n j l". i xs" i i ; 1 ' 1 if. wa, i . i". jT) j ' 'i-L-'V t V..i (i 1 I y " v 'v; - i ' t A 'Pi , Aa t'V''J'' , I ' 7 1 i. . J "' It .. 'TL: . 4 V f J OWIOIAb NHWaYAVfaR f . nr m CITY OK KLAMATH VAUM !': , ., I:rjij, f P c Mahlh Year No. B,IB1 Sunday Morning Auto L, .' ' p "" aVi mmr7mr.?mm' i t aHr '.-,, - t ,'' KIiAMAMrALU, OatWt H ' afciT a t s 111 fl i . "W""""""" ,- LVt te si . . t ammwaam&.amw Ufaaa v anal .aanaw' FK awl J . v 1 t"- rHU M ft v "- v,., . '" - "i i, .' .. ri. ., 'U:V- fA'-i lli'A ' W v. 'WJV: r ""- r WiT I - ,;' r tmzm ju a .- j . V -i . , F.'JHffl Ai( ' Vj r;j jj" ."' ssaa :r 5TPAT, AVCWMT 4, If 1 I'lll Ill I ' l lIWiti2llll!jJM 18 Year Old Me e Has a Fatal Ending; .v 01 BRYAN SAYS THE ADMINISTRATION WON'T INTERVENE i AMHAHMAINIK WIIMtN HAM gUIT THK JOB In ) Inlrnrlrw With Vnlfil I'itm HrirrMnilllTv( Mrrrrlary of Wli t tolly IVhIm Anr lulmllun ut Amnl lMrirrn4l(M In Mnlraa MH Hallun H4) Mnltolkiii CMitiilllr Maj ArrtJilN Krlx-U' I'tiwrr Dr. Jefferson Will Co To Nicaragua lljr JOHN' C. NKVIN (HUB correHiidenl United I'rnw) WAtfHINOTOlM C, AUf. 4. To onil tliu lrrt;Knll ttorfen of Im IwndliiR aruirtl hitnrventlon In Mexico by llio llnUtril Hlnteii, Hocrelary of Htt llrynn and Prenldent WlUon are ready to tak the public Into their tonttdettre. Alter Wilton conferred with llryan the Utter made it known thai the ad tululetratlon conaldera Intervention not only Improbable, but acarrely ro uio;aly poealbln. aaaaaaaaaa. aBBBBBBBBBBW ''JbBBBBBbW. War TAPPAN INFANT'S EXPIESS RATES SUFFERINGS END f 1 av 1 ' m m am emA ' 'AafA l 1iaajaaaaaBiaaaBWaalwa aaNaafcaaaaaeiawaaaaawaaaa,,'j BBaBBaBvaHaaaBeaaeBwaBaBBBawBawaBBaBBBBBBBaBHi .11 '& kuakaaaa'JE asm -i I.ITTI.K (,'IIU.II I.VJUKHO HV UN. NATUHAIi 1'AKK.NT, MHH AT THK COU.NTI' I.VnKMARY A A KHHLT OK MAM'M INHUMAKITY AIL ON.PAICELSTQ BEIME LOWER cxHiMimat cciMinnmoy onHna ICANOW' v 4 HAMM Mb aTOWCIMMIjr wwWp CMM 9i Panel Ueater WtHf Tmmtm ham- laurr au oi juno uy Mra. rappan. ntnlted Praaa Sarvtaa t I 4 Meaatan ml Cewiwle law Mai Ceeaaeallee WW ate XaaaeJ j Dr. Ilenjamln I.. Jofferaoti of Don- ver will be the man to carry the nw doctrlno of Preildent WlUon and Sec retary of Htato llrynn to the natlonii vi ma Butim ii ii m naopted m eel tled Miry. Ho ha been nominated for mlnltter to Nicaragua, and he will go there with the new treaty, should It he adopted. Kvenr acaunt reach Inc the While Home regarding the Meilcan altua-' lr JefTeraon la a llryan man Hon. according to llryan, ahowa iut ,,,ll'oun nn' through, and ha fought It U clfarfn?. Tho entire plan comld I rnr nlf 'wler In Colorado polltlea el ml proven n roiupreheuiUe auggea lion of mediation, further, there may be a first hand Investigation Into the rausea behind the recolHtlona. It It powlble as last resort that the order prohibiting the supplying of arms to the constl tu',Iounllstoa may be remored, Halted 1'reea Service WA8IIINMTON, U. C, Aug. 4. Ilrjan today announced the resigna tion of Ambaaaador Henry l-ane Wil ' "Ambaaaador Wilson's resignation was accepted to become effective Octo ber ICth," said the White House an neuncement, "The part he felt It hU duty to tako In the earlier atagea of the revolution In Muxlco make It din cult for him to represent the views of tho present adnilnlstratlon.Jn view of the situation existing." " Twice he was nomlna(ed for governor ami as often defeated, but that did not dampen bU championship of the Tcerless Leader. He was born In Georgia and went to Colorado some years ago. . Urea Chlrkra IMy In .Vew York United Press Service NEW YORK, Aug. old town has seen a After several weeks of suffering, the tweulymoattwold daughter of Mrs. Ralph1 I)o Wilt Tappun. whose mother charges Tappan with Tlctlml-i Ing for tho satisfaction of hla animal ' desires, died last night at tho county , Infirmary. I Tho child, horribly Injured Inter-j . .e . . . . ' unity, as taken to the Infirmary the I ttri.ll. ,1.. .M,... w. ... !.. la 1 wl IT Ita i M she 7uZLZ tZ WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. The hor husband had made similar attacks l,ntmUt & CoambwlM to on two other daughters, neither oneid5f ordered eeewg redueUoM Is l yearn old, and she made complaletjthe expreea.Mtesj paresis every- lo the nuthorltlM. where In the e&Mrr. Thee nam Tapnan was arrested here, but It 'from 10 to ' Vl' Th nrdr was found that the crime had been ! becomes effeeUveOetebit ltli.' committed in Siskiyou county. He I The commlasloitssa aWbtea. that far wi.n then taken to Yreka. where he two rears tawraaaa aVlll h aartataai. ,ii K.i n A,i-4r' m1l . . Two Mediator Xryihk;ioLvold)i Threatened Strike of Trainmen - - . -'j . " .,kM HU H uwalta trial. TAR DADY WILL SCRAP JOHNSON TWO HLWHVRMN) FMJHTKHH WII.fi MKKT IX AKIH VMA ACCORIHXfl r'Oltll'H MANAQKK TO MNO- 4. This little lot of mighty nlted I'reas Service DOKTON. Sam Ungford'a manager perl looking chickens, but today's1 today ronflrmed the report that hie dlfptoy broke all records. Now atop boxer Is to meet Jack Johnson In a right here and don't waste your time twent-rouad bent at Park thU (all. rending further If hll you enre nbout Johnson ha been guaranteed f J9. Is.the kind of chicken sung nbout In 000. I.angford will get a quarter of ong. This story refers to "eatln tro groH receipts. chickens," - - , ,, m . Today was opening day for nn great ta display of chickens as has been seen In tho Kast for years, at the Greater New York JPalr and Kx- posltlon being held at the Kuiplra City .track. NeArly 1,000 liens nml rooa- lal. Practleattr alt the rate oa aar- eel nBder fffty ssisti ar radtealty lowered. la the Me of null aack ngea carried smm thaa taad teas than S.eee mtlea. the ratM are nearly all lowered to the pared post. rat.. Over 3.060 mliaa jMexpreaa aad par- poet rates are MeaUeaL " The order mt the eommkaM Mm pMlea taa Urlffs. it eaUalhmasttlM block or son system ( tariffs.' " A committee, eempased atmemaera of .lh eomailashM and repreasaUHvaa of the express eempaalea la organ lied by the order to devise the beat avenues of transportation, atfd elimi nate circuitous route. The commissioners assert that the express companies give away f S.oee,- 000 la free service eaea year UrMfk franka. Harry Aaglla.aad Mhw NlaaNoel were among a number of yoang peot pie to tor to Kagle RMae Sunday, j ' itk "' JammmmmWaW .aaaaaaaaaaafflHak''' 'iaHH ' ' -'.aaalalalalBBVDBaTfilBBaV' f aaalalalalHIisaffiHcS -bIbIbIbIbIbIbVbIbHbbusVw H bIbIbIbIbIbIbIbbbYbbHsbbV HB -U BHH f LIIIIIIIIHBe;vv:iillllllllllKHBLV '-,',-: - BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaEaTOnW.raBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaam . . .. rf . aaaaHR&';'..H.a ' . ' i . .BBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaanapiaiaw h BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaaT . mmwmm ewaaa '.aBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaYBBEP ..i.v BaaaaBaBaBaaaaaBaBT . . I ' ." 2AaBaaBaBaB.B.B.H J'r' AaHaHB ' ' lMRR'fa IJlHfV'SnHHHHMHaf r, - - - - V". mammammamwmmr v. ' HbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbbw - aaaa.....njLj...........HH.KI ' """ kmmmmmmmmmmmmimkmmmBkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmWtkmW '-I aaaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaV BaWBaaY I HBaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBigeaaBl LIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbK XBHaaalBalBaBlBVBHnaBBaaBl ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl B.IBSM&WaaBBBBBBBBBBHiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBeiaBBnaBBI laAMI . - - ' - n&JBflHHgHw tam tail ofttntt , 7BrilaalalaSHa9SLZHalalalaaalaallr i warn i r-'mBnmmmwamam "-nwmmaaaaaaaaaaaw a' mlmmmmmimaaL 4ttu.mmMmm: mmw JMRaaasjtaM (tam late r un I . a. r)f VT1 T-n. lAL.- - - .... - "" T r i "-.' JIMf' WUll.Lt;ift, lUMNfl ,i C" ' 41 i' Jude WUUaM.Log Chambers! ti. n. nawnr v tmm nnnawjii labor, aad Judge Knaps,-staaa their appolatment under vtha aewlaada act. aa mediator by Prasldsat, Wits, hi Mm threataao4atrMVaf Oa ershimia Mrlt 0MMCHCn MaW9fl PMIPMMV Ue,beea-aard at, work to Nn;tbeje4hM waaM ig'iiiHiisjp aimcuiuea. ixaey ae several aas-irer food., ," m vv r Baaaal ,FIJg flleuad;t'aramrt mmXtrmmmlmmmCZLimEmTi Hr Ooiof facta frasatk ataaa, aant ,mmVjkdMmZ'lT iJETl A .rS r , O. W. W. Ilaamar.. . . 1 'v taer ;ecswerd the attaattoa .., 25B. A-- STiwu (.7 TrriTTn -?. -- Te'4Ja MARBLKHKAD, Haas., Aug. 4 The mid-summer regatta of the Cor lathlaa Yacht Club, which started off Marblehead today, brought together one of the largest SeeU ot raeJag and pleasure boat ever seen la thle har bor. The combined- Meets .of the Cor lathlaa, Manchester ,K" : (Buiu. mmA , ww w clubs and the taterclub AnoetatloaaumberoAtavarMt esaeJI aoaUi The regatta 'will eeatkaue through AugnK Ma. V What About a Ciiy Water Supply? i Many of the cllltena of Klaamth Kaila are beginning to wonder what Dr. Wright reporta the Mrth of an tors entered by farmers of a score of dent-pound girl to Mr. nud Mrs. J, C. 'state will' be shown all week. Tho North of Meadow Uiko on Sunday. Iprliea will be awarded Saturday, wltl' rcforonco to n future municipal 1? ' ' " ; water supply, Aa the week and the months go by this question la being 'usked with greater Insistence. The prevailing opinion seemd to ha that I the time haa arrived when tha eKy .should decide upon some detntte, buslaeea-llke plan for tha future, aad itlien work'conslstently to that aad. or dry season. The land for the ditch for. plie line la the beet, tha 4 Lincoln Rational Highway Was . Commenced ninety Years Ago, Says Good Roads Enthusiasts ( Hy tXHXMt. CHAS. W? THATCMHR Something like two year ago there was quite an agitation over a munici pal water supply, At an election the cltUens expressed Mhemsetve ovr- jwliolmlngly In favor ot munlelpat ownership of water aad light utilities. I lia f iilfoti Oanslaiaamnai n. aaT alllaaaa t - i j y " (Mn-mpwt 'snifiaiviavii arvwajra sat sjaggmifA The Lincoln National Highway (a Plk faa turned back to tho' various upon some spring near Aspen Uk. not n drvum. Out link of almost, atate through which It passed. In followlna thBrenort of R. aI.Kb. 1,000 miles waa constructed by ta government ninety year ago. Our grrnt Hcniy CJIny Inlorod for yenru In behalf of this portion of the Lin coln highway, railed the nlii National Pike. ';'The foundutloil of thin roudway lit f V.AjhdlvlUimlily comes nex to tlio.Aplan Vtf in Italy, built by tho nnny of thai'engjucctlng (tonlus, Julius Cne- ear, 1,000 year ago l Wo art) working at tho pVcxcnt time 'v to (have thv his ton 3 itoyeiumeatal 1 , roadway couUtiued to the 1'nclfla Co.ist, InaetQIs wck ban bon conducted wlth'perslalor.t euthuslum (or a' number of'yearc. ?itn the most en(6i')ragiHg rosuli. , Several 'of , the eta ten have already 'taken the matter. IP an consiruetea.jijiumer40( mima .permanent aigaway, , "., m ulaea the upkeep of tho lilgtiv.ay tins mitt,, specially employed to Investigate bicu Verl.ousty neglected. I cnJood'nltltudo. flow and quality of streams the pUawroaf conducting a campnlgn and spring within n'radlu of'thlrty- aiong iMwniatorleal, national thor- live mile of thU elty. aufhfai-. several, year ago, favoring Tho Investigation of Mr. Kmmltt Ute turning of the national 'road prop- covured the following stream, and ei ty ba"kjt7tas?rnntt. Laat'sprlhg! Uarctay 'Spring; UUlt yfar ,b, wfca ktirfdueed by. a Mts-'uprlnipi; Spring Creek; Snort., Crook, sotirlnn coHgreasnuui, asking for 120,- Crooked Creek. Port 'Creak, Wao OjO.flOOohgvwJaooMf'Biko.placeduuver, Sun Creek,, Seven hill, Crass In Upbeat, rlr.tauUHtorolt,rcek, TJirco Mile,? ?herryi Crssk, conatructlw.wllLpslt.Jgo.taklagJMoas Creek, Rock Creek, Asps the sltURtloa aa nwaotojfw kve,ijUku Spring and the iprlng wlthhi great amounts actual I work ssesaf'the city limit.., t pllshed o encourage us la'sopt(wa? Mr. Kmmltt closed hi report to ths i ound of energetic effort whisk aurstx y rouncll a follow! s ,'," v win resuu in me oompwia'MLtal j v "After a carsful but limited axal Atlftntic-to-i'asias MUtevarXwMA itloa of. all these' water suudIIm. means oceans of pleasure ta'sjrfwrrsok I .considered tho Ideal We nation, soms of th most M-omhtMt frwiarjt'y f.Vntsr, anpls supply, man ot thVuatlon pro oatisiod laWoiwWsaJivHhilWiPropMfi mmmer,netmJmLm,amm9LmmM, " ': ", - vi . '.. . : wllonlho city council Is going to taks kad trom U start. Iwhleh would fnm Ika w)r tbrnuah a smaller' pipe the aaal lsagtk af forty-four miles.' 'Next In order wouM be Aspen Lake' teriaga." v u 'Mr. Kmmltt 'reporta AP Lake Springs purs, eM water, at:aa alti tude of lis to 3I feet abovs tho wa ter tank BMaahMt the preeect tssst voir, w prsmsto. Mr. HmmHt npojrta a How of 1,608.060 gaUon par day can be had fram tka Asuw Lake Bprlnc. with a pklla ovor a reeky timbered esuntrr sad a tuaMl osms sights of a mil IsaaT, at a dhKaaee of elgkteea miles' ott, a direct llae.'br by a pipe line S6, mlle tons, around Hagw Ridas. 'Mr.'Hmmltt'a'fovestlamtlGM and rs poirt'lwt"the passible 'muntei pal wa ter'suptilyuestlAn.lasoaiethlag like tangible shape,' so, far as source of supply m eoncernedltjU etUer As nett I-ke Spring or Bun, Creek. A preliminary step aau beeaUkea In KMurlag ,-ai,aiktg''A Asps take sHHrhn,' aM-aoasa', HtUetAevolepmeat work' was M.lastifa)l.; Ik order to, keep folttwUV to t4Jv !Tfct does noi "nssssaarHy mean Uat the Bua Crsk supply I aot the betUr prsni sithM. Be thtaHmay,?taseltyl oafrontsd wlUthe queatlosi, "WhM " ivpnisw yms mi ariBsiiaeT w water ofiAapea LAka' Sprsags ,or Bua !Qreek this oity suaxsseWt qusjstl-. ty t suppVy'a passlhlsi lu4nrs'poptl tk of ar 18,M,mmkT rfy , doesn't requlr tks aarrtossof aa ,'Mmo t,gWramkJof thxt.k waseaa.HW'ssaK of p. mmm VISITS KLAIATn tfvailAsm i ' ty 4 . omaAI.; -- m" - mrma rmimaaam mm j. i. . .. ..,.. ,,' , - lmnigtfnMiaifcl v" "trv, ,. n IbbsmmB. it'aj i si a.v . i;t:j .. .-3 m fcrmssa was) svir tho soot might be. W "that doit must be "added reservoir eeaatfustlea at sufielsBt elevation' above the pres ent reservoirs, not only for distribu tion purpose, but -for istorags par- ------ AatMA ..- ' breaks la tks mate Has. To that )t mw( awa s aaaaa lae reel ui a asw dletrlbutloa. syMssa or the pareaase pries at th pr's'ssat dhrtrlbutksg sys te . . '' t U 4 Tara,ja no doubt, In th mlaaa of tha naanLft mk ta tka --'--''" of aa. eurlaaT a'aarmaaaat aad ad senate wa-! .i.? .(,.. . .!,-. ;..v tT'tipMy -laf lauire m wtewi. yr- , LA D TO UTYtMOATBl CssAJkfi. R4BAXB4 I jarta I. smaaaaawae ' :-' . r"" . . t .- i W)T.,i"v ;. Tasseertala Us' ekargee asads by PcMamaHar 01y K. Braadeakurg agahut'Chsef Clark Jos! B. aKAIUeter; aad .sowtisr caWRsa preferred uatasi Brandsahsrg ay cAr, ostJ lapetor Ha.Da-1 rand ta'aenfrssa'Partlaadr He'wtU remain several dayt. --Ji tetsrtsasjsL C.MM of ta oat of tao oar. Mast flgaM? to tMtMi.a4ri Mssyanal Iheatmnrt. rstral kjrkia,- X paskaat ai rr41se4eyMksNfrt $K ,IVV" aaisaaasTLa-t Out Ufa tka w -Tho medlealaid. XwafRB SdtessaiaassfMat 'Si irm. . -V- -tJ ?1' r- vc-1. ir JVmnnu-u-tugairti rTW tatont'i , EfMLW aad in PitcN Ratfli poses. Jilt may b loayoaw koThTo'F.V"vr WdVnUt.in-l? ; .n tU slinwouii;as in a MMlroV .jmMMttmmmA tfce standpolat'of populatlea er an: c to eoaaammats' ike tpwji sta sMaieipal "water aad'llght'ylaat But that hi) no argument - agalut tbet ac quhiltloa of.aa adequate water supply now, for future use. . , ?V t .. f 1 t ' ' " " "JwXfl' vj vv, 25i-L .i,;' niiLi r";w k" a-v iw.k. .iv--. WHEATLAND. lU..7Aa,N.jarrstal Formesro dead'aad aeorsafara bf tksar f"'. rWj To lsfaiiy r.UU control of ottler --, -. tj.'illto Takj, HI asl the Aspeu. Uke or Su Creek prpo- . f t V. sttueWBJV M'4 slttoas.under a ut lilac, until suck $ T.ffv,ff (ears " time as the otty hi SaaaeUlly a'btoto bttlysslerday btws.oaUr Mat AAsaamat 4aslw apply a water, toa beaeicUl use.or aimok or.?0 hoppleker aa'tk Darst iMn4mycWaJM aroosod' tt, las 'owMsjgiiMfof. a ui.K;,. ,!'.'-" MiH?!?? . tisttaadtaas3 ..-"'. f j.. : .l . . -j i i " - i . i 'iw i." i " T."fwrTusji . niiistwi'systm,win?MiaJitttss?Tks'ddaralk ' ,',,:,?' '"r tamlanaBSamtrv i ' psMttur eC-a olarabto sums! maasy In developmaat ,wsrk. But tks worM-isaturo aoeut taat.uj. aM.My.i . : . .. . . ,j ' ii mitwiww nur auiw nenive , detalte plaaaatkaraMayjvltk'aiiroll dlfested MU.asesptod ustaagKiaust necessarily be ;dultory.'sd. ta itko end) useless,, sad. the-msnay. tkMn WW, ,.- .rf. i - 't ,i?fe ft Jksro ls an jM swyhBsksA Qi l1 v WstrlstjAltornay at' T., sfwiwoW.'? ' , Dsputr MslMraR;, . ,VAb ualdetlB kttsshman. - MiAnunlduaM'Mwro.' ;i;:V tMk SUeempMtes.mmtMaralate' wisjiiiyrj' patrotuw fko iwtasial atrssM gf n olty.iTw thousand ai0ga lamWti aSm,a.x Hla'. r Mmatlat laar la aaam dsotorai! &' ' ' s ' "... .- I .. -. - -t i Js4iWom Rim imp w w 9f m &m QL-&TM SMsa Hh'et U ot wltkwt itoMT mv aatbt ior'tk iraukst ssAysmrtki. bm) TM'teapairy;- immmmnMm. era WiMt umt awvsmiwtim iaiaira jh mn mmmmmmi'mm Wmmumr .T (f Ta"" sr,ewsWJB"aPI . -'K," M,iWarmMani . ivemuHasa-sm. , j ji -, jiwag;war supply tarouga ureugaMa(Tsryw avsa ;.aa'j.jwM- airias aiamt la.tajmr. ..''vV a. . t'lffMI '. SWIM,! . i'. J A J V . V4.' ' 'wttV ' T. ', ', ,Ws tn, ri,!''2"jlf 'v ''.y''i . i",', jf vSU-V, i.'Wiwffii.,Ti ) . " " irtn'rl f 1U "g Ml tl H i ',1 X .A. ,jfflbiaaasaawafaSamnBaaaaaaa FlR,TrP- ' kssift Aa JAfsaAglkaf.faBt awaatJsaf. I r""as asawasF sisvasfjaBBBaBBsaaBnsnsr anB"ns. fn si,, ay