H'T-m r y? vSJ ' .-UPy vw OilBjaBrBr O THE EVENING HERALD r.' o,, mni , V . u i kMsw . i. '( . in. T ii P11A HO Olll " V, . ' ' .1 v .1 i- ' ' Vc"' ''r'g , ' " .- . . J ,V-T 1 THIATRI "hV l'V. A, ,'-? r-v A . aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Sv.'.'.sii1 JMRViT' V1 t J n V-; f. . "-''.fV ' ' IS . ""amBJ I '-' i ftaMeaew aoilr , HtraM fttbaaatnir fcaHiyw . Klamath Patte. at 111 fwam M. tt ttt iiiulw at ,'fvHi' .OfwJwHaU fH WWMMlMMI aareaa the alalia aa eetead-elaae aabseriatkra terma by Mali to aay ad dress hi Um Baited Nates: Oaexyserj .,.............. ilMI OmbnU,, . It KXAMAV PA MA . nMMON WEDMKBAY, JULY M, 1MB ' wwi cuuuc' vv.. . v: 'efefcrtdaerA,. . ta.tinMiatk Faataeyin I ream ' ":aV"iu -. V" wt'-t. ' .mmaai iPaesaeBreei?'' aaaae wkvid i . zTTi x.-Tx r l&EiiS mmmwkm Sl -'V niaw :4' if . Wfe w?:;C;'s 'v . . ? "A& c ' & rcThfi . , u r 7.' "w b . 'lt e ttti,itTI Seef ,,, atlf .a ta " aetata TC i . 4 ill ' 9 a a a ' Vaa'iaaaSS a MfitiMMMi lttitiMM "a'aVV i IS i t -a a a a V lit Mi it. r.'.i .'.iVj'i :i .if it ; n.i.-."..i.-iUT' II ,OncV a ataWa MkiWaaUar OUar ' M Ft CUT Cla 41 CNar 47 Ctoar 6t Claar IS Claar It Claar It rkctty H, Claar ' 41 Claar II It.t a a alfw. t-- s 'ti. initi." ' iK A.V fJ wv J'.'' .a,;'iK. v , NTAT llM i!'-1! "("-. ..,,. , iflCtvWW :,.' . ' ' Pirr Upper LAe ,o . . , 11. , .1 v.- ' -'rl K. i J 4a r, jpvxtaiiiiB ?, 'V.' a a "a (H 10.., y 1A t,V la aaaaaaaaaaaaa II - a a ( all aa aaAa all Iltittt ll a a Va a a a a a W a a afl 41 it tt 7 I II 4t ST a a a a..... " " .77 41 It II 'TI ,l rerir r Cl'a ? cra Ctaar PtCTa Cta7 Ctaa .,a'a ftcrir Claar Claar Enormity of the Suffrage Move Amazes Lady Senator Hot Helen Ring) Robinson of Coloiado Says that in Addition 16 the Fight for the Ballot, Eastern Women1 are Also De- manding the Double Standard's Abolitatiun DKNVKR, Colo., July 30, Tha Kt la now convlncod ttial tharo can bo such n thing ai a "loUy Hdintur," who lomotlmo utea amelllBK lts. wcnr rrocks of the kind rocommcudcd by tho bt fhlon mnKniluiit mad apeak la the teaaa of a "parted lady' Thto l tho opinion ot the lulTrunlit leader of Deaver, foltowlnk the recent return of Bute fleuntor llolen Ring Roblnaoa. from a lecture tour which, took her through Kvo atate nnd during which he ilullverod muro than tlxty addreaae. If tho "aatls" of the Kat oipecttd Senator Robhison to bo any different from thousand of other cultured women of tha country they were mistaken. Mr. Robtuoa I enthutlajtlc over tho growing iuffrnge icntlment la tha cut, and la convinced that the example ot llllnol In granting woiarh tho ballot will oon bo followed by ninny other ttnteit. Hho gave the United Pre the following ttateaient regarding her trip: By 8TATK HRXATOR HKI.KN KINO (feeling that Is developing tor the ln- ert mat that live practlrul live. I ureal ptwawr muhmw in f-tm- fKrf . B-W '-1 ... .'.- h ' WOMB MAIUMIAB, -" V.J -' ''I1 '" mrnmrnmrnwrnum. - t . -. .. ;j , m?ii.'-Ji J. ' t (aeetal CrTianaliaia) IOMMLLA. Jatar St. CaaaMaraMa alaraatla katag asaaalaatad by the aeaala kara ovar tha araaaaala.af tbe HOMXHOK (Only woman aeaator in the U. 8.) Oaa who baa net beea In the mldtt at, k eaanet raatlaa tha tgalBeance andaaal at tha great women' move- maat la tha Baat. 1 did not rally raal laatt. Tba tenridaea ot It. the whit lame that burned In IU mldt la-' aatred ma. .1 heard women preach" wKh the farr'ar et Peter the Hermit; One of the thlaga that lmpreed a we the wonderful feeling of aes leyaKy aad aolldaflty. Law totals Baltlmere. where young women with face, like opening lower and eye, (hlalng like the tr, marched to gather with women worn by toil. I aw t la New Yerk: I aaw It every where. Thle aex aelldarity haa ei- leted ameag the akk ot women from tba time et EnrlaMee until bow. Men will met acknowledge it. but' It haa Then, too., I waa Impreaaed by tha gle standard ot morality. Yon hear. call them Ingrowing torlte. I called thoeo aealou women who are trut-itltem that, at one meeting and tho gllag far the ballet with a ptrK 'of paper' had It the next day "Ingrow ing toenail." My nltn win to nlluy that haunting, panicky fear among the men that ovement born ot such plrltjwhen the women get the "ballot they teal crying tor tha abolition of tha uoune Kanaara., ahu otner women are taking up tha cry. A i LORELLA COUNTRY " "tin KH WMT BEHEFinEO TO PAY FR WORK and carried on with uch teal mutt trlamph la tba end. but I would not want to propheay which of the three later In which I did moet of my cam palgatag New York. New Jaraey and Pennsylvania will win nrU Tba outlook la New Joney U moat favor able. In New York the opposition chlely come from the rural dletrlcti, where conservatlim reign. Then, too, Tammany Hall I, by the very nature of Ita organisation, almost hysterically opposed to giving women tho vote, and Is using all Its Influ ence to fight the women' movement. Strang to say, the opposition tho movement has found throughout the East has a many women la It aa men. These woman belong to the la- would take the American home out In the back yard and shoot It full of holes. I spoke not aa a senator or politician, but aa a housewife. I told what equal suffrage would mean to women na housewives and mothers, what relation the garbage can bora to the ballot, and I think 1 gave a side of the question never beforo present ed there. I feel bo vain pride In my success, because I feel that most of It waa due to my having been advertised a a sort of curiosity or freak. Most of those who camo to hear me came to see what sort of a creature a woman senator was, and I know I dlsap pointed them because 1 wore petti coat and had unshorn hair. , l I. ftWHWatt, freeidea K. M. Habb, Vlce-Ire. aM treaa, lleri K. Wkhrew, .Surveyors and Jrrtyatloit Eiiiiwifii ' KtAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO.; ABSTRACTING Maps, PIM, Hlueprlat, Mte. KM MATH. TAItlii, OHICflON. Klamath Falls Music House II. MAIMK.V, lYaerleler 71D Mnln VU I'llUHt) I'M M xJjLCKf?BBE liver) thing la Musto and la mrtiiii.nto. .Ilrst of Htrbuas. I'l.i, I.IJAIH.Vtl PIANOH ASI OIMU id at Mtwlerale Price' ttml ln Terms. IIIIOKH, HTATII)Ni:ilY, TYPK- WIUiMIH. PICTtlHM AMI UT l(M)'ll 8I.MIKII AM WHITK MKW. I.(l MACHINKA PIANO TUMNti VIPTOIt. (Xll.irMIIIA A.Mi K.DIHON '.PHONtMIMPHaV-HKCUHIM r -4 off 1-4 off i KLAMATH HMMVATIOX IM- MAN AMt A CkUNCW IN PHO lsWOXS POR MOBOC PtM.VT PHOJHCT ReVMaWIWHefK.Vr - OF I CI ' if ' h : SERVICE ii 1; Mr ; tf--'-'- :H M 3. ikf fefv V,' .3 m J. i, ' ar.'i.1. i-i j j, mfaaaasiMslajBaf ,v Va asm -halBar"aaakbmMl.'at - KB4 '- .--.- --.!-- mtEm ."i n gMraaa aa Mw "T- ,e w- .4 ""p. aaaa j ajaaat1 ; lean-, aaBjareB, aavaar ec . gasaaatniii '- '' ; r- f.z - aresi railroad betwaaa -" VaJla - -i rmttmmrdm kn WASHINGTON, D. C. JUly St beeaaeat U"aM raaebas, wbiek. wbea ladmaa oa the Klaaaath reservation) retaraed. will gh 'a good estimate have petlttoaed the aecreUry of the Tnrmnt' iff "grndin raisd aadj '' etoaa to amend the ablated tram this part of the eeaatry. Indian appropriation .bill authorising j e a ia eoaawueuo ot iae aioaoc roiai Tha heavieet aaBuser rata, la aev eral year baa fallea here durlag the last week. Meat of the raaeaera bare are aow busy aatUag np bay, aad Ui. work' wlH be gtvea aKe a aet- bat the melatare will 4e aa et geed. beta (a wop whiea have Met beea eat aad ta PJKbU aad.wtater aaatara. ; a a a ; Mr.;,-A. Laaaa aad Mia MUcrad RLeaeh tef Cbleaae are TiaHla at the kaaaa'at, Mm. Leaeh'a bretber; B. M. wiaaara. aear Lareiia. project so the cost shall be reimburs ed oaly by person whose land lie under the project. The original ptaa for the re'lmbur- lag of tba tuad appropriated was from the aale of tribal timber. hotel Arrivals Sebaeribe far The MeraM. It, WkMe PeMeaa V. W. McDonald aad wlfet I,. r. Pickett aad wife. W. W. McDonald and wife. Med ford; W. C. Flaherty . Uorkeiey; M. II. Aaaeou, Portlaad; Dr. II. D. Lawheard and wire, Mrs. II. J. Sbate, Woodlands; (leorge B. 8perry. Redwood; W. II. Bperry city; J. M. PrethlBgham, Macdoel; J. M. Campbell. Macdoel. Hotel HaH R, M. Judd. Montrose. Mich.; W. Burleson; Montrose; H. O, ltmb. Paisley; Jack Burns, Port1 Klamath; Mr. T. J. Warns, Koat Klamath; T. I). Bacon, San Francisco; Harry Job, Ban Francisco; Mrs. Harry Job, 8au Francisco; R. II. Richardson, Hrm Francisco; ;Mrs, R. Richardson, flan Francisco; Mr. Price Kvans, San Francisco; R. Osbom and wife. King City, Calif.; K. F. Marr, Oakland; C. V. Mlakler, O. A. Vetela, Dunsmulr; J. C. Smith, city; J. M. Smith, elty; Jas. ij. McKenile, Kalamasoo, Mich.; D. E. Hltcheack, Benaaaa; Pierce Kvans, San Francisco; Wra. Scbleeht, Mlaoqua. Wis.; W. J. Campbell and wife, San Fraaelsco; W. U. Hplccr, Chlco; W. J. Mile and family, Berke ley; Kd DuFault, UBgell Valley; U. O. Hera, Boaaaaa; Wm. Wood. Ilo bbbm; K. C. Reed, Lea Angelea; C. B. Otey, Dorr Is; C. B. Covert, San Francisco. OTHXa TO MOW AWAY Want to Sell matched team, tea buggy, net of harness, nlre galled saddle mare, suitable far lady or chil dren; one light wagon, saddle aad bridle; klteken raage, dlalag room chairs, rocking 'chairs, two double beds, ono nice bed for baby or child, two bureau, dining room table. washing machine, wheelbarrow, Kdl? son phonograph, fruit Jars. Ice refrig erator and numerous other articles. Call at once. WHITK KKALTY CO. 30-ltbltr Frank lilgglnbotham departed on Tuesday for Detroit, Mich., where he will reside. on all CHINA Gall and tee our New ATHENA SILVER GLASSWARE Chemically treated and put on to stay WILLIAM C. HURN HARDWARE rV,' iifiK'i ft: TT .aBBBBBBBl yJW A. i :l., .-Vi,- mw araar. far. fresh i jTarWaJiaSe (aarTajjr ttaa aaaaaaaale. Oar aala e- i".'wi ,-. ''A ZP.&vYj. IM ,'..,' ,J "JMsaMaaaam wnPlr 5nw a . '' a Ruins of Wagon and Paint Shop in Sing Sing Prison Believed to Have Been Fired by Convicts '.ir ?zj- vlf Iffttf i&aa tBFaw aawBBaaBaFml aajaWsawrf iaajaajasjafkaa AMm aa(A. ' J. 7(n,''" flUawjC PjNapBaB, L MBMBWaVjW'iii'11 ii'i. i.'i f.ltUrt Oaa Keller waat to Klaautk FaHsaatarday to meet Mm. Keller's sister. Mrs. William' Oreh of Pert bud, whe will ylattltb them for a time. . v Dayld MeCeaW la. eat wUA hi big', safe braeb maebtae, arubMag brush I aBi.tha.:CraaaerVraaa aear Boaaaaa. j .( ".Vf , Mr. aad Mrs. Edward Sedae of Dairy ; whi vialUag - Laaaell Valley frieada last tuaaay.' ,, TWUMWIIX ME. CAW' Afterr Augaat I all weed er ether fuel will be aald atfiaOy far aaab aa delivery ar; la adraajaa. '''. v, a. aanvu, Vj.' t ', KlJUstATM PUKt, CO. T-l-l-1. W.KMBtlORN. , '- "- ,. 'K M ;:: -, ' . ' j i untuun - AGRICULTURAL V COLLEGE COINS IU forty. Ifih eslwel year .'TB,;i.taia. a ', KmPIKS COU4IM la away paaseeof ..aajNawTWi p a"jaaHmmmmmBmB it -v fl- I - I , fl. .-"' J , I .-'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB f 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBffaBBBBBBBBBBB . '" JmMMMMMmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm t aMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM laMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm ( t (BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBliBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB , . HHijiilliiBiiiHiilaHHBaaBBlaaaaal. t J aa ass a saaBaaaBBaaaaBiaiaaaaaBaaw ! 4LMn3fl :flli!iiFlf I tiii.tiiMiwe -., .- .4mt HE ALWAYS HAS MONET Who haa aa account with the First Trust aad Savlaas beak. The first deposit U aa Induce ment to make mora. Thus the account keep growing. later e:t at 4 per cent keep adding to It all the time. If you kara not made the first deposit, you will do well to make It bow, Then you will have something lo ilruw on In rno of need. jfcii'St'' IV'Bf and Savings Evvk ICnifih Faln, .Oregon ! - .- . 4 ' ' 'n't.' : ."' : 'V wt w 1$ W f. ww H-Ka 'oe , 4eoee4eeeeeeeeete ' ,. &A ' ". ' . d TW4' TIAOMi 'f2aJ l ' PPWMTalVi count I. '-' I...VWW k. '. ) i,aaiaiMt .pTJPaPwwJPsPwr Baa) eammmmmmg asalaaiaaaai k masaljkaal4Vaaak isiasilli -'- I - -,J- . ty-:&(trtt :,:xy 'XT?1 Hl MiMBO.'iadteg '.'eiV tHag , heaA pay t "tft V ' "i't y yrteem' ttawtbar.aa.waa aat-by eoa- vtet 'aa, aalalraet MNrtaC, tba ,ae phy, bees ef Tasamaayaad ereraer r iJ't W i t 'c'oiU ;f;t . .. Wj" .. " c : ,'JtitS ,.' - .. '. V..W'.... lA'irutit mi$Mn vheh mAJiAcU Cotr?W Ut6k Sinn, vta t bo. lit InXUr- sV i, . i, , .. ' -. " . r ,-.- Ilir.l.k I..J Mlu..'t I.I., M.klMVil..HJ- A. '..Js.f'at.l.'.Altl.' preratbat Ue big fir w wng aiag Umlmla hs.1 aafuel . 4aua.staaahlaVfaaal M'..Ht'f 'iklM Truawm Maw p aja wajaa w aayyay . aaaaajaaaa bap giB4a Ul a)IIJ Uaaafert:lliy'priaaaersrfroK' SHag v '"In' tbUiiaatsnee'the reateval of vi. w vwijiipiiiNH"MHi.iv mw Ai.n 'rhi nMnnHir is eat Meadow, laen 'who ware; aaj the place two'men ln'a;eell atiMag Sing, Oreat of mutlay remaiaed 'at' Sing but the meate I be' removed want te y- . A .. 'h ' ' ' ' !,V : rwaai. at tbafplaee Veua'aae' It M a' "'Iil-:i Ji 1:. ... .1- Z- ., 7," . . ., . ..... T ,- - ,.''i.iit. ilfi.- ' Jlii. .. ii J . ... "i .-a ...I.1 . .-. y.-iafeaseawMe vetee ewiiare.; .. v4 - wtUlaas' Belaer. la to e rmade. The y ," )"mer ewiae, are, ; more aaaey ir irieaes irem new, A MMTpTWI.' a4WtT aaawlal i w.i.-'iiiii Ui l.'i-:..iVr aald Mr- Riley.' "TW ramlalermed York aMywbe vlaR-'tbem."-' ' .y si '": . t u i.O v. rv-T ' : jrt. ,i-- ,.: ivj j ?. i lOMAT.pEHVICC.l'ASOMAaLC PfiJCC W. d. SMltH PRINfliNG 1 " V f' I. . J J .-....' t ' '41. ? .JifffK'M "1 i" ' , ' ! ' . 'M.,:ailb.'. ...i- -. . aV . V AW i.-iR. '3R?,!2S,JLyi,nui??'- r'"T it'iirI-i: by'Wafaa'Claaeeriwho-.;rye4e;at ,'TMfa''d'nalBt''alwpwi'oBa' ! - '"'BViHMIlfATrli IOUnTHaiel-TF'. u'-i' TW?ll aad a AtAioKwUlb mailed free Tassaaaarvaaeaar their-Irleaaa of ,uu ".-. '. ':,i r-; yTA c . h.'iITiaill: '. - -.- .1... . .' . '. srv'.TtJRW"; .7 t T 7 .' - TT r-'-. -j. m . .".'. , IsffiPiJ. fUrtl.abit;. )bA.-Wawitt lee.jw.ii alB.like?ito.Oee, tk. J - .,,V' Wfe5 ' '. . - ' , , V; Wf! ' 2 .'f ' P WwaTO cSSa5 aS'IW'aiaW Sfkagt. 'aiaiM;alafal ftfmj.mmg state a-thorHiessey. ( ', VfJ, ' .W W , ..i.i.-.vl'J !i ' itffc ' Vf '.'l.-. , .:. is Vi . r j.. " ; v ', J.,i iv. a r' .1 i i .1 . . .' . ji "5 ' -fflMtf - ' V. ' Is -As'- ,. i ?' A.W '!.. 'W.V J' tia