A & K M iiJ wr'" i. , iVJ vl' , JA -:. Jr !'J X 11 .'7. All 0W1CIAL NHWSPAPMI KOK CITY OV KLAMATH NeveHtli Year No. AIM ; j. r ' h ' 1 "p f f vaiui -, . , KJtfllMi Mu Alli' 11 '! llJUl awaaaffiffiffiBBr Lffir mmm waalgr HBr ,B r r Llr wk y r H ""ir,i - - - - -' . -- - 'f; . &.- tfV V '. w rhf'Jy tWi ' -ik. t , ; HefaliV V iW. 'l.i, Lv-' "M: 4 '" V V. ""1 ' TnasspssBBsaaaB "t'j K'V "s,m Ui S"-J ' !', ua! , m U .., ' v. TTVSC ta i -aa-t . , .. ,.i . r, , .a . .. t.jg, , &'$&? - ki, KIWtMA FALL, OMMOtf. MOffiW, JtfeYM, I0M v2 ,';. '. I Jw'T" Secretary Lane of the Interior Visit Klamath 23rd; it, i May Department Will '5ft. J Postpone Big MWiii wa BELIEVE MEXICO IS ATTEMPTING TO BLUFF U, S. WIIAON WILL NOT HAND HHOW HIH Cardinal Gibbons, 79, Predicts Death WMI Mrtlmta, Mllunllim I Not Ik llrvrtl ("rillrrtl AhiImma lur Wll' m I Itailrr u 1om.I Willi IMInl Mrtltwan In I'nrl I'r.vl.l.nl Wll mn Mitl AmbiiMHwIor U'll-Mit Con fci .vMMH'r Arv IIIiiiimiI (My 4011 X V. M:I.V. HlMlf tVrn. (aptmdrttt) WAHIIINOTON, I). C, Inly 3K. Tlivro In no more nccrultr for Inter vention tu Moxlco tlion ihern t two motttlii ago. Tlin iltuitlnn, tho.iati rloii, In ljr no mrnni critical. It wan Htntrd from nn oHIclal itiurr today Hint I'rmliUtit Wllion Ullwrfc! tlitt wucli of the iirrivnt Itatlmi l iln lo nwpper manlpulallons. Wllion IntemU'lo continue hla In- vpitlgatlon In tti "tils toroltirrljr" ii vt --L. !... . . IJl.Jl"""l '" laxiiun, which linn ni fv luniiurivui tho rorri of arm,. Wllion la not pttMltnlatlc. At the unit) I lino lio rvroinlica that rondl tlona mltfht cliauao at any uiomont, forcing. Intervention, but he liopca to avoid thla If oalble. LLBlikgJgH HLiV;iiJaW' WmmmS'.mamff LHg'a3iigK. H ! PnwValHI'A - 111 . . " .aBeia.aRBaaam Mw -a i .-: .:-r ; , --J WtYERHAUSERCO. HEAD IS COMING (ll.'OlirJK H. UtSil, THK flKNKHAIi MA.VAMKIt (l' THH TIMMCH COXCKRN, Wll.lr ANHIVK MM lAV I'ltOM TACOMA, WAMH. f I (leorga R. I.oin. r en era I manager of tho yf rlictmcr Timber company. tho tarcmt timber concern In the United HtnU, will nrrlvn from Ta-1 comn Friday with lits family for ev nl wtk vt In KUmnth county. ' Thr Wrrth8uter comnflny owria; (ipproxlmntily 300,ono nt4 of tlm- twr In thl iecfdn nnd whllu lie re Mr ' Lone wilt Inappt-l Ui properly of hlo. cnnipniiy, Tliln trip of Mr. l-ong'i, however, li not tin rely n huilnena one, na Mr. l-onit hna (elected Kiamatn county In whlchn apenrt a portion of hli iiimmer vacation. With hi fam ily he will vlilt Crater Lake and oth er iconic nttractloni of thla aectlon. (liorK' Long Jr., who haa ut fin I hod achnol, Is (pending the aummer In Klamath county, lit haa been here icveral wceka, and la nerving aa a member of tho fire patrol, which la protecting tho timber of the county COPPER MINERS IN FlbHT WITH TKOOW ARK CAUn TO QVIHX DWTUIWAXCK I At Operator Makhm M KeTort I Oga it ', Are tho Mbu, Itrrauar rMilaefcuajera Ar (HrrM to the Raaka ef Mm MHker. Mnrr TntofM Are CaHed to CJaard Mlnm, and niwidwa Am Kcawrtcd , nr '"nlled 1'ieaa Bervtea ' CALUMET. Mica.,, Juyi . The atrlklag copper aalaara, while parad ing the atrteta today, attacked a party of ooa-UBlmhria, aaia icveral ate were aorioualy hurt. Troop were, ruaaei to the aceae to dliperae' the hetHterifaU. The itrlka dtotrtet V rtroagly guarded. The atlaeri iialaUla a aul len attitude, bad furtktr dlaerdera are ffSpOCMVe ft is the President of the New Haven the Goat for J. P. Morgan & Co.? ! ft: W(i OEVELOPMBIT CrJins Oittofyt, Cardinal tllbbom, aged aevenly. 'from foreat Urea. ' The eaoratara anada a deeperat ef-j In good health, and aeem. ----" - , - Mr. Kii.i ir l.r.w iinrtnn nt llll..haBrileaDBd oa aeceaat of the atrlke- Ingly In better health than moit meii . , . . Un ... w., , ui.!i.r..k.r. .ha . ...a to tain of hla age, doea not believe ha will ,w,. ,,-vn ,, viiiiin frimdi la thalih atrlkera. or rewaJo awar froa tae"H livelong. Ilia birthday waa Wodnea- willamettQ valley, returned Hunday .aalae United I'reia 8ervlce WAHIIINtlTON, I). C, July . I'reildent and Ambaaiador Wllion conferred for an hour today, at the roncluilon of which the ambaaiador in a (In tho following atatement: "The ronforenco waa dovoted to preaentlng'lo the president the exact facta, We did not dlaruia policy. I gave the prealdont my vlewa, and he now,' will decide aa he please Official believe the Mealcan de- ttoa. day, July 23, and tho occasion waa not one of great rejoicing, but of resignation for the cardinal. "I will soon be an otUuarIli," said the cardinal smilingly lu hla UaHlmoro home, "and nature must take Its course. Almighty (lod haa blessed me with a long life, and I am ready lo answor whenever ho sees tit to fall mo to render nn account of my stewardship." "I tblik that It will not be long he aald slowly, and there waa) no sorrow In hU voiceJust reslgna-t evening. I The leader of the Uale are de- ... ! ... itersalaed to have peaee, bat It I A baby Incubator la to be Installed feared that maay of the at are Ma in a hoipltat at The Dalle. ' 'coatrollaklt. Three Hundred Pheasants and Car of Trout Are to be Shipped Here and Liberated by Game Commission il'itrhnps I might live tan year longer' ' -aw .. Will - wtj nro never iuro." . . Lake County Will. Send Boosters in Large Numbers to the Central Oregon Development League Meet A full carload of Ongerllng trout la to be sent from the Uonnevllle hatch ery for distribution In the atreama of Klamath county, according to Infor mation Just received by Deputy game Warden 0. M. Itamaby from W. L. .Vlnley, tho atate game warden. Mr. velopments are a deliberate attempt I "When tho call come I thlak It' to force Amerlea'a hand. The altua-jwlll he a sudden one. We ahould all' lion nverahadowa everything. be ready for the call.'becauae we don't There have been several confer- know how soon or auddenly It may tnicea between President Wtlaea and come." Hecretnry llryan and Ambaaaador The visitor naked the cardinal If he Wilson, Uecause of tho gravity oflWM not In good health. the situation and the danger of a mis-. "Vea," answered the cardinal. "I . iinilArritnmlliiKr raaiillliiir In lilnoilahdhH. '.am r.l u (.. .! n.itaKU Ar ha'a bein .'Vhat Z'SfiZto r7 ! .H" ? tho presldenta plan will be permit- mt I think I will noon pass ii In ! a it..bl ...t.l., tlu. ... ...kUB ... .ot. 1 1 iTrdiiim iiiikii iivv ivii mi lutiKvi ..,, .. 4 .. .. t i,., .,, m. . ftM. win sou iiiai inej are (irumtieu. joniilliieu on paca i " mi aiiin u.v. l,liil va I "If you desire It, we ahatl tend a VnrlnAil nt Irnnl from Boanttvllla nome time within a month or ao. It la our Intention, to plant aa many fish in that aectlon of 'the country aa possible. We ahall also liberate a good number of China pheaaantf -moro than we have ever liberated be fore. We can; perhaps, aend two or rtsr Mr. 1.AKKVIKW, July II. "Onta Ktutmth FnllH" la the alogan now be Intr uhihI by Lakovlow booster In an th Ipallnu of the meeting of the Cen tral Oregon Development League at .that place Auguat IB, 10 and II. It la, already assured that a most credit able delegation from Uka county will fee In attendance at the big meet, but the loeal boosters will not ba satisfied vriihwerely a creditable showing. and wtend making the other dele ante alt up nnd take notice that.Mke oBly "H,'V At least a doxon auto wjllr :-?, fad It In planned to nuke a od ahowlng on euterlim the Klimath metiraoolic, A meeliug U ccled. at tbe,mli'.q' office for to- nliiht for the purpoeo .of. appointing cciHHiiieee to yenew prnna, or i ptoper repreaenUtlenof Lak eeunty, iai.t,ho,.attltii, f' Xtf.V)l V ", V s.tn iaiitniMHiee (rata an I'fjfc.f.U- , V 'J ".i, t j lt 1 All three hundred bird, hut w want to reel that, they are well protected aad to know that they are delag well." A committee baa bees appointed by the Klamath Sportamea Association to secure the uae of several thousand acre of land In the valley, where the pheaaanta can be liberated with aa aurance of protection. The commit tee haa not completed It work yet, butMr. Ramaby atatea that there will be no difficulty la securing sufficient acreage. Rax Bord, Who owaa about 1,000 acre near Oleae, haa gives permltaloa for the liberation of pheaa anta on hi plact, and agree to aee that they are protected with, the aa- slatance of the, game warden., It ba been dtmonatrated i the . paat winter that pheaaanta will anally stand the climate of thw aecUoa, FREE. BASEBALL A RAWS CROWD the atate promlaea to bo very large, aud If Lake county la represented aa alio ahould be, tho result will be of very' great value. While It may not bo possible to. make a largo exhibit ot tile product ef thw section, yet It Is (juockhh easily witatn the range, ot poaalblll- tie to make a ahowlng that will open. the. eyea of aH vlattora to ita wonder- THK IIK1 CIKCUITH IXJOK UKB IMIWNrUI RY (LOTH- IKIIH IN A (X)NTKHT THAT MAMt fill uoaalMlltlaa In tkeT wav of atock. I mulii, timber,' frtH,aifaifa, dairying' nnd the like. One of the. 'meet Important aub Jvcta to be brought befer the coming rcnvunllon la the rMtter of ,atimult lug Interest in the Tatldc highway north and south acroea theatate.'-.ThU i; an Item of vital ImporUne to both ITOUXKH IAVTH i"nmth and Uk' count!, aid thla ivoetliig Is the logical time ler' both cimntles to formulate 'eyataaiatU piins for accomplHihing tiwbeat'ra aiilU lu working for the taMh- tlWWJVOI UIO MHHWy. r, ,t V " - " 'i IC :t Y The "wise ones" went wrong agln by picking tho Prune Peddler to win the ball gamp Sunday afternoon at ModoQ 1'nrk, Contrary to all avail? a,ble "dope" on form, experience and nfcyiicMi condition, the Box Bellen eurprlaed.themselYM.and their friend br taking the long end ot a 17 to 10 ore. ' Kach player on the Held had an Indlyldual following In the grand l.-J nik. n...il . mi lrvll ., PW WHt, Urn w.W mimwwf ?'. -':l tfc(ine en tatTO HOMESTEADER IS THOUGHT INSANE VKKU MOUIKR WHdVaW KXAMIN- Nil MTH TOUAVAei TO MM aUN-ITY-rMA- SHBN AplfNO VRffiY MJHMILY '' Reeauae he , aa i been tiwi , In ; a Hueer manner of lu,' friend of rrod " n ' 1 : ' I , i ' llotoer fr that he ntenUlly nn. balanoed.;' He waa taken Intoeuetody todvat:tlM autherHletand will be examlad,fr hki aahlty late Joday .or toMrnMniii, y-?i- , --,,.' HeMer, aaa-a komeetead hi' An4e' lopesVailer,sH hM.lseen'aUytniat thenKM(t, raa. fei;aart';lnW, and ;Um, meralng: tin v art wamvxJ V- 1 ' . - t ' v fwm - ' iTutimARY iBnnmrti m8&JwL M : :?'' dJaffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiW ' '-s.'. -55' '' . ..-L'3fc,vli 'afameBeaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaVV 'JL1:-A ..,, .a1 gBmeaeaameAeaeaeaeaeaeaemg. p i 'i wmi m ak kbw afl jflgmgmgmUzWraffiffiffiffill'' ,C'!!"t TfOWfl '. . " faemie wane vnpmjii, mh saoaaaaaaaaaaam. - i-jTlLZLzZr .V MeaffiffiffiffiffiffiT StaataffiffinV ffiffiW dftaajLfkyaJMMli 1 jfff 'agtffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiK. "-1 ' "T. $ffl affiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffik' jffimjffimjffimjffimjffimjffimjffimjffimjffimjffimjffimm; at i.a, mmnmtf Oat f '. . UrtmA k thJaMrttW, wffil Mall ?' k KUaath-ra)MaWiran4MBn'" JtH iclamathNi arejeet. -''laTOS -HRV A a r-Hstt of the) dnU at tkw ' : Ml RbHtH - ,(eiaty' arrrral. anatw M. ' 'M liVaBffiSffillBffiffiffiB' . 'that the dam at'tn aaaaM'gBnaattiaTJl taaBBTamBBTamBBTamBBTamBBTJBTamBBTam I , samaHst msnFMg HHKaBffiMV i 'BmA)Bn MdtjM Cnjgaiffii' jMyn "n ,f '-; 'ewr , acm "nmTmimmM MHHHIIIInn lWhffinlwaffi '------ffimTamffiaTaffiaffiaTaTaffiBXBKaBmm . ---- -- ..-lER'.. ! at a aaaatSaa taaaanaaaf v . . X2J "' laaralaar' Laaav la aaaaiatf saVameMdm Via a , Av - - a kaV. - rf- - a. J- JtMPl . J. P. Morana a. Ce?hav. lmmMftmi.ri-.: -.?TT.rm T" T fJI aaneh nf Mat tamf IJmt iBlgljP imm WW. nt Ipejg. fc' kl I. kA Uli kkk n rkwlM nful rail MlAaAAAlv, la taw SaaUkA' Mnllla, depoaed preeldtnt ot thelrather than the aseratww ef n raO-l K'.w VnrV. Kaw Harm Hartford 'road.. " railroad, which haa been atUcked by. almoet every nnMIe agency lllw aUUUroRed the 'road. They have anafdled' , railroad communions aad tho later-;tne auge earn mewen wag m anfina -id .. - ,- 1 J ll .W. U. ii. fcX - Male csaiHarcv ewaiaiHann, hh rm-.m none at Ike tnnt erally denounced br the public. -The'lly,h.toakjhm"ewraa; - 1. J .k JI.V I,. ..HM Uul.il a- Jm a k Ik. W aaeni w run aewa, ana acciarnu aroiiuai. bww mu in pwnj wpnn "'arove a BMttar af frequent. All of which la aald to becelosat failure and a aaerhWi 4-f.. .u ,-- i due to the fact Mat tne energies or manaea ey xne puonc, Morgan tta. ..!.....A4u..JH4k..u. -awaj,apajai as uses aaeaaaF ".a- tta official have been centered on the 'have, atlpped the blame over their building of a complete trolley, water lihoutders to'thoee of Mr. Mtllen. bui ii B-nrai I r WOMEN TO PITCH IN SUNDAY GAME THEATRICAL M. ARK TWC LAT- K8T TO FORM A TEAM. ANIt00B! ' !. taen tea (eei.ieafjaaa.nv ie ,we. would de maeh newntd attendance aUUe gr. '-i .1 dm nVVmjjaaaaaj Ifrom C.c: A ;l ti. , j..-. . t - ifreajcc: cia4an:r tho ltlwA BERLIN, July II Th. Tat aa;Cnmmarola CTnb. anffigejMmt i antln atatlen far hnWea wae; , today at the Kahnrta Anato Yteter- i Mttpwai.,, MteaerM emr mwa anc- ferlng from oeatagten dlstnesa have , wTreV WwiffiJW ffin ewwPPSHlf 4 now au aaate win ae nuarantineei -fore admtaatea. .They wlU be kent in TMK HARRRRS HAVE ACCEPT El THE CHALLENGE th Barbers va. Theatrical Men, women pitcher. Thla I the baseball program to be dished out at Modoc Park. Sunday af ternoon, the second contest ot the city Inter-pitifealoaal aerie ot game. The John Drew formed an organ isation thla moraine, aad forthwith challenged the Knlghta of the Raaoo for a aam. , In addition , to any lag t they would win. the Hamfata added! turtner tnat Mauae -aiiroi, wbo play a bill at theiMar theater com mencing Thuraday night, uaed to twirl for the Rotten Bloomer girls, and he 'would pitch. Doea fhl prediction of defeat phase the BarheraT Not o y ou could notice It. iMtead.'they cheered up; aoll three bottle of hair tonic to victim la the chain, and added, that the scene ahlftera were not the only, ball team with" a woman Blteher.; ,Thl morning they atgned up n mnnlcurtot quipped, with bed, bath and. eyery other acceaaory tor tlM.coertMt and uced ef It occupant. It the roanlta are satisfactory, quarantine atatien for bablea will b eetablUthed'all over Qermany, aeaMa4hga jif tho 0nnnn mv ayMffit- ;. UV.aaWw lw at he rn at 9M htiwwii ssamrn, mnaan -mmT'-y. bardnnlp-on of- (to 'rtalMg, ' eomgtUnc taw to maajbj tXljaV aad- ther ter n aoXrsaBaitM pa'1; eteatttardar anaU lannit tt7 ' :- aafeV 'fmaaaaaaaatama.' Preanatatfltap . - It., T. i. 1 Anderson and wlle.of Oien- dale are Klamath.ralta TlaRen... Kred Jackton of on a buainaoa trip.' Medford -1 . m her m CatUd . ; icnxwnmm MOtctaVN.nU I8r-Thv bant iameat idmfan t ttatcain aad ha tlin i for MftjlttaH mx jMHM' Hjalttf null ikaffillWeWRaaW bagn.u4ajr' on tkn mm-mW . CrawKaaa trnm.ft' the auepkiat ot tn btantaanaV lliaajp, ' n hand up. ewntlemen who atated that ah knowa a UUI about . ... 2. .." ...-; ''lin .w3 anti. too, ana, mm point, of view ' The, talent Uaed up !hy MeQraw, Houaton.lnelndeajCiatr Ar jean River Gives Up Its Dsad: LMy t . " 1 v.;i" . v, a aj .. 1 . u. . fT- Youth Drowneti Kw Kmo Hwir ...1.1 , . i M ', . Across Logs ; k 1.' Mi ' ;A;"iMi m fiPF '-. '" FZis'J- ",.'.: -. Ti .. ma - "' . fa: VVa kJ L!1 Ial'a1 II tj'F" ....-' ', 'v Tht body r ot ; n; naknown.yanng 1 day. mnraJiaf hp 4f man who wa drowned In the Khwa-1 loo Want lar ath ,Riyer wo weeki, w'',when trying WHa - to e theraaldi.atKen with a'lMMbF weVWbig). .' - - V-." ,-V.W-:- ... ! T-a- l T . frim,tW VlUaliMi JllgUfakW.wa found yeetrdy, u.?a..ia.aaaaM U flva mllM.Ulow the aue where anla. Harpv Barrall. Loa' Lohh. , Honaton '(two 'ot , 'im)l hM. fif- wire ntf'ih at and !" tha.Jforce qlUra-owaeajt, ?" Wf . - , v - '.. . .A . a. r ti-' u? ! 11 w im .-h :'' v,, i At theeewherotae.reaaalan ,tlMgfa)M :.;. '.. j .k."..ni' rai.'."aa au - --y---- ;TM)aBdM aw sUtlmreaanMnwl erwaani IkaU thrown tha oatlacaaraa f -'"" - iT" 'ft.. ;iv.f'Ti' vL twv er MfN prtrt P fP JTffrT"ffP 7 aTWlJ wllllger, .Rb Mitchell.! Harry ,WU llama A Kid. Whit. Wilbur, Arnold Sterllu Oarrett. Carl aebenaeehe: anehored tog. Uavtng Ifea Marl Honaton and Jerry Damtt.i wpoaed.', ' The body wa nVa . " WohWr I1tVn;iwann'ha-"tha,ai. ot;dwpthn.an4 ,tt hafrtdend- ""TTt JfWt.KTSVTJ, - TT' TZ&HZ&WZr' ii.. wl Nan;.w,nn?,w,:'.r .ffT3tt JTV--" nrTT. ..-.- -, '.w tc -. - ,, -v trt-iht .;, j .' in; . " tir fart aaai aaV 1 I...I MB... 'M IC.f fc.. t i . i. ' , - - .'. ' . e ." - . iii r A , '-tW f ,, nift.' a , aaJifraaaaaWaVaffiffi vs. ?.r ' ',. 4.' ... ,,; V-"! Y. .'W. , . ,'fc' 'f SBasa 33m23332EEEa