jf -Wfi&' a4 v' '" .!:,'' -"'' ,' (. 'J r Ln OFFICIAL MMWaTAnMI .!(" FOR CITY OK KLAMATH FALLS 4 ,uP A. 7i:-; ,lh'f pe f ticnina & aVaWXw' tifl LM! - . . r 6 ' ",'- Tv$..j .'?ai ftVafLmon.w-''" .. .WW- im.-mmmm L J-'MIRSPiiH r - rriy.ici.f inr-n Ma Yi No. ftlM KLAMATH FALL (.. "iii r.THtt'.ftRAY, AVOVM T, ItM ! A?L " 'rffeAl'i Huerta's Attitude Towar ICl..: u mDusrauur i v - i. St . ' .. . -vb l m . ... BT. w fl .' .''. "TBI ."'"ai. aBB" Linamay w if ?, Y)S r, . -i Result in Raising of Embargo oil Guns and Pow MURDER CHARGE MAY BE PLACED AGAINST TAPPAN BODY OF INFANT IH KXMUMKD Tl. Willis Scott Dunniway Dies SAYS SITUATION SPECIAL HOUND Coronet- Hint Prtwrutlng Attorney l.'mpaHi'l Comnrr' Jury and Cimv Mirntn IlitewllKulliMl of Ilia CUm l.imlliitf L'i Ii I Im litli of IN. .MomIIis-OIiI dlrl, Who Father .UiiimiI Mn mill Hit HMrr liiaiuhil of liirvnl, munler nuy lo Him clinr uulnt Jolui DuWItt Tni imli, wlio U In lliv Hltklyuu countx Jail, uwaltliiK trial on n clmrno uf uw.aiiltliiK tliriu of liU dURlitvra, all uinlr U yearn of mo. A coroner' InqUMt waa Until tbla nltwruoon ovnr tlm dciitli of Krancca Taiipaii, lli llltln UaUy which dltd llila wnok l (hit t'ounly Infirmary., Tli body of tlm Infant t cibuBMd till morning for IhU iurpoo. Tb i mlnutloii waa conductd by Deputy I'rruivciitliiK Attorney II. U. Manning nixl Corunvr Whltlork. Tlia inotbor and two ainall dauglf 1 IS VERY SERIOUS HKN'ATOKM AMKKD TO KXIMINATK IMItTIHAN VKKUSMJiS IIEAU 1X0 WITH THi: XITttATIO.V IN' MKXICO TRIP RATE 10 BE'iDE SOON Leader of Con&titutionalists arid ''"' - Huerta's Strongest Foe in Mexico . i ..." vC- wvt:?fat:y Vt& WJiMA 'fi T' ! ; ' TK.V DOUJUt con TO iOnllud I'rcai Hervtcu i WABinNtlTO.V, ,. C, Aug. 7.- ocimtor iiaion pi iiic comuiiitca on , , fori.'lmi ri'latlona tlila afternoon i Iptvudid with (lio ininbra of the ca nt for thp ulliulnatlou of partisan i MNJ , ruk it ' .1 S KOBEfflW . i.Vaa --. ...''. IIIKt ou-ii 4" "... .iAN wrr 'it. I'rtrty of Ma Fraartaea Buaunaa Men Hate ArnHHied It Take AdraatoK of Um Lew Kale .Fra Mar Folala (a Hie Klawalh Caaalry irtliera Parttc Uaa Mwrh to Adtertte KlaauUi Cotwty'a Attractloaa A apetlat xcuralea rata of $10 for Vnltrular niart troublo rauaed the ,,0w , Ucuuc Mi tho MM)can datti of Ktato Printer Wlllla Hcolt -,.,,,, . , .. ,. Ihmlway at I.U Portland homo Ta.f",f",r' W,"ch hc r,,erred ,0 " " ,U'I day. He bad auiromd from heart trou- un" u,n,t" ravny. , bio for nearly twenty yeara. , H aakvd tbnt tbo prMldcnt b glv llunlway, a nntlvo of Oregon, hua ! opportunity to peacefully aettle (hH tdbma .i. mtwMm . b-;.-u neon acuvo in nanonni ami aiato pou-i"'" . Ilea for many yeara, and ha haa been I Tho debate r faulted when Senator anioelaled at tlinen with tho Icadlug (Clarke refused to consent to refer to papora or the coast as editorial writer.. " senate foreign relations commit Mints lUOt! ho has continuously held ''la demand that the senate la thf office of stato printer. JURY TO HEAR TRIAL IS CHOSEN (quire Into affaire' In Meileo. ! Clarku taunted the democrata with having no definite policy In regard to Ulj. land KUatb raits jirlll be erctle soon, according to aa aaaoancenoat mad by Charlaa 8. Tea, feaeral rtaa seager ageat far taa Southern Pa-clBc The rate becomes Afectlre Beptem- ber 11, nnd.remalM w force for two "Home point out that tbero la no!WMk man In Mexico so poor aa the 1 owing allegiance to the Araarteaa flag," ho said. "We should have the While the rate I affective, mem bers ,ot Un Baa rraawUeo Bualaaaa Men'a Aaaeclatloa ytaa to vlalt taa fncU." Klamath country, aaafeas look aver "Thla la a matter of the utmost I1061 tni eeadlUatj. aad to raat r.ii,'i.iu,i,.,i u.. "ti,- n, 'from their ardoua Hsaaaar taaka. Thla LM f.tincd of the relations of H. U.jWITH TW KXUKITIO.XH MUM- ,j,nl V formulated a pl.a, and Is'l reek b.iC..be ia, Tanpan with tho threa children. All m:s w H.( tlv:cWK iiVUr tlboul ,0 Mw:ut u. CuBM ,f.jand wilt remain ae'vera! days. o U, occurrence happened out.ldo fair was merely a tempest In the tea-' Arrangeme.U for their trip are of Klamath county, at Had Muff and .K ""U"1 "'"" Ant- MAK-'1U1, ,,.,....., ,. .... ..1r r .....now under way. Latar. tka auaaar undertaking io restore order la Max- of tolp itarUtamit will be take loo ,up In Klamatk Falls. , Clarke'a resolution went to the foot' Tho .Sonthcrs Pacific haa doaa 'of the calendar, much to advertise the Klamath Woa- dtrland aa fiummer playground. In 'addition to special rates, the compa ny haa Issued attractive posters and pamphlets, descriptive of the Klam ath country and Crater Lake. In tllsklyuu county. Mrs. Tappau testified that her hua Valid had been under arrest In Idaho,' ..It. WB..I Ivltl. .Mn.a.nMHB. ... u.1,1. . ' Incxst wllli one of his little daughters. This was several yours ago, aad tka fai.illy has been traveling around In wagons slnco, Tho llttlo Infant was taken alck when tho party was at lied Muff, and tho child was taken to a doctor. Af ter reaching Klamath county tka rhlld became worse, and the mother took It to the county Infirmary, where It was placed upder tho caro of tho county physician. Mrs. Tappan testi fied that sho did not suspect what tho troublo was until Informed by her OF MAUKY ItlKI MKX .LLLLLBsliaw J- 1-iTA. V ak. i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBV.' ' 'aBBBBBBBBBBBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV i ' oVI'aVI'aVI'aVMaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV'' .W. ' a aavmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmanmmBmmmmammmaaammmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmk. aaaaaaamamajaaaamf -$i$: . . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaaaaBBHaaSaaaVaBBBBBBBBBVlA ..'. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBr , ", l Jl't VilaBBBBBBBBBBBBVaafaHaVBmaaVIVaBBBBBBBBBBT l "X'V.'Jfc.11.. ',' ,ir,V ' sLLLHgmLHLLalH' ' " '' ' ' - VoaW mm. i-M-adM -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW: ' T ""m 1BBBBlEJIaWl I'BBBVaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH '' ji, -"" "-OB"e"BBiaBJrBMmH PaBBBBBBBBBBB.WrfflWllHaBaaW' I I 1111-al.liitaaaBttaWl iiiiirmBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV' ".''fA '' - . ."vCTiWll KJSjakJHu(KmJ r qam aat wkmKttff KWHV-' ' ' '.;Q III llHf H OtaJlllTHMtal WaTsBYsBYaBYaBTaaTaTaBYaHjIaVm .,j" ' r .LLHbLLbHbLvi' -:.m,imMMC9Wm SBBBBaaaaaaaaHBBBBBBBasaaaV'.. 'i ''"' - - - ' LLbbbbbIsHHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW ' -V : '? 1'f,',''W-. 1 .-HPHIV; ,'-: ' '!? aaawBmaaamm:- $ , g,JBn5r -. Jj... ... M aaBBBBBBBBBBBJOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBit' . OBBBVaBBBBv' aBMfiBaBBBBk Bg I aLLLLLLLLBBBHLHaBLK. , .... jLtyrvfy-. ., .HflH: .r'-j Maw ,aaaT a)MkBMlt4iW'f' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw- wmnmi&naBMawifaa- .SBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaP ' kV afciEWN'tilllJH avavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavav .. i- "-v! 4 ,v Tlrwdjln VasTaVaBBBBBaBPBsftaBBBaBLV 'ak'-'' '--' WJMMifeMMiaaBlVBBBBBBl ZBIIaBBBBBBBm,lj ' ,4" ' .. 'I .7 "'"''PJPJSf is ,im eatet ;Jcti ie esauauiB bsbb ag BMaaa-:aamBBv favflH yI ( :'(S tilted Preaa Bervlco SAN KHANCIHO. Aug, 7."Thls Is a highly Important case, and Is inn do more su by circumstances for eign to tho caso Itself. "I will not order you locked up, as , I um sum your honor us American clttsens la auMcltnt.to mako you pro tect yourselves against any ap- proache."ald Federal District Judge Vol Fleet today, addressing the Jury ' to boar the rase 'against Meurey F. niggs. The jury, which was sworn at boob, STONE RESIDENCE GOES n IMjafflBH mother, Mrs. J. C. Holding, who waa is composed of, the follewing: with the party, who Informed her of.1 a confession matin by the two older gins. Tho coroner's Jury Is composed of O, A Htearus, llornco Duittnp. A. Kershner, Henry Htiittt, Chostor Avery and J, W, Mudsey. Tappan was arrested nt Oleue (he , latter part of J urn-, several duya after the suffering Infnnt wus (alum to the county Infirmary for treatment. The motlior accompanlud the child In tlie county Institution, and while ilu.ro (Continued on page Louis Diock, paper manufacturer. M. A. Chrlstensen, merchant. J. II. Flynn, lithographer, P. H. l.lHdqulst, uhoo merchant. Arthur Ooodall, unattached. A. If.' Dana, retired. Kred Ksniond, retired merchant William llllss, mining capitalist. Lostor Herrlck public accountant, (leo. W. Meussdorffer, retail halter. (1. V. Delorm, bookkeeper.1 A. Dunker, retail liquor dealer. All are married except Ooodall and Mueesdorffer. 1. M. KIUIFIKI.DH NOW OWNS THK IIKWTIFtlli HOThl'KINOH KKHI-' DKXCK I.AWYKK MAH MVmj ACKKAOK TORCH AUAIN VeaeetMBo Carranaa igure In Mexico outalda of PreaUsat Huerta hlauelf. Ho la tka Madar, of the coaatKutloMl party, waleh la eniaaed la. a war wIU.Uh foraaa.aC h . r the government. AU the northern Baft of Mexico is torn up by this strife. ,lt waa reported the other day that Car- ranta bad wired President Wltoon re-; jv:'"M;cay:oti- mm la oe of tka waarlaat snaai ki Itka mmmi Uoa.koiwi raniala Mexico. Md la aakt M WtmrnonaMt as ka giiii'Iatl. "" ? lP?"'f toaa. mm vnaaa, mm rnito.Ttif&.tn ia m rawtac ac u amaarao aaajaat:tartJaT ttsa . " tka saartaUoa .mt' .traai'.taa United, Btatea to Mealea aaaaat totlM foreoa at tka aresllea. ., " . ' I flaw a'awfja'aajl SBTvnVVsns ' Papers were signed late Wednea-) 'ilnv fnr IliA traumtr nt Ihn PAufilAnrA of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Stone In Hot Spring addition to J. M. Red field. In return. Stone received Had- 'Held'a 480 acre ranch la the Swan Iiko Valloy, which Ia valued at 110, 0t,0. Tlio local residence Just traded U oue of the must sightly and tka the cricket navilllon here and badly most conveniently arranged in Hot j damaged, the Deli. Springs addition. A placard' was left with the (allow-' Since tka tlrst of the year Stone ha lag Inocruptloai -"If Mr. Paakkurat made other, deals la farm property, die Uoyd George will ha ker mur- Fraternal Society Wants to Put a Factory in Klamath Falls to Employ its Members; Investigating RstabllshtiiFiit of mnnufucturluf ' , eiiterprjiicit In nil (iu coninuinllleiJ of : v -,)' tjio stiiti Is tlm (ilnu of tlio liulus- Vfif'al Hiiclely of lUmvurn, Qrogoii' newest frr.tcruul ovgMilatlon, Al- mdy the ostabllsliurut of a factory v In, Klamath l'Vlls has bijrt tal;tn up. Aeeordlng to ;v,e not.cc'a revolved by 'th Klamath CU.Ici'jer of. Com- w'oree, tka organist t!fj charge an ' (nltl'tW f of 5, and month.ly.due ' of 75 ewU.vTha:iltlat(oi fe I the t uurokasarof a akara of atook in . tka !U'''ewiearii:" i ' ' . '..t'1 ', iH'r t.'Ll "i KS't. k... It-It a aamkafalilB n lao la alia In ad mat ?wmy ?ti r fi flHLvi ' ,rrj Mfr A. .'.; f" i . ' Iioro ih society will add an nmouut lualto the amount, of stock bore, tml thuVlli be used Tor establishing n Mctory, Kmjtloyment will be given so frroa nowilhw la member of thu society, '..'" '" ' Tho society now ha ia'oparatlon a factory al HeuMaa, whlck ta'ealdto bu making roM V' ,( Thq nitttter.'whlik twaa;preated tlio Klamath Cbamker W(cWit4a, hu boon referred to the ataufetarM committee ofr the orgaaiaaMaa' fr oonalderatipa a to Its feaslMHt1: vTk committee will report oa'(t;at,.Ta dayyPHmWaaaatln' r.f ggl 1 ' ' ; ii v K9 WKMM CKICKKT "PAVILUON M HUHNKD LLOYD OBOROK IB IIKI.D.FOK MRS. lAMKJIUNsT8 HKALTH United Proa Service , ABKHQAVICNNUY. Wala. Aug. 7; Mlltant suffragette today burned in addition to th 480 acre Just ac quired he owns a StO acre ranch near Mulln and a 160 acre limber claim. GUTHRIE ARRIVES IN JAPAN; FETED AN KtUH)KT OK CAVALRY AND t'HKKKH OF THK MULTtTliM) OltKKT THK NRW AMHAHHAUOR AMr-UR'AN f, i it United Press Service. -i .1- 'mk-lO Auv. 7 Rldina In tka ii perlal poach,, escortod by. u1 'regiment of ijayalry, Oeorge Outbrle, the nw, AuiVirican ambiasador extraofdlaary to Japan.' wasracolyed at the. palate today? H was personally recolved by ik mikado. ,' s" V '' LAMj abjag v.tha 'rout udtrhnt daffeil. tnalrthat and chwred wlWly, n n ( V ', "Yi'"',' HlR derer." BALKANITfSTO SIGN A TREATY CONVICTION, IT W THOVOHTi ' H1LI H.ND TODAY RTJLfiARfl STILL HAVK TIMR KYHB ON ' AMUANOTLH f WILL APPEAL WALKER CASE NOTfCK OF AFFKAL M FILHa WITH CIRCUIT OOCRT CLMMC RY ATTOKNKYg FOR TMK CO.V VIOTHO RANCHMAN The casa.of Charle Walker, chare nd with ataaulUag bl IS-year-oM w- ter-kvlaw, Oaka Cebara, la tbaa pealed to the aupreme court. Katlea of apuexUVa filed with the circuit court clerk this, atteraoea by W. H. Shaw and C. M, Onslll. Walker' at toraay. ' " ' , Walker, whom the girt'ekarae with being the, father of ker ehlU, waa' tried ta the circuit court laat wek;land .waa found guilty," H wa seateaeed Wednesday to serve fraat three to twenty year la the peaitea- tlary, . -" , IHyatfaasdsa CAMDhW, N. J...Aii'7-rTaay wa Uasaaraaee, W:aCita;.Cua4M (Ca wp. , wkrrc, m;.aka-a. a4..layaji (from swral aVnlara atataa''ai' ta ptttwdaaee. Tka.'Wi tTi i . - -.- " mm "vvT si rti atlar4 .wtXaka Al;8a Ltaaaa van Ja aaiffj tidaAam wiia iaa aar. cv w; raos aa Om - clMliuik.r.' ' . "" .V -,'-.-, -T '- .. T. ' ""!. Qeora,MeDowaH'la Mr trn,tW Horaer raaek aaar'MHalaa.''; ?.;( a4'at0 tamtteaaaaaal;' Uatta-irfaai ' .WAMMOTOM. a O. Taa admlatatraWaa .,!I.( I attaaaanajanMB, akag wmeoastdsr lull niM-t ariain.,'aaMil Vjaaf.- Tha'ateta aaataaMmg tMaaaY' Vaki4vif-aaKSartt BUCHARBiiT, Aug.-1 Th Balkaa nation hav tent tklr oommlatonr here to wgn a pea treaty i aad It, I betUyad .UtatWlU k aoconpllaaad. Taa, Bulgaria army atartg la tka morning o reus Aaruaopw, roeeai Tariff " . United Praaa Barvtea - 1. ,.'" BKLLINOHAM, Waak.,' Aug.' 7. PoMlble effect of the Under wood 'tar IB bill and pending currency legisla tion befor oongreo were th princi pal topic discussed today by ; del-. gate to th Wwhlngtoa Baakers'.Aa- soclatloa, wkleaVopaaadfaar fara inrae aaya aoasisa taw awraiag. A i lata i --., ' rH V : . -- ri i.- y. T 1.'aPWa"4 .. '4TWHHB 1 4WTaMV , aWWH UalUd Praa siirra'' VK fc ' . ' WOODMSRR, keen com 1 dKRB, L.;i., Ji.--WHh uUUa'xptd th''oi- ii-h iriii pw '(ovraaaaeBivvt'iaa XV'oodmere Coiintry Club JaH'a'lW, on the club eourt.' Th affair I 'iui Tha,.i ' W: .T.,Laa left Waaaay. far fait of,taCaatfal, S w" "a'i""W mae"aFe"fTaB "a' .HaaJaaCNv." PrssHsat; Rryaa,aafrti at) staOkxyvoaM "fi WiSte mmmmatm laads RotweU ti . ' - lr,',;-;f-';v,i.l,',.ii;',iv, i ltd HMttS Smft: oLiTnmHfnm - h .....k i.Ri , . . i'-Jj WAWINTOKDa.vAaT.-i. ivPl'- tfT Refutation rf thom,'VWtta tm cbnar that U eoaaervatloa boMajr mean tka. locking up; ,. taa'-. Waal; Was praM y'rtary U1a- terkw Laaa today ta a' tatmat ahaw iBgua(?a4axaoc:,y,aa; of';wtMrawa'4BaaUk'N'fa. tovad ta jHrr iaHag May aM Jtaaa. t -KMa C'ta ,'aif ua, -. .' ---- .aa4 !MlataoW:aoa.k'iM'iiaaat ta M$;0. J?i aua m -wtmwjix - v aw-a-pr H Coaaayatlaa prlaetala waiat intMmwiyiM Mmaaa, a t-"P" faf iiimiaaj. t auraaaa ra I.IM.oM aerat f-fM V.1,0MMtm(aaa aaa"awaHR fRaaaa aayBBw-aaBB Ml; T.a4a, aff4 "aJMllr! taateTaftam' Jail-i h m'Mt .., o5. 'SA i (!. VV IV. rtaAAntUraTint IkV ilan-i ISlka1, tUr lb aUaMrvtnUAJB. - - - "- ' "MwrT7-T,TT " " . . w: rf,"r,.w T"rT","rr' 7 vsb j1 ..' w'"l'm' i-p .' rpiaiwp 11 - r v r v-, -rT-.' ., , "V LHn Tan Aaatoa),4'.l aad:a4 avaJtebi fa aayakaa a- ,lWl.Ua,MB:.a.rlaat:a . --0 Wktyi OoaaJ a-M K. watt. aUar taa ftakjc t'eouaty.lalrmaryjki.a -irgll,Hu wa..rt.r,)waX wKfatattaMt at' HI, SS2 5T- "'---- ' ' r&gygy.aL vrrB