V 5& s&ftfjrv.'v, r 4. ' J t f."H,T .,:: j ?v,'W i,Wi' y,$ W w mmt ijTl ' "Tl W'' v. j"r -f, SV; 'i. ? m $-: ( A'i OFFICIAL FUII CITV.OF NHWMPAPMH KLAMATH VALLi frr J pe fuenino 1 ,K i i $i .1' !. V i T .& efaliWl jflJwt V, 4. ik&mc.:rf ut,t v tii i . ,- IS o fcrsv; v AiMS?J 1 1- " .'& $M1J, f -,A 'I " fy 4A Vf- jvt ft' ''Wl, 19 I -vr 4 ' '. '. iv 4 & I.. Klghtli YtrNo, ll,lav KLAMATH' FALL,' ; 4 - II.VKHMAY, AUGUST IS, 11S V . .-c. A..TlkMEtM New York Assembly Impeaches Go ver nor Wm. ; i vjjjbm Militia May Be Called Out to Eject Him From, OFFICIAL SAYS HE WILL CARRY IHE MATTER TO THE SUPREME COURT; WIFE TAKES BLAME IIOTH HIIIKH THHKATKN TO CALL 'OUT TIIK (lUAKOHMKN TO UPIIOI.O Til KM At Hon of AioiimiI KtrrHllvr'a Wife hi Trying ( .VwMiiir Hip Mam for the Oltrrvloti nl Campaign Money l Drriittil by llrr llulaiid'ii Kne iiilcw 1 hry IMik I'nmi TtiU a a I liuil Allfiiipt lt Htp Hulwr. I'l. licit I'rtu Service AI.HANV, .V. V., Auk. After mii nil uliilit m-mmw, Hie New Vork n t-intiljr lnimrliril IJovemor William Hulx-r oh a charge of tiavlag ittverlrtl rainialKn contribution lo liU own ase. 'Hit vole was TV lo 45. 'I lip sraale Mill iwrliK Hie report lat lliia afleraeoa. UuUer.teday Untiled the legality of Hut iirocviHllnn of (lie itMsmbly. It U likely that lie will conllnuo to oc cupy tlio oivcutho oSlo of III Kui ulre Mate. U Uulicr dova o, It U likely that l.lrulriiaul (loventor (llyuu way call llic wllltta to eject blm, l'rlcndi of BuUor, hearing thU, aay tlikt Hulior, aa Korvrnor, will rail out thr mllltta to auitalu lilra. "I wilt carry thla cue to tliu Untied Stnto nupremo court, If ueccMary," aald Butter. It I reported that thli ruornlD Mni. Hulier itnted that ahv U reepon albta for tho diverted rnrnpalgn money. Hue may he allowed lo tell her atory tioforo the prober. Tills report I derided by tbo Tan many faction. They brand It aa a "llck trick to ava Butter at tho loit moment." Tho action come aa tba rcault of the lnotlgatloin nf thn Prawtey the recommendation, that Lciiki Sar cky and Frederick Cotwetl, who re fused to answer certain questions I YREKA OFFICIAL IS CENSORED BY LOCAL W.C.T.U. aW'iss's '').. n ' p 4. i l - ' IT i v nti HFl eflLw-Vil W0MAN1IVES AUTO TO RIM A TWO ALTO LOAM OP ORAKT8 fAWI TOOMtTH WILL KMMALN VJOHL TMK DUMSMt'ltt HAND VMM' PROGRAM BEING ARRANGED FOR LEAGUE MEETING 1KII' NKKTIA IN THK TAWA.V CAHU DKPLOKKO ' . i Two machine toads of teurltts from .. RreolHlloiw I'mmiI Vealenlay Cue).1"""" rw arrrrea in euy ioay, till after the, TO MMHULL COtymiX ONTMKLMT ad K ..... ... .. . w" rewHuai sere in.pn, Aiiomrr iiiMpcr i.,. h. ih. IL..,Ip L..J ,td HUhlyim Couniy, and Ak Yrehrn night. In the party are Mr. and Mrs. Ilrani!, of the Women. ChrUUaN w " DlB Mr.Jnnsl Mrs. Andy Mc-, Cnrty and son. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, Truiieranrn I'nlon U, Make an In- ltennl, aBj Mr, tnd Mri Jaek w tmllitallon of rmreetllng TImtt Hams. , CoaaaaMtee Mm Mniwm Vp HWlV wVwOTv OS atPfirPffJPaanTijP UMI V VntTv sVHjWaaaHaHay OT Mt (Mate's Kiecwtlve Ottceew Are w to AUeasI aawl FnrtlclsHtle pro.ounded by the commlttee'a coun eel, be held In contempt of Ike legw- laluro and punished. Never before la the history et New York has her governor beam Im coniiiiiuee, luuKiug inio me ituesiioa i n .iani, 0dsr " cnmpalgu1 . United Frees Bervlee AI.UANV, N. Y., Auk. lS.rormal notice of the impeachment of Gover nor Hulior was served on the senate at I o'clock this afternoon. Governor Hulior appeared at the Capitol accom panied by Samuel Thomas, hU legal adviser. It Is understood that he plans to sign n pardon, which If the warden refuses to rreeef-awe, will be made the basis of a test ease to determine who Is governor. In n statement made by Attorney Thomas he said: "It will be a light to the inUk. Tamamny can never survive what It dUMiitltlon of . ff ! of tho moneys. The Kruwloy ronimlitoo report and the l.ovy riHolutlun chsrcu the gov ernor with having fnlslllud oath hi campaign contribution ac count, dlvertud tomo funds to his own use for purchasing stocks, traded executive approval of hills for tho support of Ii.'h direct primary mea sures aud Imvlng done everything In his power to obstruct tho rotumltteo's eltorts to bring proofs of his alleged misconduct to light. The adoption of the report carried Tho buslneee women of Chisago, iinilnr tho leadarahlD of Mrs. John B. under Htierwood MVarai yeara a0 built n substantial stone house of fourteen rooms at Boulder, Colo., where tkey ci), lid go for n vacation, and called It tl i) llluo Dlrd cottage. Last summer It houeed mere tkaa a hundred wo men, all engaged la business, who needed the ckaage treat Chicago to the nltltuda of Colorado. The cot tage, v.lilch haa cost 111,000, Is paid for escept for about 1700. i " Al ' rft IU' ' i Southern Pacific Officials Are Held to Have Been Also at Fault From tho explanation of tho asses sor's otneo thq error In ,lm imsi'ssment ' of the Houlhnrn I'm I Ho was more the fault of tho olllclalj of tho rullway company tluiu that nf uuy of the em ployee of thn county. Where any Item lauret out lit eicesa of 80 cents 'fit .1 u A W ,.' i n . It la nlaead at onii dollar, and whoro 1lJ' .!, f .l . . I' ...I .. - . .. .-..... i 'R' , .",- i is isee man on ceini me iracuou 1 , ' of a dollar M left ok thu rou, -mere ant no cents jpoluma on the' rolland all valuattoaa are made la even dollar-. - -' ; , ' i.-. " This cutem la well, known to U r "s , i . . 4 ' . rt, a , , v'r , ? ' .' V'lfJC -. v - , V T .y" Mtl Al "- Vi'.," ...I'll .wm I - w Igf t - 'I r,'K . v.-c -ft II '3 The entire trip from a rants Pass, Ti.. r..n..- r di.....i f.ii i,v i. lo Crater l-ake aid other polnu of In-1 ,Work ot " '" " tar. The feeling of disgust felt by thu . , . , ., . ta nmenl of the de ocali to the con- KUmatl. couniy omcers and clt.ten. ""rZ?:? "B'"U" vention of the Central Oregon Dev.l- at the action of tho Tehama and His- ' .j," lh. WBMl , 0M opment UsCuo, August 'It-ll. haa kl,oU county ofltclal. In allowing lo ....i". commenced by the local co- go scot free John Do Will Tappan, , , " ' " , 'mltiee named by the Klamath Cham- whom It wn. proven conclusively hero '" " "J j" XThfcl atmmlm inrttr ' " Commerce. Thla morning the had caused tho death of his Infant Jf-' U? er wh,ch rte to ''..enUUve program waa outlined. A. oaugnier ty nis bestial treatment or arranged today, it follows nor, anu who aiso made nis two other J daughters, neither over 9 years old, viciims io uis carnal aesiree, is ex- KarBllagallA Bair ) Commerce. President Hunter lavldaw pressed in the following resolutions of condemnation adopted at Tuesday's meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Unien: r Whereas, . Ttoe coroner's Jury of VtajaaaJga sMaamamft smtsabsdLsmal 4jkaamasaal nfmaVMvMl ivwalfi avVX"VjaBl lav MgYaVerVI feiHMl Itel m h3aili cftaM Um hmm anmalisjiliaiili gamul ftAamsl i laa '- aV-a- VwaaaalgajwvajaKeji cMBeal Vsnaws eaTJ ewaneaHfl KMsjbsSwj had cwm U Me lerrtMe deaah fruw ke iiwa falher'a hrataMyt aa4 Utat ealil i Nn. tied bee committed te'Wa alyoei reeaty CaUferalat and Utai the iMslrlrt atlaraey of tHaklyea roaaty haa illsnilesril Ute rase against Tap paa, allow lac a trrriblo crime to go uapHHMhcd. Tlierefore, bo It Iteaolvrd, That the mrwbcra of the WoM-a ChrisUaa TVwprnuire Uakta of Ktaaialli Falw, Orrgua, roadeaw the action of IHslrkt Alloracy Hoopet of Callfarala. aad rvroatasead that Um Womea's Cluistlaa Temperaacc Vale orgaalaalloa al Vreka taveotl. gale tAe matter more Ihuruagdily. AMERICANS ARE C0MM6 NORTH ".Jj i"ri ni )!. f a IF UNO MJBKHT FAILS, AMHH ICA WILL HK AHLK TO LIFT KMHARGO WITHOUT FKAR FOR COUNTRYMEN - Tuesday MorasasT Opening session nt Chai mber -of United Frees Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Auk. 13. Advices received sbow that Ameri cans are fleeing from Mexico on every outgoing steamer. Aa a result, Amer ica Is securing aa advantage In the situation. It Ambassador l.lnd's mission falls, the embargo against sending arms over the border can be removed with out fear of maseaere to Ameiieaaa. Liad reports everythlag aetkvtac- tory. Nearly 70 per rent of the residents of the United Slates are using elec tricity In some form every day. If New Zealand haa established wire only for telephoning or ringing door less stations at Auckland aad Well bells. I Ingtoa with a radius of (00 miles. T jjtf. '. lM i 7 . '-.i""" i ' SCHEME TO FRAUQEITLY SET v i' '( POSSESSJOK OF LtEtt sewdta . mm LAID MKB I SW ' . t H ,i tlt VrlT'' :?:" Prsktnt Qomek Fighting CMMtro ta chair; 10 o'clock, opeaiag sessloa at high school building. ) Invocation. Rev. Oeo. H. Feeae. JJ - nf anrmlrsTigaaai Im ltmmvrn I. Meaeea, In beUU.ef Chamber ef Ceea- uieree; Mayer Nleailai iakeaalf efj city of .Klamath Fable. Response aad short outline ef the purpeeea of the League, William Haa ley, preeideat Organisation .Central Oregon. -Df'viaeaueU-haa tafcot'Uw'aeM veiopmeat beagae, " , ' SSi , - '. .sa1 '.M.'-.m - . . - -jl wAMf & mii mmmmm ' J. I -r . , Am "-. T , T- J VMU.L van ; lAvMOaf dJH .sTMHsgMKngMgl r . ,vr - jjjii Mtd) ilhggas asatammWVMalS ftaft T " 4 "Vf'LMmV aVaVsatfJ mMKttKtL n HhHHHHHHW - ' , SmiaetogggaMg ' 'Jf aaaaaamaaHsaaaaaaaaaaaam, ' .i" gaaaaaaaaHRHaaaaaaHaa . ' -" 'J ' ',. gaaaaaaaaHSJamaaaaaaaai- , ft glaaatli i teat hi faaaeMaasaaiaa-'Lr aaaaaaaaaaaWlaaaaaaaaaaaw .i1.1 " '". wwamaeaaajai jamiM, IHmpf V r-jvisa ahMlaeetai Isjifjr k'oaMgelWI 4jV, '..mgalaeilea I UlWtffiffl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW ' atLTL" JfHPWlH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa 1 i ." TBAMpSM, RmgaHjMssRjHH'jSM fXgflHHV '., Oeemeiei A. A aalhaai .figgMB tgdflHBfc. ' ,'aavwaet aceia Ba)4aMNiiii9g9n 'BtHgtHHHgtHgtHgtHgk :MamelaaUaMMilKi aaaaaaaamaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl ' "Me aaaMm BVemaafeaanmBawWaH saBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaHReHRemaasBW .r-; , saassBSBamysjaaHBjgaj -fwvRRRRRHV..i 4,aai9e)BVBa)gasHamdaaJggg4KgaSg "afaf4 ' PreeMeat Jaaa Ylaeeate 1:30 to 4 o'clock. Farmers last!-' tute. Kxecutlre session. I Women's Club Institute. Domestic Science. 1 ' ,M i''if 1 l.Ilaaga (ciprlaao Caetre, taafsrmsr.dletater, The) a who haa leaded there aad ts ssWnllag to Jam. -Tr " int. a reveiutioaary feree to oveturew'aaaeate askant tot TOHIU7. vi mum mm ! i ay t aaeesat at bare indicated that Preeideat WMeea Toward taas aad. Hkt will do all ke eaa to malatala taajaer waa.aeat to tola preseat goverameat of Ysassaela, A care aaatteaata to M These seMlons will nil be held t mlatoter tTtm lm ij,, .uj,, W the high school building, 4 to 8 o'clock, trip to the punt of. the Pelican Bay Lumber eempaay. aviaiag be named la a few deyn aad kin are- deaUaU will be direeted to t Kxecutlve session Central Oregaal UOflhtVBe Wa)eJsa) awajhne, SFfafPeH Ba)BeTraB "SVVPs'T torlal powers la'alaeeantry,!)! aa Dnvelopmeat League, Platform meetiag. Wtdandi 9:30, eaecutlve Farmers' Institute may the better Caetre.. wHktke ad t j J '- (Ceatlaued oa page 4) Story of Relations With Diggs is Told to Court Warrington Girl Tells What Happened in Reno, of Meeting Diggi, and of a Former Escapade in Which the Notorious Quartet Figured Last February v Mrs. Ataaak J. FriebU aaa beaa lac eevea yean a member ef the "Wlesaa sin board of coatrol of publk iaettto. Haas, aad aay that K should he ewrH tho large property owners, who gov ern themselves aeeerdlagly la listing their sworn stateateata with ike as sessor, A awora, Uet waa submitted by the Southern 'Paelte, aad UU was copied oa the aateatmeat rail, with the excepUea that the vatuaMea had been carried out hi eeau, aad were transferred oa the' roll to' tee dollar column's. ' ' , ' r'(if " When tho rolU were opened tor in spection they were apprerad'ararep; resenUtlve of the oataera' Paelae, and later the taxes were pald.wKaut'Mlia,NerrU aay protest, United Press Service' SAN FKANCIBCO, AUK. 13. John ti Chambers, managing editor of the Sacramento Uee, was brought In to (entity today in the Dlggs-Camlnettl cuso regarding the stories Olggs told tho girls that tbo Don waa about to puullsh an account ot their doings, TMs forced tbe Reno trip. While Chambers testined'the War rington gtrl. hoavlly veiled aad ap parently calm, waited to resume her story. Chambers denied that bta paper had. any Intimation of the scandal. Probation Omcer Sullivan ot Bee- ri'.asato waa called next. Ho denied thnt there had ever been n complaint wr.de agakut Miss Warrington or vy" st. v' rjrf'AM ' . l I ' till i UM ilj T ' Mies Warrlagtearaeumed the ataad i,.- V J ' ? 1 e .,,'! r r-t ,. . ' . . ntfor Sullivan. She took up tbe nar rative with the arrival at Reno, Her volco was atronger, and she needed less coaching. Dlggg watched her steadily. "Dices roomed with me. aad Caml- nettt with Miss Arris at the River aide hotel." aald the girl, .We girls wanted to go back to.Sacramento, but tho men said no, because they did not want to reveal their whereabouts. "Digaa said, 'don't toll the oHcers anything. If you are asked, say that wo occupied one room and you girls the other.' luf telephoned my father at the la stanee of IHggs to have the warrants wltkdrawa, He replied ttat ke eould not, aa the matter was to toe kaads et ine The questions as to her relations with Olggs, and In a downcast maanershe. told the story of her downfall. . Asked It Dlggs bad a, pet name for her, the girl replied that he sailed her. "Pickles." She then Idealised the famoua "Pickles" letter. On cross examlaatlea, the girl ad; mltted tkat she was first, Introduced to Olggs by a.Saerameato aatoea maa. She says they did net' aaa their ,rhht names. I ' &, She tkea admitted tkat sis knew Mrs. Diggs before the ikaew' tKgas; and stated that she:and''Dgga'aaal camiBstii aaa iae norrw gwi spew a oue to every fair mmded tke goveralag board at whose tamatea are largalywi cMldrea skeaM aave weesea 8Wf MM mHssSSsfSf aaJ gecadrefp ally laterest tkemaelves la tke peaaes aad tke kaslaess eoaaeetoi wttk te. stKuUoas. wkHe the side appsabi to'weaaaa IV ll Forest eerera IS per seat at Rae sla's total area, or, la aU. 4H,IM,s acres.- la other words, Uere'are faW acres of forest to every toknanwit at Hrda.V'V' i i SftK ssama HI smm gjRaaaPi oriaai asjsdaaHdaaav satogeeV KaWgar Cm aseetoatoadb' 4'j lkea mm iwir Hrde,ttaeMdnBsWtofi am vartoas eadja faat.i momaesewlati aaa, AH ad amV 4 ; lTH tae laada aw tin smK aaay ee aiaaigaj adgaM,; r daapaaal af M. TMtoUg subeeaaaaoy lesasd to tae sWer df e dgmtfsMgsV M84sW CartUe. OMver M. Cra, t. B. Joha ttoed, Q.'W. P. Jeeas. gejato M. Uag. T H. LesktU OareaM MeCaakee. TtdeV Margaret Meaaw. C . UiiLXIHIHX C' Murray. Aaato . Kaadelpk, , Wltttaas WUsoa. ltUl U-After.'tkeee tWee wasa i Hrda aaeaitakt la aikaasaV ' eT ", ' 'ggasaai to gat the MMat. ay seetmaa ( eaAMSM MMWMrtM ivM1 OK Work of Excavating Sectmd l Completed This Week; Water reV 'in Or tke end of tke week, erk',ea the excavatloa of ;tke aeeeeidaatt laterals win'he semetoUdbr the sih- eeaUsetV'iuaasr-'Msieyaojtoere', aWrdlag to reelamaUea servtee ag elala. Thsce arV but two outou atltf worklag, the, rest aaytag isatfamsaj, ikairworki i .t.-.vw for'lrrlaatlaa (,S0''aeteatoel-4eW at night together at tke dread hotel last the KUmatk projeet. 'A 'great patt f ,. v " ix j"it a. al is. a r a ma a a,a-.-4l 'x " reeruanr. ane aaw aaasirtea taew eae ism a ia,rafasertmtj M'm'A" Pe Tl to Mm y .i walat 'MW the Hepg" ssBBBm) saBaaasaaaBBjai 1BSW ,',T' x " I i J M w , V. . ' A ; A) H hUMam 'if T "",' 31 i..a.a .tm.ii &. aia ernstem iamsh m rra. iHAaip rem aeaaaaaaeaeigsamai aamar mam sauaai MI..TIUM, V ,,T, V I 1"." m... w... .. .. .... l?m wi-!Tw "TTT, I" Wl.u-lW i;wMt MlkMM... (, r-'flt B.f WW,,"WS"JPW'"SSS1 . :: .; " ,:! n ; " .r- :,-' ,iv-vmbwr (SEH