Itt ,r BgK " v IP: .daaaBLaaaam v ' i KP aaaaafdaaaaaaaaaaW'' '- lRSJU v WBaMBaaaaaaaaaaaY.. y 4 I: ' JSIBfw X JUQ f; GJHffi H I -, i. , 1 HOUSE -4f . , "i ifo '! M'n t Vi V-' tit- i fn "tf Ms-. XJ w ... 'K OF IK A - -j- "" i r ...' iXmAm mtTmmA "',1 -w a m i . '-IS taut doll hot W UN -v " TH EVENING HERALD W. 0. IMIT& Pebaaked dally eaeaat m4m ay Mm Herald tMleetac Company at Klamath rail. Mltl dearth St. Metered it tk postoRce at Klamath Petit, Oregea, for treaeml'dea thmagh the melle a tetotid-cleet matter, I ' I II I I 1 I Hi I ( l 1 aebtcrtptlori urai by null to ar ed ., drese ) Ik (lalted state: One rnr ...., .91.19 Om month .......... 10 V .. TUKHDAY, JVM Sat, lIS I Ali THEATRE ICVTHBKMT VAMMMMI i-i. -. Daetaag, TaAtag ' two-reel. Drama adopted from .XHilHNnMM. & j iWihk nx-imtr BJflB 6aa"W HBW awerBwBj K& TEMFLI THEATRE & i . r -I i "ibr nirai hwibt." y&A aMlaoBCeaedy That Uvea tm a HanW NtifWNiMtlwil Weather C Date 2m t iti i TS It ti i iill A f , ! il 5...1: 8T 6.... St s . . . le... fwlafy MK.IIta.WMUr ,7 4 Ctetr MANY WANT TO VALUE RAILROADS hKVjiHAti MVNtHUm MAKN SV PtlCATION KOR l0ITtON UN mm CIVIL MKRV10K, WHICH PAYS PROM tl,M TO 4,M ) .. .71 11... ! .IT MtltIMttf 19 i W It.... RJ s 49 41 47 59 19 80 61 4 48' 99 9 49 44 59 68 66 41 80 Pt,ci'4r ciMdr CtMT ClMT ClMT cter ClMT new Ctaw Ctoar Cwar ClMT ClMf CUtT Clmr rcrir p d'r P C.V4T ClMT 01, t rr TMaarmHi Drama i ' ."' , 'Magraaa DnuM. MATIKMK MlfcYATIiW rtCTURKW J. 4 . j.1 f ?- t. X if Fwe Upper Lake wf; V v'V r. : i" ivivl. ;". ' -I v M.'- WA-?M ' '! "7 F 'tfl ', j.'ar'v aV ilifl T i ip- j i "$rt ,1 ; A TJ '1 m mm oattr" fl f-Y'i.s n A. r. MUTlTMIIIal . v' r J.w , '.w.,.BflBaa wmmuz. .. ' ' ' .r - T' 'ir fc i t Lf l r SERVICE . COUNTS !,'' - 4 l A 5f U'j'V( yt f. wa atoy4 to, tfca lanaar ,! ttek.aC'IlM atMMMk. ioraaraf,. Mala aa4 Steta atrMte. sr urv -, K Pa aMyaroariarfratli( ImlM. aaa T484aMaflawar IthtoS aaaaaaMa.Oar wrta'.aV Vntti wttJ'aM yaar vaata la (VVvJWVvV A HValv j i y t. TRAWRIiaUUttt. VAJI llfl BlOf. y a WMi, Dt t 8a f -) I 6; -v A8MKJUH ffift i R? tL "."' ' fr ' MOXOPOUHH NO UNORR .N'RCHORARr I N TIIR Mrlr ilar at the Natleaal It Park taa goraraawat fouM acoMtary to (Iti tunalTa !m tor taa traaapertatloa of tear- Ma and for hotel aceoatMoaatioa la taa aark, la oraar ikat aartlaa . IC a lata llaa at aaanaaa waM aa varraatai la ataxias aaMetaat lavaat BMat for taa araaar aeoaiaM4ailoa of taa tMrtota. At taat Uata aaaat of tk Iraaavor. Utlaa aa r ataa.,aa4 It aiaaat.a taraa awaatanat la aoaaaaa, aOck aa ataar aalaaaat to aaa41a taa travat. aa4 K waa caaaMarad aaaai. tkat aaaM arat ll b ur4 ta' taaaa ataklat thaa larga oatlaya aCaaaMaL A Tklata taa aaa of taa aataawMla, mm ararr aaanaaaRjr, kawavar aaMll, aaa Ita aaa ar aMra caraaat. wklrk la araaara to traaaaart aaaaeacan to aa4 fraai aay aatat t lataraat. Tkera la aaw aa awaaa or aumlty fur taa tararaataat ta.pfMlt aar. .ijly la taa ,traaaertatMa of toarlata to tka aatloaal parka. Aar paraoa wko aaalrca to vlalt Crater Lake akoald not aa compelled to depaad oa oaa cempaar for accom-j madatloaa, but akeuld be permitted to tecure fata traatportatloa from wbom eTef ha deelrea aad at tka ekeapaat prlre paalMa. Natleaal , parka, beloajtef to tka atlra paapta of tka UaJtad SUtaa, aaauld be free of aaaaaa aad opaa to eTaryeaa." Taarlata abauki be at .lib erty toakaaaa thalr owa mat bod of trarel aad taalr ewa raate of ea- Vtraaaa. Ualted Praaa aarrlea WA8HINOTON, D. C, July 32. Civil eervlco official today began work on the examination paper of tba aeTeral hundred Americans who took the teeta for Jobs la the woVk of entabllahluf the physical valuation of rallroada which will be undertaken shortly by the Interstate commerce commlaaioa. The testa were held In almost all tha atata capital. It will be several weeka before tke lucky oaea wilt receive notlneatlon that they 'hare paaaed aad will be appointed. Some of tha positions to be tiled are Junior aad minor posi tions Bt architect, mechanical engin eer, raHway signal eaglaeer aad etruetarai eaglaeer, with pay from 91.096 to 91.669 yearly) almltar grades of civil eaglaeer, taspeeter at car equlpmeat, laapeeter af motive power, senior laapectora of motive power, atmctural eaglaeera and the like, with pay from 91.606 to 93.600: Drat grade eaglaeera, from 99,000 to 94.666. Aa enormous force of employee III be necessary for the gigantic task of fUlag the physical valuation of the nation's rallroada. Tha ap pointments, while designated aa tem porary, will probably coattaue for a year or mere. BIGGER BUNDLE; CAST OFF SHIPS SMALLER RATES1 FOR JSPITALS TMH lIU;KI.8 ItlMT LIMIT IH TOy;l1AIA"S NAVY, IN CAMK OF UNI HH TWKNTY POUNIIHRATK TO HK CUT HALK A CKNT A POUMI A t'O CUT It VKHHAIi DIHAIIMAMK.NT, UK UMKD TO CARU rtlll TltHKH CUI.AR CHII.IIRKN .'. '.1 1' l-Ui DmmgaB. Saddle K i aitaaaasaa,!' ssssmad aseaytiaBi la eensmef aaVmsJ4trtM4'' ' ' 'lfjOaV4aW yrttetrr ANUKOU. mnwj ufwj.vf., "j , . .. Mi v- WMMmw ri i taWNCtl. DRIVES AUTO : FROM YAKIMA AN INDIAN mUMCK orVrCUL L MAKm TaUC'TRIP WITH aVUT ONE aUOW-OUT-AYH HOAkMi ARK GOOD NOW Prom North Yakima, Waah., to Klamath PalU, a distance of 4 S6 miles, la three days' time, with but oaa tire Mow-oat, la the reeord e-' Ubllshed by U. M. Holt of the Uaitad States ladiaa aervlee, waa la hare with kle faaliy. Holt la la charge of tke reclamation work of the Indian eenrlee la the Pa cific coast district. Ha la hare In con nection twlth tba work'oa the Modoc Point project. 'The .only' trouble I had oa tka road waa one Wow-eat." "aald Mr. Holt. ''The rone .wire aH la pritty goonaaape, gH taroaga wita ao Ulfkulty.;' ., , ( ' mm m w m m 'Oantlaaed rrem Paae t aiasasawaaaswasaswasaaa. WAsnlN-nrnN n. n.. Jniv xi ! nOMIJ, July S3. lly nn order far- t... u 1 1 . ... LkiJiuMly announced today by the mind- , , , Her ot marine, Italy solvea the proU- the first aad second lanes, nml clll of w,at to do wltlMllscarde.l bat crensea In tho maslraum weight of tlcsliliw, nml Mao poaslbly what to do parcels and substitution of a now rale jalth the entire nnvy, should world chart for tha complicated present map was ordered by Postmaster flen eral Burleaoa today to take effect on August Kth. THe rate of postago In tho first son wide disarmament over come. As fust aa tho warships become too null quuied for modern naval use, tliry will hereafter be gtvon lo the national society for the care of Tubercular Is reduced from 6 cent for the flrat ,U,"''rcn M'" """ u "' pound and I cent for each additional Thf Tf ,,,,!.n', lo r!Bl,U,e, "r ...d i r. r... r, is. nr.i .u,.,,i Ivcweta Into hoapltals and give them and 1 cent for each additional two IPwrnaaeal oncborage. not only about 1110 coast 01 uaiy, oui on me coast in pound. The maximum weight of pa'reel poet packages Is Increated from 41 to 30 pound, but only la the flrat and,aecond aonea for the pres ent. It this worka out the maxlbub will be mnde 30 pound everywhere, la addition, the Insurance rate. originally 10 cents, wll be reduced to whatever part of the world Italian lolnnlt are tn be found. Other will be used a cruising hosplt.iN fot thoso ot tho Invalids who need such treatment. The action today of the Italian gov ernment In giving Ita consent is the le n . fttAtaaene.fltfc fln lhal dalial I 6 cent on parcel up to the value ot'"u" " "''",. .7 . "" .."N UDHUtl m mv mumiHiwiwi vvwpj..-. 93S, In announcing the proposed change H waa stated that the post master general expects the parcel pott system to show substantial surplus earnings nt the closo of the present fiscal year. U. CITY PROPERTY If yoa are leokbag for a house, lot or tarome bailaaaa property. It will he to year Interest to sea me Have a very good bay hi Mala street Momse property, few good hooaea at lew prkee, aad ansae cheap Iota ! the aew rtMsrt heaee. CNILCOTL New lacaMoa. agg Mala Be. PSatwM veaBe ot hygiene held at Rome last year. tiTTS Ita Talk Ptaao at POLK'S"atcr OREGON and WASMlirOTo Business Directory A Dtrvclarr of Mch CUT, Town nnJ VlilM. a1U dMcrlptlr kUh ot b loc. localMB. population, !! raoh. ihlpplnv a4 kwiklna rlli Im CtJIIW4 Dlntiiy, cvmll! br tiulM and profMdoa. t. roue a Co. aaAtTLK C6g?jrjr; GOOD UUfD la alwaifs UMaMaaaeacia.ta) aad. Paar load tavdear,at aaypfsco. Usumlrjl am kBwaMlVUaf aaaaf aaskasjljsajafa, A s"paawa"aw say ssswsaBsBfgfBasBj ojava BjWAjjwaWfaaassj "waaaelf awasveaj aawayaaawa1 . saywa1 BSPvaaasaaaaaaaFOat fw yoa the coaatay Rrtag foaaliUr, wMb the TfiirrirHJ aaaaaa aad' kaeiac fartl Ktea fur'shnwaaa; tha laaV I am la a Htir Ittaalaai tdaT laaaa tt. Ptiaaao . 4t 'i .- H""t 'V -rh ' i . . r it ,tV, 1 - r tbiongh Manlko and Prlaevllle to Harrtmaa Lodge, and Klamath Pall, where we took la tke Rodeo. It waa a good eaew, too. "Tbea wo weat ap to Crater Uake, bucked the eaew where aereaaary, aad weat 'to wltkln 660 feet of tke rim. We had to detoar somewhat to avoid aaow baaks, bat ear car took everythhac la geed ahape. The weath er waa Ideal, eoel, assaiesa to say, and we didn't knew there was aucb a thing aa heat uatll we got to Port laad. Soata, after croaslag Descbutea eaayea, south, downjtkreiigk the yel low plnea, the aeeaery'la ope-:lally delightful, and the read are good. Prom the lake we went over to Hert ford oa good roada, and also found good read out of Qraata Pose. I weald advke anyone cnatem- ptatlng tke trip to Crater Lake to go about tkla time of tke year, later oa tke roada will be more cut up, and trouble asay be encountered. I weald advlae, also, that for tho brat taptae machine be shlppel to The Dalle. It will prove more eco nomical, for It will mean a savin la tire. There are a aumber of Calif or- ala people at Harrlmaa Lodite, aad there would be many more were It nof for, the general fear of the road. We were treated splendidly la Crater Lake Park, aad found everything la good shape. "Crater Lake appeala to me, and to other with whom 1 have Ulked, la a peculiar way. Ita attractions are fas cinatingly 'epooky,' so to say, and Ita true graaaeur eaa be realised aad ap preciated only by beiag eea." Several ether partlea of Portland people have made or are making the trip this aeaaoB via the autoatobible rout. $, tor M CeaU United Praaa Senrlea MBLriOURNR. July 13 A nalat- Ing which believed (o be a Ruben, worth at least 9100,000, haa been purchased at aa auctloa for 96 cent. A Brunswick (West Australia) auc tioneer at tbl price, aad ; sold It a few weeka later to Dr. Oaaa. Summer of "Perth (Weat Australia i for 1260. The doctor la convinced that It la a geaulae Rubeaa. He JeR today for JCaglaad with, bla prlsa'to submit It to' the prealdeat of the Lea- doa Royal Aeademy aad other ex pert. , ...Jiiikii- ,i.h.i-f.. ii. wmmmmm aaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaraaaat aaaaawjCJWaaT aaaaaaaaf 1 v . BWuBHBBfi aVpflPflL 1 mbT im T(5'w eBawa NCK I WASHINGTON'S TIME when plumbing was unknown) when wnlur hud to bu turtud or carried I , from some roiitnil spot In tho town; wlum (here wuro no Newer, no gas, , ' no litttlirooins, no uniiltntlon mill the nlimiio of mnny tllmm.-jH Aren't you , uii.d tlmt Miu'ro living now, when von urn liavu modem nnultnry plunil)' 'f IiikT Let (1 realty do your plumbing Wilt, tntl ll l lm I'trfocl. GRlLLKV I' linn 4. 'unit! Alt, President I.'. M. llnbli, Vlir-l'rr. and Trea. lint K. Wlllmiw. Mecretary t Survcyorti and Irrkjotioo Cnaiiiccrs KLA.V1AfH COUNTY ABSlftACTCO A B S ! R A C I I N 0 M.imi, Plans, Hlueprlnla, Ktc. KLAMATH. PAI.IJt, OllrXiON 1 Klamath Falls Music House II. MAIMKN, Proprietor 7IW Mala Ht. Phono 1IM i:i'r)thliiK In Mulc aad la ill miiii-iiIk. .Ilest of HtrMga. llii, MDI.NO PIANOM AND OUOAN'M at Moderate Price JI..I l.'y Term. IKIOKK, HTATIONKHY, TYPK- VVIIITIvlW, PIUTUIlrM AND AUT fKMIDH MIMIKIt AND WIIITK HKW I Ml MACIIIM-i PIANO TUNINO VICTOII, COLUMHIA AND KDIHON PHONOOIIAPIIH HKCOKDH I CONKLIN'S GLOVES Cut Bower t No, 3 Weat Mala at, , iV O O JD. I eWMaat f 1 t lt VwftWmM I9VBawaf i e dVIMeE rTafl t f f ( t aPBaUaW l asaBaW8a ww HajaBaaaaaaaB awjaaaMga a) 6RBFf9"er "S OtawM )kM a f tie 9aUabfJV xi i1 wsaaW aw aawwi BjaaxftTaavl . KLAMATH PUML OO.J " C4eeaWMaaa. O. mr . ll. ll g ., I IIM II II I MH KHSI IN I v. fattataaMsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV II " " ' "" n III! II Revised downward automo- I ll bile Utrifis-by the economical 1 ' I T?-A 11 nmhnra nf fnn. I ruiu. many vw m w .- in I greas now own Ford cars-- I III purcnasea. not ro mucii m- I M cause of its aurorisingly low IS iirst cost, as because of its M I wonderfully low cost of main CMS I tenance and its simplicity. IaaaWaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaWaaS eeoeoaeeoaeeeeeooaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- I u''iPla'SwaK J 4, i t I t4 fiiib-naiiiofi-! 1,1'Mian.e. V .owe Mr1e - i mwmmmmaaatmm BBaaaasaaaaaaaafTfff , IE ITI.. 1 1 1 l ll ID : i ; z III 1 III Uaiw.M4roieaAaw' 'it Bnayfaa7BTBrarBOBrB W 1 r aawa aaai saan aaa aaa aaa a. aw aaaaa. aaa aaa aaa aaa aa aaa aaa aaa ak III 11IYV.31U.WUI : . m n r :: x . . Is worth looking into : : I 1 ' ! avatar w iautv aara , i i ' - - i ' j... . w .ttaf.mft . i i I . i ur mr. ruuuininui , , , j- ii two tnree-room aouse. f eve oaea Two four-room house, 86E0 'eaeh ! I i , liullt on large loU, clot to Palleaa ! , I ' ' 'Bay Mill ;;J ilfJNTKD ALL TMK YKAR ROUND . aMal Caaa Payaaeat -.-. MT) "".. 'Wmmftm i i I fi W(WW l. vt II I I ' Keriaf Til Kiimsth OmlMilil Co.- -. ' VbVb laaal Mate 6Met ',',;', - ',', M I t amaVaaReaBBHa-liaraVwJRw VTaW saaWawjavsr . . tstaaaaBaBaaaaaaafaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw ' Bwaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaawa ii ' ' 'it " ' ! ! ' ' lilt V ' ' THE WORLD 1: ARB THIi exclusive a- Kent for the celebrated CONKLIN'S OLOVES. There rc none'"Just a good". Why not get the best? We will row free of charge all Klovea bought of us that rip. BRADLEY HARNESS COn PAN Y V HE ALWAYS i HAS MONEY 1 Who baa aa account with the Plrat Trust and Bavlaga ak, , Tho first deposit la an Induce- Mont In make more. Thu the account keep growing, later out nt 4 per cent keep adding to It nil tho time, If you have not Hindu tho flrat deposit, you will do a ell lo make It bow. Then you will have lonietblng to draw on In cue of seed. l First Trust and Savings Bank Klimith Falli, Oregon J- r. iJjlV eea4 6e64 v ' ' ki v f FHOMPT 3CRVICi:'REAUONAfeil. PRICCS- w i 'fty.-wm Minimi M- v i i .. W. O. SMITH PRINTING f Si l ' a . r ' ; ,;r n.' V . Al t' v. 'y.' i N V S'M Hi ? . 1 1 'i o. ?aS.Wmat: FOURTH SfreW't 'if , J9ifJ9999M9l9999lttttttftTTfffftfrTrrffTt1fTff 6w?ea4.K"J )w66666664 t. JT r . "fc i t. ' WA V , Sj-1 h Xfa i. a,-a 0."' h M.' rxi"" M fM u J J (( i 'J&t, it i v'f