M , ' MP. i r '.- V: : ,-V ..V, $?.. '. V hi tVi'" ' '& L f ' ' a '( (j ii- , ja i1 ;. ovnouii mnrifAni!: ., WHI CITY OK KLAIMTM PAIAsV Vv." "" .,.. ih .f ' : .1 " - -.' 5" ' ..71 " S , wi I.J, t i ' tiM BBS , hV B .-' JVJt I. zw: ' '. N.B,II KfAMAB VAUJ, Wr "v,! . . , nwwAii ui i ii m .nil..,. iw MJWiWWMMMMMiMMUIHW' . " , 'r. -,-j , . ''!". ' v -'.j .-, " f"f;i a1. .:C".-" :'. VT Colonel Charles W. Thatcher and His Mules are Here in the Interests of 'J it ' & MlW -'-"-, K k. H & ' M , ..1 1 B M me Lincoln ?--'- Li-;. ... ." -W: V 'Wttw a V-J-ftt VJ . ' '', "MOTHER JONES" IS ON JOURNEY TO MINING CMP BOTH VACTtOSH AHK MAKKttftt TIMK MH KrM is AriHtnU IHffvmirM In OoMwr CVmhiIit. fiWH Vmhd Mhwt OHMtra Hay I Ounsmuir Band is Coming Here to Give Concert, Dances, and Take Steamer Ride Around Upper Lake Dunamulr will ba much In Mmc rIv a ball at Ifaunos'a epert keww. ' I 5C i aaaaaajAaaaaai r y -"Ji ;v; '1 ,- PRESIDENT AND SENATORS ARE ON MAT TODAY In KlawMh ralla from Augutt 1Mb to lllb. for the namberi of tbe Uuiu- miilr band, accuB)Unle4 by their wIvim and aowe of tblr frlandi, will b licra thnn to eajoy a vacation In Hie Klamath wonderland. The trip. which waa talkad of a few weeks ago, tin been definitely arranged, aicorJ- Men Are at Work, anil Hark of Iha Ht Ntriko U HrokfN Untied I'reM Hervlce VAI.DMKT, Mich,, July 31. Moth er Johm, the noted friend of tbe mln om, haa Ivlogrstilird the etrlking cop per mlncra, that ahe U on ber way here from Weit Virginia lo aid them. She la eiected Tueaday, A union parade waa held Ihla afternoon In ber honor, lloth aldta are waiting until the governor resile to tbe' refusal of the mine operator to meet In a peace conference at looting. Advice from tantlng are to tbe effect that 'S.SOff round of ammuni tion were .Mcretely shipped to Urla-, adler tleneral Abbey, In command of, tbe mllltla here. The mine operator today art that 100 men are working In the mine. They predict that the strike will be broken Inside of a week. lint lo word received from tho direct or, W. 11. Clsrkr Tlio program arranged for tho vUll ,o( the California musicians, also In clude a steamer excursion on the Up per Lake, In wbkh number of local people will participate. A concert will also be played In the court house square. k'rldny afternoon, August 16. tho party will arrive from Dunsmulr. They will marcb In parado from tbe depot to their hotel, playing as they go. That evening the bandsmen will for Dunsmulr Monday, All day Saturday tho visitors will ba shown tbe sights of the Klamatb country. Saturday evening they will give an open nlr concert In the court house square, which will be followed by a second ilaucu at Houston' opera house. The Upper Klamath take , resort j win bo vuiied uy the party Kunday. They Imvu cr rouged for a steamer, mid leaving in tlio morning, will visit all of the polnti of Interest. 'long stops will be made at each place, In order to allow the rendition of con certs, and to giro all who wish an op portunity to Hsh. MCJfATK nr - am WW WMMTAV mmotmnmoH LaDue Will Manage ttie Sacramtits Roo, id be Bhren as a Pofttaa ef tte F tir Liil of leit lort Charles U D, tbe AlberU eow7 bar who aeard in tbridM. bU- - . " -J V Idteglag and refe ,a4wtac eveaUat Hrraa U WHeem bUM Onaea smeti Hbc Rodeo here, heia been named by y am - LiL .fc- .T-i-. :the Callfernln aHaU Agricultural lo st m m mm rata a sasmi , , ,- -v - . . .. v.v, w mmmm faMffi ,) nnmnwmL IMaaee-Anetaed so eseMvet ts ssejeeBassseaj Made a tWree Imaissaly em the Cnltcd l'res nervk WASHINOTO, O. C. July II A serlona friction bis nwysland be- bout as well as at the varou step. Tickets for the excursion will be sold to local people at the usual Upper Lake excursion prices. Tbe band and Its friend will leave The band will render music on tbe'tween PreaMent Wllaon and n i tary of Mute Bryan land tbe taunt iommlttM en fertan aawlrs, aa a BENNETT GETS . THREE KILLED THE ARGRAVES BY BIG STORM Daniel Due In Denver DKNVKK, Colo,, July 31. Secre tary of the Navy Josephus Daniels will receive a rousing reception here tomorrow, when he arrives from the Carina Coast on rnuto to Washing ton. A committee of local cltlten U In rharga of a formal program. In cluding a lunVheon at ona of the downtown club; Secretary Daniel expect to reach Washington pn Aug , ust th. ll(H)MI() MDUMK KMIt'KrM IN A Kr-Ali KHTATK TBAXACTK)X. .IrMlMAVrM .NOW OWXH PAHM AND (1TV I'BOI'KKTV .VATIOXAI. CAPITALtt HTMHtTH AHK IIMH7KKD WITH ten de- result of the Msalssm alfiatlM Tbe anydjaj o( Ileal Wltoon er reasgnlnwn it U Mr)e, gevernmenttmade n great Ii on the aetera.i Ta mmeaearf aVMmNBearvdJ aaBJofBJ WHaea and Bryaa are determhMd that they will araeacabM Maarta under any ftlreumataaess. ' Tbe matter will la aH prebabUKy be dlscuesed on tbe tear of tbe saai ale, today er lesffajax,. y,. fsbow, whtofc Vte be a leatara M the (California ui, ralr. ."','' I Tbe, Stat fair wiH be give Se- ttenber 13 to tdlt.'Tlw taal tare days will have tbe Wild Went a&w ae tbe attraction. ' ' " . I-a Due leaves la a day, or twa far tbe California eaattal to .oemmaaea work of orgaalsiag tbe' saev. He states that 'a number of l local rtdata have slgnMcd their wllUaeas t there aid eempsU far tbe arises. ' Soma Urn a tbe CaHferai Staaa Pair Issnilallsa wraU l atUauth nj- jjui x u..iwmiian i '.inagMmgwrt r , . . " ;1- "' -? ,r -,.' ratti' held bete,1 and .'aakrac ,far 'jnHMMb1 noiavag a wmiiai mivj aaa fayi tlw .falr.''Ta ijiiraaia um raer BMaeweeaeaK. aaw' tbey- eeeaed'a eeatraet 'irHai Mia Oa- " una', atetlfw' esmme af ttn V'Uu : fr , t Dae. hmttm 'taimlmm aaats faaas AaatraHal nnmns Pi ,v tbera. 'He awe kadi eharga at Froatler Day. tempsttdbaa at toa tbls'year. r.vf ' it. M aaastM that a Klamath besafaaed hMMiaUt(ar eatered In; mmti.i;H::r :i r HORSE UWVERSIJY B INJURES kAlfiER 8TIIL GRBilfi Ha KHHIT WAS WKAMN) Arnut -1 s. or ACCIPaWT.il w r .- , aaiMTiaajBB asBBuaaTVK .awsasr ?! -B2J-4 v?7vi- 77.J ane..j,. Kicked by a visions horse, Ed Kir y. faaaar sutioaed near fraa. Registrar Thtaa ef.tae ValsW-' I4rea am Nts Oraaa a Bar DHeMtM, VnlUtt Praas Rarrlea i LONDON. Julr 31. Hara'a th ii ... war. sevens w mHm r, j. creas.a fead.refarmar, i HKI'AIK THK I'ARKH , who by experimenting several meatba , 40a himself, haa solved tbe high coat) ..-. ... or living, croaa' food supply for 1 lieu iv amt tiiv . ... .. .. ,.0...w .. ...... .. WMk WM ' vea of bread, aaa.ntad ,.,...,v,..,. ... ,.,,-., -. d q, mtfM. . . . . .-.h .i.i,is.'.abblatary a that laavJlatiaa,. effecteil Wcdnesdsy by Dennett and A,"ll" utw arc ounce oleomargarine, two ounces afU.. ,k. u-r iri.b., . - 1 . The nalveraHybi ... ... .1. j....... ... . . ; w mv -v m,a v vw .BBaK- .-.'.. t . " - - . . - .. as. wkuii mkMkuii ta i'm. "l . araaaniasm.iBja ' ". - . w - - , T.m.''A r. .-.'..' ... nul. am4 nari af Iks iUaa wu Uu j ,WCB. ,' M eBWrjanaT Irmna raralv.l ! Inla hara vlnrlil. It will ha full a waalc kafora a a aali. ' !... . - . - -- ...a...... ...,.,... -.- ....- , .--- .,-- T" The Argreavea rooming house on Ki-cond street Is owned by Jasr Ben nett, as a result of a real cutate trade fareat , aueukted a severely laaeer- .iiv of Onaaa. lata faee Wednesday. ThU was elaas prefalaea to be ta O, Argravea. In return for the rooming house engaged In clearing away the debris lard, half pound potataee, half aaund fc , from last night's wind, ball and raln(augar, 1 H cent worth of tea. paeewr'r and soma farm property.) The latter the street are cleared. Is, a Its acre tract a mile this side of Midland. 1 11 - Demurrer of Siemens in Mandamus Case Over County Depositaries is Overruled by State Supreme Court , A deeetoa of Interest, not only to Khtmatk, eauuty, but to all other count lea, In tba state, ail well, waa handed down by the supreme court In the mandamus. Wit brought against County Treasurer Siemens by the ritst National bank: .The decision overruled the demurrer tied byt8te muns. " ' ) 'l!'v,l The ninHdamua proeeedlafu'.'wM cdmmonceil by the bank to eampsl Blnmens as rouuty treasurer, i deatg nata tha First National bank, aa a county depository, and deposit It pro ratn of county fundi therein as provided by the last, legislature.. - , " To this, Siemens Wok eiteepilon,- 1 M. ,' .irV . f AT' ' June of each year, a the day on which treasurers of their respective, counties .of the state shall designate the banks or, trust companies that snail beoome depositories, for the county funda. There U nothing In tlio nature of the duty indicating- that it' might nat l)e aa effectually exer cised After, the' irst Monday In Juno a before that date, bad the law been axtaat; , Turtbermore, the law con- He. held lliat the county treasurer t4nnApb4ttenvte exercise lUa was allowed to uo his own dlsere-'sttleetioa of ' deaoaltorlea after the tian la the matter. He also held ttfal 'trst .Maadir.biJwaa,- , because of an Intermediate ndlourn? s"We 'are 'ai';aM,,te,ae' where tho maatof.the legislature, the bill, did time, pc.Mted;'hi..;tbt,a ; fathaaa. nat- baeema vaffec.llyal until Juho a, wM lUprpvldeeV thM tho. county eradicate, the disorder created. The dead are; . Walter Hilton, real estate mi. Tboa. Parley, tinner. Henry S, Miller, colored. . Six were aeriously Injured. Three may die. , The roof were torn, from at least fifty houses by tbe tornado. The damage I estimated at l,ee,oeei V h ( Chief Justice McBrlde and Justice ( will have a woman at the bead, wHb lluraett, dlaseated to the opinion. The two naalatants and a.ataaaayapaar,1: opinion, whteb waa wrlttea by Jwstlee.lt will have chart eTteVdaaee halts, McNary, la in part as follews: jaad the women pell-e'wlli'eaeof wa- 'The act before us for conetruc-lmen to court who muet appear eHher lion baa Ixed the first Moaday In'aa defendants, witnesses or'complah- Tho parks that were In J bo path of Mrs. Chart W. Graaa of Mltraa the storm were so badly damaged kee waa for twenty years awltch girl that l will take years of work to, at the atoekyards of that etty. Bae Oakland, Calif., bos, set aside .- Ulon of depositor lea Is tbe essence of, tha s)atute.ar-vaplmatter',bf'.sub- J i treaaureiH should iwmo deimilturlcA siiincej, to 1 taa" eoatrary,va law waa M'tMw7l, ' f ', ., ' conceived, Intbkaartwaa Taxing tac 1cm110ntiin1 g iw for naming the I'fjwaltories havlnit passad 'vraea1 the laAlccn"me eltsctlvo anil that It wauldnot! VietoaVs opera tUg until Juc of aagt yaajr, tbje county traaurrvruod te aaaja the, eomplajnini bank dapasltory. . mk'. .'... i Li.li,''lk,l.lla' -. ' ...'.. v.-. ",..1 piomoiingnejPUWM) wwpa,t ma Uf.WtAilty 'la lAustAasi iauaaUBiaiav(aikuaiAai 1 and that a;coBvenient Mai aaauld be sitited when (be oewlvdte, kfM bt norformod, tTo,.sathe.at,'!muat" be construed; a being In a aUte'af.ra pose until tbe,rt Moaayv;lnJaaa. ante. WANTSTO WOMAN BECOME CITIZEN ..( at . ANQTHKR OP THK tKWlKPOtf- kd hv . hquaiI wrrtiAm ' V0Hm TO I.KJHT AT-THK -I i CpURT koVBB I beaaa by alplag her crippled father when aaa'waa but 13 years old. Whea he was killed aba appHed far hla place, and waa regularly, earelted aa switch girl; which place aba held un til ahe waa married. , paiamat iBtA IhA nr.J.BI Tavlar al tala alt. aua. dlrattlT a record trip to Odeasa us a earpttet ed by J., W. Balle. and" the, euBarar waa brought ta tba Btaekbara haa- pitel. Dr.Plsber waa called m suitatloa, and after a' earefnl nattea. the doeters falletotad.any": ZZ-'-Z -Z iuHIaU, f kala'alaaa l.'tk.'V.'. (lltleal ! Ma '0001 . . .-, ' '-"'- .-- A ... in -a ssrieaacoaat-. -,ai-'7t-7 AN0THER1IH. IN iLMtMSE t, - I gVKWa AX9 MNVKCUTMHI BY MAKUPACTUHIIssV. ATMmfWK CAVMM MO sWcWw VO IN. . ':i ., 'if - , TWUMJPT United I'reM Service. WA8HINQTON, D. C, July 31. Ajow Interrupted the MuleiaH. pra- eadlag today, whan Seaator Otar man began reading the queattaaa eub- Itted'by Caaaaal MCa-ter far tea Rational; Asabeliitton 'at Maajufaatur yj ' dmfewJ "JCll mrvmaaVMsmaMa. tUrst smj),karw parmHted ta 'read h a ?aeaanassmiB)t ofaeaaarMaih wraagie of aataa,leauii;aaaaad. Tba " LaJ rial': a. - -. i i . rMVitWMtWuM4lqr Cfcftlryim. fmL&Z: aa aaaalaa .'.c ,.. W I, W.t. rrr w.-s'w- ""n""?fviv. , r,rifv y 't Application for cltlsenahly i-papera haa bean' made by 'Kllaabeth Amelia Runt of this city; a native of Saaoayi' Germany. She wll have a hearing- before tbe December term of the Cif. . ) Thla la tba flrat laatanaaln'Klaaa: ath County wre a Vewan: mad aiA plIsateM far.naturHantkm.l,i. in orae tnem ataasTjaw to t,bftdr.,bf, ." ,y tar, ta te enjoy b;riyllw'o,MM. ; Otraa su.tVtay taVi.rtejfw a. .w V.'il 'want1eauaalrlwa' tesk.' lie sale.;' "I'll go te all for eaiOampt ''Mu kkaaaMi lu' ifca alaitaal XsauBmbioa.Wt'blaaakureea' i oaUy. wl4a4 warked'lor UaaaaVwonbk V& Tbe eyes are ttea. and u man's faee la badly; ma- earated, but Dr; TajftordoM aot laaei far. aay permarsat Injury te tba ranter's vlatea. ' 1 s .- ' '? ' '. - ,' i" -' '; -i Ti i . ' " . 4. i . aaeTwaaFaj " aBTdPaB i BMeBJHaml 'asbaspij' Uaetea.Praaa staCTMa ' '"'' -) ' CWClkHATI.1 ' Jnir St. Walter Dara af.Saalaastese'wsaiteday Mm- ted.MpraaM dlatelay al'taa LapalOr- aaasaa asm aaslAsBBfadBL aBaaTi VSaTaA AakaaBBadbBs assaP 'naasaai aTPa Bvi emPJ'BBaa ara'BJ VBJssjl VJaJSBSssaaV BJBfT saaasm sismstisa; - J M"1, A. -ii?i- VM it. w '- EXPOSITIBM i wj- Us r. w S GETS HIT AGAJI KrIiAKI AKB . l 1 ittl ! -' ' "J ...v. P Kt"-- V-r mr iti ant jj. WV VAJOCmsaW, BMbVB pJMOMfl - IUnafiJAH t"i(. ',' n. ? u. i . . Ji"V ' C "P A Hi, :Tz UaJaad P-aaa aaWata. ' -';,' J: .: riAmmml, . :: "? Jt "WTP' iBPBnaB sW hhlr'ssaafsilslsmi Am OplMlmmmmV Wstl mmTtmW mr'wejneeTej , aeaBmeana' w irP" mw gssasan vWWJB' JW)' BmBj BJBjBBBygajBBnpagfnnBBBtsj ptJBBBfjW aatkiaaa snutaaltlaau ia ba bali at amtf J. j A . T .!. ' J. T. a... rraateo,.a. if.i:?;.;'. - ;; .;-'., V Ial'aakeaasa 'tb'alraaaaa, aanBaamd u"tal tesaaMaiaa'maaUBSBV al as yVniaB naj7mj pawmp" enaaaagjeanna saa; ioA friaasadh; httmi 'Mh, , tbat-ajdMcBwMav.''"'v v '',-' J ;; .1 - - " a j I. c S .. . . l. t .X .- M(;I. ' N ', . r.. , aaa aai iUi1 ia BUfliic1 an iimrnrMMiMi ra,mt i1ii,i 'im rfc.--. '. - air aaii, , aiaa aaaniaiaa auaujL .,!.w Til ..-."; "" -" '"""rrr. ",ts7t, t"" v" T . . 'r:.'-' " 7 -TT!T7-r:TT.""r7;Trs rTT-T-'T--'' iTi"3 rrsTr.''Tir'w':;:''?'--,' " 1 1 'i;v' V' ,t toa:astaaac4.IM'eatoat. -, ;' ; ummuKwui iisaya i.HyWr,iitaaaryttnat.'tbay M AmieajteW )MwiaMawata.vi: S. -X - ,--:.' Tt iisa1aa credit trnav amjsmw asmj ' m msmj fr ZjABaanVXaaaajM K MmMumimkiwnKEwA mmmmmmr'.mm VBB LssnfaljanBaBBBBBBBBUBafl-al ' ' " '1'-' ." 'yt ij4OTHBwi nssmjasaavaavawaaw Ja jmi . ' '-ffHfjyjMflW f i i icsr-. ' ' tj -, '- ;,, t. iJHTfflSi .''.!- - V.aJtjWaffsnmCHas. Towriai I ' ' J''''JjnnygrawllBBlBnsBHH . i 1,'JaVaasVamSH . Waaat. BanSBBBBBBBBTSBBm PhI1.1pH ! C-Vt Cf ' ' " "'tfflWMBPBaBBBBBBBBBBBBl V, v v v T flfiv93alHlBBBB,M 1 ' " 'j-- JVi.- - Tl . v t ' iLi XIJsbOMbbbBI '".w T:tr.A'J.--ji .' . - .."-m.iffiflHI retawdteB.taa aasssaafat Kobbb BbbbT BBBBBmnnml dan.tsBBBBBBBBBBnl ' asaaiafaH w-i . . 'BilaaB3 ..J .l.TSfeJfcMsBal aBBssamrs ejaaai ammmr amnammBm ! .BBaw tit dJBjiJaU-dJMm .' --' ta .IgvL IaT' mm22lk&Amm T ' sat anli i si fjiaBaTaaaa-a. iijawlslLaW Janal t-e a WIMkWat earaaa -.aetnt sbbBbbY Bb ttjai-aBl Xbi taal -.'.- -. .'-'TJtcA'. aBjtsaVJ i . . . . "T VleS alaamaar mt1 1tvPlPjH flkaadBBBBaKar i bbbsbbbbbAV bbsbbbbbmIi faaaaBBnt' dWaaamaaamaai mammafgaB, . dMafHBBtasr jbBkajbjpUHjlMHH ' SBBBMornBBMoSVO IB VaSBMaBBaBBt ST a' VaaBaaSBBBBBBBBBt. BBBBPSBBSBBBBBBntBBBsM aWaW0afli) flatr tts faaW9 fJda ifjgaBtttamBnsBtJsBB naata mamaataiaaaBaam ffkanaaBamBBaant aWataamaw T - Jlw CK-arSVfBaBD Maf, aWBBJBJBJ aBVaMsBBTsm laBfmJBaP M. a-i l .ftaBilTan' .. i7ViTanmll'WBl f bBmsgfflg vmrBBj JaBpa" BBmBBP n'THPTjfsBBrVBaBBBBH MppmPB4mBBBBpanBm f P ''QpfSnaJAaBnBnBXBBaH - ffTEFTyiWnaBnlBaTOaaBaal rm-BamfBBaB-" wB"anpBBeBjBBBBWISBBnB f wsMPe) Hf,LWwV MPMsJREHH i,u -:-7v..' ;-.. iTrSiMW fVHsmtnKamV .Sadnmmmt '-'VVdrntrnt 'Vffammmmft tmaJL. - - "-'- .- 1 " i . u. . "" w BT -mBsa-aja-m- -aBBBaafBBajBr JBB.mBajBBasBBBBBBBBBBBj iw '-- .,, .1. ,i i ii I nil ill IisbbTI 'V ' (eBBBBmBtmBBBBBBBBBBam? mtHVjbinQHBl poimb.bbWIHbb7 aBB....aB ok. - rr .,rr.--rsnB-o j. -v -,- .-- "T ".- T- ' . f ap-Mam BBBBBBBBBffaBBWmiBBBnl SBBBByBBBBBBBBBBmaBBBBBBnBB A " w, , ';. ' . :..,- lrtkaadl apAjSmBasl .. Assordmc te tefaemartea 7 raeatead '. t4 1tHk attl.- AM taBit m anmBml bbsbhI ,i",J auaamat; af Urn bbbbbpbbWSI mftaatiMI aataar-taa aaaaaa aaSBBBaiB atanSBBB """'te'' inja autism, da 1sbb majSaBBB P-a raatsaaf.faa,. -- ---i. g-mBi I aaMaaaaai SBakSBaBBi JkjaBbafJ bate tn"sJg4a. J - , 'tbi fnalts aAsflaBBBBBBnBl . ba. naoeaantT ta ad4 At, . BMtextbat saMttp a am '- ' "-' g- - aMannBBl gttatt tBnsmBsaBBBnBBBBBBB J,- .1 .'7Ti rJjtBaaaBaaaaBBBBBBBl ham -baa' mA.,m.''amtZthtMi3imUm a, ' 1 . - V, ..' I - - a aaa, ( p iB XBBJBmBjaaaaaaraaan nBBJaBJ-;-f9 BJBBte tbfViMaaawA - 1, aJMilM ' :-. ')'' aa.-. - -J. gr afljwtsgjwsBB TW anaajaj BBBBBBKamnBBBBa aama .vaamw tb' aaWjsBBBBBBB taa fM ttfaa paar vag i. wj. .AaaBBaaaBal - a hi " ' - t'-'bi' " p egfirajfBj asaanma.. - a - .... j...iiaM Jf'-J' ., " . . T? -?S?TrilPaJBBBMBBB Ja. 't.i TbBBsSBiasv, BifijBJBBBjBBJ PraaHsat Wlkw tat ta ajtaw a It te tar Bbslm siM banaaai; ;; aaJla taarn Itamaa reBme. - ftj ( I WfjBWejtBif a9'f laVeaBBnmaV i H. teeaaawi baUdsttB are am I (; TawaanaapathMMa depart soeate ittnadxt.. wfala that LV It ' ' teaddt text Baauhtr aad) mw ' Baatehmt wark'hs bsW'wtH ba tr- cu'. t ilvata etnliaas .aa MB yaart m a.retamr will be trvaa at .1 ' " m . 'l .'..a"""- .tMraT'JaHaa W. tba Watlsaal ask ia-atamj tke'ypoer'anMVB fralt," atd sa K to tlmaa'taaaa anaap an ni t; ? wifaBSBenmMai ;!.(: - -si,., v NaM fMiais '-t VlCfi PfKJM Mlla Trln UfUl BBf I tlHf ?. 6';' V 6? .' p '! ivv--f -J.''.- '4 '4.1 jA. asm-'SBBtsaeam BIssBnaBSa' 'aaaac- ia aasm 'aa wsbM ataBBsaafi ' . W a e, es,wj teMWajgaatttelt 'bmaatyWAjaaBm PBWPp TvBBPnHpp IWpT ar. . :dfi. .:- .: . t f m . t -u. as apBJ WBaPTi BBBjpfja PA rtvaj anwtjpl at Ball u. Obariaa H, tla lfV"Pv' wBBTB'"t ?mmm rSifPQ! aaBVaaSBaba fPBaifj i'l i&