WM I , Did you ever hear of an Overland owner being dissatisfied with his car? And did you know that in buying new cars 94 per cent of Overland owners buy Overlands? Surely there's a reason. THINK IT OVER, or, better still, LET US TALK IT OVER WITH YOU $00 Central Garage Auto Supplies Repair Shops i MJ m' H mm m i :.' ' .:'. a ?Ui .&' m Social items NBT tf SYNE F80 RMTNK tCoatlaeei from Page I) (COattBUed fltMB PM 1 Town topics with Klamath people. The boat leave lliteua VUla landing at 1:10. hotel Artivals Bert Wlthrow. Mr. E. B. Hall. Mra. Klamath, drove the team Into the Bare I M roller. -Court Reporter H Mark I telling. Mauager A. J. l.yle feels much encouraged at the In ternet local people ahuw In tlia lilai-h Thn . Hf Mr. H.nr. Ne ' V ... 7 MRI.lnrd.on wife and .on at hick ere .oca. people .now in ii.e mac.. MWkL.H I T. "M pp,,' " th d from San Pram.. . uHcre they want burn no,"", "need PW Ka.pr TMr?cWla.?aidrrm. MrY tW " " ,,urch " -tomobtle ."mk '" lh- """ "' -i.-ul , Av,rl i. .. T weter thara la forty feet daap. They drove the car bach to Klamath l"Mlig at Ball IB shares, agul ege -"-L T "aT- rr e.d th. hor-a . wean, wwr. .want rail., -d Rlch.rdao. po.ltfv.1, a """ b' " " " """ bam, Knepp Charles Ham, Mra. Pred Mllla. Mra. C. C. aad the horeee aad wagon tm a wapt Hogne. Mra. UnUa Began. Mra. Gray away. No trace waa found of tha Mra. John Irak aad Mtes after eeveral dan of eoerahtag. Tkia faat gave riat to tha that thay may have driven tha t n 11 te et Mra. mto " Mnoee, x that the . - . fraai L Whan thai ban "anvwr impieeeiiin inwi iney were .Muiww, iu ii.ii mrir wi. woo gu bean albntlSS. the Ckaataaaea An- aiawasd. ( bomeatead In that sectlop. Hhooua IH. Pined. Uoyd Tem- aaaiMy . Thay are th an seta of Mn. , pleton of Brownsville waa arretted a Ball Hal WWW ta Aahtaad. IMMi MWIf PMMtvl flff "ear Kehe. The Kl.h Lumber Friday by l.uty IH.lrlrt Cam War- aoa laBBBR alalia I Ban a MAP aill ,,, nat ,ded B mammoth Pair- den Carey M. Ramaby at 811 ver Camp. banks-Morse engine to the power da- be wna caught red-handed (Coatlaaad from Page 11 'partmant of their Dorrla mllla. The 'hooting at a female deer Ha pled Mra. lata 1 hi krfc wejrjn hee aaru that ha waa not arraated mora '""""a' than threo tlmea for rachlfea driving. - -- - i Aalilaadcr Mere. Kdnmnd Dew, who raaldaa at Aahland, la hare lo do to LeAeVM-w. Mr and Ma W. vU,tt nto f,uar. Oliver Uewa. and hU A. White came In laat night from Ora- ,,iUr. Klta rww. n,,. M r-maln la order to gon City. Thla morning tin y left fur ,,. ,.,-- Daeldadly novel waa tha "Rodeo Part" given at two Baldwin hotel by -.. a K.I l l.--ltn II-.--.m- -nmn-. - .. If . . KI1IIIV lltflUri. JUMI -III III" '. BaMvrtn, aad attended by Mra. Oeorga . ,. HMdaraoa. TBay are -h fMm fr--tehd ,. B-iMt Md Heaalg at Tort Klamath, and paid a BaMwta. Mra. . B. Itaaaraa. Mr. " '-,. . ,, ,eM- had charga of tha work of connecting IP-B of MS. BMta Mania. Mra. cautrlaa Maldrum. . p... ,,,. Cntk f, ,,,.- W up. Mra. John atewra. Mra. Freak . Jar.- nr1c c-., te Inehaa: North n-nga. -bw. w-w. e. ------- -. Bra-Ca Bridge Creak. II laehea waatap w. iia. nun. -. v.. snip Hold Hall U. U. Iloaa, flan PranrUro, Mr. .mil Mr. W. A. White. Oregon City; J. s ,11am.. M. I) , lltlilwbrand; P. Oj I'im.I. Hlldebrnud Whlta Pvdhaa A A. Wtllaaghly. J I.. Anden. tterkelay; J. M. Fuluate. Oakland; I. K. Hprar and wife. Albion Hpear, I. i:meron Mpoar. Whitney Spear. Mtaa Prancla. Alameda. K. A. Wettlg and wife, Lacbo, Calif.; C. C. March Ml ami wUv. Mr. 11 A. Cornell, Hlella Comoll. Urant Cornell. Wataonvllle; K. W. tluaalllar. Ounaniulr; Hlchard imldman. Arnold l.lelna. (lao. Ham mond. Harold Lachman, Marc lltin iirll and wife. Ban Pranclaco; H. K Jagg-r aad wife. K T Hoi. ling. I.. J Wattaon and wife. Mr. II. M. Haly. i'ortlaad. Ante-Born Rag. The latent SAYS PflllS m START MAI WANTKIi l&uu at onre on Improved iiniitriv or oilier good .ecurlty. Aildrem lox (171. It-tf SouU Branch Swan Creak, 40 lachee; mualcal hit la tha Auto-Horn Rag Continued from Pace I' ira. narrj moo, num. aim nam- HIM) mf. crmdk. Inehaa: played on tha nifty electric auto horn im.aum.uan yan. mm. s. rrnna Ctmp Cgm hK)h. ,, Brwwb for aale by tha Pord garage Special TWnbuc . to Doron-,, out ' Rock Craak. lachee; Rick Creak, price on electric atuo horn. Kee . h lloM ... KuroD- En.. Mra. Laalto Mn aire, wawriee tu i..k. Mra. Oarl Oatar, Mra. Cku- Uadarweed. Mra. Orb Caav-', Tka of Wi aad a tAtalc Inaeb waa aarvad Hun Sandvr. of Hwan l.akr wa. n Krlday vl.llor In the rounly .eat. "good land Crook. 71 Inehaa. Oeorga Bethn. agent Pord cara. boM aadl Mka Maryarte MeClara. faalaa waa aaaat fc a nnatbar mmmWW Wmwmmmmt vaMafa RVBaTeB-Bagnv aaatl Ta T HataM tat at tka a highly eojoyakie avwn- of Mr. and Mra. Oeo. Friday vaing. tkara Mr. aad Mra. . F. (Not Coal tka latarior. I ind will get the llou ahare. LjuUy "" - I there la Cblna. The republic doea not , Nrw Metal Worka. The Klamath eem to have aolved the oriental rid-' Sheet aad Metal worka I the name of die. and Europe 1. laying IU plana to . j new concern to enter tha bualneae have a good hold on the altuallon aid of Klamath. The proprietor.. hen the break-up arrive ! Preach and Pada. are wall kaown "Doea It not occur to yon aa pecul- yonng ataa of proven bualneaa ability, tar tbat although not a .Ingle one of ' and will no doubt make a auccena of th great power, of Europe haa recog- their now venture. Mr. Pada waa with ni-. il the Chlneee Republic, thay have ' CnltOd the W (1 HiPliruw Vl.ll mnA IT (li , i II. i.l ranuhll,. Iina lin I. alway. tlie rhraprvl la Ran nil. ".Mir laml la dear at any piiir. I :naki a .perlalty of tleairahlo tn.. laaila, aad ahall be plea.nl lo elmw yiMi the rtiaatry. Ilriag faajillUr .Hli il.e Klamath llaaln ami having lactU Itlea fur ahowlag tha land, I am in a pueMlun to eene jron. CHIICO II New local lao. a. Ventilating company of Portland for W y' The anawer la eitremely aim- Mr. an Mr. and Mra. J. J. Maeki. Dr. aad Mra. 1 I. Tvaaa. Mr. and Mra. Kip Tan Mr. aad Mra. Prod Pataraoa. iad Mra Oarria-a. Five wag played, aad tka prim Mr. Magaire aad Or. Tmai. A dainty laaekaon waa aarvad to the flabaartke far Tka BaraM. eaata I Frraoaan nMBarn aaaaa; I I Two laa-aan aaaawrn taaajaaa; l; I nUMBR L. FBKHt H I I tgBaBkamat. Land OnVM at Lakerlaw "' u connla of vaara. and haa worked -t n'e: If China break, uu thav don't Notice m hereby grraa tkat Loato hla trad , tB pdneipi rti of tn, waat mtiy tumbling block In their U Stein, of BUamatk PaUa, Oregon, ballad Bute. The flrt contract of way. auch aa a recognition of tha " Ataat I, Ilia, made noma lfc Bw CODCern vaa installing the pieaent govemueat might create, ataad Rntry. No. . tor NH8H, heating ptent at the Miller Hill achool itiey want to be aure of collecting Section It. Towneklp STB, Range 7B. h9am- thelr money, and China heraelf la WllUmwtU Meridian, haa Sled notice .ecurlty for the loan. Diplomatic of lateatlop to make commutation Prond of HI. Coaaty. One of the H.tory lo my knowledge baa never P'' t-.yl " etgyk vlaltor today on bnalnea. bent iworded a almllar altuation The above deecribed, baton C. B. DeLap, , rrank White, who rame In from hi. Inlted State U the only world power County Clerk of Klamath county , Po valley reach. Mr. White aaya aot directly IntereaUid In Chlnn. The Omvm.. at Klamath Fella. Oregon. ,ne erop outlook la the beat for aome t'nlted state, withdrew from pnrtlci on tha ISrd day of Angnat. ltll. tlln(, ,nd sUto that Ktematb county patlon In the loan, and alono of all Claimant name aa wltneaaea: ti OBe of tB flw-l cm.,M m ,be n,e wotU power., the United State. n;. iroy miliar, m. u. raiawrava. worj for the propagation of farm haa recognised China aa a republic." J. Straw, all of Henry W. Straw. I. Odeeee, Oregon. JAS. F. BOBO 7-lt-t-ltk rPflftmn NON-RUSTING BB-BBBjamwa-waw-BBn-aawB -r --rat handa. "Where I the race for arma.ment to md" Plourana waa aakad. Berkleya Camping. Mr. and Mra. "Ju.t where It I., in my opinion," J. L. Beckley aad family leave today ' aald. "The tax-payera are tired of. for Port Klamath. They wll apend a tlia game and they wont let tblnga go few weeka camping on Wood River. n urh further. Kurope haa about gone the limit. Tha Power have do- Yenag fc-mey. The Aahland Tld- manded bigger armlea and more mon-; Ings chronicle, the arrival of a eon at . and the people have met the do j the home of Mr. aad Mra. J. 8. Eapey mauds, of late, Il must be said, with . (of tbat city, who are both wall known great reluctance. Thla la proof tbat i X i here. the limit ha. been reached. Hteamer Ktrur-loo. This Investment Is worth looking into UK W1IA SKLX ANY OF THK FOIJLOWINOi Two three-room houses, fill cat Two four-room houses, MIO Built oa large lots, close to PeUeaa Bay Mills RKMTKD AAX THR YBAB BOUND The nest - move belipg: to farvget SI nust ' The steamer Justify her demands; prove her war ot; vain tit nierN hi No ? mvii Mi, In i Wlnema will make another excursion I taxes Justified, that tha sacrifices X trip on tha Cpper Lake tomorrow, her cltlsen-soldler were not In vain X atopplng at Rocky Pdmt aad llarrl- man Lodge. These trips are popular , e"gf wMSJsjsWrlsVlatl VQV VfBVemsyBpBejB "sTWS W- I I Revised downward automo bile tariffs by the economical Ford. Many members of Con gress now own Ford cars purchased, not so much be cause ot its surprisingly low first cost, as because ot its wonderfully low cost of main tenanceand its simplicity. I ' Here's the test; 100.000 Pords now In serv ice. Runabout ltl; Touring Car 00; Town Car MOO f. o. b. Detroit, wltb all equipment. Oet catalogue and all particu lars from Oeo. Blehn. saeasaBB wa i ana w Tf" mTTf m ' " V 1 ' Iff nil i . I r HI !l llll U I I a;nVI V SKIMMING SECTIONS Tha una of nlckol alhrer in tha gldnuntna; gactlons ol the United Statca Cream Separator is tha moat iniportant geparntor ImproremexdinaaWa-k. They MB tovmd OmJ is UaJtad Slates tloos will sot rnat under any eondnion. Neither mar nor water rust them Niche! silver gghnmtng sec tions an easier to dean than tinned faW discs. Nickel silver Is non-adhesive, milk and dirt sticking leas tighuy than to other nietals. Niokal tlhw k tha Wrongest and moat durable metal known for ana in skimming sections. Lang service is s-wiued to every U.CcanMuratoriaMr. The importance of nickel attvar as a thus saving and sanitary feature neexnmenda tha UnKed States Cream 8epar atesto every pwharnsl ve farmer. flrsay-r) arhan In X smt wr Youfmtlf. ROBERTS . HANKS ' Hardware Dealers POLK'S- UK A I. KeJTATK TUANSPKHM The following realty transfers, rucantly Bled with the oouaty clerk. an furnished by tba 0H sad t'ouatt ,lilrarl cempany: I'liltvil Hlalea lo tied John Hi Ii ill till P.ilent. NK Sr. Sl-17-11 l 0, lavey to Aunle M Oiinne. warrunty deed. 110. lota 17, in. I mill SO. block H.'i, Worden. Thu Kluiiinlli Iteveloimient rumpa ii. to Mra Margaret Klnli. warranty uiwd. II". lot lull, bleat I, llallroad addition. W Q North to Mamie Kvatia, war i. nly deed. 1 10. Iota lo and II. block I, Ward-Nel.un addition. Klamath t'anal rompauy lo llenr tiiti'tiiiarher, warruuty ilaed, 1 1", lot. I I and I. t'anal addition. The J II. Tucker company to Henry Hewitt Jr., warrauty deed. 1 1 v. ! S4A and 1411. block 9, Railroad mldl lion. The Klamath lievelopmenl eggggg lit- to linn. Jorgenen. warranty SwSi lio, tot 3. block II. Hillside addition The Herald, fifty rente a moath OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BCQINS ' fortvtillh cIk.iI atPTt.- ta te i. ii osoricc counacn " smej iiier. aOBICUktuat INr.fctxaiNU MO- rcoNOUic. Minino roataiav ci aicaet pmahmscv TWO-YKAN COUflStS ' aaaicvL runs mows icon iwica bttCN.Nu save roaiarai CoMsiiaci PMaMac VCACHCR'B COU.1SCS In means lri ling. SgattwitneSi iloinotic aciriu ml .11 'flusic, iiii-IuiIhik plena, strtagi bai It .Iriiiurpt li I in1 r culture . B'Ar.irui BOOKLCT rnm.i Pmi i:-.'.n i ii i -I kvnai 1 1 . .1.1 a CATAUiH.Un Mill ! In ill. il I on ajip'w it n Sihliei 'I M tsnjiait, Begbwta awMSt." ewallla. Orvjesa Nottoa Thrre uru fuml. in Hie county Irea i.ry for Ihe redemption of all gen mil fniiil wnrani. protested on aad lilur In N'HemliiT 4, 1910 Inlereal irii.in from ilato horeof. Dalai at Klininlli Pall., Oregon. v 1. nth lay el July, tins .1, J. W NIKMKNH. t'niiily Treaaurer. ERE IT lj NYAL'S FACE CREAM a I IS the irn ht.i Ihat't maJc I Uef il aiul ymn ininpleikia iiiiinr.lulcl) l.kci on ilic niiy blu.li nl leal healih I In. the mir cream Out ihomly rlranict lh Nim and Ic.vta Ihr .tin iitHMilh and ifl rlvrl. Tata liin.Ni.r. fars Cream will mil nun hair In grow nn lh fur. Hcing I'lii.ilin, Niil'i l.i. (rr.m ii rraUiU .hMtrbed ! ilic .kin fitntaining irmaljr, il i anllirplir an. I ili.ifi.li rlranwa thr .km pnica. Th. odoi nl tin. Klr.1 . it.in ii drrideillr l.iinuling II it old in untamcnul )' Inr iwnn nn end Mi iei i.lhr r C nmmriKf uung Nv.l'i Pace Oram, ii'. hel fur ynur ma plrtbia. W are the N11I Ageata, Hur Ikla tuperiut cr.am .1 eul lure. Setter lake a ).r home In nuht. m T Bl ' "in SI UNOD.WQuO PIUR.V.AC7 (J m War I eff '&J K-z. t&- (p Jet us suppfy our ydC&ZOJ? yrccuo I'D v1 og for Uu- Hummer (amp 1 Mr I.l NTIiltK 1 It. t liambwre. I'rop. I.il .in fftli nail Till, oa and WASMlKCtTuN Business Directory Dimeter? of eaeb Clif, Town ana Villi.., slvlns dMcrlpllv. nkii'ch of urh ul-o, location, populuilnn, lulu- (rapb, .Blpplag aad aaiuflii pili.l: lao CliMalSad plraclorr. lompllwl liv nilnaH aa4 prnfauloik a. 1. rout a co., kattk 1-4 Off 1-4 Off on all HAVHAND CHINA Cadi and tee our New ATHENA SILVER GLASSWARE Chemically treated and put on to stay WILLIAM C. HURN HARDWARE