' ' r . ' t i ' ' , ?i;rWy ii. i , .. i ,w h4 ;: 801; ! ,. JPP1 MM - - JW : ,, fePffl " ' - . -"'. ML' . . ViVtl 4nV .WflB V I i. , J& Ready to Accept Wilsons nans . A tk ' )', J I jjt' . . ' J "'' Huerta Interior Mexicans Are Bitter Against mfliMM CONSTITUTION ATTACKED BY A GOVERNOR WISCONSIN MAN HCORKH LK0l.( LATORN Closing Hele off anhernalueial Vuafrrrare at CttlunMlo HirK Tkruwa IMu llr Cuii(iMlMi by UUmmtm uf MHievrrm WHh H'Ihmh lloimwa of IIIInuU, Ari: mmm mhI Ksmmmi Klly Agrrrti L'iilU4 PrM Mtrvlc COI.OKADO HI'mNtlH,' Colo., Aug, IV. Tbo (lovernor t'oiifernice. In Mlon bor, cobcIu1mI thl alltr boou with m wajorlly uf la wt lra irrallr ixriurbiNl ovtr an attack oa tb (t4ral couitttuttoa mad by Ouv.raor rranclt K. Mctiuwa ot WtoeeMla. WlUlan Mary. Vwaor of Utah. waa In ta nldal of an addrM ua tba'govarawaat of tha UalU4 Mates. aad ba 4ctar4 Ibat lb fraatara of lb coartlUtloa war ltmni, aad lha coBitltutlon llaalf waa dlla. "I don't," laUrrupUd Mcaowra. "I tblnk lha coattltutloa U lb Meat Uautlful acbana avtr laraatad to nabla UtkUlora to do aotblaf. "I favor small, well ald lilU turea, with lha members ao directly responsible to the people that they dare not disobey Instructions. i "The supporters of the present sys tem virtually say that tbey are will las that lha people be poorly armed for the fifbl of the masses against 'organised capital," ba aald la con eluding. Mcflovera'a vlawa war approved by Hunt of Arltoaa, Dunne of Illinois aad Hodges of Kansas. Arrogant Mexican Is Back to Earth 4 - J - tYafnnafff-BatM. .saaraBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSk bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT . mnni cm y ii trv H BE THE SUBJECT 'cOMMITTKsM WIU. MNsff TO AH- CERTAIN WlMHHKItOlt NOT KXAMATH FALLM JtMefM ONK. 1 1 4 MAY M.ND J "Will n woolen aalll be banatctel la Klamath Kails?" fci lha subject that Jwnf'b dMKuaaed '(Ms after noon by ,tbe manufgeturea' committed of in Chamber of Commerce, and Qeorge J, Ulest photograph of Huerta, tho Mexican dictator. Following lha .nu.r.ut that Mad waa leavln g for Washington. HuerU Immedtnta- ly wired him at Vara Crus, begging him to tarry, and ha la now abant ready to accept tbo full mediation puns oi ine uuneu wais Walton, J. W. gletsena and J. F, Ma gulre, the special) committee named by the Chamber of Commerce. The commJMewlll take up the mailer from tha laral standpoint, nnd will endeavaf Nls tt-aJji what class of people wm m ampwrea ny ina con cent, wbat wages I will he paid, etc. It la probable Ibat they may deeig ante tome of their number lo go to 'confer with Prealdent John P, WIW aer 01 ina company. The concern aaeklag entrance here Is the Hantlam Woolen mlHa. to let- iters to the Chamber ot Commerce tha Arm says It annaufaetnrea Meakers, macklnaws. weal matting and nut- treasea, and jwea between &, and 1,000,060 pounds of wool a year. employing from 75 to 1SS people. Mm fttwder Used During tha course of a day In Ber lin three-quarters of n ton of face powder, S00 pounds of black nnd brown eyebrow peaeJIa nnd 700 pounds of cold cream are used by the German women, They also use dally 400 sticks or red-llp-pomade. Hair btsachlng Is on the wane, but tha sale of hair dyea la Increasing. Four nnd n half tone of scented toilet waters and essences nre dally sold lu the UeraMn eapttal. THAW GETS AN HONOR-ALMOST .NKWHI'AI'KR IIUMOKIHTM NKAIt- l,V KI.KCT HIM TO MKMMKK MHII AM THK COUNTKVM HKMT KNOWN "Nlir United frees Service i'KOKIA, Aug. 30. The American I'ress Humorists Association In ses sion here, rejected Harry K. Tbaw for honorary iikembersblp by a small majority. Thaw'a nsine was proposed ou tho ground that he waa the country's most famous "nut." The failure was due lo the fact that he waa classified as a "chestnut," and so, of course, was not acceptable to progressive humorists. "Uncle Jerry" Sixty Years Ago Forded the Klamath River and First Entered this Country SAYS WOMEN NOT 6000 FOR JURY i )$ lha Klamath Hlver nl Chalk Point." 'said Alas Martin r president of the 'First National bank. "Uucle Jerry', na ha la knowu to ' bla heat' of friends, waa in a retro fanaetlva mood (his morning, and re pealled many of the exciting Incidents .iof tho eeuuty's early history, a large part or .which ha helped w the mak- i.i. -i . a "Uncin jerry" came with n party J frees. Centre.! Illinois, crossing tha hUU. Malik AMM A A. ...BUM ((When he reached Oregon the Rogue 'Htver Indiana weie on tha warpath i '-.but hie enlvaeade 'evaded ,them, aad earns oit te, thto' reglen. ' Mr. Martin waa a government oen- .f U... 0MM M.BHM HABMA A.kJ ft..... , i-wa, mm ,- treepa ana aaneuea irem to tha Lava Bade lor the Vlrf'eeatUt, a Mat,kwnh hla 6ARRIS0N SEES FORT SHELLING HICCIIKTAHV OF WAK IH DKC1D- I Ml WHKTHKK HIMTOKIO MIM TAKV IHMT WILL HK k'NUAHU KO OH gUITTKD New Minister to Panmmm A asBemBBBB ..ssanannnnnnnnnnnnnnBBBBBBBW aannnnnnnnnnnnBBBBBBBBBBBBBnnnnB ' eannnnnnnnnnBnnm. I BBSaBBBBBBBBaW ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ' aannnnnnnnnnnnBBBBBBBBBBBBnV f aannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaBBBBBnBB I i.BBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBl HUlJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm . MsssnmW'1 1 . SHRINERSHERE FOR CEREMONIES AND HIGH JINKS MANY MORK WILL AMHVBON r ' n t, , r, f- si . u Vit2(.t f. HUERTAB Iff tcUXTJit KB I IMIMflM Tn's"aaeama 4meBBanaew amseanVB'es' . dTPmasr an) eSaajf e'nTaHM( WanaiHB teT9JaBBee?P9er ! J-J-'-- r - ''' J .-p I Tfeeleea vaw me awwmsjne iseeejaa "The 'BMwwtaai hsundan In Mveaemi mm 1 1 V ' J HSsusnmm ami " wm-fj v- i . I. 3 ! . tm,iilniBi''llfs1rBnaT MsjskVtfstfM r r is ( ! -l" iMtf.l 1- i tr -. f .! '.'I1' .. ' : r ft - fc ' , - : . ... t- aNRwvBK) , ?:". .' iw i JJ ,w iit 'TW'- JT new ." -. " . -t ,i ..u-iyu. Oii ' 'VJD The Red Fen la everywhere la evl-i- 'deace today, aad the haslaisa heneea i i..;.ti: .j--i . j. ,... i " wiaeeaaBe inM - YfBjA CHUB), yellow aad .Meek, wmio rfsassam.'r. scimitara. eameis. etc.. are m ae aeeav. t evefrteaea:'' "f -'tixW: TM .-'- :. - A4 The eisaslea ef thin la. siea ef .Klamath Falss.br the" bera of.HIUah Teatnle. United Press Service ST. PAUL., Aug. . Llndley M. Uarrlsou. secretary ot war, tedaylS speclett Fort duelling with n view to orderlug cbaugea that will wean eith er the enlargement or abandonment of lliu oldest fort lu the Northwest, Secretary Uarrlsou Is "getting la" ou tho probU'tu of what to do with (lie fort where Secretary Henry Stlm sou. uuder President Tatt, "got ot." Tho old question ot whether Fort Snelllug Is to be abandoned or auM clout of the Minnesota River bottom land acquired to make ii brigade post wss up again today, Secretary Qsr rUou luspected the old army building on the Ml&alaslnpl Rtvar levee here, It was reported again today that the headquarter of the Fifth Brigade will be moved from Omaha to St. Paul. ) t "Sixty years .go today I forded , partner, Mr, U. R. Reamea, look an aeiive pari. Uncle Jarry", remember perfectly the .harrowing detail ot tha morning Captain Wrights' troops were wiped out an they sat at breakfast lu a little depression aear the Lnvn Bods. Not a man aaeaaaat. t'l waa with Major Drew la 'OB," said ''Uncle Jerry," "and helped to build Fort Klamath. Wa sane near building tha fort at Piae drove. Wa had ramped at tho springs there, and were mating pwaa rejr, euiteiag a fort, when some on suggested that we were not la the thlekeat pfUle- mast of laawaai so wa seat .' where Is now Fort KUmath." SV Mr. Martin' Is 70 yearsyoung, aid looks to be about 60: la much mere active than many halt hla age.'aad mentally and.pSjysteaUy, la apparaat- ly jnat in am prwte ItOHTON HtMKNTlMT, WU-OWINO I1IH KXPKRIMKNTH, HAYS THAT n ' kXfr9at mLnaaai i THKV HORN ARK MKNTALLV STUM- CAR HAS RAMBLED FOR FOUR YEARS OVKHLANIt HAS ' TRAVKI.KD TIIROt'OH BRITMH OOLVMMA. WAHHINOTON, ORHOOK AND CAUFORNIA Four years ago last May Mr. aad Mrs. KA. Cleveland of Alameda. Cnllf., fitted up an Overland car with ill tha comforts of horn), aad started cut on n ,caniplug anil sight seeing trip. Today they motored Into Ktam tub Fulls with the same car. having been nil over the PnclHc Northwest, spending one winter In British Co lumbia, two In Washington nnd oae In Oregon. Coming in from Crater Lake today they were Joined by Mr. nnd Mra.0, M. Poster of San Diego, old sequela tsnees. Mr. Cleveland aad hla wife will remain la Klamath Fella thla winter for the duck shooting, return ing to their home In Alameda some time neat year. "We are la no. hurry. Just no wo get home by the time ,the esaeeWloa opens will be plenty of Ubm.V aald Mr. Cleveland. v " JEROMyilTS HE LOST CASE . i THAW WILL RK KmPTIN JAIL . IJNTIL MM, LAWYaWhs,, ARC RUeY TO SBT.HtM VHIKR M OFlNKMr' si ff . William Jeanlaga Prtee, aomlaaled for mmleter to Panama, m a Kern-) tuektan, waorttveavat Oaavllle. the home of Seaater Otlle 'James. Hla friends describe him aa a '.ae Ohrhv" tlaa geatlemaa." He M seers tory tha Baptist Sunday eeheel tai'OaavMle. Of course he la a demeerat, aad has been oae all hla Mfe. He waa a dele gate to the Denver eeaveatlem'aa4 la a follower of W. J. Bryaa. About 40 years ago he was-Wrn la KeaUakr; and baa lived there ever sine. He waa graduated from the Central Uni versity, took n post graduate In law. and taught law there for eight years. He has naver married, aad la one of the eligible bachelors ef 'the new dip lomstlc corps. Arable Order Mystic the emtoasi, their anneal It" whRe.hete. thee 'wk" laetmls a , . '. .'..'...'.'. - namaer or aevieea aata tae erwer..'t-r -w. . ...tv . . "J- " .lree tke awvPannTVjajame BaaVvswalsB "apa - aamt ftan44W llanalB liaifai nantwAOaanml Jw Pfewa---Jei tsavw- fjkl - - - an m. , frees Ashland. Millirl, Treka e,--- "T '-w - - ' ww. -- - - - - --- . - - -Jf- .- . kin kaaa - tor -jae . ' msW Utm leeev am kaa)BaaulBeL mmt"mf " ' - w , . -A VkU ----' -- ----- !.. . 1--" -7 rrr MMmtlmnmmtkmnmlmmml Jctal-eaeCamiiaeea-Peen-JUeilsetj.AjL inmif jmjAu. aad adjacent points, ead'meaurefe . ta rttirWmWk Wrr . a - all sjvm ereamF vwaww t vwew eeesseveae aassweyemF espeeted ea thla afteraeea s trata. in1',. (l rns etwhme: at aU. ltM aeUave4 that ihWe.wm fVuZ' T Ti; . MAM tkme. AA WaaUftJMM ananMaVlai kendPak . . 4 - ,'K a .'' ? . .. by the heglra from Aaalead. -"t; mvlA KLAMATH LOOKS BEST TO CHRIS r OLD RHB11HSNT fUCTURNB FROM A VISIT TO MIS FORMHM MOMK IN NOMTHBRN GMRMANY ANB BKNMAMK Qermaay nnd Denmark may look good lo persons who have resided there all their lives, but Chris Died- rlcksen, after forty years' residence In the United State, found thnt bis eld hem WMjsomewhat healed the tlmee. Mr. Dtedrlckaea, who h .va Feeww ana sjgsjsjsaannaja anwam wp- ,-, .liai TanF uaesennw flbnft ana i 8nMamal Piannl .sMMal United Preas Sirstn, ', "A?najaBvg 4 V, - . I .'-, 'lm. . . -. . til Pee fenmBJHsTvl HW awBBJ VnBlaw K fdrlH aeeemnala "mm W 'feaatamai ' -k sjBBssejnvsj aanseamamF ewaj s ersejirenmsavmv' -ABaB SMOL. 4 ' , f &. r '.. ', ) 'Vi K4t a.. ' m,ia7jMjJ aVri"3l hahr .. . . -v; .J" ffSGa snnavsm aunsBTisBmB saaweaav ,. vh Ms saaanaa amlaai'' hm are eeag haaa wa ala r'fSl V J. t mmmmmr .. v Mam tin ..A VtW a! ai-rTam aaiHl-r.l-ind UM Order off IheHsbhm of .the -VlN)aaBnnMhBeamtMl amthM.,waraw Jisvenmrf 'iirmiYi iw i-l-i: At S o'eteck tomorrow morning 'tirtnresamslevhvel Lake Caateraar, near Maefcal, Rat eeeeoiand. Pavla, baa aaameal nagf J , t eAaa ansW nVnnnaaanm tnTaanak RmannjssBoaj aanmaj FfavaseaVgpep anaanmajsmj ATveavvm"sna anananms , j ' r . 2 see see iveeHB- ew the Shrlaers will be taken t4.tbe.Up- iaa'aomeol the traa.meera, Fvaa per uuie. wner nrrnjmni- nave been mad for n ateamorj tnearatea. Stop wll he made at aevefal'pahHa. ai'liuukMB IMWa ...m .t kl M ..M.mhw - m mw mm - - J- " .J ... . . v.. - , . .'. Kiaae Tavern. , i... ,, , sam.-ii The party' espeeta to reaeh heaa M lees ba a)'hmthmad.' TMa vHH Wftf t o'eleek. Fioia Vto i e'elert;tber)lewed y thi:eelal saejeaa f III k. . -' - -'-" af kkC J--- .1' "', 'J' ,'-"'.'' V . lodge la I. O. O. r. hatt. ' " ' v ffL WWIethi artaa ana ha i At I o'etaek the" Shraaer wrH. thessaa wM MoMj a sasadaa march la proeeaaloa oa Mala atreet.aala bail.1 The Arab Patrol of HllmhtTeatale'have been mad tar tale hr Urn I will aWo elv an MhtbltiM drilL Tarn ladles la ehara. a will be followed by a Hgat luneheen aoaM.erlgiaai at h dining room of the" I. 0."0. F. -,' Suaday auay af the vrnMata fMH nan. "-in ureter munvv : . v I- Promntlr atr7:S0 the Initiatory a villi' he taken I (ieremoalea wlM eemmeaeeVl.O.O. MerrtM TalseyJa slOfaMMay ..'... ., ... J '.'' ' W'"B pTttofattaal long farmed on Tule Lake, ha Just returned from a trip to the oM coun-, trtas-v i i ' , , i , .' ! "1 wilt I., though." aald Mr, Dtedrlksea. "that the Oerman nnd Dantak farmers have made great Im provements to, their land by using fertlluwrs, eUs Their crops aretWrca .urge aa l used to rememeer them." ultad Proa larvtea UOflTON,, Aug. av.Hugo Muaa- esrberg today auaounced that women are unlit for Jury, duty, He stated that they are not will ing 'to lletfcH to arguments, and won't engage their opinions. Thbumnounee m,nt cornea after n series of psycho logical experiments. " '' Ari Cn.Alex Shlve,' Mtrlau wraea nna ieo ewiyyi mm "f at Odeii ige, la quest .m venison, w, , i ! , Ualtedj Press Servlee' f ' v SHHRBROOKR, quaasc, iABg. II. -Attorney Jerome returned: from Quebec. today, ndmKUag that nla trkl to plead 'with' the 'premier waa- a 'fail ure. " ' Thaw'a lawyers are JuMlaat. They say.theaUeat' wlH remain la JaM until tnr .ara'reaay tm rwease aim, hkh'wllt W whenhehaa haa aatah- 7 r vfT. W1T' Panaawa Coinmlsslnn Qnk Because of the necessity of hUre- turnlng to the United States to, re sume the professorship of political seienee nt the University of Peaaayl- vaait. JJr.Leo a. itoa,aaa yisiga; aa oae.otthe marean,memeera atttha JohU'raan,emlla..,:Dr. Ro land P. Fnulkaer.,the; ether AmiHsaa c6mmlsslQhe'r7 retains hk'fpaeltlaei, the' "cmmllea 'is', to settle ,lalM aaataat tha Untied State la eeanee- tlon with, the ooastriietloa , of 'tha . ?h "' -iV' y Z" TTt' , iy,'i f VlbWa, to'CltyKAfWa 'VmM Uk klI7kHukr.u:u aad' slsUr. Dr.a4MW;XriiTTUiv'nr..Wami WJA7f5Bt emee, ' e m - mawpe an wmw List ol TmcI ws lor the CoaiM " ' ,i, 't ' iS . . I. . w' . Teret dl Scliool ta Kliiwtl Coarty t$ VOI '.i f V ,t . tfrt Cteleu.TefisCHtwetS K w. Work of kelectlag the teaehers for i Peel the dlferent school of the county has been completed;' aad the list com- plled'by the, .county scnee! supkrln-. tendeat'a omea. . U v In snM,.f. thedistrhHa. Ik term opw.M.ondayrTh.akJtrof"ta achooU, .though, VrlUaat aampigsa aatH a week . &Us'y& 'Already the teaeaer ..wnehave been' aeUcted'artmlns' la KJaassAh BFWWrem weFwm''pm en, av w waawesjsnm) sew oswsBnmnrw FaUa 12. take ap ttmirvjaatjij v. A kwaamte,4 HetotUoa 'allMil yA- ,, Kmaesbh psM. Aj? ' vR,)H.;DaMir;;oltr uiiilaialat. .s0aatal 'WtMnUa-Mnm Oeil M, JkH.BaAfWfOk.'V Waa f.Auasiaia . Faahaav . k... .. . - aymafV j -.. ' " .ttrf. Mm CaRejan ams Barbara, OaHf.1' Irsliiili ialwigl 4 D.;o. Morris, amaapaA. OWs,, aaamW, rai)in.i'; -. , y AaW. VetMkar. ajhsh, , samaamat Fpewr anawsysnaBaaanugsaasajsmn; Birhil .Hssia ai fav-- 'evayw vam an Myer. jy ; Ham IV. j , I .. ll 111 " i !l : .. 11 j1 i ' f.. .l...? .-. k - '-7- w'm. lilt., tmrnam watt m r W.w" Tt I3rUXEaS.TtvT?.un' SaL'LmSi ktK.i' ', -- - - '-; ' f- '' t-fce.aaJaunikM J Kaaav. wbmhmi V"t',I5 5 wSnll eoaahyi.Mass ifsjaatBasaavuBmaa wr Mlaa fMflQwi fpiE QlaaUa fVidnipaBVlBafMelslBW