ww 13' V" JfcjVV' &!' , official miwiUH' 0M C1TV 01' KMMATH FALLa tt, fjfc )& k f i ! vH m m M 1 -': ' ? 2.NV I? s I ';.&' 14 a 'KWith YearNo. a, klamath Af,u; MERCHANT CAN SEE ONLY THE KLAMATH LAND UOLDK.V HULK MAN' IIKTl'IIXM FIIOM TMK KAHT Nowhere During HU Kttraittil Trip Through Itiii Middle H'rai h) Knot Mil H Km. llrtlrr Proatwcta or Belter nmillllona, Key Kil Van. kr, Home Again After Tonr of Uw Hurt for lite )arrfiasr erf Heath "Not a place (hut I visited during my rtvo, wonk' Koatern trlpN Iimm the prosperous appearanre that la noticed In (li Kin math Valley." Ho aald Kd Vanulce of the flolikn Mule Mere, who returned Saturday night from Nuw York nml other Kaateru cltle. vliero lie Ima been tMiylnit (all gooda, "Willi me were twonlyelght other buyer for the different atorca In Hie (loltlcn Itule chnln, ami I wan amoag tliu few lit buy more gooda than laat rnr. I anticipate n irMi)eroiia fall, nml liotiolit according). "In Denver I stopped, off to witness (he mammoth parade of Knlchta Tern-' plain, In which 18,000 plumed and belted Knlaht marched to the muale from nrty.flife band. The decora llorw, costing, the city of Denver i:i5,000, surpassed anything of the kind ever before attempted In nay country. It wa the grandest thing Imaginable. ''Ilusln In moat, of the Koetera clile lipoma rather unlet at present, with very little hope for an Immedi ate revival. I honeatly think Klam atli rounty ha much better proapecta than any rural community through which I pMd." , Mr. Va'uhfce aald he rather liked the new; fall style and fabric aa d rrred bribe amart aet of New1 York. "In a general wny they aeem to be KLAMATH LOOKS BEST TO THEM gVAKTKT OF MM'Ali MK.V 'UK TKItX FHOM AX A(ITOMOllll,t: TKII THHOtaH CKVTKAI, OKK. iiav ihmui. i F CIUN CITIKH If theie la a place In Central One Ron that ha "anything on" Klamath FalU, K. U, Argravra, Oharleai (Iravca. Rogeri K, Watieabitrx. and Doc I'ow kII did not aee It duria Iheli trip In Ibe latter'a auto, whleh'waa romptnt- id by' their return ImI evaln. The party apept aeveral alaya In (leritral Oregon, vUittai; la. Pine; Creaceat, Head and! other town. Vhey are all Mreager. than eer for Ihe place "Where 'fortiTne Calk."' BLOOD POISONING CASE PECULIAR IKN OK I.AUtVDUV KMVIMVK NH'KI.M ItAnni.Y t-tttiM .U At' I'AKKXT CAl'HK, AX0 HVtUJKOS IH'KKATUH DELEGATES .i " t ' r .' i " TO ATTEND THE m SESSIONS whoN Avuvwr i, ft .fd 't&K 'i fyil:?U--'. ti TanaaEHi HLaaBaaai V Empire State? i I ' Butlnew In terciU Want Quick RcdIt " -' 2 ' S ,.' .r - 1 . x v ivriLVaV'l HMJ KXIliltl'i' IA AHHASMW AT h;iiooi KADEMAIAdEI I5I0IMWD ?. w ws Maar HDeahrfK Ale Hihcilnlitl to Ail ilreeM llif Mtt'tlHg of I be C'eatral ! Oregon Devrbnif M league Vun-' CmmI Artltdl ijt,'KteJ, aml !.f .. f tvy. t Marklnm Ai , . HHUmJu Ttmu All.1 ?f; Uay Mg AtiewLHCe At-Mwed , ' '., ,V tajihi) Wg4t7ibHiU' ot'Ary) I Wllhfibd MgW?ukHilt' otdry tk.J. ln.L.L.I ....... u..l ...lu l..u.a ana, irrigoisu iuuu Kim iuia inau etc.,- of the'. ,1 i A moat peculiar raae of blood, pola mlng la that or William llrailley. upon whom, Dr, Trua performed an operation Saturday. Mr. UradJey la employed at Ihe Klamath lai Mdry, rnd haa charge of the waahla gTSV ihlaea. Baturday mornlag h'la rlghr liand i nd forearm commenced to dwell, though he could not dlecovei r any i cralcb or brulne of any kind to ratine uch a coadltloa. Aa It became rap- Uly worae, he called la Dr. T.fcua. bo, atlcr an MawlaaUaa, nreMLne- d It to be a eaa of blood potoo glag. n trying to loeafe the aeeA a" the irouDM the right hand wm ml .'inm more aeaalble and comfortable thkj'ro both aldee.Teveallng, how ever, eaaon than hi eome former yeara."l,,otnl'ig of a nature to eauae I ood aald he., I olaonlng. Today the entire ai at 'a . I"y wollen. with hard lumpYf Wm- ting under the arm. farm tiroducta. bird Klamath country tiror aiMembledV.tho. blgh-achooi tniliditig ia'all la' rettdl-!) nea.for; the tonvuutlon of the Ceo--, tial Oregon Devulopmeut leiguv, Mbkh opena tomorrow morning 'andV cotitlniua for thrcu day. Ava Milam and l'rof. Walter ft. llrowu of the Oregon, Agricultural roliege, who aro to have charge of tlie',i home aclunco nnd agricultural! work, arrived laat ovenlng from Cor Valet. Other partfe Bave been ar riving today In aulo from allmarta of bnutral Oregon, atid ttlll mote' lll cobh In on the train tonight. A monater attendance la amuttJ, unu the Chamber of Commerce haa taken uptbo mailer of aecurlng avcommo- diii'Mma In prlvalo famllle. should the botrl beovercrowded.. , , The program arranged for tomor- tow'a iolson follows; oreiioon Arrival of delegate ind rcj(llratloH, nnd music by the baud uid ccnorat rereptlan ,'itt High school bull.'ilng.' Aflurm vii- Two aep'iTnieaethlona. Klrftit 'ai.iir' Instltuio, Aildree by DKTamea tVllhVtpiabc,:-lilrylo mi .the Small Iparm." Addraaa by ... TgjsjajaBaajBjsjMMML .jaaaaa-av j ; aaBHaaBBaBa9Hgggggggggggggk " gaaBBBBBBBBallaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV" '' aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm ' gaaiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBaSBBVaBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBli . : 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB11lalB aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmgggggggggggggeaBBBBBBBBBBBBB , IgggggggggggggggggggggffnVjnBBBBBBBBBBW aBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBnallaBBBBBBaBBBMBBBBBBBBB ' '"VaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWWaWVaBBBBBBBBBBMKBBBBBBBBBBBBa -gggggggggggggggar3SaMra -HSKLggggggggggggggggf - , ' aBBBBBBBBBBBBaKgHaaMK V ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW i mmw BBBBBBBBWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV (m. i f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - f l oB.B.Mgggggggggggggga............m aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWT1'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi, BBBBBBBBBBaBVrTr; ' JSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB , .OBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWr Z-W BBOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa . ,m'W,wLs '"ftaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' BBOW T-- --BBBBBB-i.BBBBBBBWar-r k. , R ' ..rTiOB '',' W .".. iflv N . - T.t i - I r-r 1 V r r nii 4 ;aJ , : '!.' v n Oil 1 a LEAVES mtc n ' .VllOlll atMl.aWBMBBBBBBBBBBBMLJW'TtT' TT U t j S ' 1 r . ..-AJ- -zr7T js'a ' iMMmvoaw'ttfl -, mjwv w:-. ;, t: . v't'1-J('"v w;' j-JJiftir,f , , .w, wwtWwwiMM.aittit-iA.'- rjir"- V' Tr.,.iU'. Tte . '-i ." ' j. - i 'i -, r aaawaaverhs uooaeoa, wm aa.iinaiM am I v, notion M,aMCeiW;ei rr. f eierieieni epmfmmr, ,0t.. awKBMri ''i- ,:. aeHei . 1 ' ,. ". ""TSBBfcgaEBBB mmmmr.D atetgaaoBBBBWggaWB . rjPBBBBi' (V lilhWWMaaVTMB V . ' MW,1J ... ,..J. .' .i,aa.;.tf.L. '- .- , raTrfftlM .1.1 . -,," -' '7JTf'i f'twweBiaa . bbbbbbj . annnnnnnm jraBBB 4bbbbbvbbbbbb1 a- KbimatK.DeveleBm'eeit', F. !..'" ''1. J . ' t-.. YoVfilfeeMhle anerno eewejat ', ilay.j; )qer, tilML , M' re .aW-rrak-Ii -fc- -, aU'-iaW lssMameVla; . " WJaM II alii ' Uli-iV'v-'-- rT?r;wiW;J U --" rfei .TT-r. - z: .'TT. --.--i .-. v.iajL- i water aatK:0BMI ..C 5'T4itr...,.y' .'v; .' llhaitWas. ' '. , . . i . . 1. -. '"K obbi rfBBBagw JwBe B77naB9g pcjadBuaB KifJl"! laBlLlr 3Swm 'Vi,W.-. 'VVl'.-'" '.- CHEEPCTDnifin 'O I nil I1DLI1 gyrara H a a- a. 1 , OM; ', v i V 4--' f mil i i wee?ee. j i -" ... i -i . v.. i uiiiu Jf-i -l.1. : -' l 'awl avavi ssilll in Ilggra1 ... -.... ITtMtratMli r7)r rr"TIEBBTBl Vtii anVtMur ,; aumy M.II"Vk' GUN TOTER IS T IN FOOT SHO !. KMI'LOYK OF AMMjMA I.VatW:R iviyiuKV tiL-vtv amr nuv! r'VI. MIHHAI AT TMK CAMP OX NVMIAV NK1HT OLD TIME JURIS) I'rofwwor gcuddcr of O. A. C.,"Man- JgcmcHt of tlul Klamath Farm and the Oank.Accoult" Aiitni by Pro-' ltor A, G, l.uitn. of drwrc;.' "Pre- paring Fowla for Market Addreea by) I rofesior W. 8. llrown of o. A. 0..' Fruit Packing', lacking and Market- lug." AddMM Ly Mr. Scbrock. "Dairy-' log." Second Wemcfl'a Club meet-1 (ing. Addreoa by Dr. Oeorge lleboc,( .jdircctbro eiteMlowerk a. the Unl-i ALBANY. A(. II Who. hi 4a goveraor of Net York. Wlllakm"iii aer, wlvthe4aembly, voted to lav peach, or Martte H. QItm; the Km tenant gvrrfr.. . i.t J r t ., aad.anaahil (aiiram ettas sute are aaklM. - ,i r'' Furtherasore, !UeedMl H lm medlate anawer. Tiki naieertaleMy, ryt . 'hy. .Vt, ttor 4, ii-Mx' lie;-;v JOBVJUWWg tW.aV4aW ,rt - i" v - i ' jtriftijaf 'uwM t . L ) ;r 4v Ji ,v --' L. a j.ft' ,aUBBWH , . . a v. W-, -. -' " r? -, "V 1 teWi I IPftWLilMSt Mt,! Mr'akiAV.9W -r. -xi ; w. ejt aMhrf -- yg aaggl fSaHIBai .1" T "-'" iJt liacktihl AVjBrii W-M.MMI - a t-5lW:tbeim-rti ki.- -:.- OWBBgJR i .i oaaMer. That . It aefc Mw eMi-tt to.iaak) a l. laui kn kML. J. --"-'-- -'"- --'- ' ". "Lif-v .; ,,'"! i' '?! '',, !', 9449. .... , j -Mr. t h.i -j i ;.j, . .. .. .. j -,' - -""" . H-t,',:a 1IMpji.rtSsaatiW ft.it.tetiit: t;M:iii.i saoa now .if arfaMaalh MILLER PARTf IHILDFBRAJIO WINS :RS mm notleed. with- ordhiary a.- ;, t;; 1' iwli to i -it ia Mhodr tkee at tar W4U A MtjMlM h:the he aoiwmil'-aVJd.PTea .' - iiffaa Birtleed Ha t. !...:- aiwifjiawj HEREWSDAT HtSl T- 1 . 7F" mm hv AW- We r V V-Tj . While jilmplng at Algomn, Ceorge "Hhorea, an employe of the Algoma l.umbor company auitalueil a ballet wound thnt will lur.ipncWto him for aomu tinier tK pistol Hhutci ii cariylsg wm J rn& eiit ?f ill .. i iiivl'lhe wea pon. trlkk? th..i,,srniiMv eHloded. rrheibullet etiKi.O. iiesr ilio instep, nnd waa Ktrr.etH iienr the, heel by "' Webster, la addition to hit Dr. Mem mnn. . ", ,. -' l.ervlce here, waa alio county Judge at iJJrLJS' 'MuKnomah eeuaty ni TnetiepMMwwe"S'"M-wwBK iverllr of Oregon. ''women' Organl-'..... , .. ..iV.' HfffF' FLID WKilT! l' C., ?oU7owkt ia.VOT HK ABLK TO COMK. VllnL lUII .! f Jljl I I C" Addre-Hy i,n.. Aria Rit.tmi.1 aiit-AW KMIMwW WWAII. I Jl WKIMrYMI WILI MtAVK i. "- . ' . . T rOMORKOW KMt CRATHH UKK i !1. - 7-""1f" ! t-F:TWIII!, Kv..i ForaMl oelB f-W i' ?. 7. . .:.. v. r Vreat 4 uatll. f u'alaek- the aU- ikftt 4wl" te shown'thiugh, the.blg Ja.-xiYWk' II nod plant of the Vellcan ay il.nrabXi"Miir oh 'the UpWtahV KtVTO VlaUT 5 . U i. i .' DIMTMCT V f jl i tcnnyentli, Invocation by tt bo Key. Aaare or woicesae en Aashkaat Secretary of the'laterior !A. 0. Miller; with. Mr. Miller an J Mr. Fraaklln K, Lane, will arrive in Kutmath' Fall Thursday eveahig, In . r? ft! .. lat a k - T t I r.'"' lion, Monet K Webster JiltWkM?m,h c'w T Com- Mow.lPMtllcieWWiMtiaaiMttM. district, but nW nVactmW Wiw Ik lK "Wt-r Ntr". , at.Itno. Th InfermalbMi waa Portland, la hero for a ahort Thwtlfe Jl0 " 'Wom? b' ,lf? Wll- tiiW, B a meeaaie Ahot eapect. to .eav,n ih. m.gor SrHM,4S!irlie? AiJ.plmSt of thi W.t.r VtarS Crater U..;to view the great Ore. DtepoMn.rLtreaa by.Or, VT , - - ..-' Jbbbm withia.;deetor Orenew Are,,0 . i , - uu wwnusr. - ,v r: T'iV "'i ,. . ct. r?"' ,! ' .k J i 5 1 - !?' -J '. hi? i r. aarwev ,-t NOXITIlVK.VIOIYlm -VK,?a: .LOCAL MAX-WC A.;p .wh,' M wedUa' TKXDAXCK AT WAMK aHW! 'ttt, MOTIMVAUI ; ( jf-k . jsi..'l w.1; ..v. . -; . s ,v4 ji 'n,;!".f! ".!S ?. asow at -V"V .- ' .-:...- -- U' .- V' T, .MIMe'-lllaTIB: J,,rv - . aLi'i ' . a. J W; WtflfWIi .tf -- . a vamei . Hd - Bia. abib Kleth Aairee Martla sIvMlk;Mt.M;iV:e 'johnnHuh'iard'. d Ilerry eo4tter'5.'i U-r' -"" motored V'HUcteaaliasW.taJ iTrt ':"--:"j , - "'.'.l'.1'". '. .:-' ft irnj ii.'hiiiu.; Ww Mtiil',wovafieU'an4-0ae retaa oai- rr". t . , -. i :."i-,T-"-m'.jjB. .. rV? Rodman WanamakerE KIIKIIIIIIHI1 J T i i "f Leaves After Mttt Impressive Agricultural Colt(fe Rxperlmeat oHa tioa. "AeriruVhturswl Co-Oueratloa." ; MOTORBIKE 10 t w . L. jfi ueieiiiomesai jfpcyi I ,r ' I Ul J REGIONS 1AICAL I.UMmK. WILL JOUKNHVrW UTnO IV Lm-.'.VAl'ltil ;n and wine i, nmova. p vAftern visit u(tnro day In lhf KkBMuii.('i)uutry.ilut1nK Which time ute,iwiica tno iM.imr.in incuiin, i n$sr ' WMt-wV.rks'jAWeaagoof'cltjiir ryfflp llp ,tu ui, Ufa,'tan.rpleieuled the 'ifffl "jJn WV. n.Ulteil Crater; tMir.fi lake, tl.i Ro4aa WMimoaker Kiue- ik"A'.ir the AieMr HhesL'tiiHtHesr nim.M 4 taHvr KMuM,r MMoc, Mate and HOLD AND TflK KV CA'Hot ON NKXTKUNDAY !' I " ) ill' . t A in tn W'imi lA-it v . r - . . T" : Wt ion-vof CHtMMhip f the North r,terlean Indlr. lt tMi' mnrniu lu flflll wWta cr ''WVi'vVw.lu'jouiiiey i'A W jromnlndw of , Mil tribe the ..l:'ThW. have ueem'aVi.. w!u. .:.J..i' --i:r&JY7Zr?I. 'T77T7?vT7!f!,r,al, aa 7VUVj j;j.e HKia2E ;,;.vais;:3mEr,i f -To Captain J ack' iiloaihl and I :. ' . .. "..!;.. f e ice cave jri tne MOdloc mva ee 42 i. ttlL I.L.- k ...... l .'t L'lD'V- II. r,v wp '.. wi '. .tv lit River IndloM, wKhhda.hr finil laAWAftlnlaUl IhW t"J' -a-1 W T' ,uth DJion., head of 'SS iSi'"'? 8,t '" v" wortftholrVltegmiieitot.VlM 58un4ayVThey wll I "W.hwj. Vol owing thle. with teoitebui ?YXT. .ruoon, an oyia, these name ntw hobe (or ik rMWUnlorlnirJ! Ilrat' time InlrllVoa.ijiw ffeffS!1 miipee, wiiie, mvv or -more(MHMa watched In' profound -alleaoe, 'over.' rotuo by tbeeiH otbtenenip of l)rv Dlaon, and the' reeUag that vtiador' J hli lint ; thiro'aro soon to he, eaiial i M':thVortitrW. pPPrtunlMea for 'the. red aun an for l deyoteaU that'peculUr .. A-Ol i to inaiayn AT'i .it. w l - ... -- T..1 wow Mala HotoHweie.'nil i .thoTahlr. ! WtthVol.V'tt rW h eonntW. eUeiMi tsmmgmfcw &jmm$&&Sim 'f. mMMlrMMraa'haaMiaW ar'' "' ' elkfM thi Secretary Lane wW. aol be able to c'oBM. to KlaButhSPiUiaa;at Int plaaaed, aad'he ha delegated the" in spoetlon of the KUamth projeet to hhj OMiatant. .It U nrooaW Uat Mr.'MH- ler will ioeoka eonpW of 4ay;la Klamath eouaty. gad v that om. dojrt either f rVday or tu'rdjr,iH ae. e- vote .emaoiveiy ;io. aeeainmwen wkh the famera under .the govern- Uglta Pre. oy'i;' ',"'.; -' HAMILTON. OntVAng. H.-iBo-. ten: Now.' York aCCaa!wf!rft-. reeenUd to4y; tlwjatea)aj' relay ra whlch'kl tlM letiiM or'ue mc program' ot apon ror tao nlM athietw. Mtuvtraet walK!.a4rte here toeTI I'saaui'and 'at anirUtv'ttoa"' win. raw at ueiiie rara. .New, Torn. ; sww"" 3;l. & -Vfff7,w erlnc WtbjMoi far, MvUMMaMMt JiMMhe' the nnnww qr ipeieajorwewieiiti f"' OfMottBY .iaUHMUv a;War-.v.TaoisaliM atwaav Mt! irfclj u l ir 'ito. brand and.Swan.Lako tea, - - " . Tonrnatin any aMet Ambrose nUcht fW HtMeolriod. ''??: ;!; 'filfmlmmm wlanlmt, hi game by H -to-l aeere.' y-fwwwfJAyMattag. .Tlti Hnbbard'and-Lavenlk. cAetaied aa "."$.! llaai hra uoiplre. o4Gie4lr derirted hi. tlaie ? P,-?,;ft4t,l;":. Hf andeerun'rootlngfor'thVlahg -, V.t'vV -'L' ?"HvTr '''j. - team. , ' 7 ' :Tgiwjw);i iHS&'H sN" MHte.lo.iat . V- -. V nrw nraattaa' r' aa lawjreM est aav VI I lllllt? MIV with.aaea., TodafoftatM d I . lUllltl RA lb.-'?TW K.ft!Wwfm w ',"wi.w..n" . V . -.V f i - .47D- - cl i V jjr i1 '( ij ' :. j.i-JiCM- j THIS MMHOVIM CITVWBC,,gUa ?,MAWJ .MYMCKtWUilllW n.' YATtOXH THW YKAK, MAS MOW . ' iM. I .V -W " ' i4 tl'.'V '' ViiatwwsawifeanBer.eaMj Judith niiaMeal fM LJeii Pnbllc Awiwaaii..v. I v AiV W i.: -h IrowdMrl MftoiMiftj MK a): oiNow l 'Ha mart ?i! Mlai TH hat arttof1 ttt ',1 '. rl.-r. .- . -f U A .-vM :t'i 'i.;' r -si-jji " i"iAi xsi --T '.-. ;.. - . - - it e Bllll 0 Hill IW-r D-d hAull. v .eB.negnp'-ewe.evBa. i anaaaa aaaannaa aaaianaa "'Aaaaaaiaaaiar "-' '! it...- T-:v- iWMBaiB tevW t ' -aaa. .all' rv Lemhi eotikHMai hito.a nal daatie halLntM)atBJaalYacrTDa,vwj , 1 r" fi w"aoaaay awam oaPTaw reeeaUif eeUbHaaod , htreUo Wrfeat mnaielpali; awimmlag, Boaj'''hi ', tao world' iHe'aelievoi'tbat aeootei WiU 'daaeo.v and .toot th;Jty; ahonld - bmarMMaoai.lkia duct tBOlajes.nMM am ?., -j;i--.-j -j' t;c - r't i t-x-; ....". OX:w't:Uvi jZLi l: .j-.- v- a j. ' laklU ftftdl kMHV Ueft, t4diauUV fcgftW fttoilina( "''."' 'iri.1 j, -. . . -' ', .i , Partv of TcmniBifflif vsrffVA'i; ;"i-.V..:; .niwlajnj kMhb LwreM MrratthalNji . '1 . ' V ' .' R.HW,- vm' arm for n 'rlaH'latinagaMB) Fall, -i n ayo thay that uaay plah to ai Hira aaat yoaraaa hsaaa aoaaml aan. dred aeoota wiu taam awrtal Ms anrrftakafh a ni "-'k j vw-- .- - -X'- ' 'Wi -Bi ;'.) . f-'. ' . .' - .t"-v i r.Tx' -n 'tvt" ,TT" - v-t v. r.i;r-r"ir." . vm." - . j i,m niag.x.MM: MntiaeeatMtoMKiaamh mrtb s , liati wiarrfw.iv.asajal Skb8SH MHaaaaBaal tfxim