T Vj; ,-'. i , -. 'A,, vv.&; a?.' 5 ' . "(.& . WTl i-1, 7', - .J ij 3 , i,p. M-y' S,wrj- 5 V ' . ' - "',' "- 3;?:. 'tf' ."..? .v. I. J t.iTiJ-v't , i -j ; - , ; Ji. t itf H 1 n " ' ... .. 8F 5, . j ' . r aw ' ; .-,, -atata-.. .' . -- ? )...- mimv , ai.:. i. L.f,'i- 1-.t,ji.,,LA Wl ammWaa'- )'JBPiAFii aaam! i LaWy . ' fllfl amW mamV4aa mfw ., , , . . -. .AiJMNHlMl, ! . vv V BW llBHIBTArH ' f f r( BBB1 BaBBBI BamVaam Baaa ' BamSamSamSam ' -BBBBr - i I MIH r i in 1 -M)4i 1 V.ln T Vavi . B BBB1 BBB1 mBBl ' ! - . i 1'iun.i i n ' I , m M "flSK ,':,hh Vl Nb. t,l4T KLAMAW VAXXt, 0MH, iRlfRDAV, AUOUHT, Itlt . ' V, , lU&V&l HWgg. I n f r w;v T ! Secretary Lane's Investigator Says The Water Users Deserve the Utmost ryt,W.!).,V;' MIVl..-' M' ! OKLAHOMA HEAVYWEIGHT DIES AS RESULT OF BLOW FROM JESS WILLARD; MANY ARRESTS NmiSii ' IH. , 4 vv fc' WAH ItNtXHCIOl'M WHJXIWI.VO knockout iii:i:ivki WMUrtl. Turn MKrjf, Tibi Jwiwi . nutl HtMrral Ollirr HMHln VrM- rlllr An I'lrtrtsl t'tttlcr Aitftl. Will lk llfltl fur Mmi.luuglilrA riiynlrUn Sr lniiir Wm Ihme WIm-m Man' llmii Hit llic llr Hiilleil 1'rixii Harvlr IXM ANdKI.I'M, Am. !. Aftrr liiKrrlH all hIM, rHM hm a oMri Nllon, Vuuhk JwliH Hull. a OkUbuSta liraTMrlKlil futdllU kuurhrt out tif Jrwt Wlllanl, illrtl IliU UMHullNr. iMiiiMolUlrljr HlwrllT Jlammrl nr itratttl Tow MHirrr, iirumotrrt Jcwa Wlllanl, Hrfrrr i:lo and MMvr Marrjr illmurr Jr. ami Turn Jumps mhI llci arruaila lu both Mr. Younc John Hull, a tho drU fllhl r w known lier, met Jrn Wlllanl ut VVrnon lait uvrnliiK. Ho lut '" riKlit by a knockout. Wilfard'a blow w Irrrlllc, nnU tb lorrti of It raul tlio bor'a fret Irt ny up a bit hrJ wlruck llio grouuil. Vhi Hull fallud to recover con NclotiMieM, Dr. li. (I. Heroic, (bo club'a. plirlclmi, wa called. The doc tor ruminonod olhera of bla rof ilon, and worked all ovrnlm, von operatlnic, but without aucceaa. Till mornlnc Hie ihyilclnn an. nounrvd tbat the Injury tu tlio akull .wait catiMxl not by Wlllard'a blow, but by (hn iinimci of Ihv flidiler'a head with tho floor, All ot tho won arretted worn herd d Into tho aherlR'a offlco today. It li believed that a blanket charge of iiiuailaughltr will, bo lodged axalnat them, JOHNSON AND ESPEE MIXED INTO TROUBLE HMiTMAHTKItHHIP WUHT MKAKH ' OK ll Eyes of Army An on Carter LONDON'S CASTLE BURNS TO GROUND . t AVTWiU A.VU KIH.WII'i: WKKK AT V4 J OM fr'AKM Mt'HK AT THK 1 f TIMK, HO THKV HHUAI'KII WITH '; OUT IKJITRY United l'r.wi Bnrvlco BAN FHANOIHCO, Xu. aj,' Jack London' now Cmille (Hen Kllen waa lontroyril by lire iuily tlila moralac. . The nuthop and hU wife , were oo 'ciipyliiK (ho old farm liouau, o the , . . t. -;:.iiT.- 1 "r , "4 ,, ,1 ' AinrWfcar T iicaied Injury. I. 11. -j -- ilia couniy nam. iiiiii 111 iii Tn iimTrn- Bcliinor h n Hnturdny vliltor in n ESPEE SCARED FORW.-F. CO Ar'IIAIH ITS. HON KV Wll.li NOT UK KOHTHCOMIM1, IIAII.HOAII I'K. United PrcM SarvlM TITIOXH CAI.Ir-OIIKIA "OH Hr WAfllllNUTO.V, O. C, i.i HKAKISO IU-II, ApirariiN lleforr .'HiKmiloal I Cemmlllrv la I truant to tli Coe Iret Hrcardlac tlw roetmaMcralilH ' 1 of KMrramento, Telle Mrmuer of, 1 CuiMNilltrr) That lUllroail feed In lluearo In Ktrct JuIimom ' I United I'reea Service HAN FIIANCI8C0, Aug. 23,The Houtbern I'acinc today etltlonod tboi coinmerre comnilMlon for another re hearing of the propoeed reduction of tho WelU'Parga KtpreM rompany'a ratea. The railroad claim that lu re- Anr. 33. '"A week beforo tho California elec tion In 1910 1 discovered that tlm Routhern Pacific waa tiling It whole political power to effect the election of Hiram Johmon ni gorernor," de clared Hell beforo tho icnato mih-cora-' mil tee hearing the Fox caie today. Thl declaration came nfter a claah In n hotel loilay bntween Hell and , Fpreckeli. Wedaeeday, In npiiearlng before the l.nilmllf A flllfMltAla InM tlia iavMll.1 numeration under Ita contract will be I , .... ., . . Jeopardlted. "STEAMBOAT" IS ON JOB A6AIN WVOMI.VO'H MKAMCMT BUO.NCHO IH, HKIM1 I'HKO IV Till! FINALf OP THK PKONTIKK IfAV CHAM-IMONHHICH gator that Hell waa crook Trill afternoon SprvckeU ald he; believed Hell waa ilnrere In hla at-, tack, on the Kouthern I'acinc lut fvvnlng Henator jiKotltte j blocked (IiiV nppulutment of Pox aa. 'piMtmaatvr of Sivraiuonlo, and thla,- It ' lU li'nllevisl, will continue Imleflnltely.i hhhiiiib gS f"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmH W vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmH gK mtB FIRE STARTED ! AT DRUG STORE Major Oeneral Carter. In, command! or the United Statu troop itatloned along tho Mexican border In Texaa urn! Js'ow Mexico and Arlxona I beln- cloioly watched by civil and military peupW alike, aa ho li comldered In the light ot a barometer to the policy Of tho United 8tate toward the use of 1 ncie Hanf trooper In the Mexican 1 . 1-... (lulled I'rea Service jlH)XA.Z. MKKCIIAXT WAYS THAT iiuauou, CIIKYKNNK. Wyo.. Aug. IS. The' liuiv uliwh.im liii.ii .! S"ulJ the admlulitratlon deem It world' champloaablp "bucking" con tent wa the feature on the program I which today cloeed tho week of Pron-1 tier Day celebrailona and event. j More than two acor of the beet. Arrtrfllnv In Ur nnil Urn A fV rough and tumble rider of l Wett ,rnftli' ;,,, MM .,, kt'tk' . j -. J .1 m.ii .I--T"- -"" "- -'rr'-m - w iv vnwm w -it- mm ,. lii.itlon tcu" which coMlaied In rid K.4MI.V IIKIHIItl-M VtUHi XII f nccvinury to lend loldlera Into Urn IIO.VA XA Ctl.VnAOKATlOX Bouthern country, thla Invading army WKIIK KHHOXKOUH i,vmld be In command of Carter, who .nun hud charge of all the border ma neuver of the pact three year, and Inp varloui mppowly "unrldeable hone." , The ''Anal" of the event conlted In sticking to the back of the famoua Eleambeat," declared" to be "the illckeat backed hoe la the world." Tetrnw Im4m for Tajr Untied Pre Service NI-JW YORK, Aug. 8S. Thre lm- poitnnt tennla competition are on to day under the ausplcea of tho Na tional l.awn Tennl Association. They are the Southern Maine championship, tnalchea at the Squirrel Iiland Ath lotlc Asaoclatlon court, Squirrel la land, Me.; tho Allegheny County champlouahlps on the court or the Pittsburg yield Club, Pittsburg, and the North Central State champion- hip on the court ot the Kenwood Country Club at Chicago, m'TTWlMIMlIHBI Local Butcher Arrested; Hharge of Doctoring Msats With , Sulphite; Kood Commissioner HeriB ;; &W$?' tjnarglug .'.. J. Ilaoa tvlH nulling ; rfy' --adulterated fbodiiluffa, Deputy M, S. '. iHiirook of the Or'eajoh Blutn Dairy and -' y K Jrood coWmMoH hai smOe complaint '5fk Vu ,9 Justice of the Peaee .Qowtn., A -' MKl'''L,'.lt,ih,H,,l && ,.'?"i ' H11!' s , hrv, m iw!h),,i, w,"""' if' : '. ''maiUawMd by the' Klamatk'raiul , 1 . . ! M01U company. According to Shrock, ta buteker tnii'oduced sulphite In .meats hi ,r- u-r to preserva them. Th'w formJk pieHurvatlve I poaUlyejy nrohlbWed, ho any, by, the sta't'e law. 1 -.The time for hearing or. tne cnarf baa not bew t yet by.JuatUw of jha Fe' Marshall llouio while In the cltr for a few day, from their home In Bo-1 nanxn, the early report of the recent tire In Honunxa erred on to the origin of the lire. "Tho papera ttatvd that the fire started In the attic ot tho llarpold building," said Mr. Harpold, "and I wUh lo make'a correction. The blase really ilnrtcd on the top of the drug1 store, which waa lu a shed adjacent to the Harpold building. "The electric wire running Into both buildings passed over tho roof ot the drug store, very close to the' board. A lot of trash and papers had been thrown on thja.jbed roof, aaq woro so piled asrto come In contact with the wire. . "Just before the flro waa discovered; thu light In the drug store went out, and there Immediately followed an odor of something burning. ( Atten tion of thla odor waa called to tho proprietor, but he explained It by say ing that a fuse had burned out, and timt an odor of that kind always re united wheu fuse burned, "A few minute later Haute were coming from tho roof of, the drug store died. "Many witnesses will vouch for the truth of thin, among them being sev eral from Klamath Fall. who U thoroughly alive to exUtlne conditions among tho Mexican people. hvery public order, therefor, and jccry movement of Carter is watched wnn me closest scrutiny oy the, cor rtrpondent along the boundary. International llekty nt Celtic Park, , NKW YORK, Aug. S3 Tlu)'.ehtt liitereat In today's great Held and fr track' meet t Celtic Park centered la thr International roluy raco, lu which iNM-from Canada, Boston, aH'd New York were entered. (The"ae teama niei at the big Chicago a'thletlc' meet an Auguat lth. Nxt Injnterest wa the ie-mlle maVath(:'in.whchJum , -,- ., j .1. r.f..i,.-J!fc: h'.:i'.,5.- Oaity, hw iMmiiion, uniar(9, awunce riVaiu'''i'wu''jiamAl&d''lA MbUIi wall!' ' "r-'err r-p"'rr -- rrr. --. & X i tt V(f GUARDSMEN TO PLAY BATTLING MIMOUKPH THOOitJTAKK TO THK HIHI J-:Y TKNTH AN THK HIFLK ItAXOK ARMY Ot-FICKIIIN. HTKl'CTINO - Called Pre Service NKVADA, Mo., Aug. 83. Twenty- ilvo hundred National (iuardamen ot Missouri went Into camp on the state rlflo range here today, It lithe unnual week of maneuver. Instruction by olUcer of the regular army... Kx-tfoveraor Hadiejr United Pre Service CMef gnelMr MOUN.DSVIhtK;, W. Va.,'Au. IS". Former' aovwror Herbert S. Had, ley of Mkwourl. .wa today'a chief speaker ,at; the , annual MquadavlUe Chautauqua. tj Several hundred per sbnat frorn Peiiusylvailla. Marylya4, OkloKe'n4ueky,Hndyirglal are f"a tcii'dlug.V.Thi iCbautawiu 'etoaea t- morroW. ,; ' ! ' . , h r x .- ' ' '' HnalBuaa-' .William Oirul, .rItkj. -,-" ;- t-""- -. t- THAW HAS OWN WAY, BUT CASE IS COMPLICATED taWYKKH MAY 'oar. HK "NO" HAYS nXwOtmtvg Wr KHCkvpvQ M'WWtWW PrlMAcr Hrlleve He WtM Me fteftr lm Xtrmtml. Hmt to Hi Mm, VOmMHUvCI BOW JT W B4vw afawV awHMaT J'oottag May Yei He fktaraed la ew York .liyhiHi far laiaae. 23. 'a. amaakaBaaiaBak ammt a . !. Mamam ? Consideration .,),. V iZf " .v RYAN SAYS THEY HAVE MfSKKffl MORE TOWARD ' '- jvS.'V" mwmvBt wmmfm a i.i?i. '-,i'ai-'?r&vS-t m u Ml EUGLtSH PRESS WAHTS EXHrBHS - lf ArrtkiinrmnMMBML mtmimi j." k L 'SMgBy' iMMAaamtimamTamat AkkjflljBjk. ' ' ffjL MvattipaKejc; eff lJt'fmJJfaj1ft "- llW, inaenBSvjsamnamgl aw JaJHi M ixwmWf IlyJOH.X C. .VKV'IX (StaA'Correspondeat) "' 81IKKUROOKK, quebee, .Ag. The Canadian government eCMato this" afternoon delivered aa ultima tum that Harry Kendall Thaw can de cide whether be will go to Vermerter stay In Canada. He aleae w to clde. ThaW's lawyer have deeMed to leave the matter fa aim; Thaw has concluded not to make a dectetea 'be fore Monday at the earliest , The situation hi meet comptteated. -Thaw want to stay la Canada, bat hi lawyer aay Vermont la safer foe blm ,aa the Caaadlaa law reamrdlac undesirable alleaa I unfavorable ta Thaw. " Tho prtooner wa told tatly today that he la considered, a aa ;uadeair- able, but Canada doe not wsnt .to surrender blm without aordlng"hlm protection. So the government ho told tbe at torneys for the Now Yorker that If he wauts to go to Vermont they 41! help him there. If Thaw Insists on staying and ashling deportation, he was warned that ho will be surrendered to the New York authorities If he lose. HMTOHIAMjV. ' THK -.". .." . . , ' ' - i. MMfcH UiMlKH flIPvCOAMa TO SAVK HNOlUAXDh JHaPtTTA- ti . v TM I.") 1I5 H.-The.Laad i - Li - , MM Ti. ! rf! I --' UaM4 Pi-im Smto IX)NDO.V, 'XiHf , IRHOI witVimiV, J BrUltak WamUKaUmkUl 'MaaVMaaVtatt ' tmt mmaaT- asra naam janamBvaransv wxjaawapmj . ar MetMW'Mt ta Paaam aatloaal gwwiUH at "-.r - . - i.' ' Ji i.- -i egaruiea of tae.gerwameav :re r '"'i The pubUcathm aaya the nstiem eaafj not aford to 'Jeopard! tb eordtelltr of , U rUOoa;ftwa Mat. ' .twaj couatrie. . faaaL J V- HUERTA MAKING HIS OVERTURES TKLHOKAM. frUOM I.I NO M HKAS- HUHI.N'G, HUT WILftO.V IS STIUi WHITING HIM MHH8AQK TO COX-ORK8S UalUd Preaa Swrl WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. . Telegrana'recelved today from Spe cial Ambassador Uad, are rcaasur- Ing. but President .Wileoa M coatln' uliig his work oa his message to cjngre. He la determined to give the coun try the facta la the Mexican, situation; regardless ot Huerta's .overture, v. 3 .li . y i:,.- .'V"(.fv vPM& reyiainawoi acywe,w yw jaaayira, r i-qe; vaweyt, yfaeao, a naaieaara :g an the eeaMracHui 'work' 4aNearmlprcB on''th'r:' . y,'.vii'i "htfflmm ' . s t .. '.j. a. f " -v y. . t if , . l , -ius'.-t oj ,wimTtta1wAditm,-fc-l i MERRILL DOCTER CONTRACTS FEVER i- - . IH IN. LOCAL HOW'ITAIi, AkVKTIM tK TYPHOID--HAU LOOATKO W HOUTHKRN KLAMATH CITY ONLY HKCilNTLY t , ; ,1)r. A. J. Craig of Merrill li a th Blackburn ,liIUlv auferla 5fa liie uieaico oui.receatiy epeasnaa tea. at , Merrill, .and ha Lai heaa hulldlac 'wp".rjw4, laM "( $M CSV umfsmm9-mnf 97W. umijr .Mwsm .jh mmuwf ?, m &mmm Vr RAILROAD WFLL GIVE A SADDLE u hPKCIALLY MAD lRHMIVat M HKI.VO PKHPAMH IXHt THa! HHKT OIRL aWOKCNO aWWTBSt AT THK, HOVNaVUP I V v r It Hneelal ta To HeraM T " PKNDLKTON, - Aug. II The . 6$ W., K. A N; cemaaay ha g4va a Am addle aa the trweayila-th ftnt arm for (the girl' buekln ea at ,a4 Hound-Up thla year; September ni. 18 aad 13. k "' This aaddle hi how betag made'to order, aad 'will, a aae. of, the, taeat pieces ot leather work ever put up la a eoateat ot th la eharaeter. , ' Preeeat' lndleUo.a taat'.ta will ,be twelve ortftev stria testing for thkiarbM.. la a44Ht)',t the saddkrUer wlH'.b a aah prtae ot S50 gebsg to ta wlaner. n . r-t-,; ,, t Thirty Waateat la Twa-hlU Swla. .. Ualted Pre Servle ,, . ''. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 23, Thirty .w meaaad girl are entered ,1a the tw mil awlmmlng rae. 'wbWh'wUl be held la the MhislMlppl tomorrow. -This Weatera Rowing Club hlhri handaom loving cup,to the arat.ave to flntah,. Other wbotalah wlH re ceive breas medahu . r '- " " '' ' .V f- r be rr aat-4mm m .( .j. J. ht . ; . r - M't .1. ,(i' "l Hv'f taai Jaet at UM f ;v. rii.JA.'l .S ,V! t IH4 aartawauaj aatjr w -l MtMimlVfli thatr alTfiSJfiTi't i-- Mt,'m WHB 'MaaSaMa iamflaVtammaWl iiigaaasamJaM t lJVnukMt i Hyagi aniYijal aUaVaaathMl vbMttacHwl warahur th aetaal maa.whatlwithvaMt. 'Darws iU heartaaj ta Um aatk M day. aftraooa. Mr., Ryaa"al a eat neat t Mr. MHhK, ami at I fur farater kmd Uietrtiaahta a4 iplalsa a t th i Raa.w aM to. (in it 4a aatasal wv-rama asaaape 1 W 7 r NMnXWNIMMi ' Miwl.a1y J Pr r ifi tmaatiammmimaT mmammmaTaamaamMmi '--J - ' ,'M "t aiVTfl BaaTmaaaaaaaaamaaa'maaaamaaaaaW Vaaat,EVSP gaaataml'aMat V'AS 4 -la M r farm, Rafter rk.;flU waataaMmMl Hi Mm of tbA tvttiaaa iib ii im ftj I f thBMtv, Mrv HMM Wggd) airtp'1 ri ; -' I'-. . .. . J .--.l-vW er: aa aaytafl uum w ivrMnvaf jpw; Klamath a at attttat a ta. utawet iiaiUirama. gati ta ''I hT s4 a taM ta ,- psjat j , 1 fariaara'ar mtaa. aad I - .'..; J- . i' . am, tatajac aaaat .waam 1 1 thr.aai saa thMM flwi taiiaitap ami ammtMl K- Undo. TNowhfr ama jlllJSii ifl nroJeetaaav I fM aMM tatamW ; geat aad' tadaeMou aht f tmfL; tMut,uartaKaaMUSvajgcj ,'' ,'lYvtr farm htHaw kolBaaaafeBBaiN taaw mrt .M maav UJtaati ttUtfdB ward lmarrtas ai farma thaa'ta o aar vhdted.;;l tad that t tlMVaaye'.T''s4MJpSal hmitaalta.tf' (Cattaa4 lta) '?) '.jfl '.,! Strike of Iron Moulders in Threatefts to Tie Up AH Trader Of- Jl . ' w , 1 i 'rail! v ',Svl Ars.., - 4.-' h!'5m'T a: V 't - , .& v: .. ,.'; Tm Are St tell ... -i.1 . - "V." iV, .'.. '"s v-..,v,i-v , . . .- -auav,raM. au. . : .orpwia 'atramajs; ajam aU Hw iaduatrlM ta ok I: thr- q riM uairi,iAr TVf (fuatr.t4ay, A Aa' a.rK -a rnairil llilglJa1int aaVsl MAMamamamammamf aammW staJulaW:;ia::ikatr da. 1 . ' i 1L- hyiK' 7 r ,.'-,V TWr.- -!? W i,;Wl .'. -ea.-:i '- i .:---h -- .mJhwdJ ' JSW'1 P'1W 'Fw'PbW' ,fMaWI MM amAa4kiaV aAjjtm4gJ-JJft v fSk iaMMfaataanf i Te 1". v "t W"IP",w,"Ww WwM afS (' W WaW aPahJW IHItlaV '., Ot v,: w1( - BlUUBjaaji a lUMamitai.l :8s (&i;