' u fY kj h . i . ti .1 1 117 J .1' KfW r A "VrtJ JI'Ltt lli .. to v n 2 . y '., it. V .1 V oi '," wi TTb i 1WT. .V .4'. i .'S ' . .1' iK I" " l -'V : .( . -" .tin . ff, 1 - ' '( ' V J. V 1 11 ONrlOIAIi NlCWMfAl'Mt ' K)K OITV OF XMMATK FAM-V i ,M "MNMMiHMHHmMIHMM - r V." t ,V f , ( 11 - i rt .(" ukfi, . ..i i-" . -J v ji r .,v 1 ' -v , I1 fticnma tA' .5 C '. M wv WW ra'Mi KlgliHi Vmt-No, m.IIT r Refunding t Approved vJTbTmb ji .) . M m j - - ' ' - .&,&?? nP.'Mm xlamatm wuim, cmitm, nonbaW Avaow n, in. V 'p"s f?Ki r ' "SSB Bend Issue Under New Charter Is i x ' i ' ''... "' .. 'wBH " -9- i T..3SBni Attonwwl - .'-,v j' rin r itMit IfMfBS h " ! 'Jf fJPBl 'r i ' f' Mv MMUNhMlf MKHFrSfa i V . illH BiBft flMH BMto mPHmHwI m K Kv T if "WHHB m i i.t F"Vin - vSfci f-1??? lp-l,(" liJ M i " "ii ri rMw ifXi.PLJ r w p .mpimi BURSCOUGH 10 BE ARRAIGNED LATE TODAY VNAi' iaiv M yVeiv AfciJ o ie Weather Burt I.NJIIIIKh WOMAN IM IIKCOVKKIXU KAMDIA' i SKIfflH "7 TAPPAN RELEASE CAUSES DISGUST MrriOS Of YKKKA AND RM) lll.rKF At'THOKITim IK CAMt OK IMIUMA.V rATMKR Hi COV DKMNKI) UKHK MEXICAN MATTER IWIMON ABMim MAT MUVinUH MC MAD In IIU OH, He Hay ll IWmrmltcni .ViHI)Ink Im CoMHirtlun Willi Hl T-rrwrilHK uf Km ('amii Willi lliilrltcr Kulft Hju Ho nml IIU Wife Mam NVvrr yimrnlMl Mtn. HiiriMouNti Will IUi llruuvttt llrnt Ulw (hli uflnrnoaa Fred Iiut. ioiikIi, who nfltir lurrorUlim roaii rttiw, cut liU wlfn with it butcher I hi.lff. will l.o nrrlnoil bvtoro Ju.' l'r",,Jt WlUott liaa clioien I'ro- Iki. uf tlu. IVnco Clowe. Ho U T, n'Y'" T' ""V" ',r C,,,,,, ' . ... l" unltnil HlnfM eullior bureau to r..rKe.l will, awiault with a ilner. uk Hi .Iac0 of Willi Moom, who oi wcn.oi Willi Intwnt to kill, rriliitinl rarlk-r In dm year at tho lu- llunrouih a fw ulKlit ago, wlilla lUllon ot tho prctlilent, It waa aald. irinployod aa cook In tho U. I). VIIUon.1,,urPMor Marvin waa born lu Ohio roaii mnit uonr Fort Klumolli, raiijvvl,l'r lno' federal oOlclaU hall from d a htii-o butcher kulfo and RUr(ed--J entered tho weather aervlco Inward luriubetM of tho rrew, cauilnxtn ,!iv1' T''-' " a auiolnted to them nil to tle. Overtaking hit wife, j,h civilian corpa of tbo ilgnal torvlco. IliiracouKh (tabbed her In the ldo'Kur w "mo bo hM Ixn profciaor with tho weapon, t Meteorology at thn Wavhlngton ob Pollowlnc thin, he i.tiat.11,1.,1 i wriutory druwu hltiualf In l!onti Mllu Creek, tin J later, when taken lo thn Vnn do Bonding Firm's BELIFVF MM IS PAST W THE EIGHT-HOUR BILL FILED IN OREGON OCIALMM KJI.K THMR WUtUT PCMMY UirnATIVX MKASt'RK. WML COMK VK AT THK VOTIXO NKXT rAUt Tbo actios of the authorltlaa ot iflliklyou county In liberating John'tta JUuWItl Tappan, held there on a Icharao of aiiaultfnr hli Hula chii. '.Ipmi. at.'.l if k flJ til.. at ...,L..I I ..w.., m w tfin iivu Jtiun BHiBUri tin In rolimlng to tako tho man In cutlody on a almllar cilmo alleged to I liavo occurred there, la the cauao of much unfavorablo comment In Klam-' nib Kalbj. Tappnn win nrreited here udob a complaint of hla wife, after the had heard from bur IIIIIm torr of their father's eoaduet toward I at the theni and after her 1g.nnatlia'MllhaC 11m t baby waa taken to tho InHraiarr here. !Mlek Met. n vlcllni to hla doprarlty. Hlacethonl tho Infant died. )tr.it - - . ...... fc... t. . .,.i"""V","w,w nm uui wau uaiipvora ( inn' ,., n. . ... . .. ... i HbAibu liii. mmm. iiM cuumy on wnicn lappan couia a Aa. . . ,. . .VT " rTZ held, he' waa ,ent to Yreka, moarltf4?! ". ! wkk whom tho girl, clawed IMrUlUr" ' M," O. hud wronged then, to bo trlo4 fori r hla terrible crime. When tho kafcrl ". w" U died, tho coroner'a jurr hero bote tko """" ." ." KH r .llr.lv ,mbm,ji.i- ,. ... wwoaWMwaj UTWkaC HmtU. Tho profeMor haa lnrmtl a num. ber of liulrumcuU now uicd by tbo bureau in delermlno wind velocity and tho quantity of tnoltture In tho air. Othera rcgliter oarthquakes and moaauro ovnporat olnll .cAH,..Onjui 8ALKM, Aug. il. Every laaotry t.f WowiiMtnllMB fcjr l the aUto will bo etfeeted tbould an HttNlenK'ttitomi' waa Detracted '" aaoire on lie aero today v ! ' "' awi ' tw. The BrenM4 law rrew we Ar-fraj erAtaeaoaadar prorMea Uwt no man, wsaaan or oklld faeewtke A4 Ha Me KearM IA4'a akall work mere than otgkt nenra a Life Waa la " !- . ly or atore thai 4$ hem a weak. WMh CWiaaawaway. jolallat party, and it tt aaM to ha the Brat Barely eoclaUat ateaaar aver United I'roaa Some put forward aader the Initiative by KORT LKAVKKUVUtTit. ir- 'that ergOMilaatloB. daugatera the'AiNr. tl-Tlme taWHaMal artttky "" rot,4oB l Novoiaatr oaduet toward I at the ban a ha ieeaw. it la aainwa f elect Job. , The only eaoaatioa ta tho m-otI- aloaa of tho law' la la caee of acel doata. trea er food, w'kea aoraoaa laay be ompleyod awre tha eight haara a day at deabte pay for over- Um ,' . uw. It la heMered a I irayr-,. V: KluuHth Jail, ht aul Hint alructure on lire, mid nearly uffocated from thu anoko. Ho waa then brought here. """'"i iu aiivriu a oinco ni ...,., (i. tachca, IJuwcough i.mli.lalua that hon""urrt ePwn. H I SC yearaj ronembcra nolhliic at all reardlnlof "" ' I "thn nffalr which terminated In hi. nrn-el. He nud hla wlfo wero happy l'aiiorla lued (o balloon pilot ul.eti ihoy couducied tho Northern iftii'l neroplanlil by the Auitrlan Auto Pafo heru two year ago, and tho nrU.ICIuli aro worded In flftoen language, m?ruy they hnvo had no trouble atji loron vtartlng norlal Journe) In nil Today llunrough aked for anj'utrli may land ntnonx icron nuoriiey, nnu rrod Mill waa auiu.'Kpenklng any ono of a many tongue HIUBCQ. father directly reapeaatble for IU death. Saturday, Jnatoad of, holdlag Tap iwn to tho grand Jurr. the Slaklren county authorities llhoratod hlai. GEE-0 CALLED . INTO THE CASE which waa the ta V Mr. Ilurtcough, who It waa at flrt thought wa Injured fatally, I re coloring nlcoly. Word ha been re- b'lliabothtown. I'n., Macon have dedicated (Iraad Lodco hail. n planned group of Maionlo building ' WASIUNQTONr Vt3., Aaj"U While the (Ituatloa hi aOH ajrare, I'realdeat Wllaoa aad oareUrr nryan betlove that Um want la aaatl In Meilco. Now that the neat lauaiaa&t dan. gor la over, Bryaa aad. WUaea admit mat Uad'a life waa for a tlma. thought to he ladaacer. Bryaa aat at hla deak uatll 1:40 thu aterala-,-refuting to leave until he had oafeui word of Mnd'a aafe arrival. No further step will bo takea to RIDERS GO TO CHEYENNE SHOW i nam Aim ttmau TMOMJWON THH' MmMDrll, MOXMJ AKB WBX.TAKK A MKi KlaaMth ralla Rodeo buUommuiU will lavade the UmlU of Cheyeeno and try for tome of the big prise la the Frontier Pay competition thk month, according to 811m Chamber. aaa t.imimii ai m .-. a a. ....... I iiiwii rirtir mlmnaa WKaUiii u mrinor ciefiai win ba fAkdaci fAiwua. imuruiBK q rub vjcuii KXOWNMMtK.lriMAIOTOHAVKlf"? .ul Ue vl " -1 i Hn f"" I ration for peace ta Mexico until Und ' tk Muty wke w,u raciatar IUIIK1UT IINIVUI1 UUI nilllM ivl .... ... . .. .. " """"lirt ...-.. .t ... .. IIOUOHT IHtl.NKH HMt GIHLM IX THK DKMaH CASK reived hero that ho will bo brou.kt lo coat te nnn nn ..j f. j . .. "V . - Jhnon. real oatato aaleamaa to Klamath Fall, tomorrow. Tho dato'n homo for aged Maon. ;,Wh .TM,y iM h" WM of holding tho preliminary hearing1 , brought Into tho Camlaottl-Dlgaw eaaa depend upon tho rapidity of her ro.l m n..i- - n . 0ur,n tho lw-ir iBtredacod Sat- aa auu.uuu an II txtnttm a... . a il , -, -.....v- uvvHuitUiUaT. ccuroiiB' in ibr maai-pBBmaa r M - I w ' " - w -"- ' covory. but ono room each, h K 1" a. Profit In Hog Raising Is Shown M Central Oregon Ranch Which . Is Making Big Market Shipments &.' Tho I'rnlrlo ranch, located a few Billofl vouthral of FomII, Wheeler county, shipped n car load of bog to thu I'orllnud Union itockiard n few day uti), and they lopped tho mar ket, nulling fur DM cunt per pound. Theru yoio "0 hvnd lu tholr car, and thulr roiiihliu'd weight wa n trlMo moro limn 0,000 pound, or an avar ago or ulmoat 2fi0 pound, Tho check given In paymoiit, nftor deducting tho freight, feed and ioininllon charge, , wua for l,t(3U,32. Tlmt ho u not prlco or 33.08 pur animal, Mention wi ninile lu thuiu col umn u xhort tlmo ago ot u former ahlpucut of hogn from thU rauoh, mid It sUs tlitn nutoil that u carload would be uwt. to the Cortland mar ket Mtui ovoiy two wooU during the ' '' balanca ot Vuoyear, il.o.o being about '4,300 hoad'tceillng on thin and other ranoho owned' by tho aanta company. Tho hof'Jut ahlpped had eaten, t nil told, about 11 buiihel of grain ouch and about 360 pound of ground alfalfa. 'Aaldo from thbT, iUy'had Kraw. Tho grain tod them na pig and hog would bo worth today nt the ranch where It wa fp.i. nm i ... toed 7 per nulmal; the alfalfa meal Purhup 3,50 per nulmal, It cost to haul them to market, we will av. ubout f 40. That make a total coot of 1780, to which wuit bo added tho tot or producing the pig. Two dol lar and, a halt each would bo a fulr llguru for thl. in fact, If any brood- or with ample faellltloa for keeping u largo number of brood ow could noil hi day old pig at that figure he would never carry them nloai oven to ihoat day. ? 'o find tho 78 head of hog coat lu icul ciuh outlay, 900, whteh doea not lucludo the Indotormlaate ok- poimeoH of labor and ranch Mpoaeo of labor und rauch;expeaa, Includ ing Intercat, taxw, etc It la lmaea- alblo to flguro hucIi coti, but the ir- nlu shown bv the above flauaaa. 11,833,32, 1 surely ample to glvo a inrav iiwMk, auiftivvv vuaiyejijr Dee. Johnion loft thl mornlna for (the South, after a abort vlelt. In part the Boo aays: "Thla man Johnion may play a part Intlio defenso later on. The hotel clerk wa led along a smooth path of UUCltloaa and answers bv Davlta aihn brought out testimony (bowing that during the absence of Olgga aad Cam Incltl from the hotel, "drlaka had boea aerved to the young girl.' "These 'drink' doveloiMd Utar. however, to have been lemonade, the prosecution bringing out the fact with ono questien: 'What klad of drlmka did the glrto ordort' v 'ThU mysterious maa Jobaaea u from Klamath ralhi. aceordlag ta tho hotel register, and Devlla IndUated that be would produe Johnae and Johuton would tootlfy that ho had treated' Mkw Warrtagtaa and Mlaa Norrla to 'drinks.' and that they had drank' with him. "Concerning Q. O, Job'bsob, the 'mun of mystery, who had a alas eyo,' the hotol clerk could glvo bo in formation, He did know hlm and ta tlsted that tho women wore not with Johnson or any other maa white Dlgg and Camluettl were rogW taring: that 'they were' In tho hoUl partar, and alone there. 'Johnon's name waa found oa ta hotat rogtoUr." completea hla iavestiaetlfta He wlU make it ptata that U United Btataa miuiI t..u. t erla under aay etrcumataaeea. aad will do averyUlaa- ta ladaee Ataari. can to leave Maataa. UaMteatatlouabr. the work of eat. tlag the Amerleaa aUrtod heaseward U progreaalac. Already there U dan. ger of ontragea to Amerloaaa. la tha Bteaatlmo the army aad navy are ready. SEVERAL BILLS ARE UNDER EIRE MANY IMPORTANT CAlaUrttamNIA MhUSURIH MOaYf .0 ON TMK RALUrT COMPKN8ATION BtUi IB ATTAOKRD W, I1 i Carnlveroua aalaMla aavar laa than four toes ob each foot hara The hyena alone haa four an eaah foot. 1 ha.doghaa' four pn aaeh hlad foot. Frog.1 skin makoa, tha tougheot Ualted Proaa Barvtaa 8AORAMKNTO. Aug. 11. Seme of the moat taaiuirtant nsaaauvaa -- at tho roceat session of the legisla ture wore attacked today la referen dum petitions flled here against tho redllght abatoawat act, the working men's compeaaattaa measure, tbo om ployora' liability aat m4 tha blue akr Uir. , Tha potltioaa war ttai ta tha ooe of tha aeeretary o atat. v. Today waa Ue laat day aat laai"jaMiuur hv Baa. r?tar of auto -Jardaalfar1 th Mtasj Qf thapoUttaaa.. Of mra Uaa I.9M mm paatOB tha taMTIsaHatattir. Imora'UaB 1,S failed .'ta haooata lawa'hasauas Qovoraor,7 Jehaoaa vs toad thorn, or rafusod t ahfA'thom.' ' i fraas Klamath FaUa are Chambers, JeaaaJe Jttdd. Qall Dasmlaw. WalMa Paaaatt aad Mfawee Thompooa aad HosJe. , After tha Cheyoaao show, whtah la heM Ue latter part" of thla aioath, tbo party will drop over ta Teppoaiah. Wash., where they wlU, assay ta aor- nor the hoaera at tha Wild Watt ahew to he held there. Their laat ate will be at Pendleton, aad all are deter mined that Klamath Falla wUI he rep resented among those atarrtas.at tha Round Up. 'All the riders who ware hare at tho Rodeo aro mu'eh Impressed wHh the Klamath coaatry," aaM Chamhora today, "aad thoy all regtetsr traat Klamath FalU bow. Alter the trie to th three shows the hey are oem- lag haek here to wlatar, aad thoy win work up something ataitltac for tha nect Rod," WABHMOTC..a Amjl lti.1'. ..-. .- -?',:' 7.. V. I -mm ""' w represosiiaiiiia Bsjoey BBtapaMtal sammMii r,r7m!YVmm,ntmtmWmm akr tarn aawatataai eaaJ at --- -M--' . - - .. ... i-a sagaaa api la th awTseaaaaat at Wa U te he aeUeMer; aoBaral 'C MrUaeatofJaeUee. waa oecuptaf hy Preeldsat TaR art ae aoaatawr th gejToramaBt eoBrt ( UarifaHedV mt Uererere hea,Uwyr,( aowiy im eaarawer. I tsatt tsK he meU the aaisa. Iumm ... T- l icuuatrr aa" ai ai laa.s TaTatf- xrrzr. .. I a.. ... . . . V .- -"--- ' v . a year, warn ar teas tha th fees bmbt tawyer will draw for aiagle ease ta whkh Uer win appear agaiast hla. Mr. DavU U bow servlaa: hta aae- ond term la the hawse of rsprisoata- tives. He will reatea today te bu bow ptae. BBjtoTa.JBV aaw aaataOam ttfcaa. aa aaaaaaaa& SaaaBnaBm that afcert a ail amaTaBaVKaaaansaai Marahal BalMli tat rT"--... TTT1 TTili "P.IMi Bmj.jra " a. a-a j aaj a-aaa aaBajajaaBaaaBajaaaaBajaajaar BBBBBBBBBBWI.JBWBBBBBBmaaUd awtwr th "? " mwitiHMm ii vi . mmm. r mSMmmm, . ' a . wm ai VWewSHrSaaaaaaB?taBi awad a. . 'sjomOTI ( 1A atafw - - - ' mUlAWZm sftkt t li TT . . - . ""-jD'A"1taiia1l .a-waipiaB uaaa. m mm -..-UBrWr-BBl UmT iiiaaiaii a Bma IHT3 ' . tf. vMarnc thee aekl BaaaBa. laat. -- - W&l aadjtatorot. a pipaili at ttta aMggr ,2 - .w- -.-- .. T.t , cHr'aad ataaVaf Maw Tsa. aaat .-A k nfatthaialaa J ' r,ri i eky ta arfasaalB anaaW. , M.1X. fl v ,- f aw . aaaaBasamaaw ajaaBaaBB -JMKrc tam i aa - ..I.,, - giSBaR. .gBSal thMKtmmmai m mMAAK - atattlafcaVaWtaTSI iMua tiMvaawir f mitmmmgam ar t tmagt.' - S, IfgHSSOfl ? TM' to fh) last iMBpi laa TTllrBliTOffl ww,aemjj BBvaFaPsaw faFaF aaaWw m'fmmKKfTuWmM ta attaa l BV hmmtm anaaBwlPlLTl toraiay a wRwut amw mSfm$J,Wi vaHdT,e bjbbmm) mmSmlrMi iwBWimBaismwaMBvn Toatam jll a uBaaaa av 1T.11.J "---- '. r .. -.. ..wm -i ) . JJj'-ti KW TORK, AC.'ll. Fta nd dsMars taataa wtH be aaatk. uUd tioelthtt th wae eMh dtajaaa; oaa eater ta.UHasMwy( th Otwa or Now Yorkrtarr aa. aihthHtak ai Xmaire Cltr raaa iraaa- ,9mmll tmim. all over th eMMtry were oavtared ka itho.dHereat classea; . , .O: Th average Amerleaa a .IM pin a year. " "-. '- imhf ' awatJaBaaaaaBaa' 4' rcijiiiiu'wjrawj 1 ,. 'x I MBBBrBafaaaBfJa' UIPI bVWSi a i '. w t "" . mmm wwwm eun , linn, waive wui a mm m WTTeiraw naratua fna aata.alalaa k! . -i ti. i. .ii' irk. IU. It1i will w. ... .,;,' lfalU. 'Aalde from thbf, tUy had nf "'u,,'u ""w" wmpaay Krog.'.kln makoa, tha tonghoM of mun ot;unaa by dlvMtag ta taiftut m to ta taP pee- taw ,dUtaa.' eeiew th tw. aUltatataTft !'ur ; .he fed notklsg, but had, 'f aeu'r. ? ??. ' -r. "J father known m BMporttM to Ita hub wave aad taw rerta at ta,i aa. thor; ar . already summtae frem hi raa a wa wttthta tofdmrta m f' aiwaoBalfalfa.Bhhta'aBd ". tOoatiauod oa P4r ) tWalwas. ; h yJ ' am psfttaa'aad Ua th',4r.V.'; ' lag priaraUoaa fr th aU.VHy;f' wwrf,llnit .ch awm MltaMi ta rt, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBBbBB WHITE RIBBON CIRCLE WORKS -v m KUX7TION OP OrTlOKRB ANB MATTRRB Of ATTRNDAXCH AT TMH BTATR.O0NVFNT1O.V ARK RaWf&VWa ATTaWTtON ' These ar hnar dan with the meat. bora'ot.th taaal hrameh, al,,!: ' '- niiptallaB1 Taainaraaaa VTaJaM.1 Taorrw aJ4anaaa)f a vataa4rBfwiy a hM at 14(htata etwaeVjm- r"w pbpiwi-wi ww -iaaaav-1 . it tba Isst anathia-' "- -7 ccrwlll hovltadfWthJa'lB year, Th BMmbers of tho ortalaa tloB arJateo,mkIagpteB' toward. 'a .t ., "?.''. 'a,. a. " ' ' a9t;fHHin iu so.i anv eaavvajv- Peficsmis Ssectes Is r - ? ." r .' i.n..'7T nu ii lUa.w.:. Li . m a- iN V i, iTBThv. tthi eaatf 'slsaaalds ad. Bh'iatBtaBBt. 'V voatBMd tan. Tar ar aramiw iMWIttM a . r -'-iVJ',.un?''V- k-c.f. ll Imaglao aaeaklag upm a paUoaa mh:taarr hard tha hla , .. , ., , i ", l.. . ill .. ." IT" eapnirms; am anr;. -tmsiiae flndtag him to have the earawrka (or aaaa . a a.. . .". oiiiaurasj or tna erawa asiioaa. or. 'a tho ornithological highbrows pat It. tho iwtllraBUa fuaeua a klr a. trawly rar la these parU, and 'taa anor transporting, htm . proudly ,to .---, .... ! aa vi mmi rre, btrdilhe'te taftr',a wktlaBallaa nr n laVla i'iI ' 'm it 1 1 1 CJrliJeu maMUWradaac. Whlai It' tar k Uttla4 th iA .i. riy ."j""-" iT'iT" V. ":. v T "TV i. - r t-''. -; , -w jar m u'aratedv, i evm',at a.hai BBBBBSUlBBsmaTBT - BBBF war rf ,Jrd. tbo who were ta th TaitoMt i.-f . f i r. bom BuMaV whoa. .CJuute i igaB ' 'XT A Jok' earn la f roea, a trip K iatav talta lewari KUaiath-'salaaa'' aat 1.7. '. T ) " r .,-w- mrwwwrmmfwmfmmm W! ll'lifcaVt BWvaB BimaT Oamaa. BBaaaaaaTi BVJaBBrfl BB1BB. ( wpmp talDBtBtw iar Ma ivy lgafaiamJB mmmm r l.JIl lSBbbB TT?ra