? s 'ffw t OFFICIAL NHWfl-AI-CH Mill CITY OK KliAMATH YAWM V,' Klglith YearNo, B.1M f 4 -. cfato ' klamatb rAuLa,'1 fcAT-IIHAY, AVOVHT 0, IMS fr VV iJ . 'fw-flsnasrv ;-- I - ir. " .! it - f s-v viww , h- . f $ . !.:: ' f v ' win JM , ' tf j ' - f gaBajfiIbs' '"' ""wfl '! ' t , , '. 4JtS M ttv i . -. A.-. T ... A mi ' ( "V "1 ' T " . . Private Advices From Mexico City Not Encouraging Soldiers and Ships are Ready for PRESIDENT AND BRYAN CONFER WITHJENATORS NI1PPOHT OI' IIOTII IMIITIKH IH KXPEOTEH runator Charg MmlrrUU Junta, Through n Wiudilagton lwyrr Worknl for llm HUiiiIumiI or Am lmilur Wlltou I'rvaluVnl'a Atll fuilo linllralr 'llmt Mo Is Mtuli n.iiurmil by llmTuni of t:cul ANNA HELD, EYES BASEBALL GAME AND GEMS, SAIL! WILL BE A BDZZER HI.NUEH TKI.IJt IIKWHtTKHM HER IT.HAL KXTIIKMITIKM AIIK Till: MAFKMT 1'I.AUK FOR THK !!. MO.M HTOCKIMM LIKE TWINS AND PANTS BAD LUCK NEWER GOMES SINGLY 10 THIS CHAP! - - i To fall from n roof to tho ground. Starting Southward f i ' agWT M. - - - MBB ..)- 1 - : " ' Vrffl -1 ' . " ' n. Jofn Purroy Mitchel, Anti Tammany Candidate for Mayor IXIMIill-.'IA.NH AMI IlKAI. VM- TATK .MI'.X WIM. TA.N'-M. T jH auiu.lcttt to cuo aome men, and- MOINM; I'AltK TOMOHIIOW AV-TKIt.VOO.V I big men at that, to recline In bed for 'corori-1 woeki, railed In platter of 'parlt, but to ttrlko on a crottcut naw. Htllr.l ITcMSmma Oti of tho mot holly ront-ed ubllo falling mukca tho matter -till LONDON, Aug. !.-VHh her uyu lnulal ganii. over held I. Hnutlieni moro unlucky. inhi'behavluK a badlr u v.r, Aniia'"'Kn will b ih attraction .it Mo ,, nt ,tM u.ought Krod Ilremer, II.M.W l.n iptrlnie liw-In uo ,,nrk tomorrow when tho I.I... ,pf,flclIellt of ,lhltof for tho . ... ......... .. irliliuiK mil! InaiiranrM iiiul I ten I !. i a ljinioii tiiii-i- hbii wuoriuK n imir - i llforiila.Oreon Power company, United I'm Hervlco WAHIII.NOTON', l. I'., Aug. W A .imfcrviiMi will Im held lonlglit liylllioiu that Vlfaiilrnt WIImiii, Nccrrtary of Htatoitiiilllng ll.yMn ami llic iin-iiilirrw of Ilia M-nitU roiiuiilttro on forrlgti rrlalloiK. Till U rrgartlrd n an oMrlnl nc knuHlrtlgfincBl of lli gravity of tlm .Mrtlrnn ultuallon. I'rtMldriit Wll-oti U Hiurh Intublnl. Ijo lutrmU o illarlox. t'vrrjftlilug In iiiimi lion mIUi III plan. It U lrllrtrl Hint In- Mill liavr, n 'a rrault, Hie imIIchI aupiwrt of Mm a I.UIIUIIII tniiai- nan wuoriuK pair - . ., '. , - ,. t.llfornla-Oregon ....... ....... ...i ..ii-.i tnto Ii-iiih nifvt. If tliv word- of tho val""""" !" I , ' TvJ .York -"'" uf """ " "u ro,le1 "Ut b0fre '' t"CanUJ fU"r COgn'"nl Tho arirc. didn't .r elth.-r a uin. of tho fact that' llllllkln. or whoever Hi.llt -kl.t nor a tran.parot.t gown Hih W ! been InUrvlocd, th (id of l.uck may bo, had detert- when tho tripped toward tho learner. ' " liualli dUplay of cd him temporarily, thla mUhap ... ,1... -1,1.. .... roixrl..r lini! In auk --i"-n - " '"" " '" " luuuu iiuu .-... .v. i.. i .1.. ..r. ii.. .ilnmniwl .lock. ganioUaoconilimlurotolliolrrM.no-. v, .. ... ...... .... - ....... .V llto nroieftionii, rneir raraii rnu .u imon .wiiii niu tho bird of tlclory perched nowhere llrcmcr't arm a good four Inchet, tho but on It particular banner, Dmplte'gagh penetrating to th. bono at 'tho tho tutplcloii that Carl Adams nnd'.lbow. Igua. "Thero'a Tho fall from tbo root and tho col- croucut uw cut( no tkfor pluro to carry I know of," tho rnpllod, GUNBOAT WANTS BIGGER MATCH Krod Ilrcmor deliberately Injured . Tho following day, whilo Otcar( tbemtohc. and (leorgo Walton Isirciicman, waa utlng a hammer, thoj lealng tho city, tho l.lro Wirct nay Jnod flow off, and, ttrlklng Dremer In. ,lhcy will win anyway. tho mouth, It cut through bit Up and, ilrmiH-mU ami llio rrpublliun. 1,'i.ltod l'rc-t Ucrvic MKXICO CITY, Aug. 9. Tho coif Htltullonallatat hno captured Agua Ccllonto- attor two daya of drtperatu llehtlng. Moth tldoa lott heavily. knocked out two teeth, Will IJvo In l'ortlaml.Mrt. U. I Itt night, whilo out practicing Hammond and daughter, Mitt neat!, villi Iho cloclrlclant for tomorrow i Hammond, who nrrlod tho flrtt of .game. Bremer raltjudged a fly. and i th wo4k to vltlt her mother, left tblt tho beanlng bt'gM date- blra for tr- - -"""""" morning for I'ortlnnd. Mrt. Ham- eral mlBUtaa. L, J MAN WHO HTOWt:i AWAV TIIK ,noml hat had heart troublo.for aofao" Oatop of all i,-UUot-4 ItAHt MHIIT tlmo, and after an abicnco of nine nunUera ot uio icara accuto m i .....n.i.. .i. r.iiirii,..! in.i tnniiiii in aklc a olace oa tbo tick Hit, In. Klamath Kallt. 8ho wat unablo to 'order to cacapoa potilblo run In with -uininnii th htffh altitude, and on'tka umpti. la tomorrow'a game, at ll.. ..lYlrn nt hop xlivnlrlnn hn .Irrl.l. tho aV IhlllE. are COmllJC to -i-xv .naif. .. i n.mhnni oii to llvo In Portland. 8ho hat failed . ho feara fatal retulu thould IT:ilU I'lllKMAN IN" .NOT I'AltTICUI.AIt, IP HIM Ori'O.NK.NT HAM TIIK IIHIM) him such a - . i NJNJNJNJP'&eKIvIBIH L 9 y ' k m HF KL m -rHF flNF bitti.'v' TIr Btk pJF 3 4i HRKRL Hfv i3r! KSHf ' 8n "-HSWk- I &. . v - . r -ilfc.'-' v' ip NN. A Pk. - - " X N Nv ffiiflwi'' 'K JJ Bp'l tJP SITUATION na B-COIESTIU SORESEIWS V? 1 V1 WILL ' 'r W? tvr : ;fMJ-rilr.al' MHMaii-Mitf - AL.v r mun u. m-vm , (MC Corruntatv j , miii km kV.. 1 lc M WM mm JMi'' HtMfof WAMflNOTON, Th aM N-W I A t SMIwOTl wWBf HMt Van Onw hM I atraUnr Ol i. Bmllh, tho Pacific Coatt heavy welKhl rapidly uuring tier tnon tiay nore. "'" ""-' v I who dofeatcd Klreniau Klyuii luit and v. at barely well onough to go to flight, It looking for bigger game. To- the train. K, (ny ho announced that ho will meet - : l.i.ltctl I'rett Bcrvlco U'AHIMNtlTON, I). C, Aug. Bcnator Hmlth of .Michigan today anybody In the world, clurgvd that tho Maderlita Junta. "I'vlkoy, Jolinion, Jvauutto and hetded by Bhorburn llopklnt, n local Uingford all look allko to me.' aald law) or, Influenced tho ttate depart- Smith. "I'll light them to a llnUli, tnent to dlimlti Ambaitador Hcury )w Inner tako all." Umo Wilton, Ho IniUtod that thla . ' , party U Influencing the department I. I). Applegate returniMl Friday In lit allltudo toward lluurta. from a vlilt to Medford and Athland.' tJUtllJ -. . lt . -1 ' .'- - -' ' ' ' ' 'lUf State Game Warden Advocates a , - Code ot Signals For Hunters and Guards Against Accidental Shooting SUFFS USE WHIP ON LONDON M. 0. MILITANT HKMOKT TO THK C1AII IV OIIIIKU 1X KVKX UP MAT TKHS WITH IIOI.U)WAY PlllM ON PHYHICIA.V NEW YOUK, Aug. S. Jean Fur- plaev to which he waa gjoUH a roy Mitchell, 34 year old, la the hope I live month ago by Preakleat WHm. of the anti-Tammany force in New There la little doubt that tke talaeM York city. Ho it the candidate for ( of the president, tecretely eerted,' jiembera rlltlm A-beeeader Jte teA vM'aal RHM-g-MMr m tt kMigaHM WTIMHlWItMHUa- , m-immii rta ttet to fitt far i T traleer Nvv- tMM- whk an4Idfttri MMie Cttr teietrew m I '1 ' i mwttkwtmWm, Bryaii Myaai UaTa aWM the ptea at akiyMML' tv k si ftfet a J Vr-T V M WW -e PaWMNI Ortfen'faruk - af -Mfa aa -III A i-' MP IMIML . ' -- r ' i up of regular republicans, progrct- the and Independent democrat. ,.IojI politician aro tatlstled that Mr. Mitchell will win caaiiy u mere it no other opponent than Tammany. The young candidate U now the party o. II. HUNTEK DIB-OSBH OF OF. collector ot the port of. New York, a democrat like Mr. MKetoH. KICK TO CITY ANI COUNTY AU-, STIUCT OOMl'ANV LATH THIS AFTKIINOON I the choice ot Mr. Mitchell a a ea--(lBe MUr uto ,,1. TV aaV Uniinilllll II 1 1 ior u. iiv .. . v.-.w .-. ,. . ,..,, ..... ....,-.. Mem-era of the tiaal nNIIKAlllir III! , mayor chosen by a coramltteo made wat a large factor la brlaglag a-tjon roreJgB atllri eUr CHANGES HANDS date for mayor. The preaideat, It la believed. wUhe to break up Tam many ball. To do that Ira at alaaa themanagemeat ot Ute ieaiaaraMc la the hand ot l.ato tbla afternoon O. H. Hunter, proprlotor ot tho Klamath FalU Iu- .United Prett 8ervlco turanco company, dltpoaed of inn LONDON, Aug :. Four unknown (concern to tho City and County Ab- uutlragottet ioiinf hnMewhlppod Dr. ,rtract company, Tho change In own- reartou, mo pnymcinn ni uouoway orthip it aircnay enecino. prltou. Hunter lint beon here for three A few day ao Cr. Pearson threat- Neart. and wat for a time aaaoclatPd lly WII.MAM li. FINM;Y, HttOanio Wnnlon 'Tho itatn board of flth and game in tlgnal by shooting bould bo given. toiumlMloniTH have recommonded tho ''' w, bo u, nrlng of uu following NUggestlouH to bo .....I l.v ", M " - tliurUmoii tu tho Hold In order to prevent ncilduntal shouting ami to re novo PDmoni wlio aro Injured or lott In tho for.'SlH nud innuntaliiH. To provunl accidental thoottug ev ery huntiT thould wour a nil cap, thlrt or twrntor, or tome other nrtl clo of clothing Hint t'.tu outlly be idontllli'd from gomu bird and ani mals, oBpuclully when hunting deur In the fori'HtH. Htuto thorn U ii coiitrntt belweon rtil uud tlm color of nny bird or anlnml that It being huntod, Ihl color will Hurvw hn best purpoto. Iluntora bIkiuM nuvnr xlioot nt u movlna bush. Ibuvi'h or grin.ii villi the expodntltm of klllliiK gnmo. It la dungeruu., for tm tuoUng ubjocl U likely til bn u uiuii, Noir elioot nt any objttt until yoi mo nli-mlutoly positive of Idontlllrullon. To preparo for nu emciRoncy, ovory hunter and angloi nhouM curry In hi pockot n pleco of candle nnd mutches In n watorproot matcli safe. In cato .ol becoming lott or Injured, one cnu easily start a camp Are. boat or IH-truM ttigual, Whtn a wau I lott or Injured and aeada help A M ' ' i liniru. with an Intermission ot ten ncoiuls before tho second thot; then nu Intermission ot sixty seconds, then u third thot. If no anawor It rocolvod thla tlgnal thould bo repeated nftor nu Intermission of llo minutes. Tho answer lo thla signal would be u tin gle shot from the rescuing purty, fol lowed by ono recognition thot from tho lott man. Care thould bo taken to get tlu tlmo between thots n accurate at possible. Hunter should koop In mind thlt tlgntl and avoid, It possi ble, giving It whou hootlug at gamo. In the abtouco ot a watch, the time run bo Judged with aufflclent accur acy by counting ten between tho flrtt and second ihoti and tlxty between tho second and third thoU. When ever u shot It heard In the mountain n huntor should count tea to deter mines whother It Is a tlgnal of dlitreaa or not. ' Tho porton who I loat thould af ter hearing nn answer to nta signal, remain ut tho place where he gave tho signal until the rescuing party arrives, otherwise ho may take the opposite direction and not be found at all. 9 y X onod to hold hunger strikers until thoy aro ph) steal and mental wrecks. lluclU Visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. h. lluoll and Misses (lertrude and Kdlth lluell aro hero from Kugono, coming In their machine for a short vltlt. Mr. lUioll la right ot way agout for the Southern Pacltle. and tho funilly for mvrly resided here, with Tom W. Stephen-, prior to tho latter' deDarture for Portland. He hus built un a large general Insur ance butlnett. SPUTTERING BOMB .FOUND BY POLICE MIMTANTM SUSPECTKU OF AN AT- TKMlT TO BLOW Ul BUIUMXG WIIKHK UX)YO OKOIIGK WA8 8lKAKINO MINE OWNERS CLAIM FIGHT CAIiUMin' AND HIXXJIiA Ol'KRAT- OHM HAY TIIKV HAVK COM PI.KTKI.Y llOl)Ti:i FKDKHA THIN AMI MINKK AUK ItUNNING United Press 8f.rvlce, OAI.IIMET, Mich., Aug. 9, Copper mine operators ot tho Calumet and Iloccla today uunounced that they have complotely routod the Wottern Federatlou of Miners lit the strike They suy 3,000 men aro working In tho mines. ' , This Is denied by tho Federation Bieabers. , '. PORTERVILLE IS SWEPTJY FIRE NKWHPA.PKH Vt-iNT, TK---HOVI. KXCHANGK AND OTHER llt'SI NF.88 HO8l DU8TROYKU 1IY TI1H FfcAMKS Unlted Prett Strrlc PORTERV1U.E. Aug. 9 Fire this forenoon completely destroyed the plant ot the Dally Messenger and the telephone exchange besldea wiping out flvo other business houses. Tho blare was subdued before it reached tho resldenco district. The. origin M not knows. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 9. A policeman with his knife cut the fuse ot a sput tering bomb at tho high school In Sut ton, whore Lloyd George speaks today, Militants are suspected. The bomb was found to contain sufficient ex plosives to wreck the building. Oat for Pear, "red Noel." Paul Noel and LouU MeClaro left thla mornlBg for Crater Lake and Pros pect Hill In a search for deer. They will bo away several daya. George Klefer Is la from hi raaeh today oa a buttaet trip. jerltr favor Ufttac taa, J tattoaaa- bt 4 thla I U la' net eaaeeted that tto jajs wW yfc WlH a-I w N an n fffW ( I-tpfjl Meaaar.- . J - $ A That ta the pUa otUm atttMB. tloa, bat eve-t aM.,aatj MMa Mires ao. raaMlr ttot ttof tm 9 . . . "v - Ji . o chaaged. Private advlee cz&ix;a.:ffnr 5 Many Important Matters WiH fo Discussed at Tuesday's Meeftm ot Chamber ol CommerccMMM . V JAPS ARE BUYING CALIFORNIA LAND MOKK THAN TWO MILLION DOl LAH8 INVEItTKD THERB SINCE TMK ANTf-AUKN BILL WAS PA88KO Allen Stausbte ot Wilton's Flats came In this morning for a short so journ, ' August A. Llskey of Midland Is a Saturday visitor here, " l Uulted Press Service. SACRAMENTO, Aug. 9. Statistics compiled by the socretary ot state show that moro than $1,000,000 baa been Invested In California agricul tural lands by Japanese -since the Webb antl-allsn land bill waa passed. Considering the best aaethoda at entertaining the v 11 tort to the Cen tral Oregon Development League eon entlou. The matter ot securtag free factory sites and advertising them; eutertuluiuent of tbo Duntmulr band when It nrrlvcs Friday these and othor matters of equal importance will como up for consideration at the public meeting to be held at the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday even ing. All who are Interested In the up building of the clly are Invited to these meetings which are held once a month for the discussion or peru. uent questions. The local end ot the program for, tho pevelopment (League will be out lined in full at the Tuesday meeting. Thla will Include the local ipeakera to ttae part in ine.eoaveue, reception, etc. ' At thla time, there will also be tak en up the eatertatoaieat at asritair ! Tl l 5 L L. Lane ot the opaHaMsMailtto lor. Secretary Lane wltt.an August 334 treat Crater 'Bft will apend that day aa4 the iajr, lowing looking' Into leeal. and Intpeetlng the, Kinase tesjda). tlon projeet. ' A ,' ' ' , The Duatmulr bead aa a paftr af other people from that eKrwtU Friday fteraooa,f a4 Mht4 it . . , they will give a aeaea aaaa, " tolloags;XM1toJsiwJlirJ Itors will' be take- ewajgaji gay rill ValWyby, liiil-rnialilnJ T-taiat ! .Tto.itwMet of. free l-avtry MRf- . ... f ..!. . r v one ot te paat aistsgaa an mm Wwtd. -KiWttl to ataaaaa4 Maw -iHiwr. .(The. Uw'OMais-r t wofktag oa Oda 7GEu I iim .'' $ x"9 i i -m ,i -i, 'I A"t 4 I4. . f n areMt atafkat J "eaataap ap ( PtWfT, m.. -M sfi .. Mi .it "li ktA w. V "' ,V .yio . .Avl 4? I i ,