J. ' n i' ,., ! :-h W." 'Vf J V fr, -J ' . ? ' ill K3 itffl 'if ' v ,. .x M i&1 i ; official FOB CITY OF NiwurArm KLAMATH FALL if.- "'& pe ppiitttia . f' ' V-'Tf-S .fjr:;; - ii amafaL'; a- fc a Utraw. uiai iU.'..J,l. R is k'W 5i'-T IClghlM' Year Xe. 0,1411 KLAMA1 MU4L V MONDAY, At'OVKT M, JtIS 1 A V, ' Advises Holding Big Motor Race Around ;W.'fUV-'Kv"i i-r.m iie.i. i it ". n&(T '.,if jfli'iy f i ,i v" if a j.jT'J y,i, umi.i j ,ii' urn ..? o A' K 'ivi f't'.i -'. , I.-- 'T ,' ' ,fw; US.il Plans Being Made for New Federal Building for ' SUGGESTS BIG RACING COURSE AROUNO LAKE I9IMI. MH'ATION WU BK1 AUTO. MOHII.K IIAt'i: MESSAGE TO BE REAO TOMORROW r 'I'HHMIIIKXT WIMi HKAU.HJM MK. i tiAUK ON MliXICAN MTVATIOV TO JOIXT HliHHIV OK NATION'. A I, CU.VUHMM IU-m Man HjrN KUmalli l'IU CokW full Off lllgamt IWrMl in lh llkf lory or Motor llarm rur Mluck Can. Woulil llnw I'lrHlir ol KmItIo, ana Value of I'lllillrilr Coulil .Vot II rlatiiHaltxl HunlnvM Men awl IVopt-rty Onvera, U'lint NlrM Takrn at Onre o Ah IhorlM) liuml for lli KrcctloH of Clly Hall, Ho llmt work ran :oni.' UK-tiro Karly In Sprlajt loraUon ' on Klflli Htrrri, .Vrar KUmalli' . (UulttiJ I'ttm 8nrtc WAHIIINQTON, D. C, Aug. 2C I'rttldvnt Wllion iik nunuunrcJ that lia will rvnil hi mom-nnc nu th Mx. kan ultimUoii beforo a Julnl hmhIuii of CoiiKroM tomorrow at t o'clock, tin I cm ii!iftirn ilcvloiiuiiU occur lu Moxleo. A cliangn of front by lluirta will alono dclny the iltllvury Klamath FalU will probably htva n "Klautath fall nhould rt tfiiiy ,ot the metmf. now clly hall. nml null off tho blcKt racing vut ' Tlio prealdviit hat naked the men.. At Inaat tliU will be tlio rwult If In tlm hlttory of motor raiim,". aald l'..l.tr of tin annate and houao rarvlcn tha wUhea of a Urge uuinUr of bu( II, Wllaon of Ituuo, Nv. coiiiiullieM to confer with hliu to- U-M Ktu aJl, lr0,,,tty owner arc Mr, niul Mr. WlUmi are hero liiinUht regunllng tlio nua. Hindul , fo1lawl. Mr. WIlMiu'a bl IIUIcU rarer, Hit car'AmboMadur l.lnd will rvumlii In Mex- a, iiellllon U blm circulated and that took aecoiid mnnuy in tlm iu ico until me iai nopo oi nucccm i PETITION ASKS FOR ELECTION DN CITY HALL BONDS COU.VCIIi AHKKI TO CALL HPK CIAL Hf.fxmo.v T Senators Hold Up Underwood, Tariff iat. Nu iilllutatuui bnve been, will bt made to lluerta. or AtiKulc to Sacrninento ruad rara oil July lib. Mr. WlUon wild that ni vslarv hi Ibu world U thero u couree - tut wkII adaiitvd fur nu emluraucit UnlUd rreaa 8rvk routrit for Mock rara nalha ninety j WA8IIINOTON. U. C, Auk. X.l mile run around Upper lak. JHpeculatlon la rife whether President Tlie couraa I un Ideal one," vald, Wllaon will deliver hl ueaaaso tu hr, "ami uvry car tnakur In the rouRrraa tomorrow, Orflclat deny lilld Watt- would makn nil entry," that he U hnldlni the meae asa When It wa MUKiivtled that therlub over lluerta, or that ha baa la imro would be rather roimh Rolug mini an ultimatum tu llucrta that the In itinera, he replied that the rvaaoM aneniB will be rend unit bo artepl lllly-two car were tinteied lu the'l mediation Augele tu Harramentu raco waa ior the advertlaloc value tu the maker .night. The ineaiiage gM! lu the prluter to. It haa already beert read by of cam that would aland the terrlilo liryyan, nnu will bo communicated tu atrnlu uf Ihu Tehachupl moiiiitaloa. Ilhe commllttre on foreign relation. The value of the publicity b'alneU The adiulnlatratlon I hopeful of newa fur your community cannot bo rati from Meilcu In the meantime that mated," ha continued. "Many car, will permit an alteration of tho tone ownora would make entry hero whenjuf tha meaaage. The power are kept they would not un other rourvea for In touch with tha altuatlon through the reaauu they could comblnu racing. tho dlplumutln acrvlrc here .....t - ..-. 1 n.lllHtf Mt II.M ! HHH HNVLI UU.II.B M. ..w IIRIt lime. The mwctator could watch the race from illlferent point along tho route, ilr from launchr on the lake." Mr. WlUon declared that he would bo the .first one to flll'yn entry blank If the raco I tecurad. Night Trip to Uke. At 1:30 Bun day morning, (Jerry and Mr. Cotad, Ml Vera Coiad, Mr. and Mm. M. l. Laveulk and Mr. and Mri. J. L. l'ar. hh tuft Klamatli Fall for Crater Ijike. They arrived at Orator Lake at f;30 Rundny morning, getting a wonderful auurlto mountgln, On Ihu I'ark HuptiatreittrMla Meet t lilted I'ree Serviea UKNVKK, Colo.. Aug. IS. New I'leoa In Undecap gardening were p cnanged today at the opening oewloaa of the three day' convention of the American Awoclatlon of i'ark 8uper littendent here, It U the fifteenth annual meeting of the organltatlon. Tlio'mea who are reeponalble for moat of the beautiful park ayitemi of the United State are In attendance. J. S. Macbeth, prealdent of th Denver prk board, welcomed- the delegatt. view from thelOne of the principal feature of the return the party convention will be an aulomobl trip I will be preieuttd to the city touucll thl evculng, nuking Ibat body to paa un ordluuutu culling an election fur' the purpote of, voting bond with which to I'teit a suitable bulldlug for tho home of .the 'city official, on lou U und to In block 73 uf Klamath Ad illllou. Thl I tho property purcha. i'il by the city iwveral year ago on which to build It city hall. At a Hperlnl election held fur the iui'poc bond were voted by the'peo. pie of Klamatli Kalln for city hall pur lope. On arrount of tho- tangle In tho charter at that time, thcond were nevrr nolil, Them bond were' te-ailvcrtlnod following the adoption of the preirnt rharUir, but niter an IliVfHtlgotlnn the bidder rcfuaed io' accept the bund on account of the ' chatter muddle at the time and since the voting of the bonds. Attorney for 1'mtern bond house ligvo declared that the present city charier I a perfectly legal Inttru inent, and It I anticipated that there will be no difficulty In disposing of the bond should tlio teoplo of tho city vote In favor of their Issunnce. spent sonic tlmo Itihlug lu Spring, through the chain of mounUla parka Creek, arriving home nt 7!30 Sunday night. lUt.t.':,Ti KtarBffi.'-!. rrvently Htnver, eHtabllthed by the city of Happy Wedding is Culmination oi Two Years Romance-Bride Crosses Ocean for the Event . .; : ' Whim Uev, J. W. Wnrrell left hi homo. In Anlilm. Ircluiul, n lltt mora tliaii two year nun, Io come nud ,ml minuter to tho u)ilrliual wfl fur.; of the Indian:! on hu. Klamath raaVryntlun, he left HUu i: liunle aw a It lug ii iltuo when lioaliotiid lUiultliu ,eleanth Vtird'fnr her tnjolii 'him Uri;; '' k Boii tluiB ago that iiter.snite llaali- v . Wl ,nwoii a contlncjit and nu ooeaii, u;d:8uBdu;1:.'tht Mkvi jjCllubetlvHlll, tli waitlag lascl arrlv.d in Kliimiith 1'ikU'. Thli iiffariioon 'U aclock, 4n (he Method lat'wiwoiijiKiJ, Key. tleo, H. I'eeM per'ferMd the' maW. that ". Jiilned them Ih the hely bWtl of matrlmoHyi The, full Wptacepal ring V J . , .rvlce wm used, a rtugl.KMi keau- If ill nd gBrMr, Tho groom la a young man woll Known and much beloved, both In Klamath Valla and nt tho reserva tion, llahai Wen In charge of the mlnlstej-lal work at the reservation for the paat wo yearTand every ef foit.l being made to reUIn hlw In bU pVeaent capacity. The bride I a charming young lady,, of the .pure IrlHh type, OBd ha already won, warm pine In the hartaror thcaif Who have net her, s J ' t V The. young couple yjrltl tmmIn(I America (or a year or so before; re turning to their beloved ','iuid jsod.'iV Amoug those present at the wed iilng oervlcu wore Rev: W. J, Wanf. leu and1 Key. Tho. AtktaBou, frUwda contracting hood .day la Ireliad, i mnV ' H 'l asafagaHPltAV' " tt gy sjfa j. . gsualKTXgflaVMBaKai Hir7i.' KMaBgsmAil T'' T w' vgsagKSBki WS ' .-v'' 3 vgaagsHHU a .iagIHPnS aaWJl!lBnBBgK'9$Li'' Fjy ' ' smiJgaaagagl ft i SBBBBagBgaVl JlgsUkBMrBBalglBI i aaaaaV.CtaftAaaVaagav hgsBatagagllV ISgaBBSnaaglll ivaBBBBBHBSBJgaBBgar E gBBBBBBgaf agagaFggllllH iaaBaaK ' wiaa aaaaaBaH iBBBKaBBvAjgaBagaBaaaB sHaVaVaVaVaHaV?! JSgc!LBj nvijjaVaVaVaVaVgaV FIRST SHIPMENT CHINA PHEASANTS TO ARRIVE SOON LOCAL DENTIST FURNISHES PAPER CAR OK TMOt'T MKRh' MRIT Of .MOXTS UtU'JiT 'I, . Htrds Are to Be Tvnted 4 ' MerrHI, MmMm Haa Loac Klver, Herd f'lac at OIfm a4,M J Howaw lUach Ner CooMty liehm WeH HuayMeJ ItKNMrfTK' A.VTCltABW FROM HUW Yft!W; O tfCMOOt' VOWXK -- VlNTRRXATtOKAL mvAyuuii iiiiiim,, -L I ' l vwvtraan wmmwm et L, . i . J, !.') . - t Tha Fourth lntraatMk4CMraM I i , - . '. if -. rr , BuoTato; N.' Y.J'aad wtll nykiailei e4e tlli Ue lat ef ik teaiktt.. ' Thiiie la charge 'are- Mnclarair MsioiM , to have . reperta attkc Vi- uiu secure inrouga mhi apfdleathiii if oleatMefaettui Bf ceeddrp ofatkeel hygwi; 'Tf'av clt if ackMri kygteeie luu;aWlMiga). J."J ' -i , n't . , . j 04mik0f0ih4trm0i409k KLAMATH SffllMi M f . I. r ' ' I m rJPtj Deputy Game Warden C MRamivMy caafifc to c(tx iWrWk. tlM ntftJ - f ..-- K - .' .' . .. j - TIU399 KVWM vHITIBaj IT T fkM vLSiS'i ttrjr;ta isAkig iwfuvki ww.uiiw urn -vwimm vi Ihte, tongree Is id 'create united kv , (by state that he U. expecting a ship. Iment of China Pheeanu any day, There will ,be between 75 and 100 'birds In tho .first shipment, and they :nre to be turned loose on the ranches )of J. r. Adams and N. 8 Merrill, In rtho Merrill' section; J. A. Maddc I ranch on Lost River. Kec Rord nwck (nt Olene and the F. J. Rowne ramek near Boaaaia. ,Othr ,hl'Hat of bird for Klamatli. county wilt be re Icelred later,, f '. ' A car of, flagerllng trout wilt ar- jrive from the Uonaevllie hatchery oai iflt,m Mlk nr a.... t... r.. mm .w ,( y avpwmiNjr u(H. lawrej 'vl.'WH 5 V ruNtmi mrm wm:wmvm ' V'asW'isaggRIdk aawka'lBGN JA ' , 'iP' Fglass ' UMal i.Sw& '-:s --1"; - iL. -'i- . ..'jYaBaW RoflawaSl f okkas.1 fSaaaMtal aw.aRHAsii I y..v ,-r i-V ... 7 rraJfM yjWifgd l, j il WHIM MO i WAMUMITOM. A. C. Asm. -. BMtrSBt'saMlkVf A jtB Li?) 1aRJkaft sakytAigalajigaaauaBAai gRgf MkgfflgMla Aatg&ajsajft ,VSij VPV1W WWmmtWtmwWU Wm fWw WIMhP Jn mm4mmmm terest la tho HdioefaT Jn rural' muaHl, froat a taadla4 aaaHR; aU.aMtfatt,. n',. .'Wv .' .. . jiu, Tb dalegatea, ta tki:tiagra 'm slctf from' taafW aatatti tlea MrouglMM tJM,fiait'asid M aRkaaasTZlgtti addRlaaal amk:as4t4 y, iaa ' ??1 ..TSg .' ..,..-. ..- iA..'". - '. - ' "V ' ' - ' --,-?." ""u , .,,, - Jg. taa I ed four. "wmI, tka Natkaaai; MaaUi My. ttlw rnitiai .tar tai tka Far, Va gleaa AseeicJaUaa'agiamiid'lva.';;' Ot agka-afikat i ...... - . i.t.'.i .-', .. i'. ." -;- wui ee let. can la tee car, laehidtag'r" . '.":. ,Taailwaaiaf rnlnbowllveralde, Kastera aa4 ath-1'',l-of :', - 'apaahRad'ta er varieties of treut. Tkwae will be Jf9fHmt faathera Oragaa bat at Msa distributed in tho strcims and lakes Ht awateat faaadR taapaaalala la aa of Klaiath county., . ; ' tend. He haa KBrdBW, kw. Tonight a load of trout from 8-a-irver' oK.areaadRlaaa,.taat;wMI ba cer Creek will be taken by Warden tMd at tha eoagroaa. s ' rs" Mlamsby and F. Zlttt Baldwin to Reek I '. , rf , urccK. a portion or the trout will be , placed In a lake on Aspn l.ake meua- - tain. These will bt delivered on pack horci by Frank Courtad. I at bar Sadaaai '1 . i WORLDS OF HAY AT FORT KLAMATH Senator Rots Penrose Senator Henry Cabot Lodge WASHINGTON. D, C. Aug. J. OeatecraU la Washington are blaming Senators Lodge and Penrose 'for the delay in the passage of tb Under wood tariff bill through the Senate. They say that 8enator Lodge In par ticular Is trying to bring about some excitement In connection with the .Mexican1 situation ao the tarlfc bill MAMMOTH TRACTION K.NOIXK would b forgotten, Of couraa, tka HAVLI.N'fl TWKXTV-TWO TOX8 senator answer that tbey have taken no action of any kind which tbey bay not thought, wa for the good. of the country. RAILROADMEN ' BEAT PELICANS CELLAR FOR THE . 5L0UOIF5 BtaaRr dRaaajMRt, UPN8U STARS t NMHWFFV LOW .ISMTBaV, ,TMAT TIXKK OV NICKUt n i POPULAR MOMRY Ml'arfCKARK UMPIRK ti AtXX'ftRD, OK ASSIST l(J WIXXKHH WITH BKCISIOXB. PHOPLH WITXKHH gPKCTACLK OF OF TIMOTHV MAY A mammoth traction engine pull ing three big trucks on which were plied twenty-two, tone of baled timo thy hay, "was tha sight that greeted tho people of Fort Klamath tola fore noon, And this moaey-produclag haf came from the settlement above tho Fort where a few year ago, whon a few daring pioneer started to farm, tho predictions were freely mad that provisions would have to be carried in to them, else they would start. William Matdwlu, who returned from thero today, snw, not only the twenty-two tuns on tho truck, but hundred of ton in tlio field and barn. "Nor I tlio buy tho only crop up there," utd Mr. Ualdwjn, "J went. up to ho J. W. Cox ranch to et up a, twelyo-root header binder, and I saw uoiuo of tho prettiest grain Heidi ground the Fort that I've ever , any country, The twenty-two ton of hay, .that pawed through the Fort while,, I wa more wa uauieu uy ih liu&y lirother. und wa for the Pel Icaj Hay'' Lumber company, tubejfed Id Ihelr .tnam. Sovoui ee It wi lioBie.g.'own' hay '.going, to a. bema '... t k '' i maraat.r w v . air, naiuwin Up I Mauaai atao last 'waak.l i v r for A. n ,!f t i V U lv' 1 ,?: sn .W m:) MK'Vj i ri Moveeat la Ckaaua Maracte CaaRal United Praia Service. .., ,; P, PARIS. Aug. IS. Am atart which wa declared by the government to day would be successful, I being made to transfer the capital of Moroc co from Pes to Rabat for economical climatic and military reason. Afck geo,6M far Farmers PAHIS, Aug. IB, -The minister of agriculture today formally introduced n bill In tho chamber, asking that the Bum of'$500,000 ba et aside by the government to be apportioned to tha farmor whose cro nave been ruined by drouths, floods, ate. -l No more will- ba aaard tka tinkle of cala la the aJckbj-la-tkkalac aLaB UlUlUII . .v m. .. k. . 3 , , mr. munr, w s m, at jaaimclilM. Waea the' ctgar, KXU OF XIXTH IX.MXfi ;0l'n for buslaeas Tuesday maralac j there Norllt be ntKh a artgat aaat aai in .. i .. '. .'free from dustaad dirt ay a alekla Aided and abetUd by aa uwalra el , rf --.-aim- J ' V, "' JTT' whom the mot charlUbJ thing to be JL -j'i-i-ki said, ..that h. mrnJrgSttlSltt i ' r "T " 7" OF SJHERff F LOU i . i , 4an. ''. I " i. ' c " , ! tT IMMttlggggal BMafggggnMgam BgggaMalat ' MM.V$ .-J. "- --- - a-T"" zaw- .Aii ' '. U':om.1knay9aBaVkMamaii taaaatm'iV'' '& ' '' -? " 'J.-tWffl laaajaT ,'',.. Mrmmiam mat hMmmm Jmma ,.'''. .;TkV.tkm1maTRstatla'lM ' aMNK taa aettar mmM-lWmm stateVagalaat, kamMR 'IkRR WZM tent, the Espeo ball team secure second decision, over the Pellcaa Ray team at Modoc Park Sunday after-i noon. The 6 to 4 score for a atea Inning contest listens pretty good for an aggregation of 'amateur; Forte r and Plka were tha opposing beavers, and both -mnw-ii inurl nt an A th t looked like the real article. Foster! 0 fill a4 InnAlgllA CI .tk'J received better support , In tha Held til MM 1 1 HUilllHItO ll. U. . , 'V. s.- w ' ' T A . l... i. .- '.. '.t'ju ( ant owaera today fraat gltsLaW,' When he notlaed allwaaV W ata chine thai proaecuUaalwoatd Wreiy follow If all mac'Ha'iwra'et.''e curaty'plugged by tomorraw ; aioVatac- 'rm. arena iraai iaa l leg recited. ay.' kkafWt 0. coatalatla;klBi agt, kta'j raCaaiac aa aavry aaA tka i eourt with1 regard V tka o WMUaaa Paw lar wttt 1 A'eardrMafraw k froaa-Ai 0.v VaNag a Taaatae.el RotlamaaV laai c, :t aaa':. vary gkkt to aar kt i Mart la a.arrttaito kartra ,. T ff? jr- y. MJI i..n aud from the umpire, and broke area, wun I'tKe in tbe matter of allowed.! itn and bested him In strlkeouU, j. winy, tOjSeven. j The winner of Sunday's game are! trying tq "arrange a game with tha) haughty barbers, but Jimmy Swansonj say uiey win nave to qefeat a more ! classy bunch thoathe. l'ellcaM before i.i. ........ ....... v ; u.i.i? .. i iiiuj van aa.vi u iuii wuu in M-i br' '4.1 - '" ' Tb,a Rent Natiita.Ttaaai want a Sealer oi Weights smd mimti TT '': nam t IKkdV. m . Frtead of . Raaiea ' Kvery rich manhas hi favorite phllanthrephy, and there'eem to ba oTldeace that Vlnceat Astor'Wlll tura hi attention to the babtas.; He will uulldithe JohnJacob AtOfConvle- ceat.IIome on hi estate at Rhlabck, land lrl, said '".will .pemoaally auaer- yie( tan wotk, .. mow, it aa wouiaao Will Inspect Scales of for th)bables'throughaut'tha ea- tri. what Ur: Raruuri- da.'tar' U.' DrrCvrC3ZAI'W7T i -V ihu vair. - emcaeieiiT .- rmr .i ursrM..' ckaalaVaae' ow,raiUlaalra Jwaald " be, cauaUdr M-wartk wMia. ft $ i ., im i V. '."V d'l it , . '- i-i v., ?-,.. v.. ..v ,v Tka etmaty.eaw.rt Saturday apaalaViaadMBf. R guma.for next Sunday, aadUla llkaly led J. O.Hsnwker.o Raaa, aawtty 9WPX j soma kind of a dMlll,aa.ada tas'mu;; 0, 'wktaatol!! ff accommadaW tthai.. Tha.'.arlamra ;A .-.wt.wl"JiL.;uIl'.l. to f arablewliig around about toelr aWl- ." "W artlto.i ;? t . Ity to play the tutttoaal i.tlme. wl 7jrw'?!W?,W' ilshardly probablahey Wlllorgaa- tura. danlaadaleaal taa.atata Ise.ateam'fw'tkeroa.thiUdvaaC aeaJaraad'.autaartatMtka .igal the 'best player w-oii't' plar vwlaaa meaVoltdenaty;aai toaato'iialaaa, lhv are allawad to cantalm tka tmkm.'h. rrteikw pnvlda,OuU tt aaall.aa f.' : ,---ry;ut fH A iiu-ioot woaoui lower' .WB.taa ;mv ;-. m wmgmfmmm Wmm pngreayesaauoaai iors;,Araaaal Must awi'strueted by foreat offleefawija buik jMuraiy.af mmh aaa.wiaaat aaja 8 vii. X 'i i'Jif ?? p v! !,' i3RvJu!7.iBjf -'.. 3-S ;' 4't ofiklaaasxwaara'aajr or; 'i. wmr'wmwm .-..: .1 j wmr sasj w a ap aR)r toMatofe Vkl il UVW $flW&& ' rK: vw.- 1 vn ;4f'-:S.'.'!' ' W V v MV ..t' 'jN" A'h. RL 1'tf it iV'.Y1 . lV,i ? tkl, TOaafttjaan tlcraRW aaataaaltta aa i wagaat ar ; !( 'hi- Jto , KK $k ,.ir A'5!