' :' V-Vi-a 't " -j iV 4 ii. POLO INTEREST MUCH GREATER h .MANV THAMH AIIH NKTKItKD IN TOUIt.VAMIi.ST WHICH MTARTM i i 1 tVllt' ll III.UM.... ...... ... .., in irii.air.ii run wnr WIMTKII.V TITI.H w JINGO PRESS IS1 CALLED OBSTACLE UNIVKRHAI VKACK COSOHVMH PLAYS THK TYfM OP JOUH.VAL IHM THAT CLAMOKH VOSTIXV ALLY Von IIATTI.H f n. uxr United Preaa Service TDK IIAOUK. Am. 8ar-."Wbnt United i'rM Bervlce' : 'vL IIKNVKIl, Colo,, Auk. 2S,That y.t ',' H" victory of (ho American dfond-,lli Pri might do for tho caUie of ,.t' cm of llio International polo Iropliy'cnce," w tha nulti queatlon under , nt Meudowbronk, Long liltmd, ha conaldoratlon nt todays tension of 4 . . urcatly Incraamtd Interest In thotporl tho twentieth annual meeting of Ih'i .v U In iliU country wan evident Imro today Unlvernl Peace Congreu, which hni s when Hie Woairrn summer lournn. (been In convention alnce Monday. iihmii uvgan, i on ronu-nia win luat tliroimh Augttit ,10th, and will I, played on tho Colorado Hprlng Conn-J.Uud tho power nwpaper hav In try Club' field, promoting peace among nation, llotli Five reprcnentlng eight Colorado mrongly condemned thoaa newapnpti clubn, nod timnu from the cavalry "which art continually clamoring for iiuiM ui run iiouinion, Neb., nnd Port Ulley, Kan., will participate. " '' v.f ) if ' I D Physician Predicts That 1 1 it Tuberculosis BBlrVI R IfUl ;i Vanish In Ten Years9 Tinie. He Says, tuberculosis of the Lungs Will Be a Thing of.the Past. Sunlight, Air and New Vaccine to Accomplish It Public Hale Thirty-two head of cowa and ealvM will be aold at auction at tb O. K. feed barn on Uaturday, Auguat II, at 3 o'clock, Alio torn good bora, bugglea and harotaa. , (JI)Y MKIIRILL, Auctioneer. J. M. EVANS, Owner, "RoPMeUOVAL CAMUS MAXWELL M. LONO Osleenatkle Wyatelaa, RulU II aid 11, WhRe Bldg. iihi Prate Semes DKNVKII, Colo., Aug. 22,"!t wlil Im poilble. In ten year to ellmlnato tuliurciiloKld of' t bo lungi.!' TliU ttdtem'ent, made by Dr. letter- ...... t ni...tM ....'..... . .., ,' Fried and M. UFoyer were , , .'. . "' """ "- today'a chief tpeakere. flotb ampl..,"? "M. "' "". ami originator which .kill ;ntre peraoiiH than nny otlmr malady, ran be ataycyd, haa re-' iiltcd In appeal from thouaanda all over the country, for moro detalla of liU propim treatment. Dr. Olbaon'a Ktatiinnt waa made' beWre the con vention of Homeopathic phyaiclana held hero recently. Many pbyatclaaa have commended and approved Or. (Jlbnon'a treatment,- but there have been othera to crltlclae It adveraely. Dr. OlboH prepoaea to eliminate tnberciilonlii.of the Itinga by an X-Ray treatment, augmented by Injection ot a eeriim, aunllght and freah air. Ilia omciwhat technical eipMBation of the treatment before the phyaiclana' convention baa not been fully under-1 war or warlike damonatratlona behind a mask of falaa palrlotlim." Ilerr Krled declared "tho jingo preaa the greateal menace of the pre- nt day to commercial advancement." Ha argued that the "jingo" preaa, by continually grasping avery opportuni ty for calling for war, could not help but atlr up a certain amount of tin- aettlednesa In bunlneaa circle. The Il-7t rongreaa will adjourn tomorrow. SeSSSSEA UITV AMI COUNTY AMMTKACT COMI'ANr Abetract. IwHraaM Member Oregon Aoratloa Till Mea Classified I Column I nN HAI.K ., . . mm ItKNT llouaekeaplng room,! corner 4th and I'lae at., No.tti, ; '30-tf i atood by laymen, nnd to aniwer hla crltlnt he today gave a practical ex planation through the United Frew, "The firm part of Infection in a voat majority of caiet of lung tuberculo- Hit," aald Dr. Olbion, "originate In tho bronchial gland and radiate fiom thero to the top of the lung. It then, aproadi fan-Ilka over the re- imilmler of the lung tlaaue. "flplendld reautta have been ob tained by treating the gland ot the neck abdomen and other part with tho X-ray. The X-ray will produce nqually good reaulta If applied to tba bronchial glaad. It tbu rata abort or prevent pulmonary tubarcnloala entirely. "Aided by tuberculin or VonRuck'a new vaccina, tba X-ray nhould glva perfect reaulta In theae caaea. By thin mean, I claim that It la poeelal In ten year "to wipe out lung tuber- tuloel. I predict that tan year from now It will be a dlgrea. for a physi cian to allow a caaa to develop among "Long and Short" at Star i H 'it o. :. WILI.KV Attorney at Law lUx.m una, O.M r'elktwa Mall miw:kmanmicm .i:mi'U)VMkt I Call up COM8TOCK. pbona 0, If you want aar kind of MRU t HagUftr at lb COMUTOttK if I you vaat eniployweai fOlt HAI.-Ut S In block 3, Second Kalrvlew addition. S00, half cab. . btlanca to ault If take la Urn days. AddrtM ti)7 K atraet, OraaU Paaa, Oregon, Il-tot , "' f YPCWHITERS .New MarkhftM W.a Ifc.w mm! Wl.(MI m Motli , tilWMIti Kail MhV Hi !i WJi l I n l M. ." U. U GOOD LAND In alwaya tlie rlirapeat la lhi end. I'oor land la drar at any priir. I nmki a xUlly of deairabla funw lamia, and ahall bo plaaaad to ahon yuu Uie cuuatry. Hetaa; famllUr Hh I lie Klamath Haaln mad having facU. Itlra for ahowlng tha land, I am In n ImmKIon to aarva reaj. . CHILCOTt Naw lecntlam, M Mala ft. rrwawfM FtERE IT ij NYAL'S PACE CREAM k and t nmliln hawiMililfmha an ibi iar Unw P ofrmlaaaML TWa I the aaa aw that aWaty ilmaiii Km pan i Uavai tkaakin amaoth and tafl amt Than taa.NJ'i laa wl not aawa hakta grow an wa mat. . Baing graaMltw, Nyal't Paaa Craun It rmdilyaaaarbadbyilMiaa. CmmMm&mJmm ffMaMaTdanW. It 11 BaMnaMBMlat ewaanaanana vwanaapeM v ww anvnawy aaBaaMdW gaaaajAakdl (kil LW naaWaM. Taa.aaWaf thUl'iaaal cream k MUJOf awetaatlac. It k taU in i put NT' twenty nva ana d any teat ta Jr. iTCemmtnat uatag rHyal't Face Cream, kt beet BBaaaaaaniVS inaajBjgaBBj i tar war aaaa. h I ) VrTatt tfca a ' 'J& ' 7 i" - r,v V - ' U'Iipn you are randy la ant iloua your Caataal Htdawabka, aVa T HE CONCRETE MAN Tlli:olM)IIK KKOKLIO IM. Ihiv WW. Kea. mtt and High My abMlatc wmlee foMcjr hM proven -aliicr IN KPITK OV HARB TUdnM MV HUMNMaa HAH IbY INCMCAMCB Tha raaaaM la pUka. Mf tomarn ara aa araM i my WATCH KMPAHUNfl amU Ihey ara alwaya rand) a ajood ward far aaa. Hting ma yaar watak won't keep thaw. I aatMfartlea ar Maaay rafaadad. frank m. urr S. P. Watch Inapeetor y' Jlnaaavl V wtf .aaaaaaaaaaaaaW rx' V.''X. aauittCaBBanBBBBBBBam ; ' ' ! ' " r !t S' KB.1 J ' ' ., ' km BaKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals I V At" V' . . tS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamjaa r i 'bbbbI 1 anSBVMJT ' " Xaaall RRRRRRRaRaQfcil ''j alllllllllllllV"aaal'i7': llXanW K"HEAf'j-SPaamBBanaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaKBT"1. v'' Jw -f bbbbbW alllllllllllllllllHr9a:WiW aBaBaBaBA1aW.'ffi-)Slaf aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.,JanlaBJ-W'-.iV-t-.J.-y.r "-Rv rm)anaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK'aHBaBiiBi.i''i L'aa 'aaW LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHbv jvjH5'Rt" LallllllllllllllB!BMK!ii" ' THaJlM y RRR aaBw hi client." fluntlght and freh air, according to Dr. Olbon, n Important, but they alone will never effect a complete cure. They will give relief and In omo caaea atrengthen the lung and tho ytem aufllclently to fight oK the ravage of the dlaeane for year, but they do not cure and prevent parent afflicted from panting tha dlceaaa on to futtiro generation. "Tba application of tbU new math od of treating pulmonary tabarculaala ahall not raat with tha eity or cennty or atate," aald' Dr. Olbaoa. "It wlH not even reat aofely with tubercnloau apaclalUU., lta baaait I to eama when tha family phyatelaB geta itha Idea and eaulpa hhaaelf ta earry It out The name doctor who haa al- waya attaadad tba family I the ana with whom tba treatment will mat." Out of leo caaa In nit ataaW. from Incipient to the moat ad'ranead. wkiefe have beea treated by Or. Olbaoa ar under bl aupervlalos, alghty.gva par cent, ha aaya, were auaMenUy baaa- tad to be able to eoatuun their wark and not iHccamb to tka'diaaaa. Tha, comment of phyaidaaa over tha country, who have became famil iar with Dr. Olbaon' treatment, have. with few aseaptton. bean to the affaet that It I an original and beaedelal one. The unfavorable comment. Dr. tllUon believe, have' com from phy- icun who have not fully uaderateed hl plan of treatment. General Resigned ao HI W o Friend Could tiv . a "-(. ."--r r. ,a T Q0W mmmmmmmmmmm0mmimmBMim aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl P. , V. 'WT' ' l - ' ajBjaajBBBBjf f ' -VfrXJ r. (Ai aaaaak -Z,'mmm RRRRbbbRw tlc'V - n JRRRRbbRBL ' !Sill'olLJaRfl RLSpjRRpL A;, 'aaSaSaK ' ' -lM lK,1' - - - rrrV - RHaamnnwanBanan: '' RRRBbRjHbb aSSBBvSBBvSBBvSBBvRRRBBVannaMBBvSBBvS RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRiRaRlH aTanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalHBBaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVjRSBfRH RRRRRtRRLIIIIIIH - RRRRRRRRRSRRRRRRBaSM aSftRlftRlftRlftRlftRlftRlftpRlftRlftRl - - RRSRSRSSSHRMBRRRRRRRRRRfBaevRRfl, maRnLaaaaRSRBaVRSRaaBtLJf ' 'T ' ' "vZi . --JnBVBVnVSaaBVaHMSSEJaSan ' ' ' ' ,v'.rMi Cotonal WlUkun Hi Ma t WAJIII1NOTON, D. C, ;katf.tZ Amid the eeUebM of polltlca, the eaptul and alawat av ery aear at tlM, Untied ttataa'anay nave aaaa lateraeled la the a at General WIlHaaa chief ef engineer of the Cetoael William T. H. hotel Artlvmls FARM LANDS Choke Firm IB la S,aa wraa. rMeea reaaoa aMe, Terma aaajr v ,A, RMIDlJrCI AMD CITY riWMTY' For'aala W nrntl' OoaV.Tinteer tractarWjIKJk,1! ; , tJMAa. at, Bt1NNH(4 v t raM 4 llt M. ftth .t Claude Holding and Clara Keating, the ''long and ahort" of vaudeville, who opened at Iho Star lait night, proved to bo another of the good act (ho (how hoiuo has been getting lately. Holding la "long" on the proper kind, of comedy to pat over tho foot light. Ill lrigtng, dancing and mon- logue received many rounda of ap- plauae. Mla Keating la abort only In atature., Without doubt ahe' la one of the clevereat little ladle ever aeen on a local itage. The "Auitrallan Tango" I one of tho feature of thU program, which lhoo who wltneaaed It laat night de clare I one of the clevereat teen here In (onto time. u .-, i , ,... . ,1 saat E. WaUon and wife, Agency; V. h. Bum, rert CUme,th;J'a !!). city: J. W..8ekh: Hy; rT.vPaae. Oakland:' ML. RueWkk nnd nan, Cleveland, Okie: C.-W- WhltUker. Pale Alia. Calif.;, CUud IilOaUlag and wlfeCentraHlei; E.' Mvyand wire, Merrill. Qen. Olandennlng . O. H. IJoliMon, Port Klamath; Nr. B. Mer Jrlll. Merrill; A. T.wanaan.'A. Knhn. San Pranclaco; W. L. Htenburg. San Franrlce: II. H. Weleh. Baa Praneut- co'f'm. Clamaaay; Sacramento'; H.'C. 'Jcbrlng, S. II. Snyder, Salem; O. E. Robltuon. Orangervllle; C. V. Holme, The Dalle; 8. W. Drnedtword, Bo nanza; J. D. Cllne, Storm Lake; P. E. ,Tomnon, Portland; Imogene Thorn on, Portland; Paanle Deltell, Chllo quln. " Wkltit lrMf n nnv ithcwi : J. M. Bedford. Klamath Agency; A. C Kuhn, San Jeae; E.Atesander Paw ell. New York; P. L. LnValle, O. Pat ;nam, B. J. Brevard. Medford; N..A. r-k " . ... Z fuema ana wire, mre. rred Uerrt. uitn Alien, irving r. MeuKon nnd wife. AV W. Baker and wife. J. H, Htwbume, E. W. Armatrong, J. J. Delaaey. L. W, Llehel.'C. D, Brion. Ban Pranclaco; A. C. Miller nnd wife, Mr. Franklin K. Lane, Waafelsgtea. D, C; 8, 0. Johaaon, city; H.'P. Heey, Oakland; H. I. Randall, Eugene. ' ' l. . r - ' r1 . , i tany, irvaad . . , la ", IBB aaUortty ia that bareaa af taa armr. tb mea bad been MMewfrlanda. - -- .--. ann wetMrai Maty knew M nmMtkvof CalaMl Baaatll ta aMabs ua aoatUaa.ar ekmf t fere ha retired,1 aaaM aalybe blaaaelfaaK. Mea the , it-, : v .:. o v' ColaaatWIlHamT. tome by.Uuvagarltaalt to Bat aefara tkat'ttaMr ' 't IBial 'ka? 'ad ha weald r ptrad MjluaJnTkaMtraall ate k ad cbte;ytf n'Mia. tla fdnahnfaaM bew tke tw eed Maaata M kvV O antral wrr iew aaaanaa-! i ' V:i $ t.EnVALlNo rices it - i ml' nrTi..' U : L; ' i vn " i .. I'ri , v i. i r j- ".i. -f ' :t Deparirlik. State Laad OBVm at Oraajoa, Jnkr l. lfll. Notice la U Btebief XlajnaM .Pnam. wha. on Aegnet 1, lllf, ataed Katry Ma. UIH,WXb,IK. Baetlaa.l, Tewaakto JTi. ammri, wuumeua MertdMau hat Mat of iaiaaUoa ta Proof , ta eatabtlak aiatni a nka above deaerrbed, anfarn &;. DaUa, Coanty CTerk at Oregon.'at KlaaM en the llrd day at Angnat. IMS. CMheaat K, Leray Mttaar, B. V. Hear W. Straw 1. J. Straw.aB a( raaaa. j 7-H-t-ltk Btnkr tttrtjem Ua aaaaft - - h1 waa Ike ,L.-. . ji,.rr 'iZ . ' - .. : ' w, awwwaa ac ram . a waaa -anvaj Si.. ; r-W eagaaiarabe- r r ; .Mi' .r n i,r- ..XtW aaMUa. 'wftrafj y &.; aa TM aaMajBJ ts ' '"'"1 d. Wka. Bteb, f -prWiilat. J , u - ' -,& iraaaaat; wag ta - ' ', m n , t v, & aldv.kVmmldatina.amfti : . ttaa ! KlnBMNk'PkSa, Oaojaaau aa v t-i?. oa.Sav to''taaM) af tka aajaaaaa; . ;.v. ,'(" . OnMad ' ehtrk at Kkaamtt eamMp, gJaaajgw tj fifcarlaa. anneal laa Wamtak ad tarn aamaa aW -m "TT T"."7. - www we '.' 'rlRS ."T .StflWRmt BrMmMjttsT MSrfteRMRr mmm ' 'Jaj,S3 tta ttkl. .' .-- a,, '. M I -aT - u 3M lift 1 ftVsBlkiBV tUktV. tsl SBBBBBBl'BB&B&SaA '1.0 RWRMS I b- ' "aW - - abV BWaWaaaAalnTlLBB?'. dMaMani taaaaaaeaaiN CSJ JrT2.T5Sff5 .SftW a aaaa aaanwsg saw aaaaBBMeMlBjea 'JWJBH taaatk aaanay waewiwit a aaa aaaaej emeanamMrKt., THBM FaBav triiin'l r. ar no iaaak tkagaaf igfQ-JmR ."' ' "J,1 "?F; ."? "PVrV&fflRBn " . IgBdBBaTflalaBaBHt JbbbSbhbMbbbV bbbbbBbV aBBBBBmBl aBBBBma? l'SIbtE'bbIBBI WlaMBSRSSK eTBrVjBJaTfaVcTMy aBVBBJBJB BJBBBBJh "JRamamV 'RRkJrm'SRaR PtaklMla. BBIMMaaj. WM aakjNSt. tsaagfc i'MMi aaata af tats atia agdi lawdasslMaaV muM tbereefttk, ta aba ksjamnt Mar nsf,f5 OWfJnsm-?MJb-J----P' XlasV j- . ,jH .Xatlee e neitihTa Bala af fHitr In the ClreaK Coart ef tka State af Oregon. In and far atlaaaatk Coaaty. W. II, Shaw, PlateUaT. . and KMei I RRMWvbT.SK ByflBO.A.'BUTDON. 't'": 'f,J . r7V-i W.BT, Ui "w f YOU WILL ENJOY a feeliif of 4dd security if yo lakt v,r jtmrMplntmtQionriktcvrkyK' iu Rells We drhr tit AMt trips to al) polata af Uttraat iatst.Dep-t Central Garage i PMM10S CITY PFOPItTT If ran ara look tag tar a kauat, tat laoeme builaeaa prpirtft',k be la rear iafrtat ta aaa ma a very good uy k Mala street kaeettn) MaSeTf jri M WW aWS" aRafJaj av9j.avW lirlnaaal ataul - fbamtal asftaanl aaMtats IbbbBi gasfwet MSajsa rawa erap erwa it new.eoart koaaa. .. . ., -i s5' (HILCOTt ewreiW emaBaJnBBBmas aaB eeBssaBJ eBmst egnaaaa Pa Doa J, Bum wait. President IC M. Babe, Vlee-Pras. aaa) Tree. , lU-it K. Wkhraar.". ' . H Survtyors and lrriatafi 'Eaiiaaara - KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. i 'V 'it.- - titt.iit i,tti ,, ,. -A 1' 1 . I. - eeBMBBeSaj a emBBaBt essmYaraVaasaarf BBsBVa t'j.lX fi V i . xv ji r ( ,i x-Bt ASSTRACTINU ?ft ,? KLAkUaat ; VAIaU, OKsMr8N '.T . i vr" V The aufrage movement Mgrawkaf raiildly'all over Mlaataalppl. A eaf- frage league with 7S membera was lately orgaaliedlatUbe InduatruU Ia ttltute and College, 'Cetimbs. Mies Maryy Clayton Barnwic'k waa eieeted prealdent; OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE COINS iu .forty. fifth, school yeai cavtven it. iu. aCRKC COURaa BMay akaaaaef . aafuaui VtULBf ' , SPatAiAdJtsTgeMgk fttsasasHa! gefeaaaagwa wtesi ' i ( awaawewejerae aFenm ,K0OaOMlCSt aWMIMas i awatSSTRnr a etaae, phasmacv. TWOfKAR COURSKB la Aamavu wnc. Houa gcaNatMca. aHename Mra. rancavnv, coMMcncc. PwanMaav TKACHER'S COUBSES in manaal tralalag, agrMmltare; demesUc aaltat and art. . MUSIC, (scwdlsg pUao.stHe;, bead UatnimcnU and trelee culture. ' ' A SEAUf Init. BeokLET "tntkled ."Tun Knhkhuknt op Ruhal Lira" aad a Cataloouk will bemailad tree ;aa application;. ,l j4 v v tAdareu it. MTsNMAMTrsiegnMar,- Mawv ;' A OarVatlk'Ovefaa.-.J Ocerge M. Rsdalak Rsaetph. Wa WMa, Dnder and by vtrtae af an ardar af sale and iiteutlea fat ftraaltaaaa , aned eat af.'tae airaalt eaart at tka aUta 9t 1 0rasaa tar tka ttwaAy; af Kwsiath, a the 17 th dar ataaM, lilt, latka aaava' wkaratn Ike akeve tallied, Jndgmeai nnd daeree.af tata- elaaan 'aala'rnra'lf J- ttl . . t -. . - .-- and MaaTI. Rnde; Ma'wMs."da- tendants, aa tka ITU dar af v 11J, reaardtd 1 tka intswiam bank orhr"eenrf at' at) M, W- aaaa J. I am maamtndU ta asB all these rtaJneaas Knad? aaraam af d. skaata ta tka aautrfat ktk. mialm nt - - - '- ' "w.. - " "-- ?T-i - iTl aartlealarly deaeHbsd aa laSewat' U. Il M.-WllTlir Hi ltV iff v - 'T, 1f ViriaaSaas1l Ji w.SS (I- i: f ' - t . ' aaaagJI illllMil tp ealaHlmraaadav , ' n'r f . j - ; KaTi Lhafy Ci. '.r ! 7. .;... . - y , -v f,aJM i." . . rT"r"aammea, TKI ' '.. -x. '...t;.-- .- . '."I ,M a , vSfd r - eaeax ' -Va .-., ,-! Jin 2r j', . ; ' 'As f,CaU2','aK '' !!? i StiT (aw j ( ,' w , BAaekaraaal ....;... fjaas). L ' '.i'Ss " Basea VaadLeMedslalBSaiaaaMV 'wSL -- . . .taaBLaaa LS i mem amasi nam-. ajamapav - arMg WltbaaWtliaaigu, . '.M, " asSsiaaaBmak tSasssS J1 'fBJBWBhia,fMMgBBJL J lan?Vatt3il iJi ' ,ui a Wnmu ' wmZ rtajsysaj 1 " rt .'w!3 OTi-SSI ! ' ' " . . ,-r i a - ' ..- '4ift:f-v r Tkar ! mr Ot II at TW il - tan.fl , ,, " b a - v- - - - ( P ? - ,V X V'v If ",. i! i. " v 5J V, I' W-f !- ' ! I 11 - afff?!?J"rS?El igjj fiaai itmrriw; , i"; '.-'v 'ftt c hm ffwa fwwBass paaemeei emPMi ). : llloaaea at Skkjakslllii !ft ' : .V lii?",. aaUEaB'b.nisWCBlJVR ,-, Bm)ViV ; " aamn:aaa;'tM:-. B ' wummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr,-? ma tWi . ..' .- . " '"(.. ".-TTieBH j " '-'' :',cr'- N ;'?.. -fi. -y.-.gii-jj. ( " " "- ''.. n"''iVv '; THi' j'-Cvr.'J ' Vj'V' ;iv v fT-"';- V'w 't aJ-7ZXZ ' ' ". . IWvCVYw i..; Vf'- ?' . ' 4 " 'v',.' -'H' v,?Cs- AdiASF. r i , BBBBMllauamBBBB) ! dHRIRV NURMI'S i X.5 wtna-iiw . .crfft .Tc " aasBslBBBBBjBBBBBiz', '- "i ' -V , m I'aav - T ' "-i 1 f. '& L ijfflSrt Iv Hffif Better than ,' ft' .iv ,;...- " ...:t ;. .' ?! 'mat"" "' , varir VJ f 1 4" !maa!e Defie Noaru $ii!fM)n.rlS t:f)(VKi-i ' . jChsv R'! ihti fyV' ST" ' . M'". (...1.M' -i '.C'W'.. . , -i(" y.r joj .t'1 vi r- -'J-' li -V . v?