..i v:-.i mi .3 "V Jg i Mf OFFICIAL NMWIPAnMI FOH CITY OP .KLAMATH FALLS MyA '! .tt ' ' W ilJFwt4 '..,3 'A W. Pe 1 jEtoenind r ... 'f - '. 3 - i if ficfafo. t't-T -, ..ni.' 1 ."""fl'Uiffl ' J,' rh ''..,, t ' liWTVrWEv ' "i . . it 'vi' . ..- I- v f, J ." iV' . 't '" X Iff fiy vy. 'tt - . mi Klght Year We. a,ti KLAMATM MIX, X FRIDAY, AUfJUHT li lilt STATE RESTS ITS CASE IN THE CAMINETTI-DIGGS PROCEEDINGS THIS AFTERNOON; COURT CROWDED WIVKH OF MK.V IMPLICATKD AP I'KAH IN COUNT TO (JIVK Til Kill TKHTIMO.VY Rioting Kvl.lenre fur Hie Htalc I OI rn by Hie Nnrrl CJlrl, Who I tiMeslloaeil Krgnnllag Her (Mmmv , vallon of lleliavlor of INgg awl Murlia Warrington, awl Uncle of IJIH Who Wml to llrno for Ttirm. (Special Correspondence) PORT KLAMATH, Aug. IB. Hay lux I the order of the day In Wood FORT KliAMATM NKWH i United Pre Service . HAN FHANCIHCO, Aug. 14. Tho Kdvornuitriil llila afternoon reslvd lu IImi trial of Maury lllgg mi tho while slavery charge. The defense opened al 3 o'clock. Tho wlvm of Ulgg anil Camlnettl tipii-nriMl In court thU afternoon when the (rial was rcsumod, o testify. At- turner Coughlsn linn nut decided FORT FARMERS CUTTING HAY HODHO CONTINURH KVMRY HU.V DAY, WITH HULL A FKATUHK. JOHNSON QUITS MANAGEMENT OF K. D. COMPANY HIM KUC?KHMOH w not hklkltkd VKT WANAMAKER CAR ARRIVES HERE THIS AFTERNOON 'mam 'SWasHrfM ' ,,- i?,! .'gWi i' i'1 ii I'ti ItrtlrlHK OMrlal Hill lroln III Ka Hit AllrntloM lo ihn Ijiimber la ilH.lir, With Wblrli He Wa Mmtl-tlt-il When Mr Vlnl KaUrwl tho Ixiral Plrhl Ha Mado KcMarka llc Itrront Whllc-la Chare ltnhcrt A. Johnnon liaa reilaaed bla MKUFOKV WANTM HIM OTHKUNMton M nunagr of. tba Klamath 'lvrloinionl roiiiiany' local inUr- Annouiicumcnt to thin effect wai made today. '' Am yet Mr. Jolumon'ii nucceesor haa not lipn deflultely decided upon by lllvrr Valley, notwlthatandlng thc,in Kiainnin ()eveioinnent company'a frtl that wo have not yet had .u(H.-j,,lrcclor'. h " do ' Mr- I fnlihann twill aan kla ftiiiiiAillina clcnt good weather In which to cure-.,. ' nM hay properly. If the etormy itauoni ,rlor ,0 i,.klnB ... ,, -,,,... roilllnetii. thero will be conildoratirc'inrnt. Mr. Julininn w Inlnroitcfl In whether lo cnll them. 'nraln spoiled by ralu. the lumber Induotry here, lii Klasi- Mm, l)lgg In a Imautlfut woman. j ,. rth Manufacturing company being - - - The Tort Klumalh llodeo contlnuo-. '""' "wnra ' n,n, " r'unnB- () be pulled off every Sunday aftvi-J mou It la alwayt ntlenuod by a voy lu r if rtiiwd, vipelcally when the tiucklni, hull I on the program. I Her huebamt patted her on tho hack and fondled their C-year-old daughter When tho N'orrlx girl took tho Ntiinil llila inuriilni; Devlin atlentptej lo draw from tier Information to ahuyc that tint Wnrrlnclon girl waa Infut untvd with Dlggii, nnd thai alio uu touraged tho wltncm whenever alio omld, but ahu denied tlili. Mnrtln lliaaley, an uncle of the The Medford people are trying to irrango to have the bucking llotateln r.t the county fair to be held at Mod- fnrtt Hnli.mhp lilh. Thv ara alao Warrington girl. de.crlbd tho 'i,r,lBg t0 wm , BttBbr nf bucklag nl llmo when ho went for tho lrU.lunir, frow tnU rt,r lloth wept, ho kIiI, und pleaded fre-i .. 0 0 lurallr for aeauratieea that tl.eyj M)iron I00.,y rtlurtlH R fow would b. forgiven. )ll)ri M1) frW 0 ulune-, trl, t0 ,BB ..... ...,i .uu .. ..... wr..e i !,, ,mrl of California. He re- It full capacity by a morbid audi nice. Many women nnd glrU urn In tnrrte lliteners. ports a very dry season In that part of. the state, but says the dairy bust- iicm (a prosperous where feed Is to be had. Mr. Loosley visited at brother Milan at Kan franclsso, who recently trrlvod from the Philippines, and waa on ins way to rori umans, nsd., hert ho will bo stationed. Milan U'oly was an old-time resident ot Klamath Kails, and a pioneer new impcr man, as he and Wm. Ilowdoln owned the Klamath llepubllcan In tho early '90'. for the last flftean years I e has been In the algnal tervico, ittid lunow holding the position of mnster electrician In that branch of the gov- 'ernnient service. There Is a great deal of travol to Crlsler and daughter,, feller I-ake this season. Tha roads flaLH&fc. PARTY LEAVES . FOR THE WILDS An Hit A VIHIT ATCHATKIt IjAKH, HH'Ali TKUI'I.K (Wll.l. flO I.V SKAKCII OV HlTCKI.KIIKIIKIKri AMI VKNIHON Mm, C, II Mis. J, Ii. Hlewart nnd son, Miss Oc tuvln Arnett and 0. II. Jasper loft this forenoon for Crater Lake. Alter IMllng the crater, the party will spend ii Week or so In the "lluck It.borry I'utrh," near the Lake of the Woods, The ladles ot the party are all out lilted with (he luteal model I Iflex, and it I quite llkoly they will bring home n deer or two. The nowr tlermaii ulrHldtm will rurry crews of afteen men. two ma rhino gut a Mid several tons of explo itive, nnd will be. ableto remalu la the ulr sixty houra' without alighting. n rn fine, owing to the frequent show er . The dust haa not been an bad ns uunl .during the dry part of the na jon. and the tourists are taking ad vantage of the good rogda In this part of the county and tha nloaxuro of ti( Ing wonderful Crater Lake. 9 Mr. Qeorge Msk Is bulldmg a nqw resldenco on his ranch, and, the fltt maii sister are also building an up-jo-dato bungalow on the 100-acre ranch recently purchased of the Pel-ton-Slseniore company of this place; M. K. I.oosloy has contracted both buildings, and expects to hate them completed In a short time. Dry Farming Succeeds on Long Tilled Land in Yonna Valley; Grain Crop Will Beat Records fliq ndoptlon of a now sclenting k , method of dry farmliiK l'.v ,Yunn Val ". iiytranciru hufwrouuht n wonderful , 'improvvi'ieiit lu furm yomlllloiii thore and the grain yioUl tlila year will be , )' larger, t(',n ovor be .'oro; recording to 0'iunty Ho;riq Supei'ntpndent Fred Pntarsoa, , , Mr. Petersen ' iuniad Tlaiiailay fiom u trip tlirougli 'ftiiit part of the touiity As'a part 6t(1fl:4. Cehtral Oro- ,H'n DevelnpmBHtl4eagie dtajilay, he '- llought In some .exceptionally' lae :srai 'speelmena, among which waa; a , -. ;iaf of oi ever my feet hi teagtb grown by Charles rUckue. "This year the Yoana Valley farm era'have adopted a new method of dry fuming that even this year has shown wonderful results,' said Mr. PeUr; sou. "Knpoclally sueeeMfnl haya Loon MY. Flgckus, CkajrUa Drew, Chaflos Ueok, Charles Burgdorf, Wil liam Welch and O, 0. Pearson. i "Tho samples I collected wort Diojtlly from land that has bewi farm- oil continuously for the' las thirty' two. years. Mn Hamaker of Bonaasa will bring in mora sample rrom in ua Valley ka,a,fw days.'' i. h i .j ItOIIKIlT A. JOHNSON with the inteutlou of devoting his en tire attention to the development of his lumber Interests. It I also posiilblu that ho will re main In charge of (he Illg llaiiln Lum ber company and other allied timber concerns of the Klamath Development company for n short time. Hlnru coming to Klamath Kails mora (ban a year ago, Mr. Johnson linn been actively Identified with tho work of upbuilding thU section. Af ter his success In Mtartlng the Klam ath Manufacturing company, and be cause of hi well known business abil ity, he waa placed at, the head ot all fie Klamath Development company's lucid Interests last fall, and he haa made, n number of progressive changes In the policies and business of fie big concern. tiOKH TO THII-OQUI.V MO I.V THK OKMNO MeintM r of I'iWy Heuria MeMgo (o Die Indian Are Maktog a Jounsey of Mere Thdei SaS,M Mito Trif lo tValer lao May He IncfnaVd la ItrfV erOJJWejswi Bt anACVavSHUBMVK Wn KhMMnifi IMNRf, "The Signet? the special car of the Rodman Waaamaker Kspodltlon of Clthwnshln to.. the North American Indian, will arrive, at 4:46 this after noon. Tomorrow the car will go to Chlloquln. and the party will proeeed to Klamath Agency, 'where pboso graphU speeches by President Wilson and oilier officials wilt be reproduced, a flag will bo represented to the tribe and the chiefs will sign -for their fol lowers, the declaration of allegiance to the United flutes. This parly left Philadelphia In June and Is visiting all of the 169 Indian tribes In the United States. They will, travel In all about 22,000 mile. The ceremonies at the Klamath Agency will commence at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. This may be followed by a trip to Crater Lake or the Crater Lake trip may he made by automobile Sanday. Accuse Tammany of Briberylp(jJfj Sulzer Case Takes New Turn Today ' 'iBllll L laMI nmm DAVIS 1 T HERE ROUGH WOKUVH TKNNIM CHAMPJOXH KK- TlTKtf PHOM VIOTOHKHJH TRIP TO K.VHLAND MrliOCdHLIN TO DKr'KMI TITLK BltnlHBiBm' ' itv .. 'J'V..' pifL aanmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmWMaBmBBvmm ' lUiaVNHHav K amBBmBBmBBmBBWn)V!.gBmBaV "l ''' ' 'vu BamBBamBBamBaamW'su)lHnmilBamBBammr j, ! S 4itj BBmBBmBBBBnaBBmLHBBBmBamBBl' anww4swasBl4M Watt ea ttsv 'tfW tanmLmLmLmHLmLLmsaS 'f-' ' ' " '' ;JVW mllnLmKMHimV L.ijfTizr.Jr tt 'rJtti'-.Jfl BBnmBBnmBnBBBnmBKt.lXaanmWf . - " 'Paa'M'MpJHMaBUn BBVmBBVmBBVmsHaiWaHlinmF . il H, V : mjlisia'iai JMsm-aMamataatatyFl LmHsamLmW-niaHalaVV'' i1' V . ' T-a:-'W m Wm'XWffl& JsnKsallBT. "' 9Kial rr ' '.,! iT'-'1 "Jliyj? mtr-. . .' . ,BHwelBK I' kf. --l'' a iritilMi tgW ea matt- V , ?W gK;'-! 4, t hw Tatlnri "lirst TTsiia hetsTam laMllIM? '' JH2 'ftZ!:kr 'Uselll , ertrMeataef, Ataa)t4MMa, ;' W aggV; , iw.laamaMM MM tt M Mr gg, 1 BnmsamBBinBBmBBmWiiBmBVBBmBHalBnmBBmA. Wlth.tn) tawasa at tarn Ckeanaal vl aamamamamamamamamammaanVanmamamamamaV anmamamamamamamamamvVlsflaaBmaBmamamamam7 i OFaiaVMst mgJajBAjfjfjgjA tMa4mamfl gMmiafjlgJa.'' ti'i - ig gjggjBfi cwcaaBsaAi2jigSH't90H . .H -IK " ' , S i'' 'xi?aeacr .-s u:'"'1. ' Lr'frV '.'IlflH GOVKKXOM vflLUAM St'UHaH OK XMW (United Press Service ALBANY, X. Y Aug. 1.V Fottow lag a coaJetence, wkh Oovtimer 81 HEAT WITHERS CORN FIELDS ONi: HUSDHKD AMI HKVKX IS IIKfllHTKHKD IN IMIVRKKNT PAKTti OF NKHKAHKA THIH At-TKHMMIV Unlted Press Service. LINCOLN, Neb., Aug.. 1C Tho hottest wind ever known are. sweep ing Nebraska today. v Tho eutlro corn crop ha been prac tically destroyed in many section. Till afternoon iho thermometor 107 here, und one degree lesa In Omaha. Knjoyable Oullng. - Mr. Frod Nool, Miss Nlim N,ool and Harry H. Auglln returned till afternoon from n weoK'H nuto trip to Ashland, Med ford. Crater Tko and Upper Ike rei norti. The trip waa made with just, a slnglo' mishap, and .that was duo to Harry's carelessneea. He left the wa ter ju'tlio radiator over, night at pra tor Lake, and next morning found! the' pipes f rosen. Me managed to' get thfW- toi Camp Arant, where he apettt a. day Ik renalrttng the dam- Called Press Service. NKW YORK. Aug., lG.McLough llti. Williams and Hackett, the .Amer ican tennis learn winning the world's championship, returned today from England. They brought with then the Davis trophy. McLoughlln goo to Newport to morrow to defend hi national title. advisor, charged that used by the Tammany later 1 foar vote for laipearameat. "I charge eklv4f nhat laald rash for the foar votes to aaa the UBfrf-orhateat resolallaa. uM Cairtsea. thl U seau), aiix-aa. Theae coa salratars arc headed straight for the peakeaHarr-" " r United Press Service ALUANV. N. Y., Aug. 15 Lieuten ant Governor Glynn today made for mat demaud that Governor William i-n , 1 Immittols aeeaaataB Sakwr give all of the eseeatlve'c Impeachmeat at ftataar' hf the" Ybrit glat. "f T A ''""Z ? This mornlag Glyaa rser4'n aw- ter from the legistawire. him aa do facto aeviriat. .Thin Mi ter waa delivered ,to Balavr a t.. i. mora mm.m. -v rf ; So far .Suiter haa grvea aawehaa tiea or what his answer wilt ha.'," There U every laateaOea' that tha courts will expedite whether or not the I lutlon passed by the legMatare aaa ponds Sutse rfrom oflke. Roth aides are anxious far a guwk settlement of this point , Mrs. Sulser la maeh improved. JUGGLERS PLEASE THEATER PATRONS I.AKOLAH, I.V ADDITION TO A CLKVKR JUOOLINO AND BAL ANCING STUNT. UNLOAD SOMK OOOD CHATTKK Tho LaKolas, who opened a three night's engagement at the Star the ater last night, proved to be one ot the neatest acta ever presented to the patron of that playhouse. Tho luKolas are comedy Jugglers and balancer. They "do their turn" with an ease and graco deserving of tho word perfection. Tho comedy I new an dorlglnal. It Ih a pleasing offering, and with au ex cellent' bill ot picture' the program Is one worth wb)le. Xyndlralist Restaurant Closes UnMed Press Service PARIS.- Aug; 15'A-A co-operative syndicalist reetau ran t here has Jaat been1 closed by the poilee because "It couldn'tf o-operata.!T' ) The maaslfe mant fired a" waitress, ad'the '.others struck becauseone of Me Wnloa rules (or which the restaurant stood had been violated. The's mnagmet wished 'to replace the'waltraaj, but tlio, 'waitresses' union objected 'and trouble begani the police at Mat had to close theushop to stop a' threatened rlot'v- p ,- $ r ffo , i TRAIN STRIKES AUTO; 5 DEAD HACR.MKNTO MAN AND WIFK AKK AMO.NO VICTIM IX MIS HAP TODAY IN MISSOURI TOWN IRS United Press Service . CAHROLLTON. Mo., Aug. ,16A Santa Fe, train this afternoon struck an automobile here. , K. L. Forbes and. wife ot Sacra mento and three others were killed. ASKS WHOLESALE MEDIATION PLAN .IRWH REPORTED SICK WIFR OF PtaVrtMCTATTOManr MAY SOON MAVK TO VNBaaMO AN OPKRATHIX S NOW Oil WAY KAaT H, Word vhas been reeelved hare that far. John Irwhi, wife of the dletrtet attorney, la much worse ataea aa started east for her health: It, la he lleved that she will have to uaaerga aa operation. -, f. Mr. and Mr. Irwin wUr stop at Denver ,1a case It ,la aeeeasary to have the operation performed, ''- if? , - - ' k Jr 'KM -1 r.', 'J. '"8,,W -WWW i MUaH.Hr VaWAHaVaVlimTJdnft- . ni ft saAaHa , snaaaa' (MBBkABBmaBannanV feIBlaMaaaBlgBaal, . " MOwm aTnOVHIf 0Wmtfm r PltAJf W4MfeKUN aTetMeUt It C. &' Athhrnaa a4 W. L. Snjjl SK awrravhe)ir gf Wtfttf aitt as nwaai akastaaaB4gaVaaah; , ''M Mate ;' and tag WMfiSSplOi keMMnai..; c'1 ':'-. 'K'- ,'' ff&tl . thaaa asaahv aaaHgaxt K- lij MPBaVMK; V J& li'-fM 'i"Wl RTJaMaaBi wiaanaytha. aHaMahaanl ayeamd favTa toail .hntm.giaA gig ' asily ataleau M IMfti, gmffl fhggjga , the geaerai agnaraasa .M'nav. waat.T' h Xt Tasaaa'flBT UnMad Prw ihrrtm . MARBUWaUP,1 Two haadrad hrint Baatera.and OartataaMi la taday's ft daVeHa- twa . organlaalUna. . fWtogdngt-) 'tag raaaa, tha twa atahs vtR to New Tark harhar. 1 he the guesu af the Naw Tgrk tkgaf . CUhtha,aIafygM'4aaV'hh '' .'. " '.-- i-i r-K V eoaatryi 'a'ii.?iaJ'Jf HUCKKYK HTATK LKQISLATUIlU WOULD HAVK DILiKlL AND AK )i:TINK PAUT1CIPATK N THK MKXICAN MATTKK United Pre Servlea . , WA8H1NQTON. D, C.MAg. 15,.' Congressman Tawher'ofphto' this af ternoon Introduced In the hduae, ar- Glutton 'proposing,' a .Jaint Maihsan mediation by th: United, 8U tee. Bra til and Argentine., '' The matter haa, not, been referred . .,... . , . ., iU A VUWWIW JVm L. II. Qardner of art KUmathi la -OtO a " ;,' I i. Members ol Ounsmuk Baaid Caw Here today for i llrHr iays Vac.liofl; Excy rsiflB .. ' 1 C- v -' ''-.t To enjoy' g" three; day' vH In ,tha' Klamath country, theDuasmuIr .aaad, Mmpaaed or twenty, muata friends and relatives af taa" tlon, will arrive; thta aftaraoea ram theirullwai town.'AThey vrttt.r here'unMI'iMWgday. ilMf.o i! 1 , -ffha bandwUt'nvMh dovrn ;Mht street r:Wi4eeaaWv'upon.thai'ar. .'iVali'aad.teevaaiag sy wilt ga &?:'.'.: -. '- aVnltf' it H tanitWAJ laaeii u gtamprl a aha nubMia-, . : . . -. .-' . JT.rfPi 'Nauaag at ana amaaBi ymiejaiemBa; ,aaanvJ unanayajjaia :'!' ITWa wtU ha m'vP"lTi nng Vaang svHPPl I Tha aaj 'tJT aeananaangjpai gat alga '' ' t cLfak T.,0i'' ' I-1 .N.''t f; '.J! '. '.t'' (! M .gas. & 't:?,,' ' ,.,;'r7-lw,, t'' ? O. B,,Clendenlng;andair.:grainVm4ak -.;",.,; , it -, . A)'8trektand;atiWhltaM0Hyvk hrvfrcHHthato -, .' f , " fT - ,Ji'tr-- - 1 , , 4, jCJ,).1 .nA?iiiJnlld&iwlaJi -i3aVnUanTmBHninlnHm