J f OFFICIAL NHWSPAPRtV .- FOB CITY (IK KLAMATH VAUM) Mt Hevratii Year No. S,11S 8j lefalfc 1 v -r, j .rv?-?,.. .:S5F .it- ai ' V .V.-Lfrh .'ff .,( ,v , J j .-. .. fTaaBW,Mpi , fr' . it nw IM PALLS, 4'i WBBNHS0AY. JULY IS, IMS -2 8 American Intervention In Mexico Is r " 1 it ',." v, rraraasaaBi iiikneteafaeaisj(i8 Recniestt';v:;3 ..i .ji!Vua By European Nations; Situation Becomes Gr -ij rir-ij-L-ij-ij-ij-ij-.-ir-ir-ir-a-ir-g 1 ii -- - m, m. . . - . - . - -,-- '--,-,-.-,-iri- V 'ft Tl FRIEOMANN'S PATIENTS ARE IN SAD PLIGHT Lane is to Visit Klamath Country ARK TOO WKAK TO TltAVKI IIOMKWAIID l.i AiiKi'le IVopl l.uuK lo Itrturo WW, Hill Alt) Tim. Weak lo Htamt dm Journey Mini, U'Iiimo Wife Hliil In April, NiirrmiilH'il I'rliUy, .wit Orpliau (lilhlnii ,v Hliniulnl III I'rollilriirr, lttixlo IIhiiiI, - CuHml Press Btivko I'llOVlDKNCK, It. I July 16. Tim four orphan children oml olhor roUtle of Aim Williamson of Ia AiiKi.U', who- traveled 4,000 miles across ilio continent to receive treat ment (or tuberculosis Irdm Dr. Fred rich Fried inn mi, the Ourmau sclen trnt, nin iiihIoiu in return home, but It U not bollovcd Hint they can stand Din Journey. Williamson and hi wife were vie tliiu of tlio wlillc plsguo, and In tlio tnln hope llmt th German' visit i r r I. .1A STEEL BRIDGES AT TWO RIVERS FOREST SERVICE OFFICERS VISIT nfh. SI' .Illfi,"' WII.MAMMO.V A.VI KliAMATS TO WAHHI.NUTON U AXI PACIFIC UK KI'A.V.MU) iiv mommrn' inmhvhmxu orncKK OOXPKK HTItL'CTl'IIKHHIIM AKK NOW ' WITH VHKMOST FORUHT OWL - AHKKIIKOR , VIALMmUi England and Germany Want Peace ViaMdnrde 1 rrW 'w-' '-r. & Ai,",l r a i T mm tj jh k Miss Force, Sister ofMrs. Astor Mexican Ambassador In rurtlioranro or Ita poller of f K. A. Metaar of Waihlngton. D. C, placing wooden bridges with mke4tn conaecled with the United States for elwl itructurca, tlio Klamath count. tt aertlco, and A? II. Couklna, d Id court linn Uauvd a call for blda for l.urnln o.rv.r of Cortland, Oregon, two more nil-el nnd coacrete brldgea. r.if lcJ In KUmittli Vl loit nlglit Ono or IIimb will aan Wllllaauon (ur cenii.J: o with Dan Urconan Itlver on the Klamath recurvation, re- "f ,llu frmont fortt,-who Is here ptnclng thfi old wooden structure on f,ow okevle. tho Kent Klnmath road, near which Mr. Melsar la iwaklng bis annual Ijinden and Htone drove their team uesllon tour tr tho government Into tho water last week. .forests. Today the party went np tho Tho brldKc across Klamath River ,al0 " ,'P' will span that stream at Keno. These, " " iiru to be nil steel, with concrete foun datlons and approaches. ' GROCERY CLERKS WOULO PLAY BALL HUK CHAIXKMIK TO HRKTH HKX lKIUI.I.NO HHIKTM, HVIT8 AND HOCKM KKAMKUN K. UNK In ocilrr In aruaJat lilmself Mhhl l.tuMit, ,1... l. !... .. .!.! ,..!. k. KMlllllllIMM tllMllllfllllUt fllM t. i ' - v. :" z:i r. : r:.. ... v"""" rc. turzzr.TZL'z: wk;khik ih. uUtrtl with the turtle serum. Their lMr,w"'nt r "'" Inlrrlon, lias art-nag. rhltdreii and somn nffected relatives !'' lo N""!! Hip lallrr part of lli sum ero also Inkvn. B,,,r " I'acWc Cuai. .Mm. Im InMi-ad or becoming better, as Uley,,w,,l srcunipy lilm. hnl hoped they would after lnnocu-j Thr Klnmalli rounlrjr Mill romr In lut on, the members or tho party grad'ffor murli aitpalloa fnim Hie rabtnK flrcengoods vs Urygoods will be ua.ly uccanio worse. Tho chtldrren official, on account of Hie Klamath "ie battle array on a local diamond all contracted the disease. ItccUmsllon Project, anil Crater LsJcp ,0'"n tn" ''J'. If the drygooda jit April Mrs. Williamson dlcd..Vallnal park. .lUMli or thtmo lasti (t clothing salesmen of Khynath Krlday evoulng Williamson also sue. union Ip been niurli In irwmla. VaU nccept the challenge for a base cumbed. jrorp In Hie uMon of tho Interior De- l" Kme Issued by the grocer. The Tho sun Ivlng members of the par- pirtincnt Oils year, and the HecrcUry nien who deal out the edibles say ty, who hnvo long alnco lost faith In IjalrmU lo miualni liluiM-lr wllli ili Ihey nio In deadly earnest, and that thn Krledmuu cure, are longing rorVt"l niailllloas. Unless the woolcutters accept the dell California. Tlicy bollovo they have One or ih purMir of rk-crriary l l'lr fur money, marbles or chalk, muru chance or rernvnrlnv ihitlr 'ltiioV Uli. in Dnwn uin M !. the aforesaid iwoolcutters are forever health by ah open air life. In tho West. lnM--lloN f I ho pniHnl Irrigallon lirauiTcd.as pikers or the lowest order. 1 The weakened condition or Wll-nml power projrrla in Oalral Orroa Koport from the camp of those llnnison, however, kept tlio party In Dial ri being surveyed Jointly by who nie challenged are not forthcom tho Kant so long thai their affliction Hu stair aail I he KeelamalloH tier-' Ing as yet, but It Is understood that has reached tin ndvauccd stag, and lo. ,Hr Mill also gal her more tint thoy are considering the matter, and It will ho almost ratal to transport " Ht nrtloa roareraJag the rum- tho clothing salesmen are taking the them westward. IHIon of tho West Umatilla project, measure of the crowd for baseball es..fta sat at awa jS Aa dta tm LOGGINpUCK. FRACTURES LEG KKXO LOOGRR M AT TUB BLACK MTRN HOSPITAL, HCrTKRINQ KHOM A COMPOUND FKACTUKK. HAPPKNHBTUIWDAY I W. II. McNall. employed la a log tine camn at KaaA. aafarasl a earn. "- - -w , pound fractare of the leg, below the) l-nse Tuesday, when a logging truck ran over the limb. McNalr was brought to this city Isst night. He Is at the Blackburn' hospital. ssaBBaBaBaaBBaBBaaBBBBBaBaBaaaaaaaaBaaaaamBBBBiwsB) 9 H IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtJS' 5f vgaaarJ l H W4J(bSbbbbI sgaaaaauTWttSV sTsTsaHr t'SSM. BTaTaTa!l5tkHBV !gaaMr:iel SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBV!' WA. "J WlKWSB i HI! 1 1 lalaaHnnSi I ldaaaagaaaaW''' '. JPl j -'' iavaBSBsssannBBsnaasaaasBaBAi Is Samm NEW ATROCITIES -IN BALKAN WAR ItULOARIAXH CMAH8RB WITS THK MAtiHACRK OK THOt'IIANR OF M08LKMS -HRRRH OCTRA4HC RKPORT COXrIRMHO talent, It Is understood that they Dr. Htacey llemenwny, a pioneer ran put on tho diamond a team that, practitioner of the Klamath country, barring clerical errors at psycholog KetMleM oa Tow nited Press Service WA8MINUTON, July 16 Secre tary or Commerce Kedfleld today Is on his way west enroute to the l'rlb lloa Islands and Alaska where he Is o make aa eiteaslv tear and Inspect ion or Immigration station along the Caaadtaa beaadary Uaa. SssrsUry Kedleld will thoroughly familiarise himseir with the fur and sealing In dustries, both of which are under the jurisdiction or his department. ,i1H , : ',i'f ..." vlf ;'rui MicdToda? I savapaSsS9a-J hSaV9vs1aaavaBaTampaBBBrraBBBBBBBBBBBraBBBBBBBBr tfvn .- - - jm :'-' -- - -L.-rw. BwAste'saRaBBSBtMaBBBiaBaV n isoim gam Aalay a,dgl .( : ;:iscj u u mtmm t WhIk1 .aaHissaaaav -&iMHmn If Hi. UU4 tMg ua) h M?J nmmimBKm VJb! Society at liar Harbor. Me., Is all In a buts over the announcement or tho engagement or Miss Katherlne Force, sitter or Mrs. Madeline Astor. the young widow or John Jacob Astor, mer Mayor to wed Henri Ilarnlckell. n New York broker. Miss Force has been at Bar Harbor during the saauaer with her (sinter, who takes little part In social affairs. Mr. ilarnlckell has known the young woman for a long time. They will likely bo married in September. (United Press SALONIKA. Jalr 1. Partaer n-f porta ef startUs chars Bulgaria seMlera hm It waa aaaouneed that ward had received free DeJraa mm oawaiea, t iaa awasasre at jay l'..' nan uiuu r, PlUlll DaUHl li Vmml -,mJ M IBS) Austra-Hnaaarr kaa tmi !! iu. atMTtM t-A thn - - -. I IfSJf d, M Hedeelarathat.Urea lrtha e.tai?f!rS!?!?l" llv w.Klk 1. HH Hf... m & ir ',- i "t- ,JL u.t - - ' r 1 M , -im. m huii -; .. . i . . i."a 000. was burned. - . .' " " f WsbI! ifrt iia .. k uibu. I aaasa aaa ptbsibbmw jbabzsjb' """ -. .mw nw wwarafM Wlv I . .. . m .. . . -. . . . T JJ ami at guarantee jMa ; Ua bbbla - &9 a la 1 ew.".T"i" 7a"ttT"-" "" ' roe aoeirtae. -, Other RareHaa, laUaaa j United Press Service SAN barbaric. The vieOaw were, aearhr all crlclBed, muUUted or harled aUv. Must PMleurlso Milk United Press Service NKW YORK, July 10 Beginning ( returned lo Yulnax today altor ft Icnl moments, will wipe the earth of I today, milk or nil grudes sold' In short sojourn In the county seat. every ball player who ever essayed tot (Ircaler Now York must bo pnsteur-i - . . .- sell cream brick lor llmburger. lied buforu being Hold, according to William Myers loft for Ashland) ...... . .. . the new regulation promulgated by Ithls morning In hi automobile, after I'M Sutton Is In from the Sutton ( tlio Now York City board or health. ,n Ult or two weeks' duration here, i ranch today. ""' - - - Klamath's Christmas Duck Shooting Hit by U S. Bill Federal Game Law Would Stop Hunting in This Section December 15th. Sportsmen's Association Will Get Active at Once. Following Sacramentan's Letter EVEN CHAMP fS HOY H.C.L. HPKAKKR OP THK HOU8K, LIKB RRYAN. MUST ALSO RBSORT TO LBCTUKBH AND WRITINOS TO PILL CLARK LARORR son, who ha lust rturntd to Cal- . . v , I-, ij, 1 i ! ' ( Ifornla, after aa outlag Creek with J. Baraer ' 1 . oa Spring Chamber, a was a copy of the ruleu and regula tions for protecting nil migratory ! "Instead of enjoying duok and. writes the following to tho local goose Hhootlug from September 1 to sportsman! February 1(, as the statu law pro-' "Tiu nrst thing that I rau Into vldta, Klnmath county sportsmen Jupori entering the storo this morning will hare to get all their sport be tween, September lb nud December IGf If the federal gaiao law for the projection of migratory bird goes in tn'effect as It hfat rsent. This was discovered by L. 8. Upion a well known sporting good dealer of Sacramento, who spends several days here each year, enjoying the unrivalled nhng and shooting. Up: birds. Oregon Is ahTeeted aa follows "Season open September id and closes December IB. "This Includes both ducks and Keodc , ' -i ' "It will bo unlawful to kill etfbe'r duck or guese before sunrise Kaad after sunset. " i "7'UU law will not go, 'lntev effeet until October 1, so your sesiwHI open September 1 pf this' ysar "Tho United States Is divided Into two districts, No. 1 and No. t. You uru In what Is called the breeding district, No. 1, California Is In No, United Press Service ST. LOUIS, July W. Champ Clark Is the last to feelttho high cost of liv ing, and oa acount oa aa iaadeouate salary k compelled to so outside of his political omce to earn the moaey to pay the butcher and baker. The Good Roadda Association of this city had requested the speaker of Lup every day, the house to address the meeting to i bo held next November. la answer ing the Invitation the speaker said: "I would be delighted ta ha with you In November but it will be utter ly Impossible, Th oaly way.l have of making money wtby leeturlac aad CRAWFORD HILL MUCHIMPROVED OLD TIMK STACIK DKIVKR IS ABLE TO TALK AND TO SIT UP HAS A TKRRIBLK KXPBK1BNOK FOR THO DAYS FRANCISCO. July, Hror-,4 ' WWsw1fali iyor Oeorge W.' QnUrle, t. A"wrtw ta Pittsburgh, sailed from Sam MoageHa, to take np.hlsyost'aa'' bassador to Japan. He wi to the nier by a deleaatiea of - maas clpal oBclals, waeee jpM he' haa beea smee his arrival aere'aa Jalr 11. tie aow wtthaesdaag iae Haerta that If he hi wlH eeasire taw a e. the irt of tto ajgt fjtalMv. e aor AastrsMsa a HAMILTON. BBRMUDA ISLANDS July 16 The Auatraltea erkkst.slev- cn wnicn nas recoauy pwyed teams ,'ln Csnadian cities and la PhlUselahla and New York, arrived here today for a ten days stay, During that Hsm tbo Australians will, meet several - k -. t .- mm. craca sngiisa teams in, lae mudas. 2. Most of the states In district No, Joaily wrUhM, ?or.tM 1 start shootlug September 1 "This bill, of course, has not aa yet boon signed by the President, and is still open for changes. Would suggest thai your Sportsmen' As sociation address a letter of protest to it,' T. Galloway, acting seeretary of. the Department or Agriculture. "in' the writer's opinion, and knowledge of .your territory, ne be lieve that yeur season should open Cdailnued on I'ageVl "At, slaes.1 Oeorge Prehm ,haa departed for North Dakota. He expeeta to remain there.' William Mesner, supltn4ent of the eouuty.lanrmary, Is her today oa a business trip. ' Dr, B. D. Hltcheeok at a Klamath Falla vawter,,' n Boaaaaa at Tho many friends of Crawford Hill, the octegenarlaB stage driver who suffered' a paralyttu stroke a short time ago, wilt be pleased to learn that he s recovering aleely. Immediately after he was discovered in -a helpless condltton.HIll was taken 'to the Blackburn hospital J or treatment. As a result of proper care, the aged man Is agalu ablo to talk, and sits It Is possible that he may later recover still further the uao.of his limbs and faculties. Hill has a ranch, and he ha Uved alone lu a little cabin oa tho plaee. Stricken with paralysis, he lay help less oa th floor for two days before a "neighbor , ound ' him. t The ;' akia was worn from the right aMa'at hia fsceMn hl struggles ty get to his Yadcns KeturaW. L Yaden hat returned attor an extended stay hi Eugene, Portland and otheraorthora points.. Ho went to MarshfleM to set hbt on ytnceai Yadea, who haahsia sick there and who wlUrecupsraU te the Klamath -country. Mrs.jYasW' prseeded her husband aasoa'ssvaria aaya oa tae retura, -fc ) v r y it t'i ! M 1' V i 1 t, -tl i Keeretary Bryaa I i aador Wllsoa at I here immaialaly. '' coaferoaee ovar taa psea? Brsaet. sja vsd thja IrM men la, ateaieo, sciatfsjs wB 1 deat WitftMitasmf. It a) i that'ha, resorte4a) Seeretary at Stafta Bsraa I .ltHlnas'Wi "if luj-s anaMSHasBaeiapai Rodeo Ownership to Be Settled T XZT Question, of Elks Lodge Control Will B Threaad Show Is a Moheynudcer .' t i. "3': av A ipeclal meeting of tho Blag, ha ,ls ;ao aasatkM vaiieu lor issnw waea',r- !" (. 'I ,.. 1v,j .- M. eonaeetlea.of' the (llhiTr"!T,T .n .. f....y .v. ia sTUMusjaaja 'l- bjlM.-O rV .w.'fll beea the future mui t w. www-f t iyjj kMara'tkaai , . -. I,. t' j - ' i, m. , jf , ' "i. , AssocHMwn.'aaa fTBnaararaMMSji i.oage aowaoiswamiW.aMBr or niaa' shares of the k Md la tM an AaseeJUloa. -and toatahts ' meettos Um .Man, will dMidewbthataiU4wtll t A STatc hold the soatrolUac attsst or whothar who haw .'. .. i ....7 .,.11 ,,- . their InWreat wUi.be, fof to ferssim ,ii, Individual iawahami ' '-Suy 1 In .coition to Mrkag off aU dohtg taewrr4 last yaria,iHBH ta Ant tM I ahutkAoeJatoa aow as , Wtlkt hat Omi over I14H la taa Hmr. SB ajta ' oJMMrj'of lw ww at haikamj baslasw drJ' ,, A . . s, : TAaBsMsammt' J i i iM S iH