US"" Bft r ' ' I '! ' I' tw : .i.l. ijln. , . !Tit t V y- ' . .. v w xV. t . " i-' ?T J, ?f f k;' itv v dk .4fBBBBl tX sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW a " J .aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV .IbbbbbbbLbbbbbbbbbbbW V ra iiiT "m m"axm v a iV ;. . v..' ' if WrX..f i KM-Jl l 'V jwS.iTV.V vHnuhton's wiJS''i, '" ,.--- ir :v An f bl . 4 ,SsiS.fflCKRAHOP'SE ' i. . SI i 1" I .. " ' ltr. U jsJL r-i -v y ,v rt J .V DARK n7i, - X I fcir wr Jtfh-. V f .a ta .i l. .' ' STAR THEATRE THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH. Publtaked dally eieaeA luster fcr Ma Hot-aid PukUektag O scay M Klaaatk Fella, at 111 Peareh It Retired at th nci'tuSc at Ktemetk Full, Ore-am hit lieutiiitiielim through thi niall . eenMicU aitttet &iiicii'tuit teiiua by mail to any ad- drM ta tk United States: One v.i r ,,,.....,..,... .16 pi On month . ...... ...., ,& V Mat Factory Burned in Sing Sing Fire KUtMATM FALL. OHKUON TUK8DAY, JULY SM, 113 w fk'Uttl p '7 v V fI)!f I.AMB, HATK8 AND CLARK, In their Comedy Playlet, ")VK TMRKK" AhiMtel Wrekly," IVrerty aad Kkhea," , Rex Drama Wwf W IMM0 XcttMa , la CmmJj A ., ' .w:cu t i-:-v'r r .. t i . '1" v..' - '''";' ,"Tha CtawMar'a LaM Trick," .' ;-. -"A?, it a tat " T. , , :1 AW PH Hi m. .f ', ;.V ,'- 8 -- U' -,J ',! T1MPL1 THIATM .rTTTT-T : ;'. 'Ka) Dram. J' f. "Tlie HanwwtM ChaM r , IMocrapk Dnusa 4 ' .f '-ffs' t i Patkeplay Bducatloaal j . .fnw Fate or 4 M& Ceaedr ft MAWNMC RAIt.Y AT ttW 7aL UCKXMC ncrcRKM Weather CoadRleaa for Jaljr Data Max. Mia. Wtath.r 1 70 40 Ctaar : ..70 3 C 4 7f 6 87 C 88 7 87 8 10 t 88 lvt tin til XX ilv ! ! a ( ) iff 1S....V. 74 U........V.....7T lit M till ilk IB a a W 11 ,. 88 80 ....,S SI SS s !i IS CO 1 7S S7 77 2 80 J, f a . y.i Pure Upper Lake ICE PtllTtrt 'Miywlktrc ii j;-; i - -- ! A. P. HUTCHDIS V 1-V V; e .'.'r ! U PL Cl'dr 41 Cloudy 41 Ctaar 47 CUar SS Ckar 5S Claar 50 Claar 51 PL CJ'dy 48 Claar 41 Claar SS. Claar 10 Claar 4 Claar M Claar 44 Claar IS Claar IS P Cl'dy SS P Cl'dy 4 1 ? Cl'dy 0 Claar 67 PL Cl'dy 68 Cloudy 58 Cloady 4 PL Cl'dy 48 PL Cl'dy SI Claar IMtslfcfcaMaiilM wmM mI 'Emm BBBBHsSsMMMfflsValllfiHS lBBBBBBBBBBBr rVRaMt T wmiW a .rrl Mwt'.kJXfMmM . SHBIiBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBlBSBSBUBBSk)1B,S ' K J.i.- """ .'l .1. w "- .T'.i, aBB adLBBBBLHLLHsHIV'l. MyLBffJgijMaW g jpjBJBBMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJpB I LbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 1bbbbbH HIiiiiiiHHiBWiHBsibisH D PBsWAMvi. iBBBBBBBBBHslIBVBHBBBBBP'BBBBW ' !sVHsisHslslBi.HsHHRH : I a ll... laa. uaaal flMAitta lloit J. Xnmwall, I'rwMwl . " '' ,",M "" """ """" lUil 15. WUImiWi HecraUry . Surveyors mul Irrlqtitloii Engineer KLAMAHI C0UN I Y ABS1 R ACT CO.; A II S 1 K A 1. I 1 M M.H.. Cim... ItlHriirlMa, Ktc. KUIM.MII. l'.tl.W.OHIM10N ,'Mimm miiwa wait VIM fc,U.- Tka mat factory waa tke building In which tke big Are within tka walla of Slag Slag aUrted Tueaday after aooa, while 1,400 cobvIcU kowled la fear of a general Are. Warden Clamy Hoard or Now York Blnto the nhortcn- wilt mako an' Investigation to learn ,n of ,ho ,II,,CM of 0n ' , -.... v. i. i. .i w convlcl w'"o did valiant lervke In the caute or the Arc. It li alto prob-i,, ... - . .. t . i ... .v L ... . nululng ItaniPM and thui helping to able tkat he will record to tho Parole i)lV0 ,ho ,,rion, SOCIALIST TALK DRAWS A CROWD SSCOXD LMCTVIMC WIIX BB DC UVBMHB TBSW KVKKINO BT JAMBS 8. OBBOBNB, OAKIANB fer M A W . f -i.. ,h K- w7n' I i 'tA a1 , V M l. iV. i3. '. M U r '' f?-r SSl -ir,f SERVICE COUNTS - Kyewacefcaafciij r ' We are keiter etalad leak after ear ,.;wa;meed to tke ferae- teea 'U'efUe Meaarek. eoraer ef , Mala aad Statkatreata. r ' i ' ' t Pkeae m year order far freak .fruiU aad vacetablea. Brery- ; thlag aeaaeaakle. Oar aate de Itaeer iwlll ill yoiir waata ( tke' aaerieet aeaalUe Uava. t ''ifrit ' r ',-iSliMtB- tWfUWBKRSUKS. VAN HPU BJtOS. $" COCUtT Aa teteUtgeat aadleace gatkerad at Meeae Hall bet eTeaiag. wkea Jamea 8. Oakorae of Oaklaad lectari4 ea "Tke Tratk Akoat Seclaltom." Oakerae took ay tke la tke autaaer of a atadeat, aot a raatlag aaarehlet. aad kU Ulka did much to clarify tke ecbUWtlc prtaclplee to the layauui. ThU erealBg, Oeborae will Uik agala la Mooae Hall. Hie these will Le "Amerleaaiem aad Soclallaip." SAYS CAN CLOSE ANKENY FOR $500 MATTHKWS MAYS COUNCIL'S COM. MITTKK U8KD WHONfl TACTIOI, HL'T THKV WKRK OIVKX MOKK TIMK IN THK MATTRR Hawaiian's Record May be Accepted BKAL BRATB The fellewlac realty traaafars, reeaaUy tied wRk tke eeaaty elark, are faraiaked ky tke CMy aad Ceaat Attract cemaaay: C. H. Levey et ux to Ueorge B. Kluad, 'warranty deed, $10, lota SO iaad SI. block 88, Werdea. C. H. Lavey et ux to Napollea Moa- roe, warranty deed, 10, lot 4, block 38. Werdea. B. P. Shepherd et ux to J. M. Evana warranty deed, flO, lot 9, block 68, NlchoU addition. The Klamath Development compa ny to Luke Walker, warranty deed, 110, let 4B, block 6, Railroad addi tion. The Klamath Development compa- ay to Mrs. Bertka J. arklnaoa et al, warranty deed, f 10, dot 1, block 40, Hot Hprlage. United SUtea to Bdw. D. Perrla, patent, lot S. Bee., 3-17-10; leU 1, 2, 3 aad 4. and EH 8W. SWVi BE, Sec. 18; total, S, S and 4, and EH W aBd EM, Sec. 19; W 8W, Bee, 10; lota 1 and 2, Sec. 30; all In 87-11. Aa a reiult of their private Invettl- gatlona aad Interview, Councilman O. D. Matthews and Lcelle Ilogera be lieve they can affect the permanent closing of the Ankeny ditch for $500. So they told the otker member of the council at laat alght'a meeting. When the matter of cloalng up this disease breeding waterway waa taken up by Coancllmea Savage. Melhase aad Ooeller, several of the owners of water rights under tke ditch demand ed big sums for their rights. Savldge and Ooeller remarked that some of these must have suffered a change of heart, and Matthews Intimated that It was possible that the membeas of the committee may have adopted the wrong kind of luetics. Doty made a motion that Matthers and Rogers be named on the commit tee, but this was overruled. The two committee members stated that their work, which Is extremely delicate, Is necessarily slow, and they asked for further time. RBBBBBBBBBW DOCK SHOOTING ENDS DEC. 15 i JKhKUAL LAW HIIOUTHXH HY TWO MOXTIM THK KKAM1N AH OL'TI.I.VKII HY HTATK OAMK ' COUMIKHIOV According to the federal migratory bird law, tho season for shooting ducks and geeso In Oregon will close December ISth, which It two month earlier than the provisions of tho Kiamath Falls Music House ZX '" bbBBsbbbbBBsb W-PEBMB8BSI.V ; VtfrOlt, COl.t'MIIIA AM) EDWIN II. M.H8i:, I'loprlclor ) MOtlilnK In Mii'-li" nnd Ih niHiiiH. Itrt uf Slrlags. Tl.ti I ' UN I'lA.NOM AND illlOX nl .Mitlrrfllo rrlT ml I y Trrm, niMiLs .rinNi:nv, Tvri:. i;uM:K I'KTL'lttUS AM A..T 4IOOH8 rllMIMt AM WIIITK HKW ISO M.U'IIIM I'lANO TtfMMl I'llONtMlltAI'IIHltKCOHim Vouchers for the world's swim ming records established recently by Duko Kahanamoka In Hawaii are on their way to the Amateur Ath letic Union, aad confidence I felt at headquarters that flawless. If this .state game law. The federal law pro JvlUt for the season lo begin Uepteni i tier 1st, but this will not apply In latent Oregon, whero tho season opens September ISth, as tho state Is w will govern In thU esse. Across the Hue in California the season will not close until January ISth. The new federal law, which be comes effective on October 1st, di vides Its opcr.itti. territory Into two thoy will prove s)rtlons n northern and a southern be the case, the t zone comprising I hi- states aboye limes made by the Honolulu pad-'und below n lino stretched aplirox- dler 100 yards straightaway In 6G-,!nlltely Iroin Detownre'a northern 1-5 seconds, and 220 yards In 2 mln- boundary lo tho northern boundary of utes 34 2-G seconds will be officially Cnllforiilu. In the northern sane the accepted as American standards, and open season on all water fowl Is from the home talent will have to Improve I from September 1st to December on them to obtain recognition. 1 1 Slh; that of the southern zone, Octo- 1-4 off 1-4 off on all .,.' fV" ' J par . v k '" t a .. i f.i- 1 .v I." l. 'tf :v i ,V .tff's-, & . i" wimg and Saddle 'hTf HORHM. SfeeJal etteattoe. to.eeeaaaer HORiMea HOUOMT AND HOLD. lV!2&ce. .; ' .. iC. CettSswaerfIaea. I 7S"V 1 "' v flP TERMS WTIJ, BE CASH After August 1 all wood or other fuel will be sold strictly for cask on delivery or In advaaee. U. A. ARNOLD. KLAMATH FUEL CO. 7-1-8-1 W. E. 8EEHORN. "uf flor at No t ttet'. r-Irln . ay t - -3 :in v K; ';'? i w ?.. 'K UuJ. Dtnawva j-'i ' :j . -..t'ji lBBnaaaaaaa. j IT. T-Wf. vir li -! iL'ii OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE COINS lu forty fifth school cr BcTKU :r t. ieia. DEORKC COURSES Inmsnyi.lwsesof AeMeuLVunc, gNaiNCCBwa, Komi ccomomics, MwMe. reaaarav, com- Mcacc, PHAHMACV. ., TWO-YKAR COURSCS In aemcuL- ' Twac'HeMf gaeNOMtca. atceitaHC ,AaTB,reiueTav.cetHMe, pwaanaav, TCACHKR'B .COURSES la maaaal. f trslaltia, sgricultare, doiaestte adeaee (stid4i. , MUSIC, includlag plsao, string, bead v Inttruwrats aad voice, culture. A SCAUTirUL BOOKLET eatltled 1 "'Tmc'Knbichmknt or Rvral Lirp," aad.a Catauwuk will be mailed free ...eeaBpHestlcjt.,,' y f Aiaw,n. ?:, tutcant, steaiet-ar. W??$! OOiyvs. . , ' T -v Wholesome food, freak air, balking, proper clothlag, plenty of sleep aad the absolute avoldaace of tight lacing are among the requisites for promot ing health and perfect beauty. If a child should swallow any dan gerous substance. Immediately slip down Us throat the white of an egg, which will form a curd around It and thus prevent serious effects. The decision of the authorities to O. K. the performances made lu the South Sea Islands does away with tho hope of seeing a native of this country credited with the classic fig ures, for there Is no sprinter at pres ent thought able to travel either distance under the duke'a mark, CrrmatlouUlN f Jit MlglilMflnx Untied Tress Service UKTHOIT, MICH., July 20 Sev- To prevent cold so'rea aad 'affecia- eral hundred delegates to the first tlons of the tongue use a few dropsinntlonal convention of Crematlonlsts of camphor on the tooth brush. It will freshen th,e mouth and keep tho gums rosy. A walk, even If It be a short one, Is a wonderful rejuvenator to the tir ed housewife. Out be aura to leave cares and worrlea at home when set ting out on such an expedition. ber 1st to January 16th. There are some exceptions to this which In gen eral follow the state's laws as they now arc. Migratory birds may not bo killed between aunsot and sunrise. HAVILAND CHINA HHbHBbIHHHbHH Call and tee our New ATHENA SILVER GLASSWARE SaBBBBBBBBasaBBBRBBBMtBBWBsVyBsVR Chemically treated and put ' on to stay WILLIAM C. HURN HARDWARE -BeBBBB.., of America sailed today for Iluffalo and Niagara Falls after n two days session here. Tho convention was for the purpose of ptrfdctlng an organ ization similar to tho Cremation Soc iety of Kngland and to spread propa ganda lu favor of national legisla tion making cremation compulsory aa a sanitary reform. Four Young Stenographers Whom President Wilson Took from Trenton to Washington a 4 ' 4 T .' f, -f t - aVsBBnVsBBnvV aVsBBnVsBBnm BbmHtVPbbRH BaVBavB BaBaVBaH KF'lBaf aRaRaRaW BaaaBBBaBs BBBBBBBBBBs BKLiTtiaBBBf BBBBBBaBa. SBBBBBbVrBB BBBBBBBBBBL. aaaBBvmBa BBBBVsBBBt IbbbJJbV bbHL SrbV VbbBbbbT JSarTSZ amiePamaL JbT'rbbbbw Tsbbbbbr. .4aBBVBBB49PT8BBBBW .aaBBBBBBKsBBBBBBBBa. .AaaBtaBm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaw BBBBBBBHaaBW saaBBBaBBBBBBAi IbbBBBBBBBBw ..sBBBBBBBBBBCBV BBBBBBBBBBBbV ..aaaBBBBBBm aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW flBBri! 7NbBBbW BBBBBaHaBBBBBBBB, amwmWawwwawawwawwW''awwwwwwwwwJt-awtti BBBBBaBBE'BBBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBaKsaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKsBRT3aBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBVaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaBBBBBBa bbbbbbbbubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-abbbbbbbbI1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBuBBBBBBBBBv1 HE ALWAYS 1 HAS MONET ! Who has aa account with the j First Trust and Saving bank, j ,'iiui nrst dopomi is an iBduee ment to make more. Thus tke account keeps growing. Inter oil ul 4 per tunt keeps adding to It all tho time. If you have not made the first deposit, you will do well to make It now. Then you will havo something lo draw on In case of need, r ri.rst. Trust ?nd Savings Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon w X eeeeeeeeee eeeeeoeooV hM r ,Freea left to right Cfcariea Fwry, Warren JoliiMoa, Thomas A Claffy, Clmr'o R cm. President .Wilson kaa shown hie ap preciation of hard aad competent work In tke caaea of four young stenographer!, all Jarseymea, who were employed In, his campalga(head- quarters In Trentea. They were taken to Washington with bin, aad be t,now trying, to Sad plaee far the u o tia. y ' ' ' " - -w.. i m r - 11 - First among them Is Charles Bwem, wh6 Is the President's private sten ographer, Bwem Is wonderfully ac curate and speedy, He wrltea 269 words a minute, nine less, than the world'a record. He followed the can didate for president all over the Un ited States and turned out kw speech es for the newspaper men. Fury kaa been placed In (ho otllco of the record er of deeds In tljo District of Colum bia. Warren Johnston of TreBton Is private secretary to the PresJdeat'a private secretary, Joseph F. TumuUy. Claffy If to become private secretary to Oliver P. Newman, one of, the com missioners of tke District of Colua PROMPT SCHVICEJiRCASONABLC .PRICCS V ' ' it f .. , , , , . : v- W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. i r ' i '"Wits' i! .' . I .1 r -1 i.y:: ,?.V, ll '-i ' i it 1- I r ! . - Tt i4MM4'04-4yyOee4'4tee 'ST' fv 'V- jc ' tr- 'V . (.'v H ,fVv 'PA. eejapaaftarj i y f ' EBWC"' y. n - , ' '"fl"