Lirft i1 u fa i U ;i ,. Hi m fir t "(:, 4v t t i Hi' . -i , ' Seventh V.r No. 11,1 IH KliAMATM WU, OfteMO. M ffcfaUk. u ' u&wasjQtihuis. jxSWVjiW. &mt . r." .? t -4WV ' M V JC re i r "'J. -"( 4 i.. rt y'&ti, ii naia iiilWW MM .-( iw',t: j v tf-i! ftp-, ,iV 1T ' t . V. . DAY, JULY 81, 11S "v-. , v' . vi- Arant Ousted From Park Siperintendency ByU?$t '1 Marshal Leslie M. Scott; Arant and Parkhurst Mix -. ; i ; , ,, '.V ' Ml c " " BAILE REFUSED STAGE LICENSE TO CRATER LAKE ( AH 18 THIRD TO HKACII THK HIM Ol' THK CHATLU Councilmen Pleased With the TURKS TAKE A , Proposed City Water Supply HAND IN GAME; ALSO.. A CITY That tint Aspen Lake water supply .Engineer Jnck !.:ino nnd Councilman Is wdII worth saving for the city illiq oponloh expressed by I lie tneui i.. .... ..... 1,'Uwemi, Sjiiviaicc iinunewi, lowBMna, (lanllor and Ilutiillton. "rim wniitr I. fiA rolil. and .. of Uiu i-lly rouucll, followln ft. cryikU,.. M,a councllmmn Town jlliolr vlult to llin propoHiiil tnunlclpnl lcll,i tmlu). "Uur vltlt wai Bad miurrn Htturdnr. Tliry nil bttlluva mrKoiy lo loi acnuainiea wun in HKTK WANW KQVA1. roKAix TJ-KMft Wilson Approves Bryan's Plan For a Nicaragua!! Protectorate in. r :k United Vttt Sarrica WASHINGTON, D. C, July 21. President Wllaon approre flacreUrr tlmy ulioiild Inkii U nt onro to navc'tundlltoim tliere. and cvory Meinour ol Alrrtk and HIHm Trtx.M Kmmik 'r,,n lt uiplclon. America In the loni run nun aawiMiraie inav inr la no contemplated occupation of Cea- ,M"' "" '" ' IT t, nilnic. the ouncll la of the opinion that tept Hun lilniik t I'lll (lut niul Him1 to In tint parly woro Major T. V. Nlcli- must t taken nt onro to perpetuate II,. hWr,try ..f lli.i Interior. U :"'ft'' """" J' C- H"ttnlc' 0lty I"1" c"y' c'"n'" Tnlil Tlmt Only thin (iriirral ''' ' A I anoclnlloii. Thin will lie a ntock com- Ill I HI M mm I HII I I kiim uiu iit iwiiiti uu ''"K-nilllllilf Q Nil I i'ny- t Cliiiruiil for Hip Trip AltlmiiKli belnic Informed by Dm i rttar' of l lie Interior Hint a llceiuc l loninmri'lnl nutomobllo trnllta In BONANZA WILL HAVE creamery; Much Intorral wan nmulfeitcd at flu Muutrltii Irt llAiitinvn Hniiirflav. It"'" "-"" " '" " ' wnirn wan nueuucii uy many riiaraain t'nlU M-opte. Kpenchea were made by n number of prominent men on the future of Hint lection for dairying, ri ntur I jtkn National lftrW la obtain-IdlMiAMKATlON IA Tit Hi: OltOA.V. and tint rallrdad to Klamath Palla nblit front tlio dupiirtuivnt of tlio In-1 titlur. John W. Halle, u local uiito-j liiublllat, who I tecklne a permit of! ibU kind, o told Huuday by tfiol iiiatiaxer of Hut Crater ImUb 'omp.iuy tlmt lie cannot provurt u llreiuo of till, kind. He waa re (mod uu itppll-j tliUnii blank wlum ho nak;l for ouu of Ihla typ.. Jtnllo on Hn turd ay, throuKli Attor ney I'li'd Mlllt, liMik up with Vlrc I'lraldrlll .Mnmlinll nod tlir (li)'.irt- Unlted rreM8rrl CONSTANTINOPLE, July Jl. The war offlco baa received Information that the Turka are occupying again !.. aIIw nt ff aits Uitaamai IXKII THW hKK-IMIMUAIM ,.,, .,,,,, wa. 10Wn ,n Ule The city u rken after a d TALK )l (' THK IIKJ l-KA- proponed "lloiiniirii-lnterurban," and iterate remittance by the Bulgarlaa ia IteUle at leaovi, ia Wblrfi Hie HulawUtw An Routed lluth Ibe Anulea Hulfer fearful Loaaea Hal Carta Atradtiaa ad Deatractleai la I'ruUwtedby (rat America by a dealre to aUt Ita protreM." 7 WIIon Hated that the 3nt prime!- Ilryan'a propoied protectorate forlple of the protectorate plar., pending Nicaragua. Thla n axada clear to the newapaper men at today confereawt, "Wblle the power might view the action by the aeaate, eontamnutM obtaining aa option to build a, tm oceaalc canal through Nicaragua. The general acheme coMtltute a broader policy to all the Ceatral Amerlean atatee: tleorge Orlule wa a Saturday vla Itor la the coaaty Mat, eealac la from hi ranch aoatb of tha cHy. Mum Kther Halae friend In Chlloquln. I vlaltlng TtriIKH (IF THK MHim.Nd Tlio llonania Creuntury Auocla- proponed "llonntirii-lnterurban (IcorRU U. Clark, who la at he head of Hie proposition, atate that ha tin collected lufllclent tannage data to In tercut capitalist, nnd he believe the Hon la to be organised In the Pour- road will be atarted a soon aa the Loaf Clover country this week, and , right of way I donated. with the reopening of tlio creamery In 1 - "- that city, farnura will hato still an . Tim trnnspurent blouse tins made other source uf revenue. Tlio !! tho uudcr-budlre neccamlly u Canty tinnta country Is Idenl for dairying, Kirmetit. Itealltlng this manutuctur- troop garrisoned there. Mora than 136 Bulgarian coldlera wero cap tured. ' nnd the herd of cows will soon grow .era havo put Inexpensive law Imder- iiieiit of the lutorlnr thn matter of pro- arK,,r n (lu denisml for cream la bodices on the market., Hieh a slm cinlnK n atngo license. Ills rcuestnit plo wqlst ran be easily oonstructed by United I'rea Barrlea LONDON, July SI. Following the lumnrcd re-occupatlon of Adrlaaople. which ho not been conDrmad, the (lorto sent a formal not to the pow- Date In tho next peace necotlatlona on t To Hie HIIU. Tom O'Cosnell and "Maurice and Dan O'Connell and Loula Brltt started today oa a camping and bunting trip, to be goaef several rreek. They will spend some time la thit roouatala around Crater Lake. PARIS. July SI AaaeuaceBMat wa made today that am annual lltar-j ary. prise of IJOO ha been glvea by Jame llaieu Hyde to be awarded to tha Preach BaeJatr of Letter, the na ture of the work to be preferably his toric, literary. aclMtlac, seetal or ar tistic relating to aa eschaage of Idaaa between Franc aad another country. anlMwj.cianaanf awl tAJBaVan aaaWaa txiual term, with the HaUaa " Runted by a Wteeate laveaUr to fut n blank Kuuilny was In nrrordatice it r mu.r f tiii iiv win m to u. iinmo drrssmnker. usluu nll-orr .... ... - ..-..- .... fl'l cream cone la a cleanly way wllli Information reieU.d from Wash- .,.,. ,,,, w..ok onj organlio Ihu Into flnured not or embroidery. ... ,.'.. .m, .IB(1 COURT HOUSE WORK STARK V ' r IHtmW MTUXK MAMJFACTVRMR AND FOMHMA.V AUC tUOUCTO vvunvL TMitiR oojrntcT WITH THK OOUXTY SeelaM 1 tor an. aad hi "-. 1 (l are: bar to ba- L. M. JBIIIy gin tha sMkbti af Um arttftatal to be ued la taa eaaatraatloa'af taw new eaarlbaaaa. -. ,M Als'lvflvMNl. Pa adjMat aanaTWaTBJ'VV Wa the pro bywhlh arstdMataM la made, aad la a ehemUt' ef aatlaaat fame. ,, , ' mm mm .j STEEL IS II CMIS ;:, Maagsi,iic Oatar laaW Cmaaaaaaaaf' '" ' 'Wm , aaaalg j) II ill I 0t V'f Vtf 3g ' --- i Ctt '. ai iir'aaWtaaftft'r VtH . a aamaaMavvlBBMafaw 'tTsiSSSk ... Xk'ln- ,A- ' - vf sliliaZ fit y wm j rt aFaBmgff aaVfHaBa eVfafPr i liltlfy sweat. Dbma 'aanataar 1aaa eat 'fW Aaad---teaMWlteOay ( KOmf? KsMATaVsllr M fl. Hteal.W FniUad m aa" . 1 t t r t. f. lULtoil. , At present 110 uulontobllci except I those owned by thn Ornlcr like com- pauy and those of llaldwln & (lordon, which nrn opurnttni; by pvrmlt frout IMrkhurst of Hut Crntur l.nko compa ny, nre allowed to carry In pamutUKcrit J that hire tliu rar. Ilulte In m-vkluK to. break this monopoly, 11 ml lias tnkeul the mutter up with tho department. J Tho Crntur Lnko compuuy contends J Hint the exclusive franchise tteliuiRN to j them, to protict their hotuU nnd othorl Interest In tho park. I Yesterday Hallo and hi wlfo, or-1 rnmpBuleil by Fred llremer, lr, and jl'nltud Press Uorvlco Mrs, llremer nnd Oncur llruitnemnn,! tuKIO. Julv St.- ilrnwitn the lake In Hallo' new Case,1 , ..... .. ,. .. Other diplomat scout thl theory. whlc icldenlally, was th third nu- ', ,, , , ' ' ' , ' , , ;Thcy contend that his mission I the, lomobllo to reach tho'lake thl. year llc",or of M,ro' ' eom,K negotiation of a Mecan-Japanee He mndit nppllrntlon for n llconso lo't Tokln I causing much upeculutlon alliance, carry passriiRer. but this wnn rofusod.lln olIHInl circles. Diplomat agree , liuitead he pioctired naousou's llrenno.tlint tho former presliloul ha some t'nlted Pre Service for operating n prlvntn nutomobllo In ulterior motlo. 1.08 AN0K1.K8, July 21. Oeneral1 .1.. . (in... . .. I . t .. ' ..... . - . . .IIM..-A... I.I - t. .... ... .1..a.i..l..r. ITralrlnit nt .I.A f Ail Alll1 ImI ' IHP IIBTK. I IIIH liriMlKIt IH HIUIILMI UY 1 lllTIt 11TO IllllvrVlll luru.. Iiunoivi HVHIIIIIHW U1MIHU vt ..v .vw Hint they needlessly massacred peo- Mr. uad Mr. O. W. Cala bare g tt Seattle, where ,. ibr ... H yNU Irleuds, i , " ' ; Visit ot Porfiro Diaz to Japan is Causing Much Speculation in Diplomatic Circles as to Result village around the jplo and burned ll!ack 8ea. . j , 'nlted Press Service. I ATHIINH, July 21. It was official-, ly reported today that tho Greeks now 'occupy Petxoo, after routing the en- jllro llulgarlnu front. lloth side lost heavily during the engagement. Sweet Wines Fortified With Alchohol or Benzoate Must be - v Imhm fMaal Van. '1 vi w' W. Fraak Anaat at anVkabaatfe aaflaa 4j r.tlasaad "aambm M k laafMa! '-M flinil 9Ma fCaaaasi aafantb?iaVaW aga i w. p- mm-mm rhibhaw aa aba Oaaai aaaBBaahaJIV.-CirSnl iaadHr avtaaaat.' I tfam " - ' j ? awagfaawaaaV smmm.mmmmmm0fv(SR a4 mt MaaaaaBYaatBaBBBBBBBBaBBBVT '.7W .rWaWv-baaatiaag-aW aaM: 'iiai iln bill iggblaaaaairiyi J (Ma. vrttai at aear wmSS. -7 illtlnn, feel safer with Dlat across lllift nrnli. BRANDENBERG 1 abelled to that Effect low Steel waa aa bjr laa mlalatratloa to.Mteeaad Araat aa supermtaadaat of lb park, aa Aaaat was asked ta raaiga. Thl ba rafaaadb to do, upoa taa grovad that ba subfset ti tba atvtt aarrtea. : DENIES FUSS Will (I, Htoel as .uporlnlondtiut. uitardliiK Hut miitlso. Home uro of tho opinion that Dlax It being pollt Ik-Ally exiled In thin manner. by Prcsl -To pat Unt lluorta. it is contenueti Hptflal Hetisloii At)HTIN.TKXAB.Julv21 u law regulating tlio dlriwi election I luerta, In hi present wenkened con- iplrntlon. Of II(mI Htal.S Hnll.llira . Iir.ivlilnil I i i - i . i ' ' for n tho Iniit amendment to the Con-J Hhoe Men Convene ttltutlnntho Texan legislature enn-k PIIII.ADKI.PHIA, July 21 The Yelled In special tension today. Other 'National Rhno and Leather Kinder' IfKltdntlnn which will he asked by .Atmorlallnu, composed of a member- nrmy I expected' here, to conier with Kollx Dim when ho arrive tonight. It Is reported that Trevlno teeka the I'OHTMAHTKR HAVH THKRK IlKLX SO TIJOUHLK HKTWKKX HtMHKLF AND THK I'OSTAL CI.KKK8 Thar b ' aaaa ' i ta aad froai WaabhagtM M 4 raayhy aad Araafbaa rataV aaat aaaatad'ay Wanratarr'Taaa atn iimammmmmm 1 .i. T. t " t $ , -t x Ha aa,ataadfaatlyt rlaai.i iprovisioa or. taa,-par too law, ae- eoaitauoa ta anaa ta taa C. July 81. icoraing to, the eerary iwtn etwciiag laa amiampatw i ki.i. ...'" "8 JiiMM mm. j, . -ca Mwr tacvaa ar .. . -. ... & . . . r. i . 1 T.. xsllnoa a.a. aaaa laa aaaL.SLak tn nB aaaaaaL. , r. .-T' - 4 . . I lllV Hllawdf n aja ana aaaa ai aw aaa ajBaaaja "Ty -t f J" ifortlrted with alcohol or baasoala of jtect ,ho c.nroroU wta grower, who Sunday ValaT Oalaac alaaafT HXS soda, must be labeled to' that affect va bardaaad by tacraaaad mnufac-(hal U4tMot Ipimmg mmt W'aatf . heraafur. 'turlag coat, on account of the provi-ipark. la aaawartba lamtanaaa. aa' United Pre Bert lea, WA8HINQT0N. D. Adulterated .weet wine. ft. . -.11 PtHtaaaata '" "i-f aaVaHal aaaaaaU . 4h rNBm WL -'Vjgli aaaaaaaapa, . sm Thl Information la conUlned la'sloa ot the tariff, Mil regarding tha 'cifdaradAraat't) vaaata tb adaaa. AV ter sent to Congressman Kent otlduty on the form of, f ortlHoatlon utedlke refUMd taAo'ta. aa anal tat af .... a ... I...U W 'l Ik. K.M. mUm ftbA Aau k Ik. - - " - ! ' 1, "There ha never been any trouble r Hint itupporl ot mat tor a presiuemwi a- uotween myaeir anu ciertt, aam rax mnster Hrandenburg, when aaked to- a letter ICallfornla by Secretary David F.,ta u aaat wiaaa.. ., . r Houston ot the department of agrl-l Kent fought bitterly vthe propawd viiuure, tnia win row un iiivii... i (lovvrnnr Col'iultt will bo n law gov erulng tho mnmigomcnt and control of tho ttute prison ayaUmi; patsagn of an upproprlutlon bill, nnd consid eration of n scoro of minor tnatttr. hip that Includes most of Hie proinln cut nhoe manufacturer of America, opened It (Ho day cunvAntlon lier today with tho meeting of tho ecru tU' committee. Huerta Government is Tottering, Say State Department Agents; Men , Are Rapidly Deserting His Army VA8HNaT0N, 1). C., July 21.--It was learned uuthorltutKvoly today tlmt confidential hiIvIcvh received ,br thn ttoto doimrtinont liul lento tlmt. tho Huerta admnlstrtl(iii In Mexico 'is tottering It complete downfall la simoillly approaching. ' The Htntc ot Curranta CoalmllB, Paiiiulrnnnil Bonora hayn agreed to ' ' .t i uulto with tJhlhualiua. the home of tho Mnderori, In overthrowing Huerta. It Ih reported that troopH from these gliidm nro nil mlvnnclng on the. cap ital. Huortu'H mippoiterB, It Is said, are rupldly ilcnertlnn Uiu administration. Kiicli day seca a number of desertion from tlio fqdornl nrmy to (hu rauk of mo consuiuiiuuiiiisiiis. Q SAN FRANCISCAN STRONG FOR CITY Dlt. MAUK HKI4KVK8 TH1H IH THK COMIN'd CITY W GRKATLY IM PHIXHKD AFTKR A M. AUTO MOI11LK TIIIP day by a repreaeatatlve of The Herald jilt regard to tho charge which ap peared In Sunday morning's paper. "1 presume that the ttory waa Inst!-f nn I I'd by J. U. McAllister, formerly head clerk, iho is now under tutpen tlon. 1 have had tomo complaint 'rl nllvo to mistake In the distribution of mall, and after a careful Investiga tion I' felt that the head clerk wak unloyal to the office. For thla. and other reason charge were died, and .Mr. McAllister wa auapended pead Inn au Investigation. Thl action waa iii'coBHary,. or I am personally respon sible to the department for the (tervlce, Dr. Kdwln II. Mauk of .Ban FraWendcred, the patroa.'of the ore. cltco, who hn toured Northern Cali fornia nnd Southern Oregon since Juno 22, In his uutomobllespent a couplo of day In Klamulh, leaving for San Krani'Ucci annday' morning. ' Tho doctqr wan most emphatic la slating that Klamath wa tho coming city. ' "i hkvo traveled 1.500 inllus on thl trip." lid Bald, "and vlsliod probably more than a hundred cities and town, and 1 can say positively that Klamath rnn i the routing city, i iiko h uun ter.lhanany place I'vo'vlslted." 'Misi. Mary A. Jackson bat gone to lH Kraneiaea to remain a short time ''It very easy for a clerk In the oHce, If be u so disposed, ta hum a lirea deal of trouble, J bava knewR, that things were not right for some tfwe, hut In Jhe civil erylca a, man vaaaot act a he would In conducting o private business, fo It was aeceataty, for. me to secure absolute proof before f could act. "I now haye a' most eMclnnt and loyal eorpa of astlttauts and clerks, and tiiey'are doing excellent work." A moyement w on foot to use the Pauama, canal construction equipment ror. mo, uigging or. a iu-mw trrj g'atlon ditch' through weste'ra'NabrM GRAND JURY'S WORK THROUGH ACCtHKD KKXCK BRKAKKR AND PICKPOCKKTH ARK IMHCTKD AND JAHOKNHON M.FREKD OF ' CHAHGK , " " After returning four true bill and one not true bill Saturday afternoon. the grand Jury has completed It work nnd took; adjournment until Decern- br,v ' w v V F Taa Indictment:' iT. HK. ButU breaking a taaee:. Rlebaj.8wsasen. Aagu Camereu aad JabaRlWrab- bery! "J. J. Jargaaaaa, a farmer a charged with wrongfully aelUac horse, was treat. y - ,ButU resides on the Fort Ktamatb road, and bis trouble aroaa as a result of a quarrel between he and, a aatg borover the property, line. The (Oth er, three men are charged with ptek- iHgHkenockaU of Janes De Dreuy the oMca by taa no raalataaaa to tha .'Steel ataaavea tha tmmdmUly,,Ha agpaaabt Momyer- aa 'park .raaaar, aM jcbsrg of the deak, paaet; , Araat win ramaia at aaa,aaaai a few daya'oa aaexNutt af taa HMs hi .wf.tMa.'. AraaT h ajHa) Reeeat axeerlmeaU team, to haveM"' .;." illW,:ltsJ-, I .hnu. th.t .uu. h.u k i Steel haii.eoaeeatadiibat.they w.. u .v . .. .-.-. -,. , .,,'' 'Mil ...l5rv.rtrf. grown In some part of Kagland thaa remain wawt.yy.-jiv : Ku- unai sic Li aiwiwiu lasua ta It ha beea thor oughly that automobiles enn oper ate ia a .temperature aa taw aa 7 deurpr below sero ,, ri,' are produced 'on the continent of rope, . .1 !." "" " xat m l."npA raas " !: Senator Says That Tariff BUI Wilt Prove to tre Anytfifflg Bat ., iJi'Ja 9?Vif v i3wl 1 v-w aswa-v v.'a , i i" t m U'-fiO i 'tarXaay fM'rfii; i v.. X. a Rtlief lo ttu HwiW- j' 'J ' M-r Catted, Prees terrlea' ' Y .iWaiHlN,OTON,,:b6:Itly U? Ia the ant of a sarua of the speech ea agalast tab UaMwiad IhiVilL'te vtelea. measure, gawatatnTheodea -K. Burtoabt Obto'Wdled'tlw bre of the meeaur.' Tk'spaetb'wM avesi la the senate tbki aaWSiJVu AeeMatacWBwrtaa. taa Vital aedit ia maa'iinilSBiHifi'ibS aieeeaa:ar'lauV am avawa;aaa aTwesre- esaail JpaajraFaaaa' w ' , "M vj&srw. redaee taa boH eenteasV. aat (avi VWIfWMti r;fvmm (Mr 1 fbtjidorfatv-i HjBHaJfaBBr aj K m V ' "'';',':' ' 'a ' , ,.,J bttjMflaii aaikauai fTT" fl