'if .- ,n: . m r ." ni I h , ' . .'' " .', Wh x:m igpttMr'."- ' - i official NKWHAnm v,-- FOIl CITV 01' KLAMATH FALL r' A"'. , . . , - liv " aaankta Klai gitje ftDe MCtf .4 Vk . $? rM ; n it i J -T, J'- -W . Highlit Year No. ll.HB KhAUAm JfAUM, J A Jl. -V vsyif0 ' it'!. ' JBel' J- . A. I V. I am;' W,5Wll:l 11, :n WfcLi . mMmM$KM:.mMmi.,z?i:im (.imt- .dsaaaw .iir "i , r "wv . iv.;.y rK'.V, -r i i.'-aT -w "-rv .t-w " si ' B'V. "' .'J.W&T- ri-L.it . t. :Mig. ..JMjJW TtBflDAY, AVOfJWFM, Itli .' K, '""Vi ... -T('",:vi7,.j..-,,.rt. ,. uuq .. ?;. .! f- a ijniijr . jriJsN-V President Delays the Reading of His Mexican Message Until Tomprrpwj Iind Leafej iiCW-iWIi :WP ,U !r Jl. i. i- .ia . ', ti --j i1 rniHi .iNS BRYAN DENIES DELAY WAS TO ; ALLOW AMBASSADOR TIME FOR GETTING SAFELY OUT OF THf WAY !s Wanted in the Thaw Case IIVKIITA WIHKII TMK I'HMIUKST, KAIIIiV, AHKISO HIM VOK Kt'ltTHKK TIMK f llmil r MiMN HltiMllim WmIm a l.lllU l.oMfr lu tliilvr AUUU( il.mal froiMNMiU Miiilr lr Untl no lu lliv IUi.1 Vr tir HrlHglNg i'rare Auaiii K Uic Turtmlml lUjtul.Hc J ' Juki Houlli r t'. ! SUNDAY SCHOOLS WILL MEET HERE UulteU I'roM Urvlc WAHIIINUTUN. I C Aug. 3C. 'thk kmmath wiu.ntv ahhocia. TIO.V COXVK.VW HKHK I.V HKI', TKMHKK, AMI A I'KOUKAM IH IIKIXfl AKAXOKO Tliu annual convention of lh. I'lc.ldcnt WIUoh lm decldcU la pef jKlumath ('oantjr Munday School Amo- I reading of III nioaii lo rlatlon the Mnxlcan altuatlou (.lino (tin UMIKroa uii iiiv irii.ii iiua.n-iu , until 1 o'clock Wrnoday uflernooli. tdny, Till U In conU'llunto wUi a luoaMfo'wIII wll bo held at draco M. k.1 icvoltvd from l.lnd. and nUo ttirouiih tlio (orolxn mlnlitor (rum Huorln. I loth nik more lluio In order lo al low linortn to comldor now iroioalt Mud lin nmdo lo tho do facto gov tnuiout. According to u high authority ilirto Included n n vflort (or litunedlata c aatton of li(Mtllllle; arrangomouta for nn armUtlco botwren faction; and provliloiu for an uarly aod u free olortlon. Iluerta la aakvd to rrake an early announcement nromUlug not to be a candidate. It I botlevcd that eaco U near In Mexico. Iluvrta It wavortug, and It (Continued on pagt 4) l.k..ii In tkla'ollv UMllir.lnv ! Hun.. I.M.. tt.W wiw .. t Bnptembor fl And. 7. Bcaalont bo bold Saturday fdroaoon, af- trrnoon and evcalng and Sunday ar-, trruoou and ovonlag. Work of arranging tho program U now under way. in addition to local! ieakerf iuik win m-imio uy roi toaentattvea of tho fMorrlll, llonanta, I'ort Klnwatli. AgenJr. Keno and oth er Hunday achoota of tho county. Hoy. Charlea A. Phlpno. Bold work or of tho Oregon Mate Hunday School Association, will bo hern to addrooo BBBBBal llBT 11111 bbbbbbI ' wfr J. ' NEW YORK ASKS FOR THAW-BUT HIM NOT GETS Harry K. Thaw, Who Is fighting Against Return to United, States 'HATJVE 'f- ifU P v j &Jm?fflE&j!!m JKHOMK MAVS'Mr: WIU I ''' : V i. ; TKi' Man Who I'natrriMed UK HKXT Thaw' r1- for tfce Miutter of VhMn Maya That In the I.H.I Vouth WlT Aal He laVMat- ; irauan 'fkatfCfttfifte That iff Mine Wm I'aW (or HI Work by ISkUcIhij- Men at Whtte'a Tjaw. .Tr I United lre Bervico I OTTAWA. Aug. 20 Deputy At- lioi uf Ucncral Kennedy of Now York itoday vlnlto4 Mlnlitor of J utiles' MoiiKliurty, iitid aakod for the ur-( ii&ndtr of Thaw by the Canadian -, (tliorltlea. Jt t juugiiorty a uim law wonia . In vliirllv aanreJ. hut aiUad-tiat t .. L i- .L..di' i'K n bi- tent no roaaon'why ThawihotrM, , td New Yorkjrljtbt Wi;;'j(i NKW YOltK. Aug. !fl. Illchard J. Duller. "Dick" llutler, once United I'reao Serf lee HHKKBRQOKK. Aug. 3d. "Tkw an na- the convention. Key. PhlpiM haa Juat Ht,mblyman lu the lower houio of the returnea iro e ia.orn.iiut... " Kaw Yrk legislature from"do bloody ni,a. ing or Munoay acnoot neaa ai mm Ml. .. ,,ulrM. ,. ,h. llian b.llovod iti Geneva, Hwiuorland, and ho win car-i ry to the local worker the gltt of tho big elon. 1.1 headed baclv for Matteawan." aald foiwcr UUtrkt Attorney Jotobh to day. "The on u certain, yynaiau-t ference la t.he delay of n few; monthaT" -' When Thaw beard tali be beeame' Kically excited. BuniaaontBg ale law-1, yora ho refuted to go to Verniont, In ulitlng that bo would remain In Can-. Hi:" alii Bf 1 . ; naal ai a ' aaraw '.. '1 ... IT m i ' inlnnnnnnnnnnl - - ',? .,,. '-' ' 'T.-i ' ngngngngngngngngng , -. v!'"ti '.' aa au nla gngngngngngngngngngngnnH' . .- ' . . nnnnnnnnn: '.' ' . -. ::;lg.taHi IdM nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr , ' .'."' s, I ' - Z 'Ti '. ilfc.T'zkiSTBKHI HlK9nnnnWililnH '''''.'''' 'l-hTf. . . .f. Tr.WTO nMatRMw Sto-itMtmwmm. j maaaamfWmPr ' -,tJ VannnLnaKBnnnnnW W "." "lr - i ' 't w - - -, . ' . l- w -." bgat-'V InnaHBalH '' " ' - ? OT mmmm.mm TnWfffnYr ' lf'-ViiinOBnM -'"- , fetHaital e jpw M&nMf VC2i9nMIHilnV 7 .M' ' . Up net HiHif MiMb tlinU Bnelklni.rl M' mmi VMM laWMeniKV i LnnnnnnnHnnnnnLHiaaaaaaaaV k. tr . -'...-' -tta- e- .a-- i . :,J JT..ai nnnnlnHnFl . "' ' ;& . ' ' TWa . MMnMM MRMli 4iiHarl'!lHHnHV.!v 0.-CV.--. ' 'Wi iIViniKHHHiViVaVI I IIBBBBBBBD , - " "! ! RHaMf "J .IBBKgattilBBBK. V . " , 1 ' . ju. ... -.- . v Mi J nrita h MBBBWatMaaaaaM ggangangannj,.. tiyj 'm OBhaBBBaaV i "-S .;J.V.,-. MM oanagflM Wal(PBaMBnMg eiHk . Lzm-miL - -:;- )ipp.itNr tMn ntlZKnffiL ;aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB ' ' W tftetfaeTft M 1 llS5hfial iBBBBBBBBBBBBBt'- rnf. ..anfnynynynynynfw ... -,. a, M Bftfc' ' JamfTMttaw "H '' '-BiPwTn .aaaaar .-'.- - ..4. AfwaBavv,uMu in f . tv TCkM maa ...... niinBrvi Minor Matters Come In for Some Attention At Meeting ot Held last Night; Some Talks. Also Council " dktrlrt, I the man boliaved to have beetij tho nclUo manager of the exraoo of llnrry Tlmw from the Mat teawan aylumn. Hutlcr U reldtnt of a tongihori'mnu'a unlou along the wet water front of New York. Jle I unlit Now York, but In reality he hit ruirounlt(l White' friend. Ill luothtM nro mercenary In peraecut- jj K. Thaw; aUyer of .Ulature, ,,wi ene '.; law mu who escaped fro ! chain of aoataatloMl nMmttwi wkMli .. ' :..y f. ri.1. ... x rtMfc .1 aHtfeHiee,areaaklneT every eaToK to have him areelit hk. ' Taee.hi.i. i,ni,M. rarnut nroceedlnc In an effort .legal auction tt he N be aeM te UM Thf la Harry 'Stanford White, . a ' ... k ...... .. .u.itMtvtin nvviLim Pdmm inrz. bh "jeromu na oeen paiu oy Mroaa--""-" --. - "7ki ir rl.IrL.-n fancUra." he aald In a day. The picture wa UKOB receci.jr burtt of raket "Ho pretende.to rep-.fvhui he ajunfared before a, courU'j ... . o.i.a aajhaM iitAAiin nv in an aiuu-i . Many minor matlora w.oro dlinoaeU or at Monday night' meeting of tho city council, nnd due connldoratlon given many othoi of moro or lea general Iniporlnnr... The weed, or ' nult-tnre ordinance paaaed llnal read lug nnd adoption, it did tho Creacent itveuue grado ordinance. In a dlciH.lou regmdltig Iho re moval of V.Jk from horae hoe It tlevelopod tliitt a du'.ay In the mutter of Introducing kiich an ordluauco waa caused by Oily ultoriiey Kutenk, who ' wantuc. tluio In willed to Inyeatlgate the I'ortlaud ordlnnnco covering the mailer, Actlnit Oily Attorutiy Kent read n commuiilculloi) from Dm Warren Con . utruitlon (ompnny of I'm Hand, In which thy offer the city fro ue o their mtchlnory here fo? treet repair, .work. itc, only icqneallnt Hint the ImplumonlH m iinoil Hlintl bo properly cared for, , Mer. Arinmi, Mailln, und Dor dii nppiured bofoio llui tiiuncll mid made reqiiMt tWt tho city engineer give' them n ulrtot nnd Hldewalk In front or their proyurly no-r ynlilB" ton and. Seventh, a mtiuCut .punted by the council. ' ' t The vprdlng of (he confrna to be entered Into between tl;o elty ond Harrhi ft Co.', letting tl.o work' for tho 8xth eireet liniovemeiit, dmurIiI on a lengthy and highly li;teretlng dU- oua(on between wemJicr of the coun cii, uuy Hngmeer Mci.ean ana uon- tr.etor Harrl. Judging from the at- iltude of the council,' the eontract Sf" will.pwrteet the preefty 'owner In ,- . ' r- i.....-'1 ll...v . rt : 'waTHtt par.ee , ,v w V ,'!- iC., ' VJ tl.. il.Aa t.AHil fnliteariinP lldlrli lltf . . " 7 ,' " , ","Vri.i ".n, i-.n'MI"' could ot have round ono I not going to let any "Jokw ! Ipjnto (f f n Nw ymk My Br li.acon.racv i.iai ini wun fin noyance. City Engineer McLean a(d he'd rtiher have hi 'scrap" with the con ductor In framing up a contract than lo wait till the work waa atarted and wi angle on the Job. Par that reason the favored a contract that went mi nutely Into detail, covering all poaal-i bio phate of the matter. Councllmun Savldge proposed a chnngo In the contemplated contract, to have the wording of the same to be such that ahould leu work be re quired Ihun tho specification men tioned, the proDorty owner ahould have a rebate. This view received tho uninlnious endorsement of the coun cil, U waa aU agreed that an un dui standing should be reached a Just what anouU be classed aa extra work. l'ollne Judge A. L. Leavltt vloluted nil rule and regulations made and provided, and ruthlessly trampled un i...i,i nn.i i.u .i.u... rrnxLiopAhlnniiK mi innoceai. ono. moreover, a .i.m.t. ti.u.. ,. ..... kiAt y.r tiA-laane man.'' I Hen Uiivery made hi attempt aevcra ytara ago to break. Into Tammany politic, Duller wa hi chief nld. llutler managed' the "guerlllaa'f In one of the most bitter tight, ever, (known la a, primary in Tammany. He won two year, but Devery wa anal ly u nien ted by the courts,; nnd wHh him llutler posted out of Tammauy politic. If Thaw wa looking for a determined man to manage hi ee- bet- BANDSMEN'S TOUR APPtARS CERTAIN tu be released. Ill eacape In a fast'asylunt, front any otber.eUU. an4 H automobile, aided. It la believed by nn 'la ,po ,thU queeOon'that Ue Mbt ex-aisemblymaB of the Kew York leg-'for. Ma liberty (wlll be. Go; a-CVu- Mr. a4 Hx. BbMl WhHIaek and Mr. aa4Mv. Frtatta B. CHda have gee to.Oden Lake, UMfrwni ofMMS aeermt amm SAYS FIRE WAS ill HOTEL FIRM i tf1 '?, .! A dor foot all tradltions.connected wltli lUnltcd Stales MGL0U6HLIN IS STILL AGHAMP XATION'Ab TITLK HKTA1NKD RY PACIFIC COAST lliAYKR A TKH HARD TIIHHKI. WITH f'llAll. VAKI) I'HKNOM I'nlted Press Service' NKWPOUT, K. 1., Aug. SC Mu rlca Mclaughlin retained hi title aa national tennis champion by defeat ing H, Norrl. Williams, the brilliant young Harvard player, who, with Mc Laughlin, won tho Diwls Cup for the CHAMHKK K CXIMMHRCK HAH UV'HKHU ITS 1IHM. AND WH( XHKH MKN YOLVNTKKK TO AS HIST IN THK MATTKK public bfee by aklag the council, to reduce' the amount granted him aa compensation for local assistance ren dered In. combatting the mandamus proceedings brought by' Henry Habbes und Dr, UonareV U waa tfc eoea- u of opinion of the eMll that MRO would be a moat reaaeaable nraount to allow Judge Leavltt, ,' 4 Councilman. Doty declared -that, "Judge Leavitt dioaii tae Mffai r.nd Judge Drake drew the eelary, Judge, URvltt. asked that'the aaimn be reduced to 1 100, saying that he The first Bet wont to Mclaughlin, 6-4, In the second Vlillma won, 7-5, but the Western man wou the dot ing sot nnd the match, 6-1. y Oregon Tourbrt. A party of Ore gon tourists to como down from Cra ter Uke last night were D, M, Sny-, oer A. A. 8nyiler, ;rr, and Mrs. jTred Rees, Mis 1-oret Snyder, Miss Pearl r Rrown, of Olendale; Mr. FredOum .'V nert; of Portland; Mr. and'Mr. J, W, Jaokeon of Medford.- .They are, very eathsttlfrroYrTtWrtrli to Cra-, r Lake and the Uaaer Lake resorts. Ashland. ,'J' thought that would be enough, unferJ tor Uke and the Uaaer Lake M ihe elreHBtatancea:,- ' " " i Tber;iefX thU aMeraon for Aa) The proposed automobile trip ot ho Klamath f'alla MlllUry Band through Central Oregon- to Uo I'en dletou Kound-Up, and return via Ku- geno and the Rogue River Valley, ttf day appears to be n eertatnty, so quickly ha the pubHc volunteered to uttltt the muslclana. - i1 ,ci UealUlug tho Immense advertising value of the trip, the KUmath Cham ber of Commerce till morning In formed Director Mitchell of the, band that, the organisation would be glad to aaslsi the band In securing (und. Iiuslneea' men have nUo, made volun tary osTers. Tho plan at' present are for the band to leave early I next month In automobile; visiting Lakevlew, Uurn. Ueud, Prlnevllle. Pendleton, Tho, Dalle' and Kugne, and onthe return trip, yllt,'tbe cltlee In the It oaue. River Valley, At each plaee, they, will give cpncorU and a'daaeo to help defray tholr, expeneee. " Nearly all of Hhebaeeeasw today stated that '(hoy would be able to go with the party, l-Ty .,,'' tThe band,, la eonalder)ns giving a deuce ipt twobefore Wvlng.herer.aa a means of swelUvilM'Mehetiiier, H ft "C liOAX. RfMWCXT, HaNUi ON WAY-TO CRATKK L.UUC,,flAYsl HRK I. Mtt'O HTOHIi CAIGHT 4 AVUU V J , William A. Qo; one of, fcVonaae,'e prominent pioneer, and owner oTtke apeedy racer. Lady Pelican: paaaed through Klamath Falls today o,,hle way to Crater Lake. With him were Mis. Ada Parsons and tier sen Cyril. They will drive to JDonneUy'a read eamp tonight, where they w 111 be Joined by' Mr. Ooea daughter, Mra. Harry Nichols, oo will make the trip with .them. , ' i. j They expect to spewi, .about ,a4x damson the trip, taking; plenty of time to see everything along the way.' ' 1 , "The' eUtement In regard, to the Bio at. llonanta, last week. starting In tbo .drug store t untrue," said .Mr, Com today. "Tho Ore started In the outhwett corner of the hotel build lM. . , ..... L t "Afur the. Are started.-.and will the hotel wa In. Same, men were carrying thV stock out" of the drug k. .- ... .- ...''. - - ... store, wnien naa not yei eeugninro. . '.III Ml n , I ' f- p-f: s"S r?: r.aadMn,&. C iferrtatleK thWniinitoMf, fer all o4tl"s: l&'nWklsA'feYlrtUn; ter Lake, Mtey -wjMj afernt ma In' the Wuklerry reAeiiia ;' t ,- i". l. V-, ". .i i i l;V!, 1 i-tmmm r mmmn w '. T ''"J4 " ' i ' m wefk oiiliiftnal a fit M et"V' , 7i ..,. f! ",.., , ... ki,, ; CBMMwta retnfed Maatar tnm f: a'abett , sniiaaefnl laMgdj rf j. Meaniotiaa. atosaMla sMi the aj'sfinif riw t4jiM efWuH tkat.ut an innjn mmMMtiftmml ;lneslnjgsjsjtrapn a. -m -y-'-?tm - 'a. aa- -e UttntHV llretlffilM . v 't'v ' -v 'e i? ., 'f k ,J -.-1 st '; ;-t,L, I r. mk.- '.yi - - - :-iw t-'. Th-Ib- UMRINAWWmiil pr ci pi'? . t K72 e-mwaaa-am-a-a- r,:,'1" .- :i.- v .,'? HuMlel ta T1m KeraM .'. . f fi, ' ? . - . - . ..., ', . m .j WAaWINeJTOHi D.'C.J'Ang. M. act oCle f...ul Aun '""" tam UfmVfTItt nVf tBB.Vll-aa.u BfajB.iniagejiji td averae4 for th United SUtea - tertetiy .towers (.J .per,(.ent lower tlian on' tW'aanwdeU Ua?;jwa4 Blof'towWtnan'-theMeVta!. emsdt tlone AguetxlsW.reeat JewaJ Weather; condRloa wunayoiWf for; erona ln aneral. . , ;, . V,f d lwaweeMiimawn Kansas,' wlth;!,ai.er;eei w -V " .a . , .. l.Y.i Ret Come ed See I's; The per- hif' son' who. purloined thebleeele in front ot thfHral oee ..aMereVajr, (eyeng 'forgot to Uke ',he inaiitaj guards,- Without the wheWta are W KIW .V.1HV B'UIV WBVv . AI .... ."'' -: tr. w M vW :v ) , $ -:m &$h&k$ fi?y Joseph, by Kent left thlain-riJM fer tu:iiurpm)l. vbtrt heie. vHojmjrethe'j Ishtaw' mv w.: w ' i -v ijis : 'W i JU,ri ,k- , "V. t' s , ; r 1 t. v NV-V3 C H-, VV .t , Ji fii -' iv V ,i"' 'v AW Ttj'-'-:p..- rn ; l ceo below. Oklahoma; with 18 per cent. Kentneky with. 1M 'per. cent'. .California with 13,8 per cen't, illinela with U.I pw cent, and Marylaadwltb. 11.1 ner eent bedow;verase1 .eadltiea n aUfheet oondUlona" are lnWlaeonein wttb 7. per cent, wneoinn tna e.s pee eent; -lelU;iwUhv.ll ne eeait, aa4ew; MtnneaeU .with 4. fper .'teat naawe laaaitt their MefaeH' eoadltlaae , ea'; Aises Utlt 1st. mypr.D wiiwi waf.fa) geod'aod ;he4 antea are arlaaiy : - .i i. - . .. m .' , f tloa otvall crops tnmhand at W'MeTTtila JiWjfflpieJllsl, dMBVaasVa,lfBBat aaafWaaaeUB maamLWM the ItoUesl Rtetea. IM tat rAeeorainoT w ,tae nnpnp aw. rep reotiJM near. taiM 'eaMrtsaWt afl ..ft VuJe'IA' A'fa . ((f nvjo ..' . fTaa,,aaet ' - i-an'.V la uii K a UeaJaaNW.t um,'tr'lt.( 1 '' Uk4 all vkaat .s.ner eea. . a ViOafbs whRa aetas of l.t Pffiat, Mr,rtoff to t. ear oatrt. appW erea la I.S about t net eaat. Hir Tare at i- l$A The TTVJl'a-. tKJ-enMJn .4i MMfigMMW fiiri WJ itWay V kHv 'i 'll f .'f , V (" tr-0 iwV.v, .., - a r1