r I J k V ')V vv5: !' r' k :" "i x yi "i.-lJrt'A' v,v ir $L ITS- a TM.-, , i r7 rie Herald and Republican Have vThree timeskhe Circulation of all Other Klamath & vrruwiHYniK unitbd Hums nkw mnivk 2Jhe IifaiiV .;KfrH .. wrtr&'j fcvjjjum. -vi-i J. '..iYVfl&HM " .'..-.fB m t.4 : ..rl '"! .- V -.j mi. pam-m aBWWM HvrHUi VniKs, a,lie UlMUtm 9AUA 0900, TIJl'BWAY, 4VLY le JtlS V- .', s . ;.'. k'f , Poe Valley's Long Wait For Water At An End; Water Will Be Furnished Farmers Next S Si !-'i' :-" .'kw '& '. WANTS (I. S. TO IE ALASKAN COAL DEPOSITS M tXMIPr.HATIVK PKATVKKM IN A NKW HIM. Waslilagtoa HuIoh Would Have Uov rrnmrat Krail Machinery Krum Panama ti Alaska for Working tltf Mitten -Prolan- tlio llag of IUU :mmk to Individuals BM riir.iH-r CimI fur Parltlr Hlopn ARTHA SAYS NO MORE MULHAIL MORE U. S: NOW: LETTERS WILL BE INTRODUCED HIM CINIIKII MAYM HK HI I.I. HPKNII HIH IIAYM IN PABIH, .WITH AN OCCASIONAL Will' TO AVMTBALIA LOBBY, PROBERS OUTLNING THE WORKING PLANS i V' IMM'OVKRV IH MAMt IN INMU.V tmUKVUB ,CANY OONOIMCMMfKN .U'OI.IM OFPICK United Pre Service ',, HAVRE, franc, Juljr lo. Jncit Johnson, Ilia negro heavyweight pugilist, nrrlvrd thli morning from Quebec on tlie steamer Corlnthlsn. Johnson statei) (lint liu Intend to live In Paris, with occasional trip lo llio Anllpods, whrro lie has wrao tflghls In prospect, Ho nay lie mnjf , Vi Imlljiim Manufacturer ami HMpprt AkmkIaIIiim l I lie l.atrl lo Be Ih IUcjIhI In the L'limru?- -Hiimm 4 I lie l.ilMlr Halil In Have a fMrrrt IUmiIhk oil Hip 'niKtljtn of Wal mm rnr()ivrriKir In IWMI M7MM0NBB -.! I M VBHMMOT WRVQ 9W BVv9 Viiaa aW aLteaknAAiltta fharhiaig , ' 1 i . T V, la Orfee to tWtfflt Um T Um WeHi Dote bf tb Hc- M JiwHcUrCwinitttee la Verr Ilea Wfch MbMiair Charea United I'rcu Service INDIANA! OUB, lnd July 10, ....... . 'raeel Carnentler, the French chnin UAll.dlTMiS.rvle. ;plon. In I'nrU. WAHIIINOTON, l. C, July 10. ' jlllM)I1 ,iMnrru ho wilt not re vi..i .1.. .....i.i...w ....... i. -i..- .....i,. ... ..... ....... ....... it. ..... . It Ii rcnorti'd that a aerie of now I link mr iimiiinn n'l" uvui mvu nil I III I IO UIIMVU muim, lie mil III - - iinll ,. .-. .!- In l..ull ... .. ,.r...- ,...rn,...rvi. - v.r i.rn. I.. !" '. having a direct biu- '".' rMitaU o lnre.tr iml Im hlin-d to Alaiil.n and ird by n '" prlton, ? ntiid PrtM service ,, WASIIINOTON, V. C. July 10. The apcclal' oommlttee named by the Iiik on tho charges made by the form-."1- wooy - ... i,.i.i.Ui.i i.-- k.. .h..u....i aar. leraMiiT.ercanueu. aaa aiacuia VI IUUVIB., IIMfV WWH UIB.WI1.irN . ' . . -v , " " ,re. til wthodjof j. procedure (or tti-lr 1'oun.l IViltlon Thti0 ,eiu.r)) u u utiif bMit mucU work. .'' LONDON', July 10 A .icllllrn to tf0 wth the VaUoa guberaatorlal ' Chalraiaa parrett itated today Oit velRhlnR Id poundi, anklns for Oieca(K of ly()g Thry Wlr0 lot. the commlUe li'aeekla aorne ar- mircillnto relpime of Mra. Kdltti Por-' .. ... .... i.,,.,,r n)M ot ,l. i..uu raniament oi work, whereby they cam uicnt Ivaie halt IU Alnnkan coal laud rrMer, who Ii rrvln a term In the Munufarturera and Bhlppera Aaaecla l'fvt daJJllcatloa of the Ulaioay to IndlvldtiaU. Htrancwaya Jail for defacing jirlvato ,,()(1 jbrougkt out tla their lavtatlgatloM by Tlu bill Introduced by I'olndeiter iilrturm In the Maucht-iter art gat- Till orsanlzatlon Ita oScara aav the aeaaU Jadlelary comailttee. ft-aturea, lory, la being circulated by Home Soc t nflja,pij w, ,he yanufacturera Th allc plaaa to probe lae. chargea aaaae by M. M. Mulhall aly ' far aa tut rongreaamaa Implicated tint Kou'rumi'iit In mining rnat, U the Intuit of n mcamiri Introduced In tho iviiale IIiId afternoon by xnnlor Mll I'tiliiilrxtiT of Waiihlnglon. ' It la alio proixited that tho govern IiImi rontnllm co-operntlve niiiuiiK in mi irimiiuiin wnervuy inn reiary aicivenna. meanum jnnnriir- Aoclatlon rmployrit of the government tnlnea Icr auffragaltea cheer the prUoner and tlm roiminivra of the government nightly by megaphone damoutratlona inlnril coal will aharo eaually the'ihout tho Jail, almutlng "Vote for1 .prolltabf the coal mining. iWotnen. Keep up your courage." Gets $250,000 for Breach of Promise aUBF9iBBiH BaBBaBBaBaaBBaH ) nHAftBBaaaaaaaaaaaaBk BBB&jbi BtBO BBBBrTafa" a s BloBIH BwHbtI 1 pBc3 MBWaBrV-BWai S ' 'at " WaaBnawflH TBWaP "' VBaaf ft L VaBlVyaBH BVl'SaC' '&.a 'IBrW ? BBLr : W-'M 51 . if r BOMB EXPLODES IN POSIOFFICE in - ,-i..,,; mar, rtmiAh cumk.it AmmnmhX INJVMT, WMBrUTA.t MTA1 " "t. At. .v United Praaa SmtIm , OUBUN. Jaifl A ped In "vHe fr wi U'h- te: le..1, ;.r ' CI SSM TttiS .u i , ,tf ' 'ii"iiii-"v.:l 4 BT-JaBLJBBm,aBBBBBaBBk I 11-' a " T L.n ( . 1 J .i ' 1 " "V. , O r J4' T .O Br ABBbBV BBbBbMBBbV BBBBhbBBI JMalodad '' "tao" . today. . TM IbmII rura inarrawty,. aiiapad M- : ,-a ll -. , . . , -At . The Baekage ,wm nddnmd WWI Ham Redmond, fHertvf Jaka Bad; wad, the Irian leader In arMmal' 'i,r BtentaM.iAB 'd;PaaVaMT rTl- -JS Jtfiy Markhara. aa ftetreaa, who vaa la the United SUU aavernl year ago, tnougb' ner aeuac waa an ,vt good that ihateraeallaatad by many. baa jwet waa. ZCt,ee from the Mar- quia of Northampton, a yonnc imn.- who fell In love with her. Whan the Powers to Interfere in the Balkan Fight Roumania Is Also to Attack Bulgaria and that Nation Appeals to Rus sia for Intervention in War :t-. a . .L.. i.U B.I.M t, - . aaav m mm . & inn aa ihihbi I.1IIU aaaaBBi aatwa awaaBBBnai - mmmrm WA8IIIS0T0S. D. C. July M ; '. .- " ! a "'' "Bd ' aM,w eo-BUd hi. to HKretnry Marvin of the National A.'" B " " onna nquae mm- ; : . vl-w. u aorlatlou of Wool Manufacturer to- '; ,, x What UHitll the ether aar and ay day aave the book, of th. aaaoclatlon A down rearateautlvea niMtlaaed i1 " T'" 7 . ' ... '.. . . .. Ih lb. Ul,lh.11 UMm II I. ,rtJ ."". , 10 me congrnuionai loony prooe com.. "- '- M. r.thir. ...MmtxJUd Bavt: talltee. Theae recordi are to bo used In de'm0B' termlnlng the actlvltlea of that organ isation toward shaping the tariff re vision measure. I have already been served with nun- iwoman not only a quarter at a mfttiaa .but tie heavy coat of the auR. RAMBO FUNERAL U. S. MAKES AN ! SUNDAY 3 P. M. APOLOGY TODAY United Pre. aVrvlca ht. pi-rrKitHiiumi, July to.--nui. karla has unreservedly apiiealed lo money In the Halknn state. It la bo llnvml that tho powers will make a , 'concerted movement to end hoatlll- I Ins. It Is understood that tho mln- Ktissla for Intervention In tho Ualkan Ulm of ,he lmweri ,UqomA ,t Nltuntlou. : Athens, llelgrad and Bona liavo been Thcro I continual bloodshed, aay liittructud by wire tu urge peace upon tlio Mulunilnii pinlsiinrlos, with no tan- llirsn countries. jTiaitlMl DOWN OK VVAQ OVKB KOHKION CONHUMTK W BK (llttrri'KD IN NOTr. HKNT BY I ItKCItrrrAHV I1BVAN BKMAINH W1U, I.IK IN STATU AT WHITIiOCK'H UNDKBTAKING ' PARUHW POK AN MOVH KB VICWU AT GRAVE ' LAD MUST FACE . THE GRAND JURY WILLIAM CHAPMAN'S FATKMt M A MKMJfrKB OT TBK INQVIBI TOBIAL BODY BOY IB OCT, ON BONOS ', The funeral or the late CllCard llambo, who died a a result of In- flltplaaal a! WjA fat tkani mfaValltJni tiAV factory, will be held Sunday after- N& jkr ;Aeea.k ,warK la WIU,Mta.MM SKH IRISH ACTOR IS KILLED: ffMSHSr. BOCOCAUsVr,, . aUYSAAKVBWS MwrrAL isM ' bkal mccmmvt,,TtMm.J United PraaiSarrlM ' ' '" NKW TORK. .iafcy !.- Aajtrir AlalBrwanTMaTVBav) Rlj vOTI j BWv vaWqB Ot aaa at tmm tnwtmmmt tvfaai at a -"- - - thia nrataa 'lia P ma teUaMBia;ito'ltaat-aa,aWwlX?yr Mo. - 1' . " - ' 1 llnrtul haji'wrkUa'a aamhar'af Irian playai nawaf taata' 'alfceami;. w" "fS MaTotaaa".aad,'ArAa-WaFaaam!,4lMI .', He several time taarad the with' hi own i. jwataj aa-Manaat CSMaWmf TO1B ' iTi IJbP a MM' WVtl MBaBSt 4v4HPBrHaB by taa -- - - - - je..vnTim H-aVamWaaWmamVaaVl van! tt. mM at ltajami aBSBa! jTjba aaam4 ajj ad aa lUI I pwavv nns savnaaa) . wnanw aa anaaaaaaaag I.,..-' . . i -is .-anmanai ftaTaaBr.''taBaalkBBaaailHBTa Mtaaa.tlmaJi)gLBMD teras isvaB,si.BmBmanBBmaaBBaBBnBBnB 5SSS skirting StaAml amaHla, ' TM V ji."rTI "That h. ajaaw ama M fe j TOa ra. Baa. Ute aMaaaL - V ! Bind a lam BtW taffamfV.. -..-- X ill' ' -;il?-fp,p!'ip. Will E. WhKe, who, la with the faraatry arria, marainc far Madlord, altar tlaa far datyi taia part "af taara- ter NaUaaat fareaL' ' Dr. Klantath Saate la nafa .- j-t a. , . . . . a . ' T .' ,-,-. la taa ivatlaa at nutm.mi tH MMatMVB. 9jmW. enlskyarda'ot -eArtkwark mji! viy: Tn aaatraat. awarded to Maaay I iaa'wark ar AaiiM.aBaaTataaai MMa BBttfOjnaf ftf H , ..Jrlaa-af T iBBBBgnaamiBBneBB .X Charged with a. statutory of eaee, William Chapman Jr. of .Warden aa been bound over to the grand 'jnry. TtsUi U IS mitaf iw. ana thai C, JUly 10. ""Oil. . I.,.,! 111'lhB.rnsoUnMhi.anme'aumBart The remain will lie la iUU at the)"; " ' . .. i i ntted i'roaa Survlco WASIIINOTON, II, alble nroaress toward ttcttllnit the dlf- ItcportH from Athens Indicate that Secretary of State Wllllura Jennings IIluUIch regarding tho disposition of the tlreok-Serb force In tho field are Bryan today sent a nota of apology to Whltlock Undertaking parlor from S CB,,)IBaB WIUI ,i, ,..i, ..-.. w..., i... n, ..nin. j.-.... .i....i.,i .nrriua rniitiniiaiiv. 'I'm lirML'ii.i vnn sovernmeBt throush until 3 o'clock Sunday, when the cor-i . . . . . ,.w ivi inwi i ,. vf ,.w hiiiv. .,w... .. ...... u,. m. w.- ................ ,- ..n , -- ,- tony under Bonoa. tiw taiaer, n. e.i tlm Turk. l.vi-ry whore, according to wire nd-jthe minister here, for the Insult to the tega will farm and go to the camttery. chtpBJaB ta a mamber of the grand ft,i, ihq DulKatlmu mo retiring. Paraguayan nag at San Kranctaco. At the grave Elder Harlan of the United I'raaa Service It was announced today that Rou- On the Fourth of July an unknown Christian church will conduct the. aer- LONDON; July 10Tocnd the con- mania la rapidly preparing to tnvada person tore th flag from In rront of .vice, tluual fighting and loss of men and Uulgarln, jthe consul'a rasldence, .. - cfi & ' i' - on r- , " i fci . JlllV kt., . A V IT &., ;! i released 'from jail to day under bonds. Hla father, 11. r, Chap: iury. Mitchell Waives Hearing; Says Anger Caused Theft Young Man Arrested After Gross Country Chase Pleads Guilty, and Is Bound Orer to the Grand Jury-Bonds Fixed at 2500-Will Make No Fight YtH ' jfJ -,. UUaLaII nnryitiul nn aa last. 4 mm 1 1 :'ArV. iv'twir- ennrgn after running n stolen Th. prUonar, fA -"- liora"to Montague, Calif., lhl after-youth of 23 ya noon walvd hi preliminary hear lug. stealing n In th Justice court; stating that he Is. Iirldlo, n revolver, ana oi,many guilty, nnd will try to k the best from Cltarle A, .Bunting, a randier -..' " la I .-- al-.-IIl ' A a alight, falr-halred year. ,lavcbnrad with horaa. ' altvar maunted f of it Mitchell was bound" oyer, to await tlio action or, the grand Jury by Jus tice of (Ue Peace Oowen, His bonds were flxod at 13,600. In default of M??y Whloh tin Vfu remauded to the eounty living near Merrill. After ya two- days' chase he waa arftednear,Me: tiigue early Wednesday msrtag and brought to this clty. ' , t "No, l'nA(not a drinking man, and I hever rend uch traahy thlagaaaMV- els." said Mitchell. "I waa Juai'nury ,t , i , . - tr - - and wauted to get away, tnat.M an.'i Tho, prUoner had been weckhufar Uuutlng on hi ranch,, and, acoardlaa to Mitchell, the two nan tome waran Sunday, UeconUug angered, ha ' )te tooklhe horao and started out,, ', l niK had no deNnlte place In' view when I atnrted," he said, "I wa aollttg.. angry that l didn't stop to raaaoa. any- MUMS, Wl away a WOMEN TOHAVE '' HEARING LATER CXINOHBBNIONAIi COMM1TTBK PBOMISUt WORKMBS A CHANOU TO TALK ON CONSTITUTKINAL AMBNBMKNT United Pre Sarviea WASHINATON, D. 0.. Jnly 18. Advaeate eT. equal aulraffe wWeta- Jday promlMd a hearing befero the hauae eaaniUtee as tuUe'tn Piew ber; ,when they ean diwue the eqaal uKiag'e.amendment to the coastlU- tW . $ t, ' .. ; Tne wiyeeof Senator Saafroth and Cenareeawem Taylor. Baker, Kent and Hte nave.natltlened Chairman Hen ry to gratittham aa jmmadlaUMr- Monster MeeUng and Pkaiic ii Held that Day-In Addittoa -- ;jBjiw:ita EXCURSION UP LAKE SUNDAY ' ? VUHeT OK TMB SUMMBK WILL BR MABK BY THK aVTKAM. HK WINaH4l-MNNKK WILL BK .HAD AT KOOKY POINT At. J. 77 F Taa tret eummer eseurelea ea Up per KwauikLake wlM, be held 8un: day, whea the teamer Wlaeaaa will make u UV to.RMky PaintattdMar- rtaMalliiia,.1.S:''',N J f rj4ak'rwUI ea iwvatl'. 'aiaVeakr, l'o4at,1 and a 'Step et several, aaara will b made UB'the lake. Taa Wl- nn.'lVlu tluk t&'iajliar mti i '" 1 mi,F. MN-PHVB. --(, i' . ' W.'L Clarke la there oaja bualasai trip., le wjia. formarly'.hi juie lambar buelneea here, but I now reaidtag la Oak'laid., ". ' ;' '- '''' .County Judge William .8 Warden hw returned fjwn ytaft at Ma Some tlma belare tne lire' whlee, burned the b'ulnee pertiaa t the ' " i. - tktU -' ' ama "--'- -r rr . ".-... HJ aestrayea taa energy na ,hibh, there waa ln)lt eeimnnBy a'od ne Ui aqulreamerlea-Jtt' porUon of tbeetaU; The etoekaaildere oT, the WBMrn... Iwwvr g 'ta .a' wrangle, and the ereanjery'wpniJed oaeratlana until aoM amleaMe ar rangement could, be reached," which, by the way,! nan beanMmethlnf'Mk the war. in the Balkani hard to tleaUaroaad. v i)..')' ' On Wednesday, ItowaveV; lite laiiato Onto OUrer aa4 ajM.e JlwMg VH slwJeSmji vBjem emjapame amsmaBasmmBBamBjnvB smmjms at VAmstlarii',nr1 taa"ttoaihaaa eev aa eaBfwe'eaBaB -F esm mmwmimmmw pBtoed tae'peaeeiWBh'ed'tM ? ery''lh''uehnfMrto Jlght hU ' . .. - , . 'k v -,-. !. are ' m taaaa, y .aagm J" VVVB) fawB JVaBmyi" aiu .:" i.i iM'eeA'taemN ;'Fiaa,tta: tatev'twrnaf tra.:.: Mta)gpHkBi. & srdtodaUhi K ilte actloa aatU-B Aecardiasqr. W Slav aymmaammmmaMBaaa; gm mmmmi naaaaMth4 TWM (ay waa h&d aaf ayaiean eajtleV tho Samel i"F P, neh alead oT teelUsg ot eo ore4an dtdta)m twa ragflrtj. shew, that taa Mah aalrtt ( tM bwaHteea atoa Veaaitaa, eawo fMlt. f id laVinAakat-aaatsaaa' aaateamsOgdL mn t lam,, enrqt"lt qmr-imj,t"aBr, mmwmmwmmmW . vraiihaita;evlaBaa. that Way; ,wav'n:m,whB;ahlnd th tJTBfll t, 0T- -,f . , i tv t i! , ,tj .' : -i"x I wantea to uo wa ta get . jbok marry wiaera irsaimrm , tar-Wpendb.:;' ., ,. fay,vwu(. : ' VlW,W?-w yojr, & JTP1,3r :' . i " x , . - "fiwkwa " i. . a. i i ". 4k ,. t i a rim i .tsbi' 'am. as. ,'. - " -i .... -K'iT.' rfsv i.r ' ." v,v,- '.( ..-iM tV .t.w. 'nvii fc'cii Uli i J .'.. ! fT "' ' ..','", ;''.,wwllBemJ'l'yw 'jij TWW