. .. '-, r ' . . HH7i '."' 'i ,' . ... " . - .-. .B. '" an" .'. . '; ' ? j 'i ..; '., , v,-tti nv.r Mfft' " w. . .' ia "". r -v ". " .vl is , . v ra-5-ff.; ' ,o' . , ' -tr 9 '."' '' ,.r. 1 '. ' " VT". f" i - j v ,t'";f o- MMMMMMV . ,,V)i lA . J 1 1 pawku-II MTi HHWMUHlHlaiHiaMBBMMMHaa LEV ' jfclii: --iLU'iH' l2l i'l ., -.. fi & Aoeiame jrmpprvrucs : Hold v:.VkAfcjf: i ...''.-. jj v.- ,iv.'i 'r-.' , ) "jj Wi'UA. " . Hi Jli 'l'-- .-'! ..j . , fflif' 'l"l immt&Bm mill n i m i ' ,. ' ' J. sw4, ' w t-ytBi;ammmmmmmnV a . Ps . Ai-.'pi; . :vr JSt f. . " . "' L .'-i'AV't. ill v. ' - 'h t Ate - SK i LV . T.cv.: "V(:' 'Utacf.la'UM wH.v li'iMi;,!' 4tmli wm.' m '.& - -T7if.. "i'T - ...:i.i: : ' IVTflABI' lVHIB .- - tMr a : '!.' tew' tfc w. wr .1 . ,i tfftfjMV W MHM WHlm MM - ' IwU Trim .4am (MkrJtk ,tar. ,? t ' S'Jm. tf jiHt tmm Uit the ( MHHIB W. &i VIWVBa BW ' ' lMMWMMi' MMlak TtMi.torfrt rwch CS , .;' wttk".a;iMtfcr.MM!M U.N. nmmw . IV " ..' a. . . -y -,. i . t. -v .( . ,, ,fc - - .. " '4',., 'IiL;L-.r-. .1. r. "1 kimrri iHiri m vi ' , f .,'.' . ' ;. -.i'i-", NKW rv v;!" mi fiibMt rt'iai a" StS ;"" ' --..' ....-- .ii ,-r -j -Si. &'4tlMkMm'M.tfc Pwtor-Kay kliilwiHw to- CtttMt' MMtta;-' whara- tnMe " aa mmywwwiMri'iitiw lf FlUhiwlpate - , Jtf Dm ,"wlM'HeHHt" kf kmirf. .,r ' !.' M).mm f 4rima or'ekauf- '-V 'Imti ' nm(k awaraiM, waa' ortr4 ftaatotlrt.fcr XMraatar of PaMIe Safety r rortarOaaNB UartU H. Bay, '.-air. ' taaMttwr laU; Mractor," lavaatatf ' - - - -' -' --- fc- ..,,, f wwtw v n m ,a wwh klHW ' -- iiM MBpHII taata; atfaataraaataaa Ultka mm at laHkBHttftt IMMVHI 'A aMMMJlt u "Bfaa4,a)M akuteC tka wtawl. Wea aiaat of Uwaa atnuiMac te' taa water wlH tt4 laalr. Mawtka aaat, MgMly. ' tata ofttaUM.'.vNI'Btat Mm araatate. Ta taa jritdn aaa laat taa atmita U atruMW." . ta a'aaatawaia yaaai wkh mm of ar' aalMK attar Trap akawa aaw Mlly lata to wma. ' ""I waaM'HlM ta aay fartaar." aaa adt4. "taat It la alaMat criaitaal far aayena, atMar woawui. to fall to loara Wawta.' MEMORtZtNG IS PART OF COURSE nkw ncnmiKTKXsaNT or rvs. ow WAirn to TOVNfl VO Ml 9 arMMBBman?BBBBBWfcar aVAMal aaaW MWt aii wsmm nwim v r- ; VoWaCal HOI" OOa CTMMM r fALiaf. Au. it. Oaalartac taa R''MUM)'ailaalM of taa taatatra to toaok "tao ,aofa'a4 airia aot tfca aaaraa of atoa..at to Mlaaaa; Mata ftworlatoaooat of Faa lk laatraottao araaMI aaa bMtrto4 la tao-yaiaaaaaraa of ataa, ikwk aaa Joot aaoa raaipltla. a aaaiaar of Aaiai taoatara too Baa. aaok aa UM,Twoat7-tair4 Paalai;"Haawr la tao aai wao ta4- otk wloaoai;" taa aataotiaa froaa tao CortaUJaaa ltHaaUg ""Taoa I oaoak wHa taa toaMa of atoa aa4 ef'aaaela"; taa IStat Paalai. aa4 taa RMatHaooa. rroat oaaral Mtoratara hera and taoro aaa boom aeioetoi "Tao Iadlaic of taa PllgrlaM," "OM Iroa tM," "Taa. VHtaao BlaokaaUU.". Aaoa Boa Adaai. aad taaay otkara. Taoao atlaatlaaa aro ariaml ay araoos fro tao atat to tao oJsMli for oaokyoar; 'Toaoa tao aoya aa4 tao Wla aottko aoarao of ataa aor Kako faa4 oMiooaa af our Waya aad ftrla; TMa-ia ow work." aaya aariatoadaat 'OkayoalB ki Wa adrko to taaakati ki tko aooraa of atwn.i u f ,' '.'"'"' ' JBV"' ' 'JBMMf MMaiaaaooaaMaaaaaaaaillM F t Ctr Mr Rnt Pi vl i 'v""' -'!"?'' -v :-- j'-ttmt i tV: .- M '1.,tM':naTT'aTaaVa1aV.laVtaAB11in JV.ti, . -.M, 'v.-,antOMfv.ti- nunriniuni fc v ' p , .."J, , ,fv ? ' r ,,.'."- '."."I ,J-' ' .7,17' T''F 1 '. a ' ' . . .A.v: iTiv ,iT-v"vwMa-i : itMIWlBSIOW'-lWllAT rfc' , :&' itk aVan on ni ui'.ti T . I,- , ' EAatS. IOME m?.- JlS TWW;': vLiS - t&i.l : Kfi'- n -. ..-' ?. - jo aro ao tanaiir a .U." aato r "Mm 5 J."a 't "P" aWBMa ' mW& W"4"off WVoVaV "; i wto M'iMjMi m. . rW ( ( J( MBaaaMMBRlMHaaMBaaBMMMBMaMIMMMBaMBMMMMMMMMBMMMl , ;lj All work gwtraMooi, I VAaVaTMMl' '... II r .' r'.t'L ? . -n LAjr. t t, rm m-. m ir.t n h.i aa rv iv mm ww. .a u . i r, t-n - , jr wr . r hi I'i,-TTyS5fV:f74iA.a-'. tSJ- i .' '.v P' I ' ' ii i' T i Jv.-' .'. T tei . ""m A 4. .IJ ' .-! j 1 1 .. '! T. -, . ' e IJT i It I ff r - II MMBMMkMi WBTWBW a . MMMBMi MMMMM1 MML. fmiw-fMmii-'i .?, i-,t . ,!; .fpi" rr rj-irr:: .':r3"j .fata5te"Ai...4.4V..v'ri,w , .-? '". '';;- ' , v$K.3mmmmmrmm'r wxssbm&v 'warrjWsj'wvwiT'''11 A;'?wwMv:kV'd'f- . kl'lolf , ' '' - ''"- '.'-;.-';' I JOJ aTWM MTMC V- : AMaMaTamMtMl - HlrlC I llOl III I III I I I i ' , Af jf il. '.'v.t T T ,.',.. j.(, ' , x. ., x' T, , aaaaaESkSal' '' '-'M- --. .P ! ' v-i'' - .'i ' - wV . r r ' V '' r CAMtNETTI MAY PtEAO GUILTY va CONVICTION OV MM NNKABIOfH AMVNkmBA TO MAVK HAH A THWIORIMNCl 1NKLVRNCK OX 'TMK VOVNO MAX ' Uallvd Prraa Barvlco SAN rRANCISCO, Aug. St. Ra porta ar crowlag atruagrr that brow Camlnetti. on of Immlcratton Imc (or, warned by the verdict of guilty returned agalntt IMgga In the trial under the Mann white alave act, will plead guilty when hU cano l called Tueaday. Proaecuter Roche aald today that two count, thoee dealing with la ducemeni and perauaalon, may aa dropped, and Camlnetti tried for a tralght Infraction of tha Maaa,act. CHANGE BEATING TO PRISON TERI fixmxo that watrriKfl rog LAW WAB MMPKAUOt, Jl'HTICK OOWAX CHANQHH FVXMWIRXT 0" PKW laatead of kehig admlalotered if- teen laakea from a whip la tao aaada of Bherlg Lew, William Pew, who eja Thunday plead guilty to aoatlag bU wife, will aerro twoaty-gro daya hi )all. Tke change waa mado tkla awMCAlNS Looking OTor the lata aeaalaa tawa Jaetleo Oowoa dleeovered that tao whlpptac law had aeoa raaealod. la to It kad not beoa readered ekae- tete, the Pew' aKatr promlaod to I aa animated, aa BaorlC Lew. t faoed to' wield tko elackeaake oa SvRvnroRS tell IRRHHETALES THOM, BAVM BwCLARR TanMrv.rotm WKXT BOWW Will WRMCKaW United Preae Sorylea SBATTLE, Aag. it. urWera from the wrecked alaamer "8UU of Callforala" reached hera today ea Uo ctoamer Jetereea. .Tkey aay thirty- four wereidrowaed. Not a alagle aiaa waa aale tgt de- acrlao tko wreck, wklek eamo wRk aaek fearful and tarrMe addeaaeai. Tke oaly thug tkw kaew waa taat taoro waa a eraeh, tke doeka Mtaaedl atoly blew up from the, air araaaare, aadaU foaad theawelree etraggHag for Ufa m tko krldgo. HOW'S THE ROIF I ? i i Bettor aava aa U R hofore wa. aad Palmetto Xaeeer Pawt c - - makes oM reea aaw.. , -. Faal aarlag Heating Panuaoa laaUlled by aa espert maahaae. Batlmatao cheerfully far alahed. MILLER'S VISIT t.T! !, Illtf.l-IXH.IT INDIAN HrmVIOK, RNCIAMATtON HKHVICK, MARMH LANB OWk KNB, HOK8KPI.V PKOPLH AXI oTMKRM nmi: Some idea of the Importance of the department ot the ltttorior.U given Klamutlt Khlln people by tho number here to hear Aulatant Becrotary Mill er ot that department, and to dlncuta pertinent mattera with htm. The Klamath reclamation project la one of the big matter he wilt take up, and there are water ueera from all part of the project here. All ot tho director of the Klamath Water L'ier AmocUUou aro here, and a majority of the attache ot tha recla mation lervlce aembled at the court houee. To And out what can be expected from tho government la tho matter of reclaiming tho marh land around lwer Klamath Lake, a number of marak wad ewaera have been dlecue lag tkla aueittoa with Miller. Mattera pertalnlag to Indian aKalro are being taken up wltk tke depart- mt head by Indian Agent Meoa Wataoa and ladlaa Poreet Supervlaor Ji M. Bedford, wao, came la taat night from the Klamatb Agency. Tke aaaattoa of a nllni oa the lloraegy Irrigation Dkrtrlct' reer voir alte W'aaother that Miller will take up. Jake Rneck, one of tke di rector of tke'dlatrlct, I here from Dairy, and he aad Attorney Pergaion will attead to tale matter. la addlUoa. It le believed that Mill ar will be eoaauMed with retarding Improvemeala aad other BMttera con- eeralng Crater Lake. Lyman P." Oraat of Columbia Pall ha been appomtod by tho atate of Malao cuetodlaa of a large cow mooae wklek followed him heme from the wood laat June. la the hope of.latroduclag It Into tke Uaked Kates, aa assert from tke iepartBteat of agriculture kaa keea aeat to Maaekarla to get epeclmeaa of a peach taat walgka a pouad. A humaa.aknll dleplayed la a ahep window la a atreet close to the Kdln burgh wgraiary boara la rather grim kumor tko iegead, "Socoad kand. owner havlag'ao further uee." More thaa 4.ee New York school children are aaaaatly referred by the school aatkeriMas to physician for mdoleal treatment Talrty-twe kead of sews aad salvos 111 be sold at auctloa at taa O. K. feed barn oa gaturday, Aagast St, at S o'clock. Alee. seate. good horses, buggies aad harness. OUT MBRB1LL, Aaetloaeer. J, M. BTANg, Owner. lK-Tt Notice for Baas Notice Is hereby glvaa that wUl be received by the ap to 1 o'eleak, September 1, far fmsJaklag lag eerea of good live body weed aad Umbo, aald weed to be delivered aad piled la tao of tke Odd Pollewa balldtag. A aTVm Ulll 1 We We dP STB das BJ J mmWVg W. O. gMITH, Praaldeat. St-ltt yoCTi oppommnti" Wt waat a live kaetUag reprissato- tlvs hi tkla saetloa to take orders tar ghat t BssdBaaM IMaaaa amammt aBaamtmHataB mmanaaaaT aamroMB) a Marj aavaaaTw sa-aagaygajaaa; VimnmBb ea tke PaoMa Coast Wa etas aad pay aaek weekly. Wrke today. PasMU Naraery Co., SM-llt Btoek Bxehaaga BMg., Pert- ore. t-K-t-ii r Ltmgitt Umpire li Under Charges bI Rabbits Lake County Are to Be Inoculated I.AKKVIRW, Aug. St. 'A. II. Thornton haa received a culture ot baclilua from thn Oregon Agricultural College to bo used lit InocuUtlon of titiitittM In tlil county, While only n mimll amount nt (lie ruliuro wn vnl, It I siilflclent to liuukv Hovernl tvt to determine whether or not the eiporlmeut will prove siicceeitfut, ami In Hint event, more can be eciirml from tho college. It U Mr. Thornton' Irion to catch a few of the pott nntl keep them In cap ture to wntch tho effect of the bacll 'lus, and Hunt ascertain whether tt will IJuMlty to nuke InocuUtlon over tha county In general. In order to nuke a practical test, TOWNXOPtCS , Huatama and liaur-"W. H. Polk, Whol connected with the J. I, Cae (Threshing Machlno company of Port land, Is here attending to btulne matUr. While here ha I visiting hi alster, Mr. II. L; tllem. Oa to PortUad. Mrs. Uvl Mc Donald left this morning for Port Isnd. ghe especta to be gone about two week. muchmen on the West Hid will meat at the Arthur ranch to participate in it rabbit drive, for the purpose of catching rabbit for the experimental Work. ThesA wilt be Inoculated, and enrli farmer will take several hntiin with him. A part of those taken by each rancher will W liberated where thu rnhblu are nbuiuUiit, nmi the other will he held, lit order to allow n study of the effcrts nmt the virulence tf tho illiesse. The culture wan donated by the Ag rlruliural College as a teat to deter, mine the practicability of eradlcatlag the rabbit ptit by means of dlaesse. mrnfii.iilEaaeaaedn.iiiiimit- rr- tt. C00RT HOUSE WORKJS LIVELY TANK OP NKTTIN'fl I'P THK HTONH Irt . tXMMK.NCKI-MAXVPAC TfllK OP AKTIPICIAIt MTOXK IN INTKHNNTI.NU Han Johaaon, president of tb American League, must decide It 811k O'Loughlla, oae of tha umpires, called PHcher Roy Mitchell of the 8t. liula Browas, a "yellow cur," and It so Is that the proper language for aa um pire to uie toward a ball player. Mitchell, who waa pitching for the llrowns, walked to tke plate to bat In a game which O'Loughlln umpired. You missed two strikes on Mai- set," said tha pitcher. "You ought to keep your eyes open." "Tkea," said Osorge Btevall. man ager of tha team,- who aaya ke waa alee at tke plate, "tke umpire took ea kls mask aad aaaaaredi 'I mimed them on purpose Jost to get a chance to chase yea from tke game, yea yel low cur., Ye4 are a eouaterfaR.' " O'Loughlla denied he used the words. Other Brown players say he did. (Net Gael Laada) Deaartmeat.ef taa tatofler. fJaHed BUtsa Lead Ofaae at Ubevlew, Oregea. Jaly it, ltlt. Notlae la, kereby gtvea laat Learn L. Stela, of Klamatk Palas. Oragea. wko, oa August 1, ltlt. made ataad Batry No. ttlls. far N . Section It. Towaaklp ITS, Baage 1U, Willamette MarMlaa. aaa glad aetlee of lataatlea to asake aemmatotlea Proof, to estaeUek claim to tke lead above described, before C. R. DaLaa, Ceeaty Clerk af Klamatk aeaaty. Oregea, at KlamaU Valto. Cv aa tke tlrd day af Aegaet, ltlt. Clalmaat aamaa aa wHaaasaa: M. Lerey Miller. It L. fawawaa. Hear7 W. Btraw, I, 3. Straw, aM af JAB. r. BUBOI Mt-l-ltk 111. MAY PfWVE FATAL hiaa WH, WiaMaak Baam rwa ;UatB aaa ImgiHian af MT ' Baluolui lo aaTur & olMBao tkasw oS sBwvmmBraTaaay . amy mamaaw aa immBVBrn,,sB A ajameaaaaj ms-a "; Bat If yea lad 'Ua Item tag kleV ,Paataerleaa kldaay troubles asag foltow; Taat. dreasy .er Brlgai'a dlasMe amy be tke'faUl aad; Yea will bo gted to kaew taa fal lowtag aaserlaaae. Tla Ue'keaaat atotemeat af a Marafcy r wld sat - Jeka MeCeWator, Mgnkf, Ore., ax: "Per aaeat a year I was af tist- ed.jwHk 'Uaaar ssmtklal, My kaak " FfJaTgT igpr4BaBml gVwBBTTaTVaWgw, WmW fteepad, aad aeaed aa aereraly taat I fewMaat.aieay wen. wars or gap, klad tbred au, aad I waa laagaM aad VBwwMt'e aawa7 aMWaTByV aTBMBgTVasPsWasal gjmBMMna ea ' tee.irs gaaany aa atgac aaa i ar itseaeesateat Ha ' skeat ' Basaa , tsma aaa) I bagaa aauiig Daaa'g riaaay PBjm Form of advertleemsat No, Notice to Coahractora The county clerk of Klaatath coua- ty, Oregon, will receive blda up to faraleb Septombsr 3, 1013, for tke coastrue- Uea of a road described aa follows same being a part of what, la kaowa aa tha RattU Snake Point read: Prom Station It 8x46 to Station ttlkn oa original line, wklek cor respond wltk Btattea IstxGO correct ed-itaa, aad froas Station 14aS0 to Statlea list correcUd line, a dis tance of ,1 feet. Tke plan and epecilcatloaa are oa tie la tke oalce of tke county elark, Klamatk Palls, Oregoa. A esrtlled check to the amount of 10 per eeat of the kid submitted, payable to the or der of the county of Klamatb, atate of Oregon, must accompany aaek bid, The County Court reserves 'tke right to reject any and all bids, Wm, 8. Worden, County Judge, C. e: Merrill, County Com., John Hagelatala., County Co, ) s-lt-lO-J k Kay la Better. K. Sugsrmaa, who Is In Portland under tha care ot a physician on account of eye trouble, I In an Improved condition, accord ing to reports sent tohls insnsger, Chsrllo I'olndoxtrr. Mr. Bugsrrnsn will probably return to Klamath In a week or so. Mills Home Boon. Mr. snd Mrs. I.yle O. Mills snd son are expected homo tonight or tomorrow from a ten' days' camping trip. There Is muck speculation aa to whether the popular crsamery man succeeded In hagglag the trio of live Venison the law allows. faprtwe doing Kat Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Caproa will leave Tuesday on sn extended Kastera trip, Mlaaespolla blng their objective point They will be away until the early part of Octo ber, returning m time to entertain Russell Perd and Kd Sweeney, star battery of tke New York Yankees, who will visit hsre October 16th. About the drat of November the Caprons will go to l.oag Beacb for the winter. VkMlag Districts. County School Superintendent- fred IVleraon left Thuridsy for Merrill aad Malta, to visit the vsrlous school districts. In that locality, and ascertain what Im provements luvo been planned for the coming term. To Tour California. Z C. "tW Powell aad K. (1. Argraves are plan ning a trip of several months' dura tion through California, in tko f.ir mcr's auto. Thsy will net leave, or some time yet, but tkey expect to be away all winter and a part of the suc ceed lag aprlag. , Valaae Wlitow. ThsdUplsy win dow In the Stilts Dry floods store la very prettily arraaged, skewing some thing out of the ordlaary la tke way of art designs. Tke display Includes darnlag bags, pillow tops, tsble run ners, etc., la quaint designs. After Brrie.Mrs. Henry Stout and Mrs. George McDonald left today for the Lake of tka Woods, whsre they will pIsk.kuekleberrlM, vV ' '( GOOD LAW) Is alwef a $ke pear UM n. a :' afj be la Ike -eadU aap ark. Jf farw to akaw taa Blamaak Baala aad aavlag faenV PwmwMF gf"wJr VVwTfVjvjp MV, BBaMTfBj 1 H MHI Ml ' ai aaVammmmtatl ift ammffM SwafaV aammmmaammai mr samsm -pmy awaaw w ' t CMILCOTt Nets Greet latarotsaieat. A. P. Hamilton and wife passed tkrougk Klamatk Palls today oa tkslr way te Seattle 'after a moatk'a visit, wltk frleada ia Saa Praaclsco. . Mr. Hamil ton, wko la traveling la kls macklaa, notes a wonderful Improvement In the Klamatk Valley since the daya of '01 aad '00, when ke used to travel this territory selling palate and oil. I seewe''aMeae''aeaKe'assas9sas3 Work on the new court house Is progressing rspldly, this week mark ing the beginning ot the work of aioiie letting. Harry K, Angllit, the superintendent In chargs of the work, has a crew of about twenty men put ting up atune, and wilt Increase tliU number to about fifty Juii as soon ss enough stone Is "cured" to keep that number busy, This work Is being doun under thu stipervlalqn of M. J. MrDouuugh. Iimldo the sheds where the artificial atone Is made la a floor space of tt, U0 0iiar feel, literally covered with atune of various slir, shape snd di mension, "Hilly" Contelmsnn, who with l M. Schofleld, Is the cu.todlsii ot the secret process by which these stones sre made. Is lu rhsrg of the works. He msps out the dlgerent designs and shapes, turna the drawlags over to Atwood and Stone, the cabtavt makera, and they make "skspes" or "molds," la which tke steasa are east. The molds are filled with the secret preparation, and "tamped" by a ma chlBe, the only one of lu kind In ex istence. The molds, containing the green stone, aro then taken to tho "dryiag Hour," and turned over to the floor foreman, William P. Hcheucr, whoa duty It Is to supervise the ticklish work of "pulling the molds. This ronaUla of gelling the molds off the atone without breaking corners or In any way disturbing the smooth sur face of'tlio ston. Utmost rare must be taken In this work, for the damp condition of an "uncured" stone makes It n delicate thing to handle. The "banjo work," frills and decor , alive stones are cast In aa entirely different manner. Por this class' of stone Mr. Chovln, an art modeler, makes clsy models and plaster ceets, Tbeae are Snleked In gelatine and the stans compound poured la. Mr. Chovln haa already made some bsautlful cornice piece, colum tops, ate, Mr. Bcheuer, who kaa beea with the company since Its organisation. says the quality of jbe etoua here is tho best yet produced. Just aa soon as h eaa'get his plana' mapped out far enough ahead, Mr. Contelmsnn will add a night force to fuming out stone, and then, he! claims, It will not take a great while' to, make the 4,000 pieces to be' In the new court kouae. v To trade; furniture for a team of mares, at Comsieck's. r '. IIHI.I' WANTKD 188 msa for all kTnds of labor. Apply L.'O. Com Stock. it-It Old Forester Whisky OLD IWMmYfM WaWkYI.YjM A PaWBtWT OOaawlIf A-r " TION OP aVflUkwOT AND PUR OLD nNTtKaXY WaTJB. kihs, aokd in wob!in vmtml WKAWm' WOMWm , t f WABaawOVMMt afBpJXmWBYTtlB MATVRJC M f ODSOPTIkttaCMAXDWMATB,Wri- DKMrUb BOwUBt " 'A' WMHMtKY AS RKW AND PAl ATABXBASPllfBOtWI1fB,r; a.: . AT AU CAl AI sUltt ' f4 i " It " .V,iT, J .'' '4 tt- 1 w- J- ,i- IJ ' r a- , fvf yt aV;. W ..Jh' lL i $ ' ' ff'.. u&d'u: Hi i 'I !