The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 22, 1913, Image 1

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    aw Kaaaaa r jb ar aaar am a mm hiit assiai bf .m .am uti i,xv if bbbbbbi mmm mt . bbbbb bbbbbw bbbbbbbp1 i. -bbbbbbbbbbbb k bbbbbb . bbbbbb mmar t 'aam n r asn . bbbbb an w u iik -wbbbbbih i mmrx n. h mB .
$$,. ''. " --"",-- r .InmnmrMaBiemmaf 'g !- a "!.;? M;:"l?ffi? ? j-MiM-y. mem
-,'. : : . WMfm,., .;. . &l t . ,.. - ;i. .. - -,. v:v
' '", .....a. ,-, ., i...... mm M I. .n n- .i. - ,, yi m, m . ....fcJUi lAa
- Kiahui vwnw-BJiig , ?;-';'" MiadimMl mmmmt; dav. aiww iit - .- ' -
' ' .. -,'f r'y'V"' : 5 : " " 'V f . T7T.
i -,' ri-KVfr : i !'" AMvT 'hi,-J rmfi. U WIM
. -JU-'H. .
kttiV. VJfcv '.tv'i.ilt'
"' I '? jM'fl?
i M'i yM'tW
7 H JO
. t"U
TWf fff
Problems Confronting Water Users Taken Up
by Assistant Setretliry Miller at :&ffl
' . jd
. WJ
... i
lUMh Ihc I'Hl.llr nnl I ho Hlli Mfhwl
Will CtiHiHirHrn ll.r IMIU-I I Ttiri
KthmicI MoHtlii)- In HiilrititN I'lii
Ko.riill! mill i:iKlilli lriU Will II
nl (Vnlrnl HhIIiIImr It. Allow Full
AllrHlloit In ,Vm IK'rlliiriil
New Minister
To Turkey
(School ruiiinitiitf Moiulay, Hiiin
llntli' itie KlnnmDi county hl(h
mhool mill tlio irniln urtiMol will
lornifltnru tlm ttritm on thutdny.
(,'iiBliltriihlf clmtiKfit Imvw Wti
miaiIo In th work of the Urmia vchuoU
Ihln ymr, anil thn tonr.e of iinly hn
lrn much tulnrfril.
MhkiihI imlnluc (or the loy nail
ttiiiiii'MIe nclnito for l)i ulrU will now
I rrsuUr fiNilur of the knmJo work,
iinil mcUI Imlructora haw btnu en
KarpiI lo trnch thvM ubjcl nclu
Wrly o ihv grammar achelara. .In
onler lo lvr tlm MViHtlh ana eighth
arflilM all the work nowIM. all thn
rliolam In Ihraa rlnitri will alUnd
th Ontral aehool.
In thn rear of tlio Out rnl irhool
Ihrro U bvlng count ructod a mo4l
homo arlrnf quarter, Tula In to b
'iuli4 with modern kitchen, etc.,
anil a iIIhIbc room and anwlni room,
where the future hoiuewlrea, under
the direction or MIm Klmer, will take
up In a practical manner the aolvlng
of home problewa.
lC. Uorrla U hem from Oklahoma
to takn charge of the manual train
lint work, and thn lian-inent of thn
achnol la helliR fitted up for till work.
Hencheti am) tool are being purchas
ed, and by the time acbool atari ev
erything will be complete.
Heretofore, both the domestic sci
ence and manual training .work bavt
been tarried on In conjunction with
(he high school, but on account of the
Inconvenience of this method and the
Inability to give the proper amount of
Inntriirtlon, the work waa taken up
acparale thto year.
mmmWmwffy 'ilmmmrWmmw
V"1 ''' "" alKftW
BL'bW, isBaamnwHr
mmKmTKmmmmwl' Ammm,
BBnmnmHBHnmnr-''' .ssssssV
.BBnmmmmnmnK!, ammnmw
mmmmmW mWW ' mWm
KSLmLwmmmmmmmW mmmmr
. i v t '
llnuiuft at Hie While I'rlloiu Hotl, H(a( TrraWrer, fJkNTefarr of Ktate
lle-Wfrth of William Mauler and awhUiK H'etreUsw Van Winkle
1'iToldrnt ami llreuei m .Srrielarj"
nml Aihipllon of Kf-olullona (.'iircr
lag .VrnU of ThU Heel Ion KralurfN
rioor Wonlcn Urged as Jireitr
of the HUte LaaW Board Prevented
Vafnaaaa' BkamjtsWBasssT amamfaaB UjbmM IssfeV
er IPIBV naatSsTflNBH, pflV BWTV aJf
AntaaaooHe TreatMea lai the, Vkta
lly of I'aWey Leave TedlgM
That the ""(load lloads' Judge" One day late Is!' their schedule on
should bo n candidate for governor account of automobile troubles, Suc
Jttns the unanimous opinion of the del- "! ' State Baa. W. Olcott, Ute
r gates to tho Central Oregon Dotelr Treasurer Tom KsVaad Aasbrtant Sec
jopment laguo nt the'nnal session, relary W. Van Winkle of the aUte
jwilch atnrted lifct ev'hl'lK. mid' ran Isi'd hoariirrry hera t4ayaftr
won inio una mnriiuiR., ,n uuiuuioune tru tnrougn ceaiirai
Henry Morgenthau, a real estate
man and banker of Now York, who
has long taken nn Interest In demo
rrnlln polltlcii, has been nominated by
I'realdent Wilson for minister to Tur
key. Mr. Morganthau wa treasurer
of tho democratic national committee
In thn last campaign, and waa largely
limtrumenUl In raising the money by
which I'resldint Wilson 'was elected.
He Is very wealthy, and he will be
able to maintain his position hi Con
stantinople out of his own means,
aven If tho salary of minister la not
In facl, this IntNtfiirn went so Onron
""" " rrwinuiUH whh urnuvu ..,. flv,B-w t mmA Bt.l. !..
tendoralng Will . Wordcn. Although' .. ; . ,
touched by this lestlnionlal, Judge M""r,""'""X.p
Wordcn refund to nltow this reaolu- uie ueacri lasa ooara. Accompaniea
lion to bo attoptc.l. as he contended j poeruor,VosfSindBe;reUry'iUine
Jlhat the I. ensue nam l keep out of pol- of thn deparlineiiCot the Interior, tho
,'t.t ,...... ...,j ,.
Umkisl IJkn ItlrtU. J. I. Johnson,
.who with Mr. and Mrs. Kred Hueslng president of tl e 0,.. It H. N.
Itlnt. . imiiy started 'ffM.Klamatb Falls to
At this meeting the following ,atttiid the runviguoa of the Central
olflrera for the ciiMifuc year wereiOiegan lcvelovaasH League, and to
elected:. ,- visit jll efilhelrrmtlcm. projects la
1'fraililriit Win.' Hanley of llurns.eiiiral Oregon.
Vice I'rchl.lcnts Wm. 8, Wordcn At Hedmond. West, Laaeaad. Lewis
of Klamuth, W, V. King of Crook and 'left the party for Portland, and tno
Kred Cronemlller of Lake. 7
llonoritry Vice I'realdentsJ. II.
Young, president of t,hc North Hank
railroad; J. I'.. Campbell, president or
tho Ifulreridty of Oregon; 0. 0. Chap
man. I'ortlLnd Commercial Club; W.
J. Kerr, president of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, nnd J, I). Furrell,
motored to Crater Lake Wednesday,
la moat enthusiastic, over what he
terma one of the world'a wonders.
When we looked down the 1,000 feet
fiom the crater's rim to the waters
of the .lake, we saw what looked to be
some khvlof waterfowl swimming on
the lake.'f Later, .when we had reach
eil the water'a edge, we found our
hit da to be boats."
1'ergle Ketwne, Attorney Charles
1 Ferguson returned laat, evening
from a business trip to Portland.
Ilaek tw MeieloriL Mrs.' J. A, Htew-
ail, who ha been visiting, her none
AIok and Oscar, aUawart it Laagell
Vulley for aew'e time, lef t hVawn.
In gfor her Medferd nomf.' '
Secretary Lane Announces That '
; NMpi Will Adjust Title lo
Swamplaods; May Reclaim, Too
POKTLANl), Auk. 2S. Adjuai
mot. of tltlu lo inuny thousands of
aire or, suuinp lauds In Klamath,
" Luke uud Hnriiy"ebuntles'jwH be
nujde In thVe.irffiitiiro,'(icooVdlBg an
a decision reached 'by 'Franklin' K.
Lane, Hccrotury of tin; lulerlor, and.
(lajreVno Went, djirlng the' fprnier'a
, vlaKii 'litis aliile.-it 'V t u. H
lA ' for years there lifts Uoun a dhHiute
" aver whalliAr thin 1 mil helauna In lU
s? ,Vr vv.ethr this nd beloiips ti
,'4.i pvernmont, r Oregen:
hbjKiivitii!Vc:ed by tho federal
cinme! t,uu iieteu aa tiuauie land in
ninny y-Haneea, j(,' t (a clearly
i, ' .'mliiiii?nMda,.cflutely worth
' , 'Uiw-untllU la j-eclalnu.l.
, tVdw t. wi:iii lajfd art ell tills
. ' .gs)iig.ntQ the; Wraduelbte ' school
3HmkVsf thU md aaaaalsllr 'taVt
lecated In (he Interior of the slate
Jog UM Ukea. Is high and dry, nnd
often aettlers have filed on It and
lull 1st hniiagnaV
Jllf wVRmmajt J, t
B When y he rainy seaaesoomea the
waters rMte'over theae tenaVand wash
aw,y. anaalmaravement, and f"or
this raaaon klaji.,;Mive long-ago
abindoned aWefcorU t settle on this
Uni(, and it U'reaaalnlNt IdU.
OavefHor.WfM ealled attention of
8eiatary Lane to the.altuatlon, nnd
tho lntter suggested thnt Joint aur
wy of government and state englu
cura bo wde of tkM land, so aa to de
lormlnQ positively wnleh betonga to,
the federal government and wklh to
tlio state. ,".". , r; '
This plan .waa aeeeptedibir, taoajov-vrner,-
and Ij la likely that the, aur-
or wl be mad' in the near future.
It is
llend was chnxen ns the next con
vention city. ,
This morning the dlreclors met nt
tho White Pelican hotel, ut which'
time J, W. Ilrewer wa elected secre?
tary, and organisation. Was .effected.
The policy of the League, during tlio;
year to come will be to develop the.
farm resource, rather than go In for
exploitation, All of the work la to
bo carried on through the various
committees named by Hanley Wednes-j
lu recognition of his work for .bet
ter highways, the League created the
office .of chairman of a permanent
good roads committee for Will
Worden, to, act In au advisory capac
ity for all of the counties comprising
the organisation.
In the resolution adopted, Judge
Springer of. Crook county, was erltl-
died for the refusal of ie and, tho
eommlssloners to give gnanolal sup,
ort to the movement for establish
Hig a demoMtratton farm. i
The. bonding, or counties for. the
construction of better highways ..waa
favored In the resolutloaa.' These also
favored the Central Oregon route aa
ho moat practical. and scenic for the
PaclBc highway, v ,
Permanent organisation, by which
work w, be carried on In jail the'
counties bo.wen conventions, hi to be
outlined fully at the next eonven;
Hon, i ' '., '
Caring for the farmers .who are
hero and who are arriving here, rath
er than advertising this region lu oth
er states, will be the principal deye)-,
npmciit work hereafter Tf
Rupport, of Central, Oregon to, the
University of Oregon In lia, dght for.
Its rlglita against a referendum, .waa
pledged by resolution.,' ThU eondHna
the .oppression to wnun in, inKitu-
I., . t .:.t.a..M.ii
uua) .WW eevtl ui'ievivu. ', i
) Tl
' 'aflnlalBnnnnnnP'' ' Jgaainnnnm
f ' - i, A
Tammany Boss, p. FMufphy
-. Caused Sulzers Impeachment
'' - s f 'r . . rf we r' 'f -
t-irV f s-
'ii 3
-, K.
l. JM
iV,r' :-v-i?
fCh V
L Pa" ' ? h te ";--
'' 'Vvi'-.t -Cf'fc'wsmVglalPamaT
... .
r .sBmBmBmBmamamammmm
aBmmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmmnm ' A' tVcAi-:
-fjgggggggggggggggBKf ..-:;.-, n JmmTmmmmm1lmm
BmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmamnmnl ' ; aaeatsasaeaBaaastaisvl
BBmBBmBBmBBmBBmBBmjmBBmBBmBBmBBmBBmBBmBBmBBmBBmaj ,- ., see rmavpaa sssai
- aamamamamamamammamamamamamamamamamamamammmnT
.nV "- t'-MataatWat.'M
,aBmBmBmBmBmBBmBmBBaamlBmBmBmBlaBmgKBlgaBlBmBmBmBm '. , . rWmWmm9mmmmwmmmt I "VT!
m9m9m9m9Mm9m9m9m9m9m9m9m9m9m9m9m9m9mm M
WmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw . ..
mntnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnftnnnnnnnnnngaBmnnnnnnnnWV.,! "'"
gaammmmmnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr n' : : la.itsjiiimi
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr .
' r '
BmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnamnmnmnmnmnmnB'''1''' ' 1l4 ndllBh " at flak amamlltl
VaBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmammnnH ' fv mwrmmm i? FSPj
jaamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmRVaBKamBmBmBmnV. -' r,-'m ?WlWWR,HiSSflH
.aBBmnmBnnmaW 'OfSZl
iamlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnB'7 1uiainnnnnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnamnlnnnallnnnnnnnnnnnnn ' 'fdmrnal Wftmm 4-gaimaamninta1
gaTswa'mBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmnmnl' 1 -V r vBmBmBmBmamB,''mBmslmn'mBmBmBmlBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmB JmW Wtlasl 'JmaamnWaTmaVJaHl
' -5-aWaTT7BaP,'ir; aoet laWWaWJn.KI
l tuarnitu rniiw aliJ
a ilk lam igaiailatml gtMai m
Inajm sjss geSsesmsM ggea sjbj
aMed FireM BMfwits)
r-rv ,-f : -:... -ii..- .1. -L :L .-.- m
mmimmmiimmw imav.eaBj asanas esnm..j
... . .. f. r' - ...a
ijMaJfeMaa '
Secretary nf State
remaining three continued southward.
B' 'inspecting projects In Crook and Lake
Near Paisley the machine In whlofe
the ofllelaU are traveling met with an
accident.. ThU' deUyed trnm a da,
and made It' Impossible for them to
participate In th'e Development
League eonventlen,
Late today tker-wlH leave for Cm-
. .', ,. .t - f.-.i.; -. -i. &
ir i.tni. rroaa. sewrytaey wm re
turn to Pirtladi:iyaki,aM)ftr4 wid
the Rogue River Vnlwr. ( , "-
of- thla taa. l'aseatalur: 'iaait'
.SK. " ' " :-' ' i, ' . "
v , . - i
aald that If the bind waa .re-;
claimed It would be of great alnVir
faaeB)we,mte pwsjisit . k
y,rlg,a ,og building fwHOreiv t
The convention . went gi on sremd
mh rraneMco.rair. , ,,. j,
: jleglelatlon t HteH Innocent pur.
Uaassea, especially neweoaers, trow.
' f i , ' r.- :
l'l 5 - ' f i I'Si '"i.
t' Jl .. .ii . in i tj ' .Vjr i
wmi'tiat' :
United Preau Servtw
I'",',! u .
,TIB HAU, Aug. tlThe IMar-
natlesteJ ae;eoafreee iodapaaa
edfaVreeelullon'farWka tle;ausia
alotriUiSTho Hague Court "of iXrtHra-
am ana 'awe -unwed watearacaMmtc
M,ni mmmmwtwm-imm mttmmvww..
'ThU U, one
graphs .of Charles
many koae, who
New York' state that: he" eouM"eauM
Hs. legislature (o Impeach Governor
William Sulzer. Ten months ago
Murphy caused a democratic state
convention to nominate him for gov
ernor. There was never a better
photograph of Murphy than this.
Murphy's enemies have1 described
blm aa alow.corruut and stupldboes.
Ills friends don't deny .that' he la a
contractor la polities for his owb
pecket: But thor, point out that
Murphy U not stupid..
"llowjwulda atupld.boaa mslnUhaj
uiutavu ia uaifw w - amHtaj. .nan
(or ten years?' they ask. "Haw1 eoaW
a stupW beaa,ootrol,'four demoeraUc
state conventions T Crokcr, (wko is
aometlmea held aa a man of ability,;
managed to control one, stateeon van
tioa. and, that onlytwlth'the help of
of the, Uteat. photo; aaUatrWawtaga- he ,sinjlasl
Us' F. ' Murphr. Tamr Ho eaavdidaAe far, ajga'aeamf.?
i has sueh a. grip on ' .Mnrt a.keai' Idminiaar m
Oiath.-eohldeanae aeaBl-wsfaaalonal , hawihaHteaan.
aeaml-nref 'osmU . lnsiiedH;
street ear eonduetor, a bar UMbV. ?
saloon keeper," inward jetiUetnaw ,;
contractor, a public" onVUI, and 'in .
now boas without aayoeteneiMe kad- ARIi, Ami. laV TV 1
neas. DUtrUt, Attorner.Jereeae eaj Jorsnanit teatnF baft ttw rk t I
him .before the grand. Jury t JfMM
ItUtanc'Ma avmi
I llt lhMTHMH
i. "T, "... iJ. ' !?i.(-l .
' taf-1"' . an ii enss
amtgftf Of sjanjga;
JVaVS La uaakJkaiaksaea1
, wm Tjwr mrnwwmrvmm ,t
dietrlet aetenaey. v &??$. a.MfTT,
t. - . 1 1M E
mVame wa s""JPWwmFmws 5)" ImW swrnaw! nmaanW'
VdsJmlV ''J'f'M ' i. aHaV afeady
tneJ(aw;York asM.Mr)iM. ft fsnajtl , , i ,
to Iaaeear Ooyemor.
, fW'vS
atatea . of ':ih' Ubwm'
power W MttrpkVover ,nok
perlodof'ttnt;''syfc'.-'x "
Marplidrag4 ttAeaMgM kL U adU jM
forest T?oftaMtoeaWltair!aAam as sal stain?
'perhapi.-'aa'fe'W a..M IhrsJslnsr. CRjr aat
haaiaay a ' ra ' oneof . ttw lnta'JMVto
"naja. twaynf aitppftjaM
Wmanl se m IMaftiii.;
. eansnjggy. ,
- " '(,
JL. ,i,t t, , , ' -,, -..C .
A lilt ITl'iirifMnl mftaffUl
'. --V- ' . -1 vifAv-
1 mmj'M(trnrnkTim f
tsiu mrafatM ' - i(..s
H 1 fei . V4 ---V... ,, rt, '
UJuVctTutaaV'.y UdV'Sieduea-
tlon, aa MUa.i Almee Wing will bear
Thuradnyj , evening,, aa MUs. Wlag
wended her way, toward her home In
the Hot Springs JaddHkoa, she paused
on the brMge spannli'the eanal, to
wateh the ;awlr ling eddlei and.IUieni
laiaereguwr evening ponsert o tna
Whsther the eddies 'made, Iter dtaay
of ;ttt eoneert held her entratkftasl w4U
a- .a'- - ,n i a, V( a "-' I
iwferj.,neverre 'anwn.,At any;
rat; ahetauddenlyi fonrt.Jhifiatt h
one' at hand wlnM" beauty In i
Aw ' t a -J TL .. J -.' jai
aMUJUsV Win win attTai' nntVmaVgag JdirlWlmm
- ' . t A J.Z, - ' t- "FJ
ggaa, " aal' M amm V gfe f a I
amVamHamAam ami .1 Jam. dnWammaamm daaVnaVdmnl amBVamBammamBVamBmBmammBmaMamanflBW
ninw kuws .aim
Are Disei it tti CWi
Mi rftin nl BimTiwiiii I
W-a iw vwfivmi 5 mw w ,w aw V T? wr" " 'T I
Kt j:::a-t :'; 1w-. ' -.
.ns.eeatton. two ee Mifa Whtan mana
. T" .4-1'
jxm.. . j.
1 in 1 r "
' .f !, i
7f m Tfjvi
k 1- " -
.' ! ,-W ', .'
Good Roada" and' C
questions of the ntnMwH'lannejrt, u tae
deysWmeat of the'' vait Cast' Or-'
' l 1 i w . a i T : -i
gen, were tiae suaieeia'ier
at taat even
' l , v,
Bg's platform
eloelng meeting of the Central
Pevelepment League-tt ",TW"oa
oUlvel.tUte.WaAwa..) U
vlnctngaannner ar, e ,e hva at-
V?;!?".f,.,.,"",i.'j ,- i5
ataatin hoMi tia
laMltata wHkkt tlbMf
(at Unt amMljt o
brunahttato th saaatlgdi .to ,Mak
dent WUUam HnVt f ta
Mka bniW
the;eeW..waWaW.laleanl.tta;'nwrl avaaaii'te.wMUaC.aa 4MMMH.
V.- lW. -r. --. ..j- . !. ,- -.ula- 4V-'-iJ
-T- ,r T7vTr'.-,f "T ' ,Pafj
mh ka-wUde ot taVa4 eaaital aM
- "t' ' , 'r'.- ,:
t LBEgaMa
ttnfltllant TmmV
aedatensssai. Anal 1 hsUMaa aaw aeaaasav afrssiuaf
v '
l. u.'r t. . . " 1 V J'.-. O- J . .v. . 1''?T .'. jV ,v- ".' . 7!- . C.-k. '
mlng, and, nadM hereeU.
MraVvts- 4ia,,;.li.-ii v.
v Aalaifraaa;U eMIHnaas aa4 nmaW Maa.'f laaaaM,, "Ib atsVaeta.
v .!i' .', 1 ;. , -.r': -r-r-i, t-wT- "?"- - 1 "
Mil mmtVHamaMaMraMllat U talmtl waanatmtml