u ? p it. U ' I! ., in .'hM''i i"- 'J' -',. Ii j k 'V I'ltOl'kMellOVU. IJAMM 1)11. 0. A. HAMMO, Ilea test AH Work Guaranteed Odd Pillows' Building. Jtooei 21 K, Phono ol. MAXWELL M. LONU Oataeaatalc I'hyali lau, Hull II aad 1, While llliln Phone INI Classified Column I'l'lt Ml K I'Oit IIAI.K-- Lot on Hlxlli lit. near J laxMiicnl, Will roll nt n sacrlflre. I'. 0. Hint 781 ' . l(l31 WOMAN LEAVES 200 TO MOURN PJIILAIMILPIIIA CLAIMH WSM.II'H IIKCOIII) Hill Till: (JltKATKMT ).miii: op iuiikct iu:hchm. A. NTH Los Angeles Society Girl will Have Trouble Marrying Prince jWIIJi TIIADi: my 4-ruom tuttnK for ( tilled Prom Eervfiu tlomi In Icit i i-ooil draft horse. I'MII.ADniJ'IIIA. July 21 I'lill ,lniiili Itiink A Hchm.lder's niltll- n ,,ln , y ca,lt.K(!a the country iiiory. 20'Ut OITV AND COUNTY A1IK1KAI1 COMPANY Abstracts. Insurant Members Oregon Association Till Mm. I picti'iit u piirnllftl to Clio cose of .roil HAM'. -Now 7 room house, to be U oldest woinuii Inhabitant who died J i i.mvuii, Untitle ngnts, uaiiiann 'intiiry plumbing, , O. Ilox 7KI. Muku iin off or. IC-31 i.r O. K. WII.LKY Attorney at Ijw Hoomi WW, Old Fellows Hall MIStTXI.ANMICa .KMI'LOYMKMT CaH up COMBTOCK, pbuae 10, If you wait aay kind of IIKt.P Register at the COMBTOCK If yon waat employmeat. I'Oll HAI.i: Orui urny mum, 0 cnra old; bruko to rldo mid drlvoi er icclly sound mill kuiiII", n- i turn roll, year nnd it lii iinlrv of II. Ii. Ilwiimi. mix 25-If r yptwRi reus ! Xmliint-K a., no imimh aril M-K-l r llnnlll ' . il I ,.IK lnlr Itniue. -- f . - - )IIMlXUMir ' I MONT.Y TO LOAN oil good security. Home Building and Itenlty Com puny, 617 Main it rent, 19-Ct FIIKIJ AVo linvo several load of sla- lilu manure wlilth we will bo (lad to flvo to anybody who wit haul It way. CMIf.-Ore. Power Co. recently at t ho ago of 109 years, Mrs. J ! rdn Vldlruky. Mn. Vldletiky I td never heeu Hick In bed and she il i'd without enduring any suffering. Hrr r.roil grandsons today present ed pnixis to llio rlty authorities which provo beyond any doubt that tlit Ir grr.nduwtliur wn loll yoara of nee. Ho far n l known iho was the only prnpn living who had personal Kcollectlon of Napoleon llonaparte. Auon nig lo her groat grandson, I'nlllp Nsrmluaky, 830 Pcarce afreet, at whoto lioine itho died, more than SOU illrict iWeiiilanlii, Including sev oral chllriith, clcon grandchildren and r.ernnty.four great grandchildren In thl country today are mourolag her death. Narmlmky any there are three children, twelve grandchildren and at lemt ten great grandchildren living In Kiuula, . Mn. Vldletiky waa born at Hhom- KI.AMATH NOVKLTY H'ORKM mil and Klawatli are. lllnckimlthlBg and general re pair work done Automobile a Specialty II. KOKMIIAHKO, IVefwMor. IMKKIJMIN ItACHTKLBKHU New mmI Heroodliand deads Hide, Wool. I'elU, Rubber and Metala m7 Main M Trl. II I J To boot Klamath county send Tin Herald to your Kaatern friends. Wedding Kings When buy lag Wedding Ktaga why not buy Hie beat? Iimvo a full line of IftVcarat Tllfnny lUml lllnga and Wide Oval WrdiHuc Hlas to stock. FRANK M. UFP Watchmaker, Jcviclrr and Kn urmrr. Houthcm I'arlnc Watrli luapector ' UI5 NYAL'S FACE CREAM Here I J8 tke very beri ikat't made. I Um It and your comfloloa ImmcdUttly taket en tke roiy bluth of real health, TMf It the one cream that thoroly cleaatM the ports and Itavci the ikin Mnooth and toft as velvet. Then too.Nyal'i Face Cream will not cauee hair to grow on we face. Being grcaiclcM, Nyil't Face Cream la readily abiorlxd by the tkln.' ConUtnlng peroilde, It It antiteptlc and thoroly cleaniei the ikln porci. The odor of this ideal cream Ii decidedly fuclnatlng. Il Ii told la orBamtntal Jail for twenty five and miyccniiinsMr. Commence utiaf Nyal'i Face Cream, It'l btM for your com pleiton. We are the Nval Aaenti. Buy this lupe tlor cream at eur itert. Better II , take n . yi IV'Ut hiffrtv. Itimalti. In 1A04. At !( rira (lllll, desires housework In a nice u " "rr '"" we,u ,0 "T" "" family. Address lock boa 810. 34-01 "moicnsK. smaii ton rrora ine out- .skirls of which she watched the re treating soldiers of Napoleon on their return to Prance. She says she waa nenrly run down by Napoleon himself ,i)ii horseback, when she ran acroee ,the road. , Mrs. Vldletiky came to America BOARD AND ROOM SI A DAY AT THK OHKCaOX HOl'MK Hlttli and Klamath I Itllt IINNT after the death of hor last husband 'when she waa 99 years old. 8he NKWI.Y KUUNI8IIKI) IIOOM8 at the mada the voyage In the steerage. She Claromont with hot and cold water was married four times, having dl- and steam heat In each, 7-3 1 1-18 vorrcd her first threo husbands. The aged woman up to the day of I hit ueain aiueq ncr greav granaa idaughter with the housework. She MlKI.V luruUlieil riom nt th Or khu ll'iui'U rllattt and Klamath KUIINISIIKD rooms, aUo houskeep-ltMI, uMan ,d Hebrew without the Ing rooms, at First and IMne or j6j of ,!,, ana her hearing waae Main streot. BsaVarasamaslass .dmsf iBsBsBsBsBsPWJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm 4w9ssBsMei gtfBgs.m'it gsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmf SflSlBBV VnmsBBBBBBBVK.ljk- gmsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmsamV t9 OHP smtamlBBBBBBBBBBBBBHr.sm& BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK 9R9BBSBMEKl 4sf JPfBl'sBasgplBBiB BBmssssssssssssssssm COUNCIL TAtKINB WATER ii y .J. -. QUESTION i PtOMaMkV Wlr! fkak m Kxmmkrn that AantH LAKK KIMKOM WJI.L MOT FVK MMI HUFFICIfT'WATKR FOM THK CITV "la tho proposed municipal watori ,ni'p!y source at Aspen Lata suKc-: Icntly valuable to Klamath Falls to (warrant a cash outlay for surve1 'and construction workf" I This was one of the big e'ueetine at lost night's meeitag'of the couacll, and a discussion of the queetlen tock up considerable lime. The matter XM k tv -T1 aim i AAOwLft ''fci in wmm '.rTNfl theoeef athFalle. QHrnm. te,tkaaamrtttaMr bis) sasnalttedslssllissi theCoanty eC XtUMlk. go, must aeetmnnar tK mtt. - M .TkeOewsrtr Om MIssflMisW: right te reteet.any ami ail Mg. ', Wfa'.iB. WsfM, Coms ndtK ' Cq.ateerrtf.desMtrOnVai, John.MaiwhHetn, OeVtaty OaV was not entfrolyt threshed out, Imtl (was continued In order to allow CltyiTe the"CredlUVe Chmtlen Engineer McLean time to aeeerteka If the Geological Survey has ateae urements of the affected streams. "The two principal sepplr seureee, after allowing for waste, etc. 'woud dolver about 1.58,oe8 gnlkms o .vaster dally here," said MeLena. The 'wUr company here 'dally dlettfbwtee Jot least1 n million 'gwltone',, so tiatees NceokWinniMiYy dt taafmf Osvessmsl smsamj, pw wivj sssnnssnFI In the Dktrlet Cowft est U UUe for the IMsdtmt est i t j J- 1 . . w -" in taMttw;ef otMl and'AJ.-'wtigbai 1 TllS,d I)Mf' Marsttiw,a:iaata)OJiv, asMwt Charlea.mVwtMWasid A. 1. Ba Umaw, nsjndlTls1sjsja. lml'.assMt k 'V M BfMMaV f 3 J ;$ and A. IS 'nees ad Marer tail and W twa; MVM 'Notlto'm'lMrew Prince SUnlalaua Sulkowskl and Miss Marie I-Aulse Freeae of Los An- gelea, whose engagement waa an- nbunced aome days ago, will not be wedded without dlllculty. If at nil. Tho result depends largely on the nerve of the prince. Will he run counter to the wishes of bis family und the nobility of Austria? Mlas Freeae Is the daughter of Wealthy Los Angeles family long la society of southern California. The prince cornea from one of the oldest Polish-Austrian families, wMch are bitterly opposed to an attempt to raise a young woman without n title to the position of princess. After Marrying More Than 1000 Couples, Denver Justice Rises to Hand Out Some Observations (ypexjBttft do bk snarry mag Nature's Warning 16-l-t itolletit. Up to two years ago she had Mewty per rcert of Use lost none or her leatb. i tMrUea. j rthe learned to apeak Kngllah fair- of Vonnsyr roupJca, nssm te the an a rale. wne asaw if are Thiols ask Ht BjaTtsp HBBjdff VVeBBBRSaxV BBS Klamath Falls IVefde Mast and Heed II Kidney Ills come mysteriously. Hut Nature generally warns you. Notice the kidney secretloM. See If tho color Is unnatural If thero ore settlings and aedlmeat, Passages frequent, scanty, painful, Ita time to fear serious kidney trouble. It's time to use Doaa'a Kidney Pills til Pennsylvania granted women the) Hotn. Ik's the iiy wen auer sno came 10 America. older. mill nfli.n nmiresiit a wish In lltf uh. lletwevsi ute aaa at a aaa am cempsa .is, to a great exieai, a ausiaeas coa- artdom kkm after Um rsreia jr. tract with mutual obligations. It la 'Tlie brWo sttoold be Ute saate asm ara the husbands of parasite wires who tier tliaa the bridesxrooea, aot ynuag-er apply for divorce. ! DKNVKIt, July 29 After having "Every couplo ahould be engaged 'married more than 1000 couples la at least a year. During that time the i... 1...1 nv. v.. rtnrlnr which time girl should follow the old German Thr Wlillo Prllraa j ,e haa kept track of the couples fol- custom of gathering a trousseau of P. W. Illanchartl and wife, I F. lowing tho ceremony, William Rice, and various artlclea of clothing Bteel and wife, Portland; W. 8. Slb-'ju.tiee of (he peace of Denver, and sufficient to last three years. It takes nnoii, A. F, Bchafor and wife, Miss K.L0mctlmea called the "marrying Jus-.a aa three years to And his bearings Uosa's hsv. dona araat work la NUon. Hakersfleld; Mrs. n. T, Thomp Uco." believes he haa the right to ae bead of a household and start a Islocallty on "i0"' Mrs. Fred Suter, ailroy; "leH 'em how to do It." Today b.e'nwt-egg. .Most of the collection suits (loorae Kemmerer. Bocowo.N. T.: V.. vouchsafed for nubllcatlon a few mat- In my court are against aewiyweas hotel Anivals this locality. M. Powell, 311 Oak street, Ask. land, Ore., says: "! suffered a great deal from kidney trouble and back ache, and sometimes I could hardly get around. On arising la the morn ing I was stiff nnd lame, and the kid II. Moorman. Madison, Wis; Mrs. A. S. Church, Matilda Skinner San Fran cisce: John A. Durst, Marysvllle; 8, rimnntsi hint, and oasarvatlaaa. wbo started marriea lire on ine sup- SMrst and foremast. Justice Rice. lotion that their living expenses ... ., ... .huM um umdar. would fall like maana out of the mtajea nu waaBa wwwwe w r w- - O, Johnson, city; 0. I.. Dickson and twenty-live and that ae man ahould sky.' wfo, Cecil L. Dixon, Tacoma; Dr. W. noy secretions annoyed br their Casacls and wife, Seattle; Mlas D. Irregularity In passage. Aa soon as I C Wllllts, K. A. Froslle, R. W. Bell. commenced taking- Doaa'a Kidney Cliehaha. wnaliington. Pills, I Improved, and I am new la Hotel Mall good health. 1 still use Doaa'a Kid Herbert 0. Wells and wife, Boise, ney Pills occasionally, however, but Idahe: D. II, Webb, Boise, Idaho; J. more aa a preventive than anything Walter Call, Medford; II. C. Sparr marry until be Is thirty. And when they do marry, saya the Justice, they ahould both be the same age or the eUo. I alwaya Insist upon Doaa'a Kldnoy Pills, for as substitute could be as bcnsdclat aa they." ot sale by all dealers. Frist ceutit., Koster-Milburn co.. auaaia, Now York, sole agents for the United States. Ilsmember the name Doaa'a and take ae other. and wife, Clovor Creek; It. M, Judd, Mori rose, Mich: W. Burlson, Moot roue, Mich; Oeo. C. Clark, city. Lets Talk llano at 'HHHHflH Ht. Louie Waata Elevated ST. LOUIS. July 29 Weary of bride should bo older, aud not young-. or creeping surface transporta er. you can take more water, each as the arsembllag of Moss Creek, 1 thlak It- wouia ae poor Business' to 1 300,000 for that water supply. Kxact Sgarea oa the available wat er will be submitted aitte next meet ing. Upon 'this, the eeaaefl will de termine the aparearlatlnc ef ' money, for surveys nad other pretlmieery work nscessary to perpetuate the f ! fVi ii ; -t- . There are no miracles la medUtae. Remember that te keep or .te got health, generally requires outfr a knowledge of naUre's laws wkk ex- perleaea aad eommoa senee te obey them. tamti Uh day of Jalyl ltit. Cassrlgf raw; aad A. J dolag.bailaess aad style et Mraraw aM and saMCharbw -4 cEGAL WriCES Xetteel The couety.beard ef Klamath eeaa- ty, Orecea win reserve bMa aa to August 4tb, lilt, far the ssaatras tlea ef two brldaee. Keawaad Wtt-, tlamaoa River brtdaea. BaM bMa are to eoier the ce'mpletlea' e Uw.-werk aa noted In 'the spisllfatlssai. The plans aad speetleatleaa are aa Me la the omce ef the eeaatyctark ef Klaaa- ath coaaty, Oregon. A eertlged eaeek amountlnc te 10 per eeat ef Md. te the order ef the Coaaty ef Ktaaaath. State of Ofegeer mast each 'bid; z-zzr- Tbt county court reserves the right to reject aay aad al bMa. W. S. Wordea, Coaaty Jadae. a a. Merrill. County Com. John Hagebtetn, County Cam. 7-15-8-4 h (Kateeei Lamia) Departmeat tt. at iairM, itta. Is U atetaaf waa, ea Asajaat t, MM, I stead rKatry. Ma. 4aad, far i SeeUea 1, Tswsjsmk) BlaV 1 HAIR TURNING GRAY OR FALLING? JUSTMIX SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR It'a araadmather's Receipt for Dund- ' run nad Reaterlag Color Hike mvmmsp V Almost everyone kuowe that Snc Ua and Sulphur, properly compouad' vu, brings back the natural color aad lustre to the hair when faded, screak; of or groy; also cu'ai dandruff, Itch ing scalp aad stops falling hair. Years ago tho oaly way te get this mixture was to mads It at heme, which Is muuy aad troublesome. Nowadays skilled chemists do tats better than oursslvss. By askuag at any drug store for tks ready-te-wee product called "Wyeth's Sage aad Sulphur Hair Remedy" you will tt a large bottle for about It seats. Soma druggists make their ewa. hat after' another aualleatlea ar two Is restored te tu natural eeler aad leaks svsa mere bwuUful sad glassy tkaa I V ', It's usunlly too sticky, so Insist upas gottlui? "Wyeth's," which caa be de .prtided upon to restore aatural eater 1 nml bounty to the hslr aid m .the best remedy for dandruff, dry, fever lsh. Itchy sculp nnd to step falMag hair. r , Folks llko "Wyeth's Sage aad Bui-' phur" because bo one esa nasstaly toll that you darkened year hair, as it does it so naturally aad evsaly, saya a well known down town drug slit. You dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw It through yoar hair, taking ona small strand at a thin, Thl. niil hut fw mnauata; kv moralag the gray hair disappears m world. - Saegeaerally steads stUl,be- tloa plana are being dUcussed today "The Idea of marrying to grow up . aniens associations 10 aemua together," sail Justice Rice, "la elevated or subway lines of, tie city wrnB. .ii wron.. it means that the fathers and the traction companies. two young people will Indulge them- The auburbanltee especially are tak selvea la childish quarrela and not lug a active part la the plana to give have the restraint of wisdom thatJBt. Louis adequate transportation r. hrin. to last out these sauaita'facllltlea. Atthe present time a pas- . .. m '.m. hm KhII m l.lr1v &vrv on the matrimonial sea. ii people ' - - . , these daya waited uatll they tavallltUa while ir he riaes.any aMKanee m . k -! Q 1 mils mteOA1 sswai und In mTA tft some sense, mere wouisat oe so iii""" ..- -.-,--. .- many dlYorces aad aeparaUeaa. ;Kt . Louia there are eriege iwrn Th reason why the old faehloaed to pay. The present plan m to have marriages did not result la diverse a comblnattoa auhwny and elevated as frequently aa the marriages of to-from down town o the west sad. ' day was not because the couple, esj r ' perlenced any more happiness. It There are vw kkada ef tasswra -. k.uu tb.v h.dn't .ottu thiOilkote wHtea the kind that paya. h.ki, r hnulflnv un Ihnlr turtaer. New MCatlea MSM Sk, f. v "-- r --"-. mmmt ..i ship aa soon aa a few domestic wind storms blew up. Society did not lean toward divorce as It does new. Man and wife made tho beet of 'things .be lieving themselves wedded far Ufa, sad, after all's said aad deae, tke system worked pretty well aa ear grandmothers aad grandfathers will tell us.' Divorce haa beeome a habit. People don't 'look atkaace at tke di vorcee any mora so tke seMeh per accept it as tke easiest way ta settle a fuss. '."Tke educated woman, desplts tke general belief.' makes tke best wife. Aad this Is net strange. Tlie woman should -be better educated tkaa tke auabeaf He keeps oa growing wltk the; world through contest with tks (Form of Advertisement No. 3) BWvV M tWBBBaBgCadsBFBl The County Court of' Ktaatatk County, Oregon, will receive bMa ap to August 4th, 1913, for the eeaatruc tlon of one mile of read from a peiat two miles distant from the northern boundary of the city of Klamath Falls to three miles dtsUat; the WsVare to cover the completed work' as voted In the speclacaUoaa, ' ' ' ' The plana aad epeclNeatloae are la the office of thexCounty Clerk. Klam ath Falls, uregoa., a cernaea eaesa to tho amouut'of 10 per eeat of the bid submitted, payable to the order ef the County of Klamath, State of Ore gonmust accompany eaeh bW. The County Court reserves tke right to reject any and aU,Ws, . ,; Wn. 8. Wordea, County Judge. C. O. Merrill. CeuatyCem., , 7 Joha Hagekrtela, Ceuaty Ca." i Z-fVtft . (Form of Advertlsemcul .No ) ' XoOce to Cuutractera - Tbe County, Court of, Klamath County,; Oregon, will receive bids up VrV hUrvMaata, vera sbsf.. adladaad baahraaa aa tltUd'eeart. aad' that ttw Beat lag of eredrtors ttttokBtatsjl ir lid - - - a. W.: - "W. "" 11 , ft t ." . ?LJ-Jk '- asBaarapseri ea, tarn aa eeart.la JOasaatk lvassa, the dmtrlet sferisald, ea ta at. ef Augast, MM, at tksj asmr tg t e'edeett p. :; at watt tmae ay MtM,-atT,tasfrcistas nppsaat a treetee, rapts, aad saak af sash ether eeme befere'the M-if hT m i lasmiai Baa sssgda. mfJSE2L asiaM flSM aas akawSM jrv3 easwwei srwsasj assssmaas kwMaj m isBm ' k,Mattdtam, aad aBaBBBBka M ea ta aaakw sajsaaaaamBBJi satabtksk elsta ta aaa Imal ,'-" aadaas 0 BV BamBav . tSMA maJ: 'wn AawaaVlBU. 'lf aamas aa waaassasaw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaV. " MMVa m " i rf of of.ta abova,' daserrasd. Cauaty. .Clerk sf Oreea.at etJMlrtomr.f. - Ctatataat, , . Urey' Itlttar. aV U Heary w. aaraw. I. J, Oregea. ', ' JAg. F. 7-lt-siltk IV. cause she deeea't get tke steady sea tact wltk tke eutalde. Tke better educated 'the' woman tbe realises that the marriage CITY PROPERTY If vou are leaklsur far a house, let or Income business property, k wHI bo ta year'latereat ta aea ' Have a very good hay ta Main street taasse araaeHy, a tawaaad Isaaaea at Mar MkeeVead same cheap Ms ayar the i CMILCOf I New IniatlaaasW htata 84. ii si in nil mi i vir cwo Vsw.ateb, leVsaeh . . i . . . . Rteek Wood , . . , .BaVBt aaaek WeadL smafcle taM;Bastd) i NaAtal,tWu.,.t,,..BtBfB (am thaaiU. BBs eatra) ') i KLAkUTalsUayit:;V (J to August.tth, 1'JIS, for the eoaetrue- of said , eky,'?a ri tloa of oae mile of road from a pelat herebraasls far three miles distant' frow'tUe WtherafsardtaaT watt aad Xakeal Purauaat ta a resales! sa adopted by. tke the cky ef Klamath Balm, I the ltth day ef Jaly, lfl. i hereby glvea, that beds wUt ka gajK calved by tlw jPottee Jadd sdssmia1r(. up to aad laaladtac tae,tt) day.df August, 11J, at the haay a 8 treat from Ita street urW. raatedtaat aB straat sectloas, to Prospect street, ay gdsn lag to, the eemMkhed ft; (Mi Bf pavlag ths aameto ta wiftk s feet from'.Mala street te Ha stasati and by pavrag the saaas t ta vtBtk ) of so feetfrasa Ptaa straat t Vaaav v Let eireatl''wkk' maaadaaa: saaft tma ' " t -vr -, j putting la. af curbs aad, Btatai eaM. system aad gattara; aad la sash m kt of Imprevasaeata saasa er sjtrsjs afta feet, aide ea each side ef ta aaal ... . s . .. . --i iieaiastraa saan aa parking and. 'stdewalk All of, saM. Imursvaeaaat aa .nail doaa :aa4 start sis aeearaaaee wn ta eat leas mad k ta sky aa.aks'laja ataa f tks Fsw Vi . gardtag BeaBBHraal WKKVa psaas saw gaamjawi saaaadgst ssaw IvNH jajsm " tQ aaawaar m M BBkBBTBBBf' saai baaS atf mtH m ssspaanmc n-Vka mmt haaV vj. ' i TTTWV , vertlseaientHa;'); l (Form of Advertisement Kasjea Coa)bmjtar n.k. ... I rijvurt -m ' 1 1 H V .kWIMJ WIW ". ! I" County.i Oragea. .wlllranotv irhts tha stMff to August tth, lin. lor !-ramttar tloa ot'oaefaad ate-teuth' gMgsa sf read 'from a polat four lAOag f rof thaartbtBT' hsuajary boundary of the slnfKlamath FBikIkeiss, It ,' la fttltt os in fnnr nil. du'tsBt: the bids ara ta bylNovemaar 1st. Iflt. aad tkasl w wiV .,-m-m -, -.. .-, -,li t i".-. - - r- - "It cover the completed work as noted la traeier wW, bef reaalasd t Stt C tne speemcaiioBS. i -.j -- mm w e,i.wBiwfr . The plans aud src!flctlon ore, la tleaed fer.tk fattktaj psfmtsMmwjaf , tbe office of the County Cleik. Xlny to the amount. of 'IQmxt relit ofJhei bid submitted, payable to the order ef tae coatyviw fcimataiaaiis orwra goa.must Bceoai'.iaay ek'U!ilvv,' The" 'County, Caujt 'ramrrsf tas) rbikt tq'reiect'any and all bMs' V ' A C a.sHsrrll!. County eom.y,; jean naaaiateia, vwwur.vw. 3B-8th tleaed feritk fattkfal tn'worlcta taeissil Coatmoa 'Ooaaeil aad se.r 'i'Baid issafargta "BBsw lBBBjBB)pBagBj , amlBBB Impreveweat will Bat aldered kg ttU wsag odWBlthINUJMI 10' V Mask m eg wmmg awjaaisgam magewjeasan; ( kaloffffBtri waa was, aa a smawi "BBiB aav mfaiaBaaaagagaawamm. i tnat wttasgmy ta Bagatf vV !.'' jLi f-, jf 3 i if ' f Sf- 'i- a. Viri .- s tit 1.V tt ) BBMBigBBj Ma tMdjpBgasmaayA ww 7 -'BPaBBwBJBM ISjlivH SlmSI&mS sto'!nF3riWfffiW m&mvmmi mmmmm omwm fCv-VSsawSmsgwavl! 3