0 'HvmwYy j 'WPTW ? T71!"" v. ,,f i"l. v- '? "1 Xv ? r: W r ''Lt'r .tnX , r - J .'.-. . f. W 'a 1,.W. j. M; i W ; OrTiUIAL J'OH CITV OV NKWHPAI'KK KLAMATH KALI I 1 . Il vihIIi Year Nit. II, la ;?' mh fthtnivur - 'i i v WmMaW VjaVeanTdr MtmmW ammamf njn , . V k , ' ,-fo. 4 ; , . SKIIW'1 ' ' . - Wl.l.i. II- .....U - I.I. I ..III Mil lSl H Ill I IH II " ! - II ' ft ,? i " i V -I B sanar if alt. s kiW V1 A wki v ?.?. "T7S5S1R NLAMATB FALLS, OMMOK, FRIDAY, JULY , lilt 'nffli' Lagfa Jl1 -a ti J: '. T5S iUr.-MQ .tVW'7&$ i fi'iwiir'iK MUitia R shed to Michigan Gamps in an Effort -'. WHITE SLAVERY CASE WITNESSES CAN'T BE FOUND 111111:1: mmm iiavi; Miwxdixv IIIMAPPKAIIKD i y . i C!a-1 m Tl li J..J A af 1lffA-M TA7-S 11 YmX io Dreait airiitc; ocnc vcu vj,jw iyicii y im Maj o Succeed Huerta Chosen lYilrtHl Auiliorlllr IVar a Plot lu1 ' lUttmy Tlirlr t'linncm fur I'onvlrt- Iiik WValiliy lli-ohtmli of Iam An' grlii IMrrlvra Alinl lo ', mill fe'vrn I'linldiinriil In Hlnrv fr I iiIIimI I'mii Hcrlc. I.OH ANOCI.KH, July 25. Tlio tlilnl wHnii In tho wliltn lavtfr tni tu ilUapiirnr In n ), I MIm Kvvlyn Nribylli, imr of Ilia principal Mllui'Moa for Ilia alula. Tula morn liiK aliu rould not tin locntcd, Clirlilltin NVal, one of iho glrla umkliiK charge ngnlnat loa Anitclea inllllonalrra, carniK'tl from Ilia Whit tlrr reform arhool laat wwjk, CIko I (Hon Darker, I no principal vrlliiMia aKalnat (Itorio lllxby, van llied ytitardajr. Ho far no Irnro liaa Uocn found ot Iho ltU. l)pcllvra liavo bcu aa alcuuil lo Ilia rata. Tho fi'dernl nulliorltlra brlleve Ihf to la a Kvnoral plot to gt rid of all of tho liiipllratcil ulrln, ao the con vltllou of Ilia arcu(Ml mull of wealth will bo linpoalblo. Hubway HyaUan Unllod I'rcM Henrico NAI'I.CH, Italy, July 35. Actual work began today on tb conatrucllon of a romplvlv ayaUiu of underground railway for both tho bualneaa and rraldrnllal accllona of IhiTclty, When coinptolod Iho ayatrm will aolvt llio hnrtoforo difficult problem In Nnplra 'of connecting up tho dlffrtvnt x tloua of the city without having lo make long dolour around I bo hill. ... . . a .. a ' Kcnra thai aucn a ayaicm migni oe STUATKOIC IHHNT TAKKX VIUIM In conalant danger from Iho ocramou- n activities of Mount VmuvIim and imrthiiuakn aliocka liava boon dl alpated by tho engineer. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaflHWlaB ' HV I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHilt'aiH BBBBBBBBViBBWlBB bbbbbbbbbIbbHbbbI I MODOC PL WORK WELL UNDER WAY Krauctuca De Iji llarra Mexican amaaador to the United Blatoa during the Dlai regime, and inlnlater of foreign affair while Ma dero aa prealdeul, I talked of na temporary prealdent f the comtltu llnnallttaa overthrow llucrla. Do Im llarra la one of the bralnleat men In Mexico, and hi Initiative at aeveral timet ha leaieut'il the force of tho Internal dliturbauce In hla country. Hlmuld he be chosen prealdent dlplo nmllc circle look for a return to or derly method In Mexico. HKVU.V MIM:H UV TIIK MAI.V CA- .Aii ih cmiri.im'.i), ami thk WOltK OK I.IMMl WITH tX).V CHK1 K HAN IIKK.V HTAIITKI) I (Hpoclal Correspondence) (JIIMXKIUIN, Jury 25.- A force ol eighty men and n number of mains nro busily engaged on the Modoc Point Irrigation project work under llio direction of Project Knglncer H. ,11. lllncka, and good progress has jbevn made on tho task, which will eventually lurnisn water tor irrigat ing 4,340 acres of laud on the Klara- tath Indian reservation. Work this year Is being confined to Iho big ditch, which will carry water from tho Hprague Illver 'dam. Al ready seven mile ot ihls canal ha been finished, and It la being lined with concrete. Tho Southern Pacific la also at work on ,a part of the canal they con tracted to dig when they secured their right of way. The fore work ing for the railroad la under tha di rection of Knglneer lleatty. He ha Just received two carloada of cement for ditch lining. CHINESE REVOLT AND NANKING IS REPORTED TAKEN i SKVBJf ftOUTKR! Amerlcanl Ambassado , Called to Washington to Tell of Mexico STRIKERS M, CLOrffllim mm mi r m orroMc I'ROVIKCKH , Cc ti.A' i' r. J V ! i '. TWKXTY-l'IVK NVNMM ftJslMMI Shanghai la IMk AtUtcd. aad Ar senal There I Mr Ten la hi BUMcr of Ca Left to U 1 " . 1 2-. i' . j. - r " . JH" ..1' IK f r , ,.'-- .tm -w FJI,' . n-'fj ' B. U v: IMPORTANT POST WON DY 6REEKS LOVE SPURNED; FIGHTER KILLS KOItt-IIILV KNTKHI.VU KOOM OF ACrillWS. JUK AIICIIKIt NIIOOTM II hit K1VK TIMI-M HHUOTti HKI.K THHKi: TIMt-H I I ultud Prcsd Service I 8AN KHANC18CO. July 35. Furl joua because hi advances toward I.II 'llan Hadlo Fvnard, an American thca Itcr actress, Jo Archer, a prise light er, forcibly entered the woman'a room this morning and fired five shota Into Prominent 8pkci for t'aniat Unllwl Press Hervlce UAMUKN, N. J.. July 25. Mnny HVLHAIUAXH ArTKH A KH 1'KH.tTK IIATTI.K W1TII APPAL- r BoJy. k',n ,,er nUr. Whllo tho police were beating In LIXfl IMHHrM . wl.,,1 .lnnr. Archnr reloadnd Din rcolcr, nnd mining It upou himself, (lied thri'o sliot. Iloth were llfele o v 4 Defend Caatoa AsjataM taw Nurtti-i em BevolaUoa Hltastloa fcj New KeenbUe fceeosHla; Herlo n I ""? United Pre 8rtlj ' ( PTKINO, July 15 Seven of tha principal eoulhern province are now J opposing Yuan Hal Kal, In addition' to the northern eSsaenMon. ' The rebellion throughout tne re public I becoming more serlou. ' Dispatch freaa Canton aUte that! 10,000 mm tkiva Wm left there to J Hght the nortaimatr. U UlspaUhea for aM ari jsalag la ambasaador to Mexleo, against whom f rpm Stuusghal. 1K cftr MrntUck4 charges have been made in connee by tha rebel, an4 H I believed that I Hon with thu o verb row of the Madera they will captara the arsenal, which 'government by President Huerta. 'ha will realealeji thfJr equipment fori been called to Washington by Secre- SB .SBBBBBBBBBBSv SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB) SBBBBBBBBBBBBsVr VBBBBBBbI H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI aSBBBBBBBBBBBBm, ,' All ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKSSBBU1 W"4 'BBBBBBBBBBll LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV JL.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.HHgML MHJgf A4 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV gflasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHa...... BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB i. r W "aUSaSSBSM I.ff BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflSBBBBBBBBBBsl C'A " . & LHiBajKaw LaaaaaaaaaaaBSILal laay;iaai AaVan aJnvlf llliil ), . ,r jM .SBBBBBBBBBBKSsBBBBBBBBBBTJ iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBBflBBBBBBBBa!, Bjak'< ll'-'l-.- . - -t ' WW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI aBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaBBVI ' . "ff? "Tf ' - SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr JH ' . ;lH TH jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV bb1 &o- w: T nftA.-'Sh Vl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHakaai HB&ii i ' " "" " ''' ' IHH BflBW ,Unlt4 Praaa rrtaa.r. f IbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBBBBSBBBBBBBl I CALUMBT. MKh.,; Jajf" M. ' 9lm " ' ' IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,323 laBHMH 'kMB4r4mMMa4Ms'alsBi,4- :$ IbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBbUsLbSbI BBBfffSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaM lOr. BratoCtUkg . tM BBBJk'BBt ' 'V IT-Psl-i &ss V -rtiwlBit e,awrUaMaiBaMBV ( JTAtlmmE rammmtj.svUT?a.rz ariu. MflaaSw tkafWarfnt bs aaBamai, f ... w - iitsitftfs. aa'- . k i .- v :: r-. r- tl -" 'v mmwm.-!kf v ' ,!W Henry ffmsrrcc? American Wilson carrying on' the lint.! tary of Blat Bryan to i caused 'by a damaad. of aeaaa Mare- pean power or powers thai'- taw American government take aama mean of esdlac tha eestdltloa of an archy which exists In Mealeo oaUU of the capital cHy. Maaat isaabt la expUln the xpra4 In Waabkagt .wbatber today, Ka4ctkac.tM taaiBtlaC ita . aaaH , mt ' T . - - '. I . . " I . - Brm.MSSJH UMM'VM Bf tMJ,IH mamaaraac la NaAlaamlOsjawaV ibc i.ywa-aaaiajWm aaawajt t.Thrs) waa night bstwesn It I believed her than Nanking laluexlrmn situation to President Wll-'V.'lUoa will ever return. t tha Maad- In tlihan'of tk;TvolutlonlU. iMn. Thl la believed to bara been can capital. i " j ' ' ' - 4V--'4 Jo KM as4aaj Mai de Mer HesteArlesH PARIS. July 5. Tha will be no UlIud j, g ,, nor preae-ageatesi aueu. no more picture In the paper, no more print ed accouata of affair of honor if thwl ... . .,. . .,.,. ,..1 movement rtarted by the (rc la o r Hoche. the most exclusive club la ' ' ,.. ..,. MMMA MAAIll I " , I " li" I I.H.. Ik BERLIN, July 15. If you wanW tike to take a sea trip thl aummer. Pari, goes into effect aa believe It will. The Due Decasea waa ono of the pioneer of tha Idea. Mov ing plcturo men are said to bo des perate. famous specialist, and ha say that those who DANK ROBBER IS GIVEN 9 YEARS IstteSceklrig Japanese .Aid? were continually sea sick got urprls-,..AU8TRALMX MACK," WHO TOOK logly well, where In theory they, ought to have weakened. On the oth- ti,bbj, u BK.vritat,r. rw er hand, patients who were not sick benefitted only to a normal extent. "It la quite plain that sea sickness THi: THKFT BILK OP AN AVTOMO- Peoplo have , sickness. It I true, but l "! 'rea Service '. Aaammar lageatpar are ta a a pitas., i;PrateleaWr.aJItk are araaad wtb aataan ve4var Baataaaa ,n Ma d.u.Jt .as lasuadabaA lb the astlHkt ----l-.-- ,M , .!. vBsaiwaj i aamasajsjasii -j Uaioa kaaaajaaMeea (bat ba atrtka wmM 48,i Mara4t 7S range. rX-'-lf " , m VMS i" j T'v UM V V r"t i New 1,'nlted Presa rviaa PARI8. July 3S.-7-A new' ball ta use la Warfare, dlaeeverad.by aad naaaed'fari freaekauM named pat, gueaae. asayb adopted bytairMnk army. )h eompaattlcm af tka bast . tnew alkirtwkleh toaaM te Isam MgV -, . 1 nlted I'riHH 8orlro ATIIKNH, July 35.' UUpittrlicH ro I roi iliitrt spuakiira from Knilorn nnd Icolvod by tho wnr ofllco today coullrin rilcfii aUles noi-'thadiileil lo sprnk 'm report thnt tho (Ireek soldlor at the services to bo held hero durlii r, vo captured Kresna Past. whun tho door una beat In, nnd room icHomblcd a shambles. the tl,e I'lirsraimicni o? tho O." Jc .'. unilily, which oprnad today. Hu, J. ('. l.'-.ckorton, I), L o. Villi jdolphln; llav. Iwreiiaoil Corrcll nf MllUllle, N. J., and Mr. Clara J. Iteeder or ,i) litcton cud Plillnilaliihln, nro nr.ioug thu best known church work ins, who will conduct service during tin encampment. , Jamas 1'olton nuil ' Mr. nnd Mm. It. W, Towor ot Kcnofrom fori Kltinmlh, nro vUltlug this city today, 'friend. This I ono of llio strategic points! i Urn present war, nnd Its rapture Is it tolling point for tho Orrok-Horb-Kniimnnlan combination. i Tho fight for tho pau was iniistj Vnxpcrate, nnd lasted sevoral days, j lloth the (Ircoks end tha Ilulgirlnnii' sustained appalling losses. wife nro here tho guests nf Mexican Colony at Washington . the Cynosure of all Ofiicia i Fuoq Nnur Bruan Dotiirnprl ' fcl-wu ,,unJ U,J" nwtumuu ' ' I f ,1 ; Vnltad f rata Bervlca 'WAB1I1N0T0N, . C, July 25. Tha Mexican situation la much quieter ,hera today. Tha only development la tha roturn of Bacrotary of Statu W. J. Bryan from hla laetura tour, Tomorrow Bryan and Wilson will confer regarding tka administration' pq'lcy In regard to the. Southern s r rlra'jwatci factlos la the ooatrovaray WWliJN ',fa( watching with Interest the Mex- ' v - rr ' " Iran dlplomatlq colony here, Tha Mexican officials here are of, tka opin ion thut mediation I poaalhla. It Is oxpactod that after hi confer i ico with llrynn, Prealdent Wilson III send John Lamb of Terra Haute, lud., a his representative to Mexico. In case thin Is done, Lamb will go straight to Mexico City and check up tho situation. , ' In rusa tho United State names a now ambassador to Mexico, It l'b Ijuved thut Lamb will be chosen,, V PR0JECTSCANN01 DE TAXElI, RULING i ' 1IIAHO FKUKKAL JU1KJK HOLDS THAT COUNTY HAH NO IUGHT TO AHMHMM OOVKRNMKNT LAND IN PROJUCTH HOISK, Idaho, July . In n rul ing today made by Federal Judge Frank B, Dietrich, land within gov ernment reclamation projects cannot bo taxed whllo United States holds title. Tho decision which will affect rec lamation project In other atatea, waa endow! In nu action brought by the United States agulnri Lincoln county', the point at Issuo being the as nient mndu by tho county ot tha gov ernment lands within tho Minidoka projoct in Southern Idaho. The Minidoka project land is high ly Improved, , Merle Kllgore Is hero from Langell Ynj&oy tor a visit. U, K, Reeder was In Tburenay from Pine Grove. " !. Walter Orova and Bam Kennedy of kU .k al.ftln. Vl.n.lk E.IU .M 'M, VW,IM n,C W,.Vf Is part of the sea cure. died from they kave alao died from eating, exer- VANCOUVER; B. C. July 95. 'tr neaetratlag power 'thaw mf M iclae and other desirable and necea- Jokn McNamara, known aa "Anatra- known, yet wktoh daeanad tmitt Jaary tklnga." ke decUrea. "The Irri- ilan Mack." who eighteen meathe ago the. riling; of a 'barreL,,'7rW sVMa1 itatloa of the 'nervoua vagus'- has an robbed the Bank ot Montreal of "Uber rle U bly. wo, kJl ejk 1 Mt i av.a .. -. AAA .. -naA.. e ... . J-. xv at .in m." 9BirorjlllBirx loaic vnevi un iiio ,wm- fMwvi wub wmruica .maj .ch. klUaeyi and liver." wm.make.tba; riL-sBUsVI r. Pornro Dm Deposed nreaMevA of Mexico, who la supporting tha Huerta administra tion', aadlwhem. it ta'saW, will be a candidate, tor , prealdent In lOctober,' Dias u said to be .on. hla way; to Japan for 'the purpose of securing the sw port of tha mikado should the' United RIMIi TVBV CHILD LABOR IS NEXT BILL-LANE 'r'skwaal Sat servo nine yeara la prison. Thl sen- arms unaeeeaaary, CThi DaamaBSjr .fence la for tho theft ot the automo- ball I very eapeaaive, thai aaeaa; Ma' bile ne used in nw ramou roDnery. ,pn irsTrrsta v'"j The tlmo that McNamara baa been ilu custody will be deducted from his itorm.' He will appeal the case. 1 Mrs. George Clyman. and her son, I Robert Bowee, are here frees Oak- hnd, visiting Mrv Clyman' brother. urtla F. Setior. ORBOON KKXATOR MAV8 THIS MKASURK Hi MURK TO HK VABH KD AT THK XKXT MKMION OF COXGRKDt) ' United Press Bervlca WASHINGTON. D, C, July J5 latloaal child labor legislation to pro tect American labor from competition with the labor ot children la factories, both at home and abroad, .will' be passed at the next session ot congress, according to Senator 1-aae of Oregon. 'The reason the democrat lo caucus refused to put into the tariff bill the clause prohibiting the Importation ot goods manufactured by chDdreu Into the atatea where child labor ta for bidden," aald Senator Lane ) today, 'jwae thai we did not, want to weight the bill down with any raore'aubjeeta that might andangef It. It was point- jute bags used for grain throughout the West are made by children In India, and that there is no economical substitute for them. ' A good' many other alnill ir problem were Involved, At the regular session, the majority will deal with this child labor prob lem, aa well aa with a good many olti ir matters ot hu'maue legislation rbu( wa(nropflaei(to ao (i yieaiueaiijr, Shedd merclal bars kave sarsMiaV booster organised 'a' Club. ""it I .i J .A. QU Waltem waa a TMajsJmf via. nui in im,i),wi wmjpqrifp trem hla Last River ranak. '-,'" ,..JU4 4'IU. - r Large Local Delegation WiH Go lV Vi-k, "- V i,- eat l4' , M i l Ta 3 to the Good Roads Barbecue rc. Va , Jiikib '-"-.v '. . ,. ;. '& Meetlntr at LaPINiK MM -. t " .- iiT. -:-. . v f''SW 'Vrt; ' itt- If Klamath Pall does not send the Urgost delegation to tho Qood Roads rareting nud barbecue at La Pine next month, it "will not be because boosting has been lacking.. Already several automobile, parties have been 'formed to'msk'o tho trip, and the matter will undoubtedly 'be taken up by; tho Klamath Chamber et Commerce at an' 't(. eafly nieetlngr & ,i , LaPine, In Crook county,' hi'-a set tlement composed, of good roads' dls- clples and boosters, tor other progres sive, causes, j( inerderto aav laa matter broughV'eretMy to tke'atten' tlon of all .of Central Orefoa, tkeLa, Pine CommerclaL'ciub' his arraacad for a meetlng'to4be held Batiird, August '?th V ' ,v . ";i -, A feature of thl meeting wHl be, a twrecu,tbut that tanot'.aHby aay among these Is Cosnty, Judge, Watt over thl''stateta;t'Qs4 Ml -M- - .7 .( i Vi, gV 7 Jj ) l i juage.y-y v 'Fi: .f , WordeVwJII be'onef UmH speaxaraat Ji, i InMnieo,. , i and net In kakaaard fashion. , .l.lmeana. ,Tkerea'NoUerjreasas,'aUiiaj CharleaKcW:nrtsMa.- 'sjm gcH,ra4a;ae, ' S'ttswSRr niule,' booaUaf for a.iiiiiisn to cent, of taeCaaok. Dm -ilii SPeaJt.',,; - r A a-r gM e IM VfjVp -j2lv'?r 3? . ea' BMjlssjjfjjEgifi . Iglgi efc . S a.- JktelalBBBBdaBBBBBBBBSSBBBsl "f'fif JeBjnsjejsBB ea'Ukea vr4e ry