",t-' V. f, f "M V mi he 'lEttmttg UteraU PRINTS THK y NEWS WHILE IT IS NIWI KLAMATH FALLS' OKI'ICIAL NEWSPAPER tSK J -- f T izmcszx jwji.Tr j--sess?, v saaxt- KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1913 ClMliHi Viitt-.Vii. a, I AT Prk Fire Oaatea ' " r .f Immigration Board Finds Thaw Can Be Deported; Jerome Is Arrested REPORT'S GAME LANDS JEROME i(Kii:it in 11:1.1. iii. otrri'iru intsr riiMttiitnr mill Ni'.iH r Mm, IN H1 iIiik III T11I.C lllllO HlllllP In Ni-vt 1.1k. Writ' Indulging III n I. Illli' IV1111) Anil-, MiiiH'lllni K.m M I') I'HU-I I'llull) I'lNIII I'lllllllllllll ' N r.11 litipiUoiiinriil, In t'liii.ulii I I1II11I Pleas HetU t'OAIK'OOK. Hepl t,. Charged villi gambling. William Trnvrra Jimiiiii'. I lie allnoiey lepreMnllng lliv lair nf New York III III" tight lr Harry K ThaWa return In Maltra vtnii, u artiiilril t ml ay. Ji'iiiiim mii led through tin alm-l l u Inutile 1110I1, nml waa lodged In 111 II iri uplra Hip aahit' fell Thaw viim lodged In when flrt arreated Willi" waiting. IiiiiIiik to return a. . . -, I a ft. tft. . V... & dal HHivaliB ' '" "" "" ""," . ,', l...r a (irt..alMlllila.ltl Hkaltflll-11 III IllP- ! -- - " - 1 ami Marled n itauip of poker In Jpiomp'a aiilnmobllp Mlltord Aid rlilce. n tllllvll. t-liiB moue pn lt t wet 11 Iho ptsrpra, aworn out a riimplalut. Aflei Jrinnio "ia III Jail nn hour. Mnnltr.iii Mcl'co ndmllli-il lilt re lenio 111 lull Jptniup nii(it that IhU ain-it la a plot on the part of Tliaw'a ultoriii')- TIip trial of Jiiouip hua tivti et for liiniorrnw mnrnlne Tin- mavlmutii penaltr la a rar'a linprloiiment. Th- iiewlpaper men aay llu-jr weni plaltiK -niiy ante. Jerome, limy ile (Uip. lout 51 renti. Whm the Tlmw liPiulry n-aiiliied Ihla lunrnliiK, I- T Marerhal, rouimi'l for Hip Dominion nmrlnU, told tin- ill-fi'iim- Dial any attempt to rcalcn in tin- imuiUrntlou honrd'a di-cllon would probnlily reult In Tliaw'a d purtallnn dlrifl In Mnlli'iiwnu III Ulead of Vennoat. W. I,. Hhurlli-rr, llmw'a peraimal allnrney, acetua In think that It la only n matter of n few lumra null! Tlmw la bnrk III the Tutted Mate Hherlrf nml Mra. Low, II. II. Ilrew- baker anil wlfitnud Mra. I.en Jnlinaiin iiutoi'd n Hprluii Creek today, where'wi, lined 7fi and cost b) Justice of. Hherlir Low will aenn legal pnpera the I'vaie (lowen. j while tlm nlhera llsh, ' The complaint against Males was , Harry K, AiikIIii, superintendent In rhnrgo of hulldluK tho now court houso, la In Hun rrniicli.ni' nn u short mission of hualneaa, State Fish Car, Laden With Trout tor Klamath County, Will Arrive From Portland The atuto llah rnr will urrlvo from Iho north this uvcnlng, hearing a con signment of trout for Klnmuth county firi'iinm, This will bo tho llrat big Hhlpincnt of trout fry horu this year. There urn novornl vnrleliea In the hlpmont, urn! tho fry will bu dis tributed In tho various alrcnniH tioud Iiik rcatorklng- A number of cans of Iriiut will bo put off hem to bu sunt to crocks far liberation. Tomorrow morning tint car will bo taken to Chlloqtiln and Kirk to plant llsh In that vicinity, From there llah t rL-JL-.L ----- . TIDAL WAVE HITS CAROLINA COAST M M UAL 'Ill IN .tin: WIIH l.l.'l it, ir.MfnsT ll.iiiiiiur la llliimlitl Hi I I if .Mllllim IIhIIiii s,, Iiir to Hi I'i.i till Nit I. Ill- lliltl' Hi 1 11 I mli Alllmiiuli Milppliig ! Ilmlly lnmi"l mi 1 rnl I'ii-m IIi-miiiiI Allrr ll.ml I lulil- Willi Hip llliiii. nl UALKIIIII. N. . . Kept '. Meagre r. ,'orl rrirlml l,rii plan- Ihr rati 11 nli- nt damagi- taiixil by last nlnlifn linn Irani- anil llil.nl r- nt ll.nou ii'ii A hundred mile wind mid vlo linl ri.lna kwrpt 1 In- inllio atale. The wortl thmagi' .u alnuc tin- rii.tt. I Tf M-fiiur j'l-ranna wen- rewued flillll tin- ati'limer llcnrgp trll. off llatltra Inlet. Ho tar aa ran lia ncrlallicd there iri 110 falalltlci. 1 WAHHINlllO.N. N. Sept. S,-t, 'Wiielea. report, from Cai llatli-raa fi II tu autiitnhllnli' the reporta of In-avy fatallltea lit Orrarnkp, N. ('. Tlie Orraeoki- life aavltiit crew la aa- alutlliK tin- crewa of illttn-aied rtenill- el. Tim wrerka Inrludu on unknown HimlUli nil iteumer aahorp nil Orra . oki n Hire mailed arhoourr and n oiii-mgal achoouer. A rt with nn mam alandlnc la vlalblo ten mllea if I'.ii llalleraa BUTCHER FINED $75 AND COSTS "" " I'l-IIADx CI'II.TV TO t'HAIUli: OP I'MMl hll.l'linKS .N OMMss0,:it WAS Till 1'I.AINA.NT I'OOD ', COM- i J llnlea, one of the owner ot lh Klnmnth Fnlla Meat rumpnny, on ri uraday pleaded kuIII) In u rlmrge of iialnK prwi'rAllta III menla. II" nilidu some time ago by M. S. Hhrock, ite.iuty food nml dairy rommUsloncr llo charged Iho local butcher with using aulphllva in hamburger he waa Im'llni;. on Train Tonight will 11U11 bo sent to Diamond l.nko, Miller Creek, Spring Creek, I " Cieek nml other wnterwnyH. Tho car will return to Klamath Fulls ut 2 o'clock tomorrow nftornoon. It will lonvc fur the North the fullow Iiir morning. Tho stnto'H fish rnr la constructed especially for this work, und arrange ments nru miido for temperature, fresh water, nu air mipply, etc, for the euro uf Iho fish. Whllo tho car Is In Iho ynrds mnny local peoplo plan tu Inspect It. - Mwmr John Bunny, Comedian, Wearing the Smile That John lluuuy, atnr iiimedlan of the 'uiiulM," ha beciiiup n klliK. and thU l the amlle he orp when Iip lennied II It la Ihn atnlli- which haa made ,iin,rd of tl.oiiaamU lauch In the moilnic pkture ahowa. and the fair youtiK woman with Iho ainllu la to be a queen. Not. of oniric, n real queen nor n real kliitf. hut the Kinil and Qureu of Mirth, and they wilt rrlxu at Coney Inland during Mardl tiraa week, the lo 11 K of thi- luiMt popular iH-ran aide li-anrl In the I'nlliil State John IlimiD'a amllp had na much nt any IhlllK Im to du with hla i lilt loll In fad. It la probable tliut without hla mull" he would not bai hiin thouRht, nf for the placp. Junt na aonu aa lie ,,,,, ,. nmi,,. Mctor he otinounred l( ,d ihiweii Mlia l.llllan Walker a hla tjuieil. rllu la of the "inovlea," 'too, and lie hna n wluiiltiK amllc. I lliiuii and Ml" Walker are mem- ,uira 111 1110 iiMKrnpn oiofi iniii'iif 'ni'lienrlni; In the romedlea and porl- (l drniuaa aliiRi-d by the company for million plrturea. a ajfj fn n Tfi MAN Y lltAilll Ml nll I I llfllllU IU RUN TO ROUND-UP I'KMiLirrox rsTiM.vri:s thi: at- TCMiAM'i: AT THIS VIIAH'S Miow to 111: clesi: to 7.imn i'i:i'i.il ' ...UH.I It'SWXk? I..... r ..il .,......... v.. m-pi. o.-i.mr.r., ,iii" lomlng In very foal, nud from the, nt Indlnillniia thcro will bu mure1 jeS P zwsVV vi'Jg&gfaaaaaaaaaaaaaam aWj'.. J JW-T!Jae: lillBaBaH Mr''?- WlaaalB iClT( r' 'Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 300 woulil-bo world rhamplona'the, other nwnera. It la believed that red III Iho burkiuK content alone. Tho mind aiu iiuRineulluK every il.iy, nud rallriind ntllrlal who are Iu In poilllou to Know, say Ihuro will bo , 7r,0UH vUllora nt tho ltound-llp thl ciir, Tho O, It. & N, iilono will run twen ty special 1 rains Into I'oiullotun, and the Northern I'nclllc will hno about half Hint mnny, making total of thirty trains, Tills Is Iu addition to the regular open day excursions and tho special car which will bo coming from towns where tho special train ucrco will not be oxtuuded. Made Him King llMTlTli T1B PINE TREE CO. TO DUILD MILL l.llt'AI. MAN'AHKH !OIX TO IHIItr LAM) TO ( OM'i:ll WITH OTIIKlt OWMIItS 1'ia.NT WAS DISMAN. Tl.i:i WllllMll'IINrll, t'hnrlra Smltli, local manager of 1... iil. Trim I ntvit.nt rnniHrlltV. I lt HHV - - . d j ,.., .,.. ,1,,.. mni. lenvea in the mornlnit for 1'ortlniul to confer with the tompatiy .will immediately re build. , Some time ngo Iho I'lno Tree Lum ber company purchased several mil lion feet otetlmber on the Klamath Indian icvervutloii, They bought tho plant of tho Meadow Lake Lumber vnpany, und wero moving the ma chinery to tho reservation when the lire started. Most of the machinery was out of tho mill at the tlmo of tho fire, hut some o( tho aaws, etc., wcro destroy ed. Mr, Smith places the loss at ts.ooo. The Arm of doolie r & Son lost 10,000 or 12,000 feot of timber In the fir. BOTANISTS AT CRATER LAKE MIIAIIHI DIII.KiHTI.II WITH KI.VM tTII'h WOVDKIt liifi.niialli.il Catlirnxl ljr I'arljr W'lll HxM'anl III l-cturr Itefon- lii-nil lnit fnliir.llli-. i,f i:urt Sl. Silenll.t St III rimt xrt, Aiiirilian Indian nt Hip Klamath Akih) Ttiuril.i) Aflenimin 1 (Staff (orreipondent) CltATKIt lKK, Ore., Sept. S. The flrtt International I'hytogeo- graphleal etcuraton to tlalt North American territory apent yetterday .and today ciamlnlng planta, flower.' Hkfuba and treea at Crater Lake and ,ai:rioundln( alopva. Tbo object of (the vlalllne bolanliU la to gel authen tic data on the geographical distribu tion of planta; to atudy the flora of the country In Ita relation to aolla. climatic enndltlona and elevation, the Inter-relation of different forma of plant llfo aa It mergea from one type. Into another. Not all of their time wa apent on I'tjiila, however, aa each and eTery, one leenu-d vastly Interested In the) wonderful Crater Ijke. They event braved the rain norm of Thursday at-i ternoon to sail out Jo Wltard Island on a tour or Inspection. Their exclamations of surprise and ., delight and exprvsslona of wonder andi amaxemeut far exceeded anything the boldest booster baa ever dared to; write rof. Carl Schrotcr of 8lt.erl.nd,raro,, he'u f? ,lme "" br " bted Iho existence of the North ,0,1or1"ln,t W",ejr Po,,er. ?0,.h I' doul American Indian, f "I've been In America alnce July 3d," he complained, "and nowhere 1 have I seen anything that resemble. . .In the least the pictures one haa seen, I..r .,.. i.,.n. ! Ti,.i.. .',.... m. i.i.l f'l'lm- The wife opposes this, and her Thitraday afternoon Mr. Smith of .. w. "nrd took the professor to the. (Copllnued cs page 41 ' ' 11 h Agency, and when they re-1 turi'-' o Crater Iiko tho professor ndntli ed the existence of tho Indian. "T' y look Just like the pictures." I viM '-cnly more so." etctirsi nlsta are making a ti 0 the I nld State under the I cnal dl'ectloii of Dr. Henry 0. 1 ( 1 r va of t e I'nlverslty of Chicago. Tl'e nip tu Crater l.ako had not been Inrl deil In their regular program, Hid for It, they aro Indebted to the Medfonl Commercial Club and to l. J. O'flora, the eminent pathologist, whose lioidquartera are at Medford. Tho pcinonnel of the excuralonlsta in Itii'o men who have attained thi mtv plnnr.eo of fame In the botan ,"al cm! entomological world, and ttulr ft'ture lectures and poer on Onter l.rke. will be of great value to Klamath county. Those Iu tho party were: Dr. II. Ilrockmann-Jerosch, Zurich; 'Frau Dr. Urockmann-Jeroach. Zurich: i'rof, Adolf l.ugler, lierlln; Dr. ueo. I., Monois, .New linvenj or. uve raui m'ii, Cepenhagen: Dr. IMward Hubcl. Zurich; l'rof. Carl Schroter, Zurich; I'rof. T. J. Stompa, Amsterdam; Mr. A. (I. Tansley, Cambridge: Mra. A. Q. TnuaUy, Cambridge; l'rof. C. von Tu be u f, Munich; I'rof, Henry C. Cowles, Chicago; Dr. Alfred Dachnowskl, Co lumbus; Mr. (leo, I). Fuller, Chicago; I'rof. F. D. Clements, Minneapolis; Mra. F. K, Clements, Minneapolis; Mra, Alfred Dachnowskl, Columbus; Dr, IC. 1. Melnucke. United States for est service; l'rof. F. K. nutters, Min neapolis; II. D, Foster, forest Rervlce, Draining the Zuyler Zeo of Holland will be undertaken In parts. The first dam will reclaim (00,000 acres. CAMINETTI CASE DOES TO JURORS iiaiilv vcitmcT is i:.i'i:ci?:i nv tiiesi: who iiavk iii:k.v co.v. Miami WITH THK TltlAI, OK Till! VOl'.NQ )L L'ulti-d I'rna Sarrlco HAN KItA.VCISCO, Sept. C Kol IclnK the foncluilon of arieumenta In tl o trial uf Drew Camlnettl. Federal judKe Van Klfxl at It o'tlotk henin hla charm, to lh Jury. Tn Jury will aoon rtacu a rtr- diet, aay those who bare teen follow-' lng the caie. At IS o'clock Judge I Van Fleet adjourned court until Ii o'clock. 1 The defense made exceptions toi'0(eii t.mi srv:c Van Fleet' charge. Among otberi mivTiieii u .. -- - - thlnn ho told the Juror, not to "!n mon - d by ay m pa thy. THIS DIVORCE IS I 4P1IOTI V si U L , llllllMl II II I 1-OTTK1W AllVISiai TO I'llf.NK TIIKIH WITNESS LISTS DOWN, TllfS MAVIXd hOJIK T1IOCS.I ANDsi OK DOLL.4ILS J Some Idea of what tho cost of a' j,jivorCe IUt might run Into la ... ... ,, , ,., ... ... ' .-..- ... ..V .......... w. ..... ., enson written today, denying a change of venuo In the t'otler dlrorce 'suit. Action for separation waa com- lesiuv iu muv vvuiiix, unu are iu luvir early twenties. Some time later Potter Died an an- J V,J,?V . .. . , ... vcn witnesses there to testify for Mrs. Richard I. Hammond Dies in Portland After a. Husband and Following prolonged sickness, Mrs. Itlchard I. Hammond passed Into the be) ond at Portland et 11 o'clock last night. Telegrams rouvcying this sad Intelligence were received late last night by her husband and her broth er, Charles 8. Moore. Mr, Hammond and Mr. Moore left this morning for Portland. It U be lieved that tho remains will bo In terred there, whore the father of the deceased la burled. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Ham mond waa Miss Frankte S. Moore. She was born In Marlon County, where Mount Angel I now located. Her parents were prominent In tho early history of tho state. Judge William 8. Moore, her father, who waa a millwright of prominence In the Willamette Valley, and construct ed many of tho state' .llrst factorlea and mills, came to Klamath county In 1873, and he constructed the grist mill and sawmill at the Klamath Agency. When Klamalh county waa created Mr. Moore waa appointed cousty IS ORDERED SENT OUT OF COUNTRY T DELAY MO.NTlltLtl, WHIT TIIOIOHT nv. , IIKLAV TO IninilKratlon I'uinnilaalonrra Klad TImit l riubjrrt tn leporttloa for llnlrrlntf Canada by Hlcallti, tuul llrranr He llw Uecn laaMM Aiylum Inmate Jerome Leavea In Automobile Drllaallo L'nkjKnni ,u,lorUtUelr tliat Jisdaw CJerrato 'of the Una' beurb thl atlcrBCKM lunl tdibeaa writ, requlriac 'the 1'nxlurtlon of Marry K. Thaw te (court here Immediately. COATICOOK. SepU S Tba beavd ul Immigration thU aturnoon fouad ,h,t ,l,rr' Kendall Thaw waa deport- able from Canada on two eeuata: For entering Canada by stealth and for having been an Inmate of aa In sane asylum within Ave yeart of the date of his entry to the Dominion. " bor ordered the ImmadlaU deportation of Tbaw. An appeal rsi Immediately entered by Thaw's counsel. It Is stated that the writ of habeat con-lcorfu obtained In Montreal la bar to Immediate deportation. ..,kll ,k. ., A . . I ,, UIIQ UU IliV IMUU 4UWW Hm UiU cheerful, lie waa calm when ques tioned regarding the flight. When asked If he killed White he grew ner vous, but did not hesitate In replying: "I refuse to answer." Prosecutor Jerome, representing New York, left town In hla automo bile this afternoon. Ilia destination is unknown, but It Is believed that he on hi. way back to Montreal or jOuibec. Ariioua In 1913 produced 3S0.000, 000 pounds of copper. Long Illness; Her Brother Go North Judge, and he was re-elected In llll. He resigned two yean later, and VMt to Portland, where be afterward died. Mrs. Hammond'a mother, Mm. Mr guret O. Moore, la atill alive, aa4 K waa at her home In Portland, that she died. On November IE, 1883, Miss aioor and Mr. Hammond were marrld.,la thla city, th on l.lnkvllle. Tbr chil dren were, born to lacm, and) at these. Miss Bessie Hammond amd Mra. Thomaa Meldrum survive. . r.in'iiV.V'' For several years MrHlWBlM..' "' baa been In poor Health, Md sHf A'v" i been unable to realda at tala MN4 "AWi for any length of tlKtJ ' . i by Mlsa Deule Ilammoni, ah rttor J ed hero a few moatha'Morbtrt M-'VV weeka ago It wait found MMmqr't t take ber back to Portland. '2 hv ", , In addition, to. her, ulm4a0 - daughter, Mrs. Hamwot. U aarvlfM-'' by tier motner, two Brotieta, vaiiaw S. and Rufua 8. Moort, a'lltjti ,, ters, Mrs. Batelte OaMHattfllkl Mary V (Mote' gdM ilafBjt i j 1 0$ 1 1 i t i n A 1 M m wl b :-l " i v4 $t " 1 -y R."- t1Ll . . 'Jc'." !: