, V ,1 ,- ' i ' - ',- ii"?-' J? r t," ' k ri y r .. . yj j s ., V K v V '. i fi i'' -- i i . ;ri" ' .r i , I , IWi. . 1f . pMh .V'A Vteli :,i' m " OVF1C1AL NBWRPAPM S " fOR, CITY OK KLAMATH FALL! She .-- .4'' jft iajw - JIM 'v. " allln iAMIA I c f,M yk 22EEEXS H.-arrarAB a a a v & n -iosts vHH I i'lBI tan aaa BBB' "- JnaawraL.1 Mtimmf m aW ? , . iJ : - , , I - Klghlii Year No. ,! KUUUm f-IalaV HiHo.VKftfiAY, Avavwr r, iris -i a " 1' "m " '',,. ' i' i i? v " , ',.' ; .1,11. ", ' r '' i ',' "-.' Wilson Favors Withdrawal of Americans From Si tf1 A:' . - '-r " STONE SAYS THE RATE ON WATER STOPS 6ARDENS ATTOH.VUY 1'AYOHM MUNICII'AI. I'fiANT hi:hk IMITrMiiii' (h III KWtVN Clmuvl Im roitlitml iihiI In Mmimlli KnIU U .UloiiiiiliiiK ljrri Hit Hjr llt litN I'Immic, l.llil, tin Mil . Water rur WIimI lln I'mIiI lor WnU-r' Aliiint llcit IjtHii n l.uury o AiuMillug lo C. I'. Htonv, who Im J Jiikt ii'turiiiMl f rum I'oitluinl, wliru liw urroiuimiiUMl hU fuuilly lo lliclr uuw liumi', tlio KlnlP iiitttroimlU l u' iiiikIi OiuM.'r larc In which t llvu, Ihuii moat or lltn MimlliT Iiiwiim or lh HnU'. Mr. .Sloan lisa (rriircd n vcrr iilco lioniu imi ICait lliiriuldo ntrl, with u ood jnwii, and plenty or towti mill Unworn. Ho vruii u niiicli urirl til man at thv illrrriico lu tlio ilivrKut lor inililfc tilllltlpn In I'ortlainl uvor wluit liu hail bci acctutomeil to imy In KlninHth VtlU. "I urn cvttlm ttloplionp, water, IlKhti anil ga (or what II coil niv lo Inlialo tit) Uwii titr." talil Mr. .SumV." ".My xtr hill for (rrlgatles ami liouholil ptirikvs frow Auiut 26 to October I nmounttd to Uu cvnti, uud I huvc th relpteit bill lo lruvit It. "It U no wuiiUvr tlio homm nui) )urd lu Klamath KalU look o bar i fit and dry. Tlio eol livrv limply loimot afford to buy tho watvr with which to grow flowura und lawW My wuler bill umiI to averago about S h mouth, aud thvu I iUX not uit all that wna neftdvd, Tho amount or watvr 1 um Uilng In I'ortland would coat l or 0 u mouth lirrv, und you do not liavo lo buy a mtr." It It iulto well known that rntr nrt- lowvr In I'ortland, iiartlcularly fur water, than In other part of tlio niuia. Tills la uccbuuted for from the fuel that Cortland owna Ita own water ayatvm and auppllea water to Ita rra Idvnla practically at coat. The Deputy Sheriff and His Assistant Who Caught Thaw n'jHPP H PlHW;Ui.fHn HjBKjJgHJgBK-l i SWISS FARMERS BUY TRACT IN KLAMATH COUNTY ,HHIV;K RAI&ar, SKAH MIIMiAND, M rUHCHAHKI) IVimivr KrahlrMU of Hl (1am Arc Murli frMljHartlf' With Ktamalh .'oua4y'a Kammig anil liahrytag IVio'vtOIIHlea, m Hay Tliry llrUere ; Moie or TtKlf Cottmtrf-rm Will Com Hero ( Makr Their Horn, PREPARIN6 FOR BIG FAIR HERE IN SEPTEMBER U'lM UK A CIKA.ND HTRKKT C'AK MVAIi Tim beginning of what may be- a HwUb Colony here occurred Tlila la Deputy Sheriff Kelaty of. New llainpahlra and Mr. Coleman, hla aialitanl, who trailed Harry K. Thaw, tlie eacaped lunatic from Malteawan tin) turn in New York. ,Aa" tho train liearlng Thaw In New llampahlra waa moving along the Canadian border Thaw aaked Kelaey the name or the f : Utllo Jim Jamea Thraaher, broth tr ol Harry Thraaher, arlved In Klnm uth KalU laat night from Oranta ('ana, and will accept n position at Hhlpplu'gton in the lumber ullla. "Jim" I alx feet four luchea vhorl, nud U known among hla frlenia va "Khrlmp." FIGHTER FREED FROM THE BLAME MUHT HTAM) TIHAI.. HOWKVKK. I'KOHKCUTOK HAYS TIIK (HUM) JURY Wll.li NOT TAKK TIIK MATTKK UP United Praaa Berrlea IX8 AN0KI.K8. Aug. S7. Aaalit- ant l'!trlct Attorney Konl today aald thero would ha no grand Jury Inveatl gtitlon of (ho death or Hull Young, tie heavyweight who died rrom a blow In a right with Jvm Wlllard laat Friday night, aa all the evidence will b brought out at the trial or Wlllard on a charge of manslaughter. Wlllard waa etonerated by the cor oner'a Jury, .-'Vf'fi. ? Civil Service Examination For , Bonanza Postmastership Will Be I Held Here Late In Coming Month romo .Tutaday when a deal waa completed whereby V. T. fihlve sold hla ranch thin side or Midland to John I'. Ro- uitellluo, Qlueeppe 8. Itobustelllao and Malta Delfa'ttl. The men are here from Mountain Vlew,8anta Clara .county, California. ; The ranch Is two mile tola aide of Midland, and coastaU of 200 acres, of which 17tf aciwsjare under the ditch. The price paid waa 115.069. . Thfi nurc likaaM 'irn SarUa. and lhv rounty aat of tho county thnnd their counties, who hav. le.g which they were traveling. The man K,,,, kn0WB Rmonf eu. looked at Thaw, and holding tho copy 'teMt dryawB Mi -Urm0n , u Of a New ork paper which bore hU'worWi httY. re(af ,B Ca,Uuf. I.lctiiro, rwnguUvd the man who lt tor tomt t, sike to him. KeUey and Coleman, A mt jlweXf the trlo caIB t0 ioiiwru .in., on i...u uau. .au Klamath FatU tb make an InveatlM. him arrtstea. . 'Ulon. and they were so Impress that thoy made .thla purchase. They oe- iits that other countrymen will fol- ,Trt"-thcm.beralMai tharjMar.eCtfce loulbllltlea there are la store for (those hojudlclously follow the agrl Irultural pursuits. cavalry mm OUT OF HORSES DOCTOR I.AM1KI.K VAI.I.KY IUXCHKIW' AltK A.WTIIINn IILT I'lUHKUl AT TIIK ACTION' OK MKX (1KT TIXI1 V. H. AltMY MOUNTS J (Special Correspondence JI'IIYKICIAV. t'NAIII.K TO RKI.IKYK l.OKKI.I.A, Aug. Ztf The stock' , ..,... ..,.,., In tl.la of III., rmmlrv and nurrwilUl 1A l SHU , U. HIVH , Sa j'eaa vaiv .wv j f w SICK BY WIRLESS In fact, alt over Southeastern Oregon, nr probably the grouchleat bunch of Individuals at this time that It would bo possible to collect together any whore. Sovernl weoka ago notice waa sent out that Uncle Sam wished lo replen lull hl slack of cavalry and artillery horses. This gave the apeclflcatlona of horses required, and said the buy era would bu hern August' 15th to ac cept thoao meeting' these apeclAca-tloua. Accordingly, although help was 1 St'l.TH VIA MARCONI HfHCIAUiiT laUl of KtliMilln at One Certaha I'late, Boo4h for IMsoMfa WW Re rtulk Alea tlie frbtcHwl Bwlana Htrevts Money WHI 'Re level K. rUklrely for RewanUac Meritor Iowa Fariwera for KaTerM i I'lana have all beea made" for the county fair, which la to be held la Klamath Palla on September 25, 2 and 27. The attractloaa will be la the nature of a combined atreet car nival and fair. The city council will be asked for' tho use of Mala street by the fair board during the three days, and It Is proposed to have all of (he ahows and farm exhibits oa the strtett. Tho board, which waa appointed by the county court, to hare charge 'of the fair la composed of Geo. T. Raid in, J. Frank Adams and Jaaaaa Pel ton. These men are aow .busy auk Ing up their premium UeL '"" Klamath county wit have flue far tbiaBHrpoM, and It la proposed ta offer prises only forauch etock aad produce aa has been prove, adaptable to thla section.- These prUes will be of auMclent site to Justify the people or the county lu brlaglag la their ei hlblta. No money la to t wasted la prliee forfancy nroducn or aara a u h0C-Vbaaleredv wise . to eaeouraae froaa practical, business staadpolaL Instead of circulating a auaeerip lion list to raise; money with which, to buy lumber and erect booths oa some vacant lot away from the buetaaM section, each bualneas man. la the re tail section will bo asked to build aa exhibit booth In front of hla place, ot business, Just outsldo tho curb line. These booths are to be used to display tuc exhibits of frulu and products from tho country, l One ot the big features of the car nival Will be a big stock Karaite aaf k - r ., nrenoon, Quy Merrill baa Bromisad1 "LET ' FIGHT -Mi THEMSELVES,'' IS THE TREtO Of V? M I..U.-- " .: J ." ' ' JH1 I W ' S r ' '-.. 15T1 . :Ji..--' -.i. .m 'BaWnTJaTll tfit riWIMv A. ) .i .. ".-, .. 1 v. .'. rt I H r. I . " lr; .ia-M THE SPECiAl 1ESSA6E REAfl Ti 1 i- .-- . tANHJliAMi" iHsaMaWNMal . ... ,.-' SHRINERS WIRIN6 FORRtSEJiVATiS! ATTKNRANCR AT CKRKMONnM OT KXAX. MILIUM TNMFIJ. TRACT HCNDKRHtt TO Aia mho , ' :i J- y VSTB Kver .nail U braglag reu 'tor room reaervatloaa to the hotels f ragfl people ceatemplatlagalteadHtg tka pilgrimage' aad' cei cUeates' ormttaa Temple, Ancient aad Arabic Order at the Nobles of tbeMyatk Brlae,.i):ke held here' the latter pt oc'tai weii. Froaa yreeeat appaaraaassr, teya- tendaaea, wlH. be larger , by - far, thas); akt.M-l ' '. ' 'A" 7.f'il v .-' ; ahish m iaa aaaM.at niaaa pie, so that city will 'have : a" dajegailoa hare: la ; wnxAWA; li "' .."'V .-; M to NMiaM B ,x,r, Bi'tlMjaJk s& 1 r,afrfl . h. ; .i.- t.t '"a f -,) aaaBBBBaTM t' . J II . ft ' rry v .-- ',,, . , .. T) ' AmuUnmi.'jiifiif a t ; Fraslliat1 Wltsa- '-- eatdl la Um klli "1 -- ---' tlUm9f sivkgakl '! aa BaTjraiaal I i tMaaMva M jMtlfMia M . , . kadf JalteV gw '4- m rtfl Nam (t. 'S SStSSSi lllillllllaagBa TMH 'kk tg-a a-a fc fU -r-. 1 iH aW laBV RfJilglll tffflHHsVHgV aW JjjggKbnHM addlttea., 'Ihewta ililii (sMMMPfc IpiwWISnffl - - MtM amiaa.laaaRigsann araa tas katk sa -saadVli,latSn : Wajale fcr; t L! , , ', M-ar IiT -Z!-' J j. -II- JJdmWWi ana-maw waa t ac a m. iage ,- jyi uiilaMitiM -M aaa arrlvl .JL- . - i3L'.ir j PdeavlrtaAa' lire 'attaaa'a. W fiaiaaal ' , I parts of. Boutiiera Orsgaa 'wlH. b rap. reseated,- aad burg .will saaci CaJJforak Mrlaera arc eeeatac'u Mm seaatoao. " v. tv - -'1 ' Jaeea Hurt aad O. J. ; ed. mat ereahiK:frai-Aaklaa4:ta take up with the. local Mrtaera; the. matter of arraagemeata. - ":j The tadgeatea aad ' their frleada will arrive FrWay, aad the faMawaHj morning vthey wll tour ta Vpf Lake, stopping for .luaea at Ragle Ridge,. Upon their, retura to Klam-i ath Falls a parade will: be held. Tate will be followed by, a. Ing of the, Wirlasrs.'waaa a. of caadMatM wlH aa tahUaiad.: ;J suaday, maay f ta yartr.'rlgi'aa to Crater .Lake; a aeM aataaiahlla rate havtag aaj ftaadfarUm tria. unueu rreaa aervie 8YDNEY, N. 8, W., Aug. 27. Once more baa the wireless bees brought into play ta save a life, and It has proven successful. When tli steamer Wlmmera deck ed here today the ship's physician told of having exhausted hla knowl edge to save one of the passengers, vho'was desperately III. During an iiivn.. ,r ..n Mima iih . ris'inp. ..MHAUjto aMilat with thla attraction, and he For tkpa at eeilac taata.lla laJba, .says he believes he can nave 3G0 head ithe'eatertalameat oewMta aaa ar or.atock la Uae. This wll laclud. the raagada trip through , ta afMrMI The llriit civil Niiivlco iixtnnlnatlon for n tKulinnHtcuhlii to ho held in Klamath rcuinly, follow Ini: tho ruling "' o(?l'iatiuuMivr (linoitil llurUuoii hus Just boon aiiiiouiu oil, it llt be held ' , Hoptiiiuhor iiytli. ( cliooiO n ioHtmus I it for lioiiunta, I'liu following Infonuulloa regard- Ilia) It Is tlvvn hy tlio civil surylce romnilHsleii: ' "I'liii llivlttil fllatcH civil sorvlce romnilHafon iiiiouiice;i timt Huptetn ', .beir.a7. 1013, nil ixamlniitloti will bo 1 hiMd at I'lniuatli Full:', Oinuun, ns a .result ofvli(,, t la expciti'd to mako cyrtiltcsUi 11 to fill u toiitcmpluU'd vatnucy In the pcliloii of fourth . class iioslnir.utor at lit jiniia, Oregon, ' nid other vai;iti)clea aa' (hoy tuny oo 1 c,Mr at that emeu, mri It U bo . decided In the interiMh of the service to. til) tlie vacancy byuelnatalement. Tile compenuhtlon of the poetmuster a,thls omco' w 1081 for th last iMal WiinxV ,' mmI ttvtr tMi.ikrt -' 1' "i ,' - ' " , 1 '4 dato of the examtuatlon, with tlui ex ception that in n statu where women nr'i declared by statute to he of full iK for all purposes at 18 years, wo men la years or ago oa tho date or 'ho examination will ho admitted. 1 "Applicants muat reeldn with In tlio territory supplied by the poat oflU'e for which, the examination Is An nounced.' '. I "Tim' nlttalnnllan la niun in ! ittlxona pf tho Unlted'Btatea who can lompljr wth the requlrementa. "Application, forma and full Infor liintlon cnncornlng 'the reulrmeuta of tho oxninlnutlon ean'be secured ri'oiu piu postmaster at Bonana anil tlio loval Hocretary a Klamath Falls, vr from thu-llnlted Btatea cvl( aervie loiumlaslon, Washington, U. 0, ' ' "AppllcatlonN should' be properly tXMUteil and Died with tl(e camnits hIou a( WAHhlngtou at least aevea Uaya before the date ot examination, otherwise It may be Impracticable to xamlne the applicant" v " i ' Htarce and Iho haying season In ful!-xchange of newa with the Mahno, swiug, tho ranchmen spenttmuch of r, tho summer In riding for tbeso horses and breaking them for saddle and harness. Ageuta of tho government, or persona purporting to be such 11 go 11 Ih; have.bieu around locating the dlfforeut bands and designating such animals aa would Mil tho bill, which uniinala ,havo been kept lu the paa- turcs or burns and fed hay. Tho Inspector' finally arrived, af ter several delays, oh August 20th. Th ii)- wcut Drat o Uly, where about 180 horbt'd woro gathered, many of; which hail bvon, brought In from n dlbtnuro of ovur 100 miles. Theso oftliluU, uterly disregarding tho ronulruincntH upon which they, hud figrued to buy, rejocted,on one pretciiKo uud nuother ult buf nine out of the 18q. A llko proportion waa solecitjd from other plains vlsltod. ; Hlx waa tho total number'' picked from l.uugoll Valley. 1 If au elephant cn roll n block lu threo-qiiartora of a mlnutohow long will lC be before. Uncle 8am can pur chase cnynlry homos again In thla ajtatrli.it h 9 Nohodv Bttema to know. who la'to lilamo. whethor it l .theae oRlulala or their agents, but wedou'wlshthei any eaa luca, anyway, jwa they.ehok. ' ;' . -r - , -n - A .' oulVatd bound from here, the pre' ciico of a aieclaltat on 'hoard the Ma lieno waa made known to the Wlm inera'a doctor, who aaked for advice reenrding treatment of. hla patient. . . WOULD CREMATE ALL THE FOLKS ' WMUCTV OK CRKMATIOMH'IM IN MKKTINO AT DKi'ROtT WOULD MAVK CATHOLIC CHURCH KA YOU TH1K f'ROCWW , nkTROlT. Mich..; Aug. 37 The Nrst annual session of the Cremation Society of Amerioirmet'kere today'to dlscuaa asystemutlc plaa far tUetrlh- lutlag propogand to have ereaatlea supiuant bujjat 01 the, dead. . ine uremftiioniais wero, formally welcoBiedbK'he. mayor and other city. pMolalaY, The;moet Important ,'reieiu tiba'atthajtleJeV taaajr .waa that urging "the ,Cea"gregaton.o .the laukiltloa .(it, th ,Rat-WiCthlc;Ckurek tte;ry,' nneat blooded draft .horaea in the county, big mules and dairy, aad beef vs,..v. iw imr uoaru will maae a particular effort to encourage the dairy stock exhibit. STOP TRAPPHI6 ON LOWER LAKE a I.RW1S 8N1M ORlHOt M-a tia! SCARCITY OK AMMALe) IR TafK HKAHO.V KARMERa) CAN'TrUf KOU 1'KOTKCTION ceaatry. V' Ta addreaa Waattai fertkejleateaa iMila, iMti expreaeea swsme th outleok for, ."r. m ta for peae "Wa ha'wRed tteanl erraaatecr. ,kntirH tmm wataiL?. Ta ttani,ili-ai Citr.baafrWii Haafaetof ar aaaea. ,". aatd ta niiiaji ga pwt ;: 1 1 Uxcept m caaea where far mars, are j Injured aud muat aeek protection, trapping oa Lower Klamath Lake la t fa KIiIiIaxI llila' ...... a I 4 uiuiuucu i" vi, aci'oruiug 10 tue, louowing order receive by Warden J. J, Kurber from Agent I,.Alva Lewis ot (ho; biological survey; "It has been definitely decided, ow ing to theirapld decreaae of furbar lug'anlmaU aa'ludleated by, reporta of jrappera:- lKit(.no trapping will -be allowed the coming fall and winter, on, t'ower' Klamath' Uiko reaervatloa. vf , ','lu caseaWy of the 'furbearlac aat. mala may bo doing damage, authority may be grantfd )wu'o kiue permlta io uwuera oi private laaaa'o iap ror taeir own protection. v ---,. r Here ' Vreta Calr . ff ' rf'!. !??. Yea- - WtHlai ueaa Plum. (also known aa "The, Col omfl.!' and Fraak'Kltkiareiaere from vr- .?.-; !?, TT",wVT.,";,'f 'V" araMkaagmajawiMt ?L3w ' liJwllaM to twakwa Mft MtaM&iW -MMHMHnnMrdMMtiaaailNnll(.ii " .i" - - u "v. ,'1jb-ib em aaaa -f v v a Of THfisIS to MoAhs. if Tak i t,', ' f la .3 ! " - ' '., a . Seclroo, 0 a I A,feW;"wiee4wakW' 'of tie'.eMi- tatn'ueUW'iaai mttnltv ttr. fAlBl.itULv'i m ftT work' lu " conjunetloa. with BJeklyeu county ta the bulllag of a permaaeat road from Weed to Klamath FaJJa, entering via Lower KlaaaathiLak and. Merrill, through'. ;e'magiCiat Merrill Valley. " ' ' "Thta road," aaya . B; Hall, who lnoue of the men behind the projeet, "will mean ,n greatly ia'creesed au(o tralllc Into Klamath county) jwd 'wti bring vUltora over a routettaat".wlll show' the greatly UlyersiSea, Ia4utrtee 6r, the county.' TbW ' will aeeVue orcbrds,t'the;grala'ele,ldia1,' the fruit and berry farma.'tae aair aeid aad the grailug eattle.'the'truei farms and the celery .aeiuiV lk fast; they will see la greatet;agrUj4l ZMlmb& V-Mere. thee th. WktUaU --U k, branch road Into the WwkaHul'aftTav "ST"! :"?.". W V.. "" rejig ol,aa(-aiUat(tWtt ------ cie.V-ttAr jravffB'Baa-itai -- ' - , A jM ; vary, fw. Ittiriaia aj, : R - wouM,'ae'a mat 1 7" a.- .- . - oeuaMr ta aaaa.M thie ' wiii&W mm w$$m tmuwmmmmtmmi .: .a-gn h - iiM na 1 7:?J mt-'M . eai'ehatr gJia 1 lfcdi laV ttkat 1 am After rsomlM V.Mr ----- - ' - ' -' bmberleeaaerir. aadUeltejr try aa efldeaoed ay 8h!pelngtooVAlg4 At' Horlua Caaak. WUUaaa mass ani IdlMeet'thar' wet -see Ika -ml K OslitniriupeVMr Hm asOat dMiMM arn ditfonluiaVirort. ,. ' - -.-. rrt. KhuMak MM thai the MarftH Vltr w oaly.7laraM aeMM Mi ii.;i ..jkk .ti -., e tm ssr i m ac.p nowaedi Crater MWa aW 1 ovar ie 9aJt Mala Ft4l Bait l4tj Sad' aVdge Tejeam, Mag ... .. .. . -.!.- ' .' ,.'lyfj -When tea la tlby oei4 tm paaa .w tM 5 .). 'a . . "'. . mb ... .. n l.hv ... ..ll eot 4ke'weaiaw t taa aaa aaa. oair,nui acnviev- aecre i -uypuawMi iaiasra- aawisjaaaer eempaay a pwAi. aviaa. r"Wr& WtnJtMXMKkJ&nPI1 v.- ton,': y ljy' 's' w'tj ilVia.Wv4,f - 'ii-,'i!',t.-;j.M tarJMfaQallil . .-i;. apv r.ni..i'li .!.; ,.r': ' -.!A.;::. i ..it . V T, . . r v ' "-.. J tt - - v T---VV fv,.:ufcs -., i' W .f,.iH .-'' t- . ..., '.. o'A.;b. ." 'aw -; '.:.,., w a3k-aaia ; -V t ,V V j - ttit-i&B-B(lB$fatA l-l'fil liWril-TaMaaaaaaaaaaaaW . A-.kJ.:1 U'W'i'C r fitMwfflaWalaaWaaB i;va 5