- i' ti v i ' ' t K '" nairl evf aV , i .W , PVrrW . "V ,iivsBvav' namrriAi, NKwiHMM " ,'. i sWIll & sW'aWMfirils MiW'wMI sTrw .aMLU nLVPTW n. ' i '" iH .' 'j.iwn- - i MM BBSBBBBBBBBBlsBBB-. -i - i ii i i..i...... - i. -.i. M i 14 .Vi if "-nit i amkid ). h " Jj... - l aBBMIB .. ..? l , .Jfe mm w .. mm Mfi? - . I3BSQU II 1 ,, y. .., v -.," . v i- :&.&& s threatened Artificial Moriey Stringency WiU be Forestalled by Radical Measures, Say ,'F . "t .T" ijeni r V..' l,ri t ' P ' if Ll,t . . 7v MAj' & m i-fjttfUf'-f, MAXIMUM FOR , JULY WAS 90; COOL EVENINGS THK .tl'KIIAdK TKMI'KIUTntK WAH !. liHnt Itrlteni1 bjr Hit TtlrntHiM Hr Wa M, tin JnIjt U, in ami IB. I'l-crlpllaMuN AmtHiHKtl l On ami OHeT!ilnl Im-hrM -1'iuit llMttnl HhttH' Till l Arrmf .MM-Huiiinirr Wcullirr lit KIhhmIIi CoiiHlry ?c7 Woman to Wed "Baby Paul" While iiconlo !' UyiiiK by icorr In llii; Kant, And crops nto Uurulint. up In all rU of the Mltldlu Wrat under lh Uurnlnc raya of Urn un, Klamalli KalU andivHlr nnla nn 1'iillrn ltnco of any Kind of dli- comfort from th hnat. Many Iravo lor tlie moiintalnN durluc tlm mim- inrr inonlln. hut thla la to camp, hunt and fltli, not lo capu tlio heat. Tha mataorolofflcal record of the reclamation aervlce ihow that the mean temperature hero during the month of July waa 64.3. lJt year lh mean temperature for the Mine month waa 03.9. The warmrit recorded here durlns the pant month waa 90 deicrcee, on July 8, II and 31. The cooleat ulihu were July 3, 13 and IS, when the mercury atood at 30, The extreme In. July, 1911, wore 93 and 33. Thra year then ru woru preclplU lion than usual during July. In the llilrty-one daya juit ended, the rain fall amounted to 1,37 Inches. A eummary of the record Jflr July follews: Tetnporaturn Menu maximum, 71,4; mean minimum, f.0.1: mean 4.3; maximum, 90, on V, IK and 31; minimum, 36, on 3, 13 and 15, Precipitation 1,37 Inches; great est In 34 hours, ,99 af an Inch, on 34; clear daya, 16; partly cloudy, 11; cloudy, 4; with .01 Inch or mora pre clpltatlon, 4, Net KesxU fur klhaonrl imltMPrwttorrtM JKFKKItHON CTV, Mo., Aug. 1. Oovernor Major announced today that lu will, within the next few daya submit n plan for road construction which lib believes will receive tho.cn dorsrmenl of the loglstaturo when It next meet. Kven It the legislature does not upprote tlio plau, Governor Major believes the resldontn of Mia aourl will follow It out. It la the Mlsaourl governor' Idea o havo the men of the atata spend two daya work Ing on 'the roods In their respective communities. Recently the people of Uoone county did this, and It worked beautifully. The governor believe at least 3rn,000 men with teams will give over two daya to road building r mi ' -t si i i -ti i ii i ,ia assssssssssssssssssFTsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssk 'asssssRP't'nPlssssssssssssssi ssssssssssW' "t , ' Jsssssssssssssssi ssssssssssKlKak'isssssssssff sssPsssssl 'flr ssssssssi iBiisi am issssssssssssssssssssV ''Aftr ssssssssssV sTsassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssPT fsssTrffl IsssssssssssssHI 'ESI ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVV i mmFMSm amamamamammamT MOM awaaaaawKv? Ffi sssssssssssssssssssssBHiifflKssl SORDID TRIAL DRAWS CROWDS I TlvHTIMOW i:.MKD IN W.UKKR Till Air AltnUMKNTM AMK XMI MK.Nr.KI), A.M fitHK WtU. JMS WITH JUIIV rMMIX i Taking of testimony In the trial of J .. , . ..- -, ,IU slttrr-lfi-law, Oiiklc Coburn, with .being the father, of hor. child, was 'complelud today. This afternoon the nrgumcul wcro started, commencing with u bitter arraignment of the do fendaut by Prosecuting Attorney II. M. Manning. Tho caso will go to the Jury this evening. Throughout tho entire trial, tho murt room has been filled with a cur ious crowd of spectators. Many have been unable to find seats, so large baa I'tt'ii the attendance of auditor. Miss Kllinbeth Ooldeu, a wealthy oung woman of New York, will wed "Uaby I'aul," who U said to have been tho original of I'aul, the hero of Eli nor tllyn'a 'Three Weeks." Ilia whole nauut Is I'aul John Preston Arnot de Clalrmone. During his stay In New York ho ho spent some time In the Tombs, accused of peculiar financial transactions, but that does not pre vent Mia (lolden, who Is (Wo years older, from deciding to marry the oung man. JOHNSON'S WILL IS ON FILE HERE CAITAIN (. V. AITI.KUATK IH S'AMKI) ADMIMHTItATOK AM W. H. Wlt.KY ATTORXKY VOH KHTATK 01' OU) T1MKK RUSSIA 101 TO PARTICIPATE IN 1915EXP0SITI0N Senator Bacon and Rep: Flood Propose Mediation in Mexico -. V T ft ..t " .' " ''k - i "rffl J- ' m G0IHAI A, IHafEHK ,.l'MTMA M llTlUi ABou'rr. UXBECfDHD J CcrttuMr la HUM Cteastdcrlac the MM. f- I ley MtalXryv Postpesiw DHtoMe' Artiea for af MottliAir4ai Cosamlal iaCotiihig te Amerlra lo Ixtok Over Um KleM smdDectsto Kecard4a l'arWpaUe In Fair Kla. Xlfrvglyrerta In MaM Back HAN FKANCISCO, Aug. 1. With his canceling stamp poised above a neat Utile package, ready to descend llh n bang, Postal Clerk Oeorge Quockman's Jaw dropped, the stamp dropped to the floor from nu nerve less fingers, and he nearly followed It Ina a collapse. In the UDDer hand corner of the package was the I word ''nitroglycerine." Tb package had been malted In New York, and United Preaa Service ST. l'KTERSBURQ, Aug. 1. was officially aaaoaaced today that the Russian government ha decided not to narflilifciilB the Ban Francis co exposition tarl91C. No oSclal sUutloa baa been made. ) '' "jf . 11 ' .:-. CalUdl1 chair- .j . r Strvlea. BERLIN, Ave. 1. It waa esaetally announced today by the mlalstry oC the Interior that Germany ha at . J ,- .. ., -.!..- . .- yei acciaea ei punKipmiivu . . Ilt. fM..i .uttea leil'i-annroa-i-acinc iHicraauoaai iyi- - ll0 ih or ine upper , " --- Conslderauiisj of the question baa tatlve Heary D. Flood, chalmaa ot itetn postKna lor a monia. Judging by the portmarka, every waH clerk between the two cltle who had had n chance had banged hhi stamp upon It without untoward results, but (luockman took no such chances. The package wa addressed to a San Fran cisco firm, but will be held until It entry Into the mall is Investigated. ".-.. ., ft . , ih ' f.' jka aamaVisBB''l aaiaisBisHHrllS , :W$9aaaaaaa' K.'Vv "'' - - ,'. 'aaaaaaaaaMm&Spm I-:J&fojiMaaaaaaat y , , 5r mmmmmmm WMawmmmLi'; 'y:-y-h mmm- "m mmmaaaaaamtKmt -E6iBVsBlsBlsBlsBkta' ns - . mmkmmm mmmkaaaMYLV .- . SalSBlSBlSBlSBlSBlSaSBlSBWaSWsUsf tSsCldsHPfiHtsalSBlSBlSBlSBlSBlSBlSBH 1 "J A m.f" ...iJK aaaaaaaaaaaawR 'w&amaaaaaaaaaaaw- '- - - --'-- sb1sb1sb1sb1sb1msh . sSsasBsalsBlsBlsBlsBlr " isbt sWBIsV t 9JM ibbIsbIsbIsbIsbVsbW IksmsIbbIsbIsbIsbIsbIWt rw?fW Jlffl bbIsbIsbIsbIsbIsibV ; sssbIsbIsbIsbIsbIsbt "' - - .-. aiJ,El jfgBBBBBW SBlSBlSBlSBlSBlSBlW jH'TS'afSy aBBISSBf Bp OTSMSnmM fjSs -74X x MaaaaaaaaW JaaaawaaaaaaaaL -'" - - '-- r - nm in mikaaM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrJ w ' JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV vwtw -VSffSMSPfflr wfaV"aBVtKfSSBSBJP v s X BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBap 1 "r aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaW ' I W '. u satsalSBlSBlSBHsBlSBlSBlSBVlSBlSBlBDsffisSBHsBlSBlSBlH rJ' ' ' il1 Hi BolsBlsBlsBlHiaBlsBlsBlsKBBlsBVajMnRMsBisBlsBlsBV ---"---- - - . NW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawBmaMaaaaaaaaam ' ' ' 'TTT. jifflmi IsbisbisbisbisbisbisbisbIsbiBHbHHsbbbisbisbH 1fJkUttmmMil lJpmmMfijM IsBlSBlSBlSBlsHsBlSHBBlsTIfSBlSBSBliaaiSBllSBlH 'Ual,vfc MMlslHal aMTWBBM IsBlSBlSBlSBlSBlSBHsBlBllSBBHsiSSHHsBlSBB MVV "" 4BWBsH fmLLLLLLLLWamLBBBaaamaaaaaa wJt IM"" J,"ililM BasaisBisBisBHaBlKsHsiBsHBsBHsHi ' au ta aaawai iiiMiaWiflHM "" "SHirW.aw JdSF fa . - ""ft HEHHBHI T"tjrM '. ft r TT-n rTTWirriri umiia IsasaM ta taata aaa ajfMaapjsaf apt .JrVtansn v " "i mmmmxm muHM,wm a, ksmmb, w mtmmmr HsVisaKFH ItMaaa eao-laaa, "aai Osat K iMMMsbsI1 suabsBtasl asaslaai aKjsasanQsafl RepreaeaUtlve Heary D.' Flood Seaator Augustu O.-.Bacoa, ,k rnrulvn asTalra ronmltta of the .-w . - lower houae, have dtocmead wKh llnlted Preaa gecvlee President Wllaea a, tor - VIKNNA, Aug. 1. Whether or not it Ion in Melo te solve the jllmcuK Auslria will participate In the Paaa aUuatloa aowcoafrlatlaa;taadBita-ina-Paclflc exposition at Han Francis-J Istratlon. . co is not yet decided. i It la proposed to have the president It was! announced today that a com mission will be named to visit the ' United States and decide whether Austria will be Justified in the ex. Seaator)kag f '(V with the ceaat af ' commlealoa ta vlaR law Hat ta try to arrange a iasal taak eleetlea of a aew, areaHeat' atd .taa dlaaouRlM af taafaatlaaa wm, lac tor. coatral, , Bath arT7M 1ww wwWW,,4(i a '.be'tdea aa4 raaarf It While that tsS0 IBwtWWBsW , JW 1tW taany the beat etatasmta thmk-lt, waaU-aa I'nlled Tress Service LONDON, Aug. 1. Tho Pall Malliendltur of the money necessary to (liwotto today says editorially that) make a creditable showing. I 'if Panama canal toll controversy) The coramlselon will be composed ha nothing to do with Kngland'a re-lof Austrian government oMclala, and fimal to participate in the San Fran-'members of tho Vienna Chamber of clsro exposition. "Commerce. They wilt leave boob for Tim decision, according to the pubiToronto, te attend the exposition at . (Mention, m duo solely to tho Inability that plaee, aad will go, afterward ta ui ine i.onaon ooara 01 iraae 10 odbwb rTancwee. The will of Ira C. Johnson,, died last March In Clinton, .lBoli,U,Mhu agreement of .umclent man wit llleiLThursdoy with tho county .ufneturer to exhibit to make thelo i- . .. n H I mrwvg laWfwarT wvmv - clerk Mr. Johnson formerly resided here, whero he had a wide acquaintance. Ilei monetary outlay worth while. United Preaa Service Tho forest service of India hasi NKWPORT, R. I., Aug. J Dressed left hero soverul year ngo to make .demonstrated that teak wood grown. J"'fc;i,,B,1BJ J tb " Jf1 "" his home In Balem, but later removed l plantntlona Is Just as strong aa.or- Little Red Riding Hood, Dlue l0 Ullnol. H'nt grown In natural foroet. )brd Bn w,fo n, ow Mo,Ber liiuuoaro, merauera ni (iewHira iiur IcH In this county ta 17,000, which U I a ni II r nmnfl .... i . J bequeathed to hi widow. Capialn I I Pt QtlllC '.T.,U ".??? ?".. M B Iffjl III lallll m(i.t.'aHiii rim ni Hvr mmuiiiHBi- " "JP7 flf "If ...AW t.MA i k fJ mj. Wwa .hBll- M.17I HVV IHV .IUVI,I. , 1SW O, 0, Applegatq haa been appointed admlnUtrator of tho estate and W. 8. Wiley appear aa attorney. Kven the well-protected foreata of Germany are by no mean immune from lire, and tho Prussian fire pro tection system makes uao of lookout tower and telephone. Chicago Packing House Charged With Canning Putrid Meat and : Placing It On Salts in ttie Cities $ 'laUTTLB. Aug. 1. rollowlag.the 'reat of, "tirio local commission Mtrr chants on" tV'ekarge of telling Impure !foodatu93s, a chargo that a Chicago 5,r deilberftely mlabranded rotten m'at Is order to -.intoaif It, wuu pre 'fetred, - ' The local merchant? who were ar v,retd were found to.have la their. J IIM1W1 lUH'WWI W IHH VVV MM W rotten meat. Thl waa all froat the I Ai'a'ka Chicago coaearn. ' ' cam .- I ... (,' f In the federal ort4 acalaat aXita bwger ' Sea. oCHUaga; icklag plant upplylng the' tainted 'eanaad Pure food iMpaetora aUea ikua the .concern deliberately .mtabraa'aad the cana in order to untoaaa let a unsold good left Irf their -ware' home. V t' It la claimed that some of the Wa ned meat shipped to Seattle for laaal canaumption ITS. GREETINGS HKt'RKTARY OF XKK1HBORIXO COMMKNCIAI4 CLUH TKLLH OF TNH MKRTJXO'H IMPORTAXCK. MANY (KHXtl THKRK Tho followlng'telegrara was receiv ed toduy by County Judge Will 8. Worden from Secretary La Follette of tho La Pine Commercial Club; "la Pine aend greeting to Klam ath Fall.' ,, "We,nre sure that your big booster meeting tomorrow! for the Lincoln Na tional Highway will ec,ho throughout the Pacific Northwest, .- "La'Plne will have the fatted' calf ready August 9th." ' i, Colonel Charlea Thatcher, who wHl hold a macui roads rally here tomor- rowWft,today for Merrill, Thla eve-!j nlag'he;wjll, address the people there en tha goad roada gospel t Kt wi(d dollar will be apeat, In favor for tho dancer, and nearly.that mucn ugaln will be spent la fo'ral decoration. DANK CASE IS YET TO W 8K1TKMRKR HKOOXU MAS BKKX 8KT AH TKK HATH FOR THE KINATj sfKAMNfl Or'THK MAN ,DAMVS PNOCIcisMNM. ,. While the demurrer' aMaaaa.aver-, ruled la the, ease or the J Flrat Na tional Bankf. J?W. Btamea,' aouaty traMurariha'caae haa not beaalaal- ly settled. Tha plalmtll aaa twaaty day ! wklk to Ufa a pailtioa tor a wkaanag t ,, The auaraata aowt aaa! tt aeed CALUMET STRIKE GROWS SERIOUS NIUTIA flBXBKAL WAX HA WbW tram.taa FaatJa et; tial jAyffotimasmMmtietl DKNVKR. Aug. 1. -SeereUry.1-af the Navy Joaepha DaaM wa the guest ef democratic leader aadatate omclals here today.-'1, A program ef speeches aad a laneaaaa. baa- Men planned for the aeeretery wham he stepped o4taere ok ata way attekitol UrW a6BBaJhe Is) aaf ta aaajit : ''M i.Jiant. -t.- IIS.tM.tM aad M.4j43f Ufvi aaaaa to be eat af 1 It la said Utat 1 its were It NJ4MBB IIHtiajHay . Ml Uh tsBttsBajak.'? vfe BBwaaaantsv bbb aam , sL A P-TJS KLAMBBVXIOX XAM1TK PLOT DKNIHS AY NKWPORT: R. I., Aag. 1. " v; lea tradajaat am turned eet.hr force today ta theflrt dayVptay la tlM;eoat4Mt-Wy MAAaatlaUMM tloaa for the aaUeaal staglaa aad doubles champloashlp. whleer are be ing "played on. the Newport Teaais Club courts under the auspicea of the United Pre Service CALUMRT, Mich.. Aug. 1. Adju taat General Abbey, commanding the !Natioaal Lawn Teanla Aaaeelatlos). Michigan aallltU. aaid today4 that the'sa ni .trlV altuatlnn U hju-nmlor tasra aer-IIIIII . ? In ! 1 loua each day. He advecatea'tae eUbMheat of martial law, or camp where the non union men and their families eaa be protected It aeceaaary. According to Abbey, the, terroris ing of a1 few foreigaer agatnet the advice, of the non-unlonlsta la respon sible for- the trouble reaeetag a aerl .WAamSaanmaaa "- --" w -" - e "smF ,J w J pereeat McAaoo tbat tat t l 9t theVrograa ama)o4 far oaUiag the earreaagr 1 Wilson Denies Any f Preww ky Foreip Nfc; MKJit Rtiattens lo HirJrti ti) If , Q li qua atage. r , Union men deny that any dyaaatUa waa smuggled la the camp for':aueam- palga of destruction. ThesXory la generally discredited. . Several, rioter and strikers .were arrested today. . , 1.-TT The'geadroad rally at Iji Plae aa order 'aAia,' Saateather ' tutor tae jrt.HUtuvdav will Inrltnln.K bark, lul "-'-" -- -- writ of aui .-.n ..wavw.M ..... .m.wi . vw . n.vw. rv. M.J.A "T- 1" - J - W-T r '"S -..'- i.,ui."llUr raaturaa.t and Jndsa ilaniui. - wAUkUliiu tka Blaist.' ?"") 2 J- - --. ""---- " - , 1MT -lJI "--a-".--J it . ".S-. .J .. alt. .,.-. ".. . . l V'lad OM Watae ef Cohtmbaa United Preaa Service WASHINGTON. D. C.,' Aug, Buperlateadeat ef the Capltel Wood : - : i. .'.. i..'j toaay aaa taree new Mataaa'wam Irarary.. Aibaat or Columbus, atoaeiea taalaWsera,tlHHiiaalt aeeatury ago by (same bow uakniwa'artiatsn aaaed'in the deeoratlea ot taa aattoa- al Capltql,-.WM brought to light freai washed tor public preaentatioaj I Co incident ' with tha dtwovaryof (be Columbus s statue, aenata imalera found two others, oae thought tore1 reaeav viaeiBWHaa ana te oeeerja 5iM r i. - 'K a r tl 1 t WASHINQTONr D. C.,.Au,t ie, presWeat. tbroujrh Searetaar Bryan today aeatouttae follew4a aUtaaaeat: " Wv " ,'L" V " "'The' Btatenteat appearing la. ear tain morning3 paper tu "?( Euroiieaa governasenta are briagtag nresaure to bear upoa Amerlea.'to compel aggr'aaUve aioau'la..Hleo m eatlrely, wRheat taBaa4lo.;' ''. 11 Wilson' aad Bryan eoaferred Vaajg ilVthHoralagloa' ia phMst'ef the .o'dmlatatratioixK 'aaa"aeate4IOUl uHatcoxcjtV(iwi.i'1 i, ;y ') t . It la reperted ,tbat, thas pmldatat contemplate, leading- y-. to afeiieo.Clty toitavaatlgata reoaeimend. Thla amuaaam.:k Ii , JTW&tii" aUUd.1: wlU. be, headedi by Joha'Baa aattvMoora. law aivlaV of ha ataa aeaaiimenam ' ' O"1' ? f kaaai i N, bauiaaaadihkaaAadar awjaaai 'aaaBa.&ua whi t smdaxaaLdk'ni aiar nan - " v aaa vamaK aamM. . '. ' r: r: ' 7 u i i anwaaaawaBim mmf'rm, 'IWM, W ,p Vv'! " . vow w mm -wai ew,aiBi BvaWTBBMi "il,far fare-H- . h , . u .- , ' t ,f " jl , aAv, J F?W I " ' Hsvakv- i - T-maYT.r i"i..L j" j . i . . , .." v.ii'i' r. -r xrj . a r. :. ;j'uu Jd.' ia 11... wm mckm ievM ywmjamHmaaamuyuuioH ttm um,Mmwrsot w iavmtm :tm jMtiHww .wtww w wwiwir mpphpi 1 f . BsBHaBr v JHi otb,.--'.' i c tlt'' v i a ...l . : . ; k v. : . . i j . a. -ra'aA:ai "'.j 1 "- ri t rr t iistif -' .-. 4 h v naaaaaimadia siaadaiiiinaM aia lats , t,ju -.. a - uiuh aaaaa tutAaaai a tLdkaa4susa . .i - -t . smaaiBa maBaaaaai.- n1 n ui."; satmaiBiBiBi anas. BsiBiBiBaaiBim -BBBmBBwaB-ai '.'.', .---, fcWffJMaajfippwtV-iOT ni taat Mi ---- tk. k. aT,y ".. s" w tw? V&.L 1 l ?,..A..K-K BA.A - . .1. ..' 'ivavra-, nHt -BnKv, aotaw r .. '.'. .?T . !.. UijJ 4 ...... .. (OB fwaat5iw1uTa maawjaa- v Bp)T p ViS,a".ae'W aw P I M-ataaat, j 1 boalipKbe Meat'WIIaao'a CJunUUi Beam eetittv tM m aWtsaa JbV wi-jwat. aim aaaaaaw. ?: KWdeaea rafwtteg aonaWr .will' k) aast.neetlag at th omiaJttM.!'Itla dMrtaa'aaaaa (waeataa !LO I aatiaaaaaaaaaJ aaU aar MaMw a Of aSJpf liTgav aSw A 3 ?rP V.:'itlal