', J. jfff'w,wTt f . . Wwfl'i ,''': t,Tfi '!&' "JU ii,T , " (i. . -jjwm i4Vfi$i ' ; . k. !" OPPICIAI. NKWeWJnm ' , POR OITV OP KLAMATH PALM Oft e ftiemna Befall. '-' .j43 &-, .i5., ' .A'." ,'V,,I ".', - - - m&wji v : 21EES5H lOT ' V. ,tfr' , Rcvmtli Veer jr0, 11,1 M .''i.V'. KLAMATH PAfcUL ' !- - 4 i'VmOAY, JULY M, 1919 .; ,?jaw,afca (155,000 NOW TELEGRAPH CO. AVAILABLE ON ( IS DEFENDANT MODOC PROJECT ?'' ' (JKOIWH ItKKD, MTHl'CK HV A PAINT IIUCKKT, IM HS, THI. WKHTKR.V I'MOV COJI1MNY AimiTIOXAIi MOMKV VWX I.VVKH. ,.... TIUATIU.NH ! - - , IkamiiKPH nmountlnr to nl'cut $3,- iuii. . . ... . 000rt atked for by OcorKo lled, lll Atm,-.l .Wll rr Mu.l.M l'..int wh0M iull ,-,,,. ih; WMtern un,0B imillua l'rujt( Aiiiinmrininl. Ti1i)rpli tomiHiny comiutncod to- OMrtala Will lv-)Ht Hvvpntl -i. - .. ... ,--. -,. -.-, iMiwr iuvmhimion HvlM-iHc mi llitt .iirrd. and llio inloRraph tompauy la li4wrrallN, InrltHllmi Itomtajcr ami Irrlaallirii i.f KUmalli Marali UUy In thn Circuit Court. W, II, A. RBBr aad J. C Itutaale apiiaar for -A The (nil amount nrtiary for thn ronttrurtlun of (ho Moduc Point Irrl Ki I Ion projtct on thu Klamath Indian llMervatlnn kt now nvalUl.l?. Con KDt haa made an appropriation of KS.000 for tlio work, and tula -ram available thn drat or (hit month. In addition to tliU Unt npproprlav lion, IRO.OUO hai own t nulde for thn work, thn total nt ll.'.J.fOO iKtiivd It now avallatilv. Ho far $ JO,- '00 haa btvn -entlec on tho work. Hraldvi thn moimjr for tho Modoc Point project, 15,000 waa appropriate vii for looking Into other project on thn Klamath Indian reservation. ThU Inveitliallon, according to DUtrlct Kaglneer lfc M. Holt and Project !: Klnenr II. II. Illurki or the reclama lion l.rnnch of thn Indian ervlc, will hoon b itarted. Ono of tho nrxt project poulbllltlen to be luventlgatnd will bo the Klam. nth nianli reclamatloii and Irrigation uheme. Thn dralnagn or thla marnh, It I cMlmatcd, will pUrn 80,000 acrca or additional farm hind nt the dl pmal of thn Indiana. Othnm to bo considered am the Yalimx lonnlry Irrlaatloii and the drulnngn of thn Agency marsh. Thn Modoc Point extension will also cunui In for Mimv attention. Thla eslemtlun would water approilmatelr JJ.Orf acies on thn wwt sldn or WIHIanirton Klver, thn water to bo carried across thn strcan la a flume, FLYING SPD WILL ARRIVE HERE TONIGHT IKMWTKIt't T(l HK TI:MKIIKII A IUNVUKT PiiHy In ToiiiIhk t Villi aI Orrgoit In IIm Iiilerrnta.wf llir Cmtral Oregon DtrvdopHifat 1-iiKUe t'oNgraaa In' lln ILilil Km SrxL M..-4 J-. ' iMKVill lm II.I.I at MciHIl TMMor ,AriAMMKi Maajr (Jolag. rttMT .ftrnKNttf Many Oflt-C The "Klylug Hquadron" which la oa TERR8IREIGNS IN MEXICO; ALL OPPOSE ALIENS Three Presidents of Great Railroads IMrTH AHM1KH MUKDKR AXD nuxAOr: jKHtrla aad Kn1ara-s Re-urt to Mas. ( wliackbm Meth-U, Hny CeaMnv Ual IHaaatefc- Kccaewd at W - tngtonJMaaitoa 'la Haid to W Maw Uravatar yoralfiia' Nafatr Thaa Dafa AHar Madara Vafaat ' l rtpreaciited by Htono Oaln. Heed, according to his complaint, waa struck on thn back by a bucket of paint, dropped from, the Western Union poln at Herenth b treat and Klamath avenue, by an e tha company, The Incident occurred Irnl January, and Read alleges that ha was permanently Injured. inn jury is compoaea or nnnry "", " T,. "''"". Z 7VL . hey wera la tha ckaatfc ""- w".. . ". " H"-i:::::::rrj .r"r:,:.:i-wi wowim tK..rthtv t.. anker, W. T. Klllott, K. B. Heaborn. R.P-' " """ " ' ""- """ " Ataderti regime, y fiK II. Illintlnll. It. K. Jimitn, J. II. Ilerry. " "" ".". ... . i Hands of rebben ar. tuau(..rl . . ...... ..... I Tlin 'ITlvllii Miiimf" la nm..M.l if I " -.-...- main, iiaipn noaa ana j. w. '- "- - tmployn of a ,0,lr "f '''"',cr" Oregon In the later-. C( t occiirrMt lc'' of ll, 0,t antral Oregon Unval-L, n.......l ..u.n m..uIIH. IH ll.u.IL Palls i Augurt, will alv. fra. -i!'"!'!"' ?Z? u "?" nans this evening. lt.pre.UUva. ' "? " " '" "' "?!: Ualtad Prasa larvlaa WASHINQTON. D. C. Jalr SI ea4aatlal tefar-aUaa raaatvaa by govarameat ailclala kern ladleataa P, I fountain. Lindsay. lou of Kama United Preaa Service DKNVKR, July 3!. On ncouat of thn threatened deficit In thn clty'a finances, three license ordinances wont Into effect hern today. They provide annual taxes upon dealers la ninnt, buck-tern and peddlera and dealers In cigarettes. Thn present tax on cigarettes Is f B0 a year. It prob ably will be raised to 1300. from 175,000 to 1100,000 Is expected from these new taxaa. Puetmaaler Coavea COI.UMDU8, lnd July S3. The postmasters ol Indiana, whose an- nuul convention opened here today, lll consider the civil service aad pos tal savings bank reforms thla week. Tim convention will bo In seas ton for three days, five hundred tlooeter postmasters are expected to attend to i.l """I'" r-,l... ..J i. .J ....,-. IH.II u n,.t. ,.,,1.11.1... !.. u..m--'" "" r, maw mtv winim n..k,mi. .'h ., a. rfl..u I01"1 rderlni 'people, theiat are who cmM rr.nii. fi. n ni.. HHd of bath rebel aad fedarM - .. ..,.., ... aoldlers. Beth armlaa ahow aa la- man ui me luiiiiitiii vsuuiravriimi J,..,- .,.. it . . . 1 Club; Dm. A. I. Cordley of ,h. .grl- "SiSSSS TTgflSSS cultural department of the Oregon 8UU? HTkr. -.w.; !-,? ArrlrnllMr.l ell.H. Ir.v.ll. .1.. . . -. Making lavaatl- aa s ' m tlrti ! sail aaWw L. Sbmh!.!.. l...M.a dl --w . -fc I " jewiaj.-Ul IM UUUVlfJ sonlce: R. II. Crosier, general paaa- .i- w ' tPtMlk44, representing the O.-W. RAN. Inh'""!"" "S2!?, SSlS5 addition, It Is expected that persona' , lfc ,. ,. 2,TT '.vTLrTiT from towns visited en route will Jola . "'" .TT7 . .JlI " v. Z T ..--.- - -... .,.j , n n I, i aad leave the rhaU Jaettoaa to dgta'kl out. It ks opaaky ihaalk that. oMcbxRy, Iluerta la saaklai 'a' geaeral uadar klandlag wHhMfMQ so tha Mikado will aid him agalaat.'Amerlcaa later- ventloa. nh;ifv' the arty. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock about thirty automobile loada will leave tho Hotel Hall far a trip through tho Klamath llasla to Merrill and Maln. A meeting. wlH be held at Merrill, and the party returns bare early hvthe evening. A banquet aad reception will be given at tho White! Pelican hotel In th evening. Auout thirty automobile MhwH? KnHW United Prasa Service. ANNAPOI.IH. Md., July 33. The battleship Illinois, with the third class or the naval academy on board, Is dun hern today after the most ex tensive cruise ever made by any other class of middles. Leaving here In Juno, tha Illinois baa visited Ant werp, Dlgo, Cadis, Gibraltar and tho Madeira Islands, TWO COMMITTEED TO THE ASYLUM 1 i OVKH-IMWMJK.VCK IX LKJW HI . (,'AVMKH MAN TO MARK DfcaV PKRATK ATTKMPTa) AT tUUiV ItlSMTRUCTION . Two men were Monday commltt.eAl to tha Insane asylum, ami are being held at' the county Jail pending Mm arrival of asylum attendantn Onn at: thtise, John Walters, Is 70 years old, and haa been at the Inllrmary fop., some time, I Allen M. CHthers, the other man. I wna feund, between Ohllojuln anflMirvatlon. They were united In mar- I R. C. KItHr l mrormr. Uf . r r . ... m.-r.m,9 ..- owaera'11'1 moraiac for PortUad, where' ke Ihave promised to take their cars oalwi' attend to business mattan. the trip tomorrow and tho committee I Is desirous of having aa many ma-J to Merrill. NoHh Mlea Walker Huya tVr Liko Walker, who haa been associated with D, M. McLemore In buying and, handling rattle la California, la an route to Klamath Palis with a powerful new Oakland automobile, lln Is expected to arrive here thla evening or tomor row. A marriage license waa teaued to day to Joseph Jackson and Lou Wll- aon. uoth are from the Klamath' res- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. North, William C, North and Miss Ituth Nllea were united In marriage last evening, The, ceremony waa per formed by tlev. Qeorgo II.. Feeeo. Both or thn contracting parties are well known here, where they have spent the greater part or their Uvea. DOE BOYS ARE ALL II PRISON fort Klamath, attempting to heat out his brains with a rock, lie waa suf fering from alcoholic excesses, and prior to that had driven a aall Into bis aide. Mrs, C. V. KIMicr has goa to Part land to visit friends, 1 1 ago thla afternoon by Justice E. W. Clowen. flo Oimptng. Mr. and Mrs. W, T. ft hive and ramlly have gone to Spring O reek for an outing. Mlsa Pern lloag- U nd waa also In the party. They will mi geae several daya. -rrr --- - r , Eureka Convention Conflicts With Local Dates, Despite Promise Made .i , Oraat disappointment Is felt among the Mewbera of the Chamber er Com , ' merae aad other publla bodies of Klamatk , Palle, oyer .tha announce- , moat of tha dates set' for the Kurttku .icoiirfreBri?by'ths Humboldt (ilium. br of Commeree. Aoeardlaa.to th wiiuuiara anat eat tnia ; meeting la 'to . hW tjif aame tlwe of the Cea- , tra Oregon Deyelonm.at ; lmuu mnetlng In KUmath Kails, August II rhe KUmath PalU datea ware set r, earljf In, tho spring, and at'thaJreeeaA l : f:?i't Yw" ito;BraeiW H '? wa(aude that tha ;praaiia Rareka' aaaatUi 'fV vvj wiiuld ba held about Auguat 18th. so ni. not to coallet with, the maetlac in Kliivmath Palls. Many KUntata Palla puo ate were coatemplatlag the trip to Kurvkn, and Judge Werdea kaa beeo ptacM on the program, but It wlH be linpi Mslble for anyt Klamath PaUa pea po t u attend, on uccouat of the, meet Ing i Were. , "'' ' , ti Is possible that the Kureka meet-. Ihg alii preyent some Portland par tita 1 awilng to Klamath, aa'ak exetir- alon" kas been planned by boat to aiure aa, anu tno goyerniiraoi ureajaa, Waal Haigton; and California, peek al to.be present. ., ," ML' v.!h V'k V 'c ' s 'r. are ex- Mr. and Mrs. Prank Davis, who have benu visiting Mrs.. M, M. Straw, have gone to Port Klamath, Mr. Davis1 will aaalst the Straw brotbera In taking care of the Weed cattle. SELLS CATTLE AT GAZELLE, CALIF. LOCAIj HTOCKMAN .DMIHMIM OF a aa1gegeBak JaflaggaaW Mm$mmaa larawa' ' 's . atHraaBasam WJm&f ! i ..saalBBBaRaBBm WyWIl -v.". WBBBBBBBBBBBa WLWwSKam iVRw' Bv- ! iBggBBLLLLB l'V ' 5, ' Jmwmtmw aaBBBBBBBBW ''aMm9F JVaaw tt imia-,& FMaaw-.aM si dgggflaKLH 1 . aLWT j-Wam (-LgH iKyjBJBBBBI BaBnUJK . ,- -v-i 1 3HRI . wmamJSkL. 2,iMmk JBBBBBHrfRrf K A( iaWjlaBBH MhAMIH ' iiiiiiBBBBr'la!BBiiiBIBBBW yKI .dgagagagagagaHr' 'TTOttP I mLmttjiew-MaL-am kLW .'''' tltfmaam B-aBRBBn' .'i. -.- ONBgagK 1 1 H' . a.v mBktm - -Wa " :mkWm' I I JKYjUeJBBBBBBBj' I I BBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBl I RaSK:. ggggBBiiiiW .I- WkBmsgBBVgBBVgflBW l WAHgafafafafafafafafaf .SbI mSkWVaaawt M , . CONGRESSMAN SEEKS ISlEWENiiei WITHIN THIRTY DAYS TO THAT EFFECT BEFORE COHfiRfSl RESOLUTION --- 1 IV- .' 'iv r 'uiW' reiin Tho pilgrims will arrive; hire on Aug ust 2tb. , Early oa the, day fellow aj the ar rival bf. the Shrlairs, they wlH be taken to potats oa the lippr Lake In a chartered steamer, aad wIM stoa far. ilnach at MaarriaM Ledge. Uaea their ; beheld. - " ;V inovicea wtlt ba taken across the bani-.pv- ' "i'l.'M i. '' L , i-e j ; -" 'V '"': f . 1 kBBl I. BJBJBJBmBB their return a spectacular parade Hi 'I4 '' ?J:VlaV.1Mn vV 'fl ".; .. ' 1' 1- . AiaaawyrayB'BBBii'ienBar hb'iuiv naaajMraa j "r Tr,-T.'rr" t ' . ir. 'j. t, . i.-i. i ij... .-.. .i. iBeT.aaaaB;ay ua .Tieniaa; .vunweu y tf S. " . . .. -. -is .' 1.. -i ..a -2'-- , expectea taai iuw vieiwrs win per- 'tklpate la taJa meetiag. ' ' . . ' i r The faUowlac day; will be Ukea ad- vaaiasje ei ay aaaay ot 'iae narnwra ho vlelt Crater faki. rttritteae'wha n jifq aot go to. the lake tbe.leeat. aeai; Ihtn, araatraailac''' to.'UAe'taeai' through tk.fertlto'lBerrHl Vailef, to' shew taWegeali'ef irrkaattoa.j,; , I 1. i BMeoe thr nt kal uar Vl Umu kiwi haa.''',; C ". wv.Bjw. ... ..wwww.. --. '. -.. lmnrklmm at nal iaanti na Ika aaa.!"!'; L. " .T'r-- "IZZZl TZ':;Aeamwl I .' ..... IMB, .. .K.B . . , " .. ,, - . ". - - fj w -JM m.4' li. . the flrst of .aeat ,week expect 1 to pat .'rtJJTTvT. ' Lake. Tha eaa.Me waa built .hir- Mr: f-"'1 '"!' lM't Heaae.aa waeverythlag alaa aswiftV'' Hi"' lYia ' - aa-aaaaaaafaf-r TU -- --".w. ' eaglae hi' kouaed la, Jiart' aa tkey aaa la aatbMMlee,;HI a varylMMr apaearaaee' to, Of raft. The tm MMf Knajaj PPBiBBf aBKaaMBrflni aMaasaaaaaaaaaaakaaka ' X' " '.rUHMnB i;nMe4:rre-aRsra " 'fl 'jl nMHMiailW Bib taftafl al a-a-atatatatK faaOaH OMIftaaBBi BgfJkBT ; JMBgdjMiy HaBBaHBafi . tt . . .11 . . z :TrTK aai fiwia-Aurafavm tiv v-aW-veebMaWe'aeHiapii'U sum Ammttmrn' MaMMMBB to MMmim - - ..- - v ww nBBa" Vf ,! proela.laa- :t; is tweatr feet aad ate haaaea la Isaglh wttki :' with a fear. feet,toB'tMel. a arteea. Nata-aatfaV aM ( 1 -. 1 MM m aFa-aiaV-a kHjT nf a4flMVttMl geiwtairMttllML jaaaallBafeea to aBliBg aaamju . sarsEesa . v irTtl- kmmmZmmmCl . THE'WSHP ; 4 lillllTA JmJgsBaaal Mil . humio. eaty aCjjnr P(I " a fareegaa i-i ; t RlfiimiJJOCAL PtgOHJC -a. - . rv 'i . .- ; . PKAR TOKKMT' ANi . Taeimilstlaaaaiaeoat V.Am'mmmmm '4k-lto Mm mi l?HllaVij..' ' . ' 1 A"" " mmwmaw3w ni trw Bfijp i r. w .'! j'.'i j ..-:; . ;..V vJ. J ROW .MONT '"OH ,pMAV CHARLHH WALKHR. CtfAMOV WITH AbMAULT AND K. M. HKPPK WITH KILUNO A. MARrJ ARK U.NRKR INbNCTMKNT ' WILLIAM C. BROWN, Prealdeac New York Ceatral SAMUEL REA. ' President-of the .PeanaylvaaJa DANIEL WILLAtfD, Praafdeat Baltimore A Ohio .The three' presideata of the meat tmaortaut railway llaee of the Beat, CIVIC XaiteMiKaMMOBPtr, Under: tha auaaieea Of the Woxeea's Civil Leatrae.' the aualeal paatomtoe. "The, Doll ,3hep." will be prassateg tbt evealac aad temerrawr.rveakia: at Ilouatoa'a lecal pseple..!. -.br Mma.'y: aatoer., ke is fW ay4.i k 97 idlreetlac Ike'reAaeUaa. feeJa aaw. J' - .. F . Ill- ., V T a aoo prtHrrmB.iaa !., prettraat,ii ." i - L.t.. .V..--U...-tt nwaen ar, i((J al m uir ( The curtatoi rlaee atiMtj apa 1 The Identity of the two Joha Dee fndlctmenU by the grand jury became , hnnwa lavat avaalaa arliaa Shariar' iyivi .... -,u.-..- ...... - lOCeatral: rn -jneritm maiaer oc uajaee-,. . -. iili tih.,,i k n.i v.iiav . . u u.n . w..iu.. iivaala. and Daniel Wlllard of the Bal- ,... -.-.. - .. vrt-v Va eaaaaeeaaawe m . llnlk waa ran lvn nrlln. !.. k.a llllwOiW UN! bliia j- r - u it mm 5 r..r .; T MORK THAN OUR pmntm oir oniAAQtmni imMr? ns- "u. .. " ".-- .! v MW KAfftl MMbAb ''j'r't'iW mXBBH .HlftliM .."? fcrBt:1''- ri.i irwEBi ' ."" . ""tBRhSjbI great array of doll of all-.aarai; raa.fPraeaiaa'O biHue. 'paper mid'weod. . ghopkeeper;afteraiB.. MNaHAMTOetM. T. While tt, M the aumkar af glrhi aM ed to death. K la Hveaere,hMt la Ika .wmiamC. Brown of the 'New York jLeeaard aad kUwwtaUat.Claafair Samuel Rea of the Penaayl ft' Ohio, were' among those well, are busily 1 Heppe of, Midland. ".""'" "" -- B-y """"1 who called on President Wilson Mo- inaa mw Bxoruiag. ana enteeea plea-' ., " ., j,,.., ji-,.-- -. .,.( a . a.. 'I, IIBT LU UM.UH V eeew w Vwi 01 not guilty. R' 1 ,-, .... , bi Walker la.chargedwlth aaututorr S u" - --- TTI. .. T.v i.. k. kL. .ii..ii.. .. unuiwaya " "- -r o,d o.kt, cobura,wh,a.Vh.n:..--ri Lir-LT:: hi the rather of bar young clilld. In. t"J" T'Tl ' .r.' . . .il- addltlea to this ekar... Wtk.r waa) ----- - ---- o "Jr :.r.Vf Wtel ""fbeir road, woaid, .be gtt wa wm a .aaaaaaw W KWa lt,. If, Heppe la ekarged wltk akoetlag FII-TKK CARH OP HKKK HTOCK tm"n beloa '" t0 ' IltlMti. thOUvh MAiavkkkMixaa x taa.a mnl, TO KIMtON POLKK COMPANY I.V ,.,.. a -.- u-ai-TZ. nr".k. I.TTIl afloat every ,-, nwriun HIU H IU,WI CALIFORNIA TOWN I). M. McUmore arrived here last night from tiaielle, where he jold nf ttun car loada or cattle to tbe"Kdson Polku company, The shipment con sisted or 38G steers, considered to be a splendid lot or readers, averaging about 1,100 pounds, and 160 cows. The rattle were In good flMb,. con sidering the dry season In the vicinity from which they wera shipped. They will be turned out on the range' at Kdsoa Polke, buyer tor the Cdsoa Polke company, haa been lu Klamath and lko counties lor some tme buy lagffeeders., He waa accowpanlol m Klamath Falls by Mrs, Pqko aud blld. '?MeLemore will remain in thla city for several days, and, will then go. to Canada on axrtort busluess trip, 0; Augai tu ne w u.snip anotner tram before the. graad. Jury. inura br u strike, for the Ceatral and ""iLv.l nnnxulvanla'ara lha tar'aFiWt STB.! Hookiaa. The r"i ' """:' "7. " " w -. vJl Jlii.il -. iitana an .. riiunirv.i aaawiw unuBiia-B iaa- -r .--..,. --- a--. -,7" large city east of the , u kmfulnnl River, aad a strike would 1Lj.j1j ,Im aA,ila1a fraa. which tkav Uaina'a -- I. ... a. -l.... ,tf' " ' - IlecXlSUiira be yaaUrecovi.; , The trial of Walkar haa been aed,! ' ' ,u. ttiwmmmt. lit, u mm him ih jiu In default of 5.000 kaada. -t . jj MHItoRetMUHe ,' ; 'Captain Harry, aallagher at the steamer Caaby, who la aleoauperh.-, tenueat of the' Rig; Baata.' LuBiber eempaay'a West Wda aawm.UU atated taday taatuhe ptaauwlll aemmeaee operatloaa Ike lstof Auiiuet. The mlllilhaa,,kee4 shut down; tor' aeata time o.wlag.to 'leg'ekorta-aa; but wlR be. ruaalag: the remainder jad the, sea- son, s' ( , tl .r. 'Mrs.' Robert 'Joaea. and,. i,r dauah. terB.'kibMeaato,'JawM.aPid 'l liai'.alarV Jones ,af Lafayette. Ia4. . ei aaee ta vtfllt tketfamar.,a.'dauw--a.V(i(a j'J n ii....ku : 'v-u. - '.vi..v' . w. " -, . ' 1. J... ,.. SHRINERS TO SEE i KLAMATH RESORTS V -,i r , -. ..- i; , A NT. MMER TRIP TO HRKUtA UHi)mmtOK.OHm Or TMK PKA. ',TJitWrt6'TllB, COtJlNa. PH- OIUMUa.B i V i M .iL . .1. Ji lUho'aailt is aeveral'wwka until ttoHMrghfc of HlrtaBiWe; A.cUt .laWa VArabWo Order of tka Noble' t if' tha.'MysHo ,llhTlaa., leave. --.l-.lVaa.halr hulrata KlaautW r'WMW;HiW The secoad acrJa the dream of tha opkee.aiw-tok.klaaMecoajw .,- aaa a 1 -'1 ' ' a - . -IbI rrmia rianai a abaglac' aad iaata aaaehl-'K.i the' balk ) V ' '- i, T '-' -' Tke kgpBW ejBBJaBajBBBB, BBaJ aBBB . Maar at' Jared aad'otkara "nm tkailtTtgirlaai belktkg - T-TIW Portland Twrhst am an sadjaL tC".::H tke gtrla weak taM MkfR kaW'M 'BBVaKS y. .'.", :-jM I iii v ijp iii . , w' yi l'JK ., ".."Mtf'ttt it' a'-v'--xx-wj '"""I i .-' i ""': V) iakfi IWffirs Froffl PflOf ""' - Sv i Iz..' --; : -.' Vk Wi-U. ta. .7 7TTT1 ( A- '- ,r;.r V TNfelK tl ' " .. aV 1 L 1VUk1.?-atLaiUai,-TkaMCrah-U aa aaaaakl iailr'aeceealbl,.' roa4s'thatwe.k4;a PORTLAND, July Iir-r, roads to make.more eaa andwftk a little Judklpuaf.ady.ertU- ala ; aeoaW,; Tkef ,vijia1 Ibs to gt Its beauUe ,aadrwendera proves lkljawr.j . '- . a .. . . a-. u.aaraatlaflaalaauTliea.. ut lore ue pu-iic, urawr liv. ! riv iaMatary,.ivaw gon, couio, oe maae tne:a-e.iw v "" iits theeouatryover, Ja the" deelslrm arrived at by 'Dr. Sutferd 4WhRiBg. who haa returaedifr6m:a three,' wtieka' oujomobllej trip and; outing' at the ik ana yiwnuy. . .ijt, wnnjaei ccomimulaaf by I Mni; I .WkUW) i ute1 ot thetrwtlBgw -'DAWkinf aaye, aa:irla;WrfVeV.e m ,-aar A-ar. -.riv .' y 'ittw - v"-: a i.an.aami---h . ;,. ;: ,.ijj, . ,v vi aammaa mt 1 jwyarma .w , iw . ymtn. ntawi i ae ') i.vv,tok. ''. Jarfir.'' ..!' .'KC .K1v5,."i'J...L.-,H.i'W(.''.iftt .( V-.V-U -WUr-f 'j,V.1sW.,iJ.')t ' .w-: - '-mmmm$m ."V'& I '1 . .'" ' itw ,,j, .j, .' ,.v - ,v .-J . . . ' !.' i '. ", " . I . ! .11 .' . i . "' . . ... " ..a... .- .,. ,! ... '.'.. , j , .j.. ,.";(..." .v ' . , ' ,-t.i .uv r l. . '.,W .,.v.r. v v '. . WJALjiiAAgfctoidiai&Ls-k. . ,-' ,v.E'tl . t J. , tkelr trip: a-i -' - . " . i t r -v-vr . jTweatyievek ateakfcWftock la tha'mtfdtaadaaBftaA4kstwesjBV.PrM aadL Coiuae Orovbi aito W nrWkhr ls.ariuaatat'Bier1., -t ..ku . in v4hi7ia-hi-. -ialmd". eaW nr.V'Walttaa.v ffortl IkM'-lMaiMW. H' t V. . , .' v I T. "'.". y!W W"l'" K fe-Vi-ftMhM? ' ' W'V f'-fV rnT-vv lumbla 'Rlvert'gorg 'road t V'TlUi goyB4ea4,tbaa'b' itiea,.-tworV'.iCratorr, Lka making, riada.,: .two liotig,ad ( bullt;rojM!af.tkaB- bakig IS Xiruetien ao-, aaaj oar siag -aa-to w laka yWto.;uto,tkayg-- un,;tlMra wlH ke aread;toarlBdkjit -nveaxaaiw xaa witktm taatw BkRaa tt e aauBM ia 'Hawft laaaiunw M'MpBrHBBBBBBBBX- F fclhRMa-MiaWn xaWaaUSi kfcjWaW.W;' . VH 'to .,fc'aekart.af k Wk; .".' V' ii"'"i'iJf j!.'. V J.-. '.J ' I, a. jLaaja (BJBea mwmttrw TLi v..