m THi J75C. M m K v-VA 'i A i '. I OTMOIAli NNWMArMI FOR CITY UK KLAMATH FALLo i; m t Mevtli Year Ko. bIIT ' f ; ;v . . ' i'i'vj . -v.. - w svrTi : " Mi ' .' .r . . fcV JBl I . .-., i 'I . " ,i 7 1,' " ' OV '. 'L J rMfW . 5. lvS'tv n n:i m 1 1 pra in Mwmmw r7' "J 9wwv. WzX mv ' 4Jr J PJ d. w a ' Van 4x ABF e f ' I ." I !., HI ' U".' ' - '" t'''W- " ' 111. JJ'H IN !!. Mil " '-" " XT ' i Tr t ,i a " 'J. t ' 'j ',1 H 'up . in a. V V K i&. .-,, WJ ' H 3 ,W 1 t.-.".J " ' '1 u Tt i h 3 "j si f' i-Afc' i.-'V-'h ..vw i." f H . " '14rfJi . t , ,'... ti ....j.,.. .i. ft LAMATN FALLS, OIWOW.'yWlBAY, JULY !, IMS . V-fii ?', Finance Committee the Underwi i in ihm hpii-m ( " ' ' - Reports .r " u MIC to the Tariff Revision Measure T PiZi PBnMHMMMMMMMVaHMM"VW I T " I i- .. 7. ,i .(: ,'. m ' .m BOB HETTUS IS PRISON NO William Beck who Stole $100,000 JURY INDICTS in aiiiii:hii:i wiikhk iik h-mi.k, TIIK HOIIHK Vi.utlifMl HnU Hunt H'n ImMrtc! m JuIih IkK Turwlxx U Huirgtil Willi AmwmII Willi lHm l CuHf mil Hmiuiiirr i'rlmi IWIcl lo Hurt thru Allvr Awillirr llr? Iin Tnhrn l-iul KtmluK Holt HclttiK, llio xuiiiliful ilvirilu who !i bwli ongtit diicn III 7th nr July, hvn llvr mii attempted miiill u.in MIm Murr Inman In llarnc Vollox, tin rtolo two hurava, ailUli, cha, brittle, pack aaddla and ' lirovliloim (ruin tliu t'harlM Walker lanrli, and damMd, waa arrmiUd : ,- BBBaVll L0H6EST TRAIN ARRIVES WITH El Moral Wwt 'mm AM XCUuSIONISTS Tu little Hhw All la Ihu; Onu sot swat! Then Ihvra wera 9 Nine little Mm Orlmlr a4at l.lcklau their chop Uwatt Thar were t ' kilght IHtle Mea KOM KalalM unm more I Swati 8wt! Bwat! Swat Tbea taere were 4 .Four little fllea KhIkIiI ! (.'oIhhiIihh awl Their Wlree Colored reeii-blu; ti. Ilir Xiimbrr f !. Com hi on 8w (A,,t ,l " Thou there were 2 n HirlMl Tialn fur a Yarallea at Two little file if ' Harrlnan IxmUi HHI lUmato at lodedUho civilian lirr l-akc llriirl t'atll Wta ilar, W lirn Tlirjr KHurn KoMthwardl BULBAR CAPITAL SOON 10 CO TO ALLIED TROOPS MI.IHK.MIA.H ARK HKKK OUTI.Vd 'lHK HOLMAMIAXH AHK CMMK TO v Pauline Frederick Tired of Marriage t ' few .- -v y , i.r .V QawniK titt ,". . TTv mm .V Karly Beit day There were 1,000,000 i!,.. ' i Carry li.s 1C(1 people on pleMure bnl, n ttvelvo-uiach pMengpr train ! I THfri CITY literal leader Ftnai CaMawC Wheat ttnllHuaT 1'rurea Imti bum Are .Not I'nrMfwl N ail KownaaJa WtM Have Ms mi funky ia, Talitac anil KnrJiMi Adraare 1 l nltcl I'n-M Service Dr. Ixiw-ll, prdtldent or Harvard, !, the lungeat special train that haa ever Itf en operated on the Klamath fall linn. SOFIA, July 18. The RoubmbmbI ' 'nrmv. rnmniamlnit b Klntf Chartaala! j.ullr.l In it 2 o'clock thla aftornodD..,!,lnk,", t,1,,,l1tbo "ef"0" " enJW t,.n u,rlyi m(ie of thla city. ' i .,u.., UvB,u wnm iv - jr. uiu, Tb jjulfarUn government apiar and that when 5 yeara or age III.. , . Blal6 ot ,.. .a4 ta -. .I....U . ... i.,..., .. i iw.nu no k iu iuuqrka. . ...e,,..,.,! . nikl Inrailon of the can- The party la compoaed of eb.ra',0V1 lhtl Jnd !! 'Br 0,d ,t",,l" jal. Ihuraday ulght. tpkal boy ot New York or a large of the Knlglita or uoiumbui, a Cam- :,TJ "CL "7 rt,t ' M,,ou,u ,Be "oumaniawi mra hi The arri-al ol llettua waa made at claai In Now York. He U William ol!c (raterr.ll aoclety, and their wive. ,mM" wno gn"r "? " Jeuter the cltr tomorrow they eeM the Walker ranch, where It la be- ii-ck. who waa caught alter he robbed They are from Ban KrancUco, Ban ; . .do o with no dIAleiilty. J lleved that llellua waa returning lo'hi,, oWpioyer, a Arm of Fifth avenue " Sacramonlo. and are heVe toi II ,W. Tower of Keuo waa here yea vet another horaio. lleputy 8herUr'i.i.r. of nm worth 1100.000. "Jy few daya of real and recrea- terday on a bualaeaa trip. lion ai iiarriman ioage, ine oeamuui . lanu Dcrin arnies arriT. inn NKW YOUK, July 18 Here la a I .on Hurt of llonanaa arretted llottua, rarnea $14 a week, but ha wanted and Marled toward Klamath Kalla to be a aport. with him. He waa met on the road called the fashion, and aped the by Hherln Low and Deputy Bherlf wealthy he noticed all day on Fifth r lliewbaker. and they brought the .t.nim. Il mihih found that 114 a nrUoaer to Klamath Kalla and lodged week would not keep him going, ao he1 hlin In the vcunty Jail. began to ileal In small amounts from ' llcttus Is under Indictment for aa-nts employers kauli with Intent to commit ra. A ' Knally ho Uvlerpilned to make a " John Dee bill waa returned In his case ,, ,, ,,,,, , ,ul CM wh Tiesday by the grand Jury, and It la JflWelry no Mu Mu, ho ad.'t kBow, believed that he will be arraigned on eB0Ugh , gtt ,W(ir w(n hi oo e this charge.lu the morning. 'hurried out to tho home of a rela- A tuirllnn nt I hn Valkr ranch lal.. . .. .... . .......a.. ,........ . ,(vo n 0 (ouniry onu waa quiciiir In Uke county, and aa It la thought c,uiht. Tnen WM eI()ied. be mat the norsea were taaen irom nai'WoJi nnj ,,,. part or tho ranch, itetiua waa not ' ifonfessed. dieted on the horse stealing charge. e will' likely gt about seen yeara' Wo may ho Indicted for thla later. gBg gBg, lltiltim npvpara to lm under ho lm- ' . . prcinlon that he waa arrested lor Kwlmmlag Mtaru home stealing, seemingly not knowing flT , oug MQ Ju,y TBe inai iiik statutory cnarga win ue pressed. He stated that he Intenda to He dressed In what hej"fl summer resort at the Berth., tiaraeat Hamoker la a county aeat .troops are bow cm tho mareh to Jom iConilnued on i-aae i I visitor today. . I ICentlBued a, fmgt- 4, Banquet, Meeting and Trip to Merrill For the (?hmhr nt C mm frr TjilfR TTn iht Mnttr nf gCnti-r- apell he f " " " - ww- kww wpr ' m w taining the "Flying Squad. Committee is Named Which Arranges for a Banquet and Meeting 1 .V it I, l .aBBBBBBBBBBmaBBW' H rgggggggggggggggggg4V -,-: .BBBBBBBBgggg. .' V . -,- ggggggggggggggggggg - ' ..". ' r AI AMtMimV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm f-L bIHbI gBBBBBBBWVJjSVW 1 A BmiiiliBiBB 'cowarak Ad'wm ' . gBBamaTMwgBBaBamBmBmBmBmamBal roc it' "jjmSmU Iteoiff,: 'gas-maBBBBBBBBBBTi 'It W'tW ' W. gt) ill atatijW ' :rggga-aV.':, i.'tfT """"". SMggl goarn. Oroa-et. i afMlsmWgAv. ' ' 1 Mjasin Hw ggMglflHI 'jBaamBmBmBmBmamaaw"'t . if " uHB BBmBmBmBmBmBmBmamBBl w"ee .asaw bbbbj aBBgoan aBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaMaMaMaMl IV VBBW, I II BBI W WBW VBSjeBTOjBBWK s mm: ' : . - M rlWliri-i- - ' WAWIItVTOM; D. Ct, 4t 1V HKHHgBUBH mrt-e tt 'tkm'tmmm mWlmim? HDRglBaHiiH workmen tlio AwaHwolg tmlmmmmlmWSi gBHKAt.BBHaBaH'aBHBBmBml. l i " ;:. I RSilCHsaalsBBBBBBB! Amoawir will 'twiilkr mtm Mk 1 WaiitMgjgilEHa-aBI porfaat tap lawory ot oatWtlaaBBBtjifcS liMaai mmmmmlM 'taoSO? aavaa SBwraU 1 ) i-ww.w . m rm MMBX1 BaoBS. BaaHB OC COaBAOllgnB) aggavi Oar A awafJna ' aaJaiwttaaaL 'MM aJST ISwrVVaaBBMgl mmyKkwCMm'mplB aw"ggrB inanarBi ayoagaBgagg, . y r ,. V. AJ. J I jwfgf a aaaaswv oamaio-BBT aw ibm mwmUi isrtgreo bIIiisbOBI Q1tB.lMtaliJl pOTHV WPVA CMn MMMbbW wSHbHHKS oar wTI ot IN 4k'fHHn "to. oBkjdkjMghix. r ilS-Effl Bto JiitJgfi , mm ataMaaata fta -g-A&juaaaaB ilOBOgt OC. RB IttgOB. aBaal BarflgOarJaSSN BMBBBBjBB OBBaBBaBIBBJi OB IBBI BMBBOaBVB 1 1 ail mi: tftot tt wtt . tTlggggtl M wM OBlatlga) Mot t, illnltoil itmlai nOBJ. SBBB fOBBBBBBJBBW) PavlbM Frotforlok, om of Mm It Is uaderstood, though, that tBO, "" "' w '?lt (a to be no advance uatll the Ore!" tlrod of i - 8T. I.OUIB, MO., July largest municipally owned swimming A banquet and reception' at the "The Flying Squadron" la rt party' at tho White Pelican hotel. aMTiMMo. Mot iof baok'iioitoo BAogwv , Foor I eara ago tho BMrrlod rraak. M. Ao diews, aroBltoot of aoaao ot too Urgoat bIIAmoB m.Um.wWmV CMtiy. bo fooMK Boaoaajory to a Mwauit a go toot obo of ! paitaora la B'Wgo sourrao to'ro- cover a" lorso Boat' obo aAm. Mo bob ABOJMOa BO BBBOB BaOBWr MOt BO BOd tgOJ . a 11 -m !a a . m . . a wee oeoB lavaavoa am BO) lonooo.' gBM , BO W OBO OC IM BBMBt BlWalOoT.BOQ. motera In the UoMod Itotoa, boA ha. fricada haveat a oooot that bo wHtl be ctroBger thaa over wltkla a lewibooa oolst months. 'Wo goMooo tkot However.1 Mrs. Fredorlcka aoys oho ooBoctogdly for U going back to the stag baaai jM;oM'tB7oaot ot I thinks she made a mistake la sheaa peopb) oftao lac a earotr of loo 'taotead of taaM. ttoeio tarML' "When I marrlod Mr. Aadrow if Aooorotag to Iho chooot a career of tore IMod of oeomtHoo'saaoja yatoMloao 'of fame." aatd aha. "lot I boob bow too ' Bt Ji Plead guilty to the hors. .teallng gjj Tti Wh.t. IVI.can hotel ..d . trip to ,ho . -- if charge, and it is posnuio inai ne win . . . ... .-.,,,,. ,!(trri country are amoac tho enter bo a mucMaurprlsed half-blood Indian of M -0 Mv, to lh,Bk uIlBlent fea,ure, Brr,Bff4 for ,Be when ho la arraigned on the Indict. b worki T, , 0WUfl .anadron" nel ment retlirneil by tho grand Jury. i.r,irBr,ind Park was farmallv on. agBaaron neav llottua. after drawing a pistol and "'"f0;'"'1 ' formally op- y A , , Bt, WMBg of tB, neiiua, oner r"wl"B i'' eBea wj,B B parade or mea, women .... IhreBtenlng to kill Ml.. Inman on ,n0 cWrtB ,,, ,,,,, illlu Ud by Klamath Chamber or Commerce dl. July tth, returned to the Walker MtYor enry w Kt BBd ,,,. cty recloni R, ,,, i)ub,r. It. K. Smith, (Contlautd on I'agu i officials. l'.ld Kvuns and Lewis Wylde were ap- ii ' pointed a committee to take charge of tho arrangements. Individual Elks Will Own the Rodeo Stock ENDFAVORBRS aiaia-aa w V ! MM 1 . -. aiK. A I t Lodge Retires from the Show sua- nesi. no rerson can corner tne Controlling Interest of Portland, who are traveling Iluough Central Qregoa, stlrriag up latcrnt In tho coming convention of the Central Oregon DevelopmeBt l.tJtue. This convention la to bo held here la August, try, and Wednesday evening they will bo tendered a bauquetand reception L a . . w ... .... i"iU of tov. waa b o all-or Both Wednesday's trip to Merrill will l-.u . . .. ., , waauTiaT -....I- ..-I.- . .! .!. k.ll-l - - w. .--- "i i riuuo tiuui iu amnii. mo riTaeii i And rows roeee. WMIo Mr.vaooao atw .ai bw 1 togieryrbolog!tao BWasotoa of too I .. . ' " IdroalwgojWBB BBBBnmjo7-Bj BJOTT toMgmV -" colony of Bohemlaa '-r".. Jio.oaaV of 'a otao oibrttrVao oo- Bomvlof too laosl J-JB tao Adama aad other ranchea m taatl..-.... .. ,. ..!- ...( tin - - ted to bo bbowb aa 'PaBhloo Fro- MM. Loot faUI dieldil of Uda M41.w orkk'a hHsbaad.1 to go back to too atom Bortlr I my husband asemad iBoWofoot aa fa.plasaAot e4,Tfw,t. ONIGHT Ry almost a umnlmoua vote tho mombera of KlamiXh Kulli l)dge, No. 1147 II. IN O. U.iist nlgli' votvd lo accept (ho proposition offced by (ho directors of (he HVon Amuse ment Association and iiyVendur all of lie stock In the AsjeAitlon for whleh the Lodge la tl rerelvo I1142.88. Tho lodge had auUaorlli)'lfor !l per eent or 801 shares, but ouy find 'paid for 40 sharea. Aflor nuhor ough, dlacutahmof the waiter It Ueelded that wblla the Kodeo wV a big mottay makar. It waa 'oeat foe f lodge to akwoM of ita laterest aa1 lot the stock be' taken ujifOy ladlvid ual mambara of' (he Klka orgaal satloa. ? . ' " 'l A resolution waa pasnod raquusllug slock to live shares to any ono Klk HHHT MN8MION OK THK COVNTY CONVKNTION THIM KVtC.MNU. HMMONa) 11)M01tHOW AND BUN' DAY n Membera lot Christian Kadeavor until all the membera l.vl hoeu given 8ocletlo'8 ,n B .rU of liie C0UBtr are nn opportunity to purchase, and Urn-) ., ItlBg III. total nwnershlp ol mock In ,"l" 'r the couaty con the aaaoclatlon by any ono person to ntlon, which commences thla oven leu shares. Thla waa for the inirpAsu lug and continue until Sunday algbt, of preventing a, few persons from Tho meetings will be held at the galalBg eoBtroJ of MU stock. It la MothoUt ehurcll. believed that 'there will bo no dim- ,.,.. ,. . ... . k. ... k culty la dtonWlM - of tho Block , Thp flm rawilBg wlU b? h,W at 8 la small lotA to membera of tho Klka. '& tonight, There will bo.iaoet. The report of tho Directors of the lings Saturday ultemoon aad evoalag ,.,, L.Siii - U.j ..i li, I . . "L . tho Adama aad other ranches m that aectloB, the party going from here oo. the valley road. , At Merrill some tlmo will bo aooatJ Tho party. It Is expected, will ar-jln the town, aad a meetlag will -.-., . dlA. xi Mrti rue here Tuesdny oonlng. Wednea-I held at tho Merrill opera house, ' "feBr WM iA MTe wlth'aattawf . L W. W. haBBafssjo to aM ony uiey win vmi too Mernu, coun-1 return win oe maae ey way ot bo 4k dmamhur at a AaaaeaaaalVoMoA MoaagawHBO ft M 111 -...!. .. .1.- B a Jll-" """' "" - - -- ""-"-I ' ---- -- -T- . Merrill louvu hi me uwi mm -1.... j u i ail 4-.k.l SnaeiJim JialO IB BBS UIVIUiak U UnV S aia, Win an MVL. .mmmmmmmmm vwr -w -mw" iHojal Dragooa Otiarda.. ahuiaodo of crack oavalry rigtataot.? :1 i j ! erstoa dai Mrs. John A. Logan .wants Con- grow to buy tho 9200,000 Barber tato In Washington for a homo the vice president. Although Mrs. Logan la bo longer' a young woman she la Interested la everything that affects tho aatloa. WRECKED TANK- HOLDS TRAINS Mmiymaoa Kotorau Dr. aad Mrs. Oeorge H. Merryuian and child re turned last night from Portlaad. whore Mrs. Merry man aad the j baby have' been visiting f Ar, several weeks. MONTAG HADED TOWHK Or TANK AT mmNaMtOOK XH,UUH1M WM41.K IMOtfT AfHN AKKATWOKK. .ONLY ON at Ml 1XJVRHO '' f,t v'u and Sunday afternoon, The Soal moetlBg will bo a, big union meetwg Association aaowod, a Woadsrful bit of financing' la tho. roseat' Rodeo. With only 110 to' too treyry MSrj 7" innnagemeat auososdod Ib BnUla oo r . ' , a show, whoso, total rtlts emoaat- ..Kwott.a. Baker, state presWetit, ed to over 10000,00, aad aftef bbmc twill arrive tomorrow, Field Secretary same old doota, butldtBi Msoihars, tRottman, Is xoaneeted toalght. Both Ihprovlug grounds, purchaolaff! twoare eaperleaeod In the Christian Kb chkriou ana tat bhqkibc aoros;, no ooavor, aaa'tasK vreaoaco means a I , HORNBROOK, CAL.. July HThO Unit and eecond soctloaa of trakt No., rnn u . nnii 1 1 ri 16 aua tUe flm No ls wr rllK MflniHlll layed hero for four Hours laa Bight I tin i lllnUUIinL LUBtio a wrwklag'crew cams from Ashland to remove, a collapsed water tank from7 iherracks (Bear Siskiyou, Hlgu'ti.mWwero "woVklog oav,tbo unkywfce ,to? towr auoortlagtho tao.' ev-it'' .T twoaasW'.it tho crewj waasovefsly lajorod Ms .woa tateTiieeaprei w.imw iwhihhihi MUsVIHOK BOOI4NO NAMKB FOR aiarmcr .Vsxmi in ;rotffMik J. ' . r .' 1 CAIJrOltNIA JVMCIAL .lHMmutr, IV t,? V'- v.- 1 .;. ivUU '.,; - ti WASHINOTONcD.-C, July (f is. flat, Th foUowlog nomlBBtloas wer a mado I' twiirf , S ' -il.'-'t! MR-MaryMiMBMryofOlswlt! Feoerai aiarsnai w urogonrr-JonKCwiBuw u. ihw unwawi m m loBtai,!- n .,3, I t iwaRBottiraltBr'Bhs te'doBd ' .. ' Ke4rlr Judge Mortaefa Joallfor-jward' fBlUfulV ala Maurice, DoeUooV W , t haVodtarth aaiBtoyoa,hot Is aoM II, A. WloBord Is ha tho naoty aoat from hla laagolL Va'loy osm ob b busIbcbb trip. ' " , v.', '" jfS I..H1SI aaaaaaaaaeawsaaaa orrsot of all CTSsWBBO. so far. Mayor all eJtsietwIa TwatenHliil j? 1.. j Keno , ! S 'K1 atooho.role ; vi Faeoaavd Arsa, JT1 '.aaK t atetaaav Jk afwaTjarjalaalgaV s -irvi'.-u. -' ' - 1 i" 1 ' ' - l-iiihi.i SaSaanal BBaatfe TrlsnomBefm oTssBomPlw saBrajBgBj OswsoooXW I'omstsM'aihT' VsaWsmWl vl. ' 3r SfSaOSwtfl Prentice Puckstt was brought to tho elty thai morniag aa taalBllaaSMBSaJBaBSlamaalal m from Keao i somdoWi sV'tho SSBBaBBMBBBaVSm , "w, ' ( i" - , 1 4i ". result of aa accvoooti wawBfOMBcroo wt-M-i ' , "11 t:r - . . . n -r- ai tho oaaae. 'of nw'Oftaa.' .!"li 1 - . , W. H hWalBlr to.-eiNsl. mWwmffifmm ssspbToWII bwBPw fraetors M aLaHf wS.1 today. Mo Is J J T v' . . . ....- i . Tan. ' Mnl'aiailMa aa M4Ms addtUoolaod la aUoBdoi gf 9t, IfshfA, roOBOtt WOWBBgBM bo too SBBgSSm oar lor AoWor Rroa., b ha ttao sor, tooAod wish Vhjja,,- tssBtotV tho;hlU. too hfoho bow bbb stHhlavBtsXwMMlKNaMM sustaiosd a mk m bmswm badty SOL;, Mo M1IB dlHhoto4'o.StM,M la)Wi0 radailHmat4a.Ataaak,.W 4aJil. JaetalL'aaSOBJr thi BMB U tho OSBSOlSUf. CM tM ttt S. ra Callfornl-AHUt iBo,-ovcr.',of 'TasMSMrf' Sooi.aoil HUili toodlthooa rosoU ot sJol - r 11.. .11....!.. aO ib BaJ.A A al.l.1i I Ma. a KaAfll amA Saai at I so aa MOT AUoa '! JOB : BaaA " 1 O B . L aaaaAMaal gaa t aTlaiualh I piL1 Uf:iWB- ByrHw.Umttingiho'sBVofVK ( 'C ' ,;.yf-i ." '. ' V , 4 -k-' d-vr rvij iv bbb ' "T ' t,trKPt'rti 's " r jM , a ...... .. -.?. . o tn a: f -v.f , .ui "rt fit . . J Uf.tA . i BOd'hwrsid 1 IVf". , Hassssl t