.. , ?', M ';. ,J,!? V (r . ,,4 KW JF &! & , OKKICiAL NKWAI'AI'KB K)K CITV OK KLAMATH KAMA v'.f . tw ,' Ww gibe ftienina . . s' ""-u , .-. .- 0WM - m2- ' A ' ' jltlttUle 'A "l . ... . ... ..,.-. T ' '.Jf ;?-"' i f?U-i " . ft,. suv.y. ', Highlit Yrar No. U,IM KLAMATM VAIXS, TUHflDAY, AUGUST; IS, JfllS . i M 1 - 'Vi iTft'v .! '1.1.1 - JS"IS ri 3 'w& te y. ,'lH.-' a n ',4. Shw t WIW' v J?V,U'' n.jt i W lit, ' Huerta's Plans Aie Seriously Upset by the 'Jit r Japanese Emperor Ref ?l CLERICAL ERROR NECESSITATES : A REFUND OF $17,280.45 TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RY. CO. HCIIOOt, IHMTIIHrr IH OltliKHKD TO WWW NKAItl.V KIVi: TIIOUHAMI IKH.I.AI1H ? 'A 4 tirrr by tlio )inrlfr, uml ilUlrlliutcil (o lliM .itVnrHl f.ili.ld ft. fiftfitit ii.i Itm Inir I'.. : ..,.'' , row nun uintriuiiiion icukit in ciihioo of ilio tmrirf. "Thnt Ilia ttnlil fioiillirru I'ncllte tlallrouil rotuimnr In Mitllleil to a rt- HK-fUI MrrllB f IHrtHlon. Iltl.l '' ' '' aionl at IT.3fci)., ... ,8 riiiui'iileil In tlielr miilku(lnn liorc- M.m.Ur l Omlilrr tlm M.drr. , nnmmli vt0,lliml 1Rl l(t ,RB. Ilul No Arlloii Wax Takrn ll4'Kml-jKuvtriiliix l(, counly.lfojird of njunll Ihk llrfii.i.l MU(kti n..i AlNwt "Hon tloen not iimko It Incumbent on TlmwiUi ... Kltw I., 1'.IhK lrrli.l,J,,,!m1tu n'"'"r rtl Hn f ! iboaril ami then and there mulct a I'oUt In VUmlnt lia Tut Holt IpHcatlun for roduytlon In the ' .inont vnluo of iroHrty llttl. TliU An n roult of an error In uIub the' '''" " trnorUlniry mm. hawwr. Utclmal point lu ngurln tlio llll' tC'ontinuea on"ue i) ' tnui of the Houthoru J'urlflc. Admiral Badger of Alnntlc pleat , J; that i tbuipunjr uvcrpnld Klanmth county bj I17.S80.4S. The coiupanr Im luked for a re fund of that amount, and thlt Iim Udu taken up by the county court, following the lUttmitnt of the aMa ir' olllro that It wat at fault In the 'matter, and the ttntemoul of Chartv I'urrUli, who ciiwrted the rounty's bcoki. In Ihl retard, I'arrlih made I bo fclluwln report; "In retard to tho nppllratlon of the Kciithern 1'acinc railway for rebate at refund of taxo, which aame U hrieto nuneied, I beg to atate: 'That the aamn wnt referred to me, uml I have rnrofully checked the ai-nmont of aald company on the ID 1 2 tat roll, and find tho name agree wild tho alntemrnt of Mr. Kddy In tlitlr application for refund, "I hnva tixnmlned tho nclipilulo fur nliliiHl by the aald company to tho ni nrwor of the personal property, upon which refund It aaked, and find that the clerk In the ttcor' office made an error, In the valuation of name, one hundred I Iron greater than tho nmounta let out In aald nchedule, thereby Increaalng the not taiea on the property named In tho turn of 917.X80.4n. "That aald taiee havo been paid and turned over to the county treat- MUST COT WEEDS . OR PAY A FINE IIKIUI.1I (JIVKX CltKDIT KOII A WIIOI.KMAI.K Wt-Klr HAHIKNT THKOl'dlUll'T Till! CITVI'KN. AI.T IS 3 Til IW "--- LLHHlvmlxSHkclLvvvvvvvvV aHmmiiK 7 aLnmv .' IJipET MAIt DSLIVeRY i for 'im tw& to See '. " - ...- ;' Diaz Oli -' ' AllaaUaUff IDl nmmmaiiu John Lind, President Wilson's Envoy, Who Is (Vow In Mexico iftWKWAUC OftMKAXCK .j?l: MOoHBLKaV SAYS :--W-i 'STB: ir J ' I'. VJ -' c Cmimm-M W .w IH to Ordt IOH H'oode NMeMllW WMJkiM Xerrmky of OreW W Ij Ktoeer to (Mv tlwtfe Tile, U la llellired, WM fiit to Mm Waifai AkMl for by iWUkw ItefMtoMM I more aldewalka Irtd by the pomt- e the cltr wilt ah ...i j n mii, (- III mder to imiko It cjiiuuU.iry for ivI(1cuIb of the city to keep the wreda cut, the council t latt night' meeting amended tho imUanee ordl nenco to maku fullmo to rcmovn the wnrd nu Infraction. VJolutloiu of thin ordinance are piinUhulite by a line of from 1G to 1 10ft. (!uder the provlduiti of tht nmoiul ment, any owner, annul or occuptut of Ihe protterty U held rcpirmlblo for tha removal of weed from the prop urty line to the curb. "Hlnce the. Herald ktnted bit neck tint Ihofo waa audi uu ordliianco coming up," aald U.iuncllmim Mat thew, "there haa been much actlv II y on tho part of properly owner lu culling down Ihe weeds. The mo.it iiiii' effect I felt already." In order to katti for the city, m rtti 'office departmomt be graBled free eXl council laM alcat atoH4 aa ordl nance ameadlag. tht) aMewaUt erdl nance, Making It lioaalble for the council to order h ao4MtldwaJkjt joa ualmprevet atraela. I He ret Of era the eaeaicll kma haa . A.,. .. - .. . . " t0 kWt " -' "" " - " i-ui ui mwi.,,11.4 ,. , ,- ffc . -u...lw naval demondratloa of the Atlantic )itra. ,,c Thta 4m)mMm4 ,.. .U.t again.! New York c.ty. which JJE? SfJSVS, ZZT now going on off Long Utand Ifcu., rM0B taeaatertLfrM-tJ mu.t endeavor to .how th.tt he forU Verr hto ,M J, at the head of the Hound which nro-j Th, tmnimwi wt -M.,M toe the metropo U, are noi uBcJeat.l,0.toWi.t -- J" UCC7,,,1,B "U" hta ""rf "llefore the LZStfZtt Pm ..". V UUMtt,r,r".U,o'erorre,ulre.Vaewld.walkto will mean that much moaey u be, coaatractl or built cm w .twet appropriated by congre. to ttrMgth. whIch B ,MIWOtt4 ,, affl lilt) mflll ItrnrnollliB I naw Ia.1 I . . ... ... ... ,.,..... w.. ..- direction of the cowotoa council.! (either by paving, macadamlilag , grav .cling, filling or other Improvement jiipon a atreet grade ettabllahed by the city engineer, It auall caute tho grado for aald sidewalk to be eitab- tlhed and staked out by said. city en glucor, and when the sidewalk oa any such Improved atreet la constructed or built. It shall be put ou the aide walk grade so eaUblkhed aad aUked out. "Provided, howerer, that the cost. mon council shall have tha riant r " -, " ii , aaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaKv- II Laiiiiiiiiiiiiim ''';v'Vl ll aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiA -,' j ' '-""" oxv7. -.'-'' BhHHHHI .-,., .TIM aWMaal. ffWWrMal i HHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHr ' .--',-' 'W A. ' - JUNMaBBMaVBBftl VbbBE aattt BJBMBjBBMi VI 'BhhhhhhhhhhhhHHV ' ' t-'aleenMaii 'taaaaaWJBHwajyrBmlalaH v . m : . , 4V aeatlfcaaaTMaa1aa' HaHHHHHHHHHHHHB4 ' '' BBBMaMHanl tfaVHoavm' .aatillllllllllHKfflLfaHaail.;'.' J'? '' !"fff J.??..1 .BWwg BBBBBBVlBWBBBBB''v T aVaaa-iBBMiaiBBft.' ' ' -i-ViS aaiiiiiiiiiiiaaBlBaHlBaliiiiiiiB' ' 1 " aa52tW aaa1aaaVBailB aaaaiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiaalaaaaiiiiiH' ' 1 "-- ,l?i'533BS r LLLLLLLLLkLLLLLM-'" n ! iiiii - ;wm LallllllllllllllllBaaBllllllllllllW ' '. V " , ' l'1"; ?WKH WaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaV 0 'VA jaa4aakirVBE a---------------------------------------------------------------y uw -' ' '"T"-T. ; PaWJMWf'y-vwCME oaaam aBaBaaWalaWaBmaBBBBaBBBBmMMw '' .i? TTi '"BiaKm . .w. j. ''"'Ii". 'im. ' --. .EflaaHKii, ! asam aajaam am..avgosn Mtflt Bound. DtoiwUhea from Metieo City fel-,Harta'vget" Mt ;aa4;armtt' 'taw-anil teBftosiM sk mm nrtnaa t k bVa' P - i - - " r" " v.v.uH.rii"'wip ,. -.uH.iri,ww"'i;a a.aw'awsaaviakaVMf , fenaer tv- JcepUble ; t att th raMtoM." eawal i UBoSelal m-jchcMMia preaideai. ' JtWu tM,'iaa MASONTHREATENS A DAMAGE SUIT ? ''I- -. .:. Lake County Rancher Shows the ' Success There Awaits the Man Going for Diversified Farming :.? .-.y? si' I 'V V. That diversified farming can be aucceasfully and profitably practiced lu thl valley baa been thoroughly 'demonstrated by Walter M, 1'aitoa, who own nu Ideal country home a fuw mile north of Uikovlew. Mr, laxtou mid family have been living at their piosvut homo but n compara tively nliort lime, but the many. Im provements that have been made' em plissli'u tho fuct Unit energy haa boen the chief fuctor In bringing about tliwtu deYeloimenU, , . ; 1 Their original luildlnga couslsted of forty ncre,, but '' )vo aluce ao- I'nulred olghly nifiie, giving them UQ '' acres o"f land, which lays both above ' t aiid bel(i'( the mr.tn rokd leading ; north of (own. Mr, Paxton thlt year 'A; ho tweaty-nVofavrea of oats, u aam- ; pie of whlch,iiicimires C feei .8 Inchea irpm root to up, , (n.aauiuon to tins ho la ralalng wkeajtnlfalfa, potatue, garden, etute and.ls eiperlnenting I sthla 'JLliimllW .- r- t J ' . T u. mlWWm ' ik -ta i V, Ik ., j . ..- .! ' 'WC lliu frame structure at Main and flev- onlh streets? Kver alnce It was damaged by Hre Inst winter, the building, or the rem nant thereof, lias been the cause of much controversy between the city and w. If. Masou. owner of the butld Ing. Tha extent of the damage haa been the bone of contention,. Ruartly after the Are Maaon appli ed to tho council for permission to repair the building. Thlt was 10; fcrred to a committee, which refused the permit' on the around that the Mr, I'axtoa Is quite extensively en-(building was damaged 'more than CO Kagud In the chicken business, fromii(r ffmt - - wnicu no reausea n suumanuai prom. Tlio city charter provide that a Ilo also haa nearly 100 head of hogH.(rnmu utructuro damaged to the ext end haa milk vow from which bl.ut 0( 00 per cent of IU cost mutt be aella milk and butter. Young colts raxed or removed. Maaoa was or can i be seen In tho, barn yard, and, in1 'urej to comply with thw erdlnanee. fact, uearly everything can be found , Mason rufuted to comply with thlt on the plaee that la a revenue produc- order, clalinlug tlie building waa not er. la this way 'can bo seen tho realla -imaged to 'thai Mtent. At i.t advantage of diversified farming. Tho'uight'a meeting of the council Mason Mtock la fed aad fattened by proiiuco ' roltcruted hi stand, and further ., -. . . ...-, win n r. mm, nur. tm ir aaii ATTK.MIT IN MADK TO MOVK OR) I.KAVK THK PARTLY HVRNKI) when It deemtCexpedlMt, to order HTItCUTlTHK (IN 7TH AND MAIN, ' rww!ul,". MWlka te. ' tructed. or built, oat unimproved """"" 'ttreeta which havnet ' : Wrought Wliat I to become of th. ruins of t0 ,ho ubltohed atreet grade, with out causing the grade for tuch board sidewalk to be etUbltohed and etaked out by the city eagtaeer." peiatateat of Jeba Llad, fenaer aw ernor of Mtaaeeota, vejr at PreaMeat WlUoa Itt.Mexlee, nouaeetf thako wtli'Mt gaeat. aaal wake k ptola that Haerta wUI awVe.wUI' deal, with the reeeks eaV'wttk IHtle to ta wMh bias. WhHa eke la-.bullU: la faet. he aeeaaa terttat AtrnctioBs of PreaMeat Wlbjoa to .Mr.. the appetatmeat of any one wHa the Uad were not published, It waa ub- power Mr. Llad la aald te have beea ijerstood, that he waa to auggeet that given byPreaMeM'WMaea. WANT KLAMATH ACREAGE AGAIN TRABK OR HOUHNOH MURK VOR LAND IN I'LACKR COUNTY M . RRORIiTTKO, AND TION Mi STARTKD UMAIi AC grown on the raaeh; the dIVerent mode, of production are adapted, that beat work In' coaj'unctleit .with each other.. There ia always Mtawtklng tu noil and little to by aeaee'' j'the Nearly nil he hllWtee:U4 eatuki i audi that can be doa te eeTealeu ly, Is farmed to aplrag wkeatf wklslt will surely produce better tkMtwa'-ly-flvo bushel to the acre?,",' ThV't-v.'! mninder of the hill land, wjir.eeMtU- llnoatoiicd a damage suit, ''Tho, council erred In tha nrat V'ace," tie stated, -''The building la nut 60 por .cent .damaged. I oKered In repair It. and prove by the bllla for materUU etc,, 'that the .'damage wlU ipi exceed SO per oeat., v; . ''Naw, vhowever,v ,dea't Intead te MuaaythlBg, If the council atUmpta to) reaiave the! building I'll tue fef dAaMuiaih aad if the building Ut left Hjerejitorat, I'll do the aame." SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION SOON WINKMA 18 CKARTKRHD VOR tP- PKR.MKH ORVMMC ON.niVRaV DAY RVH MMRYrCK ARJU!HHr ALHO , The third Sunday aakoel pteale o the season wlU be held Tnuraday, when the steamer Wuiema vialta Up per Lake points, ear ry lag tha chil dren of the Grace M. K,.Hua4ay aehool and their parenta and f rUada. The steamer will1 leave Buvaa, Vlata landing at 8 o'etoek, aad, will make stops at varloua potaU. A baaket pte nle will be enjoyed at RMky PeUt.or ltarrlman Lodge.. TlMfatMair will return to the pier at, X 'kek. ', uaaea will leavathe, MI B. ehurch, from 8 to 8;J0, , 'f, ,,' ', who haa been employed aa Umskeeper at in of the Me irpriUeM'M the Upiter Lake, rHurned a :ked)r Bhth't. . '" " -"-' ' - 2 K Bread aa a daily artMe'et 'la. W used j by ealy. abot;aae;lmlf faff tka pofHiMtMti m.hw aarw. OMyaae . affaire.. It la a HI atate Tkmhawk dUpatck ;rreat tl that PeMx Dta rrnlt waa TlMNM Mref ta'asH at tarn 151 Jiim.m' ." a as -M 'vt rygg -gl Japaa'a way oat e WeirdExper ' h :tttu B.f-g-1 ikhi:rs iti' ,i .Hwaaaa Kacainamawt.' , The eaawmeat branch of I. 0. 0. 9, tonight In. regular aeetloa. All Patt- arGM.are reueeieu 10 ee.preeeat. i Suit id have set aside a deed for a tract of land noar Fort Klamath "haa been started In the circuit court by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Anway, through C. C. Brower. ' The complaint waa lied thl afternoon, la the action" the' Aawaya aatert that they traded their Klamath cova- ty property to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Smith of California for a tract of lead In PUeer county. ThU, they aay, Uey hava found to' have been tlasely repreeented, aad they aak for their deed to be annulled,. ' SEtffiiTY- A SECOND TIME i HWAN.KAKKMANCauW, TBK SHCOND . PURCHAMCRi UkLamMAN :hy,wirk y J"'2?t' . .,- v .z.j i Charged with' obtalalag meaey .wii Ur ----' vi-l: i- mi-i l(beiBg aeaght by'thi antlMrHlea, aW lowlng'.a .complautt byf aHeva abo,' Miey a tew) nays ago pureaaata a team and wagon and ,o''ot'herVrti clea from CwyiHVliuj.'klm'IMtVMid reeelvU a bUl, ol tale, v Ctay, left1 tka city. rlghtVaruwr4a', . '&Z i ?J ..- J 'j J J dB. " " i. v Vff aTMamimjimt-mitTi W, WJ aHVffW ofYowg Mfeoaf) in Los Asgetes Kiw . AMIS to I Bm ?.". m 'xi.ftnvw--' ,:i l1- ' n United, I'reta Serrtoa. , ft t "xt . ,.A--.--.i-t . ' 1-Z . . ,1;".". H die at- msomiktf f' ibeeaaaa ,a tki strange aad )unsTHakaedaerlea-e Itaa and mUfaaea wade aayvw followed her ia the naet aex pretty Maxika, Waltera. SeVyeair aid. today waa put under eetrvatlea; by allealata employed by .tke'atoU.. aad a doten nerve tpeelaUeto'et atots wide reputa'tWa.; x i J f ''' I Mtsa Walters, sailed "tkeglrl ol myotenr,", ,'la appareatly; aermai. haalthy. girl; Darlaiff'tka peat jig apat,kii;ahe hat flguresui ''ate' M bXWbW ?-lksi X ;.""-;to"teat.herAto tfi'uraka 'doei'kMt .4 ' 3 " v inntllalf smRssol InmV'tlE-rf irRllalMtinmliiaf . - . j 5 i!w"J Wm. . -j i!57i v aad-Ialrt utye.hwwatt'ilav IM effMt M I'ttm laetdtmmvwMaai brought ibeuttke Wm'armtkWw to IrlVJ- Rf'5.f .aWirpVa waa iburBAdy kar yrc ,m--il.r Wh Miaa'Walbr.v)taaM wMburaed.v b twobraiaafa aaa eraM ana tae ' aereeu Tklaa'Mto' fviurik bmte: ta weeaa (aeacuiae saagw .am t .t.v .A, if- i ktSSSESSSaSL1 ., With bald barley,, which glret Indlca- l-d for range purnotea for dairy .,t tf;'; " ; .. ' ,LL. 0. ; W ait right artorwarda', W' irwetSS&a4ai y,9?r-l'flr)rlda.,ol ttock.nhd thus no Wttha k:ifMltV.Wwa-iilg. , kVieMtkelepMgi fcbViLaW'wMM S3 ekkmt tw mm' t4 hi;-1 &'i : ii ,- r-H JaaaamV1' C22Z3 home to taTilii ffWi maaeraa;. 'BaTmj mRanmRamj, ma 41B "stB Miea Waiter p virWaw WMtbaV r- -..-- aacB.yara Of at cUlmedtltokM terrtbtf, oaerby foavr Jaei-Wkm aoAaaiaMaattatkr Mi nPBmm PTkZSKl ! ssisszn '.V aMatatowjT( iamaeilaa Mto wSCTiS i ratoftosl t-TFJrgrai PVMtlflBBHij