h '.i Wv' V'M it '- 1 i rtfjr 4W v '( V ywnwfiji"4f jm ;' proyp v. ,!'' "ll 'J ' V 'M Jf OWIOIAL NKWaPAPHH HH CITV OK KLAMATH VAhlM ,v: She IFhnitiui '' M M y wr-w i saV wan aaar aaa pj ... . ..... s-i . li.- W..M 7Mk m' &3 aaa , iCT. il ; (' v M r y ffftw-fy 4? Ma? TV c - .eas Haventa YMh-Nu, 8,1 IB BISHOP'S CASE IS UP BEFORE KMMA1I 9AUM, OMMON, TT- SATURDAY, JULY IB, 101 YOUNGSTER FINDS DYNAMITE HUR T AGRICULTURIST HOUSTON IIKAIIM )!' KLAMATH iiattlk KinilT.Yi:AIMMt HUNT. Ullll'l MANN OK VONNA VAIJ.KY MIST I Pl.VMKIIri AM) KVKHKIIIT IK UN-IIANOKKKII i FJiiiIIiik n slick of dynamite ami 'Vhhkitmiimii HIiiiioH nml Hntiley A playing wlili II, limits Uhriminn, Iho X yenr-old mom of Mr. nml Mr, wm. I'lirnmiin, wa badly Injured Friday when Ilia itlck tsnloikd. Ilo lust HoMir.lm.Irr, Who lla I..k fV fllger oT l( jefl m1( ,,, fought Ihn J-'itrvMry Rr-rvlit- New (t y0 hiiiI Mm lufl nlilti of hi faro IIhIInk Now' KftVtflvc w horribly Injured. Tio lad was brought to Ibu Walk- burn hospital Uto Friday, and hU left hand waa attended, all being ampiitnt. COUNCIL VISITS PR0P0SE0 CITY WATER SUPPLY Wll.li AllltANOt: FOH DOI.V'J MOKK WORK BODY OF STONE FOUND FLOATING WILLIAMSON M'nr I Iff ore IIm HwrHary of Agrl tullum In llettalf f Uoiht ! WAHIIINOTON, l. C July 111. Hllo of tlio Iti-MTtoIr U flOO Fees AIhv Asprw l"kr mi Mm an Creek. Hllnx Mailo In IHIt, WhHe Fml T. HanUcrMirt Wn Mayor I'lltajpi Cotrr I'liMfN of Mcrrral Mottntalii Mrvania iioky or kiu:i i.am)i:.v ih htiix i MIMUMl To iiciuiliit Oicnuolrea with Ike HrretarrHutonnviihrlnKUila eJ but the thumb and little f.nKnr. tomrni)by of the propuiH municipal lOK4i-r, Who With 'iiiianlon Waa IIIiIIhk In CoHvryanrr 11it Wrnt Into Wllllamaofl Hlvrr Hvcral Imya Aro Waa at Plrot Ttioaght to Harp MfcfppMMhe t'ouatry AfUr DruwaJna; Llterf Tram Mrs. Fish to dive Great Newport Ball Htik to lten emulative llawley nml Tbo nhyalclnM have hoa of aavlnit Hlontilt or Oregon, In bohatf of II. Hi'. Ovorin HUbop, who for yerra haa bttni trying to locum a grant to a honiettad In Klamath Nntlonnl for rat. Tliti forttit rrvlro Iim conti'iided from the firm that tlio trmt IIUboi vranla la not agricultural land, nml that It U valuabla only for fon-t pur HvKlnnlng today nienl from ilrcl aloiit of iim forcit inrvlci may bo car- water iuiily altu near Aapen Iake, The body of Harry Rlone, the tog gr who, with Prad linden, knows 'The nig Chief," hai been mlealng ine njureaeye. ,i i.pi .,i wrk .hm.M h-alnce Juty II. when their team, Ulirmanil uca uynamue on county - - - ' " ,i,0wned, waa found In Wllllanuon road work, and kt It hid under '"'ie "") uni year, aiayor i. .',,(., WM toanA jMt ngnt, granary, riio noy rouna u, nnq men micikiihii, city icnginter JacK Mcuane Ttlft u0()r waa'aeen floating about atarted experimenting. Bj il0 membera of the city council tip feet below tlie'nceno of the mla- toitny urn vUltlng that aectlon. hap. Coroner Whltlock, who waa TrlatB 0tlirf n (iri1nr (o nrnl( thit flllnr. It I iinniniiH ArAt.A Ittat iharn mi no " ----- -" ,-- - - w. .w.wM.., -- K -. -- I'ntti'd 'rci Servlro ItOMK, July IV.. Cardinal and leading prelate from all parta of the world began reaching here today for the nnuunl funeral iiimi which will b'j colehrnted In llin HUtlno chapel -- aaaKGaaaaaaaaw IVrf ia awBaattLAjw&uMuaar aaawfrffi&fiWQam itaaaaWM rWym ELLIOTT NAMED HEM LAWYER HALK IIKKD'A ARRAKJNNRXT 18 COKTLMJHD UXTIb le O'CLOCK' MONDAY MOHM.VO BY JU1XJK BKNMOX Robert Hettue the balf-braed youth j indlcied for aeeautc with IttUat.toi EMPLOYEES AS jlllljOm 'rt SHORTER ttOWR IN THE STORES ',' 'V w . . oxk cunwum mjm'vhuu, ' t " - ' f. R. J AMI! " If- '";' ir-. VAt'.f1 , - .t.-"rtr-iiw v e r -"f K ' - y , , comaftlt rape, waa braaght hafara Clr- cult Judge Baaaea laat, night far ar ralgnataat. C.Iil.MHatt waaapeetat-j ed aa hi cobbmI by tha court. , t Thltf Binrttltis Rllfntt nmltrnk ttvf fup. thar tlaia la which ta dkwaaa the eaaaj with hU cllaaL Tha arralgsmeat waa ' thaa coatmaed aatll Maaday BHmi- Httta. la adetOea ta tha ctIbm far which ha waa ladlatad tota twa aoroee froaa Charlaa Walker 1 Bara'ea (Valley, aad la aacuaed of rnkhhn tha IDarall raach fa LeaceM VaUar. Ha aarrad a taraTta aha aVaathaM CaH- Kteeteff af JaUMa aaial a imraa; onaiiat' oaaaaa (f(V ;,i Hr farUaabat WW 1 1. ' f m'': i Lr wv w( U aaJ'a. Mf wrammtmaMr WfWM ' '. V? -aw.t ajeaVHaajajwaajaj' y a j,?a NKWfORT. July ltr-atra. aXay paant FUh, who alau ta ha eae t the big aecial leaden ef the aaetety at taet wealth, fa a plana to atartle the country la a fairy and aaraery ryhaw bnll Auguit lit. She haa Jut lataad Invitation for it, aad the elect ef iierciunry to do a certain amount of need of holding an loqueat, and tha work each year, but thla year It I ex remain will bo Interred on the reer- ptctvd thnt there will bo moro work ration! done than heretofore In the nature ' Htone and Landin left thla city on of permanent Improvement. It I pos the night of July 10, to go to Algoooa, lliln Hint I tin rauncll. fnllowlnr ihxtr ulinrai It In alatMl thftt Kau hkd rled direct to Secretary llouiton. of tho Vatican tomorrow on the oc- . ..,, mBV, jkn ull (h tl.i.P -. unm ,-.- m i!in, tnT wn,k tnr . . . , ., - r-. ..... v- ... . .... . .. ,WBHH pV..f v w - - - - inuinnn u. Diivarmau, n law omcer canon oi ma BniTrr, unm curr municipal water at a compar- lumber concern. They hired a team for foreet appeal, will look nfter tin. of I'ope Io XIII. A goodly portion utlvvly early dale. and buggy from iha Midway aUble. inne for the aecretnry. of tin. diplomatic corpa In Home cred. Tlc , ipon whch tno clly haa utlng they would be back the follow- Acting with him U it committee of Iteil to the Vatican which had left the ,)nW , !n 10 Yc,y of Aipn lng g,,, m aKrleullural etperta on land claanlfl. illy for tho aummor. returned today Ink1 Tl0 ,0WMt wnt ,ee, ,, ,60, Beforo nom OB a.usth word waa cation who wit Idecldo uhother Inud I. for tho ceremonle. The maw tomor- fwt nbovo 1lt boJy of WB,eri Tue Mcnt here from tB, frratloa that of valuo for agriculture. ow will be tho flr.t one In ten year orBnlll MlBgu weM midB December jthe men. Ieeteeef going over the that have elapim! lnce the death of ,91,( ,,,.,, the .dratnutnujon oflcounty bridge on 'the road to Fort It ai .In i tho early part of I90rt I'opo l, at which the mu.lc of the TrnTMhii .ml'T; rroutlm.edn ,WgVY mat ni. iieurao iinnup aim nuoui inniuu niaiuia inuir win nvi uw un-( fifteen other realdenU of Klamath ecled by Monilgnor I'eroal. The lat Kalla ictlled on land wlthlu tho nn- ter, for tho pail two moatha haa been tlonal foreat reiorvo. The land aro aulferlng from nervoua breakdown ' nit Hated at tho head of Upper Klam o severe that the pontifical phytic- am 10, niong i;ryaiai uroeK, one or iana win nov iwrmu uim iu rnui tho beat lri(iit itroama of Mouthern the direction of the choir. Oregon. White the land are em braced In tlm foreat rtaerw, they car- Thirty Ttioaaaael Htatt ry very little, If any, merchantable L'nlted I'reta Service timber. WAHIIINOTON. I). C. July i In tho eighties tho lands were deed- Acting Comptroller Kane announced -... ... . . . .. . . ..... .. ed to tho state by tho government aa today the elating of the Klr.t National UTeflCll MllllSter 0 1 F 011113 AllairS jf rCtllCtS InC 1118- w in .. V4 forala refenaatery . r ji Take Cnlled Praaa Bervke' ;; CANOetcrnr, cOto.S Jair 1 rhe faajana.akr-Haa Arfve.w take la today by about earea haadead aae- tercyellai who are' tearlac ikh aae- tloa oa UmIt way I.m.am . k Ai - - - - - w A w.n w v . wr.vvw m clety In several cltlea of the Boat aad West may be measured by their re ceipt or failure to receive aa iBvtta-1,- riMvar Jvlv 11 to M HOB. Mr. Fish's affair ef thla hied are usually spectacular, aad thla wHi Hke- ly mark aa epoch la society. It aaey cot ha ao grand or coetly aa tha fa mous Bradley Martla hall ef tweety year ago, bat It win be aa guttenac as anything of noeera daya. BaaBaiBaBBiBaBBBesaaBaBeBBaiaBaa race awet ot the Federallea ef Aater lean MetereycttaU which la to be held TkerbJlt ora have aeveral theaj aad a aierlaa; letaa eaift far their aaiaaaaaeat at the tea, aajeag the braai v-:- cere er wamrm e aaaiasiai'- Om aroaata wW Says Powers Will Start Big Wars in a Few Years dreea ef the Dearer, t i . . r -, t . t w raaliali fm', , til eae tnwai, i -t nfr to act wMh the'et .i- Xjs-u ... dry geeea,ilhrag aadl aaa' win eleae, their daera M i ' . if- r every 4ara.,;iAff.tae .A f - '- -I ' 1 aaaaaa. ' aJa4aam'; m4 aaaaaTv' r aaafe-aataj -a,a a- at-W- AjBJMagaBBaaat 2i V VBaVC. WMIaTl nHaTsjeWaaaaaT MaHaaaar the atara-gaaai ', ''" L . td K.K.K.M Naaallgjia! bank of Ijifnyettv, (In. He nays bank Is abort about 130,000. the lly William I'Mlllp Hlutaaa 1'nrU Correapoudont for United Preaa I'AHIS, July 19 That Europe I pieparlng for tho dismemberment of awamp, but when tho forest reserve waa established thoy wijro Includoil In Ita boundarle, and tho speculator who had slnre ncqulreil them from the ' Haley ami t'lubb Talk atnto were given crlp In lieu of their 'fulled I'rrvt Hen Ice holding. BANT A CltUZ, Calif., July 19. Illshop mailo hi mint: under tho Tho Htala Christian Church conven net of Junn II, 1900, which provide tlou waa addroued today at tho mom that ugrlculturul In'ids within a nn- orlal banquet by J. J. Haley of I.odl tlonal forest rrservu mny bo selected and M. I), Clubb of l.o Angele. iu homestead. HU application, to-' lf,ttl.tV Mflllt fllA MH..M. M.I.AM ITlMta. U-mIhU iMfvmMl.Ull.fa.MwTllfl Wo nth Fall resident.. ... rejected al'menM Itellef .Corp. are aervlng loe Clilu.. Trky-Ia-JIto. and the colon the instance of tho repreaontatlVf of'cre.m. cake and coffee todhy to tho ' I'ortuial, ana the ultimate dlr tho forestry service. multitudes. Their temporary place of W T !. waa .tho content on From that tin.,, on It has been business l the court houao yard. r ''' ,,B,,V,r "f Fore,,a ' A(f,r' bnltlo between tho forestry service on , K!n ,0 ? FlTT.?, P one side and II. Ht. fleorun Dl.hop on 1-ouHry KaMag , lwlaw given tho United Pre, the other. All of the othero who had United I'rcs. Service corre.ondent " Thla dlp- madosoltlemeut upon tho laud aban- FAIIOO, N. I).. July t9Couaty ; '" edited with knowing dnned their claim. chool .uiwrinlendenta of Fargo will more of tho huropenn motive, and Mr. Illshop made- his claim hi. Ko tho gardeti ay.tom ,ln .chool. Mcn than almost any other mas. homo from Hi., tlmu that Me nut set- In Amerlra one better. They today ell tho rea.on for ho mon.ter .Und tied on It. He wa then smgoge III Inaugurated tho flr.t of a aerlea of '"K " We 'u OtMt 1 'ower. tho furniture Im.lneM In thla city. T I'oultry raising couteata among their f "" e """"" "" he bettor iiltlo to comply wl Hi tho lawa pupil. By popular subscription egg. Kovernliig publiu Innd, bo Mold out have been furnished tho boy aad i memberment of China, Asiatic Turkey and Portu gal. Germany Blamed for Starting the Rumpus wa.s7.' .u .. , ' 33 ffeta aeeteral OaMaa Wale Baaaav u. . MNte Day eada) Mam J i : c B. MBaaaaaw 0 , v aaatatag aatCto wrth Thla agraaneat waH baaaae mm. M M If X fciaanaaa w aafaaat,. J aahaaalX, ataaj. f,f(y . ifl aataBaAaMjMKJBHaaSaaafl9Ji Taa naaMaaaaT aaaaWataaaaaaV i V1 vP haada. haaaball taaaaa aad a reaatt et a aewiaa, atajaaa fjy aaaajp, , a knaaraa sasaaa. askaasaaB. . aafet )Tnad laaaiata far tae haa aMreaasajeOMraaanuBjpiaBjpmpB aenara ,ai anaaa asaarea ac. ia;sii as aaaxaai iaaa aaajBaaBaaja,v ,. " ' J tlt'W ha4d thathit latiratiaajayJM -v V j. Uanlirn aaiiaiiaiii ill tftaaiatBI' TlWI V V- "''P'F aaBB. "JPaeaajaaawfa aaaaaar " V Mg9Sfl aasBBVfjafajm fBaTaMaaal WlM aaaaaaai tafJ aaMajab-ahajaBaBapbM JtSpjH . aa a g aam Laaaanam raUgtaaa aT ha Jaat .Hal aaa mm "B mawaaaavrjrai Jti aaaaaj iar aaajav-aaaaaay fBajiBrvxran aC.Aaaaat waaa , Aftaahagta) W aaaaBaae aaaaaaa-y.;iM a fraaa att.aarta ef;taejiraaiaat ac tae aBMeM w n ;W aataer. aaearatac ba alaMinaBlk.OaaBA ji aaaeaaaad tedar. CaBd';eayatalaitlatiBaaa - -3: Reataa CataeUa -the aaaat the baalaeai haaaw eiadaM' .a-a-.a. ' 1 . SaaBBBBBBBB HSSBTSI 1 f Si Uatted Preaa PARIS, Jaly eoaiaaraOve. la rraaea,- arabahlr hi IiaaahiT lag the early part warMvttl oateteUy Mercler. ef the Chureh. wilt preXde at the which will derate aiaek ef caaatea to the reltftoa of lalaau Ma ala-j Laaa Caaaksg Weet WA8HINOTON. D. C. July The Interview look place at the home, 'The geaeral .(juarlag of aceou.U IZitwSS. of the statesman, and M. Flourena .between the nation of Europe I coat-1 . , . , ii.j.w. fcJ ., - . S'tln llu Mtluul Juki a 4 kr. eat reserve. The Htaarary la aet yet nlL The reakoa la thbj; There ' ajBaBsBaVBBBaaaaaaaaaarTaBBBBaaMa aborlly to be considerable territory A.A nAt Imu.a wtlAka m k ! ! strongest, A war bow would weakea I ft The' barber eaeee aeek a 7:t aja lag hour, hat It la heM Uatthay age aaabeJrXiTae thar'hasaaaa aa MB, eeatlaaea .te , eaera ta hat ahea at B I' lug," the diplomat replied. be aura of that. Something haa hap-J pened to postpone the actloa, that le called a apada a spade. "At tho outbreak of the Balkan trouble aom'e montha ago," said M. Flourena, '! told you that a general Kuropeaa "war waa preparing for the near future. 1 still think ao. For tho moment, however, tho ambltlona of the Oreal Powera aro holdlua them In check. They don't want war Just h natlona engaged, aad those which I y at thl. time and tor a very particular (kept the peace would flad Uiemaelvee, reason. That I why every ounce of w',h tremendoua advantage overt their Influence I being exerted bow '"' rival. . to nrovent tho llalkau difficulty from " t piaca. luraeyin-Aaia. ilragRlug them Into tho light." doomed. Thla empire ta ehortly toi "Two jeara ago," tho correspond-l',Pue iul Turkey-la Earoaa) vwirl v? " S ,'. l" .WIHtaat, Baak:ta.;sMsaa;faaa aaV reach Bear AWaaseat, '. V c , s , ' j..fry ttir a, jia V Kd kllgere M la tae aaV Ma "WT "M At' pztfm i iW T bnam IulAnA Infrm wullv "r1 iBfrtr-v- ';-? J rri ' J ,'- ",i . ! ' Payment ExtensloM r 'iXHj, - t. VT- f r"r,i " , rfl '. , cito known only Immediately preced lug war. And Germany with her con- I.I. lmyli..a nn.l ..v. .... ..rv ... .Irl. who will snend the r Bummer iu iinu u.r uuu.-tob. uu u- l.lui.wi .if n r,l.l..,ii l.x iri.malh vornllnn ruUtlllF tho UOllltrV. TIlO l'lta TOCeUt OUlOglea UUg Of FalU. .conteata will be docldod next fall. , "Peaceful War Lord." la given the about atid what I holding the power uiaoio ior aiarimg tue oaii roiiiag. uaca. aaaaaBaBBaaaaBaaaaa ciU HUggealed, "the world waa In formed that Europe waa ou the verge of a general war. Americans find It to underataad what It' all the (hard -4. has disappeared, and the powera arei nevatnataslaaaa a Jlwldav tiaas anna faaaUKI- art ejaaaa aaaa aw iia cava aasaawaaa aaiw- Helves. Secondly, Portugal la la a . deplorable condition, and It U aartala that before long the colonle of that Reformi Urlfted by PretideBt AOj ofcv Kiamatn Aagpcutwn May, pa Brought BeforACiaTeBi Bryan Talks Saucy to News Reporters (Secretary. Starting on Kii Lecture Tour to Help Out Income. Prom ties to Make an Account -jLi.ui.a.1 ICeauaaee oa faae 41 aEBgaassnsestacsaeaaBaes I . r Iff, vvVt MANY ATTENDING C. E. CONVENTION COUNTY OATHKH1NO WILL OhOSK WITH UNION BKKVICHa MV THK ' .1 1 J ,lf , V , TVnlUd I'resa Servtco v WASHINGTON. P. 0 July 19. Secretary of State Wllllum Junnlngs j, -'Bryan atarta on hla locturo tour thl ' evening. Me make lili first lecture , at Winona, lad., .tomorrow night. In an Interview with newspaper men today, Bryan protested that tho pnpera have attempted to put him Iu a falae light. ,He eereastlcally prom ;A, Ised to account te ta newspaper for t' , every cant h get, iv., ''You wll haya a.lne.atory. hen," I . he aald. "Let tue tall you how I divided v.titvn u'nnuL'Bu rrKtuikUUitU' !,luul '' o'clock the Bndeavorar will attend tho Presbyterian church, where Rev. J. S. Stubbleflold will give a special sermon. At 3 o'clock a county meeting will be held at the Methodist church. The closing number of the convention will be at the Methodist church to morrow evening, a union y6ung peo ple's aervlce at 7 o'clock, aad a pic ture song servteo, commencing an NIGHT That much Interest la being taken Iu Christian Kndeavor work la Klam ath county la evidenced by tha at- Ust year I got a guarantee of f 160 1 tendance at he county convention:! In attendance at thla convention U H. 11. Rottman, Interstate field sec retary of the society for tha Pacific Northwest, tie ta oa hi way north front attending the national conven tion at Ooa Angele. mid n percentage of the gate receipts for each lecture. "Tho Chautauqua always have a lot of aenson tickets out. They give mo tho llrst f 250 taken In ai tha gate, They toko the next 1260, and wa dl yldo the buluuce. In some caaas the Chautauqua ussoinblloa prefer to' nay" me 250 outright, but prefer tha other arrangement," . now n aeaaton. the meeunga Mat night and thla afternoon were' both well attended, and proved highly in teresting. Atiother( meeting will he held tali evening" at 8 o'clock. This will he held at tU,e Methodist church. A "quiet hour'l'wlll Ue'spent at the MethoduWehuroh tomorrow morning, commencing at 7 o'clock. At 11 T Carl Kohley Is here today from tha Stukat Bridge vicinity. t , j.L , - J. H, Tlpteia la a county aeat vtaltor froayhle' place la North, P,oe Valley. YIIIVDaVton la' here from, iha Tule l..k eountrv.' t n W, 8, Adams la here treat Malla.He condueUa general store la that eHy,' TENTH STREET BIDS WANTED COUNCIL WIIA AWARD CON- TltACT FOR THIS 1MPROVB MKNT AUQUHT 4 WILL BK MA-CAIIAMIXKO The' city council has oomweneed ad vorttelng for bid 'for the iaiBreve meat of Tenth street," The iblda vl opened, August 4th. Tenth street 1st to be maoadejalsed from Mala street 'to Prospect street. and there la considerable grading to he done. This Is, one of the prlaetaal thorpughf area, and It Is the - only meana' of entry tor Bhiptagtea people. K rr In addition to the maoadamlalag. aterai aewera aad guttara are te be M.U n . r ft. WASHINGTON. D. 0.. July. 19 That farmers under, overaaaeat Irrl- gatloa projects may, took for firther, relief in the mat ter of extended plates f or ' pay menu la" the general hetlat here., The matter will btakea"ui during the regular aeislea oteoagrea the coming winter, in the form at leg,; Ualtlon proposing deferred paymeaU on, lands about as recomoaenoea ay those who attended the reeeat coarer ence of , water users in this city, Just how liberally congress will he disponed to treat, these settlers can not "well be determined la'advaac, but It la quite generally beUeT4,Uat 'obVgaHeaaiU hVvlew of the fact that Ht requires Uaaa. aeveral years te get aew land UWj'TJaaa.thaa h shape for, BrogUMe eUHIvaUoa, and the farther fast thM'meX0'1"4 U .1111 fmtStrtum --V : tttrthMT extension ot ' Bayaients aaeuMi, be granted, . ?7'J TaVrceeaf order' Uaued by. Becre tary Lane', reducing hytwe-hlri thf biiUdla, charge, duaura'oa irrigation rprejeesa -waa about 'aa'1, far' aa -r'eWet-' fcBBBBataaaa laaf SBBaaBnfsattijrVA'aasxV tIbVsb. sWaT JaJinweajaajaTaj awqr mfwizt!m f."l .y.' ..,i AS. Ai kt' l rM,of T k i f, k J v. , .r' at reaer. !- "'.-.--.--. . aer.Beerafanr LABeasnsn ::,i . ...:.. .tv. t-r '..r.' ' i :. . i-i "! thtaic taat eoMKHaaa laaw'aaa; tlfy apeeUl! wtaeldesatteB MaaYan. to those" whe-haw gone uaaa bvMmF. ?7 - - -- " " - '-- f-J- A vate them:- The raeaaANBlaB aaa , ,, j: an'aet ef leleaV,tajwVifMr f dtaVUuies.faad.waa ahaat aa fat at LujIiiHu i.tkni Jnm MiaMSa gV i-r.r- r-T? .- .TVrrLX 1 ,TJd aeuiu ue mmtiim imm w wa users 'that, at the , reeeat here net eae Mggeetee. taMiah) ahoaUJNwajaaJI aald Uey were mm mmmmm: half tha ' rr uoitamt emer II, Hie. awd ei'the aajaMthe ritjW ft meat u aoiim iBB eourt ladtag ka f i isnsldss-s ,of sil seen chargaa a .Mm) resVaaitoa Btti t u.H -- A. . t ,1V ' 1 V ' ,Vl, f' " , ,. V, s.' . -A ?cv! 'n . M c 4- y v j J:. -?: 'J ' W'.. 15 7 M,aaw IBw r Bsaaaaaa ejaaaati 'M v 'n tj r; 5 v ... 'WjR y n "K H ,: w -?. lV3JiaJAJaV.islaTeA.JAM tA&LtJ&l