f'l -i .r7 ?. X r ito . I" " ? OFFICIAL NRWSPAFaW FOrl t-m' OK KLAMATH FALL gibe -U '.vn.u.ivi;. ... " vtw'ssasss f n PFfl 111"' ; 8 ffisSS -,,. .1 - - -- f ,i..iiiHtw w wmii i Baasggasgt.JhBnsmni " vs 4i ; t Hnvnillt Year No. S.IM KLAMATH PAlAaV OMMtf. TUKDAa WW M, IMS Bryan May Go to Mexicoat the Head of Mediation ojsgi m m mmm mm 9m m . a fffs! - muMk.ljiM. committee; raKing jNormern ran is m L-r '&. 'l .' T v m000000t000m 0000000 00000000 KENT SAYS IT IS NOT WORTH THE LIFE' RISK UALIFOKXIAN OI'IIWtKO to V. H. ACTION Thongli Flnnni lalljr Inlrrrtlnl In Mrslro, II Hay lln Wouldn't Fnrr IIuIIHm for It. anil Think Mr Would Ikt u C'lwnnl ami n Munlrr w If Ifo Kent Undo Hani'M Holillrr Tlictv to lm Their Llvre for Him Mulled Press Service. WAHHINOTON, II,, C., July 24 Naval Captain Ap peals to President .nsannw.i.' ii'ggggggsn SgggggggggiTnlggg IBr, t pi , 'ggggV iML. Vl,i FORT ROAD IS COMING MEETING WELL STARTED! WILL BE WINNER IN EVERY SENSE K.umi i:.w i Tin; uoiik hill HI! COMI'l.KTKK I.N l-KH' ItAVM. (VII TV 111111 ! Alll'KltIHMI ADVKUTIHKH ' o. 1;,st KTitirrcii yuHtotm. NKK TIIK UOVfcTRY MKP.tULL Mss Barnum Makes Charges Against Cleveland Manufacturers w T'j77i -7r T r ts -"y f ' r,' ' mmmd 'WM ' The county court will toou call for bid for Ilia conitructloD of a 3.6 mile Ktiutcli of county load, beginning nt a jioliit on tlio Koit Klamath cutolf nuil two uilkit from the city llmlla, mill running toward Algoma. Uld for tho constfuctlon of two nille from Ilia illy llmlla utu nuw being contld 'tisd. ' l lie work In the city la being done j by the Klamath Development compa iiiy, unit Mill be tginplcted MiMh HmrprU U MaaMmtl at th Itlcb Vanatac HtHlam Tributary to KUnwtti faW-'lyta 44' ana lawai muuowm wamer AnMMMl( 1 ltaHilt Hoanl anil I'Ua for tW HiMTtM of ItevrtefMurat Caagrr Many cxprculoaa of aurprlae ut the extent and high degree ot develop unit Mill bo completed In a few "M oi lBe Kiamam uoam were The following circular Intterhaabeun; (ggBBSBgaVjULflgS jiUya. Under the direction of Coa,Bar" frw" "t"""! or kdiiI to tho inembera of congreaa by' WAKIIINUTON. l. C, July 24.r Murphy, tenty men and twenty " ,lJ,'1tf 'PUirougl tho i'iiipr....iiinn loiin u'.,..i nt (niir,ir. . 'iroin nm xnirii ) iii miiinv nrM.Illy to Merrill' wedMaday. 'After ,,l l-' -'"' r; " ' '",.lll Bvnue. Uolo.e avenue and te.Hn -- oTlta through "A one financially Interred In or lno M",WUIU oi". " P- other atn-et betwnn tho court houoo w" ' " "wlopwi MpiIco, and liiniinucli n I would not jropiirdlio my life or the lli'r of my i.r..i. ..r,.in..i,.i 1.1 ti. rnri of rar "ThU Improvement conilila of grad nil, a eihiu roan a nil iininniDg u wim ioiin (o protect my proiNirty, I would bo a coward and n murderer If I neat my countrymen to death In behalf of my property. . "Tim Uvea of tho American ol dlerv uliould not be aacrlttced nor the piiipto'a trrnmjry depleted to protect 'ptoperty rlghla' of rltUetia who have tnkcti n chaiire on tho lawn and con- dlttoii of n pioilo who are beyond our control," of tho battleaulp Ixiulilana, "o l other atn-et between tho court houao w"'t ' "ow uadeveloped 'pealed to tho president to reconsider 0nd Iho rlty limit at Islington av- i'oet'on ot Oregoa,- and particularly )hl cao. They bellevo he ahould have Inue. ttc' vbiltlBlll" Haslty'a big United Treat Barvlea MKX1C0 CITV, July 34. -Tho lat- nt rrnorta atato that Ocnurnl Car-. rania commamloil tho robehi rnptur Ing Torroon. It I reported that Colonel Alvaret, the feilernt commnmler, wna killed and half tho 3,000 dofetulera rohelled, and Joined Carrama. A thouiand frderala nnd novoral rnmiou wero raptured. Nearly all tho loyal federal wero put to death. It ! rumored thtt C.OOO rebel are advancing on Han I.tili l'otolv, nnd more fighting la oxnoctod. lx Inchet of quarry tallluga and tlreinliiK with macadam. When thla thoroughfare la completed to the county rond It will ante two or three mlloa nml much hill climbing be tween here and Kort Klaaiath. OTHER PLACES WOOLD RECALL HJ.NTY CLKItKH OKflCK IM AHK. Kl) rtm INKOIIMATIO.V UV CiaCKAMAH AMI IKfOlt HIVKK IXIUNTY 1'KOI'I.K Los Angeles Millionaire's Trial for White Slavery Continued to September; Bixbys' Nose Injured unit it Pre Bin Ice M)K ANtlKI.KH, July M. Clou Hi leu Marker, ono of Ue wltmaaea In tho llltby can, luta vunUlirO. A ttoa rn delis Uvea have be aaalgtQ to Uio caao. fJiilted l'iw Her vice' I.OH ANdKMCH, July J4 Tho oaoo ot Ooorgo II. Illxby, charged with a white, atftveiy charge, did not go to trial today, a poatponemout being grunted on account of Ulxby aufforlng with u broken now, Humalnod In an automobile accident. It In thought tho trlnl will begin September1 Hth. Illxby, multl-mllllonulre, owner of Iho famoua Hotel Virginia at Long Bmcb, heavy atook holder In hair n donen bauka and truit compuulen, . truatee of a prominent collogo and a Member of oxcluatvo California aocl eiyelrchM, k charged with contribute lag ta the delinquency of Irene Mario rowk-Levy, it, and Cloo Helen Uar Her, ll,?who ar mlaora under the California Juvenile law until they am yoiro of age. f Tho cmo agalMt Blxby growout of the whiteslave Inyeatlgr.tloM, ataried aome montha ago by tho Loa Angete county grand Jury t wheni Kitty I'hll ilp, a moving "picture aotreaa, waa ac cuaod of blackmailing a man whoae ,Kme wan withheld by the nutkorlttee. that ;. thk myaUrteue admiral before be wai retired. He haa Just arrived la Washington from New. port, where ho gave up the command of tho touUlana. It la undernlood that frleuda of Captain Polta believe that If Uio pree Ident will content to go over the pro motion quratlon the action ot the "plucking" board will bo nullified and the president wit have tho authority to aend the nomination of Captain I'olta aa a rear admiral to the aeuato. He waa due for promotion March 20 laat. Captain I'olta waa placed within the Jurisdiction of he "plucking"; board when he wan not Dromoted In .U.TY CI.KUK'H tIKHCI March. HI friend point out that ha took tho examination for promotion and received Iho Indorsement tor pro motion. Then Secretary DauteU ot the navy department decided that ho necueu more tea service, ana no wo Following tho recent unsuccessful assigned to command the Louisiana,. nlUm,t to roca County Judge Wor remalalag there until "plucked." ifl. Wj,0M mcthoda were sustained by the people, the county clerk's of III co has became an Information bu reau for other places considering the recall. 1 This morning's matt contained two letters of Inquiry. One ot these, from 8. W. Btark ot Hood lllver, aska for a copy ot the petition f,orm used, nnd this Indicates that there might bo dUallsfuct.lon In Hood lllver county. The second Inquiry Is from William U. MUlvoy, county clerk of Clackamaa county, relative to the ballot and the public notices. Tho editor of n pa per iu Oregon city has been advocat ing the recall of County Judge H. 8. llealtle, r.al Mulvey considers It ad visible to get tho needed Information ranch In Harner eeuntr. where It Is sixteen miles fran the front gate to the porch ef the- house, members of the party making their first trip were not prepared to tad nt the end of their Journey ta the south, such a modern city no Klamath Falls, with such a well developed and rich coun try us Ilea to.thi eouth of the city. The visitors werejgfgrapaaled b', number of the crUaena e: Klaaiath Falls, Including the county Judge nnd president of the Chamber of Com merce. Following dinner nt Merrill the party went on to the Prank Adams ranch, where they" were shown a band of several hundred horses, be sides Inspecting this beautiful farm home. From there the party return ed to the N. S. Merrill ranch to view soma of hi world famous big mules. (Continued , on -page 4) of n Chicago Judge, n college gradu ate nnd seven years an assistant of Jane .Adeems la Hull House, has mods'- sortaao "efcargeo against Cleveland manufacturers and these who maniged their end of the gar ment workers' strike In that city la 1911. With Miss Emily Krall, a girl orator, who rose from the factories of the city, she declares that the manufacturer hired a thug named j Morris Lubln to Join the strikers and Incite thorn to do violence, and finally ... ..... ... t .. . . . to murdor, so public feeling In tne orean mo sinae ey causing violence. city would turn against the workers. He waa.aent to prison. 9SK3SSS9BBMBSBBS9SaSESSS u cbaractor, who wont under the nnmo of "lllack Pearl," waa Blxby. Tho blackmail charges were never i.b.lu l-mt.mA T.-Ilf. nlillllMa If., h.vU. ..-.., ...,.. . -... possible, should l.e find chargod with vagrancy before Police , ' ... . ., Judge Hose, now mayor of Lot An- ill necessary to call tor an election. gelea, and "run out of town" on n bur pendod sentence of six months. She took with her to San Francisco Mario Parretor, another young girl. Sub sequent charges by Miss Phillips started the grand Jury probe, and the two girls wore brought back to Los Angeles by detective. Roth testi fied before the grand Jury, and the In dictment of Illxby, Mrs, Josle Rosen borg and Mrs. Kllxabelli Kspoy fol lowed. The millionaire claims that the chartos against him are tho result ot his refusal to pay blackmail. Ho hai employod Oscar Lawler, noted na spe cial prosecutor In the McNamara dy nnmlte Investigation, tn defend him. ' Mm. llosenberg and Wtsabeth mj pcy, rooming bouse keepers', are charged with having entleed' yoUng girl Into dive and there engineered tnootlugs between them and rich men for prollt. Ircno ilrown-Levy' told (liu grand Jury that she waa given fiflGby ono man In one of Mrs.' Res enberg'a resorts, Tho money, she, soys, was divided Into three portions; one to'herselr, ono to Mrs. HosenUern; GRANTS NON-SUIT IN DAMAGE CASE Hl'IT OK ItKKD AOALHT THK WHMTKItN V.MOM TKLKUHAPM COMPANY IS KMtKII MV JUDflK HKNHON 'f and one to Mrs, Kspoy, M V t Circuit Judge Benson this monk granted n non-suit motion In the trlnl of tho damage suit brought against the Weetern Union Telegraph'' com pany by George Reed? He took thla siand because' the plaintiff failed to jihow any evidence' of negllgenco on theparrof the defendant. Oali wk wnVbllup mt that haiiA nt ateiegraph pole, and a painter 'wan at work n't the top 'oft the pole." A: bucket Injuring dAntni l V 016 FLAG FOR BEST DISTRICT IH)RTLAKD WOMAJi on'tW HAN- NHK TO HK AWAROeiO ON MKIU ITS HV CUVNT1THCMOOL tKJPKR 1NTKN1MBVT In addition to an nuto load ot en thusiastic boosters, Editor Phil Bates of the Paclio Northwest brought with him from. Portland an American nag, atx by nine feet In. aloe, which will eventually become tho property ot some Klamath county achool. The nag wan aent by Mrs. O. 0. Chapman, wife of the Portland .Com mercial Club) president, who has often visited here. ThlntUto be presented to the achool making the heat show lag, this point to, decided by Coun ty ncnooi nuperintenoenv. retersou. PHONE TRUST IS DEFENDANT QOynWNMENV AGENTS COo. MWfCIB ACTION IIWH laMlmV. MAN ANTI-TfUJiT ACT AF- " FiscmnwNowrawsasT ', Unlted'PreasnWloe PORTLAKD. July 14 The govern menC today 'Med n 'sntt' ageinat the leieuaone woo ana w sueowwrie w Oregon, WajAloigton'lehoand Mon- laua. Tnoiraotne 'iwiepnene nnn wi- r -eM ' BmanSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSV? kaaaaaam- 'ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggtsl gtegXeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaam -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaal' 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaam aaaaaaaaaaaam1 BBBSBSBSBSBSanBBBBanBBBSBSBSBSBr- sansansansansw . ' sssssstamsssssssssssssanF' ., aaaaaaaamS V' ' aaaaaw, : ' s , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. f - VmanssBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs ggggggggggsVPIfansBBBBBann 'BsamansBBBBBBanV. , .. maaawuaaaa mkaaaaa aaaaLtmmiaaam. AaansBBBBBBBBBBBsW . nononmnmWV1 Vogggtl .sftOTsjggggggggggggggggggw k k. . ''mag aam 'fwaaaaaaaat -Zgr 'mansBBBBBBsS' ''" 'ssansansansansansansansansl ' sansansansansansansansansnV lansansansansansansansansansansa I 1 , . v , ("01 'V '''"-' . lf'''l umt i. u t?. i'At,'''Yj. HtlERTAtl ..i -rim TMH'? v:t t 't? OTFKIsU 'v- , f X Jti v .ft s - 1 ".''. ife A daiitnsWiiollssl to ' .TO riil. .. v"'! snoWsasTHal .IsaWggggoY ' MlWgmV. IJWA i ( --HK-' Hw sassskSkd(Bk- -i;jv ,'i.j-.. jJZ.'. jZffi. Wst i .!' m . "l I ("!'" ' j. T QPetriinrwtnl Ms asm - ironed (o Ms if'n.t4 reee.aWvlei r WAsMUNOVoirnV O, M M- H WisaiiOssl eks ji iissstii nryn) as , -nnsse gg ssjsanesp. ss icteniliissisnisi of MsMsMssMl gsmansmnsanl W "i? hi -J iti v EMILT KRA1L QERTRUDE BARNUM , 1 y Miss Gertrude Barnum, daughter .The labor leaders, ah seid lmpooawle 'toyeeoArel and boys, Mkf Lohtn. and no' violence resetted from (he strike, UnU 't-wno loot-. . .vviiCj - After Uat, she went threiOM preaching a heyeett of these, smana- fectnren. taking Mies JCrall, .who had previously developed Into n-lret etnas labor orator. They traveled tare many cities, she said, followed by Lubln. Later Lubln waa placed on) PsggggggS 'yll'lilnJdsBr Inggggggggl Ittg awraat Jasgt enfJssJssav ' ' sMMll UZ CnwTfsns ,': thea4MfoBBeffJIjbo1nBnl -- - S.m Oik SI I OBfcaataM. tt A , foemd K elm isirtusm Iiwisji oMgs ssMtssMolmnfl AggMfisJBfe-eL , COPPER MINERS DISARM COPPERS Donald. Worded w home from ton Francisco, where he, has "been vleet lag frlende. ,," ..' '" , "'. ', r-"" '"! t P. A. Jerome of Dairy.. waa n, Wed nesday visitor w the eonnty seat. ' Emll Egeri la, hero from Yonna Valley. 'anMami MS SMKe fsryw wM' whof'lnfirmaHaa igsr h at FoWomdnnT issnt, Cho laotgsa tTI hooMVwiU We'oossssHsssl igej rotaMmT'saoj.' t t The preeHent i nnlees all hopeajts psrsoods Hworhn nnsl n to unitov i & A : trial la Cleveland, and breaking down Csrraaaa" slsm'snte the admitted he was employed to brigandage nnd re Wilson hon rooirmid tMthndtw gt "& FAMOUS CALUMKT MICHIOAN afJMNa CAMra ARK IN THE HANDH OF 8TR1K1NQ MINEHD, 8HKRIFF POWKRMBsS - e LAN8INQ, Mich., July 14. Calu met, one ot the greatest, Michigan copper mining town, la In the hand oi n wob oi ovv aroieu niiavrv, v( cording tp deepatehe. Bnslaesa has been "suspended and everybody Is carrying n rile or revolver, Thla afternoon tho mob ot strikers divested fifty denutr sheriffs ot their stars. Many have been Injured In .respondent, versus Ben WfWeott, sec- personal encounters, but there havejrrr . oPPoinnt. tws is aeon no fatalities. a tnv '"'.S ot ,b CMM W,!. con-' The therisl of Houghton county haa atuntioaamy oijne nay dhi w leetee. telegraphed the governor iuat he 8 and. which tbesupreme court haa.'Jue In the hands of 500 striking miners.. Ie' constitutional, reversing the.'O Another mob ot the same else la np-:llo8 r Jd OnBowny, mded ' The opinion la, written uy justice ' ,, ' . -" . V . eongrses toot aatll ho goto t nHo ml ormallow ; be', wnnto on Uso Msslenn emsolaoti (s i He, ears pebti tnamMnet tin fJkaV M4M i uawtae, and be 1mm djullnf - repirta."r' . ' 'T2, It, to understeed than. If sssHlti fl ovorthrowU'RMSjg jifll gHggsnWC ' gPIT tgMVSsml 9lMgJWgggs (BslV V ransa will ptobablr bo g i the regoWw-slilHaoj, , " Ttt Supreme tot Up Oai B; . : v n'.-"'- ,. Special ElectMi on Rstend-n UjkaMafngBgadil'' W W WsJWnmPTswf! fV K ' Measures to be Hen m preaching the, place be Is surrounded, wires the sheriff. Burnett, who holds that, the logUla 1.... j au-.'.i.i.i. .1 mra csuisu BtuiMK wutwa &u vvu- Wnnts Parole United Press Service. ATLANTA, Qa., July J4.-The fed eral) parole board, .which convened bore toaay, is expected vviinin ,e next few 'days to reader a dechUon on the' 'request' audo'nV Julian Haw tiiorn,.o of, the famous AmerUon author, for. a' parole.. Hawthorne' ta serving, a term, of a year nnd a day tor rrauauieni aiocn operauona. , v T Mrs. -A) J, Poplotof MUton.rendfta return of I82.ie from a centennwl cherry tree, which moves iho Eagle to the grim observation'' that v It vllttle Of orge's, father ht owned vtiu,nov lllnllnn dnmA luiA nrnhlhit. Thai 4-----T" .-"( "- -- - I --I I . . . . .. . i . . . . " opinion i,Daeu-upoR, mo principle laid down la the .opinion, hnt "the leclsUture Itself, acting directly. could rave referred to the peojile any i - Ln,.k. 1 ... .j .A.J '-. 2k' Iercetved why.it eld'notlwiu'eqnal propriety annex a. lawful Wdltlontoi, a referendum of, the same Ml order edtbV nethlo.?; , ,L'T3 s .: . -. ;. . u' '.-- ,,ii.u'Beia iaai: ine,aeuaHiiiiiy states the" meaourea'iwnosv )WnehV'sj aetuaVmaUflallaeiaiUnee lighr JVo-sthe,referonHotf;tWol' it wis eompetent .for.'ik'i legtolature'tc provide' tor, the referendum' of Jto.own W- SJrv. w : v": Sj ' " '10' "jr)va .' ' SALEM. July 34. A. C. Ubbey.tly t.o provide lelrleo iuch n eonUngotscT.Vi','- The 'opinion, Wsaii of tno asssi Won tha-'tsje'ssgr, the happening of.n .' v .is SB iy, hoMing.tho.lnw'dMs) ami - MHd. Its going iaeoTetial v ' sr ww . . r ' the election' mas'. tlniency. Thefepialeei to vtontNttx; covering ftllipolnU of .the onon. ggjf sustains tbeMttsfitiiiiosndKy of tjno ur ih.AiiakAui! fgojivi. -- - -- --f. asnnSBBnl 11 W, IW wnggVlo " ' ssnj sejJjppkW TJg U that therelwllt.he nm slioltssi, ne'xt.Niveoibelr,,-f r ' " ' r i. .1 a ' .u .Vi..' fJVMMomtuti Mod hi'ttst 0 stoto.aavhou I ureevinsonf-J hTo I ssayr. NmatbidonilH; , V. -X?i HsiilllillBsi ttt fesnwMeoajsf.il i'o .flU tn . . V MUt ' -.P. oi paiav areppen upon nven. egmpai' eomgony. K ateajee, ' iiwaisvf 'M-ee.ueurss"u"sirTr "t sii m rft- ftm'WW,i WWW9 hlaplne. knd'ho asked for ylniie efuViawman aOMr Ued. te bosomo.Vtho father ''of h to vjuw tantloi4e a'.rns,ntooj-Jielyiooo edj iesm6uatlri; to aboUt ?,00l; act. o V V Wft fflv UonKory.'ihnd ho cnt'Jt'dow. -ii' ' to ortse fc.ta.tatnfo mt4onomuenjl ' toM f xi .; v , -. ,v?;: iftyo?s, &... vs, 'V - " ' : , -p "--v. .-AyUv v-; . . . ..vir -jy... ' :v$Maamteldaaamam