4 4f ' OFFICIAL NKWPAPH FOR CITV OF KLAMATH FALLS : v She . f fuelling vi . i t(, '.'!- w 1 - . ' ' -i L. , . 'Sr' wW ss js ' r j. ,", ft' .;! W (,'t.i.-, mmmm Kbjlilll Year No. S.ISS KLAMATM FALLS, FM0AY AUGUST ft, WATER USERS ARE SLOW VOTING ON TAKING 1st Ciprlano Castro Begins New War UNIT OMMTriO.V IH MADK TO TMK C).. IIITIONM AN Ol'TI.INKI) IIV IIKCLAMATION Hi:itVH?h' AllllUURlt lUlllllN Kent Out by llll lUtlamntloii Nervier. Art) lu tin He tunMMl lijr Huailay, Hut Few VM Have Hern Hmt Hark Watrr faers Am Mlgnlag lttrr Secre tary Sif Interior llrsmrtllns Matter Although Sunday li ilia tlra limit e t by the reclamation service fur the latum of the ballots sent out, thsr linvd nut been very many votes V rvlvt'tl at, headquarter ou ttio matter or turning tho operation and main tenance nf l ho first unit of the Klam ulli iiroject over to the Klamath Wa ter Hurra Association. According to the condition out lined by (ho reclamation aorvlre, the content of 76 r cent of the water titers umler the flrrt unit will he ticceMsry for making the transfer. All nut voting will be counted aa vol InK against the transfer. Member of tho Water Ittora Ao- fjaaMmMMUUm. ar? jam MMaw'm Nggjgmnnv SBnsjp. BnnjnnnjnnnjBB flmmmnl ammm.mmmmmmmnf A. ASHLAND MAN IS HERE TO REMAIN MMJAL MANAOHK OK TMK AMI ia.NI KKUIT COMPANY PUR I'HAHKH A HOMK, AND TAKKH LKAHK ON HTOItK LOCATION J A. 0. Ofinjnr, munsger of the Ash ilnml IJrult and Produce company of itliU city, liai purchssed a home for 'liliiucir nt Beventh and Oak streets, anil la now a fulflodged booster for the city, The company haa secured a three jear lesse on the Jacob. building at the cornet of Main and Third streets, And will an Into the canned good builuess on an enlsrgud acale. Mr. tllenger liaa placed an order for twelve car of canned gooda to be lined hnrn between September 1st and November lat. f liirlnno Cailro, the exiled presi dent of Vcnexticls, haa landed In Vcn etuela with nn armed force, nnd bns begun a campaign to recapture the government which ejected him some yrara ago. Csxtro la said to have landed In Venecuela, and the town of Coro, In the province of Falcon, la reported to cli.tlon atnl that It li not their In- llmvo fallen Into hla hand. Honeral teiillon to vole im Ihla uueitlon, aa ,on Jurado, tho governor, I ald to they any there ha been no agrc- j bo n prUouer of the Caitro force, ineiit reached between the director. DUpatche from llogola Colombia, of tho reclamation aorvlre and tlio jnaxirt that follower of the denoted Water Uaera Aiioclatlon regarding .Veneiuelan prealdent have organlied revolutionary movement along the Colombian border and that they havo croated tho frontier Into Veneiuela at aeveral point lmultaneouly. Color I given to report of a revo lutionary outbreak In Veneiuela by tho fart that Cnstro follower, Includ ing two nephew of tho former dic tator, Uft here today n-cretly for Coro. Tho situation In Venexuela I an'd to have reached a crlal and I'roildent (lomcx I accuicd of throw llilt acore of hi political cnomle Inin prlion. the trm. etc., connected with the tramfer. The following circular let ter, addrrficd tojlho aecrctary of the Interior, and being algned by water ucr, rrpniient their vjew of the matter: "At the nnuual meeting of the Ui-kholdr uf the Klamath Water Umm Aftorlallon held lu tho City of Klmnnth Full, Oregon, Juno 0, JH3, at which nld meeting there were priM'iil te: of imld ((ockholdor. a reolutlon wm duly Introduced and poii-ed by a uiiaulmou vote, direct ing the board of director of the Klfuimth Water Uer Auoclatlon to I j(H Urkrlry, I.. M. Scho enter Into negotiation with the hon-'n,tld, who ha the contract for mak ornblo lecrelary of the Interior nudiK IP uTtiriclal tono for the new United Blale reclamation ervlco tocmlrl ,0Uie, leave thla evening for the end that the ltrt unit of Mil pro- hurried trip lo tlerkotoy, to place Jecl might be turned over to the eald aaoclatlon for management under term o far a may be In compliance with law and the practicability thereof . "Further, on the Oth day of June, 113, the board of director of ald UMoclatlon acting under tho author ity conferred by aald resolution and at an udjourned regular meeting of --"" (Continued on page i) J J UNDERWORLD SETS FASHIONCHARGE KIIITOIt OF AMKKICA.V OABMKNT UKVIKW I'HKDIOTH KXCLU HIVK AMKKICAN HTYI4JH BK FOUH l-OXO IX)NIO.S, Aug. . -That street walker of I'nrl uro setting the atylea for tho women and girl of America, and that tho latter are unwittingly following three atylea because they are I'arla gown, I the conclusion reached by Hudolph Cony, editor of the "Garment Ituvlew," of Chicago, who altor aeveral weeka apeclal.atudy of styles In I'arl. lled today far Nuw York. "II took me Just about two daya In I'aru to gel at tho root of this wild orgy en dishabille In which so many perfectly respectable women are In dulging,'1 (aid Coney loday. "Dm deiul-mondalne of Paris are dictat ing the style to us, and the hired model of the great dressmaking firms are helping tho women of the United State along to what, If the cram continues, will end In prac tical nudity provided the weather Irn't loo cold. 6URWrS WIFE, SETS JAIL AFIRE, CAPTURED ,! TMK INJURKf WOMAN WILL KfC COVHK, ALTMOUflH IN A HKKIOUti CONMTION Apfwrrtttly Cmael, Fsymer ) mmd mt mmt Ua' " AMIwb Near Fort Klamath. Finally AtUchtW Wlfal-I. JaM at Vart. Hii Hcaa --"-" sas Vtn ' S Mrs. Fred nrseotg, who with lluracough fornierly eferated- Ue Northern cafe, to nt Fort Klaatatk, seriously Injured, and aHraeeifgk to In the county Jail, facing arekarge of assault with latent to kill, a a re sult of aa attack with a bwteaer knife made at Wlllson's road eanip near Fort Ktamstb, last evening. Ilurscouga haa been eeoklng for the camp. After supper, brand taking long butcher knife, he raa toward members of tae craw. Th atea and Mrs. Bursceagk ran, and ha punned them until he overtook fcto' wife, whom he subbed la the side with the knife. Following this, Bnrsecagh attemp ted to drown himself In Seven Mile Creek, but was prevent front dated! so. He waa then take ta Fort Klam ath and placed fax the JaJL The apparently craiy man made another attempt at self deetraetloa by setting the tiny Watlfe air. Tale waa not discovered nntll the farnea had n good aUrt, and Barseeaga was dragged, out In an almeet entoeatsd condition. He waa then brought to Klamath Falls by ConsUble Idm brum and Kd Hoyt It waa at UrM thoaght that Mr. Iluracoagh would die, hut at noon Dr. A. A. Boule anaennced that She had a chance to recover. She waa re moved to the Jackson hotel at Fort Klamath. rmhrn l m mv ' V ' . ... .,,.-' .t i nj. b ibwi m- 111 M nml i ' '". t JWnHHmTmml IMS - ' "'' f': , V . (I fc'-.'. npamBaBBama naSMBm a . -" , r. . u ! ml'iX. m. .. ji. oil rf- tfiWmwlli Chmrmcteristic Pose of Mrs. "1 jUtlYi0 MmC S Stuyvesant Pish, Social Lemder " jcj PtlftY W ?3m KL INVADE irJQCO 1 .sdnammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVammmm.'--- ?iv. r- ' .'Jb-'ti t.'..v WB Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. . vwJB mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm' ... AMmaamamam V.UnTm a . -t-Si mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw eammmaBBmnamaBamaBBwBBB . namnammi ammr .i iim gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV' iSfc" aasassas. ' ' Wi gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm smAvVJav Inwgwles ?S '5& mmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm ImmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmUsmmmmmml ' -v'- W .; '.IT ii'i8i -mmmmmmmmmmmmmPlmmmmmmlmmmmmmmi ' ' i MwehJ liiiihiMlllrn tolhUf i ,'$$& nmmmmmmmmmmmVmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmf' ' ( f ' f " " ' -jSlMlSm mmmmmmmmmmmmwVmmmmHmmmmmW,' - & 'L WfcsW " i iji i Hah WSJ gmmfin?AaHl mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm taWW mmmmmnmmmmmmmmmT J . .. Sr tt , .T' .". X. lfWxwl-TiaWBai '; 'gmmmmmmmn'maammmmmmmmmwr'' ;ji''." '" ''-'' . i&'fkw BBa mmmmmu.mmmmmmmw;' ,, , j i "a.uv - i. .-. ...... . . . . jii wnii mamamnjii SfimamBnamamaama; ' , " iV JBaaasnawv. .Mjgamsl miBmwB && ssnB s SsHaHmmmmV'''''' " '' ' ' ' ' ''' t ' vC'$tH IMMwiVKiiBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV ' m''yaeaw' ami asm famiJtvfsV '''' '"''4!i Aug. S No pnoto-itkedeeothaseoetfi.ii, taaaaa- Msawmassi'mnsjismnriBSml . - M tumes of the geeea HMW, ;juHi mt feme bwb f taMmvV fM Jeweto they were titsnsnf.1 , 1,j'jrfiJ1I 4,MiMaMlt- MM ' EM showed that aha haa forged am? am"andMy.tJ Bmnmimw gmaragga, i''Wi -. u,.-.,-..- t..j.kfa -i;tot,i...p-')i 00. ii mismmf Cm'ti'Ll waa not take nn nntU nner ttMJattta aytimisMt. k)aM SI WsfvMH death of MrsCAfr. , x' i-'jiiirikimiin hill isftljpjrs Mm . JjjJM P mmmmmmB Mmva Tarn ftmtammm Jm.lmVB . "' ithksaw to i btonT. TfiIrS V'U Urn hi. msaissmaV m 'aMnrnw!' .iSS? fc. eBwiml1 m-mm. ' ..kjhaaaMaBam mmmmmmmmmmt ff f"$9&8& tk maisAv teajm-F ""f-' S - FfajamlssjBt V viMMi nSatoM,' Cgmv n)n v lMW''atLaHMsaaaitseMnMnlftwK:Hawa''' ' wmm m a kM raaart. ht tlMiia to a - f- M "Hern ! the way It werks: A buy- lil son, Ooorge, who has been visit-l(,r IOM , ,iarH 00klne for some Ins him here. In school. Mr. 8chofleldUl1( 10. nil llove, what he par will probably run down to Los Anger lucurly wants I something dlstlnc- les torn uay or iu iu iouk nner llv,v ,.rui.,. lo when ho area a work on there. tho new armory building Flfty-flvo great Irrigation projects, Involving nearly 10,000,000 acrea of land, aro under consideration for India. Sinnptt Appears as the Friend of the Irrigationist; Changes in Time Limit Credited to Him WASHINGTON, l. C, Aug. 8. No man In congress was better plea od wheu tho aocrotary or the Interior .issued hi order grnntlng to settlers on rerlnmntlon land nn extension ol 'time ou their payment thau Hupre- scntatlvo Hlnnotl of Orogon. Blnnott had bcou innklng tho causo of tho IrrlKfttloiiUlB hi own. ( He .knew from porsonnl obnorvntlon uinny vof the trial wlitch u man trying to . jutnke n honiu out of the trrlgatod . inii'di.io suppnit liliiucir nud funilly .from tiio procoiiM of (tin Imro ncro w took up, i)iid to fnrco from tho soil, gctierout though It wom, profit wjtti ,)ilch to meet the i;ovtrninuut pay jnonU, had, to encountor. Ho It was with actlvo ywi.-vthy Ihr.t on July 10 ho went to. Secretory of the Inturlor I-aho In, person, anil pleaded with 'him, to extend the time within which (lhe paymenU far ' operation and walntuBande might he made until 'after harvest' time, as is the oommer lal Miatam & , thi Mttairy.. That tho pica of Blnnott must have been couvtnclng Is evidenced by tho promptness with which 8ecretry l.nne acted, and It .Is none tho Ion to the secretary's credit that he chose to do quickly that which ho saw fit tn do. He assured Blnnott that he would refer the matter to the chiefs of tho luclaraallon service. Ho did, and on tholr report, made It would aeoni with practically' no hesitation at nil, he lsuod hla order on, July II, only two Unya nttor the plea' had been made to klm. " The order provldea that water nstir who were, unable o ,'nay their debt to tho government by July SI should be allowed to get their water, on agreeing In writing to nukean ad ditional paymeut of 1 cent an aer'e for ouch month elapsing In whole or Jn part from July SI to the date of paymont, This addition payment, ex? iit'led lit tho nature of penalty,, will be trifling In comparison, with the ac commodation that,' It will be to the agriculturists. . . , t - ,' ,; pretty woman In tho Hue de la. l'alx, nt lingchamp, or aoma audi place, r.earlug a strange but exceedingly daring gown, probably split half way to tho waist, and showing the wo man' form aa plainly aa It ahe were nude or woro tights only, he Imme diately makes note of the vUtou. Then he sees other gowns which re veal even more of the wearer's form than tho spilt aklrt, and not knowing that .tlieso langorou. apparently wealthy women are merely member of the underworld, he gets bis Ideas together, goes to a designer and has lit Idea worked out. "What wilt bo the end of this orgy America will set her own etyles. It won't bo In a day, but it la hound to come. It may not come tor twenty yosrs unless the present tendency to half nakedness on the part of our women continue. It would only take half a long It tho tendency nest year' is to go this year a Jlttle better or rathor a little worse In the matter of exhibiting parts of the female term which, havo hitherto remained concealed. "It Isn't always daring styles which will hurry tho time wjhen America sets her own mode of ureas. The hideous harem skirt of some years back was a I'nrl blunder which set the time up Itvo year. There Is real ly no reason why America aboulda't set tho, styles, We do it In shoes and eeltaes.. No well-dressed Frenchman wears .Kngllsh shoes now, and few of them wear Kngllsh suits. ' ('The. whole attltudo of American women toward French styles Is a faeJIsa one. If they would alt down iwd i analyse the question, and were fajr',wtth themselves and the Amer ican designer and , makers, they would see how -perfectly ridiculous thsy'semetl'msa nUke 'themselves:" TRY EUROPEAN METHODS HERE AMKMCAN COMMISSION TO LOOK INTO FARM LIFK AHHOAU 18 I'KKI'AKJNU TO APFLY ITS OaV HHRVATION8 NEWPORT, graph ever taken of Mrs. Stnyvotant Fish better Illustrates her mental at titude toward the world than this. She is perhaps the most promlaeat society leader In tha United State. and her Mather Ooose ball given at Croesways, her Newport home, where LOCAL RIDER IS HOME FROM CAL. HUM CMAMBKRH HAYS JUS. DOWNING, PADGETT, ET At, RKGISTKRKB FROM KLAMATH FALLS AT HALINAH OPENING BILL AGOOOJIOW MOBKRX TmetATB COSSPAXY QlYISTAXXJOtDS AT TMsT IN ABMTION'TO PROGRAM I Hv f eelsac that ha wtR jmk bealatol-' any ant hto prrasa., It to faatw Slim Chambers and Charles Bald win returned Thursday evening from jHallnos, Calif., where they went to nttend the Kodeo held there. Cham- Urn competed la the bucking con tost, and stayed In to the flaals, nar rowly missing a cut at the money. "Johnnie Judd, dall Downing. Mis Thompson. Muw Hoxle and others who have appeared at the Rodeo here! to be papular, the were there, and they all registered change the. bill this (Special Correspondence) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8. A nation wide movement to Interest tha American rural population along financial, business and social line, as u means to strengthen the position, of tha farmers, taereaae their la come and their production and to lower the cost of food etuis to the consumers, waa anaouaoed hare to day In n letter to tha governors of tho states, to the farmers organisations, agricultural institutions and farmers ol America from the American com mission on Agricultural Co-Operatlen, which arrived from Europe on the steamer Oedrk. A report Is later to be made to the governor of the various states and the" farmer organisation, agricul tural Institutions and farmer of America. The letter neat today dia cusaed the general form of rural or ganisation In Ihe Ruropean countries visited by the commission. The commission found that, Kuro- pean agriculture waa organised along co-operative line, and aleo found that tha Ruropean farme hay apparent ly secured a naneUl,' business and social strsagth equal, to that of this organtaad urban classes of .capital and tabor, . ; ';-- The eommtsalon he eSeated an or ganisation, with naad'qmrtera In yashlngton, D. C, with Senator Dun can V., Fletcher as ehalrman. ' , Dr. O. J., Owens ot Maryland, di rector general of tha AmWleaat eem mlseloni and manasUg dlreetor -at tha t Southern ' CaaHsarala) t Consra, fqbM4We4AJ I)-"-- The Modern Theater proved a decided novelty at' the Star theater last" night. The people ap pearing In this attraction are artist of a Sntohad calibre, aa their stork, shows they have been assaalatsd with metropolitan eraanlsaMsn " I'ursulag a peKcy that haa pravea eempaay wSt eveabic. Tha from Klamath Fall." said Chamber. ptar selected Is a little" French drama, "Jess Johnson of Merrill was then, entitled "A Game of Card." too,, and he rode hla way into tne. tiaal. 'Skeeter Dill' waa damped before he qnallled. Wallle Padgett cut the steer bull- dogging record to 19 seconds., Judd won the rope events." ithat Mnertn wttl ferae tha ifisJImFg 'hand qatohly ' ? . '" ;'; ::-'. WneaUnd reads M! OMr. k 'will uud !', 0;Saasghnir far; Haerta, a net 'Blast ag ,thia. statu, f what- SnJS mTg?flgmhsrvJRsawif j i the ershere the anawt tent at sis I Wla. a anpport Imirlis,'' ' , da nat aamtsa)Sjaiaa"laa HnarU, bnt rsqasat a aarty to' name hto sVJssv abjiam wM IShjgdllp ' f restajaasMhM Vm-wmWi$$ asm f ,- tfJS ajepaato, tho; aajsjr anmajsv , Vtw aVaVMMfeO. - iCl itikmmii :m St. Lcml a a His in Reswt United Pre Service . ST. LOUIS. Auc. 8. St. Louis to day make her appearance in, n new role tnat ot a summer resort. A public spirited concern to, today dhv tithutlng a pamphlet, advertising the tlty's many summer attractions, and the newapapers have fallen in with the scheme by printing dally temper ature record ot "cities that are hot ter than St. Louis" when they, are to be found. . .DUoaHe Like Klaa. H. h. Blssell and family of Dixon, Calif., apeat Thursday In Klamath pa their return from a week'a outing on the Upper Lake. .Mr. Blssell, who to cashier of tha First National bank of Dixon. sBoka In stowing. tarma ot KUmatk eaunty and it many T- - . -sl1" , tKUi wmmerinc ptaees.. Committees Are Named aid Ptan Arranged for tte G fistt of the .'H ": Hi Hah t. ,rvh .' S '. T .1: BUR t' " "S. .;' The followjng eommKUe . hay beeaAdeslgnated by lliastrieM.Patea tate Kdwa'rd DSrlgg of HlUah Tem ple. 'A. A. p. K,Ml S.f,ta tik.hrse' ot different features, eoaaeeton with this eomlng vlelt.to thl eHy ot the'Shrtnera: - r" " Mnt'ertainment of-Novleaa Joseph (I. Hurt, K. B. Henry, W. A. Detaell, W. A. Leonardlaad I. R. Stmbl. Refreshment Ovid J. Stone, W.T. Shtve, J. A. Maddoz and Jeta'A. w..... . . r-.fe. Reeeptloh K.. R. .R, Oeorg Robert ,'A. Jenaon,; wh- i :' " . . M- yV 'i .. ' 'ttf Fast TI:on For. wiu wla- same baek last niaht IN hi summer .earns at." Seven making tha trip; from ?rt Kmatk to thto city in; record Mmes.i , Ha; loft the Fort at 11:46, stopped' uYfcowr at Rocky Point for lunch', andarr(vad home at, t: 10, coming, ue weonaa route. , On tha trip up, tha actual run ning tlme.from Klamath Fall to Fort Klamath- was, two henrsi Mr. wks.ite thaVtheroad ar aeUenteandltton.. ' ' .'. V J. .Walton; , liam tbV Wordea. Oharto Mna Harmon.' AV Martin Jr.,A. Ream, A. C. KaA, VW, S, Laa- "nVi: vv, Th;odore,,CamerMnF.".0. Swo- deIargi',;Vi-,Cattor'W.LVwar., ' i. esr. a! ' 7 'a U on 'Bnaaaaa M nermsn jaauern, inr,. mew, 9;, Qeorgo'. T. -Baldwin; Jand Mtlhorm .ams'l aer Noblea are eapset- i committee. . 'irilvf tm Alloth ail to aactoi tkt commltti -. .. m.i' --.-:.. iu iu mush?". Meerge.Jf w oej.js i Shankerd and O.-. F. aard.Vfl.r:.n,: , - :. -' " ";i 'i.Ai'ii jxauroaa tTansnowaiien ;- ussy; MulU V " I.SV if.-t" S5-i OmHrmmmmimm- -' (WMshtojaJsjjSjf 35'2 ljaeBBBsmm?,',vi. f masKBBnmmni ..iv, swigm1.t':yv -V fcfi , V F . , . ilJWi ..- ' ; V.1ltlsi Vt,'i!Jrt-i,- ,.V, aarmaai h maaa- - -,-j yi t 'j B7SmjT gflmrSVsjsVmSJWnmanjnjSB snjs L. V. WlUMa a4 X WV Maud BaMwlB. Mtoa Mrs..EU''B.'- Meawy. .iMai WaHeaaaa Mr. Ll F. wlnmta. , Reporta from AehJaa gfl M Wk Sect that, RoMbt tnammsfsml M0-. other "cities; InthenrhWalasaL qT HlHak Tessj, vrttt be ffattPSRSanllnV ed. Vndiao MUndanea wttt kMMWjMi to SM NeAlo. tha ammwi o'taw; ar sotHsf .!' laao of t third fare 1 lA ",v' ,' , J' i'- l&fJl :,Jfafe'taal a ,rwo es -ensysw nans! 'SHln' Ms oar tor m nmt'Of 1 es SiSRjajRJaT oaamSSRaW 4PBaRRB;J !? ' w . "rSSigajOy. tiiaak, M wl,m dJ musaoithognttp. iikmmmmm -rW """pWwSmm' RFS"BJr,f,Ii1 'K . v rr T't? ',) i !. , t' l-l '(