :ik Mm with a violation of the .,,,, l)lc , wo aw, ,ajr tbat the1 line will be ratlic- hlichcr. Uailtp tbe coiivlilkn, be aaya , the ruic will go further. "The Ural ateu will be a motion for a new trial," aald U'ooWorth. "Tbla will be made Wednesday, tho date let for cntenclnc my client "I am pretty aure thut thli motion will be denied by Ji.4 Van Fleet. In ' that r&fo we will go to tho Federal court nf apprala, hlch will reach the " by l''U"r:. 1 nm tirItl.a I am poalHr," ho concluded "that i thl tribunal will retcme the ruling, of Van Fleet." Citnliic-ttl la the on of Andrew I CamlnetH, I'nlted Statea Immigration ' rnritalaaloner. Trior to bla appoint ment to thlf place, Camlnettl fir. waa a member of tho California lre. The defenae baira Ita hone of eralng the rne on IbP exceptloni.Ba,a,u,,lra,,un cu" '. "" "" they made to the Initructloni of Van leet. They hold that theie were somewhat blaied. FINDS PROPERTY OF SOME VALUE I ilk nflr If fll Mr 'I HAtT I'CltCIIASKO I1Y .WOMAN THIRTY YKAIW AfiO IS KOUSllDCSan "" e,, ,nd U""f l ,on 'before Leader Oicar W. Underwood UY IIF.lt SOX TO IIK t'U)Si: TO nad ,0 brng h heaviest guns to bear THK CITY LIMITS Coming to Klamath Fall to lookitnkcn nt(J BCCOunt ,hen ,, n0Uie i property bought by hi mother M ,0 m COB,l(,.ral!oil of curren- up ,m,rU tm, llll" J-" K 0-mnd .Royal waa astoulihcd to find tho prop- erty altuatcd a scant halt mile from the city limits. Mr. Iloynl arrived Friday, and at on co commenced looking up the rec ord.. "My mother bought this land thirty, years ago, and uono of ui had ever seen It," laid Mr. Hojal. "When ray1 'mother died some tlmo back, and tbe I property passed Into my bands, I de- cldvd to Investigate nnd Dud out just .what It amounted to. j I "I fully expected to tlnd a tract of! .land war on on the mountain aide. I utU was agreeably turprlicd to find lt so near such n thriving rlty as Klain nin rails. I sunniaKO aiepa to nave 'l. 1 . . ...-. -.1 .. 'ii uuuruii'u uuu cuuivaieu. Mr. Royal la the Oregon rcpresen- tatlvo for the Simplex and Mercer machine. I'hylclani say tho girl wm In per- I'rnject Knglnoer W, W. Patch of i .tbo Reclanmtton service leaves to- morrow for Lookout, Calif., where ho will attend a convention of farmers,) etc., called by Congresiman Rakor. TESTIMONY SHOWS THAT STEEL CARS WERE FURNISHED TO RICH COMMUTERS BY RAILWAY COMPANY Representative Ragsdak of Nortk CaroHia u-ASiiivnTOV it n nt. fi. aaaaaaaaVamKSbaSit nHaV,T "VaTMl jaW " t "- r aaHJ flaaflaaaaVlHPaK'' ,r H fHA1 1 aaaaaaRLlaaO ' aaaaaHD .afl aLaaLL aaaV 'aal miifl IrgUU-'Kepreaenlatlre Itag.'dale of North'!' 'h "J'nfdl'ur .,"!'? "" , ,. .... ..., ,tne ,ncr'V? of "'- of I" PU- re-l""'"""" "'"' " ' ' "'ngeri. He laid It had decided to mle the kind of fight which proved lo member of congreai that be muit be reckoned with. Tbo adoption of the bill by the democratic caucui, vir tually In the form In which It waa 'written, marka the end of tbe new 'reprcientalhe'a fight. Itagidale, a banker, elected lo con- Rreai lait fall, went to Washington training nau niieu mm to ueai wiin me currency uueitton. He could not convince 'many that a first termer, even It a banker, knew tbo queitlon. But ho "tn bead off tho new member, In tbe "fight tho house organization learned thnl ITfUFflilftlj In m man wlm must htillhA IUtntntr. cy queatlom. Headless Body ot Woman Found on Bank ot Hudson River, Half Buried in the Sand; Bloody Pillow Nearby CL1FFSIDE, N. J., Sept. 6. While puyiug, nova iuib uiuru.ua .uuu u . . .... t ... . . ... nn nn ueneuueu uuuy u. n wuu.au v.. tuv bank of tho Iludion River. Tbo growsomo discovery wus made, near the Clayton boat bouse, Tho body was nude. Tin torso was shapely, and wai we'll nuturrd. feet health when iho died The body was halt burled In t!j sand. Nearby were found, a pillow- case and a sheet, both stained with blood He Run II V ItK.NTixo CARS FOR THK VK.tll MII.MO.VAIRRH WKRK (1IVK.V HTKKL COACBKH KiiKlnrrr Sillier Tell UteraUte Cone iiirrrp (Ninunlaaloner That for a Wcrk llefore Hie Wreck, He Waa Al Muklnie (he. Hum lor Another l-ornnxXlTr I'llot Who Waa Hkk. Ilmilng CVinplrtnl Tudajr I'nlled Preaa Service J NBW UAYKX. Sept. . InUralato 'Commerce Commlialoner McChord thla morning recalled to tboatand En jglneer Miller, who had charge of tho 'engine In the White Mountain ox preaa, which collided with the Bar Harbor expren In jfjeaday'a fatal wreck. Miller, when questioned, admitted 'that he did two raen'e work for a eek before tbe wreck. . lie atated that In addition to cover ing hli own run, he alio mad th 'run for another engineer who waa III. ' 0. L. tlardo, general manager for the New Karen Railroad, followed Miller. ! He produced a itatement ibowlng tnat from Auguit 1911, to July 191J. ,he director of tbe company author- hereafter buy nothing but iteel coachr. A. M. Smith, goneral paucnger agent for the Now Haven, teatlfled tbat the railroad bad ordered "club can" or iteel, to bo tiled exclusively' by rich commuteri. The, ho aayi, rrnt them annually for I,000 a year. Millionaires summering along tho New tlaven'a llnei thus escape uln( the lanio equipment aa the reit of tho traveling public. The hearing was closed Immediate ly after this by Commissioner lie Chord. L ,. r7 jQiilts Grocery Work. Fred R. Dunbar today resigns from me van Hiper Hrotners grocery, where ho has been employed durlag Ho Ii preparing to re- ,urn t0 the University of Oregon when, ho Ii a member of tho Bophc- )regoa. Sopho- ImorocUsa It Is tho opinion of tbo autborlUoa , lhaf nn ulUmnl tiAln J ' - V . bnry tho remain wbea ta pimii 'v;' .."- doing so wero frlghtenod away, K i. ,rt 'A ' ,, M No tract, has bon feuM of, - V ' -; head. This afternoon taoirirorHI,;! 1 ' be dragged. ' 'VilMzfytf' tuvre a aw iur nuaiutvty ", to the Identity ot the dead trt'itr. tbe perpetrator ot tfco oHMC,1! motive or tho ptaeo waoro Itwtsi i TbtwJiiwi-wtt liwif na woro maaiswroa. ; tst m. IMF "W?4, -'j .13 i t. .-A x Al-J ' p '& .m r WS ifl M I ?,LW--. ." - i M