X '.i' ip'.J ,t V !" ,V7: Vs , WO- )' 2al 8 .- I t i ,.W. IT I -A. m OFFICIAL NBWSFAPSat ';' nm oitv of klamath falls 1il 3") ' . Ibe t mm ip i iji ,,4 ' -m . i , . y'i f. JJ PAMU'Wll it iTrLvni?! Ktohtk Year fe. ,iaw, KI,AMAM falls, ttXTomAY. Avovn'i, itii t I 1-J ,JJW IIIBMB Wilson Says That Peace Dove Aivay GOOD HIGHWAYS GOSPEL SPREAD IN THIS CITY M Vt ' '., Wtv H.W . L': 'COMWKL THATCH KK AMI MUI.KH . . AKK HKHK 'WMrJy Traveled IMerlale of llrttcr i Hlgtiaara Cbmmi Tell or Hip Ko mimmIc ArfrnUtrrtu lln (Mlnnl. f , Hid l.lntoln Xalkmiil IIIkIimmx, nml Adftrlra Ikimllnir ' Mnkp llm . , KfMutMmjra Mtir Hrtlrr. I ) .' That the goirl of icooil roi) U Ipudlly lnklnB lioltl of tli pvoplo of Klainnlli county wna uvldenred liy tlm Uruo galharlnR of local cltlien and coplo from iho country which attended tb nnellnR In tlie court hoiuo park thla afternoon, at which Colonel Cliarlca Thatcher waa tho Mrnclpal apeakvr. Cotonel Thatcher la nn entertainer at well aa a ood road enlhuilaat. He ataied that nelM and enthuilaim .were neceMary to waken the people to the adrantago of all great project, ''and that'th coat of nole wa one or the Imp6rtant and necewary exwnM of good road. "When I w hero laat year," laid Colonel Thatcher. "I fell In Invo with your country, I had heen collecting data for a routn for national high" way for ten year. After traveling ''through your country sod viewing , the unurpaied acenery, I felt that ' thl-1 waa the natural routn far a great highway. However, f did not want to ' make n mlttnke. I wanted to be ur that I wa right. Hlnco then I have traveled over 3,000 mile, and I rati tell you thnt Klamath Pall I thn natural gateway to tho great North- tuontinued oa page ; Howard Elliott, Railroad Chief i i i i i ii i . ii . ; -. . ' ...."' ' ' r v ,;zvmm;r!u-?xmm CongreisionalJingoes Scare tne When He Leads IpStitlivii l i . ' .. ..'. ... .-!' . ' y-;!;.Vivu . Mm ji .. J .111 ggcS SaViSffgggBF Hig&gf ' MEXICANS MIX OVER DIAZ AT LOS ANGELES , 1 1.. i ;.i hKVKHAI AHK tTT, rHIKINO THK MKUCK Adtterettta of KeH Charg Vyom m IVoteMt MrHiM Heto HeW by 9M of Their Cuttatr-meM, mm! HtMeMoa FlaOi and Mah Klet Call Xaeea. miry llt-foi-j IHe I'nlire (;ih Ifc ierae tho IWIIIgerrat. imimm04 i i.i'i.'-r-'.rLi.r. '-''. .ii ,-ii"."i"i""" -'- --- - CHAMBERS SHOWS AT RODEO ennri 7Si I l - I iHHON-ciitf Mme AN fMCm-ATtOW At HTKatttAfliIiBO(KII?Hl ftTH IA)OAb MAW, TO THE OOOt AT saunas: ;. f Social to Tin Herald' , SALINAS, Atag. : "Sllai" Chan. OFFICIALS WOULD m. gfl gfl g gg ggggfl . ii ' n a, -d t. , IbMrKUdtbllUI aa- i ' - - .-' ,wi .i r "-, v n'gggggm;rV,, '" : g! TflOTjgigai ' ,x--:"m..'-,,--'ifiuiia-mamKm .o . .',' :BaBaBaBaw . ,K ,.jP , 'v't ''iiijaflBH MUSKKTLY' JaggtsBBP. h" V"-? 7- -r i . '.OSEH i': JtaaaaamvV''''ii 'aaaaaaaaaaaav Ai A u - ". t t ". . . fjff V fuM , 'sIbb'iW:'. ah. . " ..wm .aaaaaav a iiv.- ,'.'. ' ;c wta Aaaaclallaai t. gaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTSk? '' ..ih.!-r " ' .i..3b.Atf K. gBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS. . SPsW gSTf SHMBuHHLnS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM ' vMlaataa1 nMBaa. ataa alaiatiarKMt '--- .MKjlaU.. '.SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM , r titHBIH meatvaapeaj bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb , f . , !'' . w.. . v'ailSSBSBH -;ggBBBBBBB'' ; T' V T "'.SlHKf rwi ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggfl - i iA ; t w t iujjjig-i. wi bbbbbbsbH .I'A'1-. '' w""' w rs ' 'igBBBBBBBBSBgafafM . . ' -Vv'ra BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk I' ' IV. "'i'i fATATATATATATATATATATATATATi iDat4naataatia'' - Jft''V HH PrMMt'WllM itgaajgjgAja 1 'BBBBBBBBgaHsBBBBBBBBl Ofti'fc f Mft lsMiiBMnHH Staaatt, eoaaraaamaa TB : Jin ji:'-:: ,T7 . . - " .. JTllfSPi gBgBfgaBaBgBgBgBgV!lVP"BBamw ' JrT'TSTUJTg!JP'lHiBHHg1 Haary U WHaW Aaartam aaOaaV- fjf JJJImWbbI 1 IgaSkAaV aTBi a taTShaaTSfea MattavaalBTgaHHasaaBTBWBn v - - 8vfj??S!' T' ? (! iTBTrtr" MgSgSgaBfH dU4 Ua Catta4 Stataa atM aaaaaaaaat atiT" ,"tTL If-lRBSafBrnl jliVllj'.Jr Wi,P11 - liP !WlT?'fr-aBMyjBfc3S W.0.ASS0CH United I'reH Servlea I.OH ANOKLKfl. Aug, 2.A riot In tho Moilcan colony lietween faction for and opporcd to Ulai resulted la thn icrlou Injury of several men. At (cut 400 participated In the fight. Two hundred Mexican opnosed to Howard Klllott, ureMnt ot Hia'r.ti. inB. .-ned . mnu neetlna thla Northern I'aclnc railroad, bom In ,fteroon to formally protect agalnat 1160. ha been choaen for a wore dlf- tho ,,r,nce of Wm Ih m Angetea. flcult job In hi election to the preM iralng of tfal. 300 or mora ayw dency of tho New York, New lUvtn ,,Bti,Ura for the Ulat caute aitamp- ted to break up the meeting. Kalvea and Hartford. Ho mutt take a larc proporty, which baa alaaeat torn wrecked, mid build It up ao not only tho vtockholaera, whoio ahare ara worth leaa than one-half their former vAlue, but the critical public of New Kngland my be aatUOed. Twenty year ago, when the people of tho Weat baaaa to arataat Mafciat tyrannical and arbltrnry railroad mnnagement, tbey werecalled anarch (at and foclallata by the comervatlve bondholder and alockhotdera of ICatt ern road, At laat the people of Now Kngland have adopted the an)M attitude, and they have made accusa tion agalniit the mnnagement of the Now Haven by I'realdnnt Charle 8. Molten a bitter a anything atd were drawn and club waraiaaad for everal minute. A riot rail waa atnt In before the IKillce 1-o.iiJ tMnperaa th) mob. ben, an elaaajattd eowpuacher from ( Klamath fall, mad tbe beat rlda; yet at the "Ml, Week" before a crawd of 1 , Wl. Ha U plck-j ed for the tatekMf caamatoaakiy flaal. J' Chamber aUa haa.the reaord time ao far In the hulUeglg.' Jean Joka oa, alaa frag tie Ktoraath coaatry, baa quallied far the flaaU (a the burking eaataat. HOtOS WOMKUrS N CASK , !." 4" m4VBBvvSaBJS1 VSSVT fe Jm 0 'S Karagkatl gafaraaratWaraai l,ftavati gafaMadkai IITJPI SPSWTvW 4Hwiar W ITHgai , WllMonStlllki" ,: ' , Defends Hucrta WSlHHt Ml . APPENBICTIS ATTACK WOMAN MNS. A. m. VIJMO.X OV LAN4NBLL VAIXKV M IN SAEMOCS CONDI. 1 WON IIUISl SVIdMON-ggf V TKiaWKAra V adara i WW K. Kaas. I 1ST wJi aTSlrtta1Bls1 VM' 4mt SVW SMSBa WgawSWat'SPjS'SJPjjBTr aTWir BSB7BJB9 J I That tke rekamatlon ervke feaaAt la Wartlagtaa are wlHIag to Urn 'the management of, the Klamatb pro ject ever to tk Watar Uaara Aaaaela tlon la tba taaor ef a eeatmaaleatloti from WU1 K. Klas. eeaaaal awl law commleateaer ef tka reciamattaa aar vlea, (a N. J, for the Seatkera Oregaa dlatriat. .A coaraf tba letter, kaa.baaa aeat to Pnataaat Aayj tlw WatUeera JajaaBVSJHsvllnft WJ SPSBssWva) VsfsM Iwl ' -" .. J vl Khetlo Maad TraaU OnmrlnaaMf Itntlml Pru Bcrvlca iunvini.'K'ri' b r in. a I With many of the etate'e beet taMta, A' H vf" ?"""Bl?f player entered la the compatKlaa,) the matchea for tha open atata eham-1 Mlnmliltt kavan Ataa naa tka a A aaBwaBa Hunt cU co;r.7,d.r th.pli'"' """ """ fSseclel Oarraaaeadasea) IJtNOKLt. VALlbt, Aas. (waa takes aartaaatr akk thkt weak. land Or. Merrymaa,' whs lava "bjetter addraedt ta yea July II by Abel Ady aad headed by yea te Seeretary Laaa. aaaaeeia'-r-ferreA te me for aekaewUdaeiaea't? (aa Seereury Laae baa left laaea' hJa Waatera trla. la tkda letter, a aaa bar oT tbi are Uueaed apoai. f By reference to. our Ilea It .aaaeara teat tba fatlawlas are the eewdHieia "mv of, tke reclamatlea eemmU lea: No daSaHe date kaa aeea net; bat 'It ta hoped that It will be arae- of the National Lawn Tennta Aao-elation. Alrx Stewart I here today bout thu WVitern railroad twenty 'dairymen of that aectlon. II mkoi tack of appendlcltl. ittcabie for at, leaat eaa ar tae I A telegram baa been aeat to Mra-'kraaftkaeertamkariaalabaatlClaai 'VlMon'a mother. Mr. I M. Davla of ta Fa IU at tke time af tke coavca Tomalee, Calif.. apprUug her of the tlon there la Auguet. Secretary, iromi... ( . . .. u ruiu'ljiBe' nlaR ara lobe la1 tba vlclaltr Ungell Valley with cream from thai... ,. ,fc ,k. .iii.-k'iri,- I about tbat time, and U'la hoaed that . miia in . ; tw-- ...- --. . .- - ,-- year ago., i regular trip, to lb local creamrry. nth Fall Sunday afternoon. Fourteen Years Old, He Is Rtim Ul Srvitid Tifp Tmnrinnmnt! RECOGNlZAUCE tbe.seerant.t larMaaiea.-'Ha'aat oa W arrival la Ke Tea laat SaW .T . i...-. -.-.- ! " ' .' aaa; aeai i ate tawmaiea w . , eaniwla argdac tkai ''aaaVaM !4Wa'adeea4'tiMt eraaaeat, ' wMaa. wlH be aM!l day HaerUraa itoaal araaMeat.v rleat tt&ad by The amhaaaador -weat oa ,'ta' Waek- fag to aee PreaMaat Wltoaa Secretary Bryan, who had ealleA hla from Mexico to ceaaatt abeattha att- uattoa tkera. U waa keHered ki'Waaa- lagtea kaiWeaU'afeerretaralhv . ii 4 '.V . . ,jf ;' It. " Career of Herman Coppas Who Murdered an Entire I Family, ! the Moit Baffling Ever Encountered by vf '? Criminologists. Lad Has No Qualms Over Deed ' United Preaa Servlea JOMRT, III,. Aup. 3. Fourtofn :; year of age, and' anatearcd .for life) Granting that Herman Cnppca, n mnre hnlty, Uvea to lheverace age ot ' prisoner, tliU youth" ho aalmly ahot i to dentil, for no apparent reaeon.the . "..wife of i!i hchefuc'tor, and 'ttruahed thii.heada of two babied with aa axe,' today U looking forward to the:tltty ,. Syeare bo mum Mill uti'vo uemna me 4?- ',?Brl(on burn before death liberate ' y" mm. ' ' T ' ft Herinan Coppoi la a touaol-hMrpd,' guilder aleil boy, Juat lilt hundred ' ' 'lo be round on corner1 loin playing V baaeaaii.or ai th 'awimm.ln' holo," i aklas ' elolen (unf. There will v -' jtkaao wweball.or yutlnn, however, ' ' v feV MttU Herman CopW - . I '. na..lu' .k.a V ' f . . H.' rtrlT'lamt,(lm(llac'Utdy 111 J"Vo ,"$ a&sMSiSltSnWy'tlihaatever come ' '" A';VktJSlytly.''waa.iBq;Bhnr!M ,., -t'tMve)t'HQCMpai;t:o)rfc;::iroMed to- .dayyWarJcn'WmauO K. Allen of .' ' the nHaaaWrrleo e. rolkt And $ tlry olfella'wka iHtsanlned thl , t range IH4Ufettaw,7eihoV the war- ,V dm' etateaeeaAa.v'Ail W.aeweed'that luimlcldul mania of the worat type. Tho alienUt at lead ome of them way the boy should beaent to an luXltutlon for the Innano for treat ment, hut they admit that hi rondl tl6n la auch tbat to be treated nt uch. an Imiltutlon aonic freedom would huVe to be 'given him. At, any time, they any, during onn of the period of apparent sanity, be might cunningly, plan and succeed In satisfying what they eall hi luat to klli. Peniten tiary oSlclak admit, frankly that they haven't the slighted Idea what to do vflth thVboy. Never beforethey say, have they;beea forced i to "turn n cell Into a nureery. .r ( "Ha to a eeeaadtDr.,JekyU and Mr, HydeVaaiidioaaaf ,tke guards, In whoee eeHkioek iekaait "Hefli ttio quearejit yHU'fws'.everM see, aad I hare aaayrwagtra'f' my' own, about hie ace, watt1. ara, aat' white aagato, Oaa' Aay-ke'llvbelaa hmipy a'kld Ith'Vbaaelibit; Tho next day hethaiaa. a' tor heed, mopes in hi cellaiarchea Iat4yaa dining room with eyea half akut. aad en 111 UHIDI7 mania w . wmkwwfj, humor of a kid one-Rftk .kK .ffr? nnd cheerful agaia." When he waa barely i yeara old tha Copara boy was sent to the St. Charleu reformatory becaueekla fath er declared, him to be Incorrigible. Ten month age he. was paroHed and glvem Into,, the ,cutody 'of . Manny Sleep, a farmer'Uvlag near Klgku One oveulng .wlien Sleep waa '..away from borne, the aoy ahot the farmer'a young wife,. With aa aaa be dashed' out the brain of her two baWee, Surah, need 4, 1and.lKrtille, aged C, llemovlng tho cover from aa, abaa- doned cistern under the kitchen, be puiheil the (lead mother and. her dead jiablo Into the well. Then ' ceie fully nnd so cunningly erased air tke Igna of tho triple, murder, iaat.ae trco of, the, killing, ahowed wkaa Manuy Bleep returned to 'hto heev :'i During the five daya that Sleip, aa hU neighbor ' engaged In fraaHe acijirch for tea, algn of the Fvaua and her lhlee, Herman Coppe went fbeut hie minor taaka. He rataily. ate hls.meali ,oa"a table which eaToa. I lie, attuned pwuirB'ui,- vn imwi" 1HK) OF lAXMHWat ACV8KO OF HTKAMXC1 A WATCH, WILL HK Tt'KN TO THK WOODS UNTIL THKY AKK CALUlm John niley, Aagua, Camerea aad Klchard Swawen. who, ware tadleted by the grand jury oa charae ef steal ing a watch (rem. Jamee DeAbras, were thla maralag released from cue- tody, peadlag further devetepmeaU In the eaae. ri , , , , Their release -wee, made by ClrcuH Judge Beaeea after Froeecuttag At- teraey Maaalas stated, that the grana jury, la ladletlagthe mea;,eharged them with stealing the watch from Jamee p. Drewey, end thla eouM aet be changed uatll tafgraadi Jury met , nBe4aMaaalag aad Judge Noland. who feBreeWted ,the? aecuaed mea, asked tkattkeyka allowed to go oa ttielrow reeogntoaace. rather thaa laagulea unaeeesaarliy la the; eeuaty Mil, ,. ... . ,; ....r . ; ; ,"- ... "X' ". vn u - "' utiiuniayanwr1 Mrt'" '"' 7r At A.''i- ' aabaLaaAta t .fwswsri i.j , fi ft, . .-? ' i .-. j ,,,? , . h Thallrat aaaual Sewer ehaw a( Urn aewaiJOTwaajwa. ;-w haM'tak 'ykr'Thmv;,-4 a .aaeeial BMetlagFrMar. ,V r ,. K Vie 'OwHatatMUieje the Sew er, thto yw.r. aad;hUe..lrmti ik. rrdeate;tk.e4akMea;: 'vwa' 4Ua'ha4 'MU:ukikklii gata;:a ereAIUh, eaWt; thla'' yW, he eaa take up la persea a aumber of the matter ef public latereet: "Qradaatlea ot paymeata: Tke reeolutlea et'the beard 'of dtoeetere af tha KUmatblJ Water-, Uaera ilea 'ef Jaaev 9, tU. askiasfer graduated aajrateata waa ,dly traae mttted by the; ieeal eaaia.era aid bt.eBghtjte.thaatteatlea e the eeere: tcry In coaaMeratlaa of geatral 're lief to be given to. all of the projects. Action waa taken, by him wi Juno 83. by an order, copy herewith, but In stead of making Uie prepod gradu ation be reduced the aawuat'due aad payable la 11S from 1 3 to 1 under certain coadltloaa, aa enow a by the notice. While Uto did not fully, com ply wHh the rWoiuiloa of June 6th, It waa thought k to be aa large a',eoa ceeeket aa could properly be made at the" tilme aad with the lafof matloa, la haad, A further order of July Ilrt giyas exieasioaH lime oi.aaymaai of oBeraUea ,aa4 maiaeaanee, obarge where; neeeaearyaad, under , certain edltloaa.rtr, jj'x ' , " T 'rrraaefer efkCoatrol::jvKeeotuUea T.'.' . ' l ., i' Jm ' im- 91 faeaoar ei aireetera u Jim aw regardlag aaalat.aaaoe and eperatlea ef, the irst ,ualt waa traaamHtedlik lenaai, rtperw ' ana y raw "V , made to the elect that tk oaietala la Waaklngton are In full sympathy, with the eaort to turn overvtoi tne aasoclatlea the operation :aad. man- agemeat of tba IrrhjeAlea y4em. In reply uaderjdate of JuaeilSthVLatr; Hopeom irrltee that a eireular teUe t. it.'...klii.i ,W 'fc.t,'IJ r n n iHwnn m(ww- i eaUlalag :tba reaaettle rea diaeaaal aad 'that ;a eeatraet' WMld'be fdMlted'.' after.' aiaJority of the sharehetilsra hera ata- nlfted': their 'deelre: thai W SraaaflaA !?K?i."T.v ,rrTr"'7::-'-,,rMJ!V.;rr'-vi' eeaearr: that Uwo-thlrda.i at J tha'' aliMraiefa''rereestli)f at" the. Iirkeah Mitovd. rMueat 'ldMlrlVKTlM:Jan'rUnMl aebJaaCv , . J-fr Arfir 11 t that dtewatea ' aaat hav;fl JZl aa.aattkal, Jt&MMm Ah aaaa aa CwH itimMBSMMmMti g.-M :,J','' ?PwPPIiBHH if VDaMad geadaAaavaaasam u tai . ".eajaajffgmaHaaj aayf,..ia)a,. . , imsw, ya.- aktrBaBg .r---.--,-.w.-, -warn Bswuaaaeajrwi - !, kM i i, mm thattaara k aajajss)aWiUU , aWAtaaaj, aaa4aiaaa ag ,JeJf daaB''W mabrtlaaitetaaaV bath haaaaa eeajgMgaV.t aaaa at Sga tlaaaaaat. if taa amaaaBmaaaa ,aw aav "aw raa .oBa aBaaaeeaaaaaaaaeaaa aamn aaaTA mni the Neetaeta I Wlkaaah t (that they aheaM take eai J" faSBbaaF BaajaJjT I U. eaa with taa United Frees Sarrtea.. :- j. fl i uondow., Aaa.-1. UudSetevalai''-'aad , .1 sailed today tar of tke';ae-aattHaat;i era .were.at, the aler. ta wtoh; baa vey- ? iu imv jfrwtty mtmwwremmrwmtfwms9 leader.', who "llped,oa ever",-oa her' frkndahea' sb'ea'a)e'rbere,aa4 waa quietly' marrWdea ) July IS 'fa the Keaslagtoa regUMiT'egeee. to Sa geae Bo4eevala.Va waatthy baiaa- eaa maa "of .'Amst'srSam.; whe: to; In tlw wlreWM,bisla,'.Ha;'iaa hs ! . . ,-...',. ..& k... . . .. 'i (nmucea warn atwateaaaaasa-isev York last weryvay Bajaar IfateaaJ. "M-" .- I, . ?- v---: .cj. L. Fleldeiert Ww'BMralas'tar Saefetary -at the Weed, River eeaatryafter.a.aft. ewraVeaaveral ;Hf here.ihW ha was empie,ea,aevarai jatiaja. iblglttf. nvffis 1A1 "'"'la WHH lis i . h, saw -it ' m teW a 1- Saw & . am gta. Bv . 4.1 ;:, ;;qw UWI H - 1 mt m agamaaj aa am aa. . ,' , v;' The 'Wtf -JNJWB im.faeWajg hj thraaaaV aeaaweaa. ' jl rudPre-S-a ;g FAaXfc'Tas.. a'1M framl'TNIa,, kigirgaj IM 2S ot '"! gtailn" ' laaVam aMlll waa aaa beea liuwighja ajhaj J ba laSbaa hma waajfav,! weaaSad AMraS yy9 TJamfWamlaislii f Mfch mmtmlmB eWWWWSmBp waw"aasB t TH' ? i'j'Jffl r'"Staaaafa mi tsmasisBmBl 4MWMIMaMMM0lrtHIMrtiinMeaiHaal K-1 itMBtfaaaag aa Baml'lBK rein.;:' j WM." Fniad fifiHffJ ' ' . -' , rsSksl Hi". . .aaiaSli'UK rHnnnK V?IJ MMffl 'if i..j..... --L-ji ... 4L - -, "l ..."' ., 17 -. TllSftf mW&m TteSk wwea?,reiuraeymW''aB)rBBMa('emir :. TtfvpwB,waamw , a faamaaat-wiiwv aUter.nv4wilUCkra:-aa-t om ,giri, .waoa T , v E . TIary'faMa t tvasaea ulp.'M'MaJMMOlArtaa aJtaftt. .aw-aatsajM .a-.a-, a-cawa- aya-- taa. am a umam-aaaaaiima mw i Hit ui UPtiui VMuaan aw .aetimi aaamaj Trt.T' ""' V."7 .T "T." , V t , . a-wrf Fwa, feansaa .w w ii amait earww ; mrw ww-w.Tw mwamv aaa aamaaj ,bwbbb a a, www,, w i sa a 4Jtb, ,-t- 'Te !--TT v "' --' - -' i---.- humor of a kid one-llttk hto aae. Je t tell him :waht hekaew ot awjaiag-. ntker.a ereMUbte eaiOMt.tato year, tloaa have beea faHy dtoaassd.'f "'V dUrad lata taa cent 1 ,1, ' -.'u w,..j h :"i Jiii.i:T.-,u. Win fi...'tn talk avan whan iWa'talb iMvWlfe'and chlMrea. . NHatar;thakvhavaW.Maaa'amaat: "'tV4T'?!Arn;T?i tT'Ufl'r? ;.V.fcv.r41eli;vTha VWf ky.fer' tk.-boy'te'ba free la K.; All to Mm of U.o tblni. he Ukw;;' TkI ;(Vl WHa Vfobey, are, down, V.'.uUAii ketteVriaeaeaa-a ' Wai',y;w'.'U' rro.''tU!'a i i itti iL'.rw i" w, -.'ii i tt. . - "i'. i "u i i.i i ' iiibif '. " j" r a. -j a. i , m, 'or r k . .v : ri . ,j ' v: a t Ate a , -1 ..m v o ' . .' iXw '.,.r-.V' '! .if 'V'5?,,.:'-:" ' " V ' -;.'' - . " -. ...k&i'giismiam iwrthttelr . .uaaaaai s aye m. VTTTHHKTCTiWjM Li a,-.-x ra i -hki JWFJlJaTaTM "'; t