fr'As' n 1 ,' , ' . V 1 ? '. 'V "' ' ? $ ; OWICTAL NKWSPAP1M Wit CITY OK KLAMATH FALL! mt " Iff A if ! 1 Jv w-- u7- t- - H T J it- 'i-; '.-lU. ii". Highlit YrarYo; U,IM (" rJ al 1-4, -fl f' ' ' "'LlSgt,'J V .,'. . , -- -,) (.i:a J ,,T "'. &! w a" ??'!; .-. "M -f 7yT' jdYi Esoara KLAMATH VAUJ, .TTr .rt'tfttAY. AUGUST a. 101 yrl; ,,r ?. M'n&&. 9-mn :w-w? . AiiLi- . V" JIMlitfPfi V ., ." MTC'vsI.: J iSSt' .tM .-''V1 .1- i .t..'"i ' ti Caminetti and Diggs to Sacramento. Seek a Change This is Denied i An n a saw ami BF gaw Sam aw BaBJgawi' i by BIG WORK LAID OUT FOR UNO IT IN SOL 0 I'HKNIIIK.VT WILSON IIOPKM KOH , KHACK ssaasaassBPaSis jSaWiaIS'eSasasae. 7b Inspect South American Beef lgal Aittlaer nf lliu Hto IhfMrt neat aatt I'nwldrat Ar HUl lu lie I'Hnltlo to Aurw mi !! (urolluH uf ltrunlilnif llurrt Mml, rw MfklruN AHilxuMnilor, llt Tmlny lit Awunm III cv Out It United l're. Mrvlc WA8IIIN0TUN, I). C Au. G, . Tlio dmlulftrallon In today liopeful of Iminudlntc poaoo In Mexico. Tlio ni)polntmnt of former (lovurnor l.lud of Minnesota, It U lollvod, will do much toward rrconcllInK tlio warrlnicj (actloiii, j Mnd Iim been nuthorlted to rciiro-1 ent Iho itrwldcnt In endeavoring to'Ho tretlr will Xh ImporUtlone of Kvt Infliirntlal Mexlcant to forcn I'riti-lBoutli American beet tncreaio when BaaaaaaaamBaaaaV'':aaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaai.' Bl'Baaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaC 'aaaaaaik- aaaaaaaH HaaaaaaaaaaaaH 'j akaiaaaaaaaaaaa ' V. C. WILL ADVERTISE JINGOISM GETS LOOSE ON FLOOR OF tOWER HOUSE FOR WOOD BIDS CITV K.VTKIt INTO A COS- tiuct hhi vvm,Hvn'LY ab. VKUTIHk NIXTH STKKKT IM I'llOVHMK.NT VAHIIINOTON, Au. G. Itlfiit lliierla toreetore order. I to will Uo aacortalu whether the raining of the embargo on orma and nininunllloii will help the tlluatlon. l.lnd left today for Meilco City. Prior to hli departure he conferred ai great lunglh with WJUon and Uryan, and ho rarrlc almiMt plrharyj loueri. I It It rumored that President WlUon j and John llumctt Moore, luternatlunitlj la- expert of tliu atate department, hate dlagrrd. Mooro favor tlio! recognition of lluerta aa president off Meilco, and YVIlnon oppotea thli plan. I tho Underwood tarlV act, now bnforo congreai, goea Into effect for th pauage U undoubted here thai the department of agriculture ho aent to South America Dr. A. I). Mtlvln, chief of tho bureau of animal Industry to make an Investigation of alaughtcr houie condition!. NEW GLOBE TROT RECORD IS MADE Tho rlly will ndvcrtlio for blda for the pure!. no of-ltn winter aupply of, flleWDOil. Thla waa decided by the J council Initt night, and It waa ihown ' Hint a anvlug can h effected Ini thla way. The council tail night paaaed to Its urcond reading an. ordinance llcegakig . hottlliiK vorkM engaged In wliolwal-, (UK mnlt llquora, No objection were received Monday night agalnct the Improvement of 81 th atrctt from Commercial etroet to the city llnilta by macaaamlilBg. Tim council will aoon advertlar, for blda for thla work, A petition for the Improvement of Kteventh afreet, which waa tabled omo time ago, owing to the, lack of Ignature, waa presented ag'aln taat night. The rlty engineer waa Instruct d to get the necessary data. ,,- - X WA.NTH A PLUKT AH BK) AS JAPAN ORMOOKR 4 ' r . tlltaoU HeMto'InletVrHa KtmM i Mltreiek of ,lnoaie AetalraJ to 8 at Thrxot AgaaWaat Mm Uaelaal Haatsa. Teta WmM .VevtralMy Lam He petOrtl, Mj Powder Cm tw Milwd to Metka KcvolathisiUf. & .NKWtil'ArKK MAN' fOMI'I.KTKH Clllt.TIT OK Tllti KAHtH I.V THIHTYKIVK IIAVM IX XKW VfHtKTOMUKKOH' Catholic Abatalnrrs Uu.ted I'resa Bervlce. I'lllI.AUKI.l'IIIA, Aug. S.Thou. and of detrgate representing every statu In the Union gathered here to day to attend the national convention of tho Catholic Total Abstinence Un ion which jWllI formally convene to morrow morning. . , iCnlted Tress Servlee ttlove Workers In CuavenUo) I NKW YORK. Aug. G. John Henry CHICAUO, Aug. fi DoUgatea from Mrars, a reporter connected with tho all over tho country were In their Nuw York Hun, I due to arrive here seat today when tho annual conven- tomorrow night, after a record trip tlon of tho International Olovo Work-jiirouud tho globe, era Union of America formnlly opened) Mears, upon hla arrival, will con with the report of chairmen of com-icludo circling the globe In Ihtrty-flve mlttet4 nppolntetl nt the IUI2 con- days. Thla la four daya less than any ventlon. 'previous record. .. . 0 left Ht. I'aUl till morning, (leorgo McDowell, who Is operating the Horner ranch near Teiuin, camel (leorgo arlislu waa hero Monday on In Monday on n buslnew trip. In business trip, BRADNACK NOW HAS ITS P. 0. MAIL IM TAKKN THRKK TIMaM A YYKKK FHOSf MKRRIU, TO NSW UAMKOKMA TOWN NKAK WtM KKK llradnack, the new town la Cal ifornia on the peninsula between Tula and Mwer Klamath lake, now has Its r-olofflc. O. K. llradnack, formerly of thla city. Is the postmaster. Mall Is sent to the new postofflce three times a week from Merrill. In addition, a school Is being built la that community. United 1'rese lervk. WAHW.'OTO.V, D. O, An. ft ggaaiWkeUBlaslMBl tfaiiacisBaW em RwaWWelnll pVJVffMMeag VOJNTaWeWI afOf vftaTsMt (o roe with Jaawa'a wataMfi hnHd Ida wrae hitrsxIsKwl la the heaae ts My by Claagiiiimaai Charts A. aVH IraoTIHtoaeK '-'k Keveatlr Admiral Takaraae aaM that Jape toteaeM to MM'i aWt ariaaeT eaoaah U aefeat the lee e a 'rt-rtahs wMlea,' " aahl Brtttea la plaaatlea. Congressman Btepbeaa of Texas la- troduc4 a reaelatloB propostag the' repeatlac o itae neutrality laws la order to perawt'the Mexican rebels to secure arm- Ha branded Hnerta aa an asaraer. !" '" VISITOR City Hall, Fire, Garbage Bonds, Voted Under the Old Charter, Are Questioned; Refunding Bonds 0. K. ' Tho f 30,000 city hall, 8,SG0 gar bage sltn and 18,000 II ro upparatus bonds, tho; iHiunnco of which were' authorised by tlm. voters tlireo yearn go, yet romnlii unsold. Although nthey, were bid In by tho rtocuiKy Hav itaaa Bank and Tnut ciunpitny nf To ',eaa, Ohio, this spring, tlify liavo lieOn returned, 'oiv J Hg to a Uefurti )irli)iiK from tho imaaeronb charters nf Hie jetty, which' affeeti tho legality. 'i' The follow !pg- reMou Is outlined y the bon'dwg ccr.-.nany'H alteriu: "Aeordlnt ia'lo tiunaerlpt sub ( mltted the aboYe,'ir.',iitloned bonds aro being Issued for, tapurnoaea In d(ated, said M,00ehwM avlag been Uuthoried at an eleetloa held Navaea aef 14,1910, and the iUf two kWaea ,M.,HlMWUM nM JWMJlf, J,!!! . '8r u A , "At the time said election wero held said city was Incorporated under a charter which weailnto effect May 21, 1910. Subsequently said charter waa superseded by a new charter, which went Into effect AprlllS, mi, mid this luter charier waa again su prseiled by a Charter whkh went Into effect March 10, 1911.. '' ' "The charter of 11 gave author Ity lo tho common couaell of eakt etty to borrow money on the faith of the city for any specific purpose, and to ptovlde for the Issuance of bona at tho city, for such speclno purpose.. The charter of March, 10, Uh, also aur tl(uris 'the, coa'imon council of the city to .borrow monsy oa the faith of the city, and to that end to provtaa (Caatlaae oa ia4 ) r i DIES IN DAUGHTER'S HOME MKM. CLARA MOOKK, MOTHKK OK MHM. O. W. WH1TK, WILL UK HURIHO IN THK I. O. O. F. CWf. KTHHY Sufferlnk from, n paralytic atroke, Mrs. Clara Moore, mother of Mrs.. 0. V. Vhlto of this city, passed away early thla morning at the home of her daughter. 8ho has been here but n short time fram her forawr kaaaa la Oklahoma. , , Mr. Moore waa nearly 73 yeara old, and was a uatlvu of Indiana. The funeral will jba heid hare, aaaatMy tomorrow, and tho romalns will be In tuned In tho I. O, O, F. cemetery. Daughter of Harrlman Robbed, of Jewels Worth $75,000 x jfi'-.-'v' ?. I ...... --i.-.n-. - axistti ift VX;v "--.o Van Pk JTOMTSl , I r. -JJ. ' .j;.k. "'iSWaa ulAIGE !h- . mi V vM 'W-! T$l& , V.T CITY EMPLOYEES GET VACATIONS COUNCIL VOTHf TWO WKMUi' I.KAYR OK AB8KKCG ON FULL KAY TO TMOMi IN TUB MtRYK'b OVKR A YKAR v .V'aaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW.''-' . 4alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBW- ''.,-:.. ' 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV -- . ., .-. . - ..- a..f ymmmmn iniiMi !!! ; BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggB' BaBmBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK 7, 0hea.a Vasagei WaaMaaaasB aasi ,'ifflpt EKn9V', wwamaaaaasa, asaiv WaFVVaaafMaffef,pP aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPPSwBLaaliaaaaaaaaa - . ' ' " ''W "". " ! CJS 9 fPaaaV .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavWV, '. av "' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTV PV V V'eaaaV aVSBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBWa L SBSBBBBBaaa' BB1 VlBBBBBBJaBbBaamaSBaBaBiaaaaBBaSBV JgaBSBBa taaaaaraByHSaaaaaaaaT"' '-"''fc . 7.- ", " '" . . "i5?' sKXaaaaaaaaaaf '" J ' -Wmm ?T" wmm . fl . aaBfeSaaaaaaaT. ,; v mWV&Ad&qi ffltaBairX3eaaaaaaf'' T. '" ' , fcla aael.aa.aatjStf aaKMaaalaaaaaar .- &"- -- - -J - .7 li'wV'-aB P .HFCsWBaBtTXaaaaaaaBBB MM' MMIf MPP f efMMI VHfltK tT aMlKUaaaaaaaaaaV''; ' l ' J: ?i ' WeAsma ;ea tafaaasaa aa"aaaiaCM .ggLHglgibV "' ' '-!ib.aflnVHktoaaLL' , J!,, . JnVws IMatalaf Jalm g a iMMAMJLaJaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBV ' V ' minlaa .TT " -Tx BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBajajMSWBggaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW-- aBSaVBaar .i. . 4. 'JXMaaV flVMMMMMmv(4,!Vi 7 Auf tltijjt.iala.itW HHlVABHf "' " tt ateasjg aw aaa Sm aSS9 MlFsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaMM' -', MM.,a fjaat'geji aailH(aBiVfiMmi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPFV.ifPr , S ' fr-sa'TaMaMat IgrtL ;' ffTQgf ' aaaai-i.-- -naJaaaaaaaBBaaW. '!' , rTT?- . tT?j i'. :.,,'-a JWffl asaassawll ' 113'' r avaaaaiBMaTpiaaBlaaMBRiS!E -a lajmaa - - aMaMai. aaat aaaaaal whs saaaaa laftirS ' iaaaTtsBl,VtVW"'iBBlBVaBlaft aatf aaWailBfaBaawaBT ' HaanaV "aaV -. . -. . '" , aaJM.riaW pmata raalaaats.v lainar aataax aa' t aajaat- ja ha gejl rrTj I , Thlerea' have aeaaaertal aaav 'i'. : . T-X'J a - aaaaaaaaaaaem.-, j i- - f rxn aw Tai-aaW'-BaMr-aat'Baaaaaaaf aaaBSCTiS aaaat aaaU:..L.:-J -zm: zraK-i "'"". "mar weaaaaaam ajaa. ' . , a: Kmpkyeaof the city who have aeaa lp service fermere thaaa year, are entitled to aa annual vaeattea, ac- I cording to a motloa made last algkt (n council by Herbert Savidge, which was aaopiea. By this they will be granted two weea'a leaye of absence, and will re ceive full pay. Police Judge Leavltt, Mayor Nicholas. Chief of Police Smith and Poundmaster Hall are all entitled to vaeatloaa this summer. - NWPORT.tAasT.-rrhw hrMrav C. C. Kumeey. aaaahter of the late K. H. HaniBMa, '', aijijt KrateH railroad flnaacler In the world', piled up a fortune of aearly $100,000,06(1 before hie death.. Some of that, moa- ey weat lata jewelry for the yaaac woman, seme $75,000 of It, and moa- ey is so plentiful in tne uarrimaa family that Mrs. Rumsey kept, tier Jewels la her bureau drawer at' her summer home,, aannbtc Reek, oa Ocean road, Karragaasett Pier. A thief who learned thla Mated Into the house the other eay aad tok the Jewels: It was one of the Mgeet Bi;!Brth?Baet8t;afejBjttoB-. aires aloag Laag Maaa the New Asataaa eaaat Seata lerty or nfty pieces jewelry were taaam from the heme of Joba M. Haaaa, the shoe man. the other day. Mia." Wal ter Ives, another society wwmaa at New Yarn4, waa robbed the ataer aajht of a aeckhwe far which aha eaaaa a reward of $,0M.- "n Some at the mlUtoaaire esttaaata at Nawaart have aeaaaae i that they heteaaa'tae' night. ' v' f. " I'ontnmstcr Ocneral Uurleaon ap pointed Miss Jessie YCB0 of Bel- llngham, Wash., aa aa elevator con-1 ductor la the federal building, after living onco refused to do so. Sen ator l'olndoiter ot.WMhlngtoa repre scnteil to him that Mtoa ya'choa was perfeotly competent to manage aay mechanical dltBclutles that might oc cur, and Via arguments convinced the uoatnasterseaeral, . . ... ' lid Martiii. the well, knowa4 Merrill merchant, Is visiting In the county eat j i 1 B hum vviiaivr w- nauNa inkv wiivu ('IP'"' M l 1 Meaday here! - , ,N i i f.r i i ' V WtsteJeaaar.w,h4ra,lvaavOhiM. r ENGLAND SAYS REPORT WRONG RKITIHH VORUKIN OKK1CK HAYtl ACTlYlTlaai AT RKRNUDA ARK NOT, IN pONfXlOT WITH THK MONROei DOCTRlNhi Ualted Preat Serrlea LONDON, Aug. 6, It was author itatively stated by the forelga oalce today that, the latentloae of the Brit ish government regardlag Bermuda have been grossly mteeonstrnea hy the newspaper;, ' ' t', " Instead of meaaciag the tl Monroe doctrine, ,aa some reeoru ay,"Ba (and pyoBsea to repair .and mdera )xe Its defeases of Bermuda, ad de tach Iva orulaer from the heme teat. making It .aa'tadepeadeat cemmaad,, TuCaiu OM.Wal Blvw. Olir At. fterney'j'C.Hutealeaadfamily: mw weea,jervewiyeT,;waaraiaay will camp. for, seve.weeka,' Joaeeh 9. Keyt 'hM beea' patate'd ae'paty city attorasy ,urlMtliheaea at INSTITUTE WILL BE HELD AGAIN bTATK. JWPKRINTBNaHCNT AS VWB8 AN RXPHR1MKNT ONLY TaQB YKAR WITH BUMMKR TRAINING BCHOOii , H ' eoaaected with the; eMy aa IfalUB SM Aa - ' - - .kr . - I xesvai .( ta hava esaa4 wttk Warrtaaaa aaal Lata Manhv ta M aeaaai rraiaraKy gam a I The elef smiat R4 ta tha 1 ladtetaaeataf tha.awa; aC. la, the vMatty, of t the, Aaaaa, Lake homestead. .Oa aeeaaat e( hMraga utloa aa a huater', it to.sfeana that tle creeks aotag tavBuke tae(twa- er aappty -wiu raa easaenssav, ktfamtgmat , ' PaaaaW. aaaaaWSVaT "" 'fl . lT? Tf 1 ammjr BAHsTBHaBjPal feBaaaaaavaaaaaraaHRsr aaar'ji jjU teaMem at'tta Oaaa aassaaaa affaaaa -im fHsl - , .-.-- W. - .i-'-igr lAJR aWVWgV aamha at Wkg&jt Jffl Mlttlsar easisawlaiaa ' laftalSB rfal anuakaatlliiaflB'vna rfi'iMitf mms au,'filfl . , . . f l w 1 T -r' - -m-mw r vJLi.aaAWM BBBSkl'Wl mm." vi t'wm fJMaaai ''S araaer atato aaaaimr. aaat aaaassBV .-rial i.'7a are. maeh eeaeeraed ,avar, .taa,,aa-!eeatly, a4 Maai ta nouacemeat taat Je4 BrmUa! ,W,thaahaaal to, leave U a few days far a aeer haat wtm a.aejawa.raaiai aJaw iaweAMtx V PranWM WRmav, Waf The annual county aeaaai teachers' I Institute will be held again this year, according to the school superlntead enfa oce." Thla fall It, wilt be'hiw at the high school OetoW'H, 17.18, ji nuiabar of lutruftora nf aiab and aatlonal noi'e will be here" at that time to asaUt la the work. . Bpeclal departmeata wtl atsebe a part W the program. v ,;",; .; 1 waa thought for a tlaic that the institute would be supersedtd hy .the teachers' summer training school, aa provided by the last session of the legislature. State School Supem- teadeat Alderman, however, ha, ad-j vieea iae majority or me ceuatiea w ceaUaue the laaUtutes, ao.the rk of ? t'n ii. . B.J. Graat, saliigarat. taa,Al goau Lumber ebmpaay, teadlag.te aaaaaeaa aaattata ,' ; I AasluMI ' V m. jmM A 1 ""ir'.y '?.". "T "" - ' eitU I luaid af fajMlaiahi- the 'eauaa at ta rnvatBtaaarsr .- srzftiii&f an H et'.K ri . 5 vf; . BBBha" Sk1 V Pole NgiK Oirt Aoitators .i-ai. r.J c . Ml M te Eicfaa F ': nsa'saaakakll;FaaaaA 'llaaB ' flTi imp y ""f '1&bi . ' "Ma Sf ' 1 la Si ' V i -- ' - . I' . . f A alafaa . aaaaaaaaaaaaakadK A Dentin raw conwj mmm ' '' ,i;tv', j; .,.. iiU'i..i . ' .., 4rear,aa taargaaH isMslMiF-4 A mWaimi."' "fMRS Thla baseball bag that has beea faar oculstlngall tbe baelameaajl.taa elty "haa.attJaat aUtatea.Mi raal mUU tu.4 fiwvrtiaMt Mte.i iiin .;tf? taey roea a aataa taa. ;waaa K eaasa ta aeaaaall they eaaM wtHwaaH Mr aawrefatloa ,aBectrlaaa mark' ''eukkry.1-aaa wared r that" thai wWfreat Jof4in;an'd Pla"eaaAr.;ao -i...l '-1 ''H....M..:i:1;u.i,' . m' agreement to probtbft tlU emptor msa'''aaayrUJbelow sMeUsd agea 'aala: Ma a ;aiaximum UO-haair 4ayVfW'Vorhera''wtthu(1oerUlnKaMk ' , by. B.C.-Kleaaer and, ohlWrea'are fewtralBlag aeaaah) eaa be. watched --' ' - ' .'..,,, v v - h v"'7 "TT k. V n.'-l V Villi Delegates, from the principal Indue- trial, eauntrlea ottRuraaa jvtll ,'aaasi September 16 th at Berae by iavlta tloa of the Swiss soverameat to eaa- aiaer the drah'ig,af snlatwaaUoaak'tse giaie waa settled! ) It aiUakaW necessary ta 1 'Aaa;tha( ,fm0& e'alMmj'a ; Bsasai wtey eaaia ; waste aaaa aar gatloa In ''the r4' v'm Milaaa' ovs'rhairthtoVre. atafc:ParkSuaaVtt-' ' jl' )) H , -Y ,?r : . ' ' i-.iH- , 1 V AiAnvBimviat.aBatMi'nkW:.' '"V: rn;-r..r7 "T-i7r?,f t. . -v i' ;" .t, , '.t.,s .' ' -i 'o r V. -V,lS.- '" ! .ti Beth'af the'' warrkta' faattaaa aaaaf Jaak I Wsmhfcdriera M taraaaa-aaatwa fMII rlrlea'J.MbttWase';vrm, Maaa kaa. ajpeama'maa aanrBnaBssBi sssaa usBt yj,a , "fJ"' !" W ""agaa' aagawav aajgr .ssTm .IB aMPVgaaaa ' 1 aW. emHHp arRmsm aVvJavVsaaisaw laraa4 .taajl tlbare' wjil aa . tk-Hlmaly Freak qaaaawaT SaaHh.l Yarmaa sad.RaaaHJL. ThaPahtt feir vajPUx em 1 1 Raaaaggaa "rBWPam". e 5.'" )r 1 . i j n' ' - ! Vj rk..' ..!'" j. f ' IP "f: m: i .f MJ