.vw J7 ) A i. r?v 'OKVIOIAIi NMWIPAPMl '"") Will OITV OK KLAMATH 9AUM i ;W v V ' ik tiemna JUMimJii.fMiniiii i ..in i.n n(it ii i i ii mtm. ,. i., i V ',r ii..A,i A ,H s.w ... - ?vx,yauMr V :V4' hV(Ua! ' t.i$. niwmm fMNf.m:MBl.f rv 'fW v Nr"tM '';, nmFM 'ki H mx j.jau illzS Seventh YrarXe. I,IM KIAMATM FALL, faWAY, 41)1 r. TBI -' j ? Y S, !! r .. -" "" .a:.' " . v . I H - 3, , i?v5TvT- ,n ... . .. ... A iJihJxf " 'J-T . JUVMi4 Wilson Would Leave Mexicans to Reconcile Their I , HI Own Differences; Stephens Wants Investigation i -f i -' &, .. '&''$,: 5 AJ-fV M. -A A i "i .. t .A J J' I "4 WV - KLAMATH ROADS MUCH PRAISED BY TK PUBLIC Al'TOMOIIIMHTM AUK Al.l UK. MOHTKO HIuIimh)m TliriiHHli Krrnlc KaafrrM OirgiHi Arc Ktrrllrnt, May Tuiir lU. ,TtiK Only Complaint Math U About Ui(Nm of (JiMMillnc. .Writ, cr In lln Journal May That ); llranll fli tUrtll If Not Itrliliillrtl Tim liiiudri'il ot nuto tourlita trav eling through Oregon uro rant apread Iiik III ii luiwa tlml by far the beat roada nro through Kattern Oregon. Ttio rirollent road In Klamath coun ty aid ricrlvlng ilialr dun amount of mention and nro mulling In turning trnvi'l lili way. Tim only rmniilalnt bclim uindn by nutoUU tlirouuli Kat tru Oregon U tliu claim Hint llio ctiMricv for Miollns U too ureal. Un ivM I III Ii reniKdlrd It will rriult In harm to tli country, Huuday'a I'ort- laiiil Journal contain llio following Subway Laborer Now Great Tenor wjwW i(yiSammmmm HOME SCIENCE IN THE GRADES MODKI. VIAltTKKH TO HK A KKA TtKK OK WOIIK THIH YKAR HI'KCIAI. TKACIIKII AHHH1NKII TO TAHK Domnilc telonco will bo tsfctn up on an Akirntlti' urnlo by the glrla of llio grade ichool thla year, according lo city uMrlntitiil.'iil It. II, Dunbar. A ipcrlal tcnclicr tin brcn niilgned tr tlili wotv, mil it toinruli' building will be prokldi'd, A permit for the building wna crautcd by tho council lil night. 'Hi In conalit of an ad Ultlon tu tlm fidniA building In the yard or the Central nchool. Tho ilomeatlo nrlence quarleri will be a model of lu kind. In addition 'in tho modern kitchen them will b a dining room and a room for the WHITE SLAVERY CHARGES START BEFORE COURTS C'AMINKTTf AXI IHOOH I'l.KAD TOMOHHOW .' I Mrs. Mary Belle Crawford, Held . In Atlanta on Charge of Murder 7 jv fa.y V.i' o"-7 Allomry Oeienil lrlra.ttiMiiiir That He InlewOa to IrtrtjU the THala llfcaiiki. He Haw a .Vew laterpeWa IIon o( the Man Act Tlie Illegal ' TrnnforUtion at Qkia tor lm moral Pare H'RI Ho Flrwt Trial ThU U l.ulgl Qaiparlnl, laborer In tho New York mibway till Oiicar Horn- uicmtoln, linpntarlo, chnncttl to hear him wing while I I'nIU J Prw lnrlc SAN PRANCI8CO, July 29. Mau-' toy P. Dlgga ana Ore Camlnctll, the two Sacraniato oecltiy wen, will ap- newllowork. ,1'car in tne reaerai aiotrici court to-, MIm Clara Kliner haa been named (,c,row lo P,Md lo are of. to take charao of ihla d.nartjnenJ.l,r","lK,",B " imihw lor war o, cmnnil to hear " """ "- ""N"M""""I.B1 ' i nuriZ' U .- h., knocked the mortar ' ' "" I"" P"" " Z LZTZL.'thft .. lint ma nta ned n Mtural dnmrnllf. i n AUguat Btk..er ' from old brlrka In the aubway. Then1 he told tho man to report to choruamaatcr of the new opera huuaa now In courao of conalructlon. Ilnmnicmtcln took (Inaparlnl to Kn-, hna maintained a separate domeitlc kwge wilt be ar- of coaaplrac.c i ' . t .. t . ... 1 1 aimed on the . Bi-ieiiru ipicnrr. inn wuri EMiiarii nHVi I".. . . wliil.. k Mm Lll mI.ma . Ing been In conjunction with the high '" """" "-- wnn v. achool. JSr l.ocut motorlita are high In their glue No. 9 lire lioime, where tho boya Praia of eaatern Oregon roada lead ,Iivp a piano. lug north and aoiilh through tho atale I "Blng anme more," ordered Oicar. of Oregon Hi compared with I he lae-1 "I'lenne. boaa, I ranna alug dl Iflr hlKl'iwuy, which la auppoacd to be aongn. My Iroal la full da brick duit. i Oregon' main north and aouth tour-.To-morra I alng for yout" ald Oaa lug route. (parlul nputoKetlcally, I (leorgn Duncan, a timber oueralori "(lo on!" ahouted tho crowd. (lu-l of thla city, with II. K. IxjwIi, and lnrlnl found n piano player and then Mr. Duncnn'a driver, Jamea Van Tuyl, cl out. Klrat ho aang tho Mlaerere In nn American iinderalung "als" to- 'rum "II Trovntorr" and then follow gether with Mr. and Mra. A. I.. Plan, 'i'1' "' oiwrutlc nelectlona. nuil Mlaa llniol Weller, In Mr. Kluli'a llnmineralrjii, addreimlng (Inaparlnl UNDERWOOD AND MULHALL AR6UE CBto4 ITom nic WA8IIINUTON, D, C. July 2. Cadillac, ahlppud their nuloinobllaa declared: IIKMiM-HATIO l.rUr:it OK THK IHUMK tiltowH HUKFI.KO WlfriN Ifnltcd I'reaa 8errlce IJIIIVIKT MIUM lll.'l.'I.MII.'Vl't.' ' TO HIM Attorney General McRoynolda today i ienfed that bo Into" dlamlMJag tho ', VUIIHIU-MII "ITI " atatcnr caaea becauhe ha ilnterpreUtlon of the Mann law. ," ''r neia in Aiiaaia vn in. IIII1V IVyVIUI ! UtlllHi oMJ - w m-iiihoj " iiriieynoiua. "Tne uamiaeiti case Joahua B. Crawford, a wealthy can alarts Augual Sth. ItalUt. waa obUlaed by the Qeorgla ikMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm MaMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmMMMM OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM mmm't .oLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHDLllllllllllllllli TEXAN SAYS HE HAS NOMALffil WITH EXECBTTVt - " U.J! AMBAtMAOOK WMJMW MAT ToW t ' lV' l r i v i . U A I "Trr"v, PeawoWttTB T r iV v nitiKj'l'rtMi'Sonk v KS V ' , WAMHNOTON, D.. r 'W' Xe4reMaMMaMWToaMMiW -tJucctJ a reaotaUMIa Mm rmul Pfr fpeaW'a J4r -"'-'-j"'-i-;--n- " 19 u bmUio-m teTqataBittin at Ha) Maaio aattiMtMitM nrniiijal '- etoaa himi kuttmi mKHik. ,, awtatai aaM imc m bc aaaa. ,4oMH4Hl oltlMr PMiiaj WHm ' UoaWWy C wot) a : 'V""' r . 'p r - n 1 (- nS d ;. Vw Intcreatlng teetlmony coBceralag. hotel In St. AukmUm. Mra. Uarv lllt Praarrnrd. Ih salddlal CWTaia WM a new --'"- ----" m oWf W WWI .. (faltei PrM RW WAoWlNQTOif , D. rrwwH wpomb l 4, J O.Jalr M.-4 mad Mtared Mra. accepting a aupenrtaory the hoatelry. .her- frha4aj.'th-t j.,. tat raiator a 'iMMy, t tt.rk . .- - r iiwi gaajoiai aaaarvweajaaaai noaiUaa Ja fliva ffaa, Vaa It waa wklle feera tatJ. -.- - - - aw i a-auvauaaaaaaai i ho tint met Crawford, aad hare, taa, - b-.,,, - lean a ata a ehaaeo ta riaoaallatliaar -tV i WASIIINOTON, U. C, July 29. Chairman Clayton of the home Judl- 'You report lo tho chorua' lary commltteo today preaentru a to The Halle, July Oth and left that luniter of my opera company and' - 'upon recommending tho tabling of aoclely for a time. point Sunday. July 7, driving tu ad-,l,n thla Job." it tilled TreaaStrvIca the third resolution by Kahu of Cal-' Mra. Crawford left luoiid, a dlalanro of HI mlloa for an1 "Tanka you, boaa, tanka you," WASIIINOTON, I, C July 19. Mfornln. acoklng to ahow that MclKiy- Florida with Mra. Oertrudo early dinner. (gaapid Oaaparlul. He took hit coat, When tho continuation of the Mulhall '" poetppned the Caaalneltl 11m uaual roulo out of Tho l)allegl ' l'r rheck, and went home to ! Investigation atartvd thla afternoon, bofore Secretary WlUon of th wna not taken by thla party. Inalead ,33S r- Forty-aeventh atreet. 'Cougrvasmau Oacar Underwood ap- partment of laker raauaatod .1. Mra. Painter waa proprhttreat after leaving The Oatle they went via j 'poared angered at the atatement by liiiftir, Tygh Valley, Maupln, 8hanlko, Fred O. Melor. who haa a ranch 't'olonol Muthnll Unit he had confer- II Mil ma! Uailrillilai fitluaM aaaa.1 IhIo'i a at.. . . a a . a., a I dil t rw1 liMllf I V iarllh I T ml aa WU4 tatvniiii anaraiini ia niira mi fa miai. v'aa'a . n wu bbbbbbi bbb bbbbbi bbp a bbbbt bb bbbbbi aaa mbuimiiw .arHBr ..vAA...nBj I. DIlt.kM.a l.&i. m.. I, ti.i, kn (In, Kaaamaa amn.Ial n.tkf tnuacvaivia ,u iuwiui, i iHin u-m. wwoiq vs.wb una brought to near upaa tM tat aattaM " by aendlng a coramltalon there that Fred I.amb, tho New York barber, jB ftTtt tj- flnaaBial alralaa and far tho woman waa varlouaty known aajwbo I accused of having bees aecee-tig,, aueat, wianai biMirn ttaat Mra. Savage, Mra. Ulabop and Mra. ,cry to the murder. Iwlll force a ettlaaaaat " V AicnmnoB. aoe moveu in rjii ldui Airs, i-aiaier aaio urawiora ai nratii r.,m a .. . J. .... a ...... .-".,-......,.,-....- m reiuKu iu ourrx mru. aanae. Ivrjforce the lealfjaeJHe0) af It la aaM ke aa ariaa i aulttlac ala aaaa. - i ' , ,-''"' - Madraa, Melollua, Culver and Into Fred 0. Meloy, who haa n ranch beyond Altaraont. la here on n bual Itedmund over the otd military trail 'neaa trip. that haa alnce been made a aubatan-j tint maradamUed road. In fact the it renter portion of llio road from Tho I'ltuburg for .attorney, ahe aald, advieed her to go !(,.(. I rutin lailntB- In Aflntit. in In j-uk fimwrteA '. .. . trial inj Mra. K. C. Iluraaer In 1907. She ahould coaOaue rareaaafutly to battle n j, knuwa ' aw liM'ffarf ' ' de- waa known to them aa "Mra. Savage." against her charma, to ana him far)-. ,--'.-' --L .T breach otpreatlae. " '- lhwr Kttol gt , aKV I delay any araartaaatkaCMfa, ' M ' J ot tlnorgn Sparenloru. Ilonama'a pro ereiuHvn tnerrlinnl. U In tlm ellv. mil Dallea tu Itedmoud la mado of mac a ,,,,. by ,he Plrcut cour, ns wt. auam mm i in exceptionally good cot dltloii. '" J" " ((,'ontlntieii mi pagn i) nesa. 'led frequently with Underwood. ' 1 "la that Mulhall?" ahouted Under- wood, pointing at him. "If It I 1 1 uovor w him before." Underwood then In a aworn state'' luent denounced Mulhall. , I lu U'ply. MuIIihII slated that ho had WANT ELEVENTH FINED (15 AND STREET GRADED COSTS FOR MIX Jury upon ceatatalat at E. I Hee I kins, who aaya lleppe ahot a mare be I longing to him. The men have neigh boring farm near Midland, and. they 'havo had several dlaputea regarding the boundary between their holding. -aadr WUaaa raaaga. i-i-ti Oscar Campbell U here from Crater Hex llord la here from Olene. tM Underwood'. Janitor for two ,,Vrmox VHKHKSTKn ,8 DjM. -. ..VAIN HALKD WON IlTw CpT "I know that when I produce other1 OVK, OX AtXXMJ.W OF THKl JC8TICK OF THK 1'FACKCOWKX' gaged In road building. Things Look M in Klamath Co, According to Commercial Agency and the U. S. Reclamation Service wltneaaei, Underwood will admit that' u port of his atatement la a lie," aald ' Mulhall. I KCAKCITY OF I'ltOPF.RTY UW.V KKH' HIOXATUHKH J. L. Fielder of Fort Klamath la hero un a builnew trip. I A. I). Addlion wa a or In the county seat. Monday vlalt- ' Tim followliiK report on Klaaiath County In contained In the current laiiue of the I'c.clllo Northwest Trade Hovlow, publUhod by II. (I, Dunn A r " Co,, one of tho moat relluble enmmer- i clul OKt'iirleB In the country; (From Tlonania) i drain acreage Increased ID percent ,-v. vtay 10 per cent, (lood ralna asauro ' V '.fjpood croi. Iluslneas la fair and Im- iJ JFroro Klamath Full) ' f.0rsp conditions arp good with no t ' 'eiongs In acroage, llualness pros )i iwcta for Full trade-are good, X hm4 ' irrom Merr,,l ' ' Aoreagu la uachanged hut laid per " tjfJicio wll Inoi aaio 10 per cent, flual-' h'ltii ' Lmmu "nH ''"V vuiih(uii m o auou. Aoiardlng ttio K',mnath Project, V acUntatloa React-, Just laauad ;,He Washington oMce of the Reels- service, has the follewing: rat crop ceadRtoaiioa all the li vuureie -nrv ''tv my? ,A '. Av''f l7lK'Ki l'vl'M? r . Ws I' "5U-.? I, ' Ll"'WVT i. '' cutting or alfalfa la over and the yield Is above tho average. Nearly oery project reporta a largo Increaaa In tho number of livestock. Dairying Ib becoming Increaalngly Important' and profitable on the Bhoahono, Min idoka, North Platte, Huntley, Klam ath and Umatilla propecta, On sev eral projects the local hanks have been Interested along similar lines In placing grade dairy stock on the set tler farms. 'Operettaa and Malateaaaca The weather waa cool aad pleasant, tl.o maximum temperature reported being 83 degrees andHthe nlalmu-t as nogreoa. Tne precipitation am ounted to 2.04 Inches, which la more tl .in double tho norma)' amount t Jt no, Owing to the heavy preolpl tillou during tho month It waa nee etuary to wssto considerable wafer firm the canal system. , ,, On account ot the continued "cold wcntbsr the first cutting of alfalfa "J "' Continued on page ) ' " SIX JURORS FOR WALKER'S TRIAL or A petition, asking the Improvement Kleventh street from Mala atreet OX AX ASeU.LT CHAROK HK PLKAD8 OC1LTY Charged with committing assault and battery upon the person ot David i ., "nlted Presa Sarviaa. PARIS. July J. The iloaallsta coinmltlee aart thai Hit- erta's rule In Mexico la a'atattar U a fewdsya: ' '',, ' i '. . , "HuerU to y--'-,.-'. SfTjn (Coad.uaaeapa.ft.11 CIRCUIT JUIK1H UHN'SOX ORDtHW FII-TKKX VKNIHKMKN TO AP PKAIt IX COURT TOMORROW MOItXINO Trial of Charles Walker, the Barnes Valley rancher who Is charged by his young sister-in-law, Osklo Coburn, with being the father of her child, was commenced In tll circuit court this morning, and six Jurors wore se lected to'Upham street j was presented at' Osborne, W. R. McElvaln was ar lat nlght'a meeting ot the council. As there were hardly enough signatures attached, the matter waa laid over without action. The petition asks the Improvement or tho atreet by grading and a thirty root stretch ot macadam. It states that If the city will Improve this street the reclamation service will build a bridge across tho canal where It In torsocts ho thoroughfare. Pa-tmaatera In Hate t'nlted Presa Semes DENVER, COLO., July l The parcel ,post and how It haa 'worked out waa the chief topic discussed & day when Uhe annual eoaveattaa ot the National Associativa at First Class, Postmaster convened.' hare. Nearly every city of the first class la the country waa represented. Owing to the change ot the national adminis tration there were many new faces (here today, there being Very few who rested Monday afternoon That evening ho was brought be tore Justice ot tho Peace Oowea, and tie entered a plea ot guilty. He was asteased f 15 and coats by the magistrate, DISCHARGEDWHEN Local Sportsmen, Loading For Dur and Getting: Seady;Fo.:i:f it ot the Season-Deer mMM .& ,4I ., T&S ,?; 'vm )r&'tm iJ " dft The men chosen are K. Zachsrlah, 'attended the convention at Atlantto (V K. Itanuou, Charles 8. Ilartlett, J, city last year. If, Mooro, Dan W, Ryan and 0. F, SevitNj Judge Deuson ordered a venire ot.fHtven wore drawn from the regular Jury list 'to 'appear In court tomorrow morning,' J. I Deckley, who wloVhl family Is camping on'Wood River, near Fort Klamath, came la Monday, to attend to business matters, ' JURORS DISAGREE HKI'PK MKI.KAHKD FROM DYTwaMYATTMKHKUlbr ritdaMcunxa attorxky MANNING Deer hunting TV 111 be good thla year intr Inst carleawtesa I sluf SflUea'' according to a number ot local aports- 'of taa results isv'tha Mlthif'sf JlMl men who have been out In the moua-Mielugs, and adylses that.,' ;. at tains gettlug a lineup in 'ueparatlon'tn-ihe field get'a'sjasYiiaiV'af, tt h (lfinulaiir tt ftha clitnllig - fioH hA ! ''- .--'ai rt nh .,. .aT v-i.i- a ai. u2L :IrtJi;3 i-' "t on, The aoason opens Friday. Aur . .. . '"iJ-.. ;' .". ui r una aireauy quite a auaiuer orjei: nunter being ml nuaiera nave iie lor ine Bouniiiaa ito prepare' their camps. Maay'other" hot ;laasT . ' V hsve'aathad'aa Orcgon'as tk' aaaaa of I k".j ..4 ctMMH i i i. i jv.-..-v,.j llirflli -if a iiltnBlig0iin(a a Tkut . - --c -' ' jm --.- - vvxv'd y d Ut i th h ih $. ... i. ------ , 1 "- - --v-" ft'f ",- tl""--a-fajBajaaB-at v The limit oa'the number of derir!-Btea ahtrt.'la tka MsVik II. M to bekilled Is' three Instead 'ot ve.' ted Mt. Tla ,giy aji 1 At tho lut session ot the legltlatreaMuati4walMal.INMl J a bill cuanglng'the limit from flva to Iwore'lllUly to' kf takjaj far ft i After a deliberation of eleven hours the Jury empaneled, In the trial of E. M.'lleppo, charged with shooting a horse, returned to tho court room last ulght without a verdict. v u Thla morning, at tile request of Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 'Mau--ulng.f the case against lleppe waa dts- - if uiivun 4ae seuava. Meppe wra Indicted by the graad throe was passed, r There Is no 'change in regard .ton n. v .r.' t 1 H "V i it, the shooting of doe ror-fawns A'Th law provides that It vto;nJawfalvo tf lit nnv (lAAr vrlthuufr- liAyn. vrklW1 will Include, all does' and fiiwas, 'If la ...n...'i.J' l' lJ.. .,.. .Il.'l 4l hunter see the' horns hstoiahe shsa-t. In a circular 'seiMfeut' te: ihe',tal 1 It t . ." 'wfc IV' a nit ua uiv'V'HM pmiv,-Bf imf state game; warden, Mr.Flnlay w : f. i r t " . mora likely to,' he'ls's)if .thr-tag Mto ?W, si'iirsd'1"1" w oJIKaatata to -Vui' k- aMM lMfHl-Vt JMR-Itt iii lTia- jgcinjrK . Eal ' V - . v -? " ,? uS