a' " ''" " tr ;-' r ' .';;;:. ; y,''''W .i,, r; .', r.v -: fv;-! v . 'wij.m,zy' s, -" " v. . : - ",,4;;m.c? ., 'L . -- 7 " V ' "Lru'v. . "-- ; , , i ' Y ,.,.. - ' L''.'t ,:- i , ' i wm 4M bb.bbjat ' iafaBaaW bbpbbbf w aV? r) WfMUwi dUiMttrf Jaw nKap j;i S "(iMaa VT WrV BBBB' aBWBr " " w ' w aWadmrJ asf y r BJTT F F Bw aru "Br . , .laaaajai ji t bbbbbb bbbbbt Baa-aaa waw. aBBBhw - r - ,,. V - ...- .-"' '?''? '"' f. "r1 'r' ' ... u ..--I.-. ----:- 1 :- - m -!! i ii M."- . a '"W'winiiliriiiwiTil fH ,i- i M n na " " ' t""'."'"." ,'.iimmimmi iiiiI g Mm i . .... -., ., --.- - .---, J- . . . ,-- j- - - .-r- -r-, - .- - - )'- ' ii ii iMmw -raMHUiMMaanr 'l.i.ji. v.. .itii vr lltAMi AVffja jftauAaflt 7uiikWMAit4AV krnifMi ma' n ifMinii irni -nwi t w iiincmnaia vhwwrvi WHWWfi ii ticnnnftriitBi w v r- i r - ' M'.f 'WMt.iy3 r-em" ,;, Ma., ' ", f-av1- SFKHH 'wajps-ir. 'it Tiwf 1 r- ,i sZH ' in ii Villi ,v"J'-. : Accused as Mex ican Lobbyists BOOSTERS ARE TOURING LAKE ON SJUOAT H'IMj MKK A 'rilll TO Mi:itltll.li TOMOIIItOW .irmuitrnu'iiU ,n . Ui Tltfm fin- lltn 4tlilHluiiii in of U.VI ;nrU, Ml TUMNjN-oil(t Aiv L'riccl In Turn Out Willi Tltrlr L'i Tw tlny'n MrMloni IIik Ii H.IiuoI Vn Full of Inlrrt.l fur All Kollom'liin ilm limlm-M m-Mli.n of I do Ioikuk this itiarnliiR. M. J, I)iiryft, maiugor of the litisoiio CommcrcUl , Club, upok oh tlie ul)iuct of Ilio or Hiiltloii and cooiriitlon, and C. B, lludtou, ciuililcr or I lie rirxt Na tlonnl dank of Ikml, ioho mi the re-' Ullon boiwvon (lie bnnker anil Ihe' farmar. After tlio cloao of the Ivabiiu inrl Ins tho KnrmriV Inallluto iMiilun wa' tallnl In order. Dr. Jamra Withy.' rcmbe of the Oregon Atrleuliural College irtlded. TliU araalon waa very liutructlva and euterUlnlng. Tho following rviirmentatlvea of Ihe Agricultural College anoko on aub.j jrcU of vital Interifit lo the farmer: I Dr. Jamt Wlthyromb. I'rofewor II. II, Hcuddcr, I'rotcinor A. (I. I.uun, lrofor W. B. Ilrown aud I'roffaaor j M. H. Hchrock. , At l!30 thla nflrrnoon tho vUltora, wero lakon to tho Uwr Klanatb' lake, where thejr boarded a atMMeri for a crufao around the big body of j water. ' Tomorrow the delegate will leave at 1 1 o'clock for Merrill, and aa the lvoilo or that thriving community ' have never been known to do tillage ! by halve, royni entertainment awalta (! i nuoBihlavx Plain will h. 1. 1.1 I for 860, and local roaldeut are MrgWlU"w,l,r 8mlJh of M,cl,, ' lo turn out and Join in ih. iu i"n ehr there la ' i ,t gtmiBgPPngB. ggggggggW.' agK v!Lv gggggggggggggggggggggggggggtflnMgggm ' lEgggKgBggggggggggggggggggggl i gggl Vu4dHgggggggggggggggggggBa'i , I l?MBIiB , SgfggSgggni .gggggggggB tkriaBBBBBX7r--BBBBBBBBBBBBBl BSr .aafalTIP'jr-jaBBBBV i nwfKOkv i iMy J3y? ii gggggggw ..atggggi 'gaW ' 'ggggggggS TBBBKaBgggggggggV!' BBBBBgggggggggf KAOFE COMPANY ASKS CITIZENS FOR SUGGESTIONS!: Wt'i4 TOWWMrH i'KOaRAM IIKHT QtMl.lhlKD MA.V.tfHIlt Tiii:m giiKNT IM A.lilrwK, tbe (Jnlverflt and Central reaon." Prealdeat 1, Ii. Campbell of Cnlverilty of Oregon. Unin Ulu PI... .l.. A Aditrw, "?ii:ipoaltlon and ( Central Oregon," Calvin B. Ilrown, director of exhlblu at ranama'raclHc Kipoaltloa. -"' ..': r. ." """" '1 IIAKYHKCKKTAKV ntecKia ei roriiana. wi v . Adilres", byVarnon A. Korboe of e)i "" Head, iotpV refireaMlailve of jToday' llitgiayw Kfaatoai la PRES..HANLEY APPOINTS HIS COMMITTEEMEN I ItAKV HKCHKT AM THMPO Klamath... t.b f.rna atwl aV drsnt io'ditle. , AddrM,Tm Agricultural Cel- leg and, Central OrefM," W. ' J. Kerr, fwealdeM Oregon Ag- rkMkural'Collefe. e Manuel I'ere Romero Hherburne (I. Ilopklna WAHIIINUTON, I). C, Aug. 10 the neighboring city, The M-rrlll Valley will be tahowB (V.jiald Meilan lobbr at the cauitai. lla aald that Hhorburne 0. Ilopklna, a the tmtora, In order lo glvo them an ,,wvr "" waaningion, long known la Idea of the agricultural country nc,'e' !" of the Utla hind Ihli city. The trip may aUogoiAmorlcau rPbllc. kaa been paid a tar a tho proxperoua llohomlanl'u"u,' "' "' "encaaa aa ineir rep iolouy at Mnlln. Upou the return lo 'wenlatlv. U ' auppoaed to act In Hutrment ImupiI by thr Sew I'rev lilinl f I he CiiiMUiy, the IUI ileum of Hi' KIjiumIu (.'ouniry Are lavlted lo Make A ay Magaeelloan They Mave (o Offer Kel4lre lo He teclhw Httcrewor to K. A. juhion It U aeldom that the larger.corpor atlOM take Into consideration any uplaloM or wlatiea that might be for mulaled by thouc not lu nay way cw BecUd with the concern,', but tho Klamath Development company, Ih1 addition to wlehlng tuggeatleaa en an Important part cf their buelneae, are" Inviting them from the realdents ot, ' " ' thla section. MXl'KHTrt uiv'l.Vfi dAii.v i.vjmnm The following sUtement luued bf ... .., L... . the prealdent of the company fully, ''u""" "" outllnea their attitude la thla reaped! HK Oft UKXCPIT TO K.VKMY (Iff (I. X, WKXIHJ.HO) HOlKKHIKt I am pleaied to ty to our many a Atut fiiwlaia' gal IfaalMM atf ala afv fMW we'iBvggg wa amarraaiaeawerw w mpaktjaaagr 'AgUaMM fii taiUf rr i IWmi laVIH nTafaggfP VVWWfPefTra jrVOTRW ( WW WOMEN DRAWS 1 DEPT. INTEREST friend In Koutheaatora Oregon that at a roront meeting of the director or Tho Kmath Devetopmeat com pany I wm elected prealdent. Thla y jpae oiTUio aioet peiiular at wellaa moat practical, deoartaeau at tho Central of Oregon League convention new work'wll afford me much plean-ilJ tho lloa Mcmw department, be tire, In that my InUreota In the Klam-nk conducted by Prefeeaor ''Ava H ath country alnre I undertook tba'uiinn, ....i .,. ..-, i' Merrill the Orvgon Agricultural Col lego profi-Mura wilt conduct an lmtl tuta there, The return to Klamath ValU will bo fallowed by tho final builneaa see alen of the league, at which officers for the ensuing year will be elected. The good roads rally will be held that evening. To Hatl-lntaa tod. O. X. Wend ling, Hobert A. Johnson and V. l'aul Johnson of the Klamath Development company, Htae Oamo Warden WIN I'nm Ii. Kludley ami CoWIn Ilrown of ihe I'.'l', I, Kipoeltlon board, left to day for llurrlmnu I.oJkc mid hake Cdell. for tho constitutionalists, or that fac tion of Meilco led by Carrania, the ablest and strongest opponentol I'res Ident lluerta. Mr. Ilooklns denied the charges, and answered In regard ta une that ha had been vmry friendly with the state departatent. but that he had seen no on there thla year. Romero, It waa said, had aot evea talked, with a, member of coagress. That he waa oa the greuud as a rp reee ntmlvit or Carraua waa not .denied. Golden eagles are Increaslag In the Hcottlsh Highland, owlag to the ef forts made by large land owaara for (heir preeervatlaa. ' building or the California Northeast-1 ern railway, on behalf or ounpeopla. from Weed to Klamath Falls la 1885 have continued to grow aad, there fore, become of 'greater flaaacla'l In terest with Ihe patslng year. I feel that bur policy should be so shaped with" the progress or events, that the moat perfect harmony should obtain In all matters affecting tlu In terests and developmeat ef Klamath county, aa the Intiwetta of our com pany are Inseparably linked with ev ery other Intorost In the county, .and lo tho end that these resutta may .!. flliMlfl. fitllflt fpullU.. ... !. .,.. .-... ...v.. . -""" '""morrow afternoon will be on- of the MViniArallnn nf IIim onflrA initial acl , . . i -; .7 '.""";mi instructive of the serlm Thre commercial rbrlc of SoulhearteraL,,, lo raclIcl, -.MnMtlloM r uregon. o wnom we pieuge our nest doM1HIc ,QitM and most consistent efforts. I . I regret that Mr. Kobert A. Johnson decms.lt appropriate to his best Inter- cats to resign from the local maaage-1 ment of our comaay, aa his work and worth are'more than fully appreclat- j ed. aad comes as a distinct regret lo our directorate and .Officers; the' choice of a competent successor will I be given careful consideration, with a I t( "!-. View or having auch aeleetloa one WHM.V WILK UK HWJ) FR1BAV Mllani( assbHaat prareeaor of datee tlc scleaoe.at oT-A. (, aad Mr. OrU HuxtoB. In chirge of the rural swum work at tho as ate lastltutlea. These aesaioM are held toreuoaaa st the high aebaol. aad practical ham questions axe takea ap la a practical manner by these laslritctors. Much that will si.ve aapeaso as well as tiae aad labor has' been taught to" ex perienced housekeepers of the city, aad alt the wmeTiik have atteaded have returned home full of enthusi asm, and have urged their neighbors aiso to near tn lectures The meeting of ibis department to- i Have Charge of the Work, flajMlaafaaataat fataga gJaaS liMmimr aTataMValKaBai , gajeaTas gwrer eTfaiegf egeavewsjgf eVJeTWaaf tlwsi Hektlim Tsaisiissr .. '" v. '' l Tbk morning's hualajaa ssssloa ol tlie Central Oregon Pevslepusat league was develed ta theeommeaee meat of work for the easulag ysar, aad eaamltteee to Uke eharga of the dlffereat feturs,we"ro appelaUd by S'reeidaat lUaley, ,- ., -, J. W, .Brewer of Redaiad was aa- tvlated by Maaley as tsiaarary ssere- titry ef the .Develepmeatt Leafue. taking the ptaee of Jaa. SawhlHWbo left some time ago for the BaeC e IHJ .FValaHH HNI nlHg'V! IwHwWi - -r-- .a-- i.1 Credeatlals C. II. 'Leoaard of li urns. Chairman; A. R. Bawaua at I'rlaevIHe, J.J. Jehasoei of Redawad - Kesolatiaais . R.' Mill of LaPlM, chalraMn; C. p. 1'utaam of Bead, S. Kvaaa ef Kiaasath Tails; William MB lor or Burns, O. W. Well of Bad mead: T, M. Batdwla of.jPrlaBle; K. E. niaahart of Ukevlew; jf.D. Banum of Laldlaw; r. M. ChrleaaM f Stlver.llaka.X F.'WakefWd Craa- ceat;;Ouy B. Taylar of'Ttewpatati-j; UeglalaUve T. A. Foraaa f Bead; chairman; W. O. BalU mt, Halle, J. J. Doaaegaa at Baraa, Hyda ot PrlnevtlU. f. P. CroaaU)er or Ukevlaw, J. N. B. Oerkwc of Laldlaw, P. W. McCaBary f MILLER TO MEET IRRI6ATH3PIISTS ds M. A. Lyh of Bad- moad. cbalraua; ,W.R.Kw af Pria- vllle. Fred LaFalhHta of La Plae, JatM'Hoiuotj;rt-KlmaUirA.Mn.- K. K. RhMbart ot Lakevlew. Ike Echwarts of Dura. C. 8. Hudsaa of Bead, R. H. Bayler or Laldlaw. Program l'hll Bates of PortUnd. cnnirmanj iwis Wyhte, or. Klamath Fall. Mra.;J. K. Norln of Lakevlew. EMBARGO VILL REMAIN AWHILE THAW RELEASED, BUI REAMED 'r x . s IN QUEBEC TOWI t HIO t'l LNCIAfi KKJMT, tmtm MOMIOW . ' J-' ' 1 . - vwaat Anm'Csm,hiiw.i BeAr.'d, MWh,"aW''la" ins l Vnm'UilUi Tlshal a SMSBBBv'ssT jatajamj (dajs.kaA f !.. i-.. sasBdel sBaW Bjaask BaWsBkisa IgtaaA CBaVkaaea aBvai tary ggfV, ssBBBBBB1 grBBBBBBBBT gBarB t," ' -'i t . ' ' 'i . u(" wijrt h j .' . .- .)-. v vVtf'.y.v s , By, f O M S ;C. .SJHX 1 v kSl ,! Mf(liuil(xt , ,')i4 BHBWBNOOKE, Qasbse.i Aa. t. Owlac to the fast that the himlata turn isMpeier ww.aspsrxJtarry . Thaw ' frearCaaada as' aa 'Ja:hi retsMwac.iTiav'a 'aetaeaya, "gesy''b hayetha aasarmai taM laHha msaatteae, taey. ar lag aalajaeietlea U prsvsel'Ma da partaUaa: ? ,, ttYx-W tM..!. 't6Jtl'- ' a1 i. 'i tmmw m as, im muei.eeeB ceaa la taa;pflaem, hssyltal. vary ehowfaU aad aar he.wUl return to Mtattaawaa, taa4'.; wttt dav. OWHimi UMMN WW It fe tju4 xhmU talaBairf i I aW . BBfcB'-fi.v. " t- :'J-v "T"" s, I ' - LU Vi 4- , Thafa aMarsMaa TtaW aeBm tak- A''tdk laWataBgaaSt i mfcattsfJamajsaBatf ' J amaaaMsBatte I P" ,BBWBJi BBBfcBBfJVwqVBW IVjeaWaP that k abbjht te.laat. ;, Beat ha ha Ha la ha Iaflt lki wtM-aat' iar wwhia togndan K.-ha.wjM ha daaWtad .aythai'aaaaa.'ramla 'wr fc.a.lk.-'a.AV. -'-- ' rai'Ja'S.'- - '"'' watea aa aana.wemjH,vr , , sisisw 'irtwurt iw. !""! ?T,"Tr.""I.V arathar-ua-law; Oearaa maaadedky ale wm. WPaaBBsl ., SMSaBWa HMbs PPeV "Vaa. hetwa'ra Tiara'M he aaaaa het tatae fiarwrv"'tt ha iJ Government Sends Entomologist Here to Assist Timber Owners in Lradlcatino the Pine Beetle A To prevent the plac bark beetle from lutujllng tho oiesln of Klamath county, tho government hua stationed Hit oxpuitthiirr, wlio U randy nt any, time to lusperi any timber holdings, dtitermlnv whutlicr or not It In 'In fested, uml glvvnilvlcit for prevention and orndlcutlon. fe The man duslguated (or Klamath ,' .county I W. K. (llemicmilng, imenl lu rjarlgo, of field operations of thi bu ' If'iftU of eiitpmolu,ry of tlie ilepnrj- ;MMt oif', aarloulturc. 11 u i horo how ,oit a'lfli) of raconnMonnro, und aftor iAug'iai will be stationed Imre as 't"tlk Slajii'ligllf "AMordhigrto at. tlstlcu,' tho 'Juttiid 8iM yaarlf atya a toll of $100,000,- 0( to the taamyea'ot'tinber dwtroy- Jul lasacta,"Td';Mr, piudeiBlng, . "und the: pine bark beatUla the worst WyvV'.'f'""' T wvaraataat' la'thirV ''I have been aent here to see to what extent, If any, the pest has tak en heidto give Information regard lag tha amount or (afastatloa, and the methods' of control 'to every timber pwor,.larar, amall. deatrlag my .ervleeawlah.asaiwrthont ft- In fllsklyaa enty.tleaWr owner In tb last year; spent lIMOOMn the tight against the heath), Oaad reeuita'were obtained, the deatruatwa af baetlea la noma Isolated traeta ihetag high as ub ner cent." .-' - -1 that, when announced, will he a valu-t able acquisition lo Klamath, county. Ample time will be taken to make this Important choice. As General Grant said: "If It takes all summer.". aad. I may add, "If It takes all winter In, eluded," ta the end' that we will not make a mistake la this. Important matter.' ; f. As the public 'are much Interested an to. the choice4 we make for this Im portant position, I shall be glad to re ceive any suggestions our friends la Klamath county aiay have to offer, and they will be given mature consld eratlon. J GOVERNOR WEST CANNOT BE HERE TMW A TKLMIIIAM HHCfcMVHU i MOItNINU FROM KXRCUTIVK NAKKN AXOTHKK CHAKUK. IN HIH PMN'H , AKTKK.NOOX IX TMK COURT HOCSK VAIID, AMD ALL ARK IX- V1TKU TO ATTKM An eiieu alr session of the Klam ath Water Users Association aad ath era Interested will be held la the court, house' yard at 3 o'clock Friday cttcruoon, . when Assistant Secretary Miller of tha daaartmaa, of the In terlor will addreaa the meeting.'' At thfs time tho goveramMt offlclal wilt ascertain, for his offtc th per- eonal vlewa of the IrrlgatlealsU. INHERITS CHOICE EASTERN ACREAGE . .llV The stations of the bureau af aata- mology In WMhlagtaa, Pfataa.'Cai- 4sninisl sitirl MmVftalBt Wmaasm" kaaai" '.sM f.ws.ss-. aivaaamjaa aarv ii l H ptlBBJ hlnad Into one, which Is' ta he it, Asbland, according M(;,OWbW (leiinlng, This will be k'aawa M:iaa PaclBo Field itatloa, undyWll'lha; charge of Professor HT. Burk,' tomoleglst.' Governor West will not be able to attend the session ot the Central Oran goniiaveiopmenv league ausr an. This morning the following a aim was received from hlin by C. Cy wwapmpai 4 !(4"Rgret to say unexpected mattera have artoen' here wblekmako it im- aealble for m'taiatUad Klamath Paila'asaetlBK.' I ram araatly dlisaa- paM,,4vnot ag .able to.ba,wRh MhfA I iava bWamaXlug forward k ' : " -i1 HLIM CHAMHKRH .NOTIK1KD THAT MM HMARK OF UNCLhVM MBTATH WILL rkT MIM AMOVTleMM , -KAJILY te R. L. "Slim:! Cbamber,'wH haawa rMia;h the ,Wood River. Valley, aad through 8otheraatM well, by his riding at tha -Rodeo, naa Jtuit W salved 'a Utter, aaaoualaf that by tvrwm.ei , ol uaesawaa aiea reoeaiiftM w aeaaatad i om mm'iearatiOaUeeirg,' li'llaaai V.Thla trails said to ha, aa of l best'jift thatseotloa. Cbambera waa lafenaadM aUt'attoraey Harastet' hw reauu .wutmaaa. taaiaaai IPRRBIIHCXT i W1LMOX THAT TXM M'FOR'TKK IXTRRBBTH Of AMHRICA.Nts MKXrCO . Jfr'AVi -.h-' " ''(HBJWB "Tha laitretHtnh, ''PedaratkMfi af I ,. a.. -JS 1 . -... . , , - ffTBpH IIDERTA! .. -. i CHARGE .'v M n RYUBIf ' .H.B't- "" WBF iJl ?'2F, Tr,Vt "' ii insimB3iwi'-' j ' - aaaa assssaaa ,i .ir,u. 4, nama,aaBBBFj- llia BamhsahrSaiiga o wnaamaaajaa CaPrtaNa WAataaaVNiaa im f jT " m" "B f B- ttaataa ta "Vc.! ---- '"" , 1 iU "- waweagamj ', WfffBma BBBfaW Wh ,b"b tfBBMimBa fat. v f' 'I- a? J ' Hh-tAmkmamMiU IBM a;agaBBf7Si I UBffsijBI aBy. -.BJaaap. kwj 1 1 t' jilj mai ajtff,.ha g alitlSeflB aMiwaaM ha gM tt paaaWhipM fimailayj. ' ';'"M (hat4Praaaarrl ' ' ,nh : TaWA'Caem-BaatA-fei r r 1 'i n hiii uiritJiBm M am aaawt 4 Baa aBBaBhSfl Wt BaMMa''4B MpffH aaBmaBaS lsaBalafaBafaV " fci Trl lay ata haatB t jilJuBM BBBBB 1 togBaeBlaarSBlBai -.i.-rii-jjMrJTS IBVBJ WUIilll Sr.m. ku mdmtM "- , nw, -M -WW ( W V. , of free legal aid .frthafe whaarel uaaMs ta pay Wfcoaaaal. Thla,kiif aa eateoataef tha aril araatHaa, af St ;' leaa saaras aaa ataar,- A wlU ha.eeaal.' A aahar af - .'- ..-v.-, h. . the atty'a hast lawyers' have ii --'"---'-'--" 'Ji '' TTCf; ' .!'' l.''.tli aaairai ... : w vaaawwwB aSBSei Wl aV aritt ha haU 1Mb aasaassl vataaa- tl rT.n.TTT tt v -:; '.fc. t aaaaaaaaaa aaaBaBaBaaaB'taaBaBaB aatamv aaafBaaaBaamaw) -i -"'VJ' 4tlXy, U I II HP I eVBVBBBf BBBJ VVJBIHPBJB. 'MBSSbSI Med State, ?k .-,;' ,. u ;ir tsw-ahte'shBdaa. ' n tTS, r . , w .. .. -,. .- !,. .:..- ' i a 1 1 u iia vaaMruk Bhaalla AaaaB aaaaavaalaj i Abaat S..fta i- .. -,..-... y -ti .-- laaabMaatt, use -tha Pertagn .i?&8! IX J tha Unlted'Presa 8rviea( " WASHINGTON. ID. C:, Aug, M. Owing to the latest cbmmualeatlea from President lluerta of Mexico, ih administration has emphasised Mad? cisloa not to rameye 'th embarae agalaat the sbtpmeat of arms lata Medea. " ' j r .' ' , Wlken believes saah a awye would lalama tha aatl-Amerieaa feet lag. aad perhaps provoke reprisals tram ihelluerU fatelea. " 1 ' J UBhm Raas.H ta,WeWare Week r, I.IUUn Rusaell'l arraagiac. wHk the moving picture peopht of;Loadoa to Uke ateturae ofta coadttlaaa aa- uer wnicn ine wor,ciag giris or Mg land, Fraaoe, Germaay,; Autria,aad Italy labor; and Hire. Miss Russell b llevea that a comparlaoa of the eeadl- J'JfcS&tfWJfI! iaa ,e) raaisai imyravaaieasa an fuagef, , .. . . , z&w t totwrnimmMmi ..'. M I'tlf n k''teerak. asfea aSaft fa'iaaaa'.t Aeeordiac to. tha; meaha at; tha dsm v Hospice of Str' Brard. thas faaaaaa KMaaath dogs save aa aa' Hvea every ; yiiar ,aa Uw'moaaitata). $' 'mv OlNM bW l ; k M i a, -; i ,. :, . H.M ,,'-V a'.r r'. ' PlattMrm 1 aBBaWaTi afaffM t Slttatt if TwailBBBBBBfc, trP, ',) '; ei ' - - UBKillmBliI - - .,. iW .' ,r'i?t' ' . :.. . lltl A-', J t , w; . . ,ft n. ' -. l..j. el Still h -Vj At Mthaa.- to.BmM'. Thayea-'ilraaiv .IBatfBaaa high sehoel eaaeahsy hali.lCa Chav r . a .. ",.. -';:' - ' m 'Ml. man or in roruaaa uaeaaiaraiai cni formally opeaed tha u fourth aaimal eoaveatloa af the Cants! , Oragw'Pa vaeaaaaeaA'Laaaui.jay'OBaemisaBaBsja' ' S '' atksL L- u .gNal LfiiieSkmtl friPv . T v. . ' . m.-' WSBtiStt ,. ajMm LMMmfM BSBJBJ -V, V .''5' . j,. , TV-rH pWaMJtajji ""Tepr wm lit-iAri.V.:;- i, .Jt..jr' y i i aii !ii i ill, o'et; last aa4a IBt .-sat bvr, MrMIr .By '' maa, a- ., ,;H aattmt o tM'Bjr, wb lawatag jMiigLg ta alaah aat BBi aarwV Mp wjBiLjBBWPggaW!9 ."' .,'11'. . t).'. I.' irjt ..i . V Ir- - i-. a-J wary.PttaM,wNt ahw haaagaaf aeaampusaaa rt. ",BmftM-?aBf ( similar eaadHlsaa-;. la thaDatUd iUted la aaSowH'Wc trtetvatit '-Pf, ' Oaa af tha raaat araaUaalforma af daatro tha laajtaa: Mr: OhaMaaa aali. ht. p C-mttal BB ''tha' :Brl''ieaav'of rtha1 Oraf Davalaaamaat lawgwa Ih work,hbg (imMV is ttiii! W Mhl; jrJ. LcaaVmlMiMMry of th' CaaM';,V: C, T.' Ui;, wlw lma;Haa4 aaawhsg tlM'tlrsaaVaMajaeaaajnlfartti ai fhaoi fer foreign girls at Radley, jasi aah; daMM''id-a thM W mtaiag towa aaar TUlaaarg. -TBa gltsa? 1ataWllh-Mte.M. 'j ir""",W BBBBB aa iBCBKyjfU apj-J aBBamaMI aBBmBBUaBaTawm BaTamaaal BaTaBaf aBamBTamaaataTl ?""" VBBtBHPBBfBBB SBBBJ VfJlaS BBfBB Syi.yj7jplNBi L. ii ilWVLS mmiajfeataajajj 1 ataBaaaK I '. iK i v 1i ' . i f . 'i'r, I f 1 '';(tttr -:-"? i ff ' v ' ' s' ' u . ' 'B ' ;" '- -" '", v . , ,v, " .rfuWHtf.lWa2BamaBamal . . '" . - ... v.'-m-fr&ak-radmiB