BWmswmjBswmswmswmnBawmsWJBawmswmjiWejaKrW'y. ;' ',i,K- ; -,, BBBBBBSfiaBK'iffi. ' jBaWJsmnv '.''- wi ii i kiatiji mb': - l Hraty' , ? jWgTemwBssssBmsAfi, , ;... "'... - . I BBBaWJrf',? " .. ' .BgsBBBlBBWrT" ,' '"TT7 eaaiTM. Baamar I. PBsp , WTiMmJm. FWWm ur felBp.V bM I FtA , m W MrM PuMiafeJac Owiir a , HZR - y lilm'caaVJetkJU . XUanaU rate, at ill' fort at, ffiav yW; : : : , 8a. ' Ivi " fill All V mHr rt t MtUa at KUmnU Wmi. l a - ' '' .-?.'l'tAl- "7? lWhititai ky mail ta nay ad- ' lffi,V ' , s? ffiftaWawOane , 1V .,. draMtatheUg. States: KK- ' ' wn na wa "Vwi - . - ' -,. f ..?'" JV. iVl .!' Havoc of Storm in White House Ground v. X t. . - .' iwwi . , r AVV.' t.'2'rV-frr K ,. - ' HO USE V ' $ !). V ft. W -, ., 7 1THIATKI ;vv . ' y 1 c - HI RliAMAWI NUUl . . OftMON FIHBAY, AOOV8T 8, !! U'aAkA rMlAlak AW A I;r""nMat "ui ' ,'C" .?,.-. . . . ...... ,k AHilalilr U traaMM m ammrai Jb ',',Sr.-wia,H. " . , K - ' UMPtl THXA1M WV !'' ' i'''U'-',' - " .f;. ' ;' " .jniajiiyTr-T,"-!"' Faatara r tilmmX . . - ' m . MJ . v .' -e lilai Ciaiilr n i i'' -'AftikiiMMnovinMi f n J- . 21. , . JJ" .:v. v.? www " & - v. . '': i n v MJr' " ' f.. .i ,. Klfcv' ' ' -" :-H 'vr - " Data Mas.Mla.WaatlMr 1. f PtCt'a 2... II "fia'af a..... .it ia rtoi'ir 4 II 19 daar S ...M sr ctaar U II Claar 7 -. 11 57 Claar KLAMATH RAJMBOW BUm INTO 6-PT. mxtmcx rovrntaat csavmr in wiuuMBok w Mottv rem a FMN BtOKV IN BA NMUNMX rMNT msm IBKi mm wmm ft . .WJUHUNQTON.U C, Aug. . Ta a Moral trakh tara aowa atma kalMI aa la Waaklaitoc aaa kllM aararal Vlaya4 katoc about taa aaia riHia4a at. taa Whlta Hoaat. T. lUNMH, tlful era hhe faaous old Boa ot praaMMta tiH aot Injured, but toma of tha aa utiful traaa which hava charmed ! Hera far. a century war uprooted. The photograph wu taken after the a term from tho I'eaniylvaala avenue a Ide of tha Whlta House, aad ahowa treat tora down on the pacloui lawn between the Iron feaca aad the "bao k door" of tha maaelon. X& . :' A" K - !. t& : - "- l , - : a v-,; im :kk miws 9 ', avW efc "mmNhwvW ' v.' r v ,- r v '" i jliaMtB Mv JR Tha fellawtaa; la front tlaa (ton Fraaclee BaUetta: Tha aHfriiaata at laaal aaglara ta tha Klaautk Lake and WUllaaMM Hirer nehlas raaorta annaaUr to, from tha aBorUmaa Tlewpetat, trad aally taklagen tka eatarlag of a par- faaatary duty. Far an eatendad treut lahlng oatlag that region la a mag net af moat aathnalaaUc attraction. Jamea M. OUrar of thla eMr, with Mrt, Ollrer and two children, return ed.Uat week from n threa-week' eUy at Baate Ridge, Uaaar Klamath Lake. Me resort af tha taa flahag to ha anjayed will na doabt ha rooetred br Intending rMtara aad.thar ara mar wHh'a keen raUah that ana anljr ha aatlatad whan' tha flr ar 1- -' m.. j.' " n ,t- J i -; SERVICE COUNTS k- A :'1fiHMii'i r ' - .j P'.?v .'."" iwa ara aemar wmea4 ta tha attk ji k. -, ' I' r 1 - a raar ardar far fraah ' Oaraatada- ueairr will M yaw wanea In Mm' ahartaat peaalhla Uma. t-' e-.i t,J A ,'' , '" i AgjgSiAMI . - gmAWMMHHMk VAM WPll BROS. v; f1 5. "- 'V, ". i.iji A... J.i IeMeea''..UlUe -. . ?)'' .' fOlhfW tOVeWr. AN IOUI. 4mi . ::A v ', hi ant fir taking In WHHamaen Klrar and CrreUl, Creek la aw at IU beat, and a cnerman af anly ordlnaor abil ity can land a llmH readily. Tha traataeaeat either tha "tla-tea" or WHeon traUIng eaooM. Tha royal eaacamaa and gray aaakla alee ara tha beat killing aattama. Tha artoe eatch waa a huga If- iwuad Uk trout, 34 iachea in length and 11 lachae In girth. Tha big eh put up a twenty mlaata Ight before It waa gated and waa landed with a elx ounce caallag rod aad a No. 4 WIUob spoon on a wire leader. The capture wae made at tha mouth of tha Wllllameon, where It emptlee Into tha Ukef a ; farerlta aaot for Urge trout In Short Creak, two mllea from Pelleaa Bay, Mra. OUrar had the good luck and pleaeure of landing a treat t aealed 11 aaanda. Tha dally eatch af flak waa never leas than tan eoande.. Recent raaarta from the upper reaches of the Williamson and IU trlbuUry, fterlag Creak, eUte that the treat are hungry far the f y lares. The Utter water Is a famous stretch for tha dry-ly enthusiast to practice hla art. Klamath Falls, Or., te the palat of : departure: far eKher Eagle Hldge, Pelican Bay, or Bllrlee, by launch to the Uke or by aUge to the gahlag, places. Personal Purity Classes Are to be Conducted In Chicago's High Schools This Year. No Text Books Netfeese The aisaaameat reUa ara maw ready for lacpsctloa. All aroaerty owaara are kindly racueatad ta anil at the oSaa .and leak erer their U baf era tha maeUag af (ha Maaliaatlen board as tha second Monday In gcetcmber, i. F. 7-Mh-r '&$ ii ii i i t-1 V- tu I'" OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CGINS H forty-fifth Kbool year acmu-ca is, lets. DCGPICC COURKtlriaMayphsee,0f ' AsslssUeUATLimYsT mitmnimmt iiamknT ieajmart wMai arw Tarawa ntww aTrajjeaaw KcaNaiMca; umm: raacaray, eawr Mcaec. rXAMMaev. , '' ','i.1' " " ', TeVO-YKAR COUReJfB lu'AaaiovU Tuac.'Hawc gaawemee. aurnmaa AaTa.reacaraYeaMMcaci. PwaaMaee JCACHCR'S COURSES la trlog, egriculture, doatestlc BBOSn, 'MUSIC, iucludlajj plsae, etriag, : inHrumenusaa.vateaeaiwre, -, A' rUTIFUCobfitrr eatfel "Thk ENKicHMawf of Koait Um' aad Catalohj will. be nwiladjfrae f "rf."T..r.;,v''' " r '.' '. , AiureH h. m. TBiHtAMT, nsgisiear, ,aTo t. M, ; .UarwMa Oeaaia.' n- V ' ,' u ev V - ' fe3aSBm "' J- $ -''" J dBBBBBBHBBmsmlHh, v d ' 'i- ''-! 'ifc ' ., . V' ' United Press Service CHICAQO, Aug. 8. With the opening of the fall term of tha Chi cago public schools but a few weeks distant. Superintendent E1U FUgg Youag admitted today that she has made' no dcflaHe selections of the man aad women who ara te conduct classes In tha new "personal parity" course to be Unnched In the Chicago high schools. She will call a confer ence of high school pr laclpats wlthla a week to hear suggestions. We feel that we have Uken a rad leal, almoat a revolutionary step In adopting the personal purity course In Chicago," said Mra. Youag. "We realise that other cities will closely Watch the working oat of the venture and will Uke It up If Chicago la suc cessful. We who hare advocated this course feel certain of success, which will mean that la another generation faUe and prudish standards will be swept away with the proper training of children. We will be careful la mapping out our course aad la choos ing our Instructors, for we want to be certain of our ground before we go ahead." Applications for positions as In structors have coma to the etka of Mrs. Young from acorea of physi cians, men, and women. While tha teachera will be recruited Urge!? from members, of the medical profes sion, Mrs. Young deeUred' today that careful personal Investigation Is be ing made to determUe the physi cians who are most competent to dis cuss sex questions bofore high school pupils. "Many physlcUns and sclentlne men," aha said, "have their sense of delicacy blunted by the very nature of their work. Their psychology Is too far removed from that of the child. Their minds move In n differ ent sphere, and their fitness will be determined not alone on their stand lac as physicians, but also en tbefr uadersUadug and Uct In handling delicate subjects so that we can avoid at the start any shock to the yaaag boys and girls. We mast have In structors who ean meet the pupils' salads properly. "Of course there will be segrega tion. .Boys wlllbe taught; by mala in structors and glrU will have womea Instructors. Tha classes will' ha di vided Into small groups small enough for tbelnstructors to obtain the personal, confidential effect. "There, will be no text books no printed! matter that might' be ewbject tovroagfurlnterpreUtlott, or any la-1 structloa In sex questions with no dif ferent nttltude than that which they might hold to Instruction In algebra. We believe firmly this will come. When they arrive at that state ot mind the course will be broadened and made thorough.' Kalahta Twtmr la tU ewsBBSBBjasBMe m fjasmvBBaaBMr arum gwvi i ni frees nrrlea ST. LOUIS,. Mo., Aug. I. Dele gates from the, dread Commandry, KnlghU TampUr, ot New Jersey, arrived here today en beard their special, en route to the triennial con cUve, Knlghta TempUr at Denver, which opens August 11th, aad con tinues through August ISth. After a, short sight-seeing trip about tha city, the New Jersey Knights will go to Colorado Springe, aad thence to the Cripple Creek district before pro- .,, ,. , . ll'CUIIIK IU ISCBTVr, GUNBOAT TO MEET FIREMAN T0NI6HT GOTHAM FANS AHK 8TILL I.NTKK- KMTKD IX WATCHING THK Mitt HKUIHKIIM I'VMMKIi KACH OTH KB IN' MKNTLK C1AMK United Press Service NKW YORK, Aug. 8. Jim Flyan. the Pueblo fireman, aad Ouaboat Smith will awap wallops at the Oar- den A. C. tonight. Smith waa a de cided favorite today. If ha wins It will mean that be la that much nearer being the best of all while heav ies. Defeat for Flynn means the Bra man has Just about as much class aa fights fana are beginning to believe he has. The successful man, according to many, should be hailed as tha suc cessor of the lata Luther McCarty, irrespective of Petky'a cUlms. Smith, It Is said, tiss entirely re covered from his recent Illness, and lis In even better shape than when he In Ilombardler Wells, the Kngllsh champ, who was recently put to sleep by Oeorge Carpentler of Franco for the heavyweight title of all Kurope. SEES HER DEAD CHILD IN FILM RUSSIANS COME TO THIS NATION ACCIDENTAL PICTURE IN PARK TAKHH IN MOVKttKNTS OF A UTTLK GIRL JUST BKFORK HKH DKMJSE United Press Service. , BRUSSELS. Aug. 8. Among tha merry crowds that throng the picture palaces at Llega may be seen each night a sad-faced, lonely woman, ciad ia deepeet mauralag. A few weeks ago her 5-year-old daughter died. Shortly before the child's death she was romping in the park with a number of little com panions when, n cinematograph oper ator happened to take a picture of the scene. The Sim In which the child appears' U now betag shewn nt the various moving picture houses ta town, and the bereaved mother never misses' aa opportunity to watch the shadow of her, baby Sicker across the screen In pUy. THK TIDK OF KMKI RATION HKACHKD HIG FIUUKK, HAY MUMCOVITK OFFICIAIJt MOMT OF THKM TO STAY ierpretatloa at all by the pupils who are at a formative age. Instruction will be solely by lectures. Bat we will snpesi pupils. to ask quastUna In 'grease if the course to! sac- la tha high schools,1 we may laetMvte a eeurss fit for the grade scheets. :'At first we shall' present only n BmHed view ef. the eenrse. WRhta a'; few' weeks ws kepe that tha, bars and girls will come te aaaaat Mm la- Town BuiMs Own Railroad United Press Servloe CHEYBNH,1 OkU Aug. . Chey- ene, although tha county seat since tho opening of the Cheyene and -Arap ahoe eeuaty In 1M1, ken never been abU to secure railroad' eeaaeetlans with the outelde until Mr eftwena Rot ' busy and built one themselves. Ufa In operation tadar aytka 'Cheyene Short Line, eieneethig with the Wleh-MaFalla-'A Herthwsatara and tka Cllnten A Oklekama 'Weetera ii hHroagCHy f ,' ' . ' I'm. , ii i I .in ' ". There are 11,441 mllea ef railway laHbe United KUgdaeiie.iei miles of whlek 'aae,sUajl;)aaa. ' United Press Service ST PETERSBURQ, Aug. 8. The tide of emigration .from Russia to tha United States and South America lies reached unprecedented propor tions, according to government fig- urea given out officially here today. The figures were Uken from the reports of provincial governors to the ministry of the Interior, The ami graats at present coma chicly from, tha provinces of Volhyala, Kiev, Kharkov, Minsk aad Saratov, Six thousand ara arriving dally nt Llbau for the purpose of embarking on steeamers leaving that port for the Americas. It Is notsd in the report published today that Russians who emigrate to the Americas rarely return to their mother country, as do those from lUly and soma of tka countries of Southern and Central' Burepe. fA HE ALWAYS . f . I - w j, HAI MONET Who Imi an account wltk tka First Trust and Hying bank. Tho first deposit U an Induce ment to make mora. Thus tka account keeps growing, lifer ent ut 4 per cent keep adding to It all the time, If you kav not made the first deposit, yen will do well to make It sew. Then you wilt have something to draw on In can f . First Trust and Savings Bank Klanaih Falls. Ore-Ion aatsJPE? 4 I Den J. Buatwak, PreaMeatt K. M. Hubs, Vke-Prea. and Tree, llrrt K. Wkhrew, Surveyors ewd IrrkjatioN Errfifwcr.ti KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO.' AISTRIACTING Maya, Plane, Wneariata, BMc. KLAMATH, FALLS, ORBOON PHONOGRAPHS VICTOR. EDISON and COLUMBIA All the newest Rrcunte, Coma l sad we will play aoma nf the teto once fur yon. Klamath Falla Muaic Houae Mala St. betwwen 7 and 8 R. MADWN, Proa. 1-4 off 1-4 off on all HAVILAND CHINA Call and lee our New ATHENA SILVER GLASSWARE Chemically treated and put on to stay WILLIAM C. H URN HARDWARE a4aaaeeeeeo ftOMPT SCRVICCPIEASONAglLC "RICCS t-. ' J Rfesrt'Piwgawaa at Camden Camp CAMDBN, N, i Aug. A ser- UnMed Free Servks men thla morning by the Rev. Alfred Wagg, D. p., of Colllngawood, N, 3.4 and, others thla afternoon by Dr. Wagg aad1 aaveral prominent laymen, waa today's program at Camden Camp, where delegate ar In at tendance from a score of sUtes, KeraM Want Ada telM raeuJU. W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. i i i,.-i'J. - y .' BCTWaatN ANB v.i .' .d MAIN KLAMATH rAf s '.i i FOURTH, ST. !,; .'! ;k v fmiMtlMIMMIIIMMMIMIIMM . 1 .-f ?irr . ' mminipmnmiiwnki V-" "I fl ( " 1"." ' l f '' ' J I" '" "i " ', Jl "itr t r i . . i t 1 , M ' ) 'i 1