,v BSS ,j j'. .M'' 4". ? V .'" m,ri r .Ai FIINfRS " T l"T " r.T-t,- vY4l-Wv-' -, mm w :" a v.. " (. JJMf";1 i. lf.l.J.,1',1 , . '..- T:v"f;c 'J t-H . ' , I,. -fnm t-mvmtAvsMvx M.;-ivr,V4'W ... k:' 1 , THK TO a rtUVND- -6th. Wit of Acting ,. Governor of . K. -!;'. OtMk bmb imbuh mil n j v ,5U -.' . 'U"T T- -T T"" 7 r-" "" - i' -14.' SM 'MMM JilllMIMJ '..' arapfoW?111 ?rreaoeaati '-'""., v-:vw ' oVejnaleed theaeelvee into a roati crew 4. .V , 1 I .ri. ( - v!--ziy A i tt, A , .-fl, ... t v V 'IT --' 'St -j' '"CLf, "'" AV y 4 haVe been building a road to the '", t sawmill' on, Bryant Mountain. The fill' ' iewaljV which k only about four ImUea dWtant, has .hitherto been al- ,tataeaalbte to reach oa account rough road and round about A new grade haa now beea IiMmI, however, and It ta hoped that atrip for a lead of lumber will not be ta baaoear that It haa in the pat. $'$ ., of, th. 'ft. i a1 :'ir. '" ! ,Mr. ui lf Ptnu ftnwa' aA tti ( "lT ---,-. . Ahf. fMWi of a.'aew ber. hera.taat WMtNMjr. : .if - ----- v.t , ' ' ".f-ii'v;: The ratre UUtea t Uaato.lui M4UM MlVrlBaU at. Jar a1 - hartac wMh tieetr Mtii theea r47 Ill v Y If w FINLEY MEETS THE SPORTSMEN RTATK tiAMK WKK ANB Mr- WI'WKSi (ill IIVKIt THK (MMKi WYib o yVe York Governor, Who Would Take Blame & .s SITltATlON MAW AHK Kl'ilTKI CHANORS: r ''L 'w '.! ..'V-V .AiiU'.WMiBUii.W Mr. ALBANY. Au(. SO Mra. Martta H. Oljraa,:oM of th aoai heaauful wo- aw l Atkaay. her aaate of ih eM Katelwrhartiar teemlMaa faralah ha 4r. ha ,kM tietl late.th reawtrk aM aaaahMa'ahMt th'trarahh i( New Yarh aUt. Kar hHthaaa. aah- Haher ef ih TlBMia-Uatoei t that cHjr, aad Meateaaat jrareraor; la i a w trjr Jac to gahi aianaaloa at the oBea of ajoveraor which Sutaer leat- by lai Iteachataat. Mr. Olyaa will hecoma M''ati'rki kr aiuj i, .u. the leader of Albaay aeclaty If her .-VAt..mm'm A'' AwiiT" kr.v. ".!..;" r....n.:.n i.y'r' '. ''Matf-hia knU. Oaiui Alfni. .tlhuabaad aaeeeeda. ' '-.j', itiirr raafh aa f iat TIlTir ahawlUultlaately occupy la puiailBflU u moveaeat ,v l"l- Bat what poaltloa of lh huatera. An enOjUilnHtlc catherlns of the meaibvra of tho Sportaman Awocla- tlon of Ktamnth FnlU met Tucoday nliht In the offlcc of 1). It, Campbell. llunltr Snvlilgo, prenldviit of the nv oclnllon, wan pronrtit anil prntlilad orer.thn mcotlur. State Game Varlen V I.. Klnley." nho had made the trip from SaWat to attend the meeting, warmly pralaed the work being uccomptUhed, by the, local orgaaliatlon. i One of the objecta for which the aaeoclatlon la itrlvlng, and alt inUI-, catlona favor IU accompllahment. ia' the llatlag ot Oregon la.Zoae No. 3 of tho national game, law. Thla will give Oregon a. Mora aultable aeaaon than la aow enjoyed uader the Uwe of Zoae No, 14 " " Aaethcr .atatter ef auch Impart- aac toloeai haatera, haa to aa with the rigid eafereeawat of tha Raeae velt act la the matter of tha boun daty llae of the reeervatloa oa the lwcr Laka. Slaca IU aaaetaeat tha law haa never eerleuely elected tha duck alootlag la Uto aactloa. for the rea aon that tha llae haa beca aora ox lfn aa Imaginary one, with a geaef- ouu etaatlclty' to fit the requlraaeata 'gaLLgaLLLLLgaLLW. ' gegeaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV A aaaaaaaaaPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ba BBBBBBBBBBaa'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' I AaaVaaWgelirv r geVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW jfWl cLaaaaaaaaaW graaV aaaaaK Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf a aaanaa aaaaaaaaaWBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 9 bbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbba IbBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBbI ' 'BaBBBBBBBBBBWav MaaBBBBBal bbbbbbbbW "'bbbbbbBbbbbbbV MSjaaV 'HaV BbV W. . geBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW f TlflLVmBaUaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW' I gglgK'(i gglgk. ' BaaBBBBBBBBBaBfr..T . :bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV I aMiMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBaBaa ' 'CaaVBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'BBBBBBBBa Diggs Is Scorched to Cinder by Prosecutor the lamoproiuUo of inarrlagt ha triad lo get MIm Warrington to awoar falni ly to save him, "Dlgga Hliowod hla clmrnclel1 by hU H'lulloim with lhi Warrhigtoii girl la UiiIUmI T-m Service HAN KRANOISQO, Aug. J0."Tho defenie In thla rune la n remarkable unit,' Httlil Allornuy llocliv of Ihc proHocutlon during hla nrgumn( to'j,Htiwu lioinu, In tliti aniu-IUniy of hi it tho Jury In tho trial of Mnurcy V. own wlfo, whllo alio wna nuMitt,' lKK OiU u'ttm-nooiit tliiimlorotl llocliii, "He might havi "Oullnarlly tho deteiue la baiel!n forglviu for thin, hut when tut upon tho Innocence ot tho UnrvuiMafiitrwurd ri"uotiil hi wife to ln nut. In Uilacuio it U baied upon lilajvllo Into Mini aann homo.tliu gill, di'liravlty, mid Dim tildca behind 'ilmt wna the mo cowardly crlaio on tln aklrta ot hla wlfo and child." tho rliarnttvr." "Thri la no conrlualim ponalbli,' I Tho cnno will go to the Jury III l ho continued, "but that ho coerced Honing, liromlno of marrliiKP. " In rum ot u mlnlrlnl or n hung Jury, I "When DIrk Rot to lleno, he Inlloche anya Ihvre will bnnn lmmedlnt' leaded to abandon tho glrln, and by new trial. I i X.MIci- for lllda Nollrn la herotiy given that bliU 'will b received by tlm undorilRHfd up to 10 o'clock, Kepiiuuber I, for frunlahlng IKU rorda of good live body wood and llmba, aald wood to be delivered mid piled In Ilia baaemeui of the Odd rollowa building. I. O. O. r. HAI.Ii A880.,, W. O. RMITII, I're.ldent. 10-101 TOWntopics i f.' , i 'i ithawoaeav of tha capital. . . . ,t . . j wl . . ,?,(, li' " i.i ",3. l -T 'i. -... . ''- : ." j " ,-i '' .,", ' " aV eaaaaa eoaaetl ,ri., r'v . a aa t av at Aagaac, lilt, aa- M ': " .. '' Mag a .kankr gdraa that Mda ha $&' , '.; PMVil' tM rtaa Jaaaa af aaed WW ' " W-.' flPfV' ... . ' 'Jlwmitammm tia Ma iay M lanit. Mfr ,-'' ; lj'aaa'aaar of la'tlaakai. Wt' K . '.' ' - ' " - 'aaaa. aaaaaaaa an ;J . aSal aHiwiUliaa. by are tar la - . ' -:aaaai aaat atraat t a wMth ' , &r awar tec far tka eatra ilataaaa ha. iy . mim HMaaaaai'Baat' k aaaaaV '', , ' '--' -f;BTBrtiifc;afcaWta tha tattraad - braar ' IB af aald haaaiaaaaai aad V jj ii j ' waaaaaaa aaaa .V aaaaaa). eaawnwaaBaavaaa Baaaajl i', . ; to; ba hi aaaardea ,'wttk tha alaaa ' ,,Mk aaK'aaaMaatkaa aada by tha Ky -' ,f eataaar aad aa tto la tha aflaa of " rv '; rtha fattaa Jadaa; raaraaic 'taarata ;x ' 'la haraaraaaa far farthar daiaHa laMaatfatBaBBBT aMaaBBaWaVflildBBl aaBaaaB4aalaT bbA l.ft rJBaaj VllrfilWaaa flaiawVaT1aBaaanaTi - I" ' ,' ' )a a-i a " ..-, J- ; . . . r . , T- jri . -n - ... .!' .' - OTMIaWKa effaM Haat Hff aBBBBBatlmat , , i f'n , Fm aaraa aaav eaaa aaapaajaaaaaBaa) t; ," . . tvial 'af Aaaat II. 1111, at '.' - -; taatoakivavV at; at iaah 'i :. ! iiwi 'r i '-' Ir . - V C 'aaV5aBBnaBH '.rV),W 7 "' "-- " - ' " ."i ri. - - .... ! - T" " -" T" aw aaa paa warn, aai a aw UnrtUa f hMa: Btddara wlU raawrad 'ta' aaham praaaaakr apaa Maaha praparad by tha My aagbMar, aad aa bMa whU ha eaaatdarad aaleaa aa aabaMtad Blaaka aay ha abUtoad attaar at tha oSee af tha ally aaglaia or at tha aaVa af tha PoHaa Jaata aa thta. SaM laararaaaat to, ha hafara tha' day af IMS. Tha ba'rraaatra4 to bead hi tha ana ,.C.l- ; aaaaat ,to ha taad hy caaaatl. far. tha faMhfal af tha wark cf aaah arra a laYaBafJaaaBnBBBaBB ' A eoapaalad by a earaBad ahaak a; aaaa rcepoaelble haaklag laatltatiaa far S par aaat of tha aaaaat of tho propoaal, aa'a gaaraalaa that tho aae- eeaaful btddar will oator hito oaatraat wHk tha city far aaklac aaah la araraaaat, w atrtet aaaardaaoa with tha ptaaa aad paellaaUoaa thorafar. The cKy eoaaell raaarroa tha right to reject amy aad all'htda aad prapoaala. A. U LKAYtTT. Pallca Judge of tha City of Xlaaath Falta. Oragoa. Ml h Now, however, there oa foot to hava tha letter of the law coaferaed with la every detail. Tha Bpartaaaa Aaaaclatloa will make ovary af art (e have coadlttoaa la tha reeaact aachaaged from what they have, beta la paat year. To ac coatpUah theaa dealred reaalta they ealkrtcd the hearty co-operalloa of Btata Oaaa W.ardaa rialey, who haa prealaed to reader all aaalataace aaaalMa ALBANY, Aug. 10. lira. William Suiter, wfle of the governor who haa beaa Impeached for uilag caapalga fuada far aaecutatloa la Wall atraat, haa offered to take all the blame on heraalf, aad h'aa thua brought about a remarkable altuatlon. rrleada of hra aay that for. many yeara abe haa haadled tha goraraor'a funda baeauaa he kaew little about bualaeaa af alra. She had power to Indorae bla check. She la aald to have takes campaign I Ooae After Oecr. H, II. lawrenca, the cigar manufacturer, and Dr. Wcet- erfeld left thta afternoon for Hound l.akf, whore they eipect io atay a deer or two. They are making the trip la l.awrnce'a big runabout . Kip VaaKlprr Kirk. Kip Vanlllper 'of VaaHlper.Hrothera la abaeat from i hla poal of duty la tha atore today, 'owing to lllaeaa. He baa been feel lag unwell for aeveral daya. check tor many thouaaada of dollar i Krre An rUMhM. Of mora than and uaed them la Wall atreet opera juiual latoreat la a collectloa of paint- tloaa about tha time of tha election hut fall. Tha governor, her frleada aay, kaew notblag about thla until re cently. Tammany oppoaeata of tha gover nor laalat that there la no truth la the alory. but waa given out aa the act of a dlacredlted politician, who la a laat deaporate attempt to hold hut oace la hiding behind a womaa'a aklrta. Uaaad , (Not Coal Laado) Dapartaaat of tho latartar, autaa Load Oaoa at .. Oragoa. Jaly id. 1M. Notto a karofey awa U Itolaof IOaaaUi FaUi, who, oa Aaaaat;!,' Ill, aado atoad BatryKa. !, tor N , Thla haaddreea, waa reeeatly wora by, the eherae of a Laadaa Ughtapora prodaatioa. It la' a eraatloa ot Lewie. af Laadaa, aad Parla, who aakaa a lopeetaKy af eatertag te tha aeabera M. thla prafaaalea. ao watl aoted far their beaaty aad goad atyU. It la aada of dlay ellver cloth, aad la hold la place by atrlnge ef pearla oateadlag fraa ear to ear uader tho cha aad eaaght at both aMoa wKh eahaehoao af the material adgad wMh pearla. A larger eabachoa; ot the aaaa oraa aoaU the eeatar. Two laaoaoa white wlaga . project from tha back, each go lag la a dlforoat direction. foettoa II, Towaaklp ITS, Kaaga TM. WlUaaotto Meridian, haa llod aotloa ef Utaatloa to aako eeaaatatiea Proof, to eaUMiah aula to tha load above daaerlbad, before O. R. Ceaaty Clork of Klaaatk Oroaoa,. at KlaaaU -IfaUa, aa tha llrd day of Aaaaot. till. Clalaaat . Laray Matter, B-, L. V W. Btraw, I. J, Btraw, aB of UaYrVaVaBae UlvVaTaaaa, I . ' . JAB. F. BCMBBB, i T-lS-S-ltk freight aaaiHera ia Heaeioa i The Weaaa Buf rage party of l.ou Catted Preea Service lUlaaa haa laaued a apeclal aufraga CHICAGO, Aug. SO. A great ln-,ong to the tune of "Ditle." ereaaa.iia aeaberahlp waa aoted In raperta read today before tha ,otn aaalaa of the aaaual, ceaveatlon of tha Brotherhood of Freight Handler. Tha aeetugo will adjourn teaerrow. I I ..JJIU-H... 1.1. Suffraglala of South Yaraoalh, Maae.. are to have a auffago heolh at the annual county fair to bo held at BaraaUbla aeit week. j-j . i LJ.J.J-- I.J.- ..... .J W- MS1. irva.-a.Vui ft " .aT' ,- r.;- wr.o Jw'-;:jj-i.j.v ifivf,Af M L.'. .lh. .. , SKfe Jr:- ? fa $ it 4. It , I r u '."jriM jT 'ff' WUf v .l ,VA M' ,-v lb "'! 3 1 Billion Feet of Standing Timber f i' -( n:L' 'tt h. mlm h. K v aUka aaaaaa m aB- dt'af 1 a aaaa.' am gag aa am am awa av aa aja a am a a '. a aa m m,, If you want informatioa on i - - J CADPI I AleJriC .tt4nBj'a.., ai-bl-WLr .i I ,.? rm !. (V W M'' -m . V- ' if V i-jk. i ' xA. t Jt. .. V'.-: '! i,j . i . i-.t:'. -," !fe ...,. iK.fir'i 6;.! l i AM rt'.Kf " i TIMBER LANDS . '. . '. DAIRY RANCHES CITY LOTS ,-."':' rilLL SITEaS ,14 n 'A A uativ ;w. i; ' - v '- . -. ' E2I?S i''l 'TiC'&WWIl-LfBE PLEASED TO ANSWER i j3 Main, Strait n What Sterling Is to Silver THE SUNSET GROCERY IS TO KLAMATH FALLS "SHOW )E A CITY WITHOUT A OOOO OROCKRY STORE, AND I WILL SHOW YOJ A CITY THAT IB OOINO BACKWARDS." WK HAVK CHANOBO THK ABO VK QUOTATION POR THK PURPOSK AF CALLINO TO YOUIt ATTKNTION THK IMPORT ANCK A OROCKRY STORK HOLDS IN ANY CITY OR TOWN. IT IS THK HKADQUARTKR8 FOR. THK 'WAFF OF LIFK" FOR THK NKCBS8IT1BB AND LUXURlaB HO NKCKS8ARY TO THK HUMAN BODY. CLKAWIJWMBI SlfMVlCg l-KIWONAL AITKNTfON QVAMTY OFOOOOa-COBarTKNTPRK:Ha--ALL ARK FOUND AT THK Hvsmn mncmn. $ 4,',,i. APPRBCIATION IS THE NATURAL RBBULT OF SRRVICB8 RRNDBRKD SATISFACTORY. WK BKLIKVK THAT IS THK TRUK RKABON WHY. OUR BUSINBBS HAS INCRBA8KD KACH YBAR. Inaa ropreaentlag the bulldlaga un der couree of coaitructlon at tbo ex lioeltlon grounds In Sail KrancUco, which are on dlaplay at the While I'ellcaa hotel. The palatlag ware brought by Director of Kxhlblta Col- vln Drown, and the public la Invited to eee Ihea. FOUND Hunch of keya. Inquire at Herald oMce, mimj ikih m mm omiipmij aatjWoii aanwoa wawwron (Continued froa page I) A mpouae lo tho welcoming word ot tho Judge and Mayor waa made by tho prixildent of the league, William Hauler of Hum. On the platform Mr. Ilunley look a great deal Ilka William .loaning llryan, aad haa the laame eaar ttoae and ready flow ot word a the "Hoy Orator." RetamtoH.K.-ArthurArMland1 'W,,h wuch P" nierrlment U. Q. McDeugall, con.tructor ,nd n oma that wa.n't auppread erchltect of the White Pelican llot.-l ' " Klamath aad the Klamath County court hou.e. "" " nown wahvilie "a have returaed to Ban Fraaclco. after ,l,u Ul,r 0I '"w " " a vlalt of aeveral daya here, ,or twomnyba three. Hut It waa a tgood place, oven la thoee daya." Ho Driver. D. C. Marker, theNp" ' he Idle watara la our rlvara, I'rlaevIHe epeed Head, brouaht over a tcd molatura la our aklea. aad load af Development eague delegateo from Kedaoad la hla big Chalmera car Tueaday, but did not clip nay lime froa the record he eetabltahed on hla return trip from Klamath Falla July tlh. On that trip Mr. Barber made the 117 mllea In 7 houta and 65 alaulea. Thla waa not tho actual ruaalag time, but Included all atope, aad la considered by all car driver io he a record that will aland for om lima lo come. told of the wonderful thlnga to ha when the river had heea properly haraeaacd and the moliturocoaaened and utlllaed. Mr. Don J. Zumwalt aaag "Car meaa' a beautiful aelectlea, aplen dldly rendered. In reeponae to an In alitent encore, Mr. Zumwalt touch Ingly Inlerpreted "The Laat Roae ef Hummer.' Hold (election were vaat ly plcAlng. The piano accompanla mvnta were iklllfully rendered by Mia A I nice Wing. Tito next speaker waa A. W. Orton of Portland, former reglater of the laud office for thta district, who had made himself meful drlng the aong To I'oJky Holdera Having aold our Are laauracce bualaeaa, all accouaU for fire laaur aace pollelee written during the meatba of July and August, 1911, are Ircclml by holding the muilc for Mia payable, when due, at tha oMce of the . 'Ing. "I'd rather lUtcn to tho mu CMy aad Coualy Abatract company, C or hold the mulc." aald Mr. Or 017 Main atreet. KUmath Fall In-1 ton. while Ihu audience lauahad. uraace Co., by O. H. Hunter. 16-t liiowevr. I'll uil vou ahaut ih. Oro. i - " laud .v,.), A ,& 'r'" Jf :...: Tit: , -.'.:... ;: SUNSET GROCERY . jj , - ' , ' f i Sri ,: Jut owera ai No 1 aat Mala a NOTION FO JTUBUCATION (Not Coal Uads) Deaartaaat of the latorior, U, B. Load Oaaoa at Ukav law, Oratoa, Jaly It, 1111. Notice la hereby glvoa. laat Clar- aaaa A. MltcheU, M Otoao, Oragoa, who, oa July . Ill, aada Moao ataad Katry, Ho. 11117 for NMNWU RWHNWH, rfWMBWU. NoUea 14 Tewaahlp III, Raatf 19B, Wtllaav otto Marldlaa; haa died aoUoa of ia iteattoa to atake taal tkroa your proof to eetabUeh ctala to tao load akora daaerlbad, hafara 0. X. DeLaa, Coaaty Clerk of Kuaath Coaaty, Oratoa, at KlaaaU Falla, Oraaaa, oa tho IN day of SepUaber, 1111. Clalaaat aaaos aa wkaaaasas M. H. Roberta, of Oleae. Oracea: J. C. Taylor, of Oteao, prnoa; F. F, Coraealaf, of CHaaa, Ofoiea: A. M. Jaatooa, of Klaaath Falto. Oroaoa. JAB. F. BUROBM. 7-IM-ll Reglator goa laud lawa, and tuggeat n few change." II then explained Home dead, IH-iort, Timber aad Stone, lao lated Tract aad Adjacent lawa. Ha made a strong plea for the doing away with the residence clause of the homestead law. Dr, James Withy combe of tho Ore gon Agricultural College, talked on development work In general, maklag the farm attractlvo la particular, "Not 'back to ilia farm,' but 'atay on the farm,' ahould be our slogan," ald the apeaker, "We have 45,000 farm boy In Oregon, and Ufa keep Ibem there, There la where they should be, not In the clllea." The doctor awaited the "powers tbat.be" for cutting down the appropriation, for normal schools. After the program for tueevealag had been concluded, the eoamlttee of arrangements held a session, at which tho program for today and Thursday waa altered to conform with tha ar rival of the different apeakera froa a dUtaaco. - iiiiATi Muwimwwpm I. T AV ''(. U ' k$ ,v te -., ..vir ::i: Sift" :l:! ' K. t: '. !!' An z vi ,!, V M, Old Forester Whiskey OLD KOKKHTKK WKIBKKY .m'a FMeWIOT COMBINA TION OF STRAMUiT ANB PIJR OLD KHNTUCKY WHIN KIKH, AOKD INiWpOO, WINITpW STATNaJ HOftpKI) WARKHOVWsBi MHLLOWMf RY jtHK MATURli MKTH- j ' ' ' odb of 'nwiilfimoni andwciatk, with a won. j. DKRFUb aXWOB-U WMMKKY AB RICH AND vhr" r : Sr-- .- ATAMUC AB F1NR OU WDfal 'W vV AT AU CAf tt AJfa BAKI .. "v' i-- '", l (. aa - At rfi aa " 't re a aa at m ,' MstilMri. LwiUfUto, ly ?' ? 'Vi'iiV jt f . A it 5t; ' r- ,V ir'i '' , w m ' Ji i. jy. fc ')a M P u f .9 FV V V J f. " : . v . v if rJ'i' -ov-r -x,i Kt !,: tea' yp, "&$(, i-4 V;. W ' ' i i Js ' .w. ' y-'fytf, i , :d "y vft AC