ii( fM i'tf K .' . OFFICIAL NKWNPAPMK -1011 CITY OK KLAMATH FALLS MllMh Venr--No, i!,'J fi( " I . ti .. WkTT 7 v . " 7 If i ! T H r'. ' 1 , ti tJ " Tt 5tt.rrfA I '..,.' Kl :"-. 'D ' IM ' ' J anwsBBasBjaaaa.aaaa. tf jr aZ""aVMaW' a-aW Vaammmmmmmmmt . m 1l 7IStj. tt ta-V . vm wnwmnti WmW mWW iWWW .Laaam1 iUi B aal H .aHL VL. LHli HLdaH 1 W J . '..'-y -I ' -', - I " ' ' ' ' - i I ' .it 'It'll' "- i- f . If ! k ,r .5 :y' j' rt f O . S 51. i. .'i'."ii w;.m . ctv. r IF' V?J-7' Ng f . I " v il ;. ?ii vv;r "17 PLr-M .- .. rsssaa ;v ffM . vt ill HiMT5(9ffl UHM ." ,UJ-. KLAMATI FALLS, OMKHf.lsATUHDAY, AUGUST Iff, IMS y. : il .'I f'M'f W rN R'J i!a i' IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES AT THE KLAMATH AGENCY WHEN CITIZEN PROSPECTS OF FUTURE ARE TOLD ModofclndMis Pledge Allegiance Iff $ ,ana near voice 01 Wilson - . '. . . -A-T'J 'l 't(' I . -... I , . , . . ,. J . '4llll,l.V GLYNN REFUSES TO FORCIBLY REMOVE SULZER f I W.t.VAM.WUIIt KYI'KIH. TIOV HKV.H I.MIMNH IIAIHK II..WJ KHirillNTTIMH V llnnillliiK f Him niul Klrix HrrHic foii Mrn-ly U'Iiii-wi !) li llrl, jU ('urikil Oui to HIittM Tlii-lr ItUlit In 'illiniilii, ion) I'Uk ,rf lfl Willi Dm TilHK Mllii of l'rly I lliiiiiiirnxrmriil of Urn Imllmi. ruillin ItiitiiilM-r. AIHiiiiikIi Mt of lln Mnlit OMrUN ,rr I'4ioIiIIbix (llyliui rittlii lil .Tfini IMml liof onnirlili Will .Vol 'mliiH Mm. Hnlrr llifu-irM l Unw HuImihI ' (Hjii-clnl CnrriiiM)tii)fiiro) ,'KI.AMATII ACIKNCV, Auk. 1C (Inn of Mm tilitcgut occuhIiiiih In llio mmti-rii hliturr of iliu Klmiinth Indian Itllnii Ionic jilaiu lliln Hfltrnoon wlitu riiriiiiitnllci of tlm Klntiutlii unit Moilura iifnit-d (liolr MlKimturm to a iltcUrmlun of nlloKlnnrn lu (ho United tllntua, nnd mrllclnlod lu Hie ra la in of tliu llrt American flax cror liolilvd on llio rcurrvotlon by Indiana. Tim nnc tiM-d Ima bvn linlatnd by liinni llian a lui nd rod irlbca of In illiinn, nml will eventually liavo bcu niUoil by I S3 trllirt. It waa a. part of I lui ivroinuuy of Ilia Itudmau Wan nnmkvr Kii.udlllnn of UltUenabli to tlm North American Indian, which la livro today on ita 21,000 nilln trip to mrry tlm mciiaira of I'rcaldmt Wll mm. Secretary Ijnu anil Indian Cora nilMlonrr Abbott, Hodman Wanamak rr unit otbera to llio trlbei, uud Initlll Into tlm Him! Man vnioimlly n ilcilro for full cltUvuililp, n revurence for tlm Aincrlian fln, uud a truo rcallta linn of vrhat. tlirouch Induatrlal hcI.imiU, farmlnir, etc, tho Indian can nirmiiiUh for lila race and bla country, lliadliiic'tlio parly la Vr. Kuaautb Dixon, one of tlio cloncat atudenta of llio Indian In tlm United HtatM, and a ninn lio Imi dvoted year to work for tlm uplifting of tho Hcd man. The Indian nervlco U reprcaentcd by Major Jhiiidk Mcl-aulilln, Inapector, who linn btn Identified with the aervlcn for forty yoara, and baa been cloaely liiniind with tlm work In nil part or bo Vet. Unptuln Oliver O, Apolciale of Kliifimth Kalla, who. In addition to hli nvrlec mt Indltit iismt hero, pnrtlcl ' puteil rn an itftii m thi n.nly uprU Inn, and Major flPl.turhlln, met for tho lim'lluio In twolvn y (!, ao their trHtln Ih i C.Hifttfiil' mltilvcent outs They woikwl lOMiilhur at tlmen when Ai lB.lo ni iiKtBt hero, U.IM'TK.VA.ST liOVKUXOH IH IK. rifAIUil.Nri IIUTIMI Al tho onnlng of the around In! New York harbor lor the North Amcr-MiUii- ('ohiIhui-h in l'iwmlun uf K. Ii-nn Indian Mmnnrlnl lu Februnrv. thlrtytwo cklefa, rBintntliic cvn trite of Indian, nlfiied an outh of l.lralaiuo to the United Htatca, and lth each handling a ropo, thay raUcd Kin IIar over the lt, the Ural official llK raUluK by an Indian. Willi thin miiio IIak and ropea, the Klamalh lu-i laua eri' made to feel today thut I'liltml Pr. n.r.ir. Ihcy ro truly a part of tho Amerlc.nf aI.HANV. Auk. I6(loon.or Wm. uain.il, iiiuuren or tlm novernment, .., hut brnlhera to all mankind. -""r """'""" '" i"""""" tin At I ho conclusion of tho flax cere, ocu,,r' c.1,an,l",r Meutrnant tliw. tiouy, r. Dixon irentrl llk flaca "iinr Olyun I dlncliarglni pructlo lo inch tribe, ThU almple exerclae nl1 " "r O'C Kubernatnrlal dutlts wna one moil Imprcaalre, and the rnit mot "' the wtato oRlclala nro up i minlly atolcal Indian could not whol- boldliiK him In hi tank. I'reimure U lr rcirrn hit emotion na he readied lw,nK 'rouiht from many aourcca to I hat he waa a part of what the flu 'WJrauado (llynn to forcibly elect Hut. Hand for, and la brother lo all olhiror ,rom Iheraplto .but (llynn refuaca ra who revere It. ill enter Into any unseemly wransle. The voice of the "(treat Whit. I It U predicted that the dual mar. I ather" waa heard on the reservation trlor,ll wl" nt)l continue long. Al EUGENE ISAXTON DECLARES THAT HE IS INNOCENT INo British Dukes For Miss Edna Goodrich to Wed Just before the Has reramlmv. k.n the fotlowInK phonoiraphle record of l. Mterch by lreldeht Wondrow wn. on waa reproduced for an lnteresled i viwmbiaie: My llrothera A hundred yeara ago I resident Jeferaon, one of the great i si of my predeceaaora. said to n. thief of the Upper Cherekeea: "My children. I shall relolr to the day when the Ked Men, our naif h bora, become truly one great cople with tm, enjoying all the rlahta mi privilege we do. and llvlnc In imp anil plenty, as we do. without anvonn to make them nfrald, to Injuro their poroii, or to lake their property without being punished for It accord. Iiik to fixed law." ThU I any lo you acaln today; but n hundred yeara have gone by, and we are nearer these great thlnn then hoped for, now, much Bearer than we were then. Kducatlen, agriculture, tho trade, are the Red Man' road to tho whlto raan'a civilisation today, as they were In the dara of JeVeraon. and happily, you have gone a long way on that road. Thero aro tome dark uacea In the history of the white man'a dealing though Olynn's position la tho atrong est, the leader are discouraging nil talk of violence. Threats are belaa- made V tho followers or the gover nor, and If any action la takes It U leared that a riot wll ensue. Alt Information at to the condition ot Mrs Hulier haa been refused. Her friends want her removed from the ttcne or the trouble, hut pht non't leave her husband. CLUGMEN ARE PUT ON TRIAL aiVKH AUXHJJ.T OV MIMNKI.K IX I.NTKRKffTINf) IXTKHVIKW Claims That He Wan 700 Mile Fium Twin Ikr Ceiimrr Wheat Alleged Forgery Was C'saninhlnl, anil Haya That Me Waa Never Married, and Never Travrlfd With a Woman dn IIU WKe. hiiKMio Unxton, .the man arrested VI I and bruught hero from Idaho by Fred Morley, and who la bow la the county Jail charged with forgery, asserts that he Is absolutely 'innocent, and says Hint he haa nothing to hide from any uno. He court the fullest lavestlca- tlou of ail hbt movement during the past, and offer to furnleh the name) or people and places be haa stopped at during the poet two years, us he want these psefle eesuaMHUaeA4 with to verify any statement be makes. Mr. Box ton U a very amall man. about 44 yearapf SHeclalms that he has never bees MrrMiw has been stated. He ahowa great fa miliarity with disease of horse, ani claims to be an expert horseman and travellag barber. The following state ment or hi side of the story was writ- ten for Tho Herald by Mr. Sexton. ' "IMvaso believe me when I aay that j 113 HIGH MARK Oil ii'-", I ' wmm V v g t: Ji 1 irr ( JMIBM.K WkW MWttltllM Hliv Si'M Tim Beeiees'aaa'aeaw aClgiglgL r - W i m fk.M.ii las i i" - Jftt ( 7m pe aamvsM i v ' S'l : IZ r"."!" "" '$ rJ ' t' "JP r5P v r t J Halted mm .. 3u '- ' ' ; KANgACrTr.Aw.l-rtfc. - ; pert frteeai the gla4aa MR. i , L " aoratarehaa ' '' -'--' I'laj-aa 'vSy awe veesi is sjassssavacaWSBaV . Awl ' ssaslsjsi 1U. PwsklasrsJ Mil sigf 1 I Ue atAe,has Urn ssrseel trsas tJ BjaaWaakdat AjSMBdaeaAaBW --- n -nC "''''"J ISMwsPJTtV sVWvs) SRga n 'SsavssiaHsil? -M ; ir-; . tk ijg mn'm'tfffi r .. . " i, '. . ,iitrtWl ses m oMsssa. ,-',rwa rsm f aaaesaassBBSSJSsSat QhHH fsiasd rwas aiHs Vm HiSA4MwIAsaB. Uswdal tfore my case is ended here, many I of you shall say: Kugcne 8axton wa more alnneil against than slnnlnr. I stand today both ready and wlttlns to go on trial before alt the people of Klamath county, and I can look tho whole world In the lace and say. I waa never at any time guilty of tbla wiui crime oi lorgery. I LONDON', Aug. 15. Mla Ksas 'Goodrich, who announced Is New rerk oersef fMsfrrMTaMriHsa that she would wed a duke presumably as Kagllsa duke I deemed to dtoss- pelntmest. There are so dukes left for the lateat of Nat C. Oeodwls'a ex wive. All the dukea are married, .aged or roplt- --. - So If tome Kngtlsh duke engaged himself to Mlsa Goodrich ahe was fooled. Of courso there are Iota and lota of duke on the continent. Dut moat of thorn marry Americana because they "I United Press Service 1.08 AN0KI.K8. Alir. 1 Char.d with contributing to tbo dellnouenev with the Indian, and ma.y sari. , "':.!'" !I",".'.1.V. i "c,urM tlm rwnril .M .I.I....I -l.i. .w -" I'wil :!! un overy mOVIHg PIC- Ihn record are stained with the greed ,ro ci,,...,. , lh Prtlln, ,:.-. KOItlllll HTOItV I.VVOLVINU A Vfll'Ml MOTION I'lCTUKK ACT ItlH IH HCHKIlt'l.KD TO COM MKXCK TOIIAV and avarice of those who have thought only of their own prist; but It 1 also truo that the nuroosea and motives or thl great government and of our nation a a whole toward the (Continued' on sage ) IWII1W Mil. ifciHMMWl IMiagMBfc Dunsmuir Band Entertains rV Jit! 4- . V K Citizens and Enjoys Its Annual Outing in Klamath i i Hliiro It h ortinnlwitlon koiiio yenra uk, tho Dnnsiiiiilr baud tMvi an mi- turnl outliiK lu Hiimtimr. Thl year llieypluiineil Honii'thliiK n llltlo more ' jolaboUto tjiau ;tny thins prcvlouNly '' aUemptoil, t ttircu ilujn' outlug lu Klautratl) county. Thiy nrrlveil hro ihh( oviniug. asu initiieinatoiy un- ''n'.me giit.11 nf tho city, but, contrary 'tii most fun (ti'n of llio kind, tho gileau did tho uJor lorllon of the entertaining.' j First they intruded up " lUIn atfeet, dlscoumlng aweot music , ' 'un thuy marched1! the they gave an ,i ii.r aircotjeert is the court house . ML, ,ounda; later In the evening they 'v 'WMS35tf JJIrtfor, Us,drey nt tho Houston opera house. Thl evening they will repeat the opon air loucort and the opera house danee, which la dollghtful new, Indeed, to tho trlppora of the light fantaatlc. Tomorrow an excuralos will bo taken on the Upper take on the Htuamor Wlnema, Captain Totten as nomicou that only ICO Wll be takon as i lie boat, And many are aecurlag their tici.eu toaay, o a not to mwa the trip Music Is to be furnished on the tool by the band. Tlm hova exoreaa themaelvev aa lilt ing nloaauntty surprised with Klam- hih) und that heroafter It will be an ccay matter to decide where to spend weir annual uuung. l.uCoe and lilchnrd llolllngswortb. wealthy bus iiom men und nrnmln.ni Moctely clubmen, went to (rial today. The men wero recently arrested during the wholesale round-un by state and federal authorities, who had been investigating Innumerable white slavery eases reported following the rnmoua wgga-camlnettl exposure. f FORT WOMAN IS OPERATED ON MltM. OIINsON, WHO WAX T.tKKN TO HtltTliA.Mt liAHT WKKK IH IIKCOVKKINtl r'IM)M OPKK. TION' POK TUMOIt Mr. K, I,, (llbson of Fort Khiuiath. who was taken lo Portland tbo first et the week by Dr. Morrow, wn oner. Hied upon Thursday at the Quod Sa maritan hospital, Mr, nibsos had been .suffering for some timo with' tumor, A wire received today trout Dr.Morrow states that tho operation VMS successful. sJMl'that'bw uutiest la on the wav In' muvuv ii.u .i..i... wjl return o Klamath Falls Tuesday, arrived at Mineral. Idaho, the very first part at Auguat, this year. My cousin told me the sheriff of Wel ter had bees at hi house looking for me. I was Indeed very much surpria- ed to hear that newa. I did rlaht then and there aet dowa and writs to Wm. Wslker. the aherlff of Welser. I solid to him: 'Mr. Sheriff. If I am wanted, will you please come to Mln eral at once, or send any one and gt me. I sm entirely Innocent of any crime, snd I will wait here six, day for you to como snd get me.' "I thought in case he'dld not get the first letter, It would only be fair to writs again. So I did write an other letter to the sheriff. I wrote saying that If t am wasted by your office, will you please come hern to Mineral st 'once. I sm waiting tor you here. The next morning Wm. Walker. tho aherlff, and Mr: "Peace, a desutr aherlff, and a splendid ffne fellow he is, too, came and took me to Welser to the Jail. I remained at that time Iffvo daya In Jail In cars, of the aherff. On Sunday Mr. Walker let me est of ma jail, saying; 'Saxtoa. I never did believe you guilty,' "I left Welservos Sunday afternoon. I have been told alnro that Mr. Prod Morley called on Mr. Walker that af- tornoou and aaked for me. The ahr- Iff told Mr. Morley hothad'turasd ms Iooho at noon that very day. At about n o'clock on Monday morning I tr- nvea uacic once again at Mineral. I paid my own expenses tall the .way back; I wrote a long' letter'' to Mr. Walker, saying that If the ostcer from Klamath Kail ahould call for me at your oMce please aay to him I am ibm again back; at1 Mineral, and If that gentleman ahould care to aee me Please tell htm is. sail oa me sere. !f 'After s'lweat back to Mineral i waiieu iBsss sai"-,:,isea Mr. aaNrir nnd Mr. Peas, two deautV rJwaV SAW NOTHING AS GOOD AS KLAMATH IXK'AL flARAOt. MAN SAYS" MKK- HILL VAIXKY LOOKS HKTTKH TO HIM THAN ANYTHING HK TWKKN HKItK AND 'FRISCO . .... . i . 1 1 sees to rebstHUtats the rsrtssss i os stage bsastles ,sr,- etaerwi Kurepe Seldem s tssr wsd csa wemea fsr tbstr ssssty. vYtm can't.msks a aH si MssAs Csrtswat If It la tme that Miss Osodriak ass beeosM esgsged. ths'nssrt.taat las' Nat C. Ooodwls Mx.Wlves -' ' - tlon was-about- tojS- presssly satrss. It stood that the four Mrs.' Ossdwai who have been freed wars sksst t Join themselves la as.rogaalsstlea fsr the" perpctuatioa of the wemala afl one or the most marrykag nmtrlxaat rScari'ertis's'rs hm. far BJat United Press Servtss v LOS ANQBLBst Asg.c"n. ;-at Hk IkssssMaw mm' edtl dscsses,' sa4 k HsfalX rats'sf CM dstsrsss am MttTflg ssmissiy m ssssaaimi sau ssasi sv sasSjSif 4) nssaSHa, Jsspsv MaisaaSiajRS 3 'ImS stsJssdrwssl imnmmmm-rnmiwiMgmmm"pkj ?vi hUUmwU'rzmt "I.". ! -s,K ' , rt . Catted Press sWvies.'. ''.,' KANSAS C1TT. As. !.- is the thirteenth str.ttlks beat, with as:rsnCka aegks. pens rr deUlU There' nothing between hers sad San Francisco to compare with Klam ath Valley," aald W. T. Lee of the Central Oarage, who with P. M. Reldy ana Chas, Hortou. arrived last sight from San Francisco la Mr. Hortou' New Overland car. ' We CAnA thrmivti lb mnnli.tMtw. ed-of Sacramento' Valley, the Salons Gardens snd the agricultural section of Yelo-couuty, but nowhere did we i . - see anything that looked as good as the valley between hers and MerrllJ." ana uee meant overy word he said. Flsal wars srraagsd today fsr the payment, to th state sC tas lawjait kV r -t t . V Vi 4. j -J"I1 henisace ux la Its hlstorVfi Tas Isvy ameunU.to'sssrly half a xsMHsa daW tan, tas SeUte eoaeeraed ssiac that of, Us late Mms. Arcadia dsBaker. It la valued, at f .509.a. sad is-! ictuses nsiMiags intimately U aastojaysT ii --r raagss trssa 1M to 1st. Uto towas sastassa as '- . ' '.," (AdaUS' 4 rSSw. ---..? L.' - kM sanv W ths sswtoss aasl gsS. Warns SM.Walaar fea. -- - - sf .wstsr ars saT issia as tkts5v2. ' tas offlietod tesalttlss, ".., a ' " P W Baal frm - - ' with tha roiBBBtlv dsva ih a-i.k k. . -. i . occupation of Callforalsr aid sew llasMlsasT lldT nwr-Triiirsmsaaswsssi .lS .-' v.r tm i n, V'- 1J Wl, i'- Ml IViiin laViuamsat fsi Imoroveinnt of Hfiiilii is ita J 5 & V' V iO ' .' . ... "? ' tfte-&s " '' """'A1 Mr. Ie made the trip to get a cur for Mr. Hortoa. and to arraase far the 11)14 automobile business, which. (tccordlug to his opinion, will be the ulfgeat in Klamath history. United Press asrviss f NKW YORK, Aug. !. Aa ss a k i ' . t'1Z - vi " , '. Scfeoofe te to Be SUrtrt St ; - -v v 'mjpzism sassHHsMmstsm W MuuhiUvIIIo Chauluu4ua Opeas ' MOUNDHVILLK, Y. Va.Aug. IC. With omu of the beet known Chau tauqua speaker la the country sched uled to uko nddreeees, hundreds or n,.mkla fmm thla 'aBM mrl.l.. i Msrytandaud'PettBHylvskiaKatssnS here today for the aanual Mssadsvllls Chautauqua, whlcn opens tomorrow.. Koailei- Ysi-hls ht' Trial Hsess MARBI.KliKAU. MASS. Aua-'lfi.i, Nine sunder yachts sued serosa th starting llns tsday Irf the 'trmlraees w, xmviKK " wii repressat UacMyaamln the latoraatlsaal rases sl-e nation-wide esmpsfajm tolmprore tbs health and eScleacy-ef H,H,- jOOO public school children Ma the United States will be launched" at Uuffalo during the week of August 25, according to anraasouaesst made today by Dr. Thomas A. Storey. ot the College of the City at New Vork. In s statement giving tas de tailed, plans of the, FoaHa interna- flnnot PlWMU. MICkHAfe MM , " i v r "i"" sygeas. ., The urgent need at aehaal Mhn will be one ot the principal topW dts cusaed by th ?? "p"saksrp aa ,'the program at.'Buffaisi',' Atiaiia Uni bo. called tooths prevamsc'sad smMH-' (loss In the public Mholsfafmay leading cities condltioaa whles." is'sa dsclarsd,hif sprvtersr;;toad aasw that Uspaysrs ars mk esmseiaaito pay om weasy at a speetors la itlsa.' ' ,4 v I . ! " K. i 1 jfs ' tf. ,v raat haaa aa Saaia otasa. -"- '-- -- - s. ssW. i i jT'' " ii- v iBff'""'"""' ll'WW! ir"AT" '"pamwsm - .. 1 i. .. I -i- -- . I s issiwm ww fswvil MffffM i UVJ a auri aTVM aMMVMpS tamMaaF. gMfaMalamm' WAH OrnHgt aMtaW sWsTaftamlatata. II U II IM IMTiliT H'l liflkt Uu. I nmttasaa ZZT rlsa. ," '1U Vr-"- t k 'A '1 ..1 H J " r'TC' rfMriMF t ..JJ"rT- ' ' " - "' --" -,- '- .:wini TraiMlMagiliiin il! aLaml ie4r issp sHrss '. tiii"! nv . Accordlag to etaihsise a4ah!ahv Storey has'! rssstvsd ssSssal xsamuW' school chlldrsa' areVsasteaaar xsaaa. such commoa tfaastaa'aa tw asaip decayed esthobstwetlsinaVtB tk noes sad throsLsUa'dxasaaaa. amfss. tlvs hearing sad asrvsas iasesaa. a. wen ss psyaisst asfl DeJssstss'wIU as salast aa- ?H-.?twllri Wf MlMW tsMal'sSi tsstad M:to,o4kpTh sag) 1 elal attesHloa sssw -siilal MrsWem'atastlussaaii Mara it tas ars xaasaaW'at! tsMJasTtlas misaaavaw'asaaaaxsi lku.U V. A i., il''- i""""f ww '" "nfnssg sasawara aaiigaaa. Jsets wMsh tQ I "TshiriaVisn tiAaiak Ati. i sssa I '" H.H . -1 f'P V. '' mm fi'i mmmntm.- Malm JafM V.J 2. F flSsV! gfiaaSfc'wl mm