A ) .' ' .J y i" P & V P. a.- J i..- m: :: ( w - h 'y vt ' ft w -"V i'", fe ' ' !(' IWl 1?- : 7Yie Herald and Republican Have Three Times the Circulation of all Other Klamath $$!j!$ ou , mm! 'nwr'.eiai -,; . -m MMM --M --- j! . J -ijm Hijugjakm I. i . ' '1 MUri'MRUMYTHK UNITKD lRIHM NKWB NKRVKW mt NVtnlll VfNir Nil. MW WHBWKHDAV, JULY 9, IBIS CURRENCY BILL CONFERENCES TO START EARLY Peeress Hypnotized Written Millionaire -- ' " . . r KLAMATH FALL, OMftON. : . .ij: .. 7 I Vis 'W i Dill I'lOIMHlr Dill nHH I Mil H THK IIKI'UIII.H'A.NH AUK TO IIAHIIKI UK IKtniN-mllr lrf-itlcr Take llic Htaail Tlml Tiny Hliiiulit Knitiin I lie Hill Without HltKlrnniT Krtitn llii Ml norilr UrwtilulloH f Republican, fur n .Vim.l'arliMin t.'onalitrralioM I IfuMnnl by lllg Voir, Wlirn II la I7i aBBBaaBaW jW ggWtJ i- v. .SX J iiiii'iMW-'' imi m HSU S-xi'iTVl y , ' AAiliiBlW INJURED MAN IS i ; AT INFIRMARY! MKHIIVMAN MAVH AOKNOY V)CJ TOB FAII.KIt TI) AHK POK PKR MIT TI) TAKK HAICIIM) T() TIIK M)U.TV HOMIMTAK TO SIGN A TREATY WITH THE FOES tally Hackvllle, according to llio lk- Ulilluil I'rtxa Harvlc WAHIIINtlTON, l. C July . 'flie bnnkliiK rvmrnlllro of llio lionso n( ri'iniifiilalWi'ii linva iIIiIimI to hold 0kii anil public conimlttre nifeU ItiK III rt'ianl lo llio ciirreuc)' reform liicmiire, but Ilia lUiuocrntlc confer rnci-a rritnrilliiK tlm iifnmiro h III lio urcret. Tlio fdiiinilHro by n atralRhl party Xiln, itfirrntoil tliu iroioal of tlm re Vubllran nicmtirra for a Joint non r.rtlati ronaldorAllon of Hip IiIII. Tim drmocrntle Itadora My Hi cluavd door policy U lakmi bocabso ilmv urn roaiwitiillitii fur I tin rurrenrr nrniut, and tli.y Hulit on framing "r of Hlr Jo'"' Murrr HcoU- ," It without hindrance by tho minority. HrllUh millionaire, had hlia hypuo- Iliad. He died aotno time ago, and now lita relative have brought r wilt 'cane In the court. A curloua account of l.ady Hack vlln'a rvlatlona with Hlr John waa liven by wltneatea. Alicia Scott. Hlr John' elder alater, aaierted that l.iUr Hackvllle eserclaed over him a "kind of apell'' nd a "meamerlc" power. He JIIKJK IIKST.V P'KTttK IX Jl'HV waa "aubaervlent" to her and "afraid TO HKNIIKII A VKHIMLT FAVOB- ' h taipr." He "eecnrt eactly . like a alava." He waa, Mhm 8eett aald, i i.mi Tnr; i i.ii.vnrr i aittiim .., wr(lk mM u,r Bge.cd." I 'Oil IIAMAUKM It appeared from the atatemenU of couwel for the plaintiff that the two Mr.. Ilattle Hoy Hmlth waa liven MMM Hc0 J ,re,dr re,,'w,i tho yrdlct Tue.day In a ault asalnit l0,000 by the .ale of effect, left tho Algoina Lumber company. Clr them by Hlr John. cu l Judo llriuon Imtructcd the Jury 'ary Hcolt. the younger of Blr to rrnilor a ileclilon In her favor. Jo"' 'er. ft,,cetl ,hat Hlr JohB Vh .uit Involved tho owner.hlu of - "l'.)" ctlnglng" to Udy Back- ir..l .rrM of land, nnrtlv timbered, villa Mid that III. Krnnk Halcldo, a ploaeer printer, who frurturi'd hi. leg while working on tho county road near Age my a few day. ago, la at the coua t) liiflrrnary. III. Injury waa attaad ed to thorn Tiicdny afternoon by Or. ferryman. Halrldo waa brought to tbla ciiy Monday night by Or. Riley from the Klamath Agency, and waa taken lo tie Inflimnry. Huperlnlendnt Mr. hit (old the dottor that he ahoiild get u irrnijl from County Health Officer Mntrynisu to Icavo the Injured man COXTIXUKD RKV H; ARK KK-I DEATH CLAIMS MRS. M. TAYLOR i t lUKMIHK lUK TO tSTKtmSMt ! TKOVHI.I-i KKMAI.V-( WlIX HK HHIM'KO TO CAI.in)IISI, FOK HURIAIi Aflur a thort HlneM, Mm. Mary ffMf.M Tlnr tiaauawl tlTaVgaV Inf me working kmImmUH Hurt Tlih-ar-Uve TMmimumI " ' " . .T . ,' l" T" u. an,i.. the Klamath. . , .uJT . Tuelay at her home In Hot Spring. ..it,-..,.-. MailtwriaMi WtrtM and Omrk. addition. The demle waa due to In- . 'i..ii..t l..iklA mmA liiA Sftavtftt '-k Mrs Tayler'i life u dbpmrte fi ,QI lll. imjlVT CMV BHf IVIV-W frooM W-piv yeim ago froa Uehnt wbn htr eon,- m. J. U. Taylor, openeei pracuce here. She gad her dattgbUr. Mhm ; 'Kllxabeth Taylor, nave be living In United Preaa ttanrfe ot gprta ,d-ltUM. , VIENNA. Jlr rD(iktclMS to-, g.rvlvhw hr are Dr. Tgyler and' rfv to (ha aCaet that Bulnria la Ul-a Kllaahath Tavlar Of thU city! ' QIH of 14 After Swimming Record :,.'1 HPOXHIBIK fOR PLAN t ThaJi Two Hon UwMoMor Ooaiiw ilmu, hut In.tra.l of culling up Mer-.r- to'dlacttea lyinaii. Illlny took Halcldo to the 8ervla aai Greece. MELHASE 6ETS FINE ANTLERS peare Urau with V - IliitrldMirn lioxpltat, Tue.day hu ua. Tbu declilen follow the aerlea of moved out to tho Infirmary. ,revenMa aufferao by tho Bulgarian - - army on tho teld agnlnrt larger 1 force. The detail of the Meeting have not jlteen arranged yC It la aapeetod that an araneeiy win ee eciarva lomwr-' rnv. m 7 It I estimated that4S,,8enrlM Oreek. and Bulgarlarta were killed la the recast Rgktlag about Kechkaaa MRS. SMITH IS GIVEN VERDICT I'AIII Of KI.K HOB.NH WtOM AH I'ATA MK.HVKK IlrTV I.NCHKtf i:a:ii in i.knoth ahk vkrv IIKAVV Fred Jlelbaae, who with Mr. Mat ln.ae ha. Ju.t returned from Areata. Humboldt county, Calif., In the proud 'liiurnor of a anleadld :ialr of' elk: nntlera, preaented to him by a friend. 1 hey are exceptionally well matched ,' ai.il heavy, with all proagi oh each antler. i Kach antler la fifty lacae la leatk mil from tip to tip they meartra forty 'Inche.. The horns are nicely itiiiunted on redwood. and UhMp. Tk IM V wouaded la tilt largar. Tbara 'vara 390,000 troop eagaged la tks baul. Tk ervlaa army chtlau tbe vie- tort at both of taasa battle., aaylng that tkafr traopa aeeaf y both cKJa. Dtaaatcke rrara Sata admit that lb Bulgaria eraeaated both eltl. Mr. Mary Moylea of Baa rraacteeo, and Mr. J. B. HUH of Koge River. Bb waa 7 year of age- I The remain, will be aeat tomorrotf , to Weavervllle, Calif., for Interaeat betide Mr.. Tayior'a huabaad. POLICE GIVEN A YEAR EACH a. MOTIOV FOR NKW TMALB POM MerMSCK ANB TAYUMI ARC BB NIKD TOBAV BY BVPHRfOR JVBGR TAYLOR i I A IVaWjBKBKB aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW aH-BaB. BaBaBVBaBaaBaBaBW..BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaV ' BBaBBTBaBaBaBBBm EllbaBaBaBaBaBBaBaV lnBaBBaVB ' WfgggggggggggggiiB .B.B.B.B.B.BB " f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBRR BBBBBBBBBBBBBJ . BBBBBBBBBBBj BBBBBBBBa' . BBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BafBBafl H JaBaaBH BBBBBBfla3B?BOJrTBBBBBBBTBTj tTajBaflP'-'"aaaaaaaBBl eaaBBaaaaBBBB " J HORSETHIEF IS CAPTURtO; HFRE .? mJ :?' RVNTINCI aaaal m aa Bk am aaal aaak . -' - . - - anr bvrmam mam? ' : r. fJMaBa', AAaaBBBaaaJ . ggtBgtl BaaBBaMgBaf Jl Jf HRanBJ 4BPBBagaw asajgaaB alaaaaB-vgaa RBbTrBva i, BavRRvRBBBja (RBRBBBjr A . ataaaaaJJaaaaaf i gURtkajg , fRj Owwrel lrp1f , MUIH KwjW Tkg. Htt FWl!) IMp JaTe aRWMavC 'BrgaBBaw bJri ','' .' l.0Wr WWWRI , wWrgB a'waT'i '? t-u i.'if s "! ' S.-C Deaaedlr'eUriaOaa tb Jt.o .y.ad,a4tiita, Dmiy I Tom Dvtbaaa ( MarrlH mm A. 'a.r Vaatlaw.'a iaraaar, htet 1B4 ka aaawra aavaaaarw.etraB gea MiaahaH. wh M Ureear efaaovaeVa asoaer fraa Batetaag.' ibjaifc.aRai, M V",. -w waa eaatarea YOUTH SUCCUMBS 10 HIS INJURY Mlteaall 'tague, CaMf. Wb b vJ ' ' he waa rWIng the ralaalag bara, The prleoaer aaa tbabra returned to MerrtHtbki aaoralair, aai Sharif Lawora raatMaata. MatWRpar Merrill te.bta.tba thiiaar teia Jf HcbalL abawt M yaan aaRM j U warklac lar Baiirh.f,tr, OBget itlaM. Bmm' ttaaaTBaaaay aJfttt h Mr y v.i: ins United I-reaa Benrtea. BAN PRANCIBCO. Jay . De tective Bergeeat Arthur McPhee aad Patrolman Charlea Taylaf, wba wara eonvletad. of coaaptrtag wKfc ucn and obetructlag JaaUaa, each aeateaead to a year a meat la the county Jell today by) r MlUred Wyiaa. a Baatoa. girl offiieaipard. Attba II, la traialag to braak tb aartr.bigr raar. a alrver a BTdt awlaiaitac raiard far waajraa, Coa iwrntror aihf a now held br Faaala Daraek of Aaa- tralia. What la mara, aba aaaaaa Hke-'nsab. " ;.' '- , ly to aaeaaad. araral patatha aaw Waa Uataaft a ahe traveled the dlataae wRbka MJ.fallowlac aralag.' aecoaa of U aUavaarc agar, aad Iiwrh; a tb tww af V. ,, KNAPP VS. CITY " i Judge Lawlor. HUVIXIRB RAMM tAHKi AHAYj Motion for a new trial have bean I ATTHKBLACKBl'n.VitOHI'ITALd,n,'d- HI.MYVI(J A KKARKUL ACCI-J i i DKNT demennor lo her I Hlu. acted In Blr' thU wltne, a' .he were tho uiUtiom. Blr i iruni.tm. writ known Klam John'a mother, noting iltla. told him IS. M. Ouelll rilirentl the plaintiff "ob.cijuloii..M In the action. Jht hoiue. Mild though B. K nil. .iiihtv farmitr. U hnre from hla much In the valley, attending lo liu.l 'mull your own." lira, matter. ... Nllll In HrMiint Perry Ktratton arrived laat night 8KATI.K. July . "Auditing thej from Cottage drove. Thla morning Hlrth Acount" and "Htnudard of l.lv( li.lofi for Merrill, where he haa ac- lug and Ubor" were tho topic ached you will .oon not be able to call your ."'HV IH OIHPKNNKD WITH IN cepted a position In tho mercantlltMUled for illaruaalon nt today', aewlona ,JWnit ,lle cty wu commenced thla 01 1 IT alii TOIll Clifford A. Ramto;i the yoath who Mill HU IKIbII ! waa frightfully Injured while worklag UUII UH I IIIIIL Bl the Kwauna bo factory Monday aftaraeoa. died hut night at tha Back-1 burn hoapltal. The lad'a right lag waa alraoal aevered at tho thigh aad (opt, and death waa due to tha lea of blood and tha terrible ahock. Youag Rambo waa bora la Buah Prarle, Wah.. June 15, Ktt, aad waa the aoa of Dr. and Mr. C. A. Rambo. la addition.1 he I .urvlved nrhTiriPATrp IbCIMiribnlLO AWARDED FOUR 'bbraaaaM atartad Her ahart eaaaatMJra earaar haaMrar raeteorle. ber'd.vibiiaa.at aaav bar. v i. !. Two rear aaw aba waa arartarm Dariac tha aaatlaaaar ata-.l aw aha waa .vnrr. oeratab evaat abaw i -- . . .. .a aa ' Mrad. Her eoach,. Matthew aiaau wa, i r - 'a waur a AH 'tk. mt the Braoklva ayataaalaai. aatievea iowr we, .- tha auklag of a world tured Mat. m ine am Vr "i -j .v -'' - aMMtarai " mwm m, ww.-, w-.p- Mw.":i.'l'w"" iWtafy- Maarlaa aaar Otaaa JbaBa. . JMm. .A ' chaaiatam. (lata Tueeday. -f ACTION HY THK CONaKNT OV ,THK ATTOKNKVM AND JtTOGK IIKNHON Trial of tho ault of I. Jay Knapp citnhlliiliment of Thomiu A Henley. Veatn Cimpbell of lClitmnth Fall, vialtor. WB-SSS 'IM' II 'BHS-J Dorrl. I. of the fortieth national coherence otfttlr,M,n the circuit court. Fred charllle. and correction, which open!,,. M,u a)elirt for ,he puintlff and n ed here July Bth, and will continue ,ho cUy , p-Mantj by city Attor llhrough Saturday, July 11 'noy nteBC., ' Kn,,,p u tUBg ,ne clty (0r 750. llio claim, thla amount la due him for n ot or plana ror a city nan, wnicn he draw at the In.tance of the lata Mayor Sauderaon and the city council. Tbe arvlcaa of a Jury hu been die punned with In thl case, a the at torney and Judge Tleaaon have agreed to settle by stipulation. Road to Shippington to be Improved Soon MaMHaMBaaaBBaaBanaaaaaBBaaKCBa Much Used Highway Will Be Macad amized From Prospect Street. Sixth Street Will Be Oiled by a alater, MIm Marl Rambo, who realde Cam, Waah. The young man' graduated at the Central school laat year, and weald have entered tho high school thl year, He wa active In acholaaUc athletics, aad waa a member of the Klamath Fall Military band. Rambo had been working at tha box factory a little mora tha a week when he waa Injured. Tbe fuaeral will be bald Sunday afternoon at the Christian church. Rider Harlan will coaduet the service. "DOLL SHOP" TO CUBAN OFFICIAL BE GIVEN HERE KILLED IN DUEL i ttsL 1 ti .'mSuIL i . ' l Hhlpplnglon'. long looked for lm,vury short time, o It cnu bo complot pi oved hlghwny to Kliimr.tli Fall. Is ml by winter, tn he completed thin your; Sixth stroot Tho talk of llio Improvement of In to be completed from Commercial 'iriuii urwa. iiom iwnin to rio.pwi street to the city limits with muendam,. Hoot naturally caused Iho Fifth' 'and crude oil. .Ward councilman, .to mnko liuiulry . . Tlteae matters were uicldeu mmu uoounrnme uoiween onippingwn ami 'til uii (nformnl mcotliiK f l'i momllc main pnrilim of town. Thlsroad "bsr of the elty ':ouncll, held nt U In Ucavlly trnvvled.und has been In n '.i... ... ii .. ii. a. thiu aiiiimr. frl.litful condition. for ome time. ;l ..... ,-. ,....,. - - - ....' i... . .... ........., l..l In. City Attorney Riiteiilo was In-' It was uociuou.mu worn ot improv veuicio ior i..w..hv -.-- 'stiucted to prepare tho noccssary .a-;lg ie road lo Bhlpplngton will be talent. The play will be staged July pers (or Introduction fft Monday's started at tho end of the Tenth tret',is and 23 for the benefit of the Wo- council meeting. .Improvement work. Tlw highway fatea' civic League; in.i..d intriuiiiflina-an ordliunico will follow for thu most part tho pre- The play ta produced under the dl- ... . MM...t. It. HAh ft mW .! 1 I II was decided to Introduce resotu- out rouuwny. muiv .v ,.; ot travel to mnii"iiniii . .. .wi or the year, but oapeclally In the sum mer, wbeu tho tourist traftlo on the Upper lake starts. -lons In both these strci.t improve fan.'.nt Kiiuut ThU aav mentbera of ,-..... .-.. j ....-, , ., the eeaasll, will expedite tuaturs, anu Wallow the 'eeatmeRclna; of 'work In a (JtlAINT (1KHMAN OPKRATIO PHO-.rHIHK OF THK NATIONAL 1HH.ICR IHUmoN WILL HK HTAtlKD MY rXIrUK DIRH VK4M WOl'NB RK AMATKUIIN ViiH THK HKS'kKITI CKIVKD IN A COMBAT WITH OV THK CIVItl LKAUljK ', TWO OTHER , ' ' "Thu Doll Shop," lleyer'a Oeria'aa. united .P.raaa Barvlea musical novelty, Is. to be the latest HAVANA, Jay . Oeaeral Amada Rlva. chief of the national poMee da uartnteat, waa shot thla moraine la. a. revolver diet with Cengrwan Arlaa aad darernef Asbert. Rlva died a few hour Ur The trouble I said to be due to ao- lltlcal dIKereneea. lie. Mr.. W. C. Myera aad fam-C '- nv ct A.hUd. are her visiting. i-niven rnstawvn. ,e v " friaada. Mr. Mrers' uto saffwad a and he la nwaUlng seme re pair work. IX ABOITIOX TO THK KLAMATH TKAOHBHB OKTTINO CKRTItT CATKM, MANY AllK itOtXTeMBFUL i TOWARD KXWH-TB fi BERLIN. July . The tee have declared war en orgea. inn iw'tw-rTi grtnaera" ItiBerv.Tna clar that the majarkj of, ha atrans eaoagh tad The following teacher, wore nward- ed on year state certlacates tn tbe tfj.-eut examination held here: Mr.. R. W. Beach, Mr. Mlanl Yordy aad Mlas Bthl Hawxhurat. city; Mum Hilda Brootea, Corning. Calif. tin addition to the teacher who wwi-e awarded the certificate, a num ber took, one or two subject toward exat-aptloa. Thee were, all suoeee- ful FIRESU8PECT IS A SUICIDE i iiu Davia left. Oil asoraiac far au ranch dawn the rtvar. where ....... .i.tuu I that there 'la to w. . .--- h-arkVm .th, iiaB Charle Roberta left on thl aorn-hv on nerv reeked (br. lag' beat for Odesea. where ha wW organ., '- t -K raiMitti whll aanvnkaelnf freas hia recent Ulneea. thaaa'aW b,,tS O. W. Coto and wtf of Portland are here on a racatloa. Thar leate In the morning for Rocky Point; where they will camp. BKRLIN. Jaly iTb gov.rnmwit"haa erdered htfc. en of all the pigs" aad hags la tk empire. The "pork eeasua" I lav af eatlic.and agrtealtaral puriiss, sssssnsBwsai-ti it 1 j' s-f.m 1 . . r- -, 'a. iSk More Than $100,000 Spent During the s-j r '1 , v J . " . &', 1CXH-8KD MAN KNUB MB L1FK Br . HANQINQ MIMSKLP WITH a v KNOTTHD HANDKKRCHIKP IN f. JAIL CtMJL Butlneag House and :9mumi: Were Buiy, thftKjWerTtwI; , . ;: Bank Clearinga Were Llre y s: iCJ "t k .. .. . .'.. j ;.. "l wi ?JM.h . T, T I fir ?V. fc ruction ot Mine.. J. Silver, and there are sixty people In the cast. It has been produced at Medtord, Ashland and; other Rogue River Valley towns with wonderful success. United rrea Service ' SAN MBOO. Jlay . Dr. r, M MadUoi. who waa necuaed of balnr, the ien who, aet, fire toth Letaad. hotel block and endaniered the live: of many, people, ommltted suicide In; the lty Jail thhV morning by' hanging himself. He used a knotted nanager-: chief to accompllsli his end. Madlaoa. whlak aarrM ,580 tasuraaee. A conservative estimate of the line quletneasthatMbejWeesJe . ,t of monsy spent la KUmath all owita'aM-Mr; f"$, tep the J. wtaraHyJinarsaien n npnu iyj Jim Drwebl! and Cale Oliver mae a buslneaa trlp.te Benna amount r.ii. .inrin the three day ot Slka Rodeo ht give at 'between $10?,-. 090 and $115'.00e. ' Thl amount waa arrived at after earefaV Interview with the lad)nsvbaslss houses, of the city .and :tbf bank.-which hadhH the ater amount' of 'the atoney. Of thki aaiount it ta' estlmited that-be; iweea o;obe and ,: w oat lde,'of foreign ianey. .." s ,c,t i All th awehanU. reports; exeey- tinaauv 'aaod hualna. ana nre.ae lighted :wRb;tMreaMa '.f. iheblf bw,;TlMiytr '-bsjalBgan, JM Ooaeby the hoMsAHl J:, j: KeUee'aC b aWBBBBBJ-,BBjrBI fgjf TsSs Of--elWW''aBP" Bf thr daa ' dar.fW'Wf sirhal la : tat''tbnt IM j l . . able to Vmaallai b watt hatMr to 4a an. Tlk lMeftt;M..JeJa airsf gay i siiMeawwww Mir.i. S. Vi tt iduetono-lownedn Aln tore In the mmbi j J-rfi-TTJ ia f in big wVBtMfBgB m ij.-i.iini I, iiu .Mi .'. -di . i a 'h ,gu'pjm,'S" '-''Vf vm." f,'" "i"f "J.'ffff "K'WIWV' .